• Published 20th Apr 2023
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Hogwarts: Sunset's Legacy - witegrlninja

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In Which Natty, Poppy and Sunset Do Something Incredibly Stupid

The first two weeks back in classes passed by uneventfully. To the complaints of my classmates, our workloads theoretically increased now that the end of the school year was in sight, and with them the OWLs... I say "theoretically" because it was only now that my homework was approaching anything near the level of studies I'd undertaken with Celestia. Finally I felt as though my time wasn't being wasted, and I happily spent my evenings completing my work to the best of my ability.

And, of course, having Sebastian around made the work go much faster. Truly, I was willing to admit he was a worthy study partner, as the both of us surprised each other with the occasional enlightening insights. He was also impressively hardworking and dedicated - like me, he was happy to practice a spell for hours at a time until he could perform it with barely a thought, or rewrite an entire essay to include a point he'd just thought of when he was nearly finished, simply to further his own knowledge and understanding. Sure, it afforded much less time for us to study the dark relic, but after so many years of pursuing my studies alone, having someone who wanted to work with me - at the pace I was used to, and could actually keep up - felt wonderful. It was good to feel a sort of kinship with someone so... competent.

And due to the two of us being so much better than the rest of our classmates, we were often paired together for classwork. Monday, during Defense Against the Dark Arts, we were to practice spells that rendered the opponent unable to cast. The other students focused on simpler hexes and jinxes, stealing disbelieving glances while Sebastian and I absolutely laid into each other with everything we knew.

"Confundo!" he shouted, the spell striking me in the forehead. Suddenly I felt super drunk, as though I'd stuck my head into an entire barrel of Firewhisky and chugged it empty. Perhaps this was what it felt like to do drugs.

"Oh... whoa... oh, man," I mumbled, clutching my head while I waited for the spell to wear off. Once it did I returned fire. "Mimblewimble!"

He shook his head to try and shake it off, then opened his mouth to speak, already raising his wand again. "Agh... Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" Unable to cast he screwed his mouth shut and blinked twice, stunned at just how incoherent he'd become. I simply laughed while he waited for the spell to end.

"Brilliant... you just might cure cancer with that logic." A few seconds later he regained control over his own Broca's area.

"Insulting my intelligence, are you?" he drew back in a mock display of offense, though a devious grin soon followed. "Well... maybe I'll have to cast Cantis on you, and grace our classmates with your melodious voice."

Wh- NO. My eyes shot wide open. A fluttering, fearful pit formed in my stomach at the same time I gave him a death glare. "You wouldn't."

"Wouldn't I?" he smugly suggested.

"Not if you want to continue living, you wouldn't. I'll be glad to show you your own endocrine system before I Accio your heart right out of your ribcage."

"Hmhm, please," Sebastian shrugged cockily. "You like me far too much to do any permanent damage."



...do? I blinked uncomfortably at his words, but my scowl quickly returned. "Bold of you to assume that I like you at all," I shot back.

"I don't need to assume... I know for a fact." He punctuated his statement by wiggling his eyebrows - immediately my mind was taken back to the Hogsmeade Christmas Eve Gala. The all-too-familiar twinge returned, feeling like my entire body was blushing rather than just my cheeks.

For the first time since my first day of school, that first day so long ago, I gave that twinge my full attention. And somehow...

I... Was... was that what that twinge means? What it meant all along...? I tried to push the thought aside, but what he was implying had outright short-circuited my brain. I had no comeback to retort.

He... might've been right.

A snarl crawled out of my mouth as I focused my glare at the floor.

"...Damn you." He smiled even wider.

"Nothing to say, hm? So there is a way to catch you off guard... Perhaps I've finally found a weakness in your otherwise impenetrable defenses."

"And I thought I told you never to speak of this again if you knew what was good for you." Despite my threats Sebastian simply chuckled, a charming smile wide across his face.

"Don't you remember?" He winked slyly, teasingly. "...I like having friends who are in my debt. And I can easily hold this over you if I feel you're... getting out of line."

Oh... now he'd gone and done it. He really thought he could get another one over me? Even though I could feel his true emotions radiating from the depths of his soul, even though I knew he was simply taking the piss...

Nope... he had it coming. Time for some long-overdue payback. Something that would scar him just as much as it had scarred me.

