• Published 20th Apr 2023
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Hogwarts: Sunset's Legacy - witegrlninja

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In Which Our Heroine Expels Herself and Finds A New Mentor

I thought you loved me... How dare you...?!

Ugly, bubbling rage made my entire body feel hot, not at all helped by my frenzied galloping down the cold marble halls.

You lied to me... You were never going to give it to me... I never should have trusted you!

I had no time to waste. I threw open the doors to my room and slammed them shut not a moment later. A saddlebag was thrown onto my bed, and I hastily began stuffing it with supplies.

I'll show her... I'll show them all! That power should be mine! I earned it, I deserve it!

An enchanted purse full of Bits and gems stolen from the Royal Treasury. Some food and an enchanted canteen of water. Parchment, quills and ink. A couple of favorite books.

She's not gonna stop me... nopony is gonna stop me! That power is MINE!

"Miss Shimmer?" A pair of sharp, stern knocks thumped from my doors. My eyes shot towards them as I tightened the saddlebag's strap around my barrel. "Miss Shimmer, do you have a moment?"

And she's already sent her guards to throw me out... I thought she was better than this...

I took a few deep breaths as the knocking continued. I could definitely take on a few of the guards, but I needed to make it quick before the battlemages were summoned. I wouldn't get a second chance at this.

"Miss Shimmer? Please, we need to talk-"

With a blast of pure magic I threw open my doors with such force the two guards on the other side were sent flying into the walls on the opposite side of the hallway. I cared not for their wellbeing - they groaned in pain as I fled past them, my hoofsteps echoing like thunder. Any other hapless guard I encountered along the way was gripped in my aura and slammed into the floor before they could even speak.

Finally I reached it. The room where it sat dormant. The room where I had been promised power like never before. The room where that same promise had been broken into pieces.

The guards flanking the door narrowed their eyes and lowered their lances towards me as I approached, but my mind, my magic, my entire being burned. My aura surrounded them and sealed them within their own armor, leaving them unable to move as I flung them into the opposite walls for good measure. My magic then ripped the door off its hinges a moment before I raced inside.

There it was... the Crystal Mirror. Even now it showed me my reflection, of what I had been promised before... myself, an Alicorn, ruler of Equestria. Praised, respected and feared for her insurmountable magical power.

"Mine... it's mine..." I hissed through my teeth as I approached it slowly. Curiously, the surface of the mirror began to ripple. Not only was this mirror a reflection of my future, it was also a portal to another world. One that Celes- my former mentor had promised to show me before she so cruelly and callously ripped it away.

A world that promised me the power I wanted. The power I earned. The power I deserved.

My ears flicked as I became aware of distant hoofsteps growing steadily closer, heavier than those of the guards. She was coming.

It was now or never.

Without hesitation, I hurled myself into the mirror.

In an instant I was enveloped in total darkness. The ground gave out beneath my hooves, yet I did not fall. I tried to move, but my body would not respond. It was like I had become paralyzed, yet I was still so very aware of every little sensation I felt in my limbs. Slowly my body began to stretch and contort in ways it should never have been able to - bones bending, breaking and fusing themselves back together; skin stretching, tearing and knitting itself whole once more; muscles, visceral fat and organs lurching from one body part to another like giant, fleshy slugs inside me, or sloughing off entirely and vanishing into the darkness. It hurt more than any other pain I'd felt in my life, but I did not allow myself to scream.

At least... not until I felt something tear itself from my head.



I felt myself land on my stomach, on a cold, hard, stone floor covered by a rug. The strap of my saddlebags suddenly felt uncomfortably tight, and I willed my eyes open as I reached for them.

But once I finally registered what I was seeing, I froze. My body was no longer pony in shape - long, gangly appendages stuck out of my body from my sides, just beneath my neck - bent at crooked angles, with five more gangly appendages at the ends... they looked nothing like my forelegs. My hind legs were longer as well, with five short stumps of flesh at the very ends instead of my hooves. My mane no longer extended down the back of my neck but sat disheveled on my head, and the brilliant crimson and amber colors had faded somewhat. The marigold fur of my coat was also missing, revealing the ruddy-peach colored, barren skin beneath.

