• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 1,601 Views, 110 Comments

Yugioh Defenders of Harmony - MechaTomX

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

  • ...

Tenth Turn: Team Lost World

Another day at Canterlot High.

Spike was talking to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

"Well, it turns out that she also has a Duel Spirit, her name is Whimsey," Spike told them.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were fascinated by the anecdote that Spike told them about his duel with Snowdrop, it was clear that they had liked her, and they finally understood why Spike was with her the day before.

“Sounds like Snowdrop must be a pretty good girl,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, we should introduce her to Scootaloo and Rumble too,” Apple Bloom added.

"And what do you say about that girl? Sugar Belle, do you think he has adapted well to the team?" Spike asked them.

Apple Bloom nodded, "Awesome, she's gotten along well with all the members, although she considers Discord a little crazy."

"I guess Discord considers himself 'a little crazy,'" Spike replied making the girls laugh, "Hey now that I think about it, where's Scootaloo?"

School Ground.

"Rumble Raptor, attack," shouted Scootaloo who was having a duel, Rumble had been summoned and used his claw to destroy a monster that seemed to be the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“Ahhh,” shouted a girl with cyan skin, long dark blue hair with an orange bow on her left side, and blue eyes, she was wearing a yellow jacket and a white shirt with a drawing of a skull with bones around it, she was also wearing shorts torn shoes and brown boots, made for walking in the mountains.

Scootaloo: 1300 LP (WINNER)
Petunia Paleo: 0 LP

“Holy, that was epic,” said the girl, whose name was Petunia Paleo.

“You play very well Petunia, I've never seen a fossil deck before,” Scootaloo told her as she helped Petunia up.

“I need to improve a bit, but I feel like that deck complements me,” Petunia replied, “By the way, I like that your deck is also a dinosaur themed deck, especially with your style combined with wrestling.”

“Hehe, yeah, I really like this deck,” Scootaloo replied.

"It's a shame you're already part of a team, with your deck you could easily fit into the team I'm on," Petunia told her, which made Scootaloo ask her more questions.

"Oh, are you part of a team?"

“Yes, it's called Team Lost World,” Petunia replied.

“Like the field spell card,” Scootaloo said.

“Yes, exactly,” Petunia stated with a smile, “Our leader, named us after the card shop.”

At that moment Spike, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle arrived, "Hey Scootaloo."

Seeing Petunia, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle greeted her, "Oh hi Petunia."

“Hey guys, I just had a duel with Scoots, she's very skilled,” Petunia told them.

"Oh, right, you guys haven't met yet," Sweetie Belle said realizing that Spike didn't know her, "Petunia, he's our friend Spike."

"Hi," Spike greeted her with a smile.

But seeing Spike, a big smile spread across Petunia's face, "Holy bones of an oviraptor, its you."

“Oh, yeah its me, I guess,” Spike answered a little nervously, looking around.

“It's you, you're Spike,” Petunia said as she moved closer to the boy, making him uncomfortable in the process.

"Oh, I swear I didn't mean to, whatever I would have done," Spike said, hiding behind Apple Bloom.

"Hey," Apple Bloom whined, obviously not liking Spike using her as a human shield.

“First, let me say that I appreciate what you did,” Petunia told him.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

“The duel you had against Rover that day, you taught him a lesson, and you proved that Rogue Duelists like us are worth the same as Pro Duelists,” Petunia explained.

"Oh that, hehe, well, I don't want to sound arrogant or conceited," Spike replied, his look turning serious, "But Rover brought it on himself, and if a Pro has problems with me, let them come get me."

“Spike, there's a Pro behind you,” Scootaloo yelled.

"Ahhhh," Spike yelled in fear, then ducked and hid behind Petunia.

“Hahaha, sorry Spike I couldn't resist,” Scootaloo told him with a laugh who had clearly fooled him.

"Very funny Scootaloo," Spike replied with a sarcastic tone.

“Anyway,” Petunia interrupted, “I was telling Scootaloo about the team I'm on and their card shop, I want to know if you'd like to come to see it?”

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Scootaloo replied, then looked at the others, "What do you girls and Spike say?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Spike replied.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom agreed.

“It will be exciting to discover a new card shop,” added Sweetie Belle.

"Of course it will be exciting, you will like my team leader, is also a Rogue Duelist like us despite being 3 years older than us," Petunia told them as they left the place, then she turned to Spike, "And also he found out about that your duel against Rover, I think he would like to meet you.”

"I'm flattered, I'm not denying that," Spike replied.

On the streets of Canterlot.

The 5 of them were heading to that card shop that Petunia had told them about.

"Could you tell us a bit more about that card shop," Apple Bloom asked.

“Yes, the shop is recent, it was opened 3 months ago, our leader decided that if we were already a full-fledged team, then we should have a place to play,” Petunia answered.

“Wow, and he decided the place would be a card shop, must have been expensive,” Scootaloo added.

“Money hasn't been an issue for our leader, he's always had a passion for dueling, so much so that he becomes someone different when he's having a duel,” Petunia added.

“Different? What do you mean with that?" Spike asked.

Petunia giggled, "You'll know when you see it, by the way, we're here."

The 5 stopped before a tall building, which was painted green, with several windows, but what made them know that this was the store was the sign that said: LOST WORLD TCG SHOP.

“Wow, it already exceeded my expectations,” said Heathspike who had materialized next to Spike, who obviously couldn't be seen by Petunia.

“For some reason I feel at home,” said Rumble who had materialized next to Scootaloo.