"Cantis Equus!" I stated, a three-toned blast of red, yellow and blue light striking him in the chest. At first Sebastian just blinked, confused.


"Out of line, you say?" I tutted and flashed him a devious grin of my own. "Oh, Sebby... I'll bet you never expected me to weaponize my homeland's curse, did you?" The smile quickly dropped off of his face.

"No..." he mouthed in horror. And sure enough...

...Music began to fill the air. While the other classmates searched for the source, he quickly drew their undivided attention as he let out a startled yelp. His body forced itself in one direction, then another, and his arms stiffened and straightened out.

"What have you-" Before he could finish speaking he stared down at himself in disbelief as his hips began to sway of their own volition, his legs and feet suddenly moving intricately in dance. His arms followed next, and as the music reached its full volume his mouth opened wide.

"Show you off... tonight I want to show you off... What you've got, a billion could have never bought..."

Almost immediately I recognized which singer he was supposed to be emulating, and I burst out laughing, needing to support myself on a nearby desk so I didn't fall on the floor. Oh... thank you so much for that spell-modifying book, Salazar. Professor Hecat simply smirked at her desk while our classmates stared at him, most of them in utter bafflement but some giggling as well. A couple of the girls gasped at his movements, seen as scandalously risqué in this stuffy, prudish culture. Sebastian's face glowed bright red as he tried in vain to stop himself at first...

...And then, to my shock, he grinned smugly and really started to ham it up.

"'Cause aaaaaaaall I neeeeeeeed is a beauty and a beat... who can make my life compleeeeeeeete!" He began putting his whole heart into singing, and no longer fought against the movements his body wanted to make. While many of the boys were still laughing, a number of the girls were now whispering amongst themselves excitedly - a few of them were even starting to leer at him as though entranced.




Well... this wasn't quite what I had in mind when I wanted to get him back. I waited until a break in the song to ask him, just in case I was somehow wrong. "Don't... don't tell me you're actually enjoying this?!"

"You know, I had my doubts when you first told me about your homeland's musical fantasy curse," said Sebastian as he continued dancing. "But the lyrics come so naturally, and while I haven't a clue what sort of dancing I'm engaging in, I find it quite fun! And, it would seem the ladies do so enjoy it as well," he smirked as he flashed Nerida a handsome grin. She smiled shyly until she caught me looking at her, and she quickly and nervously hid her face.

That's right, you better look away! ...Wait a minute, no! I-I mean-

"It's times like this I do wonder what I am missing out on," Ominis smirked from across the room. I groaned and shook my head as I muttered the counterspell under my breath, bringing both the music and his dancing to a record-scratching halt. He seemed almost disappointed as his arms dangled limply at his sides.

"That's not gonna work," I sighed. "Guess I'm gonna need to work on that spell a bit more... especially if you're actually into Feather Bangs."

Aaaaand now I gotta sort through yet another mental crisis...


Friday morning, Poppy stopped by the Slytherin table during breakfast. She whispered to me that the dragon egg we'd saved from Horntail Hall was getting pretty close to hatching - if we were going to return it to its mother, then we'd better do so soon. She'd already accomplished the hard part of tracking the mother dragon down.

Perhaps wisely, Sebastian noped right out of her insane quest. I could hardly blame him - I wasn't exactly thrilled about facing down a pissed-off mama dragon myself. But I felt somewhat obligated to go, if only to make sure Poppy (and likely Natty) didn't wind up getting incinerated and eaten in the process.

After the last class of the day, I met with the two girls over by the Beasts classroom, the various creatures huddling together in their nests or dens to keep the cold away. Over by the Fwooper enclosure, Poppy was giggling as she petted a familiar African gazelle.

I chuckled as I approached them. "Having fun?"

"Your fur is so soft!" Poppy hummed as she gave the gazelle a final pat on the neck. It shook its head before melting and morphing back into Natty.

"Sometimes, I do wonder what it would be like to take a dust bath," she remarked with a smirk. "I never did manage to get close enough to an actual gazelle to feel its fur."

"It's good that you're here, now," Poppy turned towards me. "I want to see how our poor dragon is faring if she had a collar on... and she's likely frantic about her egg," she said as she brought the glowing egg out of her pocket dimension. The warmth it radiated was nearly uncomfortable, heat shimmering all around it and making the snow around Poppy glisten with moisture. The glow from within was also pulsing subtly, almost like a heartbeat.

