• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
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I used to question the MLP FiM show, but one episode and I got hooked on it. See my Fanfiction account ChaosMagemon for more than just MLP fics. Joined the Herd Nov 5, 2011


Comments ( 275 )

And Spike's life gets just a bit more complicated.

Well then, looks like I gotta read your first story now.

Sex I can understand, but do swear words really necessitate an M rating?

This should be interesting.

I thought you hated Starlight Glimmer.

8109617 Not so much hated just wished she wasn't suddenly become a main focus on in the cartoon. But I'm slowly starting to enjoy her.

8109624 Ah.

Well then, with that aside. Let's see what we've got going:

Mane Six = Canterlot Cuties

Alt. Universe: Starring the Shadowbolts and Sci-Fi Twi
Crystal Prep Cuties

What do we call them? They need something original. Something that sets them apart from the Mane Six and Shadowbolts.

Hmmm, the Six Bandits?

Never mind, I'll leave the naming to you.

Ember, Sunset Shimmer, Moondancer, Starlight Glimmer, Sunshine Smiles and Moonlight Raven

This should be good

Nice job dude :twilightsmile:. Though I will admit I didnt expect u to make this story so soon.

well looks like spike has found six new additions to his harem.

One of the first stories I've read on here got a sequel?!?!?

Okay. So according to the description, things might get messy down the line. I'm guessing that none of his six girlfriends from Canterlot live in Ponyville? I'll find out soon enough.

I never expected you would wright a sequel I read the first one years ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You always wright some the best stories.

The Outsider Six.

Finalmente una secuela de girls of my life ya mi alma puede descansar en paz

Congrats on another featured story!

8109528 I think to better prepare for the readers, there's an old saying "better safe than sorry".

I was right. Six new faces, two of which I had no idea who they were. Plus, it seems Spike had a crush on those girls before he moved to Canterlot.

Well, the story shows a lot of promise, I'll give you that. Personally, I'm looking forward to reading about Spike's romances with Sunset Shimmer and Moon Dancer the most.

I'm not sure how I feel about Starlight Glimmer, though. If anything, I'm a little torn. Although, will their romance include moments like her walking in on him while he's in the bathroom, flexing his muscles and admiring himself in the mirror like they did in the show? That would be great.

Either way, good luck.

It is about time. I can only guess what might happen throughout it but my question is if the "Canterlot Cuties" show up in Ponyville in this story. Anyway keep up the great work.

Just thought of a collective name that almost works for them: The Celestial Bodies (Sunset Shimmer, Moondancer, Starlight Glimmer, Sunshine Smiles, Moonlight Raven). Too bad Ember doesn't have to do with objects in space.

"And it's good to see you girls too," Spike agreed, until he saw Sunset and backed away a bit much to her surprise, "You're not going pull me into a head lock and squeeze the life out of my until I say Uncle like before, are you?"
Sunset sighed, "Spike, I know what you're thinking, but I assure you I'm not the way I used to be."
"It's true. Sunset changed a lot since we were kids." Starlight agreed.
"Besides the rough stuff I did with you was really my way of showing affection." Sunset tried reasoning.
"So using karate moves on me is affectionate?" Spike asked rhetorically.
"I barely even touched you with those moves." Sunset reminded him.
"Still. You left quite a few emotional scars on my life." Spike retorted.

I can't tell if he's being serious, or if he's just messing with her. Sounds more like what hanging out with a tomboy childhood friend, but he seems kinda riled up.

Meanwhile at Starlight's home, the girl was in her room wearing nothing but her purple bra and panties. She opened her closet and pulled two rows of clothes hanging up to reveal a small shrine of pictures of her and Spike when they were kids. She smiled at them and spoke, "My darling, Spike. You've come home to me. And this time I'll make sure you don't leave me again. Not like the last one." she said with a tear in her eyes before blowing a kiss to the shrine.

I can see where you're going with this. It's sort of like what happened with Sunburst, except her concerns are localized to a person instead of a concept, and all she wants is for him to stay. Hopefully he can sate whatever pain she might have with the power of Twilight Paragraphs.

Ember: D cup
Sunset: F cup
Moondancer: G cup
Starlight: E cup
Moonlight and Sunshine: DD cup

It would make sense that the athletic one is the smallest, the twins are bigger, but not overly huge, and the recluse has the biggest (sweater puppies. 'Nuff said).

Man Spike has 12 mares to be with

Lucky Dragon.:moustache:

I'd like to see what would happen to Spike when he's in the middle of a Harem VS Harem situation that will in likely happen later on.

Spike is gonna have to tell both group of girls soon otherwise it might bite him in the ass.

Lemme guess. The Humane Six visit Spike during an embarrassing moment with the Celestials

I know who 4 of those 6 girls are.

But, who's Sunshine and Moonlight ? They are not characters in MLP FIM, Equestria Girls or any related forms of media. Not as major, minor or even guest. So, who are they ?

Please explain at your earliest convenience.

Another great chapter. Keep up the good work

Another good chapter, how many times do you proof read BTW? Cause sometimes these sentences can be a little clunky.


"At least we played with boys who would come near us without thinking we had that childish disease cooties." Ember grumbled.