What... what in Tartarus? What happened to me?!


A voice belonging to an old stallion broke me out of my stupor. My eyes slid towards the voice, seeing a large room filled to the brim with bookshelves, drawers and strange devices I didn't recognize... and...




...some... thing.

My first instinct was to scream. Unexpectedly, the thing shouted as well.

"Godric's heart!" he spluttered a moment later, stumbling backwards a step. "Wh-What are you doing here?! How did you even get here?! Who are you?!"

My scream died in my throat, and I blinked rapidly. Now that the initial shock had worn off, and he didn't seem to be lunging forward to attack... I was cautiously curious.

"Agh! And why are you indecent?!" He raised one of his appendages to cover his eyes, while the other took hold of a long stick. I flinched as he waved it in the air, and flinched again as I suddenly felt... saw myself being covered by a robe of soft red and yellow cloth.

Indecent...? I looked down at myself again... my fur was missing, maybe that was what was indecent about me. Well... instead of attacking me, he's put clothing on me. That's... nice. "Um... thank you," I offered carefully.

"Yes, well... now, young madam, how in the world did you appear?" he asked again after clearing his throat, more calmly this time. "Why, it looked like the Mirror of Erised suddenly rippled like the surface of a pond and spat you out!"

"Mirror of... Erised?" I parroted back, turning my head towards the mirror behind me. It was huge, ornately decorated with gold and enamel with an inscription scrawled around the glass. Upon seeing myself in it, and startled by how different I looked now, I gasped as I stumbled away from it. The reflection slowly morphed to show myself, in my new form, standing tall and proud with an aura of power.

Somehow... it felt exactly like what I had seen in the Crystal Mirror.

"Oh! Your wand," he pointed to the floor beside me. Following his gaze I saw a long, spindly thing. It was the same color as my fur-

...Is that... my horn?!

In horror I reached out with one of my new gangly appendages and grasped it. To be certain, my other appendage slapped itself onto my forehead, where my horn should've been... but I felt nothing but smooth skin. The thing... my horn... even the marigold velvet of my fur was still attached, still living.

My horn... my horn...! What is going on...?!

"I... I..." My entire body began to tremble, and my horn clattered to the ground. My breathing grew rapid and shallow. My vision blacked out around the edges. My body had changed so drastically, and my horn had somehow been severed from my head! I felt my blood run ice cold, an empty void growing within my heart like a black hole.

"Hmm... Accio Calming Draught," he said, holding out an appendage. A large bottle flew into the room from somewhere and into his grasp. He took out the cork before gulping half its contents down, then he cautiously walked towards me. "Here... drink this. I see that you're just as surprised as I am, this will help to calm you down."

Drink this...? Why? I eyed the bottle suspiciously as I grasped it. Figuring it'd be rather stupid of him to have poisoned the contents or something right before taking a drink himself, I drank what was inside.

Hmm... lavender. And mint...

Indeed, as soon as the liquid slipped down my throat I could feel my anxiety ease until it was nonexistent. The thing then waved his wand at a chair, which sent it careening through the air before coming to a rest beside him, and sat down. "My name is Eleazar Fig... and you are...?"

Eleazar Fig...? What a weird name.

"Er... Sunset," I spoke slowly. "Sunset Shimmer."

"Sunset Shimmer... what a strange name," said Fig, leaning back in his chair with his paws Paws? Now that I'm thinking more clearly, I think that's what they're generally called on bipedal creatures like these... on his knees. "I suspect that you are not from around here, correct?"

Oh, really? What gave you that idea? "...You could say that," I grumbled, first rubbing the side of my head, then raising my new paws in front of me in contemplation.

"Is something wrong with your hands?" Fig asked, looking concerned for my wellbeing.

Oh... okay, they're called hands. "No... I don't think so, anyway," I replied, setting them down in my lap. "It's... uh, a long story."

"Hmm... well," Fig waved his wand again, which summoned another chair from across the room and brought it to rest beside me. "I am in the middle of preparing next year's curriculum before leaving for the summer, but I could stand to take a break from that for now." Continuing to wave his wand, a small side table appeared beside the chair, and a carafe of water and a small bowl of apples zipped into the room from elsewhere and plopped down neatly on top. "Please, make yourself comfortable. I would very much like to hear all about this... long story."

