• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 11: Heart to Heart

A few minutes after leaning back Twilight looked over at Tempest and was able to see she was not happy. "Tempest are you ok?" asked Twilight.

"Twilight do you feel like I have failed you? For I feel like I have, and I don't mean just today. For you did not remember me but you found me, while I was the one looking for you, and here today I got beaten before I even took down slug, sure I did beat him but only after unlocking a legend, that even Frieza feared. And don't say anything about you not being in danger do to you being able to beat him for that is not my point. My point is that I picked that fight, yet I only won the fight do to luck..." said Tempest as she started to look away.

But was stopped when Twilight crawled up into her lap, and put a hand on each side of her face and forced her to look her in the eyes. "Tempest where ever you have gotten the idea that you have failed me I want you to burn that place down, and forget about it, and I'm going to tell you why. First about how I found you and not you finding me, this universe is massive and with how much life there is in it, the chance of finding me was low yet you still tried to find me, and from what you have told me you have searched over 50 worlds, with I do not even know how many people, so being mad at yourself for that one is silly." said Twilight as she put a finger on Tempest's nose making her blush.

"But I'm your guard I need to be able to find you a.." This was as far as Tempest got before Twilight interrupted her again.

"Tempest what did I say about the place where you got this idea?"

"To burn it down?"

"That is right. But Right now I am hearing you disagree with me on this, and this is one things I will not accepted you disagreeing with me on. For you had already done a lot to try and find me, I just got lucky that I found you, and yes I think I was lucky when I found you. For who does not want someone like you to followed them around. You are strong, kind and beautiful, and you are far smarter then you give then you think. Only a idiot would not see just how amazing you can be."

Now Tempest was blushing even harder, for she was not sure if Twilight had realize that she had just called her beautiful.

"Second yes you picked the fight here today and you did not win your first go at him, but you knew he was more powerful then you, and you knew your chance was low yet you gave him a really good beating. And yet you beat the odds and become a Super Saiyan, the second one of our time if my theory about the boy is true. So the idea of you having failed me is such a silly thing. So I will say that you have not even gotten close to failing me. And with your new From our Training will be even better now." Finished Twilight as she turned around and sat down in Tempest lap and grabbed her soda. Not even realizing what she was doing to Tempest, who was now fighting her want to take Twilight and just cuddle her like a teddy bear.

To try and take her mind of thoughts of Twilight, Tempest continued their talk. "I really do not know what to say to that, other then thanks." said Tempest while giving smile, knowing that she was just being silly, and thinking of being silly. "So now that we have talked about me being silly, what was that about getting angry over what Slug said to you about your looks?"

"It's not fair why did he look down on me for my lab coat? And scientists are one of the most needed professions, without good scientists many of the thing we got today would not be around and" This time it was Tempest there interrupted Twilight by hugging her and giving her a little squeeze.

"I'm sorry to be the one to ruin this for you, but as great as scientists are, they are normally not the ones giving the orders, and are normally seen as weak. So if you want more respect when we go out, then I think you need to get a new outfit, for when we do that. And from what you have told me of your friend Lazuli. Then I think she would agree, and with her coming out of sheep in one year time, I think she would enjoy going out with us to find you a new outfit, that is if you want others to take you more serious in the future. Mind you, if you ask me I think you look good with your lab coat." Said tempest as she had started to lean back on the couch again, do to how Twilight had started to just lean into her.

"I guess we can do that. And Lazuli probably want to go out and do something normal after having been under the knife for years to get all the enhancements. Lapis probably want to join as well for he would want to do something normal after that as well."

And just as Twilight had started to relax again. She felt something. "Tempest I need you to let me up, and look after if something is happening with the Z-fighters." said Twilight as she got up. " I don't have time to explain for there is something I need to stop. Keep a eye on things for me." And before Tempest had a chance to reply Twilight was gone.

falling back into the couch again after what had just happen. "Well that ruined a perfect moment..."

On a small planet hidden somewhere in the afterlife.

"Oh this is bad this is so bad Bubbles, that woman I think she saw me when I was looking over earth. Oh what do I do Bubbles." said the man to himself while his pet monkey was jumping up and down. While he himself was just walking back and forward.

"Calm down master, she can't be that bad." said a small flying Cricket there had been seeing all this.

This made the man turn towards the Cricket. "Oh you got no idea what I saw Gregory, that woman was not just a Saiyan like Goku, but a Saiyan with pure God Ki the only time I have seen such Ki is form Beerus... I need to call Goku I need to warned him." As he turned around to find Goku he was stopped.

"Oh I think that would be a bad idea." Hearing this made him turn around coming face to face with Twilight. "You see I don't want him to know about me yet, so if you were to go and do such a think I would get mad." She said as she had started to power up, making him scared. "And I think we can both agree that me becoming mad is the last thing the two of us wants to have happen."

"Oh Yeah fully agree with you there, I don't know what came over me there." Giving a nervous laugh.

