• Published 25th Nov 2023
  • 7,079 Views, 816 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike, along with the Young Six and the CMC, return for the second year at Hogwarts. Along with the Golden Trio, they must locate the mysterious Chamber of Secrets that contains a great threat to the entire Wizarding World.

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Old Friends & Escape Plans

Author's Note:

As always a big thanks to Drama for his amazing editing skills. Also thanks to Cortez Dude for some of his quotes.

The swirling orange portal opened from deep within the Scottish countryside. Emerging from the other side were two figures: Quill Cast and Curtain Call. As the portal slowly sealed behind them, both pairs of eyes looked out toward the landscape before them. The two stood upon a cliff at the edge of a row of trees which overlooked the beauty of the Scottish Highlands. However, their eyes were not upon the gorgeous landscape around them but rather toward the giant Hogwarts castle itself. An impressive display of architecture laying across the Black Lake, which sat just below the cliffside they currently stood upon. It had been years since the two companions gazed upon the ancient castle, yet that magical feeling of simply staring at it still lingered.

“Would you look at that?!” Quill spoke in amazement.

“Still as amazing as the first time walking through those doors,” Curtain nodded.

“If this visit wasn’t of dire importance, we’d actually enjoy a nice walk down memory lane,” Quill voiced disappointment.

“Sadly, we have no such luxury,” Curtain nodded, equally disappointed. “The fate of the Multiverse lies in our hooves as it does for the Mane Six and Spike.”

Quill gazed toward the ground, and his eyes turned wide. It was then he noticed something he hadn’t realized the moment they walked through the portal.

“Curtain… you may want to have a look.”

Raising a curious eyebrow towards his friend’s statement, Curtain Call gazed toward his feet. The moment he did, his eyes grew to the size of saucers. The two friends soon realized they no longer had the minuscule four-legged bodies of their equine counterparts. Quill now resembled a tall, good-looking Caucasian man with blonde hair that had been swept to the side. A man sporting dark grey jeans and a dark-green buttoned-up shirt.

Meanwhile, Curtain Call took on the appearance of a rather handsome Korean man with slicked-back, black hair. He wore a simple white T-shirt with a checkered flannel vest over it along with blue jeans.

To say both men were surprised by their new appearances was certainly an understatement. Reaching into a pocket within his flannel vest, Curtain Call found a pair of glasses which he placed over his face to see he wasn’t hallucinating.

“Sweet Celestia!” Quill exclaimed in shock. “What happened to us?!”

“I don’t know!” Curtain replied, studying himself. “Seems when we went through the portal, somehow it altered our appearance. Didn’t the Doctor tell you how to work the wand?”

“Of course!”

“And you made sure to pay attention to every detail?”

To which Quill’s eyes shifted back-and-forth, a million miles an hour.

“… Mostly?”

Curtain Call rolled his eyes, pinching the bridge of his new nose with his fingers over his friend’s incompetence.

“Mostly… ‘mostly’ he says…” Curtain muttered in frustration. “That’s just great… really great…”

“C’mon man, let’s consider this a happy accident!” Quill voiced optimism. “I mean look at us! We’re… hot!”

To which Curtain merely shook his head, while gazing at his new appearance.

“At least we have our hands and fingers again,” Curtain sighed. “It’s been a pain trying to pick things up with hooves.”

“No kidding,” Quill nodded. “How do those ponies even do it? At least the Pegasi have their wings, which I guess sort of act like hands sometimes. The Unicorns have it easier using their magic to lift stuff. But Earth ponies… I don’t think even Hasbro knows, they just worked with it.”

Before the conversation could dive deeper, rustling from the trees behind them stirred both men to quickly turn and assume a defensive position. Though they had no weapons, they were both versatile in martial arts so at least they could defend themselves should the need arise. Suddenly, from within the trees, two other figures slowly emerged.

One was a tall, muscular man with tribal tattoos running down his entire right arm. His long dark hair was tied in a manbun, and he wore dark cargo pants, complete with a dark hooded vest.

The other was a young girl who appeared to be eighteen years old. Her long blonde hair went down past her shoulders, adorned with pretty flowers. She wore a simple light-blue dress covered with leather armor and wore a leather belt around her waist which carried a dagger and an assortment of potions. Around her neck was a silver necklace with one gleaming emerald right in the center.

Upon seeing the two new figures, Quill Cast and Curtain Call immediately calmed themselves as smiles replaced the determined expressions upon their faces.

