• Published 6th Mar 2023
  • 620 Views, 10 Comments

Another Moment More - Spyder27

Three years ago, Sunset broke up with the love of her life in order for both of them to have better lives. It turns out they both regret that and have a chance to change the future.

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Picking Up the Pieces

Two plus two always equals four. It’s the logical answer to a mathematical problem. The world always runs on logic and doesn’t allow for much emotion. If you do need to be emotional, you need to make it quick before you have to get back to work again. Humans hate chaos, so it’s only reasonable that logic is what makes the world run. Unfortunately, sometimes logic isn’t what we need. Sometimes, one plus one doesn’t equal two…

It’s hard to think peaceful or optimistic thoughts today. Even though I was excited for this moment, I can’t help but feel awkward and embarrassed even sitting here. This little bakery should instill emotions of happiness, not conflict. I know that, deep down, it’s not the bakery causing me to question every one of my choices. It’s the reason I’m here to begin with… Just a week ago, I got a call from someone I never thought I’d talk to again. It was so weird hearing her voice again, but when she asked me if we could meet up to talk, I accepted almost immediately. I don’t know why I did that to be honest… If anything, shouldn’t we hate each other after what happened?

I guess I should be glad that she even wants to talk in general. It’s not every day that I get to make peace with someone, especially someone I… Well, someone I used to care about. Make peace is a pretty drastic explanation though… She and I left on amicable terms. It’s not like we hated each other when she left. It was just a weird time for a relationship for both of us…

That was three years ago. To think it has been three years since Adagio and I have talked. Yeah, we’ve always had our ups and downs, but I sort of thought we would remain friends after our break up. Maybe it is just too hard for me to admit it was difficult for both of us. I know I certainly had the worst luck actually finding the right words when it came to talking to her. But now I have a chance to rectify that mistake. Maybe she and I can actually repair our previous friendship? It’s not too hard to imagine, right? Why else would she want to talk? It’s probably just my optimism, but it would be really nice to be friends with her again… I certainly have missed our conversations.

Taking a deep breath, I look down at the table, trying to calm my nerves. I remember those late night conversations between us. Adagio would always have something to say to calm me down, but she was the one in need of a friend. She was the one who would call me at the latest hours just to hear my voice. Remembering her gently asking if I could spare an hour to talk with her brings a smile to myself. Those were good times. Everything back then was pretty good. I guess that’s why I regret how I handled it so much.

Every time the door to the bakery rings, I can’t help but look up from the table, hoping to see her walking in with that usual confidence in her every movement. My mind is anxious, worrying thoughts of how this might go down running through my head every second that passes by. The darkness from outside doesn’t allow for any light to peek in from the window, only cementing the fact how late it is. But this is where we would go back then. Every time we wanted a treat, we would come to this exact bakery late at night just to avoid all the crowds. She would always get a cherry cheesecake and I would always order myself a chocolate cake. I mean, I would always get myself something with chocolate in it at the very least. It’s not a wonder why Adagio picked this bakery to meet at. It holds a lot of memories for both of us…

She would still like cherry cheesecake, right? I’m sure she would. I already ordered our desserts for when she gets here, so I am just hoping that nothing has changed. Taking another deep breath, I follow it up with a sigh, shaking my head slightly. You need to calm down, Sunset. Everything will be fine. Nothing is going to go wrong. She’s the one who wanted to talk. Whatever it may be, I’m sure she wouldn’t want to talk just to criticize our past relationship and how we left things off back then. She’s not the type to hold a grudge. At least, not a grudge related to that.

The ring of the bell above the door breaks me from my thoughts once more, making my eyes look towards the entrance with a hopeful breath. Gently walking inside the establishment, a woman with magical orange hair gently takes off her sunglasses, looking down at her purple fold-over collar coat. Despite her coat and professional black pants, she still wears purple high heel boots with spikes on them with a matching headband in her hair. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that she’s still wearing things like that. Usually, people change their fashion sense as they get older, but I suppose she is thousands of years old. Not much reason to care about a fashion sense when you’ve lived centuries past everyone else.