"You said you know where she is?" I asked, curious. "How'd you figure that out?"

"Well, I realized that she didn't know the poachers had her egg, so when she left Horntail Hall she would've headed straight to her nest. I went back to the tent and tracked her flight."

"How did you manage to do that? Horntail Hall was quite some time ago," asked Natty, impressed.

"Tree canopies, burn marks... things like that," she replied easily. "I can't be certain, of course, but I have an idea of one place she may have been heading."

"I see... well, let's get this over with," I shrugged. "Lead the way."

We flew to the northeast for nearly an hour, past the Forbidden Forest, past the faces of the mountains that bordered it, and into the cliffs and crags beyond, deep within the mountain range. Finally, Poppy pointed down towards the remains of a stone fortress, parts of it blackened with soot. It was in the middle of an uneven circle of cliffs and caves, a natural wall that further fortified the dragon's den. A single narrow canyon at the edge of a clearing was the only way we could access it... and judging from what sounded like distant roars in the wind, staying low to the ground might've been the best option. We landed as quietly as we could, our heads on a swivel for any sign of the dragon.

"Here we are... I do think this is where we'll find her," said Poppy. "The terrain's typical of where the breed would nest... I suspect it's how the poachers found her to begin with. They likely camped here and logged her patterns... Perhaps they nabbed her first, and then her egg! Dragons are hard enough to wrangle, let alone maternal ones."

"You... know an awful lot about how to catch a dragon," I raised an eyebrow. She let out a frustrated huff.

"You'd be surprised how easy it is to think like a poacher," she grumbled bitterly. Before I could ask any further questions, however, she perked back up. "Well, shall we see if she's home? We only need to return her egg."

"Are... A-Are we certain this is wise?" Natty hesitated. "Surely there must be a safer method of returning her egg than wandering uninvited into her lair."

"Can't we just, I dunno... leave it here and scram?" I winced. "I mean, build a fire for it first or whatever to keep it warm, but... you know?" Poppy shook her head.

"It's best if we can put it back in her nest... It will likely be in the heart of her den, which she will be keeping guard over."

"Aaaaand... I'm guessing we can't just fly over so we can get away as fast as possible... or even Apparate?" There had to be some way we could lessen our chances of dying horribly. But Poppy shook her head again.

"If she sees us flying about or suddenly appearing right next to her nest, she might take it as a sign of aggression... or food." Natty and I shared a worried glance... our resident beast master here sure wasn't making this easy. Part of me wondered if she simply wanted to get another suicidally-close look at the dragon so she could bask in its awesomeness again.

Natty broke the silence with a resigned sigh. "Well... let's get started then," she said.

"Oh, and one more thing," Poppy quickly added as we began our trek into the canyon. "Let's not agitate her... goodness knows she's been through enough already." We nodded in agreement, focusing on carefully picking our way through the narrow gaps and jagged boulders. I couldn't help but look up every few seconds... if that dragon was here, and was particularly displeased with our presence... well, the canyon was likely narrow enough that she couldn't squeeze down here and attack us physically, but we were sitting ducks for her fire breath. I wondered if I'd be able to teleport away in time, especially if I had to grab onto them first.

Suddenly the roars grew extremely loud. I unconsciously shivered as I looked up just in time to see the dragon's shadow pass over me. It was reminding me a little too much about my first encounter with dragons in this world.

"There she is... above us," Poppy froze as she breathed in awe. "She did make it home safely."

"I do not see a collar around her neck," Natty noted apprehensively. My eyes scanned the skies just to be sure, but she was right - I couldn't detect any of that angry red glow I'd seen on the collars before. The ground shook as the dragon alighted on the canyon's ledge a mere hundred feet away; for a moment I saw its eyes glaring down at me, and every muscle in my body locked up tight - my pony instincts were kicking in. Maybe if I remained perfectly still, it wouldn't be able to see me...

...Though it could definitely smell me. And probably hear me breathe. I never did understand why freezing in place was the default survival method for so many prey animals.

But just as quickly as it had sensed me, the dragon turned her attention this way and that, her eyes taking in every little nook and cranny of the canyon, searching high and low. The ground shook again as she took off into the sky, her leathery wings sending a current of cold air and powder snow into my face.

"Poor thing must be worried sick, wondering what happened to her egg," Poppy frowned.