Curriculum? So, he's a teacher of some sort... and it appears he's able to use magic. But...

"...Something tells me you're not going to believe me," I winced as I stood up and made myself comfortable in the chair, picking up my horn in the process.

"Try me," Fig shrugged with an air of nonchalance. "In all my years of traveling and teaching at Hogwarts, I have seen many a strange occurrence... Although, I must admit, someone suddenly emerging from the Mirror of Erised is definitely new."

Someone...? Is that what he is... what I am now...? I bit my lip as I considered my words carefully... Wherever I had wound up, here was an old someone teacher who seemed willing to listen to, and possibly help me while I got my bearings. I wanted to make sense to him and gather as much information as I could about my present situation... but me actually being a Unicorn notwithstanding, I also did just get myself banished and expelled from Celestia's tutelage. Best not to make a terrible first impression.

"Okay, well... I'm... from a faraway land," I started slowly.

"Ah, which country?" Fig asked.

"Erm... Equestria."

"Equestria...? Never heard of it before," Fig blinked in confusion. "Is it perhaps somewhere in the Americas, or possibly the Far East?" Now it was my turn to blink in confusion.

None of that sounds familiar to me. "I... don't think so?"

"You're unsure? Have you been afflicted by a Memory Charm?"

"No, no, I haven't," I quickly shook my head. Coming up with a sudden backstory that completely hid who I was was harder than I thought. "Uh... well, at any rate, I found a strange mirror and touched it, and the next thing I know, I'm here."

"Really?" Fig's head reeled back slightly.

"Told you you wouldn't believe me," I huffed, glancing away.

"Well, no, I mean... how is it that you've appeared from this mirror? The Mirror of Erised is only known to show its viewer what they desire most... there are no records of it ever being enchanted into a Portkey."

Shows its viewer what they desire most, huh? But what's a Portkey...?

"Hmm..." I mulled over my thoughts for a moment, drawing a few conclusions. I decided for the moment that a Portkey must've been their term for a mirror portal. "...Well, I entered a mirror and wound up here, so... I guess the mirror I used was a Portkey?"

"Most peculiar," Fig hummed to himself, already lost in thought. While I prayed to whatever deities there were in this world that he would stop asking so many questions, his eyes lit up. "Oh, yes... may I see your wand? I don't believe I've ever seen one like that before."

My... wand...?

With a spark of realization I held up my horn. He nodded as he looked at it, and with great trepidation he held up his wand and floated my horn over towards himself. His wand glowed with different colors as my horn twirled about in midair, then I felt a strange, gently tingling aura surround me as he performed what looked and felt like diagnostic charms on my body, humming and chirping as he thought to himself.

"Merlin... the velvet on this unicorn's horn is still alive. And it is intrinsically connected to you... why, even if I were to Vanish it, it would simply reappear on your person."


"Please don't," I mumbled.

"Of course not," he shook his head, my horn floating back towards me. I snatched it from the air and held it close, just to make sure. "Godric's heart... Miriam will be stunned when I write to her about this!"


"My wife... ah, but I am getting off topic. So, Miss Sunset Shimmer... you are from a strange land called Equestria, yet you do not remember where it is located, and you're here because you touched a mirror that was a Portkey to this one?"


"And you're sure you have not suffered from an Obliviate charm?"

"Pretty sure."

"Fascinating..." Fig mumbled to himself. "...I do assume you would like to return from whence you came, correct? I would be happy to help you in that regard."


"...No, actually," I stared at the floor.


"Let's just say... there's trouble waiting for me if I go back through the mirror."

"Hmm... so you've used this Portkey to escape a bad situation," Fig pondered, his hand touching his chin.

"Right." There was an uncomfortable silence between us for a few moments. My mind shifted from thoughts of my present predicament to those I would be having in the near future... a place to stay, clothes, what I was going to do with my life now... things like that. I didn't know what I expected when I leapt through the Crystal Mirror, but it wasn't... this. Fig suddenly clapping his hands together startled me back to attention.