The 5 entered the shop, they found it fascinating, at the entrance there were statues of dinosaur-type monsters such as Souleating Oviraptor, Dinowrestler Prankatops, Jurrac Meteor, etc.

“What a cool shop,” Scootaloo said in surprise.

They looked around, they noticed that the store had a lot of space, both to accommodate up to 50 duelists, there was even a dueling arena that existed before the Duel Disks were invented, a detail that seemed great to them.

"Speaking of dinosaurs look at that thing," said Sweetie Belle pointing to the Duel Arena.

“This way,” Petunia instructed, leading them to the counter.

There, was a boy who looked the same age as Twilight, with lilac skin, he wore a red jacket with black pants with a reddish tone, he had red hair combed up looking like a flame.

The boy gave them a serious look, which made Spike and the girls uncomfortable, with the exception of Petunia.

"Heath," the girl greeted him, "guess who he is?"

“Let me guess,” the boy whose name was Heath replied, “He's one of those prodigy duelists that are very young.”

Petunia shook her head, "No, he's a Rogue Duelist like us, so are they."

Heath raised an eyebrow, "Interesting, well, let me introduce myself, my name is Heath Burns, I work at this shop, do you need something?"

"You are the leader?" Scootaloo asked.

“No, but I am one of their strongest duelists,” Heath replied with a proud smile, “Why do you want to see our leader?”

"Heath, this guy, he's the one who beat Rover," Petunia replied, seeing that Heath hadn't recognized Spike.

"He?" Heath asked pointing at Spike, clearly unable to believe it, "Is he the guy who taught that dumb Pro a lesson?"

Spike nodded nervously.

"Damn, I imagined you taller, and older, and with muscles and…" Heath was going to continue but was interrupted by Petunia.

"Okay Heath, stop it."

“I'm sorry, I guess I have to keep some of the things I think to myself,” Heath apologized.

"Its ok, I'm used to it," Spike replied lowering his head.

"In any case, our leader is here," Heath Burns pointed to a door behind the counter, "You are free to come in."

"Thank you Heath," Petunia thanked as they entered the room, "This way."

The 6 of them were walking down a long, dark corridor until they reached another door, but when they got there, they heard something.




They were sounds of a gun firing.

"Wait what," Spike said surprised since he was one of the closest to the door.

“Sounds like a shootout,” Scootaloo added, feeling worried.

But then they heard something else.



"Is there a dinosaur in there?" Apple Bloom asked.

“Why do you say that so normally,” Sweetie Belle told them, shaking with fear.

"Relax, there's no dinosaur inside," Heath Burns told them, throwing the door open, "Hey, leader."

"AHHHHH," a woman's cry was heard, a figure moved as far away as possible until it reached a corner, where it hid behind a chair.

Petunia took that opportunity to turn on the light and they saw that they were in a simple room, there was a small bed in the corner, a huge television, a desk with several cards spread out and a sofa in front of the television, it went without saying that the room was full of posters of various dinosaur-type monsters, and near the TV and the desk, there were many boxes that seemed to be from video games.

“You see, the only dinosaur in this room is that thing,” Heath Burns said, pointing to a video game console.

"A Playstation 1," Spike said as he walked over to the console, "Wow, this guy must be into collecting old video games too."

“Okay, you can come out, you didn't have to hide,” Heath Burns told the person who hid behind a chair.

"I'm sorry, I was scared and then I didn't know what to do," the person came out of hiding, she looked like a tall and thin girl, with short dark blue hair, she had purple eyes, her skin was bright green, shee wore a black vest, a slightly torn white shirt with the drawing of an X in the center, she wore pants and long tennis shoes, but her most notable feature was a purple mark that she had on her face, under her left eye.

"How did you get scared?" Heath asked the girl who was their leader.

“I think this explains it,” Petunia Paleo replied as she held up one of her video game boxes which was open, missing a disc, the box said on its cover: DINO CRISIS.

"Did a video game scare you?" asked Heath with a deadpan look.

“It was a horror video game,” the leader replied.

"Catastros, what were you doing playing a horror game?" asked Petunia.

“Well, it was a dinosaur videogame,” she replied, “You know, I like videogames, I like dinosaurs, so I thought…”

She wanted to continue but the serious faces of her teammates prevented her from speaking, she tried to apologize but her voice dropped the more she looked at them, "I'm sorry."

"Wow, this girl seems to be more nervous than Fluttershy, how is that possible?" Spike wondered.

"Anyway," Petunia told her, indicating the girls and Spike, "you won't believe who's here, members of the Apple Harmony team."

"Oh, hello," the girl greeted them, approaching slowly, it seemed that she was afraid that they would do something to her, "My name is Soren Catastros, but you can call me Catastros, I am the owner of the store and the leader of the Team Lost World."

"Hehe, that's a rough name for such a cute girl," Scootaloo mentioned making Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle laugh.

"It's nice to meet you, this is Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle," Spike greeted her with a handshake, "And I'm Spike."

"I'm glad to meet the members of Apple Harmony, I liked their way of dueling and how they respect all duelists, because it's always seemed to me..." said Catastros but then she stopped herself when she saw Spike, "Wait, did you say, your name is Spike? The Spike, The Brave and Glorious?"

"Hehe, Petunia told me you wanted to meet me," Spike told her although he never imagined that he had such a long nickname.

Catastros nodded nervously, but from her expression she looked as happy as any fangirl meeting a celebrity, "Yeah, not just because you showed the value of the Rogue Duelists, I also like your deck."

"Oh great, though I thought you'd prefer dinosaur decks," Spike replied.

