• Published 1st Apr 2023
  • 375 Views, 2 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Foolish Prank - Troyjan

Rainbow Dash decides to play a particularly devious prank on Spike

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A week had passed since the incident. Spike was on his official half hour lunch break, and was roaming along the roads of the outskirts of Canterlot. There was plenty of legal documentation to be done, and numerous financial issues regarding Equestria’s annual spending budget that had to be resolved that day. Despite being on what Spike considered a well-deserved break, we could not help himself from thinking about all the remaining issues and compromises he would have to resolve once he returned to his desk. Spike shook his head. He was on break now, and there was nothing he was going to do about it until he got back. This time was his own.

Spike found a comfortable tree to lean up against, and unpacked is lunch, which consisted of a large salad, and a small container of uncut topaz. Spike ate alone, and his thoughts spread beyond the non-metaphorical mountain of problems that awaited him. Eventually, he thought back at what had happened last week. He still couldn’t stop thinking about it, not matter how much he wanted to forget about it. Spike had made extra sure not to speak with or even be seen by Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Flutter Shy, or Starlight Glimmer. That was easy enough for the first five days. All he had to do was remain reclusive, and to try to not be wherever he thought they were. Spike had other friends, and certainly could do without seeing a few particular mares for a while.

Although, a problem did arise yesterday, when it came time for Spike to make his delivery to Rarity’s estate, as he had promised the week prior. He had purchased and gathered everything on the list he made of all the materials and supplies that were running low in Rarity’s work area. But when it came time to drop everything off at its final destination, Spike could not find the courage to speak to Rarity. Instead, he put everything down just outside the front door, knocked as loudly as he could, and took off before she could see him.

Spike was still replaying last week’s events in his mind when he suddenly heard the branches of the tree he was under, visibly shift. He looked up to find a familiar pegasus with a cyan coat and a mane consisting of five contrasting colors.

“RAINBOW DASH!”, Spike exclaimed, quickly getting onto his feet. “Uh, what brings you, uh, all the way over here?”

“I just wanted to check up on you, Spike”, Rainbow Dash coyly answered.

“What for?”, he answered back, while looking away.

“I’m sure you already know exactly what I came to see you about.”

“Well, you better not have come here to bother me again!”, Spike said, crossing his arms.

“I’m not here to do any of that. In fact, I kind of wanted to do the opposite”, Rainbow Dash answered. Spike tilted his head in response, now considering listening to Rainbow Dash. “I’m sorry if I went a little too far last week. I was sure that you would have been cool with everything once it was over.” Rainbow Dash descended from the air, and landed beside Spike under the tree. Spike lowered his stance, and wore a somewhat less hostile expression.

“Well, I suppose it’s okay now Rainbow Dash. I honestly wasn’t too bothered by what you did anyway. I was just really embarrassed by it all, at least for a little while.”

“Then how come none of us had seen you around? I’ve asked Twilight what you’ve been up to, and she claims she has no idea. Honestly Spike, you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide from us. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
Spike sheepishly looked aside, putting one of his claws behind his head. “Well, I kind of do”.

“Well, then I guess you and I see things differently. But I want you to know that what regardless of what happened, the rest of us all miss seeing you around, even Rarity. No, especially Rarity.”
Spike looked away from Rainbow Dash again. He thought deeply about Rarity, and everything that had ever happened between the two of them. “I’m sure she does”, he responded sorrowfully.

“Oh, come on, don’t be like that”, Rainbow Dash pouted. “Hey, I came here because I wanted to give you this”, she said while pulling something small out from under multicolored mane with her hoof. Spike turned and held out a claw. Rainbow Dash passed him a folded up photograph. Spike did not unfold it. He knew exactly what the photo was.

“Yeah, very funny Rainbow Dash”, said Spike.

“I needed all the space on my camera to conduct some aerial surveys, so I decided to make some print outs before I erased them all. That photo, however, is the only copy of its kind. I promise you that I didn’t make any others. You’re holding the last copy.”
Spike let out a quite sigh and looked back at Rainbow Dash.

“You didn’t tell any other creature about this, did you?”

“Not anyone who wasn’t there. You didn’t tell anyone either, did you Spike?”

“Nope, not even Twilight”, Spike answered.

“Heh, you know, I actually offered to let her to join in that prank of mine.”

“You did what?!”

“Relax, she said she didn’t want to partake in any of my ‘antics’”, said Rainbow Dash, stressing that last word in a mocking tone. “Unless you revealed anything, I doubt she is still none the wiser.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Yeah, in hindsight, I’m kind of glad Twilight wasn’t there. It might have been super awkward.”

“No kidding” Spike muttered.

“Yeah, Twilight is like an older sister to you, and was also kind of like your caretaker. And with you being her number one assistant, she’s also basically your boss. And yet, she is also your closest friend. I guess you don’t need to add anything else to that list.”

“Well that too. I was talking about how awkward Twilight can be while flirting.”

“And how would you know about that?”

