• Published 3rd Apr 2023
  • 2,398 Views, 191 Comments

A Change in Darkness - David Silver

Bat ponies were a convenient hiding place. Few knew of their true nature, if they even really existed, so he could pretend to be one and get few hard questions. A pity one princess knew more than most, and would not be casually brushed aside.

  • ...

26 - Gathering Help

Skyline tossed and turned in his bed, sleep evading him as his brain scrambled to process what he had learned earlier that day. He was going to be a mother, again. This time, it was intentional. This time, he was ready. He squirmed happily under his covers.

In fact, he was so caught up in those thoughts that he failed to notice the bedroom door creak open, the little forms of Sure Arrow and Night Wind slinking inside. He only knew when they landed on him silently, forcing the sleep from him instantly. What resulted was a moment of wrestling with them, a surprised squeak turning into laughter as he hugged his children tightly. "Little demons! Why did you wake me up?"

Sure Arrow and Night Wind stared up at their parent with innocent little stares. "We wanted to stay with you." They flopped on him in unison. "We're growing up now."

Night Wind reached over to press against the side of his father. "It's happening fast, dad." He hugged him tighter. "Are we getting old?"

Skyline wrapped a wing over both of them. "Old? No, I can't use that word on either of you yet." He smooched the top of each of their heads. "You're not even adults! You're headed for the starting line, don't be thinking about the finish one just yet." He sat up, tail curling. "But, since you're both here, maybe we should talk."

Sure Arrow squirmed a little. "About what? I was just following Night Wind, and." She covered her mouth and turned away.

Skyline gave Night Wind a look, then Sure. "Right, just following." He snickered gently, but let that one drop. "The princess, Luna, she wants more, um. I may have to visit my old home, get some help, or try to. That will take me away from—"

They both looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Just come back?" Sure Arrow clung to him. "We don't want to be alone, especially not now. You're both. It's fine to go, but we won't stop missing you."

Night Wind nodded along. "We'll miss you if you're gone longer. Just bring the new foal when they get here, alright?"

Skyline's ears pricked up. "How did you know there's a new foal planned?"

Night Wind smiled ever so smugly. "You're a mom."

Sure Arrow nudged against him. "And a dad, and good at both. Of course there's gonna be another foal. Will it be a sister or a brother?"

Skyline smiled at his children. "I love you too so much, but I don't know. They don't exist yet outside an idea. Did you know a father decides, usually, but the way I do it, there is no real father, so, to be honest, I really don't know." He touched his nose to either of there cheeks. "I'm glad you two came as you are, proved either could happen."

They nodded up at their parent. "Alright," said Sure Arrow. "Go if you need to. We'll be good kids."

"But it's still the night," said Night Wind. He pointed out into the darkness. "So, um." He fidgeted in place. "I want to go with you, but Sure Arrow's a better pick. She's faster and stronger. Take her, um, please."

Sure Arrow colored at her brother's praise, even if she didn't argue it. "That wasn't my idea, I promise! But, uh, please? It'll be my first official mission!"

Skyline smiled warmly at the two. "My first official mission was to infiltrate and learn a group of ponies to manipulate them into giving us information. It was a difficult and important task, and I'm proud that you're already outdoing me." He touched her face gently with a hoof.

He drew a heavy breath, the urge to keep her in the safest place warring with wanting to promote her growth. "You'll need to follow each and everything I say until we get back. I am more than your father if you come with me. I'll be your commander, and a soldier always obeys their commander. Do you understand?"

Sure Arrow straightened up immediately. "Yes, sir." She looked every bit a soldier ready to dive into their first dangerous assignment, all pride and excitement.

"That's a good filly." He ruffled the top of her head, then looked to Night Wind. "You're getting an order too, young colt. While I'm away, the ponies at the barracks will be filling in for me. If you need anything at all, you go to them. If they can't do it, you march right up to Luna and ask her. Do not feel bad for asking, they all already promised to see to you."

He kissed the tip of Night Wind's nose. "Be safe and smart. Stay where they tell you to stay. But I'll be home soon."

He stood, stretching his limbs with a series of soft pops. He spread his bat wings wide, stretching them in turn. "I thought I was going to get some rest, but we have a mission to do."

"I'm ready!" Sure Arrow jumped up, spreading her own wings to mimic her father's posture. She seemed eager to jump into the task with all the excitement her small bat foal body could hold.

Skyline moved to the window and pushed it open with his hooves. "Close this behind us." Without further preamble, he launched into the night sky, Sure Arrow after him a moment later. The pair flew off into the cold night air, off to the hive that was Skyline's original home.

It was far, as distance tended to be for ponies, but the trip was well-known to him.

Back Home, Night Wind drew the window shut with his wings and latched it with a bite and twist of his head. "Good luck." He swallowed thickly, already feeling powerfully alone in that moment. "Come back quickly." He turned to his empty nest and snuggled into it. He didn't fall asleep for a long time.

The next morning, Skyline stood on the edge of his old homeland, the other changelings already watching him. With a rush of flames, he took on his changeling form. It was no longer his default, relaxing only made him a bat pony, but he could become a changeling if he tried. "Skyline, returning."

The perimeter guard peered at Skyline, then to Sure Arrow, hiding behind him. "You brought a snack for us?"

Skyline stepped to put himself in the way of the view of Sure. "She is with me," he growled out, full of menace. "I bring news. I need to meet with at least ten other drones, now."