“Mirai! Draxus!” They both called simultaneously.

The two men started toward the two individuals, when suddenly, as quick as a flash, the big, tattooed warrior quickly drew forth two large, curved knives and held them toward Quill and Curtain’s throats. Both men froze in place, their hands up defensively and their eyes widened.

“Whoa! Whoa!” Curtain Call gasped. “Calm down, man! We’re not your enemy!”

The young girl, Mirai, stepped alongside the large warrior with a calm, yet determined face.

“Who are you?!” Mirai demanded, slowly.

“Come on, Mirai!” Quill reasoned. “You know us!”

“I would recall seeing your faces,” Miria replied skeptically. “Now… unless you wish for my friend to cut both of you down like parchment paper, answer… my question.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” Curtain muttered. “Okay! Okay! Lower the weapons… and we’ll remind you who we are. I don’t get how you don’t recognize our voices, but…”

One of the man’s knives pushed slightly deeper along Curtain’s neck, and the latter instantly clasped shut. The young girl’s eyes narrowed toward the pair, trying to sense any deceit. One turn toward Draxus, and a single nod was all it took for the large warrior to lower his knives. As the big man placed the knives back in his belt, Quill and Curtain released huge sighs of relief before regaining their composure.

“I know you don’t recognize us right now, but we’re part of the same Legion,” Quill explained. “You may recall a while back when us two, along with our trainer Doctor Strange, crossed the multiple worlds within the multiverse. We were tasked to bring together a team of great warriors, kings and queens, and other important figures to fulfill one purpose. To maintain the balance of the multiverse and prevent it from falling into unending darkness.”

“We called ourselves the ‘Legion of Light’,” Curtain added. “Inspired by Michael the Archangel, who cast the Devil from Heaven. As a sign of our allegiance, we each wear the same pendants.”

Simultaneously, Quill Cast and Curtain Call reached into their shirts and pulled out the very pendants they wore. Mirai and Draxus glanced toward the medallions before reaching in and brought out their very own. They too were solid gold medallions with Michael’s sigil engraved upon them.

Both sets of individuals studied the matching medallions they wore before facing each other’s eyes. For Mirai and Draxus, there seemed to be a moment of realization hinted within their eyes.

“It is you guys!” Mirai confirmed, amazed.

Not even giving Quill or Curtain a chance to respond, the teenager quickly ran forth and threw her arms around the gentlemen. In turn, the pair wrapped their arms around her, embracing their old ally.

“It’s good to see you both again,” Mirai spoke happily. “I haven’t seen you two since Tamriel.”

“Definitely quite the time,” Curtain nodded. “Dodging soldiers, spiders, dragons… good times.”

The two men turned their attention toward the large warrior, who merely gave a nod of his head in acknowledgement.

“Drax still isn’t talking, huh?” Quill asked.

“Not since his queen was captured and hidden away,” Mirai shook her head. “He blames himself for what happened. He’s sworn to remain silent till he finds her and destroys those responsible for her imprisonment.”

Just as quickly, Mirai changed the topic to a matter that’s been on her mind for the longest time.

“Speaking of dragons, what of the dragon egg you were given to protect?” Mirai asked curiously. “We’ve went to great lengths to ensure ‘her’ child would be protected. Were you able to get it somewhere safe?”

“Sure did,” Quill nodded. “Matter of fact, he’s grown into quite the young dragon. He’s getting married sometime soon.”

Mirai raised a curious eyebrow, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

“Yes, it’s a lot to take in,” Curtain added. “We promise we’ll explain everything once we get acquainted.”

“You’re in luck,” Mirai smiled. “Dumbledore sent us to meet with you upon your arrival. We didn’t expect to find you in your current forms, but nonetheless, we must be on our way to Hogwarts immediately.”

“Lead the way, dragon heart,” Quill replied.

The young teenager and her warrior bodyguard took the lead, as the two men followed them away from the cliff. Though they still had ways to go, this marked the beginning of their trek toward the very place they needed to go: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Meanwhile, back in Surry, things weren’t going well for Harry Potter and his Equestrian companions. Following the events from the night before, with Dobby ruining the dinner between the Dursleys and the Masons, a letter was delivered to the Dursleys informing them Harry was not permitted to use magic outside of Hogwarts. Such newfound information was enough to assure the Dursleys they could now do whatever form of punishment they wished and young Harry could do nothing about it.