"For what it's worth, she does not seem to have spotted us yet," offered Natty. Suddenly her statement hit me in an obvious way; I stopped walking and blinked in annoyance.

"...Actually, that's a good point. Why the hell are we visible?"

"She can still smell us," replied Poppy. "Wouldn't want her to just sweep the entire area with her fire breath."


We had finally reached the outermost portion of the fortress. A shallow gulch with a partially-frozen stream at the bottom separated us from our goal, but some decrepit wooden fencing and ruined tents lay beside stairs that had been built in haste. The stairs led to the two wrecked halves of a bridge that crossed the gulch, easily fixed with a simple Reparo.

"I wonder how many they brought to capture her... at least ten, usually," Poppy muttered under her breath as Natty focused on repairing the bridge, her fingers fluttering as she held her hands up in front of her, palms facing the sky.

"Ten, you think?" I commented. She didn't elaborate as the broken bridge reformed itself, Natty allowing herself a proud smirk. We crossed the bridge quickly and clambered up and over a small hill, while the dragon soared overhead. The ground shook again a few seconds later, but I couldn't see where she had landed.

"Hmm... I wonder how good her eyesight is?" she mused again. "I don't imagine the poachers fed her well... and from a distance, we probably look exactly like sheep to her."

"...Do dragons prefer sheep over gazelles?" Natty asked nervously. Poppy's eyes slid over to her.

"Hebrideans love sheep."

...I thought they loved deer the most. Wait, what am I thinking...?!

"Yea, uh... can you not?" I groused. "This is already a terrible idea, now you're just trying to jinx us."

We continued forward, picking our way through the ruins. As we passed a corner, a horrid stench suddenly filled my nose, images of the scriptorium flashing through my mind before I realized what was happening. I desperately shook them out, my eyes landing on the bloody, partially-decomposed corpse of a juvenile Graphorn when they reopened.


...Its horns were still intact. Part of me wanted to harvest them for potion ingredients, as they were pretty hard to come by and quite expensive... but I figured that would be in rather poor taste at the moment.

"Oh... what a waste," Natty frowned.

"Pity... she must have been starved to pick off a Graphorn," Poppy sighed, shaking her head.

"Hopefully that means she's eaten her fill, and isn't looking to make us her next course," I grimaced. We edged around the corpse and followed the path down some stairs.

The ground shook again, this time so forcefully that loose pebbles on the ground rattled. Now we were at one end of a large flat area, where the bulk of the fortress used to stand. Bits of ruined walls stuck up from the ground like gravestones, cracking and clattering as the mother dragon landed at the opposite side, atop the cliffs that bordered her den. Beneath her was an opening through the fortress' wall, leading right to the nest.

Now I could finally get a good look at her - while her wounds were mostly healed from her ordeal in Horntail Hall, there were still a few patches of missing scales on her chest, where the leathery black skin glowed red from within. She growled and rumbled, lava drooling out from between her teeth, eyes fixated on us as though she were daring us foolish mortals to come closer.

"Well... there's no turning back, now," Poppy swallowed. "Remember, we don't want to hurt her."

"I'm not sure we could if we tried," said Natty. Suddenly the dragon hissed loudly, light welling up in the back of her throat. A searing torrent of flame followed, the range of which was startling - the three of us immediately leapt behind one of the segments of ruined wall to take cover. The fire struck with surprising force, the old stones quickly heating up and glowing red.

"You just had to say something," I grumbled. "We stand the best chance of making it if we split up, she can't target all three of us at the same time."

"Right," Poppy nodded. "Let's move when she runs out of breath, she'll need to inhale before she attacks again." And the dragon ran out of breath a few seconds later. We each darted out from behind the wall and scrambled for the first solid object we could find. The dragon's head twitched as her eyes tried to keep track of us, and she roared in annoyance as she let loose another blast of flame.

It was coming for me - I threw up a Protego just in case. It turned out to be a wise choice, as the ancient mortar that held the segment of wall I was hiding behind together burst out of the cracks like shrapnel, allowing a bit of the fire to pass through. Even through my magic I could feel its heat. Next it tried attacking Natty, who was caught out as she ran for cover slightly out of her reach. At the last moment she transformed into her gazelle form and made a wild leap, the flames just barely missing the edges of her hind hooves.

