• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 293 Views, 1 Comments

Icefall - Burningbloom78

In the Crystal Empire is a young filly being looked after by the royalty in order to hone her unique magic. Hurdles are jumped over and dark things are revealed of a tyrant who damned many of his subjects to an agonizing, horrible fate.

  • ...

Revelations in Boreal Cave

Snowy stood on one of the borders facing the frozen wastes, behind the castle with Flash Sentry and Darkan by her side. She found it weird that the Crystal Heart could repel the ferocity of the Frozen North from engulfing the entire empire in its death-chilling blizzard.

The ground a few feet in front of her was filled with snow and ice, and as her eyes trailed slowly to her hooves, the snow and ice would become less and less. Sure, there were a few puddles and patches of snow littered about, but nothing too serious or odd.

"Magic is quite impressive, is it not?" Darkan asked, his wispy shadowy form flowing like Princess Celestia's mane and tail. "The magic of the Crystal Heart is able to allow ponies to live in a world overtaken by an endless stream of snow and ice. Magic is so interesting."

Snowy agreed. Learning about her magic has been the most fun she ever had in her life, especially with Flash and her two teachers, Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer. Her days at the orphanage were dull and full of loud fillies and colts. Snowy was often alone, either playing by herself or drawing in coloring books.

"Days like those are long gone for you now," Darkan said, his voice suddenly proud and a bit haughty. "You are special, and being confined to a pitiful building with those other orphans was not doing you any favors. How your journey getting to the empire may have been harrowing, it ultimately led you to a life many ponies would desire."

Snowy found herself nodding reluctantly. She didn't appreciate Darkan's dismissal of the orphanage, but she agreed with everything else. She felt like she was special, having a type of magic that little is known about and having unique and quite helpful properties such as being able to combat dark magic and its curses.

Darkan chortled darkly. "That's what you should always think, and never should believe it less," he said, leaning down to gaze into Snowy's eyes, though his own is black as an abyss. "A life hangs in the balance, and you hold all the power to save that life, as it seems. Special indeed."

Snowy held on to that thought, that a life was hanging in the balance, and that Snowy seemed to hold the means to save it. There was a pressure beginning to mount. This wasn't some random pony she's doing this for. It was for Rosey, Flash Sentry's marefriend; his special somepony, who's dying from a curse.

Snowy shuffled on her hooves and gazed at Flash who was staring out into the frozen wastes, his eyes fixed ahead. This was important to him; Snowy had renewed his hope. She has to be right about this. If not, Rosey dies, and Flash will never be the same.

"Then let our hooves tread forward," Darkan announced, trotting forward before disappearing.

"It's time to get moving," Flash Sentry said, his voice tight. He had a shield brandished to his right foreleg. "This blizzard doesn't seem to get any better or worse; our vision will be obscured slightly, but as long as you stay by my side, we'll be able to make the careful trudge to Boreal Cave together."

Snowy nodded, understanding. It would be hard for her to lose sight of Flash; his orange coat stood out like a sore hoof. She couldn't say the same with her own coat. Snowy blended into the snow, and the only way Flash could know where she would be from her crystal-like blue eyes.

Flash Sentry sighed. "I should've gotten Sunburst to cast that winter protection spell, but no matter. I've trudged through the Frozen North many times when I was a colt. We'll have to go on hoof; the weather is a bit too dangerous for flight." He looked down at her. "Can you manage? I can carry you."

Snowy didn't want to be too much of a burden on Flash, so she declined his offer. He was already shivering, though he tried to hide it. And besides, the cold weather felt great on Snowy's coat, so even if she was exhausted, she would rather trek the pale waste on her own hooves.

"All right, then," Flash said, gazing forward and began to trot. "Let's go."

The two ponies crossed the border and began to trudge through the snow. Immediately, the two ponies were assaulted by the raging blizzard. Flash Sentry's orange coat was riddled with clumps of snow, but he never wavered in his stride. Snowy hardly reacted, embracing the blizzard's brutal assault.