"Now that we are agreeing on that, I would like to know who you are. For I can see that you got god Ki, and while you are at it, I want to know about this Beerus that you mention for I really want to know how my Ki is like that, and last what is your relationship with Goku. And before you think I will kill you, let me make this clear, the only one I got a problem with is him, and as long as you don't tell him about me or my friends, then I got no beef with you, and I have lived on earth my whole life so you do not need to fear for it's safety." Said Twilight while letting her power go down again.

"Oh oh that is good, but may I ask why you got a problem with him first? Oh and you can call me King Kai."

"Your name is really King Kai? Odd thing to be name but who I'm I to judge. My Name is Twilight, and I will give you the sort story. As a kid Goku killed my big Brother and I want to get him back for that, be it killing him or something else, there will be some payback."

This surprised King Kai "Are you telling that goofball can kill poeple? For form all I have seen of him he tries to give everyone a second chance, he even gave Frieza a second chance, I'm just surprised he did not show up with his dad today!"

Not surprised by this at all. "Oh yeah he can kill, as a Kid he kill a lot of people sure many of them was not nice, but some die by being in the wrong place, for Goku as a kid did not understand that you need to be careful with power, so he did not hold back a lot. Form what I understand is he learned to hold back from Piccolo's other side Kami, for he was studying under him for a few years. And the reason Frieza did not show up, is that I killed him." This was a big surprise to King Kai but Twilight kept speaking. " Yeah I found him drifting around in space when I went to see what had happen on Namek, I was good friends with it's people and I still am, so hearing that he tried to give him mercy is not something I'm happy about, for as we saw today, that can make a lot of trouble."

"Oh I fully understand I was not happy about him leaving him alive either. I will be honest with I believe I was dead when you spot me seeing you and your girlfriend." Hearing King Kai call Tempest Twilight's Girlfriend made her realize just how she was sitting on Tempest, and starting to blush hard to the point she was fully red while King Kai kept talking. "But you are no where as bad as I believe so I will keep to myself that you are around, though if you want to be on the safe side I can ask Kami to keep you out of his sight as well. He will understand that this is something between the two of you... Are you ok? Your face is all red."

"Yeah I'm ok, I just realized something" Said Twilight before putting her thoughts to the side for now. "Now lets talk about what is your relationship with Goku? And I think I would like to know more about what you are as well. After that I still want to know what you know of Beerus as well" She said sat down on a stone bench outside his house.

"Well to start out I can't really say much about Beerus without being allowed by him, for he does not like people talking about him, and I really do not want to make a God of Destruction mad I hope you can understand that." Said King Kai.

"I guess that is fair. Do you know if there is anyone I can talk to who can tell me more?"

"Well there is my own boss's the Supreme Kai's, but I have not hear from them in ages, and not one of the other Kai's has either which has left us all not doing much. If you can find one do let me know for we are not really allowed to do anything without their say so." King Kai said as he took a small break to take a drink that Gregory had gotten him. "And when it comes to Goku, I'm one of his teachers. When he die to his brother there came to Earth, Kami made a deal with me there allowed him to come and train under me, mostly it was just body training do to my homes gravity. Else I did teach him two of my own techniques which are both the Kaio-Ken and the Spirit Bomb. Which I would not mind teaching you as well if you just promise not to use it for evil."

"I might take you up on that, though I would like to ask if it's ok for me to bring a friend? For my friend can probably find good use for this as well."

"Oh sure, but I will have to ask. Was I wrong on the Girlfriend comment?" asked King Kai. And Just looking at Twilight told him he was spot on. "I don't think you need to answer that."

"You are right on that, but your comment did give me a lot to think about so I would like if you do not talk about that if I do bring her here."

"Oh don't worry about that, I can understand this being a privet matter, it would be rude for me to interfere. And I think it would be better for both of us to stay friends."

"I fully agree there, for I think there can probably come some good out of this. Also I got a last question before I go back to my friend, if you don't mind that is." said Twilight as she got up and walked a small bit.

"Oh I do not mind at all."

"When I spotted you and I followed your Ki to come here, I felt like I passed some sort of barrier on the way here. Is that true or is it just me being silly?"

"Oh no you did pass through a barrier. For you see to make sure we Kai's can do our work in peace, our worlds are placed in the realm where the after life is. So if you know where to look you can find anyone who has die here."

This shocked Twilight a bit to hear. "So what I did when I followed you here is far from being normal is it not?"

"Oh yeah if you had not had God Ki then coming here without being given approval would not have been possible, you would just have been throw right back to where you were. Only Gods and those following a God can come the way you did. While someone like Goku who has been here before and been allowed by me can also come and go as he please. I hope our talk has help you a bit at least?" Said King Kai.

"It has and I think you for being so open about it. And I would like to say sorry about coming in like I did. If I had known that you where able to be talked to I would have done that from the start."

"Same it has been a surprisingly good talk. I will let you know if anything is coming towards earth. Else feel free to come back again anytime. Oh and do let me know if you chose to come and learn." Said King Kai as he wave to Twilight with her waving back before teleporting back to earth. "Man what a day, going from believing that there was only 2 full blooded Saiyan's left, to learn there has been another one on earth, and another there had been hiding herself somewhere else. And one of these two is a God. I think we are going to see some interesting times."

