• Published 18th Feb 2023
  • 2,217 Views, 117 Comments

A Tyrant To A King - ShuTodoroki

King Sombra is left with an ultimatum from Princess Celestia between reformation and being turned to stone after he's found in the Frozen North, and subsequently imprisoned in Canterlot. His reformer doesn't help things either...

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Chapter 3: Discord the Reformer

Well, this will certainly complicate things. Discord mused, while the rest of the group stared at the two princesses with their mouths agape. They couldn't even comprehend what Princess Luna had said. Discord would be the one to reform Sombra? Even the draconequus looked like he didn't believe it.

"Before you say anything, I believe Sombra may be more receptive to someone that he's familiar with and who used to be a villain, rather than any of the six that recently defeated him. I know him as a very prideful individual, and he would most likely greet any of you with silence if you tried to talk to him." Princess Celestia explained further, addressing the Mane Six.

"And you think Discord would get along any better with Sombra? Did you know him a thousand years ago?" Twilight asked Discord, who had to think a bit as he recalled first hearing about Sombra.

"I knew of him; I wasn't exactly best buddies with him since we never met. I was too busy spreading chaos and disharmony and all of those things." Discord explained, materializing a flying pig to emphasize his point before making it disappear again.

"Besides, although I would love to be Sombra's therapist and help him talk about whatever is causing him to be evil," he continued, materializing glasses and a notepad to look like a psychologist, "I do have to question why I'm a better choice when I helped fight against him as well."

"You're the only practical choice I can think of, and I put full trust in you not joining forces with Sombra or something like that because you've learned your lesson from Tirek. The best thing about reformation is passing that knowledge on to others." Princess Celestia said with a smile, while the others besides Discord still looked hesitant.

"'Practical' ain't exactly a word I'd use to describe Discord…" Applejack opined, honest as ever while Discord rolled his eyes in reply.

"Well, even if we don't wanna admit it, Sombra isn't the type of stallion to like tea parties! Sorry Fluttershy, but I don't think Sombra will value friendship as much to willingly change his ways. He'll be a harder case to crack!" Pinkie remarked.

"Certainly not! Even if your tea parties are simply divine." Rarity told Fluttershy, who blushed in response.

Rainbow was on board with the idea, since the two princesses wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't a good idea anyway. "I definitely don't want to deal with Sombra. Count me in on this plan! I'd probably lose patience anyway if he did the whole 'tough guy' act."

Twilight was silent for a few moments, deep in thought as she contemplated the idea. Wwll, not like it would matter since her other friends seemed on board, save for Applejack who still looked dubious. "If you think it's a good idea, your highnesses, then I have no qualms with it. Good luck, Discord."

"Why thank you, Twilight! I'm sorry our tea parties will have to be less often, Fluttershy, but rest assured I'll fill you all in with whatever happens between me and Sombra. I'll be prepared for what I assume won't be a warm welcome." Discord replied, materializing comical looking armor to protect himself.

Fluttershy smiled, waving a hoof dismissively. "Oh, I fully understand, Discord. Really, it's fine."

Princess Luna held up a hoof to stifle her chuckle at Discord's antics. "Thank you, Discord. Celestia and I will understand if you aren't able to convince Sombra to use his magic for good, but it's worth a try, as I always say. Oh, and we'd like for you all to keep this news a secret; we don't want Canterlot or anywhere else in Equestria to be in a panic that King Sombra is alive."

"Of course, Princess Luna. We fully understand; after all, if Equestria isn't in any danger, there's no reason for anypony to know." Twilight assured, glancing at her friends before looking back at the princesses. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

Princess Celestia shook her head. "No, thank you all for coming once again. I'll show Discord how to get to the dungeons, but the rest of you can leave."

The Mane Six and Spike headed out, murmurs amongst themselves which probably consisted of questioning the logic of having Discord reform Sombra, but as they said before, they'd rather not try to make friends with the stallion who had enslaved their loved ones only a day ago.

With the throne room door closed in front of them, Princess Celestia beckoned Discord over with a hoof as the draconequus snapped his fingers to get rid of the armor, appearing as his normal self. "The dungeons are a bit out of the way; we repurposed them from the caves that existed before." She explained, as Discord nodded.

"Ah, yes, I'm sure I'll know when I hear the indignant yelling from a tyrant who needs to be taken down a couple notches." Discord quipped, chuckling to himself as he lowered his voice to sound like Sombra, turning himself the color of charcoal as he had a plastered on black mane that resembled Sombra's.

"I'm King Sombra, rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire! I can't handle defeat!"

Princess Celestia couldn't help but laugh at that, holding a hoof up to her mouth while Princess Luna laughed aloud. "I wouldn't suggest doing that in front of Sombra; he most likely wouldn't take it very well. He's actually been totally silent, from reports that I've received from royal guards. Perhaps he's in denial that he's finally imprisoned."