They didn't talk much at all during the trek, and they couldn't; the Frozen North was a place where a pony had to conserve energy, so they kept the speaking to a minimum.

Snowy had wondered where exactly the cave was. Rosey had revealed it was at the base of a mountain fifteen minutes north of the castle, so Snowy assumed there was a gaping hole on one of the sides of the mountains. Rosey never said anything about which mountain specifically.

"If you were going about this alone, then you may have gotten lost despite given some crucial information," Darkan had said eerily, appearing next to Snowy. She frowned. "Good thing we have an escort who knows the way from his secret missions to aid in gathering spark lilies to his ailing ponies during his youth, eh?"

She didn't like it, but Darkan was right. Snowy was lucky to have Flash guiding her. She did not respond to Darkan, who then vanished again. Instead, she focused on the path ahead.

Minutes roll by and Snowy was beginning to hear something within the blizzard. There was a distant howling echoing throughout the Frozen North, but she didn't know which direction the howling was coming from. It sounded all around her, and she became wary and a bit scared.

Snowy looked to Flash Sentry in front of her. His ears were alert, and he veered his head around the area slowly. His face, when Snowy caught glimpses of it, was barren of any expression; hidden away. She glanced down at Flash's shield, wondering if that would be enough. He heard the howling too and was looking out for any dangers, true to his name. Snowy admired him silently. She felt scared, but having Flash so close next to her gave Snowy a bit more bravery.

Darkan had appeared again and was trotting beside Snowy, looking ahead as if the eerie howling wasn't anything to be frightened of, and, in a way, he was right. No pony except for Snowy could sense him, so he wasn't in any danger. Looking down at his hooves, Snowy saw that Darkan didn't leave any imprints in the snow. She wondered how real he really was.

"I assure you that I am very real," Darkan responded eerily to Snowy's thoughts. He chortled. "Maybe not now, but hopefully soon."

"What do you mean?" Snowy had asked, whispering so Flash couldn't overhear.

"I haven't said, but I have this...feeling inside me since we began our venture to the cavern," Darkan said, slowly gazing down at Snowy, making her shudder. "It's getting stronger the closer we arrive at our destination. I can't tell you why, but I believe that very soon I will be more real than you've ever seen me."

Snowy wondered if that was a good or bad thing. Sure, Darkan was a bit creepy, and he could stand to care more about others, but ever since he came into her life, Snowy always found him helpful and insightful despite his issues.

Darkan stared at Snowy for a while before letting out an eerie laugh. "Good or bad, my memories of my identity are shot, so even if I manage to remember who I am, it wouldn't change the me of now," he said. "Regaining memories doesn't revert me back to my old self, it'll just bestow me information of who and what I once was."

Snowy felt her heart skip a beat. Would Darkan still be the same or different, regardless of what he said? She liked the way he was, for the most part.

The shadowy stallion chortled. "There isn't a way back to the old me unless I desire to retake that mantle again. Besides, I am still bound to you whether or not I regain my memories; it will take a spell to separate us. And you need not worry," he said, going on, "if you think I will change. I won't. When the time comes, I will be the same as you've known, so stow your fears; it doesn't suit you."

Snowy felt as if a heavy weight was being lifted off her chest, but only slightly. She hoped Darkan was right. She and Flash continued forward beside one another. It's been ten minutes since they began to trek to the cavern. The howling the two ponies heard gradually increased until Flash had told Snowy to stay still.

"What's the matter?" Snowy ventured hoarsely, her voice low as a whisper.

Flash Sentry's ears were pricked and swiveled constantly. "We are being stalked," he rasped, his eyes narrowing. "Glacierwolves..."

Snowy didn't understand. "What are glacierwolves?"

"A variant of timberwolves, the species glacierwolf are rabid creatures who are just as ruthless as their cousins, only that these roam about the Frozen North looking for weak prey," Flash Sentry explained grimly. "They hunt in packs to overwhelm their prey, which is us. Unfortunately for them, they will go hungry tonight." He glanced at Snowy. "Stick close to me and be ready; you may have to defend yourself."