"Of course I like them, but that also includes reptiles and dragons, I also like dragons a lot, I knew I should meet you sometime," Catastros told her, losing some of his shyness.

“Wow Spike, looks like you already have a fan,” Sweetie Belle told him.

“Yeah, the girls seem to fall at his feet,” Sweetie Belle added, “First it was Snowdrop, and now it's Catastros.”

"Hey, I'm just dueling her, just because I'm dueling girls doesn't mean it's going to be romantic," Spike told them, "Besides, she's older than me."

"Umm, what does that mean?" asked Catastros.

"That I treat all the girls I face as equals, after all, we're duelists, not only that, we're both Rogue Duelists, our gender doesn't matter, we always have to maintain respect," Spike told her.

“Oh,” Catastros replied, looking around, clearly understanding the situation.

“Hehehe,” Petunia Paleo chuckled.

Heath put his hand to his forehead, "Oh gosh, I told you people would get confused, but no, you insisted on looking like that."

“I can't do anything,” Catastros replied as if about to cry, “This is what I look like.”

"What is she talking about?" asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well, I'm not a her, I'm a him,” Catastros replied.

The realization impacted both Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

But Spike didn't seem to understand, "What?"

“I'm not a female, Im a male,” Catastros replied, looking at Spike with a serious look.

"Oh, oh, sorry," Spike replied trying to apologize, although in his mind, he was thinking something else, "How is it possible that he is a boy, hell I even think he's more beautiful than Twilight."

“Yes, and Catastros has wanted to duel with you ever since,” Petunia told him.

Spike smiled and looked at him, "Is that right, Catastros?"

Catastros couldn't say a word, he just decided to nod nervously.

"Well, if our leader is going to duel, then let it be big, in the battle arena," Heath Burns told them.

"Oh, I do want to see that, what do you guys say?" asked Petunia.

Spike and Catastros nodded with a determined smile.

"We are ready."

All the duelists present in the shop had stayed to contemplate the great duel that was coming, since this was one of the times where they would see their team leader having a duel.

Spike and Catastros arrived at the dueling arena, Catastros pressed a button in the dueling arena, from there 2 Duel Monsters boards emerged, one was red and the other was blue.

Before starting, Spike asked Catastros a question, he didn't know where it came from, but he felt he had to, "Catastros, if I might ask, is there a reason you like dinosaurs and dragons so much?"

“And the reptiles,” Catastros added with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, that too," Spike added.

"Well, since I was little, I've always been alone, I didn't have any friends, I felt weak, weak in the world that was slowly suffocating me," Catastros answered, Spike didn't expect him to open up so much with him.

“Worse still, I have a brother and a sister, who have always been more talented than me, I don't hold any grudges against them, but I have always felt inferior to them, basically, I felt very weak,” Catastros continued.

"We have a lot in common," Spike thought.

"But the dragons and dinosaurs, they were always there for me, to make me feel powerful, when I picked up one of those cards, I felt really good about myself for the first time in my life."

10 years ago.

A 7-year-old Catastros was sitting admiring one of the cards that had come out in a Booster Pack, a powerful dragon with deadly attack.

“Red-Eyes Black Dragon,” Catastros said excitedly.

The present

“Even though I've changed decks over time, I always make sure to keep a dragon in it, these cards brought out the best in me, that's why I like them so much,” Catastros finished telling his story.

"Wow, it really will be an honor to duel against you," Spike told him.

"Then you have to go with full power, choose a board," Catastros told him excitedly.

Spike went to the red board, that made Catastros go to the blue board.

The dashboard lights came on as the two of them placed their decks there.

“If they're ready, then let the dueling begin,” Heath Burns announced.

They both drew 5 cards from their decks and the battle began.

"DUEL," Spike yelled, but Catastros didn't, he stood still for a few seconds, worrying him, "Ah Catastros, are you okay?"

Spike and his friends got worried, they were afraid that something had happened to Catastros, but their teammates didn't seem worried, on the contrary, they smiled.

"Wait a minute, something's not right," Heathspike told him as he began to hear strange music coming from where Catastros was.

The music had stopped and Catastros was in the same place but for some reason, he looked different, although his appearance was the same, his look had completely changed, he didn't seem like the same person, the shy look that Catastros showed to the Introducing himself was different from this, now he had a serious look with a confident smile.

"It's time to Duel, Spike," said Catastros but that didn't seem to be his voice anymore which was very low and with a feminine tone, this was a deeper and more confident voice, with more conviction and without any hesitation.

"Wait, wait a minute, what the hell happened to you?" Spike asked.

"What are you talking about?" Catastros responded with another question, but now retaining his new gravelly voice.

“Your look, your personality,” Spike pointed out, not understanding what was happening, “Did you hit puberty in the last 5 seconds? What the hell happened to your voice?

Catastros didn't respond to that, he simply looked at his hand, "I'll let you decide who goes first, no matter what the decision is, the end result will be the same."

"What's wrong with this girl, I mean guy?" Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, a few seconds ago he looked like someone who would run away just by looking at a hologram, but now he looks really badass,” Scootaloo added.

“Yeah, he looked really, really, I don't know how to put it before,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Very effeminate, I think that's the description you're looking for,” Heath Burns added with a smile.

Catastros gave Heath a stern look, "I listen that, Heath."

Heath swallowed hard, he didn't think he'd hear him.

"Well, in that case, you can go first," Spike told him.

“Alright, so we begin,” Catastros responded, raising his cards to the sky.

Scootaloo approached Petunia, "When you said that he turns into a different person when he duels, you really meant it."

“That's right, that's Catastros for you,” Petunia replied with a smile.


