• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 293 Views, 1 Comments

Icefall - Burningbloom78

In the Crystal Empire is a young filly being looked after by the royalty in order to hone her unique magic. Hurdles are jumped over and dark things are revealed of a tyrant who damned many of his subjects to an agonizing, horrible fate.

  • ...

Never Let Go

"When you begin casting," Darkan began to whisper in Snowy's ear, "breathe deeply and steadily. This will be a tough task for you, and no doubt the pain you will experience will be excruciating, but I and Flash believe that you will succeed. When you want to give up, just remember who this is for."

Snowy nodded. "For Rosey."

Darkan gave a small, but approving chortle. "Yes, that's right. Close your eyes and concentrate, Snowy," he instructed. "Both Flash and I will be unable to help you now, but we will be on the sidelines, so you aren't alone."

"I understand, Darkan, thank you," Snowy said, trying to calm her beating heart.

"Don't give up, Snowy," Flash murmured.

"I won't let you down, Flash," the filly promised. "I won't let Rosey die."

"Thank you," he rasped. "You've grown fast over the weeks, and I am proud of you."

"As am I," Darkan added.

Touched to the core by Flash and Darkan's support of her, it filled Snowy with a rush of determination. No matter what happened now, Rosey was going to be given the spark lilies before the night was over.

Her horn still glowing brightly, Snowy extended her forelegs in front of her to cast a steady wave of frost from her hooves. She could feel the magic move to her front hooves and beginning to seep out of her and over to the burned patch of earth. The banishing of the dark magic fire had begun.

At first, there was nothing but a long stretch of silence. Flash and Darkan were both holding their breaths, and Snowy uttered not a single sound. It seemed that the process was going well all things considered, and Snowy, who was tense and anxious, relaxed herself a bit. But that's when it happened.

Almost as if the dark magic had waited for Snowy to lower her guard, a shockwave of pain surged through her, and the filly was unprepared. Ice melting, she screeched in agony as the smoldering patch of earth suddenly erupted into a raging, swirling black-green flame, forcing Snowy away, causing her to fall and tumble until she fell on her side.

Snowy vaguely heard the cries of Flash and Darkan calling out her name in distress. Her vision blurred as their faces came into view. She felt Flash jerk her body, his face contorted into an expression of terror and regret. She blinked at him slowly and turned her head weakly to Darkan. He was showing an expression of genuine horror, as if he was struck by the dark magic himself.

"Snowy!" Flash cried, shaking her, his voice trembling. "Snowy, can you hear me? Snowy!"

"She can hear you," Darkan said, sitting next to the anguished filly. "She's dazed; give her a moment to recollect herself." He gazed at her. "Snowy, are you able to move?"

It took a while for Snowy to respond, so instead she forced herself to sit up with the help of Flash Sentry. "Strong magic," Snowy huffed tiredly, trying to catch her breath. "Pain... So much pain..."

"I don't want this anymore, not if it means you have to go through that again," Flash said hoarsely, his blue eyes big and glossy as if he was on the verge of crying. "I can't have you do that again. We'll just have to find another-"

"No!" Snowy protested, struggling to her hooves. "If there was another way, you would have known by now. My magic can fight this, I just have to concentrate harder!"

Darkan gazed at Snowy silently for a moment and dipped his head. "Then you may continue," he whispered.

Flash glared balefully at him. "Are you out of your mind?!" he spat angrily, getting up in Darkan's shadowy face. "Didn't you see what just happened? If Snowy keeps doing this, she could die! The dark magic is too-"

"Flash, stop," Snowy pleaded. He gazed at her with sorrowful eyes. "I will be fine, don't worry. This is the only way to save Rosey and I told you I would save her with all I have, didn't I?"

Flash Sentry stared at her with uncertainty, and then he gritted his teeth. "Snowy," he began gently, "there is no telling how long or how many times you'll have to do this. If none of this works, then you will had put yourself in harm's way for nothing!"

"I'm doing this for you and Rosey," Snowy asserted, her voice tight. "That is worth something. I will save Rosey. Please," she stressed, "let me do this."