Looking around the bakery, Adagio’s eyes finally meet mine, an all too familiar smirk dawning on her face. Bringing my hand up, I wave her over with a smile, glad that she’s finally here despite the nervous feeling in my gut. My natural instinct is to yell her name with some form of a greeting, but… I don’t want to be too welcoming. If I seem overly eager for this, then what would she think of me? Would she think I’m clingy again…?

“Sunset Shimmer~ Is that you?” Adagio’s seductive voice teases right as she gets close enough to the table, clearly still as confident as she ever was. I see she hasn’t changed at all. I’m glad, honestly. “I can hardly recognize you with that turtleneck sweater you have on. I thought you would be wearing something like a leather jacket.” Adagio’s joke makes both of us laugh without feeling any embarrassment due to the rather empty bakery. It’s nice to hear her joke around again~ In a way, it smooths over my nerves about this meeting.

“Says the one wearing a coat like that. Not exactly the definition of a ‘bad girl,’ you know?” Giving the siren a wink, Adagio chuckles with a slight shake of her head, pointing up to her headband.

“I still have this though. Is that ‘bad girl’ enough for you, Sunny?” Within a moment, I can feel my heart skip a beat as I hear that name again. It has been three years since I’ve heard her call me that. Since I’ve heard her voice whisper that name… Why does it bring back so many memories when she says that…? So many pleasant and perfect memories that feel like they were a lifetime ago. Even Adagio seems to realize what she said, her eyes widening with a slight blush coming to her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make things awkward within the first minute of us meeting,” Adagio whispers with a composed tone, averting her gaze from my own. A guilty look comes across her face before she sits down in the booth opposite to me.

“Don’t feel guilty. It’s only natural. You loved teasing me, so it’s to be expected that you would call me that again.” Adagio’s face seems to relax after my attempt to reassure her, nodding to herself. For a moment, I try my best to think of something to say to break the ice further, but nothing stirs in my mind. Every word I think of disappears just as quickly as it formed.

“It’s really nice to see you, Sunset. From your newly pierced ears, I can assume you’re doing well for yourself. Those earrings can’t be cheap.” Looking back up at Adagio, I can’t help but feel my cheeks flush, surprised she noticed that.

“They’re just small diamonds. I’m surprised you could recognize that so quickly,” I tell her with a smile, gently bringing my hand up to one of my earlobes. It hurt quite a bit to pierce them, but I had always been wanting to give it a try.

“How could I not notice? You didn’t have earrings when we were together. They really suit you. Are you trying to impress some partner of yours?” Once again, Adagio uses her teasing tone, gently reaching over to feel my earring, subsequently touching my earlobe. Her touch makes me feel very… weird…

“Actually, no. I don’t have a special someone in my life at the moment. I did it for myself,” I try to respond as calmly as possible, shrugging slightly. “And yeah. Now that you mention it, I am doing well for myself~ I’m a psychologist that specializes with criminal cases.” Given, it is not an easy job, but it does feel nice to have the chance to brag a little. All of my friends already know that, but her? She doesn’t know that. Or anything else that has happened these last few years. “But what about you, Adagio? What is going on with you?” I ask her in the most caring tone I can muster, hoping we can continue this conversation as long as possible before we get to business. Knowing her, she has a reason for contacting me in general. I just want to talk with her as long as possible. It’s been so long…

“Me? Oh, it’s not that interesting,” Adagio reassures me with a slight wave of her hand, chuckling to herself. “I’m just the same old lawyer you knew years ago. Can’t say it’s the best gig, but it pays well.” Before Adagio can say another word, one of the employees of the bakery walks up to the table, a notebook in his hand. He’s the same person I told that I was waiting on someone. I’m guessing he came over now that he noticed my guest is here.

“What would you two like?” he asks us with a kind yet distant tone, ready to write something down.

