• Published 18th Feb 2023
  • 2,217 Views, 117 Comments

A Tyrant To A King - ShuTodoroki

King Sombra is left with an ultimatum from Princess Celestia between reformation and being turned to stone after he's found in the Frozen North, and subsequently imprisoned in Canterlot. His reformer doesn't help things either...

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Chapter 26: The Ending of the End, Part 3

"No, Discord! This isn't the way to help!" Spike yelled, worried that Discord might actually give them his chaos magic.

"Discord, could you pweeeease-" Cozy was interrupted as Chrysalis yanked her back, deciding to do things her own way.

"Threats are more my speed. Speak!"

"He's lying. He won't tell us." Tirek muttered, crossing his arms as he knew he wouldn't trust Discord.

"I certainly won't tell you after the way you lied to me last time we teamed up, you muscle-bound cretin." Discord retorted, Sombra looking at the draconequus with a raised eyebrow since he questioned how making Tirek angry would help this situation.

"This 'cretin' could destroy you before you blink, so choose your words carefully."

"You're right. 'Cretin' is too polite. How about 'pathetic centaur who uses magic to compensate for the fact that deep down he's afraid he'll never be enough to please dear old dad, King Vorak?'"

Practically everyone in the dungeon was staring at Discord with wide eyes, unable to believe that Discord had brought Tirek's father into this. Tirek, angered by being embarrassed like that, shot a blast of powerful magic towards Discord, who reflected it off of the rock he was carrying.

The blast ricoheted all over the dungeon, Sombra narrowly dodging it as it flew past his cavern. When the dust eventually cleared Cozy looked smug as she laughed, thinking that Discord meant to reflect Tirek's magic blast back at them. "You missed!"

"Did he, though!?!"

Starlight shouted from her cage, the shard from Chrysalis's former throne destroyed by Tirek's magic blast. She used her magic to free herself from her cage, ensuing a mad chase for Starlight as the bottom half of her cage fell to the floor with a loud crash.

"GET HER!" Chrysalis bellowed, infuriated that her most hated enemy was free.

Starlight dodged blast after blast as she teleported away, and Sombra had to admit that she was quite talented at magic if she could avoid so many attacks in a short period of time. She then ended up in front of Sombra, Discord, and Twilight's friends, looking worried since she didn't have much time.

"Get Twilight!" Applejack urged, since Starlight was free.

"No way! She's always needed you guys!" Starlight replied, before she mustered all of her magic to destroy all of the cages holding the Princesses and the Pillars.

Immediately after she did that, she was hit in the back by a blast of magic from Chrysalis, enraged that Starlight had undone all of her hard work. Starlight was thrown forward and landed on the ground, before Celestia and Luna stood protectively over her.

"Find Twilight! We may not have our magic, but we aren't completely helpless! We'll hold them off as long as we can!" Celestia shouted, Sombra nodding in agreement as he joined the fight, figuring he had to now make use of his hooves.

"Once you all are back together, you can come up with a plan. Even without my magic, I can still fight." Sombra added.

"That…was a pretty epic make-up." Rainbow remarked, eyes wide as she watched Celestia, Luna, and Starlight fight the three villains, the Pillars joining from above to provide support.

Discord had been biting his nails in stress while watching the fight, deciding to join in. "Just save Equestria. And keep Fluttershy safe!"

Sombra grunted as he ran from green beams of magic from Chrysalis, becoming increasingly angry that he was on the defensive rather than offensive. If he had his magic it would be easy, but he was struggling to even not be hit, the fact that the three villains were massively outnumbered their only saving grace.

Discord was at least doing something to attack by hurling rocks at the villains, not that it was very effective. Sombra had only managed to land one hit on Chrysalis, a stark contrast from their prior battle more than a thousand years ago.

"So weak now, Sombra. At least it's lowered that annoying smugness of yours. Now you see it's better to work in a team?" Chrysalis quipped with a smirk, while Sombra just growled as he dodged another blast of magic.

"I've known that for a while now, but I still wouldn't work with the likes of you."

"Foolish, as always!" Chrysalis taunted, reading another magic attack before she was attacked from behind by Starswirl, who still had his magic.

Sombra nodded, glad he had some help when he was struggling. He was ready to attack Chrysalis again when Discord's voice rang out amongst the din of the fight, warning him of a strike from behind.

"Sombra, behind you!"

He whirled his head around to dodge a magic attack from Cozy, who laughed in delight at being able to terrorize someone who used to be feared by everyone in the Crystal Empire. "You can't dodge for-OW!!!"

Sombra leapt forward since he couldn't fly using his magic, able to land a square punch to the face that knocked Cozy out of the air, also knocking that smug smirk off of her face.

"Y-You just punched a filly! You can't do that!"

"You're an exception." Sombra growled, nodding in acknowledgment when Celestia took over, ensuring that at least for a short while, Cozy wouldn't be terrorizing anyone.

He turned his attention to Chrysalis and Tirek, just in time to see Rockhoof punched into the cavern wall, unable to do much without his strength. He ran back into the fight, but as time went on, he could tell that they were all losing. Starlight and Starswirl had the benefit of still having their magic, but they were soon growing tired when the three villains were still standing strong.

They fought valiantly, but soon they were growing tired from a battle they knew they couldn't win, and the advantage they had due to sheer size was waning as the three villains managed to wrestle some of the Pillars back into their cages. Sombra and Discord were unceremoniously thrown into another cavern together, this time green goo securely trapping them inside.

Eventually everyone who had managed to escape was trapped back inside, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy laughing in delight at their handiwork. "Now we can hunt down the rest of them!" Tirek said with a grin, as they traveled up the steps to find Twilight and her friends.