"She's stronger than you think," Darkan stated.

Flash Sentry closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh and opened them again. He lowered his head. "I understand," he murmured softly to Snowy. He stepped aside. "Try your best, Snowy."

"Thank you, Flash," Snowy breathed.

It took Snowy some time to trot in front of the swirling dark fire. She placed her hooves in front of her and tried again, her horn glowing a bright white as she continued her fight. Her second attempt ended in failure, though she lasted a few seconds longer than her previous attempt. She was blown away, skidding on the rough cavern surface with a cry of anguish escaping her lips, but she didn't give up.

Snowy forced herself off the ground and staggered towards the flames while Flash Sentry and Darkan could only watch on, unable to assist against the dark magic. She released a torrent of ice and frost against the raging flames and fought hard to not be knocked away. The pain was excruciating, and it mounted with each failed attempt, but never did she back down.

Snowy failed again, forced away and writhing on the floor as if she was being burned alive, but even as the torment threatened her life, she would get back up and try again. She wasn't going to let this dark magic defeat her; an important life hung over her head, and she couldn't give in.

Again, for the fourth time, the blistering fire had forced her away. Then the fifth time, then the sixth, then the seventh, the eighth, the ninth, even the tenth time, but Snowy would stumble or crawl back into position and continued the fight.

During her failed attempts, Snowy would glance at Flash holding a hoof over his chest, a barely suppressed expression of anguish across his face. He was so scared for her, even going as far as abandoning the mission for fear of her safety, yet he didn't try to stop her. Snowy wanted to stop herself, but she couldn't. She didn't want to bear seeing Flash mourn Rosey's death; it would shatter her heart.

When she would glance at Darkan, he would only nod and tell her, quietly, to keep going. That encouragement helped her, and she would thank him with her thoughts as she could no longer speak because of the throbbing pain. She kept on trying, blasting forth a wave of frost and ice to try and lessen the brutal flames.

The dark flames fought back, seeping a searing agony that racked her tiny, feeble body, but Snowy was prepared to not be forced away this time. She had conjured strings of ice to root her in place. It worked as she felt another searing wave of agony, one that would've thrown her back. It was a whiplash of force, like being struck hard by an Ursa Major, yet Snowy was able to hold on.

Snowy gritted her teeth and narrowed her crystal blue eyes. Fueled by anger and the passion to save Rosey, her magic had amplified greatly. She summoned more and more of her ice magic and saw the flames beginning to simmer and die, but another wave of pain assaulted Snowy's body and she screamed. She couldn't stop now, this was the best attempt yet. Desperate to hang on, Snowy pushed back against the burning force of the flames.

The flames roared in defiance, adamant to persist forever. Snowy saw through darkening vision that the flames had engulfed her, surrounding her in a blistering tornado of fire. She was being attacked relentlessly from all sides as she shrieked, feeling as if her very bones were on fire.

If the fire couldn't push her back, then it would roast her alive.

"Snowy, no!" Flash shouted in distress. "Snowy! Snowy!!!"

"Focus, Snowy!" Darkan bellowed. "Focus!"

Snowy, her eyes clenched shut, forced them to shoot open. She tried desperately to cast her ice magic, but the flames were too severe for her to concentrate. She was powerless, and she was going to be burned alive, consumed by the dark fire. She held her head in her hooves, convulsing uncontrollably and letting out a blood-curdling wail.

Snowy wasn't strong enough; she was going to burn inside this dark inferno. She had failed Flash after promising that she'd save the love of his life. Now he was going to lose her and Rosey and be left completely alone. She wanted to be by his side forever; she still loved him, and she didn't want to let him go like this, but she may not have a choice.

And what of Darkan? What would happen to him if Snowy perished? Would being chained to her kill him too? He was good company, and a good friend. She didn't want to leave him.

Snowy thought of her savior, Flare Brimstone, and how she loved, cherished, and cared for the filly after the mare saved her from that evil stallion. Would Flare cry for her? Snowy didn't want her to cry, she needed to send letters about her progress in the empire, but it seemed she might not get the chance.