Snowy gulped and stuck close to Flash as close as she could. The howling was getting louder and louder, ringing in Snowy's ears. If the wolves do attack, she will have to fight.

"Are you afraid?" Darkan murmured eerily, his chilling voice sounding menacing. Snowy nodded, her eyes darting around. "Fear will not help you or Flash. Stand your ground and defend yourself for the upcoming confrontation, Snowy. And do not worry, I can aid you. If you are in any imminent danger, I will pull you away."

"But I've never used my magic to hurt other things before," Snowy protested quietly. She wasn't training in magic to hurt others, but to control and protect. She felt uneasy. "What if I mess up or something? What if I can't help Flash or end up hurting him by mistake?"

"That won't happen, Snowy," Darkan assured her. "Over the weeks since your first training session, you have shown remarkable control and understanding over your own magic; you're a prodigy. You can do this and remember: Use your brain rather than your heart to guide you. You are showing a lot of fear right now, so it's going to amplify your magic. Just remember to use your head and you'll be fine."

It struck Snowy hard how much Darkan believed in her abilities. There was naught but a pure, raw complement and confidence.

"I tell you how I see it," Darkan added, "and you must see the same thing I and many others do. Stop doubting yourself; there's no room for weakness such as that. Now ready yourself and assist Flash. I will be on standby for any support I can provide."

Feeling a rush of confidence, Snowy illuminated her horn and waited beside Flash Sentry. The howling was near, and it wasn't long until Snowy could discern the faint outlines of the glacierwolves.

They eased into vision like slithering snakes, their white wooden heads lowered threateningly and snarling with a dark menace, showing rows of their bluish-white chipped teeth that dripped foul-smelling blue-green saliva. They were hungry. A hungry predator was a deadly one; Snowy would have to be wary of those sharp teeth.

Flash Sentry glanced at Snowy. "I know you haven't done much self-defense training, but if you are sure that you can do this..."

Snowy nodded, feeling her hooves burn with an energy she hadn't known was there before. "I won't be a burden," she assured Flash Sentry. "I'll fight as hard and as long as I need to!"

Flash chuckled as the glacierwolves crept nearer. "I watch your back, and you watch mine. Call if you need any help."

The two waited as the predators continued to encroach on them until... they sprang. They snarled viciously, teeth bared, as they plunged toward Snowy and Flash Sentry. Immediately, Snowy saw Flash hold up his shield and bashed two of the wolves with a battle cry, sending them flying backward. Snowy admired the stallion's strength.

"Get your head out of the clouds and focus, Snowy," Darkan hissed in her ear, causing the filly to almost jump.

Snowy glanced behind her and saw three glacierwolves rushing towards her. She watched one leap into the air, hoping to knock her to the ground, but she was ready. The wolf was speared instantly on a lance made up of ice Snowy had conjured. She watched as the wolf's eyes bulged and heard it screech in pain before the light in its blue eyes faded, going limp; dead.

Before Snowy could process what had happened, the other two wolves closed in on her. Thinking fast, Snowy casted a shield spell. An orb of transparent ice entrapped Snowy at once, repelling the wolves' attacks.

"Good thinking, Snowy," Darkan praised, "but you have to finish the job on your own; Flash is too busy to help."

Darkan was right. Flash was fighting off four glacierwolves all by himself. He let out another battle cry as he tried to push the wolves away from him. He was faring quite well without her help, which allowed Snowy to focus on the two wolves in front of her.

Her horn glowed and she shot forth a ray of ice that hit one of the wolves right on its face. The wolf yelped before being encased in a block of ice, frozen solid.

"Finish it off," Darkan urged in Snowy's ear. "Kill the wolf and be done with it."

Snowy hesitated for a brief moment before thrusting her head forward, conjuring another ice spear that pierced through the block of ice the wolf was trapped in, shattering the block completely and blowing the wolf into smithereens, killing it. She watched as pieces of the wolf scatter across the snowy field and uttered a tiny giggle in response.