All of which brings them to the following day…

Petunia and Dudley stood outside their home, watching Vernon standing upon a ladder. He proceeded to fit the iron bars to the outside of Harry’s window. To ensure some extra measures, he drilled a metal flap to the base of the bedroom door then fit a fat, grey lock upon the door itself. Though he was soaking up sweat by the time the bars were in place, he cast a nasty grin toward Harry and the Equestrians, who stood in that small room watching him tighten the bars.

“You’re never going back to that school,” He snarled. “You’re never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. NEVER!”

Unable to take anymore guff off of Vernon, Rainbow quickly flew forward and slammed her hooves against the window. The startled Vernon nearly fell from the ladder, but soon managed to climb his way back down grumbling to himself.

“Keep talking, fatso!” Rainbow growled. “Mark my words we’re getting out of this and when I do…”

A sudden tug upon her tail stopped the tomboyish Pegasus, who turned toward her marefriend, who pulled her back with Rainbow’s tail between her teeth.

“Calm down huh,” Applejack told her. “Ah know yer riled up, but this ain’t the way tah handle our problem.”

“What are ya talkin’ bout, sis?” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Look at us! We’re locked up like… animals!”

“I say we let Rainbow Dash kick that guy till all his fat has permanent indents!” Scootaloo glared.

“Yeah, what she said!” Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement.

“I agree with the small fries,” Smolder spoke up.

“Yona Too!” Yona added.

Suddenly, Spike released a large belch and a large green flame exploded from his mouth. Everyone in the small room, including Harry, ducked for cover so as not to get burned by the green flame. The moment it dissipated, a small, rolled-up scroll emerged and landed before Twilight Sparkle herself. Everyone slowly stood up, gazing toward the scroll in confusion as Twilight grabbed it with her magic.

“Who could that possibly be from?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Maybe Princess Celestia has news for us,” Fluttershy voiced her opinion.

“Or maybe… it’s an invite to a huge party!” Pinkie guessed excitedly.

All eyes turned toward the pinky party pony, everyone looking at her with huge ‘seriously?’ expressions.

“What?” Pinkie asked. “Can’t a girl be optimistic in these difficult times?”

Rolling their eyes, the group turned back toward Twilight as she unfolded the scroll and read the contents aloud.

“Dear Twilight,” Twilight began. “I know that your current predicament with the Dursleys is complicated, but rest assured that things are under control. Just play along for now and have them believe you’re helplessly trapped. Help is currently on the way for you all; they should arrive later this evening. Keep your chin up, Sparky. Yours truly, Storm Shield.”

The moment she finished reading, Twilight’s face had turned bright red over the nickname Storm Shield addressed her by. It didn’t exactly help that she read it out loud for everyone else in the room. Speaking of which, all of her friends looked at her with mischievous smirks.

“The prince calls you ‘Sparky’ now, does he?” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“If only they knew…” Sunset murmured under her breath.


Later that evening, while Harry was sound asleep in bed, the remainder of the Equestrians stared gloomily out the window. According to Storm Shield, help was supposed to be arriving soon but thus far they could see not a sign or hint of salvation. They were starting to believe that maybe it was a cruel trick to get their hopes up. The metal flap rattles stirred them back to reality, all eyes turned as Dudley’s pudgy hand slid some bowls of tinned soup onto the floor. He grinned cruelly through the opening.

“I know what day it is,” Dudley teased.

“Well done, Dudley,” Smolder congratulated, sarcastically. “Finally learned the days of the week.”

“Ooh! Ooh! I know what day it is!” Pinkie Pie chirped up. “It’s your tail-a-versary right?”

“… Cute… really cute,” Dudley frowned, before straightening his face. “Today’s Harry’s birthday… and nobody cares!”

Ocellus slowly approached the door, looked up toward the opening, and then in a flash she transformed herself into a bear and roared straight into Dudley’s face. The boy screamed and snapped the flap shut, as the group could hear the sound of pounding feet running away. A sigh caused the group to turn, half expecting Harry to wake up. But somehow, the boy was still asleep as he readjusted himself in his bed. Ocellus quickly reverted back to her Changeling form acknowledging the shock of her friends.

“Wow Ocellus… never knew you had it in you,” Sandbar replied sheepishly.

“A girl can only take so much in these dire conditions,” Ocellus sighed.

“Remind me never to make her mad,” Gallus whispered to Silverstream.