"Well! In that case, I'll see to it that you get all the help and support you'll need," he smiled warmly as he stood up from his chair. "In the meantime, you may stay with me in my home if you'd like. I would be most honored to help you get acclimated to your new life here!"

I couldn't help but grin, hope blossoming within me - no further questions, and he was already willing to help me out? This was going better than I had hoped. "Sure... that sounds nice."



The next couple months were a blur. Fig was more than happy to take me in and teach me all that I needed to know about this world. From him I learned that not only was there no Equestria or even an equivalent country here, but I was in an entirely different world - a planet called Earth in a country called the United Kingdom, in the capital of London, populated mostly by humans. Magic existed in this world much like it did in Equestria; Fig was a wizard, a professor in Magic Theory at one of the world's premier magic schools. However, most humans were incapable of performing magic, and therefore were kept segregated from wizards and their society - called Muggles by the various magical communities. Besides wizards and witches there were many other nonhuman magical races: goblins, centaurs and mermaids to name a few. There were also tons of magical creatures in the world, including unicorns! ...But, to my disappointment, they were hardly sapient. I wondered how much all these beasts resembled the various races back home.

There were, of course, many idiosyncrasies I now had to accept as my new reality. As similar as most of the current technology here was in comparison to Equestria, it was also sorely lacking in some places. So many things I had taken for granted before seemingly hadn't been invented yet - the existing technology was simply too primitive. Music was restricted to classical instruments, and genres like rock, hip hop and pop just didn't exist. Most appliances run by electricity also just plain refused to work when in close proximity to magic, if they even existed here in the first place. Clocks had to be wound and rewound constantly, lest they stop working and not tell the time anymore. Candles were used for lighting if one did not have oil lamps, or gas pumped in from a factory somewhere for gas lamps. Refrigerators relied on a giant block of ice being stored on a top shelf, gradually melting away and requiring a trip to the general store for another one. Magic, of course, solved many of these problems, but the fact that electricity and magic were seemingly incompatible annoyed me, as it was simply not the case in Equestria... but, I managed, and soon found myself barely noticing the differences.

As for myself... when I told Fig that I was fifteen years old, he seemed excited. He suggested that perhaps my name might've been entered into the Book of Admittance at his workplace, and taught me about how messages were sent in this world Owls rather than a spell or dragonfire... who knew? before writing and sending out a few of his own. A few days later an owl dropped a scroll into my hands before flying off - it was neatly sealed with a wax stamp. Inside was a formal invitation to attend Fig's school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as a 5th year student. The first day of class wasn't until the first of September, but they had already arranged for my supplies to be purchased and sent to Fig's house. I was rather annoyed upon learning that I apparently wasn't allowed to use magic outside of school because of my age, due to a law passed twenty five years ago, yet after explaining the specifics Fig (and I, secretly) seemed to think the rule wouldn't apply to me.

"Besides, that's only if a witch or wizard is living in a mostly Muggle community such as London, here," he handwaved. "But as long as you restrict your magic use to only my house, or put up the proper anti-Muggle wards elsewhere, then it's perfectly fine for you to use it... After all, I think it ridiculous to tell a guest what she can or cannot do," he finished with a wink and a smirk. He continued on to explain that with so many magical children and their families to keep track of, there was no possible way to police them all. Most children who were ever caught simply received a letter of warning, or at most a slap on the wrist. Still, I hated the thought of being restricted from using something so essential to who I was.

As soon as my acceptance scroll had arrived, Fig set to work determining just how talented I was with magic, to see how much I'd need to catch up to my future peers, if at all. First, he instructed me on the use of my horn- er, my wand. By performing the corresponding movements and speaking the correct incantations, my spells would shoot right out of its tip at whatever I wished to target. After that, he helpfully put together a list of spells I should master, as well as what I could expect to learn in my 6th and 7th years of school...

...I couldn't help but sigh once I'd learned what the incantations for each spell meant. I already knew each and every single one on the list. To be sure, Fig had me perform an assortment of them as a test, and I perfectly cast them all by simply pointing my wand at my targets without even speaking their incantations.