I think it would be better if she said "Well, we played with the boys who were mature enough to know that that Cooties thing was BS". I just feel like that's a little better, sounds more natural.

Other than things like that and a few grammatical errors, this chapters fine :).

Also, don't spread yourself to thin here, you're in the middle of seven different stories by my count. Just sayin, there's only so much one man can do before he gets overwhelmed.

I'm hoping there's no fighting over Spike between the two groups of girls!

8123864 Believe me i know that. But I get bored when some of the Spike harem fics I like from others take a lot longer. So I satisfy my wait by doing something new.

Spike paused and decided it was best to not talk about the six girls he knew before them just yet, just as he didn't tell his old girls about the six girls he'd slept with in Canterlot.

"You girls promise me you'll visit first chance you get?" Spike asked.

"Pinkie Promise, Spike." Pinkie promised him.

I have a feeling these are going to bite Spike in the ass.:ajbemused::twilightangry2::fluttercry::rainbowhuh::raritydespair::pinkiecrazy:

Meanwhile at Starlight's home, the girl was in her room wearing nothing but her purple bra and panties. She opened her closet and pulled two rows of clothes hanging up to reveal a small shrine of pictures of her and Spike when they were kids. She smiled at them and spoke, "My darling, Spike. You've come home to me. And this time I'll make sure you don't leave me again. Not like the last one." she said with a tear in her eyes before blowing a kiss to the shrine.

First thing I thought of:

What about the pet store?

Hmmm, Sunset Shimmer used karate moves on Spike when they were kids? Typical childhood tsundere right there. And here, I'd normally be like this on the thought of forgiving tsunderes. But I'll make Sunset Shimmer an exception.

Spike paused and decided it was best to not talk about the six girls he knew before them just yet, just as he didn't tell his old girls about the six girls he'd slept with in Canterlot.

Oh no....this isn't going to end well.

"My darling, Spike. You've come home to me. And this time I'll make sure you don't leave me again. Not like the last one." she said with a tear in her eyes before blowing a kiss to the shrine.

Uh oh....(((0_0)))

I write girls with busts that big I envision the anime laws of physics in that world.

Personally, I'd leave it for the readers to take a guess on the sizes of their busts, all the while throwing in a little hint once and a while. But this is your story, so who are we to judge?

Specifically girls don't get back pains from having big breasts


"Spike, if I could have one super power right now, it'd be the ability to crawl through this screen and give you a big wet kiss." Pinkie said.

Big Hero 6. Except for the part with the kissing.

"My darling, Spike. You've come home to me. And this time I'll make sure you don't leave me again. Not like the last one." she said with a tear in her eyes before blowing a kiss to the shrine.

bloody hell a stalker chick. Classic and sad to say something I have experienced myself:fluttershysad:

So when you were writing this story did you draw any parallels from stephen kings it? I only ask since it seems like you made a couple references to it although it could just be a massive coincedence. Either way great story so far, can't wait to see what comes next!

8171503 Well I liked the scene where one of the Kids turned adult noticed their old movie theater was closed down. It makes for good use in other scenes.

8171556 i thought that particular line reminded me of IT. Good to see more references to it lol

Well, I already know where this is going. Why do I picture Spike as Ichiro Ogami from Sakura Wars due to having two sets of Harems?

hell of a chapter, keep up the good work, i'm always waiting for the next chapters :)

Love this chapter.
And Spike, have a little self control there, man. You got six girls waiting for you out there.

I wonder how forgiving Twilight and the other girls will be when they find out.

"Ember, are you drunk?"

I'm surprised Ember didn't punch him in the face for that.

And I wished this chapter could've been longer. Oh well.

Well, let's see here:

Moonlight Raven & Sunshine Smiles - Honestly, I find it hard to see Spike dating the sisters separately. Maybe have Spike going on a date, with both of them, and it ends with him getting a double kiss from them.

Sunset Shimmer - Sunset obviously wants to show Spike that she's different than who she was before, and that she really cares about him. I honestly think maybe she should be saved for last, so as to make her more determined to win Spike's forgiveness, as well as making her feel more shunned. Maybe have it where she tries to ask Spike out on a date, but something keeps interrupting her, and Spike ends up going on a date with the other girls. During his date with the others, Sunset repairs an old gift from Spike, she once broke when she used one of her karate moves on him, and tried to show it to him, once she finally has her date with the guy, only for it to break, when a fight broke out, between her, and Garble. Then, it rains, and Sunset tried to recover what's left of her gift, but failed, since it got washed away. Soon, Sunset got sick, and they went back to Sunset's home, to get her treated. While Sunset recovers, the two started to talk, about the gift, and how Sunset felt haunted about her past and that she'll never be forgiven, since she's lost the gift forever. Spike spoke otherwise, and say that her act of redemption was enough for a gift.

That's all I've got so far, and forgive me if I'm too into a Sunset Shimmer redemption story.

First make-out session in his hometown. Five more to go. As for what he can do with the other girls, one thing he should do with either one or all of them is go to a movieplex in the next town over (which hopefully isn't Canterlot). I hope his girls in Canterlot wait on visiting Spike until after he at least spent time with all of them. I hope it's a surprise visit as well.:rainbowlaugh:

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