• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 5,904 Views, 229 Comments

A special request - chaos2012

Applejack needs Zecora to help her, but she must do something insane.

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Chapter 11: Escape

Running as fast as their legs would allow them, Applejack and Zecora sprinted towards the base of the cliff. They could hear the screeches increase in volume as the creatures began coming closer. Applejacks heart beat faster and faster as she gasped for air, her exhaustion beginning to spread throughout her body.

Running around a large boulder, Applejack saw the cave at the bottom of the cliff in front of them. "Look, we can make it!" she shouted out. All of a sudden, she felt her tail get yanked backwards, "Ow! what in the hay?" Zecora dragged Applejack backwards, pulling her under a large arched rock, "Zecora, what are ya doin?"

Spitting out the tail, Zecora brought a hoof to the farmers mouth, "Shh. We Won't make it before they see us. We have to wait and don't make a fuss."

Applejack pushed the hoof away and looked ahead to the cliff. The cave was only eight hundred feet from where they were, "We can make it if we run.we-"

"No, these dragons are fast and as quick as can be. They would have no trouble catching you and me."

Peeking their heads out, they watched as the four dark dragons fly over them, steadily gliding through the air. Each one was about seven feet tall, much smaller than the average dragon. Their bodies were covered in black scales that made their silver wings stand out in the bright sky. Their slender necks swept back and forth to allow their slender heads a look to anything that they could burn.

Applejack's eyes went back to the cave ahead of her. She frowned seeing that they were so close but had to sit below a rock. 'Ah shouldn't be waitin here. We should just run.' she thought to herself. Suddenly, she felt a strange tingle on the back of her right leg, as if something was moving across her fur. After it stopped for a second, she thought it was just her mind playing trick on her, but then it started up again. "What is that?"

Flipping her head around, her emerald eyes widened when she saw a small brown scorpion crawling up her leg. Her heart beat faster and faster as she stared into the crimson red eyes of the crawling creature. Applejack could not control her nerves as her leg began to tremble. Feeling movement below it's eight pointed limbs, the scorpion locked itself into defensive position, it's thin tail lifting up above its body.

Zecora didnt know what was wrong with Applejack and her shaking, but realized the problem when she saw the scorpion as well, "Do not move a single inch. The stinger is much worse than its pinch."

Applejack continued to shake as the scorpion continued to crawl across her fur, "Zecora, get it off!" Her voice was filled with terror as she looked back to the creature on her.

Zecora just shook her head, "I should not try and strike it, for it will surely cause a fit. In defense it will strike true, and it may in fact make contact with you."

"Just do it!" Applejack was nearly screaming at this point.

Zecora wanted to say no, but the look on Applejacks face took away the urge to say it. Scooting over closer, she positioned herself by Applejacks side, getting as close as she could under their tight squeeze beneath the rock, she whipped her tail towards the scorpion in an attempt to knock it off. She connected with the side of of the small critter, but it's legs clamped down into Applejacks skin holding tight.

Wincing from the quick pain, Applejack whimpered in fear of what she was afraid would come next. "Get it off!"

Whipping her tail back again, Zecora swung forward as hard as she could, knocking the scorpion off, but not before it's tail shot out and stuck into Applejack's ankle.

Applejack screamed out, more out of shock than pain, then quickly covered her mouth with her hooves. Zecora kicked her back hoof out and crushed the scorpion against the rock behind them. Applejack pulled her head back to look at her leg, her mind racing when she saw the small welt growing in the spot she was hit. Then, her mind was taken off that when a loud screech cut through the air, followed by a sudden thud of something landing on the ground not far from their hiding spot. Zecora and Applejack stopped breathing when they heard the foot steps across the stone coming from behind the rock they were under.

Zecora quietly opened her satchel and pulled out her green powder again, unscrewing the lid as slow as she could to not cause any form of sound. She leaned over to Applejack and whispered into her ear, "When I say to go, run with all you got. Once safe inside the cave you may stop." she poured a small pile onto the top of her hoof.

The sound of claws dragging across the stone above them rang through their ears, causing them to clench their eyes shut. Once it stopped, they opened up to see a clawed foot in front of them, followed by another and a whip like tail. Out of view, they could hear the loud sniffing of the dragon as it inhaled deeply, absorbing the many air particles to find the source of the sound it had heard. After registering the scents it received, the small drake turned and snarled at the rock it stood by.

Zecora clutched the jar with her hooves as she watched the legs in front of her begin to shift down towards the stone floor, "Be ready." she whispered.

The dragon stuck its head into the crevice below it and hissed at the two zebras, but it shot backwards when it felt the sudden burning pain from the green powder that was thrown in it's face. Stumbling to the ground, it's claws went to its face and clutched around its bulging eyes.

"Run!" Zecora screamed out as she shot from the rock and back into the open.

Applejack quickly crawled out and ran after her friend. As she sprinted, she could have sworn she felt a strange numbness inside of her right leg, causing her to slightly stumble. The sudden screech of three other dragon's coming down and the adrenaline pulsing through her body kept her from falling to the ground, however. Pushing herself through the odd sensation, she ran harder than she ever had before.

the cave was now only a hundred feet in front of them, it's dark interior Acting as a beacon of hope for the two running zebras. Their hooves clattered across the rocks as they pushed harder and harder through the scorching air. Their lungs burnt from exhaustion as they ran from the loud hisses behind them.

Zecora turned her head back to see one of the dragons launching a small fire ball towards the ground. "Look out!" she screamed as the fire crashed into the stone in front of them. Quickly weaving around it, they then watched as another blast of fire struck at the entrance of the cave, enveloping the mouth in flames.

"Zecora, what do we do!?" Applejack yelled out.

"Run through the fire into the cave, for this act will be the one to save." Zecora then jumped forward and passed through the flames.

"What the!?" Applejack could not believe that this was happening to her. Despite doubting the idea, she continued straight and leapt. She felt the heat of the fire envelope her, the sheer temperature overtaking every other sense that she had. After a moment, it vanished, and she was in darkness.