Snowy thought of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, the royals who had agreed to let Snowy live in the empire. Her teachers, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst, who had so much to teach her. She loved spending time with them and learning magic. And Princess Celestia, who gave her the chance to have this future.

All of these connections were about to be burned away. Snowy couldn't let that happen. She couldn't let this dark magic prevail. She had promised to get rid of it to save dear Rosey's life, and she was going to keep that promise, even if it killed her.

Snowy's horn began to shine with a brilliant, blinding white light. Thick pillars of ice were erecting around her, towering over the blistering flames all the way up to the rocky ceiling. They bent and arched around the fire, forming a white sphere and encased the fire inside. A white mist then emitted from Snowy's body until it filled the ice sphere.

Nose bleeding, Snowy screeched, "ENOUGH!"

As her ardent shout rung across the chamber, an explosion of ice and frost engulfed it, sweeping Flash Sentry off his hooves and slamming him against the cavern walls. Darkan was forced to avert his black gaze away, staggering on his hooves from the sheer, magical force of Snowy's explosion. Then everything went white.

When the mist that lingered after the icy detonation had subsided, Flash Sentry was crouched low to the ground, his orange coat covered in white clumps of snow. He opened his eyes to see not a dark room lit by a faint ray of light, but a world of white that mirrored Snowy's room when she had that nightmare weeks ago. Most notably, the dark fire was gone.

Silent, his eyes trailed to the center of the chamber and looked up to see Snowy suspended in the air, her horn still glowing.

"Flash Sentry," Darkan hissed quickly, "pluck the flowers!"

Flash gazed at the flowerbed and saw, his eyes gleaming bright, at least ten spark lilies that sprouted nearly instantly. He galloped over to picked six of the flowers and saw new ones grow in their place. He placed the precious flowers between the shield strap on his right foreleg.

"This is enough to save Rosey!" Flash Sentry exclaimed merrily, his face beaming with joy. He gazed at Darkan. "Rosey is saved; she did it!"

"Indeed," Darkan muttered gravelly, his voice chilling. "But what of Snowy?"

Flash Sentry looked up. Snowy was still floating, surrounded by her magic's white aura. He watched as her flickering horn blink rapidly and died, her aura vanishing. Heart pounding, he rushed to Snowy and caught her before she could plummet to the ground. Darkan trotted quickly to him and grasped Snowy, settling her gently on the ground.

Her white mane was frazzled, her dirty white coat stuck out from all sides, and blood oozed slowly from her nose. She was still and didn't make a sound.

His joy replaced with fear, Flash whispered, "Snowy? Can you hear me?" There was no response. He turned to Darkan, his eyes alight with anxiety. "Can you hear her thoughts?"

Regrettably, Darkan shook his head. "Everything is silent," he said sadly. He put his ear next to Snowy's mouth. "She's breathing, but it's dreadfully faint. We must get her medical aid quickly."

Without needing to be told twice, Flash Sentry gently scooped up the comatose little filly and placed her securely on his back.

"We have to hurry," Flash Sentry rasped, galloping hastily out the chamber with Darkan following close behind. "I can't let Snowy die!"

Snowy found herself alone in a dark world with naught a single soul in sight. She gazed down at the black surface. It was watery, but her hooves didn't feel wet. She looked around and called out into the black void.

"Hello!" she shouted, pricking her ears for any reply. Nothing. She tried again. "Hello! Is anypony there?! Where am I?!"

She kept calling and calling but was met with no answer until a faint murmuring caught her attention. It was indistinct and unfamiliar.

"Who's there?" Snowy asked, casting her gaze around the black void. "I'm over here!"

There it was again, the voice. It was getting louder and louder until Snowy could swear it was in front of her. She blinked and suddenly a tall, dark blue alicorn came into her vision, causing the filly to fall flat on her flank.

