• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 3: Friends Are Made, And Travels Begin

The next few days of rest were mostly boring for Twilight. Well, the first day after waking up was something else, as Twilight learned that the world had been taken over by a demon, or at least that is what he called himself. With how he looked, he was far from what Twilight had thought a demon might look like, but he did behave like a demon at least, but it did not last long. And even though she dislikes Son Goku, she would at least have to give him that he save the world from Demon King Piccolo, but from what her dad had been able to find, he was still out there, or at least his son was, but he did not seem as evil as his dad, so they let him be, but they would keep an eye on him.

It was 7 days later, after Twilight had her talk with her parents, when Lapis and Lazuli walked into her room wanting to talk, something Twilight welcomed because being in bed was boring.

"You know what you did against that Goku kid was really cool shame you did not get him," said Lapis as he sat down on one of the chairs in her room. "But I got to ask you, how did you get those mines and why did they go off as they did?"

"Yeah, it's something we have been thinking about ever since we saw you fight him, for his beam should not have set them off if they were normal mines." continued Lazuli as she took her own chair.

"Well, the mines were set to only go off if someone stepped on them, or if I told them to, for on my armband I am able to make them go off as I chose, but for some reason they all went off when he used his attack, which probably comes down to me not doing my job with them well enough, making it so they went off without the command given, leaving me like this." Explain Twilight while showing off her arms and lifting up her blanket, showing how bad she was. "And for where I got the mines from, I made them myself, same with the frag grenades, for if I had started to buy mines and grenades, my mom and dad would probably have realized what I was planning, and I knew if they were aware of what I was doing, they would have stopped me, and for how I put up the minefield so fast, the mine's are small drones that will go where I tell them to with my armband watch, and when they get to where they are to be set up, they shake themselves into the ground, so I can set up a minefield in seconds."

"That you made it out of this with your life is impressive," said Lazuli as she looked over the damage done to Twilight. "Else, let's talk about something more fun. Me and my brother have the day free, and you looked like you were bored out of your mind, so we picked up some movies, and we have some snacks and drinks coming here in a bit. That is, if you are up for seeing some movies with us?"

"That would be great, and I would like to say thank you for thinking of me," said Twilight while giving the Twins a smile.

"Well, it's not a problem at all," said Lapis while giving her a smile of his own. "You told us about your near death at the hands of Karate Kid; now let's have some fun with some movies."

This was the start of Twilight's first real friendship with the twins Lapis and Lazuli, something she had been in need of to keep the boredom away, and it was just good to make friends her own age. So she spent her time with her new friends waiting to fully heal, and the time went by in a blink of an eye with movie nights and bored games, and what else were they were able to find that Twilight would be able to do from bed.

It's now the month of January and Twilight was finally fully healed, it was time to get ready for take of, and the space ship is fully ready, and the research on Twilight's Battle armor was done, and do to this new armor had be made for both Vomi and Twilight, and the variant of the armor they had pick for themselves, was a strapless chest piece with a red spot in the middle on both front and back, which comfortably acclimates to their bust, which provided breast support in a manner akin to a bra, which was need for Twilight had start to grow and with the rate she was going she would need a bra, else they were wearing whatever cloth they wanted to under their armor, for Vomi it was her favorite sleeveless, short blue and red checker pattern high-neck minidress, with opaque black tights, matching black detached arm sleeves, and blue and red ankle heel boots with gold tips, with her lab coat over the outfit, while Twilight had a black short sleeve bodysuit on, with a leather belt with its buckle made out of her old heir clip having the symbol of the eclipse in the front, for the only part of the clip there survive the fight with Goku had been the eclipse symbol, while just below the belt Twilight had made her tail move around her like a second belt, and her with her hair was still as long as the day, she had come to earth where it went down to her shoulders, and on Her feet she had brown leather boots on, gifted to her by Lazuli, which had been modified to be stretchy just like the rest of Her cloth, and over her armor Twilight had her own lab coat on which had been made handle harsh treatment with add weight to it so Twilight would be doing a bit of training by just having it on, and looking Twilight over made Vomi realize that Twilight was turning into quite the beauty, something that made Vomi aware that she would need to teach Twilight about boys and girls, so she did not end up with a broken heart, and a body to remove, sure she believe in being peaceful, but if any boy or girl was going to break Her Little Star's heart she was going to end that little shit, who dares to do so.

Other things there had been done to prepare for the space trip, was to upgrade Twilight's companion something Gero help Her with, for they wanted Android Who to be able to scout better, and with them going of earth, a owl would not be able to blend in, so to make up for this they had add the ability to mimic a chameleon's ability to change it's colors to fit it's background, next they made it so Owlowiscious, can send back information to both Twilight and Vomi, for having a eye in the sky will help them both stay one step ahead of anything there might happen, another ability the Owl had gotten was a proto type Barrier, Gero was planning on using for his Cyborg project that Lapis and Lazuli had agree to being a part of, but that will be after his own Androids were done, and he had plans to make three, and if they are lucky those will be enough to remove their pest, however for safety the Cyborg project will be done before those 3 will ever be turn on, and there is a long time before that, for right now Lapis and Lazuli is to young for it to be safe, but when they hit the age of 18 they will be ready.

