• Published 22nd Apr 2023
  • 628 Views, 35 Comments

Marks of the Moon - Moonatik

The CMC ask an assortment of strange ponies in Nightmare Moon's castle how they got their cutie marks.

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9 - The Obscenely Self-Indulgent Bonus Epilogue

Author's Note:

Content warnings for this chapter: exactly what you expect if you know me at all. and profantity

17:14 - 6/04/1008 - Castle Observatory Complex, Everfree Forest

At last, Grim finally had it! Free to study it, free to dive into its secrets, the Miriclarium was hers!

While she was usually kept at Special Research Site C, an underground complex deep in the mountains of Rockshire, for the time being she’d been moved to the research facilities of the Lunar Castle itself to provide special consultation on necromantic research. At her usual facility she was closely observed at all times and kept to a tight schedule, but whoever ran this site held her on a drastically looser leash and even gave her a personal lab to study dark magic in her free time.

As she trotted through the halls, she struggled to stop herself from flicking through the book and skimming the aged pages. She'd have all the time and space she could ever want to uncover the mysterious tome's dark secrets in her lab. Before long, she was there, the steel doors of Chamber 93E. Her lab.

Ignoring the occupied sign, Grim put her key gem up to the light panel on the wall. The door hissed open, permitting Grim to enter the lab before her.

“Hey! Occupied! Can’t you see the sign?”

Two ponies at the centre of the immaculate white lab, her lab! The engineer Pocarona, tinkering with a headset consisting of headphones and a wide pink visor, and his personal guinea pig Moonatik, slouched in an orthodontic chair.

“Wuh?” Grim stammered. “But, but this is my lab!”

She'd crossed paths with these two jokers before, and she couldn’t recall a single positive experience she had with them. Pocarona carried a rancid stench wherever he went, Moonatik acted like he knew everything about the world, and both randomly alternated between being a lazy bastard or a hyperactive maniac. Poca’s speciality was in developing mind control technology, but why he constantly chose Moonatik as his test subject baffled Grim. Testing a mind control headset on Moonatik was like using jet engines to get a bicycle moving.

“You weren’t here when we found it,” Poca dismissed. “Plus, it's perfect for what we need. Got a nice big chair, got all these tools, got all the bits.”

None of the things Poca listed was there when Grim was last at the lab. She briefly wondered how they got that heavy chair in there in such a short space of time, before anger and frustration reasserted themselves as her dominant emotions. “I was promised my own bloody lab! This lab!”

“Tuff, fi’ anudder one,” Poca muttered, his words muffled by the screwdriver in his mouth.

Grim growled as she sucked a breath through her nostrils, then immediately wretched and staggered back as Poca’s foul hempy whiff assaulted her. “Agh!” she groaned. “Great, you’re stinking it out too!”

We’re stinking it out?” Poca laughed, putting the screwdriver aside. “Girl, your mane has more grease than a deep fryer. When was the last time you gave it a wash?"

“Says you!” Grim scoffed, casting an anosmia spell on herself. “Your hair looks like a mangled rat corpse!”

"Woah woah, watch out, I think she's going to try and resurrect my mane!" Pocarona mocked, sharing a chuckle with Moonatik.

"Necromancy is a science!" Grim roared, stomping a hoof into the floor and slamming the Miriclarium onto the nearest surface. "Show some bloody respect!"

“Hey, wait, maybe you should be the test subject,” Moonatik said, gesturing towards Grim. “Once the hypnosis kicks in we can force you to take a shower!”

Poca and Moonatik shared a laugh at Grim’s expense, the pair of them pointing their hooves at her and exaggerating their laughs just to rub it in. Grim had been barely keeping a hold on her anger, and that pushed her over the edge.

“That’s it!” Grim shouted, great light igniting in her horn as she stormed to the chair. “Either you’re getting out now or I’m making you get out!”

The laughs stopped. Moonatik and Pocarona shared a quiet look. Poca smirked deviously, and fiddled with something on the work surface as he turned to face Grim. “That’s an empty threat if I’ve ever heard one,” Poca said, slowly walking over to Grim. Yet Moonatik spotted that Poca had stashed a spare headset under his wing. Opting not to intervene, Moonatik sat back and observed quietly.

“You think?” Grim gritted her teeth.