The alicorn bore a dark crown on her head, her sapphire mane and tail, which moved like a flowing river, seemed to hold the very cosmos within them, her eyes were a beautiful cyan, and her cutie mark displayed a crescent moon.

The alicorn had a mysterious air around her, but Snowy also felt calm and safe with her as if nothing bad could happen. She never met this alicorn, but she knew her name.

"Princess Luna," Snowy said, her breath taken away by such beauty. She scrambled to her hooves and bowed respectfully. When she looked up, Princess Luna returned the gesture.

"I have heard about you," Princess Luna said with an admiring glance, her angelic voice seeming to echo amongst the black void. "You are the one called Snowy, am I correct? User of ice magic?"

Snowy nodded without hesitation, her mouth seeming to run dry.

Princess Luna let out a titter and sat in front of Snowy. "I desired to meet you, at least once," the majestic alicorn breathed, her cyan eyes glittering like shimmering sunlight on water. "You are very beautiful. I am unable to recall another pony with such a ravishing wintry coat. And your crystalline blue eyes are gorgeous."

Snowy blushed immensely at Princess Luna's overwhelming complements, but she was able to stop a chunk of ice from appearing from her horn.

"You have been through quite the journey," she commented, her massive dark wings enveloping Snowy in their cool hold. "An orphan taken by a selfish professor, made to endure his torture, to being saved by the dearly beloved Flare Brimstone, and then given a new life in the Crystal Empire." Princess Luna smiled. "You are a fortunate one."

"T-T-Thank you," Snowy stammered meekly. She felt so comforted in Princess Luna's embrace that she didn't want it to end. "Do you know where we are?"

Princess Luna's lovable smile faltered slightly. "What can you recall before you came here?"

Snowy looked confused for a moment, but then she remembered. "I was...in Boreal Cave with Flash Sentry and...and Darkan, fighting dark magic," she answered. "I was trying to get rid of it so the spark lilies could recover and save Rosey."

"Yes, that is correct. Anything after?" Princess Luna prompted softly.

Snowy shook her head. "I... can't remember anything. What happened to me? Where am I?"

"You are unconscious," Princess Luna answered, her gentle voice stirring Snowy's mane. "You are recouping in the Crystal Hospital, and the young Flash Sentry is slumbering beside you."

"Is he okay?" Snowy asked.

Princess Luna nodded. "He is well," she assured the filly. "He has hardly left your side; he is a loyal, kindhearted friend."

"What about Rosey?" Snowy asked, worried. All of this was for her. "Is she cured of the curse?"

Princess Luna was silent for a moment before answering, "That isn't my right to disclose. Flash will inform you of Rosey's current condition. Anything else?"

"Darkan," Snowy said, a near-guarded look in her eyes. "Do you know who he was?"

Princess Luna's eyes shimmered faintly, and then she nodded. "King Sombra," she murmured, as if saying Darkan's old name was a taboo or sin. "I and a few select others, including my sister, know everything."

"You can see him?"

"That is correct," Princess Luna replied, her smile faded. "If you are curious, there is no current action against him. From the accounts of Flash, Sombra... Darkan, is a changed stallion for the better. He seems to have no desire but to aid in your life's endeavors."

Snowy let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad nothing will happen to him."

Luna gave another titter. "Do you truly care for him?"

Snowy nodded solemnly, her face serious. "He is my friend," she stated firmly, feeling defensive. "He's helped me ever since we met. I trust him."

Princess Luna stared at her for a moment and smiled again. "I am happy to hear that you feel so strongly for your friend. Do not let that passion you feel die, young one."

Snowy didn't need to be told twice. She knew about Darkan's past, but she still accepted him as her friend, and Darkan sees her as a friend too.

"Princess," Snowy began, "when will I be able to wake up? What happened to me?"

Princess Luna lowered her head until her face almost touched Snowy's. "You are in a coma, a prolonged state of unconsciousness wrought by the events in Boreal Cave," she said. "They are quite rare. It is usually difficult to determine when a pony would awake from such a state, however, with the efforts of the doctor and nurses overseeing your recovery, your reawakening may happen soon. You are quite strong-willed, Snowy."