But I was right, with the three of us split up we eventually made it safely to the opening in the wall. Seeing this, the dragon snorted and took off, flying further down the path to defend her nest. Unfortunately it appeared to be a dead end, the nest on a ledge above us, but to our left was a staircase that led around a corner, which led to a second level of the ruined fortress. This one was wider and longer than the last, the segments of walls more spaced out. Over to the right I saw what appeared to be the remains of a human skeleton, scattered across the ground and picked clean.

"Here... this should help," Poppy wheezed as she cast a beneficial charm on the three of us. Instantly I felt the fatigue weighing me down dissipate, and my legs felt stronger than before. Before we could thank her, however, I heard the quickly-advancing roar of the dragon, the ground shaking again as she flew low over the ruins. Half sticking to our strategy, half out of panic we split up again, but this time the dragon seemed to have caught on. Instead of perching above us, she swooped down back and forth, spraying her fire in wide arcs in order to try and trap us.

While keeping the flames at bay with my magic was taxing, it wasn't much of a problem for me. The dragon's attacks were predictable, well-aimed Glacius or Aguamenti spells extinguished them easily enough, and my Protego was definitely strong enough to withstand a few direct hits. It was really more Natty and Poppy I was worried about... their magic wasn't nearly as strong as mine, although Natty's quick changes into her gazelle form and back kept her one step ahead of the attacks.

No... there had to be an easier way to get to the nest. While the dragon tried to roast Poppy, my eyes darted around the ruins. The bits of wall we sought refuge behind were sparse and largely unhelpful the way they were...

"Natty! Do you think you can distract the dragon for a few moments?" I shouted over to her.

"I can try! What do you have in mind?" she yelled back.

"Something that'll make this much safer!" My answer seemed to satisfy her, as she swiftly transformed and darted towards Poppy, banking away once the dragon took notice. While she easily avoided the flames I focused my magic on the bits of wall, tearing them from the ground and levitating them into a mass in midair. Next I summoned as much snow and ice as I could from our surroundings and used that to fill in the gaps, then formed the mass into a five foot-thick, convex-shaped shield. A couple more spells further fortified it, superchilling the snow and ice and strengthening the stone. "Over here!" I called out to them - Natty transformed back into a human as she leapt underneath, out of breath from dodging the dragon's attacks. Poppy was right behind her.

And right behind her was another raging torrent of flame. I channeled magic into my horn to refreeze the ice as it melted, icicles forming around the shield's edges. But it held firm. My two companions breathed sighs of relief while I afforded myself a confident smirk.

"Ha! Let's see you melt your way through this," I grinned. Enraged, the dragon breathed again with all her might, flames licking around the edges. While Poppy led the way, and Natty stayed alert in case the dragon switched tactics, I focused on maintaining the shield's integrity as we calmly walked the rest of the way through the ruins, towards a small cave. Once we'd reached it I sealed the entrance with the shield, leaving the dragon to angrily scratch, bite and breathe fire at it in order to break through. It would take even her a few minutes to do so.

"This should be it," Poppy sighed as she caught her breath. "Now, if we just return her egg, we can hopefully make it out without too much fuss."

"Quickly, then, before she breaks down that barrier!" Natty urged us on. We jogged deeper into the cave, revealing it to simply be a tunnel that led directly to the dragon's nest beside the fortress. My face screwed up in disgust as I realized what the nest comprised of - arranged around the borders were the mangled remains of a dozen sheep, the wool smeared with soot and old blood. Further into the center the sheep had been cooked until there was nothing left but blackened bones, which transitioned into rocks heated until they were glowing like embers. And in the very center of those superheated rocks was an egg-sized divot.

While we kept watch, Poppy took out the egg from her pocket dimension and carefully levitated it into the divot. The purple egg seemed to almost rattle in excitement, and seemed to change colors after a few moments until it closely resembled the glowing rocks surrounding it. With the egg finally back in the dragon's nest, the ordeal finally over, we grinned at each other.

Which was quickly wiped away as the dragon landed right in front of us. She curled defensively around the nest, some of the sheep's wool igniting as she snorted in intimidation. Her purple eyes shined and flashed, staring us down.

Then she reared back her head, opened her mouth and lunged forward as she roared. Natty and Poppy both froze as the searing heat of her breath washed over them, while I cast a precautionary Protego. But I quickly canceled the spell, as no burst of flame followed, though I could see the back of her throat glowing orange.