Spike: 4000 LP
Catastros: 4000 LP

"My turn and I'll start by summoning Megalosmasher X," Catastros said as a kind of plesiosaur with robotic parts appeared in the field generated by holograms. (ATK 2000/DEF 0/Lv 4)

“Wow, he's only level 4 but he has 2000 attack points,” Spike said in surprise.

“Exactly, with that great strength, warriors like us can survive extinction,” Catastros replied with a smile.

"What a heroic response, I'm going to have a hard time getting used to his change of attitude," Spike thought.

“Setting a face down and with this I end my turn,” Catastros said as one of the squares on the field glowed revealing that a card was face down.

"Then it's my turn, Draw," Spike said pulling a card from his deck, he was normally going to start his combo because Catastros had only a card face down, but that seemed strange to him, "Why didn't he use more cards?"

Catastros was looking at him seriously.

"He's teasing me," Spike thought, "Then I'll do this."

“I activate the spell, Painful Decision, add 2 normal monsters, one to my hand and one to the graveyard,” Spike said as he activated his card.

“I won't allow it,” said Catastros said as a ghostly maiden appeared in front of him, there were fathoms surrounding her, she was wearing a Japanese outfit and had cat ears, “I activate Ash Blossom's effect, discarding it from my hand I can deny your spell card.”

Ash Blossom launched a fireball towards Spike field, and on his table the following could be read: LOCK.

“Damn, he activated a hand trap,” Scootaloo said.

“And with that she stopped Spike's first move,” Sweetie Belle added.

"He," Petunia Paleo corrected her.

"Sorry, I still can't believe Catastros is a boy," Sweetie Belle apologized.

"Wait, it looks like Spike planned this," Apple Bloom told them seeing that Spike didn't seem surprised.

"I knew you would do that," Spike told him with a smile to which Catastros raised an eyebrow, "You would negate my first card, I decided to sacrifice it to really make my real first play."

Catastros smiled.

"Now I'll activate the spell, Dragon Shrine, I sent a dragon to the graveyard, and if the dragon is a normal monster, I can send another one," Spike said as 2 of his dragons were sent to the graveyard.

"He's going to do it," Catastros thought.

“From my graveyard I activate Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm's effect, if I control no monsters I can Special Summon it,” Spike said as his dark dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“I now summon Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” the effecting Dracoslayer appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"Now check this out, I'll fuse Master Pendulum with the Darkwurm," Spike said as their monsters turned to energy and combined.

"So, a Fusion Summon," Catastros thought.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, Spike fusion monster appear in Defense mode, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

Catastros frowned, "With him in the field, I imagine no pendulum can be destroyed."

Spike nodded, “That's right, and now I activate the other effect of Dinoster, summoning a Dracoslayer from the graveyard, return, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer, and with that I end my turn,” Spike said as his advanced dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Well, Spike managed to put some good defense on his field,” Sweetie Belle said.

“But a defense of nearly 3,000 won't stop Catastros,” Petunia Paleo told them with a smile.

"It's my turn, Draw," Catastros took out a card from his deck, when he saw it he smiled, but still maintaining that tough guy face, "I'll summon Souleating Oviraptor."

In the field appeared a species of oviraptor consumed by blue fire. (ATK 1800/DEF 500/Lv 4)

“Its effect allows me to add a dinosaur to my hand,” Catastros said as he added a very shiny card, even though Spike didn't know what that card did, he couldn't help but feel intimidated.

"It doesn't matter, your monsters can't get past my defense," Spike told him.

"You say I can't get past your defense, and who decided it?" asked Catastros with a smile.

"You say your pendulums are safe, and who decided it?" Catastros asked again without losing his smile.

"Umm, um," Spike didn't know what to say.

“No one decides for me, I am Catastros, the duelist above the Pro,” Catastros said, holding up his finger.

“This guy seems to be made of arrogance,” Scootaloo said between her teeth.

But unfortunately Catastros heard her, "It's not arrogance, it's pride, little girl."

"That face down card," Spike said through gritted teeth.

“You are correct,” Catastros said, then raised his arm as he activated the card, “Trap Card, Survival of the Fittest.”

The trap card manifested on the field and got equipped with Megalosmasher X.

“This card increases the attack of one of my dinosaurs by 1000, and if it destroys a monster, it can attack another monster,” Catastros explained as Megalosmasher X received a power up. (ATK 3000)

"Uh oh," Spike said knowing what was to come.

“Oh no, that's 3000 attack, enough to beat Dinoster's 2950 defense,” Apple Bloom added.

“Thanks genius, I hadn't noticed,” Heath Burns replied sarcastically.

“Hoy you couldn't notice Heath, my monster is literally in front of you,” Catastros told him.

“It was sarcasm, you sissy idiot,” Heath Burns replied.

“I suggest you have more respect for your leader,” Catastros told him.

“Your right, your Majesty, whatever you wish I am there for you,” Heath replied sarcastically.

"Thats better," said Catastros which obviously failed to capture the sarcasm.

“Enough Heath, you know very well that Catastros doesn't understand sarcasm,” Petunia Paleo scolded.

“Ok, ok, I'll stop,” Heath replied, “Ughh, you guys don't like to have fun.”

“Anyway,” Catastros said, “I'll go into battle, Megalosmasher X, destroy his monsters.”

At that moment, Megalosmasher X conjured a huge wave, which he jumped into, the wave ended up consuming both Dinoster and Master Pendulum.

"Oh no," said Spike who had run out of monsters on the field.