Back on earth just after Twilight left.

Tempest was still sitting on the couch annoyed that such a relaxing moment was ruined like that. It had been the perfect moment, and all she would have to do is work up her nerves, to tell Twilight what she felt for her, finally letting her know just how much what Twilight had done for her meant to her, but yet again something had ruined it for her.

As Tempest was sulking Ginyu had enter the house, and was looking at her for a time before he let himself be know. "Since when have you had a tattoo on your right shoulder Tempest?" He asked making her jump out of her seat, looking first at him and then looked towards her shoulder, only seeing the edge of the mark he was talking about, making her walk over towards a mirror turning her shoulder towards the it. And what she what she saw was a closed up fist, but what really stood out was the pink star just below the knuckles, shocking her to see she had finally gained her mark, and in another universe of all things. And the star looked just like the star that Twilight has on her back. Which reminded her of the mark many guards back home had, like Twilight's older brother Shining Armor.

Smiling at what she was seeing she answer him. "I got no idea. But I am happy that I got it." She said as she start to go back towards her place on the couch to sit down again. For she still had to keep a eye on the Z-Fighters.

"Well it's a nice tattoo and it seems to have Lady Twilight's mark on it. At least that is what I think the mark is with how it's being used by her whole family and herself on anything they make. I have not felt the need to ask about it yet, but I will probably asked about it soon, for the more I can tell the boys about our Lady the better. "he said as he as he walked over to take one of the big chairs in the room and sat down on it he started to talk again. "Else your mood seem to improve a lot after I point out that mark. I take it that there is a meaning to it?"

"Yeah the mark tell us what we are best at, Twilight's which she got on her back is the star of magic. Something there is not normally hear about, for there is a lot who got marks with her star, but with it being smaller or lesser part of their mark making them limited to what they can do with magic. But with Twilight having the star itself as her mark. That means she does not have those limits, if she sees some magic she can copy it." She stopped talking for a moment to take a sip of her drink. And to check on what was going on with the Z-Fighters who were still waiting. " So if she was to focus on one type of magic only no one would be able to keep up with her on it, but she likes to study ever thing she can. But with her new ability to make copies of herself, she can probably master a lot of magic at the same time. And while also keeping her study on science to date."

"That is a lot to take in, and I will say that it is impressive. But you seem to have ignore the first part of what I wanted to talk to you about." This made Tempest look over towards Ginyu. "I asked you about your mood, and if the mark had meaning. I only got answers to the second part. Now tell your old friend why you were so down before I pointed out your mark."

Looking away from Ginyu Tempest started to speak. "I don't know what you are talking about Ginyu."

"Now don't you lie to me I have known you for 5 years, before you found Twilight again. I know how you are when there is something you don't want to talk about. So either you tell me here and now so we can talk about it just us. Or I will let it go for now, and when the boys are back alive I will have them help me pull this out of you. The choice is yours." said Ginyu with a confident smile.

This made Tempest look back towards him. "You are really going to push this are you?" asked Tempest. Where she got a smile back there was full of a promise. Giving out a sigh she started to talk again. "Fine you win, but this stays between us. And not a word to Twilight are we clear on that?"

"But of course. We are friends and I just want to help you be happy with your life. So I will not tell her one thing you do not wish for her to know." answer Ginyu while giving her thumps up.

"Well I think I love Twilight, but I got no idea on how to talk to her about it. And every time I had a chance and the moment seems right for me to confess, something comes up and ruins it. Like before you came in I was having a great moment with her, but then she just jumped up and said she needed to stop something, and I know she would not leave without there being a reason. It makes me feel like I'm cursed, for every time something good is about to come into my life something bad comes as well." as she finish talking Tempest lean over the table.

Walking over near Tempest and putting a hand on her back making her look at him and seeing he was serious. "Tempest I will be honest love is not something me or my boys are good at, but I can see that you deeply care about our Lady, and you want it to be special. So here is what I want you to do. You need to keep looking for that special moment where you can confess and get her to understand just how you feel about her, while me and then boys will do our best to make sure such a moment is not ruined in the future, for we are your friends and this is what friends do. So chin up and hold your head high you will get your princess and the Ginyu force will have your back!" as Ginyu finish talking he jumped away from the table and struck his pose of victory. "So don't you give up, for when the boys come back to life and learn of this they will want to help just as much as I so we will make sure you get your sweet sweet victory!"

"You know... Its hard to stay down when I got a friend like you." said Tempest with a smile while looking over at Ginyu, who just gave her his trade mark winning smile. "And I know it would be even harder to be down if the boys were around already as well. So I'm going to take you up on that offer of help, for I really need the help for I'm hopeless when it comes to this. But anyways let's go back to keeping a eye on the Z-Fighters guys."

Author's Note:

This is a bit of a test chapter for me. For as you all know if you read the front page for this story, I'm learning to write on my own, and this chapter kinder turn into a small bit of a romance chapter, and I would like to know if you like it, and if you want to see more in this story. For if you don't like it, then I will not make more of it happen, and if you do, then there will be more when there is space for it. So please do tell me what you think.