• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
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I used to question the MLP FiM show, but one episode and I got hooked on it. See my Fanfiction account ChaosMagemon for more than just MLP fics. Joined the Herd Nov 5, 2011

Comments ( 570 )

Wow, that was very emotional.

One of the reasons why Spike should be included since he’s one of the favorite characters most bronies love.

Twilight should’ve been grounded for a week, but I’m guessing that’d be kinda harsh.

I feel bad for spike. Like, really bad.

I am interested to see how things go. And for what he discovers when he leaves

KO awesome new story, Spike sure is going through a lot of one with any powers and always felt under to Twilight and the others though that may not be the case for long. Also hope you’ll add the Dazzlings, Celestia and Luna, and Moonlight Raven to the harem!

Truly a very interesting first chapter, I have a feeling that this is going to be a good story. I'll leave in your hands Wildcard, I will track this story very near cause the plot is interesting and many situations and things can appear on this scenario. Let the fun start hahahahahaha

It hits different I want to know more

And so it begins!

She picked up the bracelet she made for Spike and knew this would only remind him of how she let him down.

But, on a flip note, it will also remind Spike how much she thinks of him.

Outside the room stood Twilight who had been listening in on what her mom and brother were talking about felt more guilty than ever. No matter how she came off, she never intended to make Spike feel so inferior to her. She knew if she wanted to make it up to Spike now, she'd really have to think hard on it.


Not sure why I'm getting My Hero Academia vibes from this, but that's a plus in my book!

Nice Homeward Bound reference by the way.


I'm on the same boat as you, thinking that this is inspired by Izuku/Deku's stories of MHA.

Oh dear. Looks like Spike's never gonna speak to Twilight again. Was this based on a show or did you make it up?

If it wasn't for the title I would have thought this was a midoria somehow gets teleported to Equestria as a child just from looking at the picture

Wow, what a brutal start, this is definitely the story of yours that has hooked me the most from the beginning, everything is masterfully written, I couldn't express everything I feel in a single comment.

“Don't act like you don't know. You always find a way to leave me out of going anywhere with you, especially places for fun and relaxation. But this one time I was actually invited by someone else, but you couldn't even commit that to your memory that seems to have so much room for all your book facts and studies?! Now I'm never gonna get a chance like this again. It's your fault! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!” Spike threw down the bracelet Twilight made him and stormed off.

“Well, until you do I suggest you think extra hard on it.” Velvet said, as she and Night Light left the living room leaving Twilight to herself ridden with guilt. She picked up the bracelet she made for Spike and knew this would only remind him of how she let him down.

Outside the room stood Twilight who had been listening in on what her mom and brother were talking about felt more guilty than ever. No matter how she came off, she never intended to make Spike feel so inferior to her. She knew if she wanted to make it up to Spike now, she'd really have to think hard on it.

Seriously, Twi is going to need to do something extremely suitable for Spike to make up for everything.

I think Celestia needs to find out what her student forgot, it would be fun to read her reaction.

Seriously, even I felt Spike's sadness and anger, it would be great if in the next chapter, Spike gets angry again and accidentally releases green fire, thus proving that he has fire magic.

I like these stories were it shows a spike that gose though struggles due to the world around then. We're the others want to do right by him but they don't know how

Well, now we have Spike really letting someone know his frustration. Now, we wait to see what pushes him over the edge. I look forward to reading more.

Men I love a story already please continue want we all want to know what happens next.

Twilight screwed up BIG time!

Comment posted by UltraKamenSentai101 deleted Feb 17th, 2023

The fact is she might have not meant to but she kept him in her shadow trying to keep him safe and the fact that everyone goes nuts over her and her brother doesn't help him. He needs friends of his own and not be hanging on to her friends.

Now he knows someone else who was in a similar situation. Twilight better mean what she told Spike and really think about not only making it up to him, but also keep in mind how he feels.

11511733. Agreed.

Man, I feel like he's going to take off before the sisters can help him. All cause something happens between him and a friend again.

And things will go to crap when he does.

Yeah but Celestia wasn't trying to keep her sister from shining that was just circumstances . Twilight has been unintentionally doing so because she doesn't think about spike and how he feels. She needs start putting him first more than she has been. The fact is Celestia and her parents come first and friends and brother and cadence close second. Studies are third and spike gets 4 place. She needs to put him in first place if she to show she cares.

Mmm... this leave many routes I guess, maybe is a story like My Hero Academia, if is that, would be interesting how Spike would feel with powers... or maybe could have a dark turnabout, maybe he will escape from home and be an antivillian without power, like Batman. Many things could happen. Only time will give the answers. For now on, good chapter Wildcard, keep working hahahahaha

“We'll see if Twilight and I are as lucky as they are.” he told himself.

We are in-debt to you for your bravery, Twilight Sparkle. And you, young Spike, we will watch over you with great interest.