"Oviraptor, to him," Catastros ordered, as Oviraptor released a ball of blue fire which impacted Spike squarely.

"AHHHHHH," Spike cried out in pain as he was consumed by the blue fire.

Spike: 2200 LP
Catastros: 4000 LP

"Oh no, Spike, are you okay?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Great," Spike replied, recovering from the blow as he stood up, "Fire can't kill a dragon."

"That's how you talk, Spike," Heathspike told him.

“You are correct, a dragon is not defeated by fire, so I hope you have a good plan,” Catastros told him.

"And I got it, my turn," Spike replied, drawing a card.

"Do you really have it?" asked Heathspike.

"No, I don't, but I can't let him find out," Spike replied nervously between whispers.

But seeing the card Spike pulled out, Heathspike smiled, "I think you do."

That made Spike look at the card, "I guess that'll do."

Catastros raised an eyebrow.

"I activate Graceful Charity," Spike said drawing 3 cards and sending 2 to the graveyard, "Sweet."

“Once again, from the Graveyard I activate Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm's effect, if I control no monsters, I can Special Summon it,” Spike said as his dark dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“He has 2,” Catastros said in surprise, “and I'm sure he sent it to the graveyard with Graceful Charity.”

"I now summon Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer," another copy of Spike's pendulum monster appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Here it comes again,” Catastros said through gritted teeth.

"Now," Spike ordered as his Master Pendulum and his Darkwurm began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"The Majespecter alliance will lend you its power, taking the reins of the mighty Kirin and riding it as a majestic Pegasus, be one with the wind, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole, Spike's Xyz Monster appeared in defense mode, "MAJESTER PALADIN, THE ASCENDING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 1850/DEF 2000/Rank 4)

"An Xyz that can search and create field, not bad," thought Catastros.

“When summoned, Majester allows me to add any Pendulum monster from my deck to my hand in the End Phase,” Spike said as he detached a material, “And now I activate its other effect.”

“I detach an Overlay unit and can summon a Dracoslayer from my Extra Deck,” Spike said.

At that moment one of the lights was absorbed by Majester Paladin's sword, which created a small tornado from which Master Pendulum arose. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

"Setting a face down, and I end my turn, and since its the End Phase," Spike explained as a card was turned face down and his hand brought the Luster Pendulum, "He's added to my hand."

“Well, at least he got to set up a better defense,” Sweetie Belle said.

"But Spike can't win like this, he'll have to find a way to get rid of those Dinos," Scootaloo told her.

“Except it can't do it by attacking,” Heath Burns replied with a sinister grin, “Dinosaur monsters are built to be the highest attacking monsters, no deck beats them in that regard, maybe just dragons.”

“My turn,” Catastros said as he drew a card, he analyzed Spike's field and was ready to attack him but realized something, “That face down card, if it's a trap, could be in trouble if it's Mirror Force, either way, it's dangerous."

“I switch Oviraptor into defense mode,” Catastros told him, shifting said monster's position, “I now turn to battle.”

“I activate my trap card, Threatening Roar,” Spike said as he activated his other card face down, from it, a beast emerged and roared at the dinosaurs causing them to get scared, “Now you can't declare an attack this turn.”

"Oh, it wasn't that bad, at least it didn't matter if I switched to defense for Oviraptor," thought Catastros, "I'd give the same thing."

"I managed to stop him, though for the moment," Spike thought.

"I'm not done yet," Catastros told him making Spike swallow.

"Now," Catastros ordered as his Megalosmasher X and his Souleating Oviraptor began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

"An Xyz monster," Spike said in surprise.

Heath Burns smiled as he guessed the monster his leader was going to summon.

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"With the power of evolution, survive the cold that once plagued this planet, unite with the power of fire and fly high, ascend to godhood now, burning hell, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole emerged a green dragon with 6 wings, there were red markings around its body, and its eyes were red in color just like its markings, flames surrounded the monster and 2 red lights flew around it, "EVOLZAR LAGGIA." (ATK 2400/DEF 200/Rank 4)

“Very good Catastros, good negator,” Heath Burns encouraged him, “I have that monster in my Evol deck too.”

“Spike, be very careful what you activate,” Heathspike told him, “That monster can negate any spell or trap by detaching 2 of its materials.”

"I'll be careful," Spike replied.

“This is evolution, my monster came to make a big change,” Catastros said as another square on the field lit up, this time in the monster zones, “I set a monster on defense and end my turn.”

"It's my turn, please make it a winning card," Spike said as he drew a card, "Good."

“Oh no,” Catastros said, knowing that nothing good was in store for him.

"I activate my spell card, Raigeki," Spike said as a huge bolt of lightning covered the field of Catastros, "All your monsters will be destroyed."

“What an idiot,” Heath Burns said, watching, “doesn't he know the effect of Laggia?”

“I activate Laggia's effect,” Catastros said as the lights flying around Laggia disappeared and a barrage of fire covered the field, preventing the beam from passing through, “Detaching 2 units, I negate your card.”

“I managed to save my monsters, but I think this was their plan,” Catastros thought.

"Wait," said Heath Burns, who understood, "It can't be."

“You found out too late, Heath,” Petunia Paleo told him.

“That boy, he force Catastros to use that effect,” Heath Burns said.

“Now Catastros can't stop your plays, go get him, Spike,” Sweetie Belle yelled.

