• Published 3rd Apr 2023
  • 2,398 Views, 191 Comments

A Change in Darkness - David Silver

Bat ponies were a convenient hiding place. Few knew of their true nature, if they even really existed, so he could pretend to be one and get few hard questions. A pity one princess knew more than most, and would not be casually brushed aside.

  • ...

27 - Bats Reporting In

Skyline led the changelings inside. "Get comfortable in those disguises. This is a long-term infiltration, with big rewards." The 'lings behind him murmured with excitement, following eagerly along.

Skyline pressed into the room. "Princess Luna."

She glanced at Skyline with a little smile, a wing held up. "Ah, Skyline. I have been expecting you." She nodded to the changelings behind him. "And with—" She trailed a moment. "Where did you find so many bats?"

"I have my ways." Skyline spread his wings to encompass his recruits. "They are ready to be fed, but they don't know what comes next. I figure they should hear that from you, ma'am."

A few of the changelings shared glances, confusion growing. "Sir? Why are you telling her about our feeding?"

Sure Arrow charged at them suddenly, grabbing one with a fierce hug. "Because you'll be taking that love for your own little ones." She squeezed them tighter. "Duh!"

Skyline coughed. "Sure Arrow, please. We discussed this." He cleared his throat, turning back to Luna. "With the new task you have given me, I'm sure you understand why I bring so many."

Luna rose to her full height. "I do." She turned towards the band of new changelings in batpony form. "You must all be a little confused, but you are here to be fed. Cooperate and we will bring you to overflowing with love. How does that sound? We ask for your willing cooperation, and will give it in return."

The drones milled about. It was tempting, but a couple wanted to ask questions. They all were content to mumble among themselves. "Will we get some right now?"

Luna smiled gently at them. "Your travel must have taken some effort, that is the least I can offer." She extended her wings forward, brushing the drone that had asked. "Bearer of future batponies, I care for you, and would know you better." She brushed those gentle feathers over them, gazing into their eyes. "Will you accept us?"

The drone trembled, feeling the genuine emotions there, and the delicious love that came with them. "Y-yes!" They moved in closer to Luna, bathing in her love.

Luna hummed softly as the changeling took in her emotions, the pair standing still for a few long moments. "Good. We ask for one thing." She raised up a hoof. "But it is no small thing. If I understand Skyline, you will be brood changelings for a time. You will take our love, and hold it, and grow full, so full that it must go somewhere. You will use that love to fashion an egg." She moved one wing away, finding Sure Arrow. "You will make more like her. She is but one of two of a kind. We would see that fixed, and you are the cure. Do this, and the love will only grow."

The drones looked among themselves, eyes alight with excitement. The others went up to Luna, seeking a taste of the promise she was making.

She giggled softly at them. "So hungry." But she could only feed one at a time, spending a few quiet moments of adoration with each to slake their immediate hunger. She could feel a drain, a lethargy that came with being the actual direct meal of a changeling, especially so few at a time. "In the future, you will be fed passively, but by many. Do not pounce on a pony, or this offer will end."

The changelings chirped in unison, lowering their heads in submission to her wishes. "Thank you!"

"You are welcome," replied Luna, speaking slowly. "We hope this arrangement will satisfy you and us both."

Skyline ruffled his wings with a smile. "And now you know how we will grow fat with love. I'm happy you're all here, and ready. If you have any questions, about how this works, or what lays ahead, my door remains open. Oh, one other little thing." He held up two hooves close together. "We can't just laze around, it'd be too suspicious. During the evening, you will work with the night guard. They will also feed you as they grow to love you and the work you do."

The drones bobbed their heads. "Of course. We will integrate."

Skyline spread his wings slowly. "They'll help you get your assignments, which may vary." He chuckled. "They're bats. All kinds of bats." That brought something to mind. "When you focus on your eggs, they should be different bats too, just like the night guards you'll meet. Don't worry about that right now. That comes when you start to feel full of love."

The drones trembled at the idea of getting so much love they'd ever feel 'full'.

Skyline pulled his daughter in close, hugging her tightly. "And there will be a day where you have children, like me." He put a hoof over his belly. "I can't tell you how it feels, seeing your first egg. But we'll get to that. Have any of you done brood duty before?" Two hooves raised. "Then you have an idea what it's like. Ask them if I'm not there to ask."

One drone waved Skyline closer. "Should we be talking about this in front of her?" They looked at Luna nervously. "She's the prey."

Skyline snorted softly. "Willing prey. She knows. They all know. They want you to make those eggs, so they will gladly give their love. That you are changelings will be known to everypony in this castle, and they won't stop you from being here." He sat back. "It's that easy."