Although shocked at killing two wolves, Snowy felt oddly thrilled as a small smile crept on the edge of her face. It felt exhilarating to destroy the glacierwolves. She liked fighting, and she wanted more of it. She locked eyes with the other wolf who crouched low to the ground. There was fear in its eyes and Snowy found herself grinning wider.

"Snowy, compose yourself," Darkan warned, but Snowy wasn't listening. "Snowy? What are you doing?"

She waited for the wolf to attack her but instead it turned away and tried to run. Snowy wasn't going to let that happen, not after glacierwolves thought they could devour her and Flash for dinner.

She lowered her head, horn glowing, and then quickly reared her head back, erecting a wall of ice that the glacierwolf slammed into. Then, she used her magic to drag the wall of ice toward her, bringing the wolf closer and closer until it was right in front of her, cowering like a scared filly.

Snowy slammed her hooves on the ground, sending magic surging through it. The glacierwolf then found itself bound in restraints made up of ice. It writhed and fought feebly to free itself, whining and yelping but all its struggle amounted to nothing.

Snowy gazed down at the writhing creature, excitement shining in her crystal blue eyes; she felt so alive. Her horn glowed brightly, and the wolf let out a wail of pain. Ice was forming on the inside of its body growing larger with each passing second until the glacierwolf's body erupted with spikes of deadly-sharp ice, tearing the wolf apart and killing it instantly.

"Gracious," Darkan breathed, sounding unsettled. He looked at Snowy, who was breathing hard. "Snowy, you need to ca-"

"No!" Snowy announced, turning towards Flash. He was still busy fighting the glacierwolves, but there were only two of them now. "I have to help him!"

Deaf to Darkan's words, Snowy rushed to Flash's side and used her magic lift a large amount of snow from the ground and throwing on the glacierwolves. Then, with her eyes shining with barely suppressed ardor, flattened the snow, crushing the two glacierwolves without a shred of mercy.

"Great Job, Snowy," Flash Sentry said, breathing hard. "These things won't give up unless their dead unfortunately." He looked up and saw the clouded sky beginning to swirl and blacken, casting a foreboding shadow across the snowy earth. He looked at Snowy. "Snowy, what're you-"

"Where are they?!" she demanded with a dark gleam in her eyes, veering her head around the snow field hoping to catch anymore glacierwolves. "I want more! I want to murd-"

"Snowy!" Flash Sentry shouted, snapping Snowy out of her bloodlust. The area around them began to return to normal. "You need to breathe and calm yourself down."

Snowy gazed at Flash, shock rippling across her face. He was right, Snowy was breathing hard and fast, and she felt wobbly on her hooves. She stared around the mutilated bodies of the glacierwolves and gave a disgusted shudder. Had she done that?

"It's common what happened to you," Darkan said beside Snowy. "That can happen in a pony's first battle. The thrill and adrenaline rush. It can cloud your sight and make you lose yourself, and as a pony whose magic is powered by emotion, that can be a very dangerous and even self-destructive path for you.

"You will need careful training to prevent that type of battle lust from ever appearing like that again. However," Darkan added, sweeping on, "you managed quite well with little aid."

Snowy was afraid. What would've happened if Flash didn't snap her out of it? Would she have turned on him to sate her lust for battle? She liked what she did and found it frightening. As far as Snowy knew before now, she didn't like violence. She was subject to torture from Professor Lander weeks ago and wanted nothing to do with anything related to that, but here she was, having to be brought back to her senses.

Troubled at this revelation, Snowy stared sorrowfully at her hooves. "I'm sorry," she mumbled sadly. "I didn't know I would like to fight...like that. I don't know how to really feel about it."

Flash kneeled down and brushed Snowy's cheek with his muzzle. "It happens," he told her gently, rubbing her mane with a hoof. "More training will help. You're young, and emotions can be hard to keep in check. Try not to worry about it too much, Snowy. Let's just focus on the spark lilies. We're almost there."

Snowy nodded as Flash turned away and began to trudge through the snow. She followed him in silence. Darkan appeared next to her. Snowy looked at him, but Darkan had his eyes fixed ahead. Her ears drooped. Was he disappointed?