“I summon Magical Abductor,” Spike said as his sorceress appeared on the field. (ATK 1700/DEF 1400/Lv 4/P 3)

"Once again, I'll Fusion Summon," Spike said as his monsters energized and combined.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, Spike fusion monster appears, this time in Attack mode, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

"I'll switch Majester to attack mode, and now with his and Dinoster's effects, I'll summon another 2 Dracoslayer," Spike explained, at which point, Master Pendulum and Luster Pendulum returned to the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

Spike smirked, “Now I tune level 4 Luster Pendulum with level 4 Master Pendulum.”

Luster Pendulum jumped and transformed into 2 fireballs, which carved a pair of burning rings which Master Pendulum flew into.

"Bearing the armor of the mighty Igknight clan, incinerate everything in your path and create a new world with the flame of hope, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

And from an ascending fire, appeared Spike Synchro monster, the flaming dragon with an armor, "IGNISTER PROMINENCE THE BLASTING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2850/DEF 0/Lv 8)

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom exclaimed knowing Catastros would have a hard time stopping that monster.

"AND I'M NOT FINISHED YET," Spike yelled, "But first I activate Ignister's effect, I'll summon an ally from my deck, Luster Pendulum appears."

Another copy of the Luster Pendulum appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“Great, couldn't get any better,” Catastros said through clenched teeth.

"But don't worry, he won't stay for long, because I'm going to destroy him with Ignister's effect," Spike said as Ignister raised his sword which was ignited with his fire, "And I can return one card to your deck, in this case, Laggia.”

At that moment, Laggia was consumed by fire from Ignister's sword and was returned to the extra deck.

“This is amazing, not only has he managed to summon 3 of his monsters from his Extra Deck, he's also managed to bypass Catastros negator,” Scootaloo said.

“And now Catastros only has one monster left, he won't be able to take Spike's attacks,” Sweetie Belle added excitedly.

“Catastros,” Petunia called back, clearly worried about her leader.

But Catastros only smiled at him, showing no fear.

“You made a mistake Spike, if you had only chosen my face down card, I would have lost,” Catastros told him with a smile.

“Grr, do you really trust your monster that much in defense?” Spike asked.

"That's right," replied Catastros, "I trust all my monsters, because with them I formed a team that will make us reach the top, for me they are not just monsters, they are my friends."

Spike couldn't help but smile, he really enjoyed the duel and his opponent, but he couldn't stop thinking about that monster, but staying without attacking wouldn't get him anywhere, "Majester, attack the monster in defense."

Spike's monster conjured a gust of wind that went to the area where the monster was hiding, upon receiving the attack the monster was revealed, it had the shape of an albino velociraptor, but the curious thing was that it carried a huge shield on its back and 2 small shields on its front legs. (ATK 1800/DEF 1600/Lv 3)

"Look Rumble, it's another velociraptor," Scootaloo pointed to her Duel Spirit.

"Oh come on, what kind of velociraptor cowardly hides behind a shield," Rumble replied.

"Well, not everyone can be fighters like you," Scootaloo told him.

“Shield Raptor's effect, when attacked in defense mode, the first time, it is not destroyed by battle,” Catastros explained.

"Damn," Spike frowned as he saw that Shield Raptor survived Majester's blow, but then he realized something, "That monster…"

“It was the one I added to my hand with the effect of Oviraptor,” Catastros replied, “I calculate all my moves, I know which monsters will save me at a certain time, sometimes I feel like my cards speak to me.”

“This boy is very interesting,” Heathspike told Spike.

"Well, that doesn't matter, because I can still attack you with Dinoster and Ignister," Spike told him as his monsters prepared to attack the androgynous duelist.

“Then come with everything,” Catastros replied as he spread his arms, “I will resist it.”

"Dinoster Power, attack, Dino Tsunami," Spike said to his monster which summoned a tsunami which drowned Shield Raptor, destroying it.

"Now Ignister, Fire Slash," Spike yelled as his monster raised its flaming sword, with which it stabbed at Catastros, but the most incredible thing was that it didn't even flinch when it received the blow.

Spike: 2200 LP
Catastros: 1200 LP

"You could at least blink," Spike told him, "Dude, you just got stabbed by a fiery sword, I know it's just a hologram but for Faust's sake."

“I see,” Catastros replied, wiping the holographic fire off his shoulder, “No wonder I felt a bit of pressure, I'm really impressive.”

“Hehehe, I really like this guy,” Heathspike laughed.

Spike simply rolled his eyes, "Setting 2 face downs, and end my turn."

“Its my turn,” Catastros said with his hand on his deck, he closed his eyes, “I trust you my friends.”

And at that moment Catastros pulled out the card with such force, he even gave a shout "DRAW."

“His deck, without having any Duel Spirits, seems to respond very well to him,” Spike told Heathspike.

“Now, feel the powerful claw of the king,” Catastros told him as he showed him a spell card, “Double Evolution Pill.”

"Gahhhh," Spike and Heathspike yelled at the same time.

"Noooo," Scootaloo yelled, "Not that one."

"What's up Scoots? What does that card do? asked Sweetie Belle.

But at that moment, they saw Catastros take out 2 monsters from his graveyard, "I banish Ash Blossom and Shield Raptor."

“That card allows you to summon a Level 7 or higher dinosaur monster, banishing a dinosaur and a non-dinosaur monster,” Scootaloo explained.

“Oh, it's just a Special Summon,” Sweetie Belle said.

“It's not just a special summon,” Heath Burns told them.

“He's right, because he can summon the monster by ignoring its summoning conditions,” Scootaloo continued.

“Are you kidding me,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a shrill tone.

"Now look, power flows with the energy that runs through his body, he is the representation of the strongest species that ever survived extinction, managing to adapt to this world which will be surprised, appear, ULTIMATE CONDUCTOR TYRANNO."

