• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.

Comments ( 30 )

"Eso... eso es... ¡No estoy vendiendo mi cuerpo! ¡Esto es solo prostitución con pasos adicionales! ¡Si quisiera hacer eso, me iría a un callejón en Cloudsdale!" Rainbow gritó indignada. "¿¡Quién incluso usa este 'servicio' tuyo!?"


Ok, pretty well set, it does fit within the character of Rainbow Dash in my opinion, loved your work and hope for more soon!

Hmm who does “clean up” between customers?

Prereading, editing, and cover art provided free of charge by Rimmer because they're a sucker.

only 4 u :rainbowkiss:

If this story doesn't end with Rainbow getting rutted twelve ways to Sunday while in the middle of her test, I will be very disappointed


Dr. Q?

That certainly brings back memories...

Interesting premise, eager to read more!

Am I the only who thinks Doctor Q might have been Rainbow's first customer?

I can't help but think Fluttershy is also a member of the emporium. It would make sense, given the fact she's always shy and often looks surprised (as if she's just received a client).

I wonder if Rainbow will make any recommendations to her friends. What would be hilarious is if she somehow caught Zephyr Breeze using her. Lol

This is delightfully absurd, highlighted by the fact that RD's core personality as a character remains recognizable in an otherwise unusual situation. I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Should have her need to get multiple of them to be able to afford it.

Moar pleaae! When is the next chapter coming so i know when to look forward to it.

Are you ever gonna continue this fic?

It's hot as hell, and there just isn't a lot of material out there on this very niche kink.

'Tis the plan. Next chapter is about 80% done, I've just been focusing on some SFW projects recently (and a new NSFW one). Hoping to have it out by the end of June.

I hate to be that guy but, you have created a very good fic. Sooo, end of june?

Hahaha, yeah, life happened. Good news tho - chapter 2 got way longer than I intended. Like, over 10K. So I've split it in 2 and the first half is off to my editor. Should be out in a few days :)

Ah yes, Pinkie's existential senses. She watches you reading ya know. I appreciate that RD's personality as a character remains recognizable in an otherwise unusual situation. (Also I hope her constant denial becomes a running gag)

assuming I don't get hit by a bus."

Oh no, you jinxed it:applecry:

Hey, this one finally got an update! I was worried it'd be yet another fun premise that never sees action.

I found some errornesses:

Rainbow finally gave up and rolled onto her back, holding the metal plate in position with her hoof while her singwing reached down and flipped the switch.

A quick flight to sSugarcube cCorner, she'd pick up some food to go, and a quick flight back.

Her dream of flying with the Wonderbolts was finally in reach, and she'd do almost anything to make that a reality. Even if it meant suffering the shame of being used by unknown stallions.

^ Not sure aboot this one—lemme know if your intention was different than my interpretation. Also, the second sentence is a "sentence fragment" and should be merged with the first.

It’d be like if I left home without my party cannon - I’m not really all there

In the darkness she focused on the pulsing need radiating from her pussy,

Rainbow might not have cum, but I did 3 times reading through this 🤤

Thanks for the corrections, all fixed now.

I find the lack of non-euclidian porn on this website disappointing, so I'm hoping to explore this premise quite a bit (at least 6 more chapters are planned after the part 2 to this one, and honestly some of those will probably turn into multi-parters). Unfortunately, I have several projects on-the-go and I'm not the fastest clop writer out there, so it'll take some time.

Haha, that's quite hilarious story. Can't wait to see next chapters! Pleasure to read :)

Yes, such a cool story. Porn comedy, what could be better!

You might want to double check the chapter title. You spelled 'on' as 'one'

Blegh, of course I missed something like that. Fixed now, thanks.

Yo, when you gonna update? It's been months!

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