The spaceship had four rooms on it. The main room where the ship controls are is doing triple duty as a living room, kitchen, and bedroom, for they wanted to be near the ship controls as much as they could, for you never know when you need to change course. Next to that is the lab, where they will be able to take new technology, find out how it works, and find out if they want to make their own. And it's also in the lab, where they keep all their supplies, which they store in capsules, and they have more than enough food for 20 years and enough reserve parts to build five new ships if needed. They're not going to take any chances. Next is a gravity chamber, which got Two screens on the well, one hook up to every bit of Martial Art information that Gero had gotten a hold of, to let Twilight use the screen to learn as much about hand to hand combat as she can, so she is as ready to fight if the need ever comes, the other screen is view able to view and talk to the rest of the ship, this way both Vomi and Twilight would be able to talk even when She is training, and the last room is the bath room, else the other side of the shield is set up with it's own shield around the ship, just for safety for even with the camo tech on the ship hiding it in space, hiding does nothing to asteroids.

And with goodbyes said and the ship ready for takeoff, Twilight and Vomi set off into space.

And so there space Travel has taken off, and it will be many years before the will return to earth, they got 14 years before Gero is ready for his attack on Goku, so they are planning on staying in space for a max time of 10 years, with them maybe coming home before that, that way Twilight will have more then enough time to learn to fight and be strong enough to take the fight up, and find out more about Twilight's race, and if time allows it get some more space tech, for the tech they gain form Twilight's space pod, was far more advanced then anything they had on earth, so if they would be able to pick more up before they went home that would be a blissing, for both of them for that tech would be fun to learn form, and the upgrades they will be able to make to their own will be great, else it was time for Twilight to start her training.

Gravity Training was odd to get use to not to hard, but that probably came down to how She started out easy, by only going up in gravity by one 1x of earths Gravity but going up every second day and if it gets to hard she would adjust and go down again she hits the max gravity they have made, for she did not need to get hurt while training, for that would just slow her down, and with how long they had plans to stay in space means she was not in a hurry to get stronger, and it allow her to Keep her focus on learning new fighting styles, and there was two main ones she wanted to learn, that of the Crane and Turtle School, and she would start out with the one she found to be the most useful, the Crane School, for one of their Techniques would allow her to the fly the Sky dance Technique, this would be the most useful skill she can gain right now, and after gaining it she would focus on the Turtle School for it had fewer Techniques and is more focused on the training of mind and body it was a easy pick for second stop in her training, so her Training plan was set, and with Her Mother Taking care of everything else while they are looking for planets to stop at, all Twilight has to think of is how to best go about her training.

The first month had gone well with Twilight already having a good understanding of how to fly; however, they would need to stop at a planet for her to be sure she can use it well, and she will hold back her energy skills till then as well, for starting to fire energy attacks would blow up in a spaceship is a bad idea, that would be a one-way trip to the afterlife, but with the planets they have found so far, they had no reason to stop.

It was Six mouths before anything of interest happen, in that time Twilight had gotten up to 40x earth gravity, She had given up on Her first plan of going up every second day, as that turn out to be to much for Her body to handle, so She would just up it as you felt like it, She had also started to grow a lot, She was getting closer to her Mother height being around 145 cm, only 30 cm's below Her, and this had happen in such a sort time after Her Birthday where She turn 17 and that was only a Month ago, and She is still growing, Twilight and Vomi had come to a agreement that it must be a Race thing, but if it keeps going like this Twilight will become taller then Her Mother.

But the main reason things were getting interesting was that they finally found a planet they wanted to make a stop on.

From space, the planet looks green, but from what they can see from the scans of the surfers, it's mostly blue grass and water. But most important, the scans show that there is air on the planet, the same as on earth, and the people look just like the Demon King Piccolo, meaning there is a chance to learn more about a race that has somehow found a way to earth, so landing here would be a good idea, for they would like to know more about Piccolo as well, and this was the perfect chance for that.

Landing was easy, not expanding to be seen as they landed, for their ship was built for stealth, being able to hide anywhere, so it was a surprise to Twilight and Vomi that when they left the ship, they found three men standing there waiting for them, which can be both good if they are friendly or bad if they are not, and only talking to them would tell them which it is, but before either Vomi or Twilight had the chance.

One of the warriors walked closer and stopped when he was in hearing range. "I'm here on behalf of my people, and we want to know why you have come to Namek," said The Nameless Warrior in a very respectful way while keeping his eye's on the two.