Luna cleared her throat. "Please, do not call us prey. We are friends, if you wish it. Or family, even." She smiled brightly at the drones. "You will fit in nicely. Now, since you are going to be working for the guard, you will sleep in the barracks. Skyline, kindly show them the way, and introduce them to the others."

"Ma'am!" Skyline saluted sharply with a wing as he headed for the door. "With me!" He spread his wings and fluttered out into the hallway, tail twitching back and forth. The changelings fell into place behind him as he flew them down the hallways to the barracks.

Skyline touched down just outside the large door that led to the dormitories for the night. Sure Arrow landed in front of him. "Told you I'd help."

Skyline gently nuzzled his daughter. "And you did. I'm very proud. Now, let's get these new recruits into their bunks."

With firm calls, he got them filing into the barracks, following them in. "I'm back." He could see some of the night guard were there, and looking a bit confused at all the new batponies around them. "New recruits. They're like me, changelings. Show them some love, but don't let them slack. They'll become moms, like me. This is Luna's order, straight from the top. We want more bats, this is how we get more bats."

The ponies all stared for a moment, then slowly came out of their beds to meet the new additions to their group. They cautiously poked and prodded at the new comers, and some even tried hugging them. The drones gave little batty squeaks at the embraces, but, ultimately, seemed to relax. If their prey wanted them around, who were they to complain?

One changeling drifted away from the others, heading for Skyline. "Sir, what do you expect of us? Do we really just hang around with these ponies until we're too full of love to hold anymore?"

Skyline touched his snout to the drone's. "Yes. That is all you need to do. Your infiltration is night guard, so follow the orders they give you. You'll train with them, and eventually fly missions with them. Work well, and the love will only increase."

Another came forward. "But why are we bat ponies? Why aren't we changelings, trying to get love like you?"

Skyline blushed at that. "I gave birth to two bat ponies." He spread his bat wings wide. "All night guards are bat ponies, at least in appearance. You won't do a good job infiltrating them if you're not one too. The appearance isn't as important as being with them, but it does matter."

A third chimed in. "So, when do we get started? How much love will it take? And what kind of love is best?"

Skyline waved that off. "Any that they give willingly. Do not try to distract them while they're working, but other than that, just be here, and be a good night guard, and it'll happen. You'll start to feel full, then more than full. That's when you start making that special egg. You can make eggs like that whenever, but you need a strong source of love, ponies who really care about you." He reached over to grab Sure Arrow. "My daughter was able to be born because so many love me. They love me so much that they'd help me give birth to a new batpony, one that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world."

One drone mulled over the ideas being presented to them. "I do not understand, but it sounds easy. I will be the best night guard you ever saw."

"No, I will." Another bumped into the first. "Watch me."

Skyline watched the two bumping into each other with a wry grin. "If you keep this up, there'll be eggs for sure. You have my thanks." He puffed up his chest with pride. "You'll be heroes of bat pony kind. Those eggs you make, they'll be the foundation of our future."

The drones didn't seem to really grasp those grandiose words of the future, but their mission was set, and the rewards sounded delicious.

Sure Arrow shuffled over to one of the changelings that had followed her father. She sniffed at them for a few moments. "So, you're just like dad?"

The drone turned towards Sure Arrow with an awkward little nod. "Um, yes? I guess?" They squirmed in place. "I'm so new to this body."

She gently took their hoof in her own. "If you need help, you can come to me. I don't know what's going on either, but we can figure it out together." She spread her wings wide. "I do know how bat ponies work though. I've been one forever!" She squeaked, turning into a giggle halfway through. "It's fun. I wouldn't wanna be anything else."

The drone bobbed their head at that. "Thank you for the offer."

Sure Arrow gave them a gentle nudge. "So, enjoy being a night guard. I'm not a member, yet, but I will be." She licked over her snout menacingly. "Soon."

Skyline gently brushed her away. "Don't mind her. She just takes night guarding seriously, even if she isn't one yet. Alright, you all have a bunk. Get some rest. Tomorrow, you begin your new lives as night guards." He looked out over the drones, his changelings, his brothers and sisters. "You do my heart proud."

They smiled back at him. "We're here for love."

"And you'll get it." Skyline turned away. "Goodnight." He strode from the room, Sure Arrow right behind him. When they had a door closed behind them, Skyline let out a little sigh. "Okay. Okay." He sank to his haunches. "That could have gone worse. Thank you, Sure, you really helped."

Sure Arrow pressed into her father. "I was just saying what was true. I don't like that guard." She crossed her forelegs with a grumble. "He's weird."

Skyline squished her gently with a wing. "He was doing his job. And he almost caught us. He was a fine guard, but we were better, and here we are." He rubbed against her side. "My clever little girl. Come on, we should head back ourselves. We don't get tomorrow off."

Author's Note:

The drones are brought in and brought up to speed. Free love? Can it even be true?!

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