Snowy nodded, struggling with the information given to her. "Just tell me," she said, gazing deep into Luna's beautiful eyes. "Is everything okay?"

Princess Luna chuckled, kissing Snowy on her forehead. "I admire your worry of others' safety, and I can tell that your efforts have borne fruit; everything is well."

Snowy closed her eyes for a moment and reopened them. "I'm glad you're here," she whispered, placing her head against Princess Luna's soft fur. "I just hope I wake up soon. It's scary in here..."

Princess Luna embraced Snowy. "You may not have to wait much longer," she said, her head pointing up. "Do you see that?"

Snowy gazed up to the black void and saw a fragment of light beaming down. And then another and another. "What does it mean?" she asked, entranced.

Princess Luna met her eyes. "The waking process has begun. The more fragments of light piercing through this darkness, the closer you will be to waking, but...does it seem too slow?"

Snowy had to agree. The black sky may have to be filled with light, and she dreaded the wait time. "Yeah," she murmured.

Princess Luna grew a devious smile across her face. "Normally, I do not meddle with those in comas and prefer as things take their courses, however, you are a special occasion. The medical professionals have done all they could, but I can rush this part of the process if you desire. You could call it a favor."

"Could you do that?" Snowy breathed, eyes widening.

"Those in comas are as influenced by my magic as others in dreams or nightmares," Luna whispered. "All it takes is your answer and the deed will be done."

Snowy didn't hesitate. "Please wake me up."

Princess Luna nodded. "I shall," she answered, but then she leaned back down to Snowy. "Keep it a secret between us." She gave her a sly wink.

"I will!" Snowy said, her eyes shining. "Will I see you when I wake up?"

"I am far away in Canterlot, but I will come to visit you in the coming days," Luna said, nuzzling Snowy's face lovingly, making her giggle. "Stand still, my little pony, and close your eyes."

Snowy did as instructed. She felt Princess Luna's horn touch her head and felt magic flow through. It was so much that she could hardly breathe.

"Open your eyes," Luna echoed faintly.

Snowy opened them and felt a light blinding her, causing her to shield her face with a hoof. She winced in pain; her hoof was aching, and she felt tired and slow. She could feel bandages wrapped around her head, on her front and hind legs, and a soft, thin tube of some sort was inserted in her left foreleg, and taped with a covering so it wouldn't come off.

The tube was connected to a bag of fluids on a long metal pole. Looking around, she was in a white room that had a window giving a view of a cloudless, bright blue sky. The room smelled fresh and the air was pleasantly crisp.

Now fully adjusted to the stinging light, Snowy gingerly turns her head to the right to see Flash Sentry snoring lightly on the side of her hospital bed. He looked so cute sleeping with his muzzle buried next to her pillow. Snowy fought to hide a chuckle; Flash was drooling a little.

Gritting her teeth from the pain, Snowy placed a trembling hoof on Flash's wavy blue mane and stroked it gently. It was warm and soft to the touch. She wanted to nuzzle him so badly.

"Flash," Snowy rasped out hoarsely, suppressing a cough. She rubbed his head and felt him stir. "Flash, wake up."

"Snowy..." He was mumbling. "I'm here for you..."

Smiling, she called out his name again. "Flash, wake up."

Flash Sentry sputtered awake, his big, beautiful blue eyes focusing on Snowy. "Huh? What?" he muttered before his eyes widened and became glossy. He pressed his muzzle against her neck happily. "Snowy! You're awake! I was so worried!"

Her body ached but she didn't care. Snowy relished in his touch, happy to hear his voice. "I'm back," she whispered, struggling to hold back tears.

Flash Sentry gazed at her with so much warmth, Snowy felt her heart fluttering. "There were so many times I had thought I lost you," he sniffled, his brilliant blue eyes watering.

"I met Princess Luna while I was in a coma," she murmured. Flash was surprised. "She really likes me. How is Rosey? Is she cured of the curse?"