“Lately, Twilight has been trying to get the attention of one of her guards. I’m sure you know exactly who I’m talking about.”

Rainbow Dash put one of her hooves over her mouth and began snickering. “Yeah, I think we all know about Flash Sentry by this point.”

“Well, so does most of the castle’s guards, the castle’s staff, and all of her other royal officials. Although, I suppose it’s an improvement from trying to ask out a character from one of her novels.”

Rainbow Dash could not help but let out a laugh. “Yeah, that’s certainly Twilight.”

Spike let out a laugh himself before looking back at the now unfolded photograph in his claw. “I suppose I did sort of fit the definition of the term himbo, last week, didn’t I. I mean, I should have known right away that you were messing with me.”

“I wouldn’t say that Spike. You’re way too intelligent and self-aware to be called that. Although I suppose you do have the looks to justify the title”, said Rainbow Dash. She then looked around the area before looking back at Spike. “Say, if you don’t mind me asking, aren’t you still close friends with that griffon, I think Gabby was her name?”

“Oh yeah, Gabby and I are still good friends. We actually spent a lot of time together when she last stayed in Ponyville for a while. What about her?”

“Well, I guess I just thought that, you know, you two were closer than friends, and that you sort of finally got over Rarity. I mean, that’s what I thought anyway”, said Rainbow Dash, tripping over her own words. Spike turned away again, this time appearing only mildly flustered.

“Well, I mean, I Gabby and I still spend a lot of time together, that is, whenever we’re both available. I suppose that I could say that we are rather close.” Spike then looked down at the dirt, his eyes full of remorse. “Honestly, how I feel about Gabby is what makes me feel the worst about what happened last week. She would not be happy to find out how I just offered myself up like that. Especially so, if Gabby had seen how I let Rarity of all ponies put her hooves on me.”

“Oh, it’s all fine Spike. Gabby doesn’t have to know about what happened. And even if she did, it was hardly your fault. I mean, it would hardly be fair to expect any straight stallion to resist a whole group of inviting mares. Besides, it’s not like any of us actually went through with anything.”

“Even if I wasn’t thinking straight, what I did was still wrong. I knew I had the option to leave, but I choose to stay around despite my better judgement.”

Rainbow Dash took a moment to contemplate the situation and thought about what Spike had said. “I know you’re not proud of what you did Spike. And sure, I for one should know that you should be loyal to those you care about. But in the end, no harm was done, and you seemed to have learned your lesson. If you and Gabby really care about each other, I’m sure you two could work things out.”

“Perhaps you’re right”, said Spike.

Rainbow Dash looked down at the folded up photograph that Spike was still holding. “Hey, I thought you would have torn up that photo by now and burned the pieces. I know I would have. I got a reputation to keep up. Do you actually want to keep it?”

Spike looked down at the picture again. “You know, I think I’ll keep it for a little while, just as a reminder. After all, I suppose that the incident was still kind of funny.”

Rainbow Dash gave that cocky, trademark grin of hers. “I’m glad you agree.”

“Watch it.”

“I’m just teasing. Although, seriously Spike, don’t feel like you have to keep avoiding me, Rarity, or the others. We don’t think anything less of you. And don’t give up on your romantic pursuits either. You’re certainly in higher demand than you might think.”

“And what makes you say that Rainbow Dash?”

“I’ve been around Equestria, and even the Dragon Lands for a while now. I’ve met plenty of mares, dragons, a few griffons, and even a certain changeling that have had a lot of good things to say about you. Don’t let silly mares like Rarity make you believe otherwise.”

“Hey, Rarity would never say anything bad about me like that.”

“I know she wouldn’t say that. But I’m sure she might have caused you to think that at some point, even if it wasn’t her intention.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But why are you telling me all this?”

“Spike, you know that I’m not into dragons, or reptiles, or anything other than mares and stallions, right?”

“Mares and Stallions?”, Spike questioned, stressing the first word, as he gave a knowing smirk of his own. Before what had gone down last week, Spike had noticed that Rainbow Dash and Applejack seemed to have been spending a lot more and more time together. Now it was blatantly obvious to Spike what they have been up to.

“Come on Spike, you know what I’m about”, said Rainbow Dash, rolling her eyes. “What I was trying to say before is that I know something good when I see it. While I’m personally not interested in dragons, I can totally agree with all those ponies and other creatures that I mentioned on one thing in particular”, said Rainbow Dash as she began to flap her wings and hover in the air. "Spike, you’re one hot dragon stud”, said Rainbow Dash as she playfully slapped a hoof into his shoulder. “See you around”. Rainbow Dash suddenly took off, leaving a massive gust of wind behind in her place.

Spike stood still, completely dumbfounded at what had just happened. He watched Rainbow Dash as she quickly vanished into a spec within the open sky. Spike then realized that he only had a few minutes left remaining of his lunch break.

Comments ( 1 )
Comment posted by Yo Mommy so fat deleted Apr 2nd, 2023
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