“A pony with your record? Assaulting two Institute employees?” Poca chuckled, rolling his eyes. “There’s ponies who want your neck and if you slip up, they’ll have just the excuse they need to get rid of you,” Poca stopped beside Grim, eyeing her carefully. “Either way, not like you can do anything like that if you’re- Hyah!”

In a motion so quick Grim couldn’t have possibly reacted Poca slammed the hidden headset onto her head.

“Aagh!” she wailed, both surprised and enraged by Poca’s move, but far too distracted to give a seething threat.

The device lit up with life, instantly beginning to overwhelm her with a dizzying barrage of hypnotic sounds and lights. Her mind desperately commanded her to resist, to hold on to her reason and will. Her panic steadily rose with the mental sedative drilling its way in. She growled and groaned as she batted at the device trying to find a way to remove it.

“Ngaah! Get this sodding thing out of my head!”

She continued to strain, but her efforts lessened. Thoughts of autonomy, thoughts of resistance, thoughts of any kind at all slipped further and further away. She moved even less, only little bits of magic fizzling into her horn now. Each pulse the device delivered didn’t fill her with fear anymore, but rather, passivity.

Before its effects finished settling in, the final vestiges of her conscious mind acted. Grim’s instincts as a mage seized those last free corners and forced the magic from her horn to discharge a bolt of magic - right in the direction of Poca. Watching the blast leave her horn, her mind went entirely blank, her sense of feeling, of literal self, collapsing.

Unknowing of what was happening, too busy being deep in a fit of maniacal laughter, Poca was struck by the bolt with ease. The magic seeped into him, visually flowing up his chest. He’d jumped as his laughs quickly devolved into incoherent mumbles. Seemingly fighting an internal battle, he staggered backwards, looking like he’d nearly fall over himself at any moment. A brief struggle seemed to form on the stallion’s face before he was soon rendered in a similar state as Grim.

Seconds later both ponies had fallen silent. Their bodies went completely still, their eyes froze in a blank stare, glazed over and empty of emotion, while their mouths lazily hung open, strands of drool falling down their chins.

Tentatively, Moonatik got out of the chair, having been quietly watching the situation unfold before him. “You guys alright?” he asked as he walked up to the two entranced equines. “Poca? Grim? Can you hear me?”

“Yes, Moonatik,” they said in unison, their expressions unchanged.

“Ooh shit, nice, nice,” Moonatik smiled, looking between the two. “Wait wait, if she cast a spell on him that made him obey her and he put the headset on her to make her obey him, then it goes around in a loop where you’re controlling each other but neither of you is actually in command, right? So you're both just in a trance awaiting orders from the first pony to assert themselves… correct?”

“Yes, Moonatik,” they blankly confirmed.

“Ooh, nice, nice!” Moonatik's wings went stiff on their ends. “Fuck, I should be writing this down,” he said through teeth he didn't know he'd clenched. “Though, maybe I could indulge a wee bit…” he pondered. Suddenly, confidence surged within him and he puffed his chest out. “Alright, you two, I'm in charge, and from now on you're gonna address me as 'Your Prettiness'!”

“Yes, Your Prettiness.”

“Haha, yes! Yes! Aight, first, you should… Uh, go take a shower,” Moonatik said. A moment later, before either of the two could react, his eyes lit up with excitement. “Oooh, you should do it together! And get to know each other while you do it! Like, like intimately! While I wa-” he stopped himself, slamming his mouth closed. “This is getting way too self-indulgent I'm shutting it down.”

Comments ( 16 )

Would you say that the Lunar Empire is more Supremicest/Fascist or Non-aligned? Most creatures here aren't fanatically loyal to the government, and as long as they don't try to undermine or fight against the reigning monarch, creatures are free to live their lives as they please.

If we're using the EaW ideology groups it'd probably be Supremacist, but fundamentally I don't think these ideological distinctions matter if the end result is the same.

Alright. By the way, does AJ ever get out of prison?

Okay, so Grim Fate never was supposed to be actually absolved of her crimes, but still it's dark shit happening. If this mind Control device is so effective, why they didn't put it on her in more safe controled way? Still dark, vile shit. Also I should have predict, that Neighsay didn't died so simply, stupid me.

Also Lunar Empire is apparently proping Aquileian Revolution, I'am curious why? As a way for defragmentating of Griffonian realm?