A monster appeared on the field so large that it made almost all the spectators back, especially those who were closest to the dueling arena, it was a kind of black anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus rex, which had purple orbs charged with electricity that ran all over its body, yellow thorns protruded from its back to its tail. (ATK 3500/DEF 3200/Lv 10)

"How in the blooming apples that thing fits in the Duel Arena?" asked Apple Bloom.

"That thing is huge, how will I defeat it?" Spike asked scared.

“I think that's your problem,” Catastros replied with a smile, “You're very lucky I don't have a Babycerasaurus in my hand right now.”

Spike swallowed.

“I'm going to activate Tyranno's effect, I'll destroy a dinosaur in my hand,” Catastros told him, sending one of his cards to the graveyard, “And now look what happens.”

Ultimate Conductor Tyranno released a rampaging roar that scared Spike's monsters, which had gone into defense mode.

"Hey, wait a minute, what the hell happened?" Spike asked.

“Ultimate Conductor Tyranno can switch your monsters into defensive mode, and not only that, he can also attack all of them at once,” Catastros replied.

"It can't be," Spike said scared.

“And not only that,” Catastros continued.

"Oh come on," Spike exclaimed in frustration, "how many effects does it have?"

But Catastros ignored that question, “When my monster attacks, it can destroy it and deal 1000 damage to you.”

The realization hit Spike's friends like an avalanche.

"Wait, 1000 damage for each monster," Apple Bloom began to do the math in her mind.

"It means that Spike…" Sweetie Belle said, stopping when she saw that Spike had figured it out.

Spike's eyes widened when he heard that, "I have 3 monsters, and I only have 2200 Life Points left, that means…"

“It means the duel ends here,” Catastros said as his monster roared into the sky, “But since I'm feeling in a very good mood today, I'll decide to attack all 3 of them at the same time.”

"I guess I'll have to change my underwear after this," thought Spike, who couldn't stop shaking.

“Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, impress them with your power, TRIASSIC OVERLOAD,” Catastros yelled as a devilish amount of lightning surrounded Spike's monsters and destroyed them.

And at that moment, the remaining beams were directed at Spike, who couldn't stop looking at them.

"SPIKE," all her friends yelled at the same time, who didn't dare look.

The lightning struck the boy who screamed when he felt the discharges, "GYAHHHH."

The field was filled with smoke.

"You fought very well Spike, I had a lot of fun," Catastros told him but at that moment when the smoke cleared, he saw Spike on the ground, but was surprised to see his remaining Life Points.

Spike: 700 LP
Catastros: 1200 LP

"But how?" Catastros wondered in surprise, though he then realized that Spike had activated a trap card.

“Draconic Poison,” Spike explained as he struggled to his feet, “As long as I control a Dragon-type monster, all damage Im gonna take will be cut in half.”

"Wow, who knew Spike would make it out that turn," Scootaloo told them.

“His dueling skills have grown,” Rumble told her.

“Then your 3000 points became 1500,” Catastros told him as he placed 3 cards face down, he smiled, “You are impressive, just like me.”

"Thanks Catastros," Spike replied as he got up, "My turn."

Spike pulled out a card, he was surprised to see it, "I just put this card in the deck, I don't think there's a better time to use it."

Catastros felt that something big was coming.

"Spell card, Mystic Draco Revolution," Spike yelled as he activated his card.

"Mystic Draco Revolution?" Catastros wondered.

Spike began to explain the effect of his card, "This card only works if I have 3 Dracoslayer monsters in my graveyard, but they have to be Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz, and you know I have them."

Catastros agreed.

“I can banish them and summon a Dracoslayer from my extra deck ignoring their summoning conditions,” Spike said as Majester, Dinoster, and Ignister were released from the graveyard.

“This is truly incredible,” Catastros said with emotion.

"Appear, warrior flowing with the power of the dragon alchemy, whose body bears the scales of the brave hero who will fight to the end and spread his mystical fire on the battlefield, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared Spike Link Monster and his Duel Spirit, in his complete form, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, THE MYSTIC DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

“So the rumors were true,” Catastros said, seeing Master Heathspike.

“I've never seen that monster before,” Heath Burns said in surprise.

"I had seen it," replied Petunia Paleo, "With that monster Spike managed to defeat Rover."

"Then it must be very powerful," Heath said, clenching his fists.

At that moment, Heathspike's attack points increased. (ATK 3000/Link-3)

"His attack points," Catastros said.

“Master Heathspike gains 500 attack points if I have a face-up Dracoslayer in my extra deck, and gains another 500 if I have a Dracoslayer in my graveyard,” Spike replied.

“That's so cool,” Catastros said.

"AND THAT'S NOT ALL," Spike yelled as Master Heathspike's sword was consumed by flames, "Banishing 1 Dracoslayer from my extra deck or graveyard I can add 1000 attack points to it until my End Phase." (ATK 4000/Link-3)

Catastros frowned, “Oh well, I know something like this would happen.”

"BATTLE," Spike yelled as his dragon charged his sword at Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, ATTACK TYRANNO, MYSTIC CLAW STRIKE."

Heathspike attacked Tyranno who began to release several sparks before exploding.

“You put up a very good fight, Tyranno,” Catastros said, seeing his monster destroyed.

Spike: 700 LP
Catastros: 700 LP

“Spike, since I opened my shop, no one has managed to defeat my Ultimate Conductor Tyranno in battle, you should be proud of that,” Catastros said to Spike.

"Hehe, thanks Catastros," Spike thanked.

