• Published 25th Nov 2023
  • 7,029 Views, 778 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike, along with the Young Six and the CMC, return for the second year at Hogwarts. Along with the Golden Trio, they must locate the mysterious Chamber of Secrets that contains a great threat to the entire Wizarding World.

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Pesky Pixies & Vomit Slugs

Author's Note:

Big thanks to Drama for his proofreading and editing skills. Also thanks to Phantom Dragon and ponydog127 and CortezDude for their quotes.

Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!”

“Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.”

“I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.

Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core.

Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.

“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.”

“And what luck! Our first class is Storm Shield’s!” Scootaloo added. “No offense, but I’m glad they replaced Binns. From what Rainbow Dash told me, that old ghost could put coffee to sleep from boredom—”

“Excuse me!”

The sudden interruption caused the three ponies to immediately snap their heads forward. Standing in front of them was the assistant professor, Moondancer. Her glasses lowered down as she gave them a disapproving look.

“Can you girls please be more attentive in our class?” She scolded.

“Sorry, Professor Moondancer,” The crusaders spoke in unison.

“Let’s keep our eyes up front if you please,” Moondancer replied calmly.

The three fillies nodded their heads in understanding as Moondancer made her way back to the front. Amidst all of that, Storm continued the lesson.

“Now then, who can tell me the year that former Minister of Magic, Eldritch Diggory, and Starswirl the Bearded first established the Auror Recruitment Program?” Storm asked the class.

A few students in the class raised their hands; two of whom are Sweetie Belle and Ginny Weasley, the latter sitting next to the Crusaders.

“Yes, Ms. Weasley?” Storm acknowledged her.

“Minister Diggory and Starswirl the Bearded founded the program in the year 1773,” Ginny answered. “They’d continue to do so for the next fourteen years.”

“Correct, Ms. Weasley!” Storm nodded with a smile. “I must say, for a first year, you seem to have fairly decent knowledge of the Equestrian and Wizarding Alliance.”

“Agreed!” Moondancer spoke up. “It seems Ms. Weasley has been studying quite well. I believe that’s worthy of ten points to Gryffindor.”

Ginny merely lowered her head toward the table, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone staring at her. From her side, the CMC smiled with congratulatory glances.

“Nice work, Ginny!” Apple Bloom congratulated.

“Yeah, no way I would have known that!” Scootaloo added.

Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in.

“What you got there, Ginny?” She asked curiously.

Hearing the young filly, Ginny quickly snatched the book and placed it in her robes.

“Nothing,” Ginny replied quickly. “It’s nothing.”

The three fillies eyed one another, all thinking the young Wesley’s sudden reply felt… odd.

“No worries, Gin,” Scootaloo piped in. “If it’s your business, we won’t ask again.”

“Thank you,” Ginny replied softly.

The group turned their attention back to Storm, who used his magic to write on the blackboard.

“Back in 1707, the Ministry of Magic was formed to succeed the Wizards Council after Ulick Gamp and Gutsy the Great came together and decided…”

All of a sudden, an assortment of books and other supplies flew off the shelves and began pelting Storm Shield and Moondancer. A majority of the first year students, minus both Ginny and the CMC, started laughing as they watched their teachers get pelted by school property. Curious, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned around and to their shock, and dismay, they found the culprits: Discord and Peeves hurling books toward the professors, while chuckling maniacally.

“KEEP PRESSING THE ATTACK, PEEVES!” Discord roared, waving a quill like riding crop. “We’ll have him this time!”

“PEEVES!!!” Moondancer screeched, clutching a book with a bent spine. “These books are extremely valuable!”

“DISCORD!” Scootaloo shouted. “What are you doing now?!”

“Oh, nothing out of the ordinary,” Discord replied casually. “I merely persuaded Peeves to crash this ‘charming’ seminar; thought you kids could use a distraction—WHOA!!!”