The group proceeded to take the soup, along with some bits of stale bread, as Fluttershy proceeded to pass the measly servings to her friends. Taking what little bread was left, Fluttershy crossed toward Hedwig.

“No good turning your beak up,” Fluttershy spoke regretfully. “It’s all we’ve got.”

Fluttershy proceeded to feed a piece of bread to Hedwig, while everyone else were merely picking their food and playing around with it like cafeteria servings. It was especially difficult for Rarity, who took one scoop and stared as the soup plopped back into the bowl.

“It’s cold! And it’s not even Vichyssoise!” Rarity grumbled.

“Let’s just be glad there’re no bones in it,” Twilight Sparkle sighed, stirring the soup.

All of a sudden, their ears perked up over what sounded like a car engine outside. This stirred Harry awake as the boy put on his glasses, emerged from bed, and approached the window while the others followed. All eyes gazed out the window and they spotted a strange object moving across the sky. At a glance, the objected appeared to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light.

Before their very eyes, an old, turquoise-colored Ford Anglia was flying in the air toward Harry’s bedroom window. Floating in mid-air, the car turned right as Harry, Hedwig, and the group silently watched. In the Ford Anglia, Ron leaned out the back window. His brother Fred sat in the driver’s seat, while Fred’s twin George sat in the passenger side.

“Hiya, Harry!” Ron greeted. “Hiya, guys!”

“Ron?” Harry spoke in surprise. “Fred? George? What’re you doing here?”

“Rescuing you, of course,” Ron replied, matter-of-factly. “Now, come on. Get your trunk!”

“So, you guys are the help sent for us?” Gallus asked. “How exactly are we supposed to fit in that tiny car?”

“Don’t worry Gallus,” Fred smirked. “We didn’t come alone.”

Suddenly, a loud horn honking drew everyone’s attention toward the sky. All eyes observed a large, flying stretch-limo hovering alongside the house.

“What the hay?” Sandbar said in shock.

The tinted front window rolled down revealing nothing other than Discord sitting behind the wheel wearing a limo driver’s uniform.

“Someone call for Discord’s limo service?” Discord grinned toothily.

“Discord!” Fluttershy exclaimed excitedly.

“Discord?!” The Mane Six spoke in unison.

“Discord…” Sunset Shimmer sighed.

“Whoa, hold up!” Rainbow spoke up. “Why would Storm Shield send you of all creatures?”

“Obviously, ol’ Stormy values my services above all creature else,” Discord replied. “Only appropriate seeing as I’ve been sitting on the sidelines of these adventures for way too long. Finally, it’s high time I get my moment!”

“This will have to do!” Twilight Sparkle declared. “Let’s get out of here!”

Eventually, having gotten dressed, Harry proceeded to stuff the rest of his clothes and spellbooks into his trunk. The trunk closed and snapped shut all by itself. Harry and Spike proceeded to drag the trunk to the windowsill, while the rest watched Ron tie a fierce knot along the bars of Harry’s window.

“You’d better stand back,” Ron advised.

Harry and the others proceeded to step back as Ron turned toward the twin in the driver’s seat.

“Let’s go!”

Fred stepped one foot on the accelerator, sending the Ford Anglia higher into the air. The rope snapped tight, and *CRUNCH* the bars were torn from the window. Bricks and bars rained down onto the lawn below, leaving a mangled mess in the yard.

“I sure hope the Dursleys are heavy sleepers,” Silverstream spoke hopefully.


Unfortunately, the loud *SMASH* was more than enough to wake Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, the latter stirring with a gasp.

“Now, what the hell’s he doing?” Vernon grumbled.


The trunk of the car opened as Harry and Spike pushed his trunk, along with any other suitcases, inside. It was then they heard an unmistakable shout.

“POTTER!!!” Vernon shouted.

“Time to go!” Spike declared.

“Dad, what’s going on?” Dudley called out.

But while everyone in Harry’s room was trying to escape, Petunia hugged her son closely while Vernon proceeded to unlock all the locks upon the door to the bedroom.

“Move every pony!” Applejack called out. “GO! GO! GO!”

The Mane Six, along with Spike, the Young Six, and the CMC entered Discord’s limo with ease, which helped given the interior proved much larger than the exterior. But as the group got inside one-by-one, they could sense that Vernon was close to unlocking all the locks on the door. Harry had just pushed the trunk over the sill into the Anglia’s book, then scrambled through the window himself, when… SQUAWK!