Interesting story but i feel like it would have been better if we actually saw the sparring scene with shining armor and Spike to get some action and to actually see that Spike actually has some skill and question shouldn't he be jealous of shining armor as well

No because it also said that shining armor actually treated him with respect and actually took Spike seriously

Oh I forgot about that part thanks,so that only leaves me with the whole skipping the sparring thing

(sighs deeply) so how soon should we expect things go south now?

Somehow unless something happens to make him a hero I think he'll always be in his sister's shadow. Twilight means well but she not very good about caring about others.

This is going to end in disaster, isn't it?

And when Twilight says that Spike is p***d at her, I can imagine him doing something rather disgusting to show just HOW p***d he is at her. :moustache:

KO awesome chapter, it looks like things might look up better for Spike now that he has been invited to the dance with the girls being with him every step of the way. Let just hope nobody brings up about him not having any powers and such.

Twilight sighed, “Unfortunately, so many of the others already have plans after school or didn't sign up. So we're a bit understaffed, even with Pinkie's expertise in decorating. So we were wondering if you'd like to help us?”

Spike was taken aback by Twilight's request. She was finally asking him to help her with something outside the house and get involved with her and the girls. But his thoughts of joy were quickly replaced by thoughts of suspicion.

What's the catch?” Spike asked.

None at all, Spike. We really want your help” Twilight explained, “I know I've been neglectful of you so much, and I really want to make up for it all. I just hope letting you help out is a start. So will you join us?”

Spike looked all around seeing everyone working and didn't need any additional assistance. And remembered what Twilight just told him, 'Standby? Standby?! I've been on standby all day and she expects me to wait even longer?! She said she wanted my help and now suddenly she's acting like she never told me at all. Forget standby, I have more pride than to wait around in a place I don't belong.' with nobody paying him any mind, he left the gymnasium.

I was afraid this would come up.

"And because everyone else showed up you felt there was nothing he could do at all?" she questioned Twilight.

"Um..." Twilight trailed knowing she goofed.

"Basically all I'm getting from this is you invited him here all for nothing." Luna crossed her arms.

"I wouldn't blame him for leaving either." Celestia added.

Nope. I mean, yeah I’d be as upset and left out.

I have feeling somethings gonna go wrong at the dance in the next chapter.

Spike blinked, “Wait, you want me to help set up?” Twilight nodded, “Don't you have a whole school of students to help you?”

Twilight sighed, “Unfortunately, so many of the others already have plans after school or didn't sign up. So we're a bit understaffed, even with Pinkie's expertise in decorating. So we were wondering if you'd like to help us?”

”And so, they’ve given you an assignment. Your patience has finally paid off.”

Soon they entered the Sparkle Family garage, where they found Spike wearing boxing gloves while punching a hanging punching bag repetitively. Twilight was correct, for several times in the past whenever she wronged Spike unintentionally or not, he would go to the garage and take his frustrations out by punching his punching bag, which was an addition to Spike's training outside working with Shining Armor when there was time.

“You don’t need guidance, Spike. In time, you will learn to trust your feelings. Then, you will be invincible.”

Comment posted by MikedudeRocker1000 deleted Mar 1st, 2023

Agreed. And he's going to run away

singing: "it's going to shit, it's goooooiiiiinnnnnggggggg to ssssshhhhhhiiiiiitttt, it's going to shit, it's going to shit, it's goooooiiiiinnnnnggggggg to ssssshhhhhhiiiiiitttt, it's going to shitttttttttt!!!!!!!"

Probably very soon, my friend.

Let's hope the girls' neglect of Spike doesn't push the kid too far and he becomes mean and bitter.
Then again, I have a bad feeling that is what's going to happen.
Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter.

My guess maybe this dance will be the boiling point of him having enough and finally snaps and dose something to show he has had enough of all of the time they left him behind and leaves or somethin worse.

If Cadance was in this story, she’d probably have some sort of techniques to help Spike feel better

Wonder what type of dresses they’ll all wear and what Spike’s clothes for the dance might look like.

Oh boy, this is getting really good. I can't wait for the next few chapters. With how this story is going, I'm really hoping that Spike gets to have at least 1 chance to somewhat get back at the girls for not including him all of their past fun activities. Something, anything that will make the girls feel exactly how he felt of being promised something, only to be forgotten about and left behind. Or at least Spike will be put in a somewhat really dangerous situation where he almost dies and the girls freak out and finally realize how much he means to them and they try to really make it up to him by spending more time with him.

They’ll screw up again.

And now we wait for the dance. And the odds of anything going wrong for Spike either directly, or indirectly, via something involving Twi, or all the six, on a scale from 1 to 10 are… i’d say 20… Maybe initially things are going well, then the f:yay:ck-up happens. Either slowly or suddenly.

A few more straws landing on this camel. How many more can its back handle?

Probably not a whole lot

Of course they will and I have a feeling that it will be the last straw.

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