And with how they sounded to Vomi and Twilight, they were friendly, so Vomi took over. "Hello there, my name is Vomi, and this is my daughter Twilight, and we are from Earth." Said Vomi as she laid her hand on Twilight's back and gave her a smile before looking back at the warrior. "And we have come here for a few things; the first is do to how you look like someone on our own home planet, whose name is Piccolo." To make sure she was believed Vomi had them a picture of Piccolo that they had taken with them on their travels, shocking the warriors' do to how their leader looked like he was his brother. "And we really wanted to learn more about his race; the second Twilight here really wants to learn everything she can about both fighting and magic, and we were hoping that your race might have some there would be able to share with her what they know. Of course we will not push for anything, so if you want us to leave, we will, and if you will let us stay and learn, we would love to know your names as well."

Coming down from the shock, the warrior spoke again. "I will be honest with you. I find what you are saying hard to believe, but your picture is hard to ignore. But for your requests, I will have to talk to our Grand Elder before I can say yes or no. But for now, you can have our names; these two are Tanissh and Tsuburi, and I am Nail," said the warrior now known as Nail. "Now then I want the two of you to follow me, so we can find out if it's ok for you to be here; my brothers will take care of your ship while you are with me."

"Oh, that is not necessary," said Vomi as she walked up to one of the sides of the ship, opened a panel, and pressed a button on it, turning the ship into its capsule and putting it away. "We can easily take the ship with us."

To say that the Namekians were surprised would be an understatement, but that soon gave way to a laugh from Nail. "I see you, Earthling, are full of surprises; now let's fly to where our Grand Elder is," said Nail as he hovered a bit over the ground.

"Wait a bit," said Twilight as she looked at Nail. "I am not sure how well I can fly, for I have to first learn while getting here, and my mother does not know how to, for she has never trained to do so."

This was a bit of a surprise to Nail, for he was able to feel the power coming from Vomi but nothing from Twilight. Sure, it was not a lot of power, but enough to fly. "Oh, that is a bit of a surprise to hear, for I can feel your mother's energy, but I can feel nothing from you," said Nail as he looked at Twilight, getting off the ground a bit unsteady but getting better for every second there went. The girl was far more interesting than he at first gave her credit for.

"It's aright, Twilight, I got a Flying Disc with me for just such a need," said Vomi as she threw out the capsule, and out of the smoke, hovered the Flying Disc. This was tach there had been taken from a rival army called Gurumes Army that had tried to start up, but they had fallen apart on their own, due to them making themselves known from day one, making themselves a target to the whole world, but their tech was saved by the RR Army, leaving a lot of it in Vomi's hands, and the Flying Disc had become her favorite, due to how free it let her feel when using it.

Now, with all of them in the air, they were making their way towards the Grand Elder of Namek.

As Nail went inside to talk to the Elder, Twilight and Vomi had to wait outside together with Both Tanissh and Tsuburi, for they were not trusted fully before their Elder decides that they are, and it was then that Nail came out to get Vomi to come in, which she did leaving Twilight outside with the two others, so she started to shadow boxing as a workout, and to make time go by, copying the movements of Jackie Chun which really was Master Roshi, something they learn do to their spy bot, just to change's style to that of the Crane school, mixing the two together into her own style that she is still working on, which both of the Namekians where impressed by, and so was Nail who was just looking at Twilight go, he waited for her to be done for it was her time to go in to meet their Elder, and Twilight was not ready for how big he was.

"So this is the young one that you have; you have to talk about Nail," said Elder Guru, as Twilight walked in front of Guru so he would be able to see her easier.

"Yes, Elder Guru, and as I told you when it was just the two of us, I do not feel her power yet; what she shows is far more than many here on Namek; I think the only one who would be able to fight her is myself," said Nail as he looked at Twilight, where Vomi was not sure if this was good or bad.

"You are right on this nail, and I know the reason why you can't feel her energies, and the reason makes her very interesting. Young girl, please come close and stand near me so I can lay my hand on your head," said Guru, and as odd as it sounded, Twilight did so, for she was going to trust him, and as he laid his hand on her head, she felt a lot of things, but three stood out: she felt like the sun itself was covering her for a moment, and the next she felt like she was the heart of a frozen storm, and last she felt like she had the powers of a god at her fingertip, but sadly that was not all for while all this happening Twilight had the feeling like she was being watch, and not by the namekies but something dark and before she was able to find out what, it was gone, and she looked back up at Guru with a lot of things she wanted to ask him as he removed his hand. "Now, young one, you will probably want to ask me a lot of things, but for some of those, you will have to find the answers for yourself. But there is one thing I can tell you. but you will have to earn it. I want you to learn our ways, something you already want to do, but when you are done, we will meet again, and I will ask you to let me lay my hand on your head again. If what I see is what I want to see, then I will give you answers to one of your questions, and I will give you what you really want—a chance to wish your brother back to life," said Guru as he showed her his dragon ball. "I will give you 4 years to do this, and when those 4 are up, we will meet again, young one. What do you say to my challenges?"

Twilight, just look at the Dragon Ball and look back at the Grand Elder.

And she gave him a smile and with a polite bow. She said, "I am looking forward to proving myself."

Author's Note:

Lapis is the true name of 17 and Lazuli 18 and the same with Gevo being 16.