“Oh, we’ll both have a coffee,” Adagio tells him, ordering our drinks for us. In a moment, her eyes look back at mine, a thoughtful tone in them. “And she would like a chocolate cake if you have it.” Did she… just order that for me as well? I didn’t think she would remember that… I mean, I remember her favorite treat, but I didn’t know she would remember as much as me after these years. Am I blushing…? Dang it. Get some grip, Sunset. You need to stop being surprised by everything that happens here.

“And she would like a cherry cheesecake,” I chip in with a smile of my own, causing Adagio to raise her eyebrow. With a nod, the employee walks back towards the counter, leaving the two of us alone for a moment longer. “I didn’t think you would remember I like chocolate cake,” I whisper with my eyes looking towards the counter.

“It seems we both remember a lot.” A small chuckle escapes Adagio’s lips, leaning back in her seat. I expect to hear her say something else to accompany that statement, but Adagio waits… Even when the employee walks back with our drinks and treats, Adagio doesn’t utter a word. Did I maybe say something wrong…? “Sunset,” Adagio finally speaks up, stirring her drink with a spoon. “Do you remember what happened when I left?”

It’s hard not to… No matter how hard I try, my mind still regards that day as one of the worst in my life. Not because of some fight between the two of us. Not because of some trivial ordeal like that. It was the day I had to part ways from someone I really liked. Someone I loved. Hell, even if there’s no chance of that happening again, I still miss her. It’d be nice just to be friends with Adagio again…

“Yeah, I do,” I respond with a small nod, remembering that night with crystal clarity. Adagio had come to me that night and asked if we could talk. We had been dating for a year and a half at that point and Adagio had been offered a really good job in Las Vegas. I was still studying to be a psychologist back then, but I really didn’t want to pick up and move. God… That night was hard. We both came to the agreement that maybe our occupations didn’t fit and maybe it was for the best for us to go our separate ways. I regret that decision a lot some nights… I thought it was for the best, but honestly? I’m not so sure it was.

“When I left, I took that job I told you about. It was great. Las Vegas is great at some points. I became pretty prominent, dated a few people, etcetera.” Adagio chuckles to herself again, sipping her coffee with a small nod. “Sonata and Aria love it there. The three of us got an apartment and they got to live the big life. Honestly, you should see how drunk they get on weekends. It’s hilarious.” Adagio’s demeanor radiates a casual atmosphere, but I can tell there’s something more to this… Her soft-spoken words and averting eyes tell me she feels conflicted about all of this… “God, I wish you could have seen it. The big lights, the music… In a way, it was like a permanent vacation. You would have loved it,” Adagio tells me in a whisper, her eyes connecting with my own once again. She gently takes a bite of her cherry cheesecake, seemingly thinking of her next words. “I’m sorry for not texting you or such. In all honesty, I missed you. I’m guessing you’ve been up to your own things while little old me has been gone.”

Her eyes are as truthful as ever. She missed me too, huh…? “I missed talking to you too. I was kind of hoping this meeting was to rekindle our friendship,” I express with a slight chuckle, drinking my own coffee. For some reason, a slightly defeated look hangs on Adagio’s face. Did I… say something wrong? Did I do something…? I’ve always hated seeing her like that. Whenever she had that look in her eyes, I would always try to help her. Before I can try to say something else, the look disappears from Adagio’s face, seeing her nod to my statement. “But um… No. I haven’t really done much since you’ve left. I finished school and got a job. That’s about it though.”