"No," he answered simply. "You are a filly. You are young and in need of guidance. You've shown a lot of improvement over the past few weeks. Time is all you need and all you have. Something like that won't happen again."

Snowy agreed. Thinking back, the thrill of battle still enticed her, and a part of her wanted something to hit. This was a part of her that Snowy would have to master with time.

"That's the spirit," Darkan said before disappearing again. "Eyes forward, young one."

The rest of the trek to the Boreal Cave was quiet and without battle, which Snowy appreciated to a degree. Flash Sentry had guided her to the base of a large mountain. She looked around and saw no entrance into the mountain like Rosey had said there be.

"In an effort to hide the flowers," Flash Sentry began, flying in front of the mountain and using his hoof to sweep large clumps of the snow away, "me and a few others would pile up a ton of snow over the entrance so no pony, Sombra, could find it. Unfortunately, when Sombra found out, he forced some ponies to show him the way. This blizzard did it this time, but luckily I remembered exactly where the entrance was."

Snowy watched as, slowly, Flash swept the snow away to reveal a gaping hole that led inside. Flash fluttered down and turned to her.

"This is the Boreal Cave, where the spark lilies used to grow," he announced. "The cavern inside the cave isn't too far. All we have to do is go straight forward and we'll be in the chamber where the spark lilies grew. Stay near me and take no turns."

"I understand," Snowy said. She felt a prickle of apprehension as they got closer to the spark lilies. Rosey's life was on the line, and it was up to Snowy to save her.

Snowy waited for some reassurance from Darkan, but he didn't say anything. She looked around and didn't see his shadowy form anywhere, and when she called for him with her thoughts, he didn't respond. Where was he? Could he be in the cave and was waiting for her? Perhaps.

Sighing, Snowy followed Flash Sentry inside the cave and immediately did she feel a rapid drop in temperature. Her breath was billowing out in a small cloud in front of her, but it was more visible than it was outside the cave. Worried and anxious, she looked to Flash who was full-on shaking.

"The c-c-cave is a bit more c-c-c-chilly than b-be-before," he commented through chattering teeth. "I'll be f-f-fine, d-don't worry!"

Snowy had her doubts, but if Flash Sentry said there was nothing to be concerned about, then she would have to take his word for it, though she kept an eye on him anyway. He led the way through the dark cave, his and Snowy's hooves echoing the further they went.

Suddenly, Snowy felt something brush under her belly and lift her up. She would've panicked, but she knew the touch. It was Flash Sentry.

"It would be faster if you hitched a ride on my back," Flash said, setting Snowy on his withers. "And it would settle my nerves a bit since we're in the dark."

Snowy would have felt annoyed if she didn't like riding on his back. Flash Sentry's back was comfortable despite the shivering. "How close are we?" she asked.

"Not too long now," Flash answered as he began to trot quickly. "The chamber or cavern the spark lilies are in is illuminated by a hole in the rock ceiling, filtering light to make the flowers shine."

As time passed, Snowy was feeling Darkan's absence. Where was he? She had assumed he went on ahead, but she wondered why. She kept calling out to him with her thoughts with no response. She thought to what he said earlier, about him feeling some kind of change. Snowy had a foreboding sense of dread creeping to back of her head and tried to banish it.

"Hey, look alive," Flash called out, drawing Snowy away from her thoughts. "We're here."

Snowy stood on Flash Sentry's withers, leaning against the back of his head to peak over it. She saw a large, enclosed space with moonlight faintly shining through it, and felt a change in temperature. There was a warmth in the air, but it wasn't a comforting warmth. Instead, it was a warmth one would try to avoid. It unsettled Snowy, and she waited with bated breath as Flash carried her closer to the flames.

When they reached the cavity in the wall, Snowy hopped off of Flash and trotted beside him through the space to reveal a small chamber where the moonlight filtered through, illuminating a smoldering patch of land. Dark, greenish-black smoke wisped from the patch of earth. This was it: the flowerbed of the spark lilies, and it was in a poor state.