"Merlin's beard... just what do they teach you children in Equestria?!" he exclaimed in shock.

"I did have an exceptionally talented mentor back home," I answered smugly.

"One of these days, when I have the time to write this all down for research, you will have to tell me all about your homeland!" said Fig. "From what little I've been able to get out of you, I can tell your culture is quite rich and exquisite!"

"Of course," I nodded, already going over what accomplishments I could tell him about in my mind. After we finished with the spells, he then tested my knowledge in other subjects: he was predictably quite surprised, but seeing how this was an entirely different world to me, I would need to learn Astronomy and History of Magic from the ground up. Herbology and Potions were similar to Alchemy back home... not my favorite subject, but I could still brew a potion flawlessly, and the vast majority of the plants I would use were analogues of Equestrian plants. Divination was, like in Equestria, something that only a select few were able to perform with actual accurate results... and I was not one of them, so I wondered how that was going to work. And I would need to take broomstick flying lessons as well as one more elective class - I decided on Care of Magical Creatures, to see the similarities and differences of these creatures with those from home. He was surprised again when I demonstrated my ability to teleport, or Apparate as it was known here, but informed me that it was not only disallowed in Hogwarts, but was also technically illegal for me to do so until I was seventeen.

"Geez... you wizards sure don't like to let your teenagers do their own magic," I grumbled.

"I am only telling you what the Ministry of Magic's laws are... but, again, I am not going to tell you what you can or cannot cast," Fig reiterated. The fact that my newfound guardian was willing to bend the rules like this did put my mind at ease, and I decided that I liked him from then on... at least until he made me a promise and then broke it in the cruelest fashion possible.

The more he told me about what life at Hogwarts would be like the more I found myself oddly looking forward to it, since being Celestia's personal protégé I had never attended a traditional school. The school days began at 7:30am, when breakfast would be served in the Great Hall until 9. Then there were two hour-long classes before lunch and a break, then after that were two more hour-long classes starting at 1pm. The school day ended after that, with dinner being served in the Great Hall around 5pm. On Wednesdays there would be Astronomy classes at midnight, and curfew otherwise was 9pm.

Pretty standard stuff, I guess?

Students 3rd year and above could also travel to the nearby town of Hogsmeade with a permission slip from their parents, but after informing Fig that I was an orphan he told me he'd vouch for me.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he sighed. I almost snorted in disdain, having thought of Celestia as my own adoptive mother all these years... but that was before she refused to tell me more about that mirror and the power that awaited me, before she got angry that I had tried to study it on my own when she refused to answer my questions... before she threw me out, both as her protégé and her adopted daughter.

...No. I had no parents... I never did.

The vast majority of my school supplies would be provided for, but there were still some things I needed to buy. For starters, I had no clothes other than my now ill-fitting saddlebags and what Fig had conjured for me. Upon opening my enchanted purse I found that the gems had remained the same, but my Bits had transformed into the currency of this world - golden Galleons. Fig was stunned again when I showed him just how much money I had.

"Goodness! You've certainly mastered Capacious Extremis," he gaped. The rest of that day was spent going clothes and supplies shopping and debating whether or not to open an account at Gringotts, the main wizarding bank in the area. Though it was advertised as one of the safest places in the entire wizarding world, Fig had been reading the newspaper everyday - there were rumors of a goblin rebellion being planned, but as there were only rumors the Ministry of Magic wasn't acting on them. In the end I decided I much preferred keeping my purse - and my money - on me at all times. It wasn't like I didn't enchant it to be theft-proof, not to mention my pocket dimension for storing things was still usable.

After finally getting all of my schooling things settled, Fig was more than happy to provide me with all the books on various topics that I asked for. After devouring all the knowledge in my textbooks for the year, I poured my attention into the history of the wizarding world, especially after he informed me that the professor for that class, Binns, was notoriously uninteresting. I also read about the history and traditions of Hogwarts, already wondering which House I would eventually be sorted into. Definitely not Hufflepuff, they sound laaaaame. I read books about anthropology, anatomy and physiology (as disturbingly outdated and obsolete as they were in their theories, I had to use my own knowledge of pony A&P to fill in the gaps) in order to get more used to my new body, and to learn what customs I'd need to adhere to as to not stick out like a sore hoof. I even practiced my best Trottingham accent, with which everyone seemed to speak in varying degrees of severity.