If this mind Control device is so effective, why they didn't put it on her in more safe controled way?

Poca was just trolling, this is the consequence of giving immature lunatics too much power. They don't mind control Grim permanently because the methods currently available are too expensive upkeep-wise and prevent her from using the high amounts of mental energy required for her sort of magic.

Also Lunar Empire is apparently proping Aquileian Revolution, I'am curious why? As a way for defragmentating of Griffonian realm?

The Kingdom of Aquileia was very much an enemy of the Lunar Empire, propping up the rump Celestial Loyalist state in Puerto Caballo and preventing them from projecting power in South Griffonia and the islands between Equestria and Zebrica. By giving support to the Republican movement and by aiding its revolution (which in this timeline is really more of a coup by the MPA republicans with support from the masses and other republicans), they turn an enemy into an ally.

Ok, I understood with Aquileia, but what is stance of Lunar Empire on conflict between Kemerskai's Republicans and Herzlandish remnant of Empire? Who is preferable here, or maybe no one of them is and best would be if both would destroy themselves to hell? Also what is happening in Hippogriffia right now, as they probably fell much more endangered right now, with ascending, expansionist empire near?

With the Lunar Empire aligning with Aquileia they're necessarily aligned against the Archon-ruled Griffenheim. Kemerskai's lot are seen as too weak to bother with committing to, but some support is sent to slow the Archonate down. Meanwhile in Hippogriffia Crack Lightning is about to do a Japan reference and bombs Chiropterra defying the wishes of the civilian Arisian government, then completing his coup by forcing Novo to retroactively approve measures turning Aris into a fascist dictatorship.

Thank you for answer, Moonatik. It is interesting. :twilightsmile:

I would love to read a story about this one day. What happens to Aris after this happens? Will Chiropterra and the Empire invade and take over/install a puppet regime?

Another story coming down the pipeline?

In your AU, which countries would have the highest quality of life and best outlook for the average creature? As in, they stay out of all wars, don't have a dictatorship government, and lack slavery.

The most consistently peaceful and prosperous might end up being the River Republic. I haven't quite settled on what I want to happen in that part of the world yet though.

For an outcome best suited for the darkness of this world and most in the Empire's favour, I would probably suggest the Lake City Coup succeeding, and the Nimbusia purists winning out, Queen Whitestar dies in the duel, Hellquill and Longsword invade from the west, and Caramal Haze takes over the River Republic, getting into skirmishes and keeping the lands divided and too weak to pose a threat.

There is no way I could ever see River Swirl ever accepting the Empire's legitimacy, as her mind was corrupted by her time at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and having Twilight as a former friend means she probably would want to honour Twilight's desire to restore harmony. She's too dangerous to be kept in power, especially if she forms the federation in 1012. Harmonists like her and Water Lilly either need to be assassinated, voted out, or tricked into fighting each other to prevent them from threatening the Empire. Who knows, maybe a story with Carte Blanche could involve his efforts to meddle in the 1007 elections, in order to put Nova Whirl or Caramel Haze in power with the condition of recognizing the Lunar Empire, and staying out of foreign conflicts?

If the River Federation is formed, it would be a harmonic superpower with a large combined military might become a rival to the empire, possibly even harbouring refugees who fled from the former countries in the Empire's sphere of influence, like America did for German and Itallian scientists and intellectuals. I could imagine this being a total nightmare (pun intended) for Nightmare Moon. This could result in a cold war, like the US and the Soviet Union (or the US, Germany, and Japan in TNO), fighting proxy-wars, launching coups, and playing diplomatic games to win over the support of minor nations. Neither side would be able to overpower the other militarily, and when both have ICBMs, it's likely a nuclear exchange would destroy everything.

Under normal conditions, the Federation has a larger population, GDP, and ponypower pool, and a closer position to other nations, like Farbrook, the Firtree Villages, the Gryphian Host, Greneclyff, the Kasa Free State/Kása-Hreindýraland Confederation, Free Towns of Gryphus (Who can all join the Federation), and close proximity to the Empire's vassals and states. This massively boosts internal and external trade and cooperation once everything's settled down, and Grover VI can even go harmonist, leading to the majority of the continent allied against the Empire, in addition to Mount Aris down south.

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