The dragon's roar faded away, and she glanced down at her egg before lurching forward again to sniff Poppy. She backed away nervously, nearly right off the ledge - it would appear that even she had a limit when it came to admiring a dragon. Just as she managed to steady herself, the dragon halted her advance, sniffing some more. Poppy plucked up the courage to reach out with her hand and attempted to boop her snoot, but the dragon recoiled with a heavy snort just before she made contact.

She regarded Natty and myself with a few turns of her head, perhaps wondering if we were going to try to pet her as well. Then she bent down with her long neck and picked up her egg in her jaws, carefully cushioning it with her tongue and securing it within a cage of sharp teeth. Then, casting us a final glare, she spread her wings and took off into the sky, off to find a new secluded area to build another nest in peace and secrecy. It wasn't until she was out of our sight that we all let out breaths we hadn't realized we'd been holding in, gasping for air.

The smile on Poppy's face spread from ear to ear. "That was brilliant! And did you see how clever? She left us perfectly unharmed!"

"Yea... I guess dragons are smarter than most people give them credit for," I shrugged with exhaustion. Poppy nodded in agreement.

"...She tried to kill us!" argued Natty.

"But she stopped once she realized we returned her egg to her," Poppy replied. "The important thing is that we survived it... and we returned her egg." I nodded wordlessly - having survived two different dragon encounters was definitely something to be proud of. Even Natty had to agree with that. "Thank you for doing this with me... wouldn't blame you one bit if you wanted to head back to the castle and never think about dragons again," she smiled, twisting her body back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back, as innocently as a child.

Merlin help whoever got roped into one of her crazy schemes the next time.

"I... I suppose it was rather exciting," Natty sighed, shaking her head with a grin. "Not many can say they encountered a mother dragon with her egg, and lived to tell the tale."

"I'm fine with leaving," I remarked. "We came, we almost died, we did it. I could go for some dinner, now."

"Very well," Poppy nodded, her smile suddenly becoming a frown. "...After all we've been doing, I half expect to be ambushed by Harlow's gang any time I'm not in the castle."

"Understandable... we did destroy their gambling venture, steal their dragon egg, killed off a bunch of them and set the police on Harlow himself," I counted on my fingers.

"True... true," she hummed in thought.

Apprehension. Suspicion. Caution. Unease.

"...What brought this up?" I asked once the emotions hit me.

"Nothing, it's just..." Poppy hesitated before continuing. "I'm expecting a package from my Gran... it hasn't arrived yet. She didn't send me an owl this week, either... perhaps she's busy with her research."

"Research, eh? What's she researching?" I asked, mildly interested.

"It varies from week to week, but it's always to do with creatures... last week she was studying leg knots in Plimpys. The package is supposed to be some feed she's been developing... I was going to give it to Professor Howin for the Kneazles."

"Huh." I nodded my head once in neutral interest.

"And now that I think about it... why haven't the poachers come after us? It's not like them to let things lie... unless..." Her eyes widened as she finally put two and two together. "...Unless they haven't let things lie...!"

"Oh, no," Natty breathed as she realized what she was implying. "You don't think...!" A dark, sour pit formed deep in my stomach - I loathed the thought of animal cruelty, but attacking a weak, defenseless elder was also high on my list of things I despised. Sure, there were some that had it coming, but Poppy's grandmother sure didn't seem the type to.

"I can't believe I didn't see it... we need to leave! I need to send an owl!" Poppy cried.

"No problem," I nodded as I grabbed hers and Natty's hands, teleporting us instantly back to Hogwarts. A moment later, to no one's knowledge but myself, the discarded Graphorn corpse vanished as well in a flash of light.


After getting over the initial surprise over how my Apparition was different from what they'd experienced before, Natty and Poppy ran frantically into the castle, leaving me alone to harvest the Graphorn's horns that appeared behind the shack I'd taken to teleporting to and from. It was a perfect spot to do so without anyone noticing. After severing the horns with a Diffindo I teleported the corpse a couple hundred feet into the nearby edge of the Forbidden Forest and took my prize back to my Room. No sense in letting them go to waste if the poor creature was already dead of natural causes... I considered it my payment for all this insanity I'd been subjected to.

Hopefully the police wherever Poppy's grandmother lived were far more competent than Singer.

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