I wondered how many classmates I'd have. I was already confident that I knew more than they did, at least when it came to spells. There might've been some subjects I would need to catch up on, but I was certain I could do it. I was determined to be top in my class, to show all these peasants who the greatest witch amongst them truly was.

Yes... graduate from Hogwarts, accumulate knowledge... seize power. My reflection in both the Crystal Mirror and the Mirror of Erised had shown me my future. I was destined for greatness. And nopony- er, body... was going to get in my way this time!

Near the beginning of August, Fig received some terrible news - his wife Miriam had been found dead. She had been traveling around the world researching something called ancient magic... an extremely rare, and extremely powerful type of magic, the stuff that had created Hogwarts many centuries ago. Fig had spent years traveling with her and researching together, but he had eventually grown weary of the constant movement and accepted his current position at Hogwarts while his wife continued on. They had sent each other letters somewhat regularly, but she had stopped a couple weeks prior to the discovery of her body. Understandably Fig wanted some time alone, so I happily busied myself with more research of my own while he tended to her final wishes.

Extremely rare and powerful magic... wish I could wield that. But apparently it's been centuries since the last time anyone's ever seen it... damn.

Before I knew it, August 31st had arrived.

Today was the day.

I spent the morning packing, and the early afternoon rereading the last few pages of my History of Magic textbook before putting it away. At just before 3pm a carriage appeared from the sky, driven by another wizard but not being pulled by any sort of creature. Fig and I set about securing our luggage to the carriage and had just finished when another man dressed in a brown suit Apparated to our area a few feet away. His back was turned to us, and he spent a few moments toddering about before turning around.

"Oh!" he chuckled in recognition. "Eleazar!"

"George!" Fig raised his hands in greeting. "Glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thwart your finding us!"

"I've Apparated to more vaguely-defined destinations than this!" George laughed as he and Fig shook hands. "Though I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try... Gave quite the fright to some theater-goers on the West End," he looked towards me and grinned.

Seems jolly enough.

"It's been much too long," said Fig. "When I received your owl, I must say I-"

"Best not speak here, Eleazar... hm?" George suddenly cut him off, his eyes shifting around. The sudden need for secrecy piqued my interest... if my ears could still flick, they would've.

They can't speak here...?

"Of course," Fig nodded quickly, pausing for a moment. "...Why don't we speak enroute to Hogwarts? We have a start-of-term feast and a Sorting Ceremony to get to!"

"Wonderful idea!" George agreed, turning towards me. "As long as your young charge here doesn't mind me tagging along!"

"Not at all, sir," I replied politely... one thing I had learned from my studies was that these humans were absolute sticklers for prim and proper etiquette. It was hard to get used to, at first... anytime someone referred to me as a mere child, I couldn't help but get frustrated. Like that was a good enough reason to treat me as their lesser, especially when I could cast circles around them.

Fig didn't do that. He'd treated me as his equal from the day we met, although now that we were transitioning to school life he'd said it'd be best to refer to him as Professor in front of others... which I could understand. It just annoyed me that I had to be polite to literally everyone, even those that clearly didn't deserve it, as to not raise any suspicions. The last thing I wanted was to answer more questions about where exactly I had come from.

"After you," Fig motioned to me towards the open carriage. I clambered inside and Fig followed suit.

"Ages since I've been to the castle... Would be good to see the old pile of rocks," said George. He set one foot inside the carriage, but hesitated. He glanced around, as if he were worried about being followed. A few moments passed until he seemed satisfied that nobody else was around, and entered the carriage proper.

The bells of Big Ben clanged and clamored as the carriage driver whipped his reins at nothing, and the carriage sailed into the sky. Within seconds it passed through the lowest layer of clouds, hiding us from Muggle view. My heart began to pound - not because of the carriage ride, nor because of the apparent secrecy of our trip... but because my new life was finally about to begin.

Here I come, Hogwarts... what can you do for me?

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