Snowy carefully eased herself forward with Flash Sentry by her side, telling the filly to be cautious. The burning ground had no smell. but it felt as hot as a flame. Snowy took a deep breath and exhaled. The next step was to use her magic to remove the dark magic keeping the flowers from growing. She would have to maintain control while Flash Sentry waited to pluck any flowers that regrew.

Snowy was also afraid. When she tried to alleviate Rosey's suffering earlier, she felt the curse fight back, causing Snowy to feel a shockwave of pain. The dark magic curse that kept the flowers from blooming would be tougher, Snowy knew, and she dreaded the process. She wished Darkan was here to guide her through it, but he was still missing.

"Snowy," Flash said, jolting the filly from her thoughts, "are you ready?"

Snowy wasn't too sure if she truly was, but she couldn't back out now. She wouldn't, not after giving Flash hope. A glimmer of conviction burned in her eyes as she focused intensely on the scorched land in front of her. She was going to do this even if it killed her.

Snowy stepped forth with her horn glowing to get started but only to be pulled back by Flash Sentry. She heard him yell fearfully and looked up, cradled within his forelegs, at a shadowy figure standing over the ruined patch of land. She smiled. It was Darkan.

"Snowy, do not leave my side," Flash whispered in her ear.

What was he talking about? No pony was here except her, him, and Darkan, and Flash couldn't see him. Why was he so scared?

"Flash can see me now," Darkan said darkly, his shadowed figure still as a statue. "Flash is afraid of who I am."

Snowy glanced at Flash, then at Darkan, and then back again. He was right. Flash did see him, and he wasn't happy. Why?

"Snowy, Flash knows-"

"How do you know her name?!" Flash Sentry demanded, cutting Darkan off.

Darkan tilted his head. "I've known her for weeks ever since her very first training session," he told Flash who gasped in shock. He craned his neck forward. "I've been beside her every step of the way."

"Wh-What's going on?" Snowy asked desperately, looking from one stallion to another.

"I know who you are," Flash Sentry spat, his shield at the ready. "That form is unmistakable, and your curved horn. I never thought to see you ever again. Snowy, this is Sombra!"

Snowy froze. It couldn't be, it just couldn't. Darkan was a bit strange, but he was never what she heard of King Sombra to be.

She shook her head. "I don't understand..."

"Flash Sentry speaks the truth of my identity," Darkan said, his voice leveled and cool.

"Snowy, how did you come across this tyrant?" Flash demanded.

"He was a voice I heard during my first training session," she told him, unable to meet his gaze. "He's been with me since then..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Flash asked, sounding hurt.

Snowy's heart began to beat fast. "I-I didn't know who he was," she stammered, sniffling. She couldn't stand to hear how hurt Flash sounded. "At the time, he had amnesia and could not remember his name, so I gave him one until he got his memory back. I called him Darkan." She struggled to meet his eyes. "He never acted evil in any way. He helped me with my training."

Flash looked confused as he tried to understand. "Snowy, are you sure you aren't under a magic spell?"

Snowy shook her head. "I'm sure. Dar- Sombra never tried to do anything to me. All he's done was help me. He wants to help Rosey as much as I do." She turned to Sombra, eyes pleading. "Right?"

Sombra took a while to respond, then he dipped his head. "I do," he stated.

Flash gazed at him warily, unsure if he should trust the stallion who caused so much needless grief. "How can I be for sure this isn't some ruse veiled as a return to power? You should be dead."

"Do you not believe in the filly you are entrusted to with your life?" Sombra said coldly, unmoving. "Snowy isn't the type to fib and lie; she's too pure for such things."

Flash Sentry snorted crossly. "I want to know more about why you are even here. It's hard to believe everything being said when you are a murderer responsible for many of the deaths in the Crystal Empire," Flash spat. "Tell me why you are here."

Sombra nodded. "My past self always had a way to come back; contingency plans," he started, gazing at Snowy while he gave his explanation. "There are spells to remove a pony's soul from their physical body and hide it away for safety. It's a dark magic called the soul protector spell.