Sombra scowled as he sulked in a corner of the cavern, refusing to even acknowledge Discord's presence in his magicless state. They really couldn't have imprisoned him anywhere else, could they? To be stuck with the draconequus who had started this whole mess; needless to say he wasn't pleased.

Discord didn't say anything either, probably because he didn't want to aggravate Sombra more than he already had. He honestly wasn't sure what to say which could possibly help mend things between them, even though he wanted to. Even though he initially hated Sombra due to his ego and rude behavior, he had grown to appreciate his friendship over time, and it made him feel guilty that he had ruined it.

After a lot of internal fighting, the draconequus let out a sigh as he tried to say something meaningful in apology. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. I didn't fully understand who you were as a pony, and if I put it bluntly, I used you. Obviously I still have a lot to learn about friendship, and you don't have to forgive me. I just…felt like that was the right thing to say."

Sombra initially felt a slight inclination to forgive Discord, since he was able to tell that the draconequus' words were sincere. However, his pride took over, as he spared Discord a cold glare. He really thought that a simple apology would do it? Others may be more forgiving, but he didn't find it so easy to do that. Not when he was made to feel absolutely worthless and betrayed.

"So what did you understand about me then? That I was just a tool to do your bidding, and that if I got myself destroyed I wouldn't be worth reviving again because I wouldn't be mindlessly loyal?"

Discord shrunk back, averting his gaze since he knew what he did was horrible. "When you put it that way, it sounds horrible. Look, I know how terrible of a plan pretending to be Grogar was, and that I was treating you horribly in the process. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, just…letting you know that I wish I could take it back. Then again, I guess if I hadn't revived you in the first place we would've never been friends. That, I don't regret."

Sombra was left speechless, trying to keep his composure even if Discord's admission…kind of tugged at his heartstrings. These newfound emotions that he had buried before learning about friendship made him angry sometimes, that he couldn't continually show spite towards Discord since he was truly sorry.

Before he could respond, he started noticing the Pillars and the Princesses disappearing from their cells after being surrounded by a halo of white magic, his eyes wide from surprise as it looked like only he and Discord were left. "Wait, what's-"

He was soon transported to a field outside Canterlot, and looking around, he could tell Twilight had ultimately triumphed over Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy, as she hovered high in the air with the Pillars levitated at her side, surrounded by a purple magic aura.

"The Elements showed me and my friends how strong our friendship could be! Together we worked to bring harmony to Equestria! But there will always be more to do! Which is why we teach others about the Magic of Friendship! Others who will continue our mission after we are gone! Now I truly understand! The Elements were just symbols! The real magic has always been right here! And the more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be!"

As Twilight mentioned the respective groups, they flew in the air next to her as well, and Sombra could tell that friendship would definitely triumph over fear, just like he had predicted. He couldn't help the hint of a smile that was on his face as Twilight called out "Together!"

Just like that, three beams of rainbow magic shot out from the Pillars, the Mane Six, and the Young Six, meeting at Twilight who shot out a powerful beam of rainbow magic that banished the windigos who had been circling overhead. The rainbow beam then crashed down on the three villains, reverting them to their normal states as Grogar's Bell fell to the ground.

When all was said and done as the three groups landed on the ground, Chrysalis still tried to make one last stand, showing her foolishness. "You think friendship will save you!?! We will always return! Nothing will ever stop-"

She was interrupted by a giant cupcake which fell from the sky, as chocolate rain started pouring down. Spike licked his hand, greeted with the taste of chocolate. "Chocolate rain?" He asked, to which everyone gave Discord an accusatory look when he appeared from their vantage point on the hill.

"Don't look at me!" He protested, since he had no magic to speak of.

Pinkie then slowly rose up from the ground, holding Grogar's Bell as electricity sparked around her.

"Pinkie! You took Discord's magic from the Bell!?! How do you feel?" Twilight asked, concerned for her friend.

"Hmmm, tingly, itchy. Also like…"

Pinkie then grew to an enormous size as balloons and confetti flew everywhere, Sombra dreading the fact that they'd have to deal with another threat for the day. "I COULD TRANSFORM THE COSMOS SO EVERYTHING IS MADE OF ICING!"

Discord flew up to Pinkie, not planning on letting that happen. "Perhaps maybe I should…" He took the Bell from Pinkie's hoof, returning all the chaos magic to the Bell before giving it to himself, pleased when he could make a living pineapple with the snap of his fingers again.

He then appeared before the princesses and Sombra to give them their magic back, and with the sound of a ringing bell Sombra could feel the dark magic returning as his mane started flowing again, as he tested out a dark crystal to confirm that his dark magic was indeed back.

The three villains then emerged from the cupcake, before Celestia promptly approached them with a firm stomp of her front hoof. "There isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done!"

Discord then whispered in Celestia and Luna's ears, making Sombra wonder what he was up to. "Oh. That does seem fitting."

"May I help? Please?"

With those four words, the princesses and Discord promptly turned the three villains into a statue, which Sombra looked upon with slight amusement as he approached their frozen expressions of anger and shock. "Better them than me."

Discord nodded, grinning as he flicked the top of Chrysalis' horn. "Together forever. I can't think of anything that they would want less."

Everyone then cheered in celebration, Celestia approaching Twilight with a smile. "When I sent you to Ponyville, I had high hopes. When you became Princess of Friendship, I knew I made the right choice. But nothing could prepare me for how proud I am right now. Equestria is definitely in the right hooves. You are ready."

She and her sister then bowed in respect, Discord doing the same as Sombra watched them for a few seconds before sighing as he did the same, figuring that learning some humility would be necessary if he truly wanted to be reformed.

After going through so much and narrowly escaping defeat, he quite liked this outcome.