Flash Sentry nodded, a bright smile across his handsome face. "She's still recovering, but the fits are gone!" Flash rejoiced. "Because of you, Rosey will be able to be free from that dark magic curse. I can't thank you enough, Snowy!"

Snowy admired Flash's happiness. It stung that he didn't love her as much as he did with Rosey, but she was okay with that. Flash's happiness is all she needs to sate her love for him, and she was glad to have saved Rosey's life. It was well worth it.

"How do you feel?" he asked worryingly, placing a hoof on hers.

"Better that you're here," she answered. "I have some aches, but nothing too serious. How long was I out for?"

"A week," Flash Sentry answered sadly, his voice faltering. "I was so scared that you wouldn't make it. The times I was called... I'll never forget them."

Snowy didn't understand. Why was Flash so sad? She had recovered! "It's not like I died or anything, right?" she said. When Flash didn't reply, Snowy lost her smile. "Why are you so sad? What happened to me?"

Flash Sentry took a deep breath. "You did die, Snowy," he said grimly.

Snowy was stunned. "What?" she rasped quietly. "How?"

"You were so physically weak after the dark magic ordeal, that your heart had failed when I got you to the hospital," Flash Sentry told her, his eyes losing their shine. "Luckily, with medical help and some healing magic, your heart began to beat again, but then..."

"What?" she urged him, unable to believe she had died.

"Over the course of the week, you had flatlined eight times," Flash Sentry said, hearing Snowy gasp but going on. "You died on the first, second, third, and fourth day, two on the fifth, once on the sixth, and once on the seventh. Today, you were stable enough that the heart failures had finally stopped thanks to the efforts of the doctor and nurses. It's more than a miracle you survived at all."

Snowy stared blankly at Flash for a moment. She had died eight times over the course of a week, and she somehow was able to hang on. It struck her as nothing short of incredible, and special.

"You never let death have you, Snowy," Flash murmured, nuzzling her face. "You never let it go, and I'm so glad you are here with me now..."

Snowy nuzzled him back. "Me too," she whispered.

They stayed like that for a long while before Flash Sentry broke away, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I have to let everypony know that you're awake," he told her, standing up. "You will be in here for a while longer, but when you get out, I'll take you to visit Rosey. She's been wanting to thank you."

"Okay," Snowy said, watching Flash trot away. She waved at him, and he waved back before he left the room.

"About time he left," said a bone-chilling voice. A voice Snowy knew all too well. "I have been waiting your return to the land of the living."

She turned to the left side of her bed to see Darkan, but he looked different. He wasn't a shadow stallion anymore, but an actual one. He had a dark coat and a jet-black mane and tail, a curved dark horn, deep emerald eyes, and bore no cutie mark. He was pretty handsome for a being from a thousand years ago.

He chortled darkly. "You're too kind, Snowy."

And he could still read her mind. Regardless, she was happy to see him.

"You have gone through a lot lately, so is it not nice that there is nothing else to worry about?" he entreated smoothly.

Snowy agreed. "How are you?" she asked him.

"I should be asking you that, but I am quite well," he replied. "A few...notable figures in Equestria know of my existence, and instead of finding a way to sever me from you, they have opted to let me live with the faith that I had indeed changed."

"Good," Snowy said firmly. "I never doubted you for a second."

Darkan was taken aback. "I was assuming you'd question it a bit."

Snowy looked confused. "Why would I think that? You're my friend and I trust your word."

Darkan stared at Snowy for a moment before chortling. "You are fascinating," he told her, showing off a sinister smile but Snowy knew he was joking around. "Nothing gets past you, eh? I am glad you came back to us."

Snowy struggled to raise her forelegs in the air, indicating for Darkan to hug her.

"Uh, no thanks," he muttered quickly. "I do not do hugs."

"Aww, please?" Snowy pleaded, batting her eyes innocently.

"No." Darkan frowned a little, but then he sighed and lifted a hoof to place on Snowy's chest. "This is all you get."

Well, it was something. Snowy hugged Darkan's hoof tightly. It was warm and tough.