Discord practically stretched his limbs from the waist to avoid a beam from Storm Shield’s horn, the Prince was justifiably cross.

“We’ll have you this time, you troublemakers!” Storm Shield warned. “We’ll have you!”

As Moondancer tried to pick up all the books, stressfully muttering to herself, Peeves suddenly popped up in front of the pony with a bowl of peanuts.

“Nibbles?” Peeves asked sweetly.

Moondancer looked down and took a brief sniff, only to cringe back with disgust.

“There’s mold all over them!” Moondancer cringed. “Why are you disrupting our class?”

“Heard you talking about poor Myrtle,” Peeves replied, his eyes dancing. “Rude you was about poor Myrtle.”

“Myrtle?” Sweetie Belle’s brows rose.

“I said nothing of the sort!” Moondancer argued. “I don’t even know any—”

“OY! MYRTLE!” Peeves bellowed deeply. “Mooney pony’s just talking about you!”

Crying out in anguish and frustration, Moondancer pursued Peeves and followed the ghost directly out of the classroom. The kids watched when Moondancer suddenly ran by, now Peeves floating after her, pelting her with the moldy peanuts.

“SPOTTY! SPOTTY!” Peeves yelled.

Meanwhile, Storm Shield had to flip the desk over to act as a shield of sorts while dodging the wave of books from Discord’s path. Storm leaned down to eye the students who were erupting in chaos and, in the midst of it all, three ponies and one Weasley sitting there staring awkwardly.

“Sorry class, looks like we’re booked for today—OW!”

A hard cover book hit Storm Shield square in the face, as Discord hovered over him and shook his head.

“I make the bad puns in this story, princey!” Discord scolded. “No points for you!”


In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all.

“Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class.

“Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.”

“So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked.

This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question.

“Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly.

No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period.

“Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. “Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.”

One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes.

“But I don’t talk about that,” Lockhart continued. “I didn’t get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!”

Lockhart laughed at his own joke, waiting for additional laughter. But no one else laughed. The girls in the class seemed starstruck, while the boys seemed confused. Though a few students smiled weakly, it was plain to see they hadn’t the faintest notion to what he was talking about.

“I see you’ve all bought a complete set of my books,” Gilderoy smiled. “Well done. Now, I thought we’d start today with… a little quiz. Sunset my dear, if you would please pass them out.”

“WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.”

“… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked.

“Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students.

“Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked.

She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy.

“Thank you!” Hermoine smiled.

As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked.

“Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!”

’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read.

’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed.

’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?”

’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’

“What?” Sunset looked up.

“IT’S ME!!!” Discord cheered, appearing in a flash of light. “100 points to me!”

“Discord?! GET-AH!!”

A hand clinching her nose stopped Sunset mid-sentence. All at once, Peeves was before her, stretching Sunset’s nose across the classroom.

“Got your conk~!” Peeves sang.

Eventually, the ghost let go, snapping Sunset’s nose back to her face.

“OW!” Sunset winced. “Discord! PEEVES!!!”

But before Sunset could ignite her lightsaber, Discord and Peeves had already vanished. With a huff, straightening herself out with a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer returned to the front of the room right beside a bewildered Gilderoy.

“Proceed…” Sunset sighed.

“Right… you have thirty minutes,” Gilderoy announced. “Start… now!”

All quills began to dart across the pages, until…


Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed.

“Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors.

“BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.”

Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight. But then, Lockhart’s expression suddenly darkened.

“Now… be warned!” Gilderoy began. “It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here…”

“Famous last words…” Sandbar whispered to Gallus.

With a showman’s flair, Lockhart turned slowly to the cage.

“I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them.”

While a pale Neville drew back, Harry, Ron, and the Student Six chaps leaned forward. Lockhart permitted the tension to build, then he whipped off the cover. Inside the cage are several electric blue creatures. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, rattling the bars and pulling bizarre faces at the students.

“Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked.

Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected.