"I had used this spell just before my demise to send my soul to a remote location so that over time my physical body could repair itself and I could reunite with it, but something went wrong during the process midway through, and not only did I end losing my memories, but also my physical body as I am still incorporeal; I am formless.

"Over time my soul lingered around the Frozen North until it responded to a large amount of magic in the Crystal Empire and latched onto it. That is when I met Snowy."

"What do you mean you 'latched' onto her?" Flash Sentry asked.

"Snowy's magic is strong and very unique," Sombra replied before going on, "and I had found myself bound to her. Bound as in chained."

"And what did that do to her?"

Sombra shrugged. "Nothing," he simply said. "I can feed her information and suggest ideas, but that's all I could do then. I was a voice the first time we met, and over the passing weeks did I gain a ghost-like form, and just earlier today was I able to interact with Snowy. But it seems that's all I have gotten until now, since you are able to see me when only Snowy previously could. Though you may see me, I can only physically interact with Snowy and nothing else; my presence isn't as acknowledged by the world around me."

"Are you able to cast magic?" Flash demanded, his eyes narrowing. "Are you leeching off of Snowy?!"

"Gracious no," Sombra answered, sounding appalled. "I cannot perform magic at all. All I can do is disappear and reappear and read Snowy's thoughts. Snowy only stands to gain from this union. It's peculiar. There could be a spell to separate me from her, but I imagine being who I am that it won't be possible. And... I do not know what would happen to me if I were no longer bound to her."

Flash Sentry lowered his shield slowly. "If I am to take your word for it, how will I know you won't betray or hurt Snowy at one point?"

Sombra let out a deep sigh. "I lost something during my botched revival: my memories. My time with Snowy, whilst unaware of my past, have grown to like and support her since our meeting. Regaining my memories doesn't change who I am during those weeks with her.

"There is nothing I can do to bring myself to full power. I have lost the means to use my magic, my physical body is permanently destroyed through a botched magic spell, and I have no plans on doing anything my past self would have done. I am a different stallion."

"Your past self has committed heinous actions," Flash uttered lowly. "So many ponies have died by your hooves. Many of us lost a lot of friends and family. So, I want to ask you this," Flash said, looking into Sombra's dark eyes. "Rosey is the only pony I have left from my foalhood. I love her dearly, and I came here with Snowy with the intention to save her life from the curse your past self placed upon her. With your regained memories, would you truly help us?"

"I can't be of much help, but I will not stand in your way," Sombra said, moving to the side. "And call me Darkan. Sombra is a name that should stay in the past forever."

Flash gazed unblinking at Darkan for a long moment. Snowy, who has been silent throughout the whole conversation, looked at Flash with a hope glittering in her eyes. She knew what he was feeling. He had every right to reject anything and everything Darkan said, but she wished and wished he'd agree.

"Flash, he's telling the truth," Snowy murmured, her voice seeming to echo in the chamber. "He's not the same stallion all those years ago."

Flash glanced wearily at her and closed his eyes. He seemed to be battling with himself.

"I am sorry for what my past self done to the Crystal Empire," Darkan rasped, lowering his head to show respect. "I stand only to aid Snowy."

Flash Sentry opened his eyes and glared at Darkan with a pained ire. "I don't forgive you," he said gruffly. "I have lost too much to forgive."

Snowy panicked. "F-Flash, if you would-"

"However," Flash began, cutting Snowy off, "you are here to help me hold onto the pony I love most. What happened in the past will never be forgiven, and it shouldn't be, but that doesn't mean you cannot be something better than what you were before. Snowy trusts you, and I know she doesn't lie. I'll accept your presence here. I can only hope you stay true to your words, Darkan."

Darkan dipped his head. "Let us make way for Snowy to do what she promised she would do," he said solemnly.

Flash nodded and glanced at Snowy. "Are you ready to begin?" he asked, his blue eyes twinkling. "You are my only hope, Snowy. Do your best."

Snowy took in a deep breath and exhaled, trotting close to the smoldering patch of land. "I am," she whispered, her horn glowing to start.