“No one to date or spend time with? I figured someone would snatch you up pretty quickly,” Adagio mentions quietly, taking another bite of her cherry cheesecake. Her whole demeanor is throwing me for a loop. I can’t quite tell what she means half the time. Is she trying to flatter me? If so… what is her goal? “Do you remember when-”

“Adagio. Why are you here?” It’s pretty clear now that her goal isn’t to be friends again. As much as I love Adagio, I can’t keep playing these games. I would love to be her friend again or be in her life somehow, but it’s driving me crazy. “Why are you back in Canterlot City? There must be a reason. As much as I’d love to keep catching up and telling each other inside jokes, I need to know. Why after all this time?” Adagio’s eyes widen as she hears my words, putting her fork back down on her plate. It’s torture to not know what she wants from me. Doesn’t she know? Doesn’t she know how much I regret that night she left? Why does she want to talk if it’s not to mend our friendship…? Our relationship is long since over…

“Alright… I was wanting to talk a little more before this, but… I’ll tell you.” Adagio quietly grabs a napkin from the end of the table, wiping her mouth with a deep breath. Every second that passes by makes me wonder a bit more what is going on inside Adagio’s head. Opening her mouth slowly, Adagio’s eyes connect with mine, that same conflicted tone inside her stare. “Remember how I said my job was great? ‘Was’ is the magic word.” Another moment passes by for Adagio to take the time to think of the right words to say. My own thoughts are stuck on those last few words she told me. What does she mean by the magic word…? “As nice as Vegas is, I can only take so many cases involving drunks and one night stands before I have had it. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I left.” Widening my eyes, I can immediately understand what she means. It can get tiresome to handle similar cases over and over again…

“You left? So, what does-”

“Please. Let me finish,” Adagio interrupts me with a begging stare, showing me she’s completely serious about this. “Honestly, Sunset… I got tired of my job back in Vegas. But the biggest factor of me leaving? It was… you…” Adagio takes a deep breath and leans forward, a doubtful look on her face. “Look, I don’t care if you hate me for saying this, but I’ve always sort of regretted leaving you here. I missed talking with you. I missed those late nights where we would talk or watch movies together. I missed your jokes and…” A singular tear falls down Adagio’s cheek, her stuttering lips showing that she’s not quite sure what to say. “I missed you. I left because it was a good opportunity, but mostly? I was afraid. I was afraid of how much I cared about you back then. Leaving you here? That is my biggest regret, Sunset. Not the Battle of the Bands or my past sins. That was my biggest sin…” Tears fall down her face, but her voice doesn’t break for a second. Everything she’s said… She missed me…? She regrets that night too. Just as much as I do…

“What are you saying exactly, Adagio?” I barely ask, finding it hard to speak. My heart beats faster, the hope that maybe she’s here for something more than what I was expecting still looming in my mind. Our treats have long since been touched… I can’t find the strength to do anything but desperately listen. If she regrets that night too, then maybe…

“I love you, Sunset… You’re the best person I’ve ever known and no matter how hard I tried to enjoy my life in Vegas, I couldn’t stop regretting that night.” Gently reaching over and grabbing my hand, Adagio tries to give me the best smile she can, despite the doubt in her expression. “I have always loved you… That’s why I wanted to see you again. Just to… talk again. Even if it’s for the last time.” Every word she says gets stuck in my mind… Everything. Regret, doubt, insecurities… They’re all piling up at the same time, but… I love her too. I’ve only ever wanted the best for her, so that’s why I agreed that night.

“I don’t want it to be the last time,” I whisper in response, trying to find the right words. Everything gets caught in my throat so easily… “I love you too, Adagio… I regret that night more than you could ever know. I never wanted to let you go.” Adagio’s eyes widen and her cheeks blush within a moment after my words leave my mouth, showing me the same cute face I remember from years ago… She’s not the only one who missed their ex.

“That’s the real reason I’m here, Sunset…” Holding my hand a little tighter, Adagio wipes the tears away from her face as gently as she can. “I… really want to start over. Have a chance to not be so stupid this time over.” Her eyes look into my own hopefully, my own heart beating faster.