"Alright, that's enough," Darkan said, whisking his hoof away from Snowy. "When you are able to stand and walk again, we will have to focus on your magic training. One hoof in front of the other, right? Get well soon."

Snowy saluted as Darkan vanished from sight. It wasn't long until Flash Sentry came back, along with Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Sunburst, and Starlight Glimmer. They greeted her with giant smiles.

Snowy smiled back. "Hey everypony," Snowy said happily, waving weakly with a hoof. "I'm back."

Flash stepped forward until he was next to her bed. "Somepony special came to visit you," he said, causing Snowy to tilt her head in confusion. "She had come here once before, but you were still unconscious." He turned to the front door. "You can come in!"

Snowy stared at the front door that led into her hospital room and gasped, her hooves covering her mouth. Trotting into the room was a young mare with vibrant pink eyes, an orange coat darker than Flash's, a scarlet mane and tail, cute bat wings and ears, and a red bandana that hung around her neck. Her cutie mark was a burning compass with no needle.

This was the mare who had saved Snowy from Professor Lander all those weeks ago, who had loved and taken care of her before she went to the Crystal Empire. It was a mare she cherished just as much as Flash Sentry or maybe even more so. It was Flare Brimstone, the agent of Princess Celestia.

The bat pony sauntered over to Snowy who could only stare in surprise. "Hey there, Snowy," Flare said, her pink-slitted eyes shining with a mysterious brightness that captivated the filly. She nuzzled her, and Snowy drank in every bit of love. "I heard about what happened to you and blitzed over as fast as I could, no train needed. I watched over you that day, telling stories and caring for you with the aid of the nurses. At first, I was worried, but I knew you were a strong filly and that you'd pull through. I was right."

Snowy gazed at the bat pony with undisclosed awe. She glanced at the other ponies in the room and saw them leaving, with only Flash staying. "I-I-I never expected to see you yet," she sputtered, still surprised to see the bat pony. "I'm sorry you had to take time off to come here. I know your job is important."

"My job is important, but you are too," she said, "and I rather place you over my job any day. I was told by Flashy here that you are quite good with magic, capable of fighting dark magic. Very impressive."

Snowy failed to hold in a snort of amusement at Flash's nickname. "Flashy?" she asked, glancing at Flash, who rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes, Flare calls me that sometimes," Flash Sentry said, sounding vexed but he was only pretending. "Anyway, she was happy to hear that your progress in magic was going so well."

Flare Brimstone nodded. "From Starlight and Sunburst, you are nearly as talented as Princess Twilight Sparkle, who is the best unicorn of her generation, and that's really saying something when you're only a filly," the bat pony praised, causing Snowy to blush bashfully. Flare looked pleased. "I am very proud of you, Snowy, and I couldn't be happier."

This is what Snowy wanted all along, to love and please those she cared about. From the beginning, Snowy wanted to prove to Flare that she could be strong and can make her proud, and she had done just that in a way she had never thought of. She looked to Flash. She wanted to make him proud of her as well. These two ponies in front of her, they were the ones she cherished above all else, and so far, is doing a damn good job of it.

Flare Brimstone sat on the crystal floor with Flash Sentry following suit, looking expectantly at Snowy. She saw Darkan appearing next to Flash. "Well, well, if it isn't the shadow pony," Flare Brimstone teased, giving Darkan a side-eye glance. "You better be on your best behavior. I know what happened, and I got my eye on you."

Darkan chortled. "Of course," he said, unbothered by Flare's words. "Aren't we all here for Snowy?"

Flash nodded, though he looked a tad grudging agreeing with Darkan. "We are."

Flare Brimstone glared at Darkan for a moment before shifting her attention on Snowy. "Tell me everything about your training," Flare prompted, her red tail swishing eagerly on the floor behind her, forgetting that Darkan was present. "Tell me about your time here; I have all day, Snowy!"

Snowy, smiling big, began to divulge her time living in the Crystal Empire. "Well, the first week was fine, but it was the second week that everything started to take off..."

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