"Ah, right, and then anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. See? I'm a trained psychologist already!" Discord remarked back in his normal form, while Princess Celestia looked serious for a moment as she led him out of the throne room, leaving her sister behind to stay on her throne.

"I appreciate the jokes, Discord, but you do understand the importance of the task I've given you, right? Equestria could benefit greatly if Sombra used his magic for good, but if he is adamant on using his magic for evil, we will be left with no choice but to turn him into stone, and even then I'm not convinced that will keep him for long."

Discord sighed, nodding since he didn't like being serious that much. After all, he was the fun-loving Lord of Chaos; that was one thing he had to compromise on when he accepted the magic of friendship and being a good person.

"Yes, I completely understand, Princess Celestia. I'm just trying to get what joy I have left out of my system before I deal with darkness incarnate. He'll probably give me the silent treatment like every edgy villain does."

"If he ever gives you the cold shoulder, just leave him alone for a few days. All ponies, even him, will get lonely." Princess Celestia said with a wink, as she led Discord towards the back of the castle, where a lone staircase to the dungeons resided. "We've never really had a purpose for the converted caves until now. Well, you can take over from here, right? Just fill me in periodically about Sombra's progress, if any."

"Will do." Discord said with a salute, figuring that he'd be able to juggle reforming Sombra and his own little secret which he'd reveal when the time was ready. After all, if he managed to get Sombra on his side…it would just ensure the glorious defeat of the villains in the end, right?

With that, Princess Celestia headed back to the throne room, leaving Discord to stand in front of the staircase. He contemplated how he wanted to approach this, knowing that Sombra would be a tough pony to try and get along with. After all, he didn't really give off a vibe that he wanted to be friends…

Well, you're known for being spontaneous, Discord! You'll think of something, especially with how charismatic you are. Discord told himself, before walking down into the dungeons to see what he was working with.

Sombra was convinced that the silence and lack of contact was slowly driving him insane, his eyes used to the dim lighting by this point as all he could do was stare at the crystal walls of the caverns he was kept in, almost as if they were taunting him with memories of his empire that he couldn't have.

He hadn't even been given the decency of a proper answer when he questioned what his fate was to be, so he just resorted to being quiet as he rested on the metal floor of his cell, not finding it comfortable at all to sleep on but he figured he didn't have much of a choice when there was no way out without his magic.

The royal guards only came with food to keep him alive, but it was a far cry from the luxury he was accustomed to when he was the ruler of the Crystal Empire. They regarded him with harsh glares and silence which he eagerly returned, even if he was harmless in the cage which neutralized his dark magic.

Even without my magic, I will find a way out of this. He told himself, even if it wasn’t the most realistic thing to believe. It was the last thing preserving his sanity; he couldn’t accept that he had been defeated once and for all, and that he was now at the mercy of whatever Princess Celestia wanted to do with him.

Although he had been in captivity for only about a day, it felt longer since he had no sense of time, the same monotonous surroundings always torturing him when he wasn’t sleeping. That was probably what Princess Celestia was up to, wanting him to crack and bend to her will! Well she was sadly mistaken, because he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of that!

The sound of steps that echoed through the caverns immediately made Sombra stand at alert, his ears perking up as he readied himself for whoever Princess Celestia sent his way, or if it was just another royal guard who refused to talk to him.

Who he didn’t expect to see was the Lord of Chaos himself, as the draconequus walked in and plonked himself next to him without a care in the world for who he was, which sparked a bit of anger within Sombra. “My my, if it isn’t King Sombra of the Crystal Empire! You meet the Lord of Chaos again.”

“If you’re here to gloat, I’m not going to hear it. I will escape somehow, and you’ll be sorry you ever crossed hooves with me! I already defeated you, didn’t I?” Sombra snarled, not interested in making small talk with the draconequus who had dared challenge his takeover of Canterlot.

Discord’s eyes widened as he heard that, chuckling since that was really what the charcoal tyrant thought. He was under the impression that he had singlehoovedly defeated the Lord of Chaos, oh how wrong he was… “That? I purposely pretended to be very hurt so the girls would defeat you on their own.”

Sombra simmered in anger, his eyes glowing red when he heard what Discord said. So his victory over the spirit of chaos was a fake? He could barely contain his rage, turning his back to Discord as he refused to talk to him any further.

“So you’re giving the silent treatment now, hm? So predictable.” Discord mused, holding his eagle claw to his chin as he decided on what to do. How could he bargain with someone so impossibly stubborn… He then snapped his fingers, coming up with an idea. “What if I said there was a way to get out of here?”

That marginally piqued Sombra’s interest, but he was well aware that it could be a trap as well. “Say it, then.” He spat, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“Either you reform yourself and get to roam free, or those ponies you hate so much turn you into stone.”