“As good as that sounds, we can’t start over, Adagio…” Her smile disappears just as easily as it appeared. My words break her hope within a second… A dejected nod comes from the siren, looking down at the table for a moment. Pressing my hand against her cheek, her eyes connect with mine again. Giving her my best smile, I rub my thumb across her cheek before pressing my lips against her own. “We can’t take back the past. But we can pick up where we left off~”

Comments ( 9 )

Congratulations on beating the contest deadline by about one hour, ha! :twilightsmile:

Thanks a lot! I tried to write it as well as I can in a quick time period since I haven't had a lot of time. I would have written this on my trip to Japan, but it was more difficult to get wifi than I thought~ :twilightsmile:

That was three years ago. To think it has been three years since Adagio and I have talked. Yeah, we’ve always had our ups and downs, but I sort of thought we would remain friends after our break up. Maybe it is just too hard for me to admit it was difficult for both of us. I know I certainly had the worst luck actually finding the right words when it came to talking to her. But now I have a chance to rectify that mistake. Maybe she and I can actually repair our previous friendship? It’s not too hard to imagine, right? Why else would she want to talk? It’s probably just my optimism, but it would be really nice to be friends with her again… I certainly have missed our conversations.

Even if they broke up, hopefully they can fix their friendship. :fluttershysad:

“Actually, no. I don’t have a special someone in my life at the moment. I did it for myself,” I try to respond as calmly as possible, shrugging slightly. “And yeah. Now that you mention it, I am doing well for myself~ I’m a psychologist that specializes with criminal cases.” Given, it is not an easy job, but it does feel nice to have the chance to brag a little. All of my friends already know that, but her? She doesn’t know that. Or anything else that has happened these last few years. “But what about you, Adagio? What is going on with you?” I ask her in the most caring tone I can muster, hoping we can continue this conversation as long as possible before we get to business. Knowing her, she has a reason for contacting me in general. I just want to talk with her as long as possible. It’s been so long…

Huh, not surprised she'd have a job like that. :ajsmug:

“Alright… I was wanting to talk a little more before this, but… I’ll tell you.” Adagio quietly grabs a napkin from the end of the table, wiping her mouth with a deep breath. Every second that passes by makes me wonder a bit more what is going on inside Adagio’s head. Opening her mouth slowly, Adagio’s eyes connect with mine, that same conflicted tone inside her stare. “Remember how I said my job was great? ‘Was’ is the magic word.” Another moment passes by for Adagio to take the time to think of the right words to say. My own thoughts are stuck on those last few words she told me. What does she mean by the magic word…? “As nice as Vegas is, I can only take so many cases involving drunks and one night stands before I have had it. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I left.” Widening my eyes, I can immediately understand what she means. It can get tiresome to handle similar cases over and over again…

Ngl, I don't blame her decision. Las Vegas is great place to visit but imo I don't think it's the best place to live. I remember going to Los Vegas in spring 2016, and most of my visit I enjoyed and not enjoyed. The thing I hated the most was the amount of smokers which I hate a lot. :fluttershbad:

“As good as that sounds, we can’t start over, Adagio…” Her smile disappears just as easily as it appeared. My words break her hope within a second… A dejected nod comes from the siren, looking down at the table for a moment. Pressing my hand against her cheek, her eyes connect with mine again. Giving her my best smile, I rub my thumb across her cheek before pressing my lips against her own. “We can’t take back the past. But we can pick up where we left off~”

Damn, for a second there I thought it was gonna end with Sunset not wanting to start over with Adagio. But the kiss, I did not see that one coming! :pinkiegasp:

Write on bamboo paper, using Japanese calligraphy brush. :twilightsmile:

Honestly, a lot of people have questioned my decision to make Sunset a psychologist in my stories, so it's nice to hear someone agree with me~ And yeah, Las Vegas doesn't seem like it would be a fun place to actually live in, but this could be just because of my small town nature. :twilightsheepish: I tend to prefer more quiet towns and such.

Also, that twist ending was intended~ :raritywink: As one of my friends said, you can't erase the past, but you can try to live in spite of it.

Thank you very much! :twilightsmile:

True, you can't change the past but you can change the future.

There’s something wonky with my notifications, I’m following you but half the time it never shows me that you’ve put out a new story.

XD That is so weird! But I'm glad you have notifications turned on for me in general~ If you want, I could message you when I upload something new? :twilightsmile:

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