“Hedwig!” Harry called out.

Harry clambered back, grabbing Hedwig’s cage, and swung it onto the ledge.

“Come on! Come on, Harry!” The Weasleys called out. “Hurry up!”

“Quickly Harry!” Sunset ushered. “I can hear your uncle unlocking the final lock now!”

Sure enough, the final lock clicked and Harry turned around as the bedroom door crashed open with his uncle, aunt, and cousin staring in horror as the boy made to escape.

“PETUNIA! HE’S GETTING AWAY!” Uncle Vernon shouted.

“JUMP HARRY!!!” Silverstream shouted.

“Get him, Dad!!!” Dudley cried out.

As Harry leapt for the windowsill, Uncle Vernon charged forward and snatched his ankle. Harry tumbled into the darkness, one hand gripping Hedwig’s cage, the other reaching out and… catching Ron’s at the last possible second.

“I’ve got you, Harry!!!” Ron shouted.

“Hold on, sugarcube!” Applejack called out.

Uncle Vernon clutched both hands along Harry’s ankle, pulling harder. Ron braced himself, pulling back. All the while, Harry hung stretched out high over the lawn, directly above the mangled steel bars.

“Don’t let go Potter!” Gallus shouted.

“COME HERE!!!” Vernon snarled.

“Let him go!” Smolder called out.


“We haven’t even been to Azkaban yet!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“NOT NOW PINKIE!!!” Everyone cried out, exasperated.

Pinkie sheepishly grinned, as she slowly slunk back to her seat. Meanwhile, the tug-of-war between the Weasleys and the Dursleys for Harry continued.

“Just let Harry go, Vernon!” Twilight Sparkle cried out. “You don’t even want him!”

“Oh no, pony!” Vernon snarled. “That boy and that bloody pigeon aren’t going anywhere! Not even with your freaky abnormal friends!!!”

Rainbow’s ears twitched hearing the word ‘freak’, remembering how Vernon and Petunia treated the pony and her friends when they revealed themselves at the Hut-on-the-Rock. This was ultimately the last straw for Rainbow Dash, who by now grew extremely infuriated and agitated over that choice of word.


Rainbow Dash angrily wrapped Vernon’s neck in a chokehold, as she proceeded to punch him in the face. When that wasn’t enough, she quickly bit Vernon’s arm. The British muggle screamed in pain as he shoved the Tomboyish Pegasus off while keeping his other hand grasped upon his nephew’s ankle. It was clear that there was no way he’d let his nephew go no matter what.

Soon enough, Harry’s hands were beginning to slip from Ron’s fingers. Seeing her master slipping away, Hedwig pecked feverishly at the lock leaving Ron in a state of panic. Suddenly, Hedwig started to peck harder and… the cage opened. The owl swooped into the sky, wheeled back, and hammered her beak into Uncle Vernon’s hand. He roared, stumbling back… as Ron and George pulled Harry into the air.

“DRIVE!” The brothers shouted. “FRED, DRIVE!”

“RIGHT!” Fred called out.

One last gigantic tug from the Weasleys, and Harry was free from his cruel uncle’s grasp. As he fell from the window, with Petunia and Dudley screaming in horror, Harry closed the door of the car as the Anglia sailed into the stars like a rocket as Discord followed behind in his flying limo. Now free from the Dursleys, some of the students looked back as Aunt Petunia and Dudley looked down toward Vernon stuck in the bush, as Smolder blew a raspberry toward them.

“DAD!!!” Dudley cried out.

“Vernon, are you alright?!” Petunia shouted.

Finally, Vernon managed to get out of the bush and looked toward the night sky with a defeated look. The Flying Ford Anglia and Discord’s limo proceeded to disappear into the horizon, leaving nothing but a speck of light behind Surry. Fluttershy looked out as Hedwig raced up, soaring just beyond the car window, chirping victoriously.

“Good girl, Hedwig!” Fluttershy smiled with gratitude. “Good girl!”

"Eh, I was just making it easy for her," Rainbow shrugged, leaning beside Applejack.

“By the way, Harry…” Ron turned to Harry.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” Everyone declared.

“Next stop! Ottery St. Catchpole!” Discord announced through a transmitter.

Harry smiled over the birthday greeting, as the friends laughed their cares away with the cars flying toward their destination. It would be there, at this Ottery St. Catchpole, where they would run into the next stop on their journey towards Hogwarts… The Burrow