• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 5,904 Views, 229 Comments

A special request - chaos2012

Applejack needs Zecora to help her, but she must do something insane.

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Chapter 5: Trouble in the Grassland

Applejack and Zecora came together as the three griffons began to slowly walk towards them. The lead griffin to their front chuckled as he came closer, "Well, I have to say, I didn't expect to come across two lonely zebras coming out of the forest."

The leader stood over five feet tall, the normally white feathers of his head stained a dirty gray. The giant yellow beak stuck menacingly out of his face. Many scars littered his body through the patches of feathers missing across his entire body.

Applejack felt her heart racing as the large creatures all chuckled. She had only come across one griffon in her life; Rainbow Dashes ex friend Gilda. When that griffon came to Ponyville, she was just a jerk to every pony she had met, but she never caused harm to any pony. These griffons seemed much colder.

Zecora couldn't believe it; what would be the chances that the moment they came out of the forest, there would be a pack of griffons at that very spot? She knew this was going to be a problem.

"Hey boss, how much you think we can get off these two?" one of the griffons in the back asked.

Zecora looks back and forth between the creatures, glaring at them, "if your looking for wealth, we do not have one bit. Now let us pass, before you make me cause a fit."

The lead griffon started laughing at the threat from the zebra, then giving a scared look "Oh my, please don't hurt us! Hahaha!" he then started slapping the ground with his talons, "you got some nerve to threaten us. Besides the lose jewels hanging off your head, I bet you two could fetch us a good price for the traders."

Applejacks eyes went wide hearing that, 'they are slave merchants?' she thought to herself. Her mind then began picturing herself chained, forced into the front of a large crowd as ponies and other creatures placed bids on her. The horrible thoughts caused her to tremble.

Zecora saw the fear in Applejack, the former pony’seyes wide in fright. She got closer to her, giving her comfort, “Do not worry my good friend. I will protect you until the end.”

The two subordinate griffons began to laugh together as they slowly closed in on their two targets, but were called off by their leader, “Hold up, you two. Don’t forget that these zebra freaks use that strange magic. Be Careful around them.”

Zecora cast a grin towards the leader, “I see that the wise one of the group is you. The three birds in this field are biting more than they can chew.”

Applejack shot her eyes over to her companion, dumbfounded at what was happening, “Zecora, what are ya doin?”

The lead griffon glared at Zecora, “what did you say?”

Slipping off her satchel, Zecora opened it up and pulled out a small glass jar with a glowing green tint. Twisting off the lid, she smiled up to the griffon, “If you wish to leave without harm creatures, move out of our way or ill will break your features.”

All of the griffons were hissing in anger from the taunts being sent their ways. The leader snarled as the zebra simply smirked in his direction. He now wanted to go and rip that smile off her face, but his eyes went to the jar in the grasp of the striped creature. He didn’t want to take the risk of being affected by whatever was inside of it. He didn’t, however, deal with any animal insulting him.

Applejack was confused at why Zecora was insulting the creatures that were threatening to take them captive. If they were captured, she and Zecora would most likely be beaten for trifling with them. However, she also knew these griffons were planning on taking them no matter what they did, so perhaps fighting them off was the only option.

The griffon leader sneered, not wanting to get to close, “You had better watch your mouth you voodoo freak!”

“You act all tough, you giant bird…” Zecora snapped, “yet you are no more than a giant tird!”

That was the last straw for the griffon’s patience. He couldn’t hold back the built up anger inside of his chest. Flapping its large eagle wings, it leaped off the ground, charging straight forward. Ripped blades of grass floated through the air as the winged beast flew right at the zebras.

Zecora also rushed at the griffon, hooves churning up dirt as she ran. jumping into the air, she collided with the animal, causing it to spin in the sky. The sharp beak tried to snap forward and tak a bite at her face, but not before tossed a large amount of the strange powder straight into the eyes of her opponent. The griffon screamed in pain as he felt his eyes burn, then his vision go black. Both zebra and griffon fell to the ground in a hard crash.