"That's a lot of drones," said the guard.

"Why can't you talk to just one?" asked a second.

"I need the numbers for approval of the Queen," hissed Skyline, lifting his chin.

The changelings shared a confused look. The first one shrugged. "If you're wrong, Chrysalis will be so mad at you."

The second snorted. "Wouldn't want to be in your horseshoes." He headed into the depths of the hive, passing along the message.

A swarm of other changelings poured out of the hole, chittering with curiosity at the odd visitor.

Sure Arrow grabbed onto her father's leg. He drew her forward despite her fear. "Behold, a new kind of pony."

The drones collectively stared with wide eyes, amazed at the sight. One raised a hoof. "What do we do with them?

Skyline spread their changeling wings, thin and insectoid. "You follow me."

The drones were used to following orders. Skyline sounded like they knew what they were speaking of, so if they commanded, they should follow that changeling.

As they flew away, Sure Arrow dipped in closer. "Dad, how do I help?"

"By being quiet right now, but you, little dear, will be what they look at to know what it is we want them to make more of. You're looking at your uncles and aunts, once they get going."

A flurry of wings, the sound of buzzing in the air as the changelings darted back and forth, gathering around Sure Arrow and Skyline.

"You dare bring a pony into our midst," shouted a guard, charging headlong towards them. "What trickery is this?"

Skyline steeled himself, wings fanning out to shield his daughter. "There's no deception. I'm here to take advantage of easy love. The ponies are ready to surrender it, buckets of it." He hissed gently. "For the queen."

The guard stopped, hovering in front of Skyline. "Easy love?" They glanced to Sure Arrow with a frown. "Explain yourself. Who is this creature?"

Skyline spread his wings, the color shifting to the same hues as Sure Arrow. "She is the key to that easy love. All I need are a few drones." He waved a hoof at the ones that had followed him. "I will return fattened with love for the hive."

The guard seemed skeptical. "I suppose I could spare a few, if the queen approves. But, you'll have to prove the bounty you seek."

Skyline tensed. He had been hoping to avoid seeing, let alone speaking, to the queen. "Time is of the essence. If we miss this chance, will you be the one to explain our failure to the queen?"

The guard shuddered in place, backing up from Skyline and his child. "N-no." They lowered their head. "Forgive me. I will accompany you."

Skyline kept himself in the way of Sure Arrow. "I thank you." With that, he began to guide the little troupe to Canterlot.

His jaw was tense the entire time. He had planned to return with just drones. Having a guard there complicated things. His mind whirred busily with thoughts of how to adjust his plans for that, or how to get the guard to play along with things.

"You need to change," suddenly piped up Sure Arrow. "Ponies will freak out if they see a bunch of changelings flying in at them."

The drones looked to Skyline and the guard for directions.

Skyline changed, erupting into flames as he relaxed into his new natural form. "Like this. Like her." He pointed over at Sure Arrow. "Be bat ponies, all of you."

The drones changed quickly, eager to adapt. They took on the appearance of bat ponies, mimicking Skyline and Sure Arrow with uncanny precision.

Skyline smiled gently at them. "Yes, just like that." He looked to the guard. "You too. You wanted to come with us, don't blow our cover."

The guard went through the change, settling into a bat pony form as well. "Huh." They curled their wings. "I have heard of your kind, bat ponies, but I've never actually met one." He couldn't know that they were, until recently, just a lie.

All changed, Skyline led them towards the castle, swooping in to zoom over the city of Canterlot whizzing past beneath them. He breathed the fresh air and enjoyed the sensation of flight as they moved past the last obstacle between them and their prize.

Skyline slowed to a hover, touching down gently on the balcony. Sure Arrow joined him. He nodded at her as he panted, trying to catch his breath. He turned to face his assembled squad. "Here is how this will work. We've tricked the ponies. I tricked the ponies. If we keep these forms, they will love us. They will love us fiercely. We don't even need a pod. You'll grow fat with the love." He inhaled slowly. He knew what he was signing them up for, but couldn't warn them without giving it away. "You." He looked to the guard. "We have arrived safely. Why are you here?"

The guard looked at the group with a sour expression. "The queen demands constant reports of you, Skyline. I am here to watch you, ensure you don't fail in some manner."

Skyline exhaled a long breath, considering how to get the guard to leave without making a mess.

Sure Arrow advanced, looking over each changeling-bat in turn. "Good. Good. Good, alright. Good." She stopped at the guard. "Awful."

The guard jumped at that. "What?!"

Sure Arrow prodded them firmly in the chest. "You are awful. You suck at this. I know what a changeling looks like, and you look like you want to eat me, and you shouldn't." She flicked them in the nose.

The guard let out a sneeze, and, with the reflex, the changeling form broke down, leaving the guard in his natural state.

Skyline stepped to his daughter, pressing his hoof against her nose. "Sure Arrow. Enough. What did we say? Obey orders." He was scowling, but there was a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Guard, you have one duty, to guard. You have kept us safe on the journey. Thank you. Return home. Leave infiltrating to infiltrators."

Sure Arrow crossed her forelegs. "He sucks. I can smell his hunger from here." She glared at the guard.

The guard rose, grumbling at her. "You are but a child." With his cunning retort fired, he darted off into the night sky, leaving them to their work.

Author's Note:

Did someone order some reinforcements? They have arrived. Sure Arrow was a helpful little fresh cadet. She's a natural!

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