“So I won't feel bad doing this,” Catastros said as he activated a face-down card, “Quick Spell card, Transcendent Evolution.”

"What the hell?" Spike exclaimed.

“When a dinosaur is destroyed by battle,” Catastros explained, “I CAN SPECIAL SUMMON A DRAGON FROM MY DECK.”

"A dragon," Spike said in surprise, "does he mean, the…"


“Red-Eyes Black Dragon, one of the legendary cards in the game,” Sweetie Belle said.

"It can't be, it's the legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon," Spike said surprised, "It's a rare and powerful card, and you own it."

“Yes, after trying and trying, I managed to get it to work on a dinosaur deck, but my card has another effect,” Catastros explained, “The dragon wins the destroyed dinosaur's attack points.”

The Red-Eyes Black Dragon let out a huge roar as its attack points increased. (ATK 5900)

“If the dinosaur was really strong, I can't imagine what that dragon would do,” Sweetie Belle said.

"That's for the best, what it will do is end the duel," Catastros told her, "I activate my trap card, Meteor Xeno Rain, we will both take damage equal to half a monster on my field."

“It's clear this guy isn't sane, that he's doing this doesn't surprise me,” Heathspike said.

"You're crazy, that's going to make us both lose," Spike told him, trembling as one of the meteors came towards him.

"Not me, I activate Ring of Defense," Catastros activated a quick spell card, from which came a ring that was placed in front of him, "With this I won't lose life points, I am the legendary Catastros."

"No you won't, if I go down," Spike said as he activated a trap card, "I'LL DRAG YOU WITH ME, SOLEMN JUDGMENT ACTIVATE."

Catastros's eyes widened, "Damn, hehehe, you really are special."

"Yeah, it takes half my life points," Spike said.

Spike: 350 LP
Catastros: 700 LP

"But it also negates your ring, therefore we'll both take the damage," Spike explained as the meteor was two feet away from him, "AHHHHHH."

“GYAHHHH,” Catastros yelled as he was struck by the meteors.

“Spike,” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo yelled in concern.

“Catastros,” Petunia Paleo and Heath Burns yelled in concern.

Spike: 0 LP (DRAW)
Catastros: 0 LP (DRAW)

At that moment the holograms disappeared.

“It's a tie,” Petunia Paleo said in surprise.

"Oh by Faust, Spike," Apple Bloom said as she, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo approached him, who was back on the ground.

"Spike, are you okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't know," Spike replied with spirals in his eyes, "did anyone write down the meteorite plate?"

“Catastros,” Petunia said as she and Heath approached Catastros who was on his knees, expressionless.

"Catastros, are you okay?" asked Petunia.

"I don't think I've ever been better," replied Catastros, who in turn brushed off the holographic dust, got up and went directly to Spike.

Spike saw him approaching, but at that moment, music was heard.

And at that moment, everyone who looked at Catastros noticed that he no longer had his expression of courage and confidence, but rather his gaze of shyness and innocence.

"I had a lot of fun Spike, I hope we'll have a rematch in the future," Catastros told him, smiling and at the same time offering his hand for a handshake, but the strangest thing is that his voice had gone back to being the shy voice at the beginning, since he did not have his gravelly voice which appeared when they dueled.

But Spike was too tired to question anything, so he decided to swallow his curiosity and accept the handshake with a smile, "I had fun too Catastros, and I'll accept a rematch anytime you want."

However, it seemed that the girls did have enough energy to ask many questions to the change in attitude of Catastros.

“Oh, it happened again,” Scootaloo said shakily, pointing at Catastros.

"Excuse me?" asked Catastros with his timid voice.

"You thought we didn't notice," Apple Bloom told him, "When the duel started, some strange music played and after that you basically stopped being yourself."

“And when another strange music played after the duel was over you went back to who you are now,” added Sweetie Belle.

“Ahh, I have no idea what you're talking about,” Catastros said in fear as he ducked behind Heath Burns who put his hand to his forehead.

"Well, that's our leader to you," Petunia told the Apple Harmony members with a giggle, "When he duels he becomes a fearsome rival and a powerful opponent."

“But at the end of a duel he goes back to being the coward behind me,” Heath Burns added.

“I'm not a coward,” Catastros told him, still using Heath as a human shield, “I just like dueling, it's not my fault I'm not in control outside of dueling.”

“In any case, I was surprised, duelists like yourselves will surely have a place in the next big tournament,” Heath Burns told them.

"What tournament?" Spike and the girls asked at the same time, even the Duel Spirits seemed interested.

"You mean you don't know?" Catastros asked them.

They shook their heads.

“In 1 month there will be a great Duel Monsters tournament here in Canterlot, one which will decide the strongest duelist, the title that every duelist should yearn for,” Petunia told them as she showed them the information on a tablet, "The Eclipse Cup."

"I hope I can see you there, the whole team," Carastros told them with confidence but without losing his shy tone of voice.

"The Eclipse Cup," said the members of Apple Harmony at the same time, they were excited, a new tournament was coming, they had to tell the team, this experience with Team Lost World opened their eyes, because they had to prepare for the duels toughest of their lives, duels in which they promised they would give their all with the sole purpose of claiming victory.

Author's Note:

With this we finish the arc of the singular duelists, the next arc will be that of the rainbooms.

I really had fun writing this chapter, Catastros is my OC, a proud pony and a bit effeminate, I did it that way because I liked the design of the female ponies more than the male ponies.

And here is his Equestria Girls version.

I hope you liked the character, tell me what you think of Catastros and in general this episode, right now I'm playing a dinosaur deck, that's why Catastros uses that deck.