Applejack was about to run over to help her friend, but stopped when she heard the screeches coming at her from the trees behind. She turned to see the other two griffons flying through the air directly past her, there claws extended out. Applejack saw that they were going to aid their master.Seeing that she was alone, Applejack had the initial reaction to run away as fast as she could, but she knew Zecora would have no chance against three griffons. And without Zecora, she would never be able to find the cure for her sister.

Shaking off her fear, Applejack charged after the flying menaces. Catching up to one of them, she jumped into the air, latching onto the lion tail with her mouth. The griffon yelled out of pain as it felt the teeth dig into its flesh. As soon as her hooves touched the ground, Applejack yanked backward, pulling her opponent out of the air. The younger griffon felt himself slammed into the dirt. Quickly getting up, he glared at the hat wearing Zebra that ripped him from flight.

"Come on, ya big stupid pigeon!" applejack shouted out as she prepared for the charging animal.

A hundred feet away, Zecora reached under her cloak and pulled out a small piece of metal. Slipping it between her teeth, she bit down on a small button, causing the metal to expand into a long staff. She lowered herself, bracing herself as the blinded leader and his subordinate came at her.

The leaders eyes were covered in a gray haze, tears pouring down his feathery cheeks from the pain. Despite not being able to see, the griffon could still sense the zebra with his strong sense of smell and hearing. He hissed in anger as he stood up on his hind legs, "I will rip those stripes off that body of yours!"

Lunging forward, the blind creature flailed its taloned front legs in the general direction of the smell he was following. Zecora simply ducked and dipped under the clawed arms, and swinging her staff to hit away the close swipes. She ran forward and rammed into the stomach of the griffon, knocking the wind out of it. She then jumped into the air and swung the staff as hard as she could, connecting to the griffons head.

Before the leaders head even hit the ground, the other griffon had come up from behind and latched it's claws on Zecora's back. Screaming in pain, she bucked backwards, landing a hit in the beasts chest. Scrambling out of the clawed grip, she winced from the sting sensation in her back, but couldn't sit long as the griffon came at her again.

applejack was fairing well, since she only had one opponent and it was the smallest of the three. She tilted her hat, now smirking at the weakened griffon. She had been able to land several good kicks to it, making it stumble as it walked.

She couldn't help but throw out a dig to get to the griffon, "so, ya ready to quit, or are ya hungry for another hoof sandwich?"

The griffon roared in anger as it jumped at applejack. It landed just feet from her, trying to reach forward and grab her. Dropping down under the talons, Applejack spun around and kicked her back legs upward, la ding square on the bottom of the creatures beak. Feeling its head go blank, the griffon fell to the ground.

Applekack chuckled in amusement to her victory, "ah warned ya, fella. Now why don't y'all lay there and-"


Applejack flipped around to the sudden scream. Her face became locked in horror as she watched Zecora being thrown across the field, followed quickly by the final griffon. "Zecora!" applejack yelled as she sprinted to help her friend.

The griffon landed directly on top of the wounded zebra, pinning her down with a clawed arm holding her by the throat. She tried to pry the talons of with her hooves, gasping for air as the grip became tighter. The griffon lowered his bruised face to hers, eyes burning with fury, "I don't care what my boss says, your not worth the money!" he screamed as he raised his other arm to swipe at her face.

Within a split second, Zecora's tail flicked upward, sending up a purple cloud of smoke, enveloping herself. Instantaneously, she disapeared, both visually and physically. The griffon's eyes went wide in shock as he felt himself grabbing air. He toppled around, trying to locate the zebra. Suddenly, a shattered bottle to the back of his head made everything go black.

Applejack froze mid step after seeing what had happened; Zecora had somehow teleported, ended up behind the griffon, and cracked an empty jar over its head. She had no idea the sorceress had powers like that.

Zecora slowly trotted away from the unconscious bird, stepping with a small limp in her step. Applejack ran over to keep her from falling over. Zecora have a small chuckle, "well, this has been a crazy fray, and it happened on our first day."

Applejack, tried to smile, but couldn't keep her eyes off the long slashes going down Zecora's. back. Knowing they would have to be cleaned, she helped Zecora gather their belongings. After they were done, they turned and walked away from the trio of knocked out criminals.

The two zebras walked through the grass, once again heading towards the setting sun.