Unable to contain herself, Smolder snorted with laughter.

“You expect us to be scared by little pixies?” Smolder laughed uncontrollably. “I mean come on! Were the breezies unavailable? Ha-ha-ha!”

“Laugh if you will, Miss Smolder,” Lockhart replied. “But pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let’s see what you make of them now!”

Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them.

“Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!”

“Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.”

“Professor Lockhart!” Sunset called out. “How did you get these pixies to begin with?”

“Read my books,” Lockhart replied in panic.

“There’s no time for that! Just show us how you did it!”

“Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!

However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief.

“What was that spell again?” Sunset asked. “Because I don’t think it works…”

“Of course it works!” Gilderoy exclaimed. “I’m just… out of practice.”

“What do you mean you’re out of practice?! You said these pixies were freshly caught!”

“They were! They are! What I mean is…”

But rather than sticking around to help, Lockhart frantically bolted toward his office.

“Where are you going?” Sunset asked.

“I just… need time to… find some equipment,” Lockhart said. “I’ll ask you to nip the rest of them back in their cage…”

“The rest of them!” Sunset frowned. “I have to do everything myself, don’t I?”

Sunset reached toward her lightsaber, intending to use the wand she concealed inside. It was then a certain Slytherin decided to stir some trouble.

“She’s got a lightsaber!” Malfoy pointed accusingly. “She’s going to kill us!”

“What? No! No!” Sunset shook, reassuring the frightened students. “I’m just getting my wand. See?

To prove it, Sunset summoned her wand and held it out hoping to perform a snippet of good.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.

“Sorry…” Sunset winced.

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.

“There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted.

“What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear.

Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling.


Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him.

“You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked.

“Why is it always me?” Neville groaned.

“Neville seem fine to me,” Yona confirmed, noticing everyone’s stare. “What?”


Crossing a corridor along the seventh floor, fresh from their encounter with the pixies, Hermoine, Ron, Harry, and the Student Six marched about. To say they were in bad shape was speaking politely. Their hair was askew, and their robes were shredded.

“Can you believe that guy?” Sandbar groaned.

“I’m sure Professor Lockhart just wanted to give us some hands-on experience,” Silverstream spoke optimistically.

“Silver, I love you, but it’s clear he didn’t have a clue what he was doing,” Gallus argued.

“Rubbish,” Hermoine argued. “Read his books. You’ll see all the amazing things he’s done.”

“He says he’s done,” Ocellus reminded. “I’m not suggesting maybe he’s not a good guy, but then why didn’t he take control of the pixies he claimed to have caught himself? Something is off about this man.”

But before anyone else could utter another word, the group looked up as the Cutie Mark Crusaders marched ahead. Judging by the disheveled nature of their appearance, they were no better off than their friends.

“Rough day?” Smolder asked.

“Don’t ask,” Apple Bloom muttered, as they walked past.


The following period, the Gryffindor Quidditch team – Harry, Smolder, Fred, George, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson – trailed Oliver Wood through the courtyard, toward the distant Quidditch pitch. Sunset Shimmer accompanied the team, catching the eyes of the students before they knelt down to resume their studies. Word was definitely traveling fast about Sunset, but not under the best of circumstances.

“I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program,” Oliver Wood explained. “We’re going to train earlier, harder, and longer!”

“And as Assistant Professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s my job to assure nobody’s brooms get jinxed…” Sunset Shimmer stated. “We don’t want a repeat of last year, right Harry?”

“I appreciate it, Professor,” Harry expressed his gratitude.

Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl.

“Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned.

“What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!”

Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents.

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked.

“Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly.

“Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.”

“Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.”

Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down.

“What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy.

“Trouble,” Ron confirmed.

As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read:

“’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’”

“You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?”

Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy. He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in.

“Draco…” Smolder snarled.

“Malfoy…?” Harry muttered.

“That’s right,” Malfoy answered. “And that’s not all that’s new this year…”

Harry, Sunset Shimmer, their friends, and the remaining Gryffindor Quiddith Team examined the broomsticks Draco and the remaining Slytherins held out as one. All eyes stared with shock.

“Those are Nimbus 2001s!” Ron exclaimed. “How did you get those?”

“T-They’re a generous gift from Draco’s father, Master Lucius…” Whisper admitted softly.

“Did I tell you to speak?!” Draco asked venomously.

“… No…”

“Then don’t!”

The way Malfoy snapped at her, as if about to strike the mare, made her flinch as she edged backward. While the other Slytherins snickered, Draco turned smugly towards Ron.

“You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford to buy the best.”

“That’s pretty big talk… mouthful,” Gallus remarked.

It was then Marcus Flint finally acknowledged the remaining Student Six.

“Come to admire our new gifts, freaks?”

“This coming from Captain Buckteeth and his traveling circus?” Gallus scoffed, making Flint scowl.

“How’s about putting your daddy’s money where your mouth is?” Silverstream challenged.

“You want to say that again?” Malfoy threatened. “I’m sure my father would love to hear it.”

“Hey, hey! Easy!” Sunset cut in between. “Save the trash talking for Quidditch! We’re all here to practice; we can share the field and be civilized.”

“Big talk for a washed-up Sith,” Draco sneered.

“Mind your manners, kid!” Sunset warned. “I’m still an adult here!”

“Whatever, Seraphina. Least I’ll be the one beating Potter when I catch the Snitch.”

Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth, her fists clenched while trying to resist the urge to pummel the little brat in front of everyone. But she knew the boy was testing her patience. No doubt some ploy to grant his father the right to have her fired from Hogwarts… if not arrested, whichever came first.

“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buytheir way in,” Hermione spoke up. “They got in on pure talent.”

“Yeah!” The Student Six agreed.

“Exactly!” Sunset smiled proudly. “10 points for standing up for your friends.”

Draco glared at Hermione in annoyance, as he took several steps but stopped just at an arm’s length before her.

“No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat.

Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad.

“Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage.

“That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!”

“Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked.

“What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!”

“Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.”

“Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat.

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!”

Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense.

“You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!”

Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again.

“Ugh!” Smolder cringed, disgusted.

“YUCK!” The Gryffindors groaned.

“Nasty!” Sandbar stuck out his tongue.

At that moment, Gryffindor first-year, Colin Creevey, raced up with his camera.

“Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?!” Colin asked excitedly.

“Get out of the way, Colin!” Harry replied, helping Ron up. “Professor, can you make it stop?”

“Let’s see,” Sunset examined, dodging a slug. “Okay, this is really gross. I’ve studied counters for jinxes, hexes, and curses but nothing on slugs…”

“Let’s take him to Hagrid,” Ocellus suggested. “He’ll know what to do.”

“Right!” Sunset nodded, facing the teams. “Proceed with what you’ve planned for today! I’m taking Ron and friends to see Hagrid. But no foul play… I mean it, Slytherin!”

As Sunset took her leave with Harry and friends, Smolder stood her ground as she addressed the chuckling Flint and Malfoy.

“What do you want now, freak?” Flint asked mockingly.

Smolder, however, simply blew a whistle with her two fingers. Answering the call, an even bigger dragon swopped from the sky and landed in the courtyard. The beast released a bloodcurdling roar that scared the Slytherins out of their uniforms and sent them running.

“Good girl, Norberta,” Smolder scratched her adopted daughter.

As they turned to leave, a set of eyes stared at the display from the safety of the courtyard corner. Whisper Dawn, having seen the Slytherins get their comeuppance, giggled to herself quietly before she slipped away unnoticed.


Later, at Hagrid’s hut, Hagrid rummaged about, looking for something to aid Ron, as his friends looked on beside him.

“Got jus’ the thing,” Hagrid muttered. “Set ‘im down on that chair o’er there. This calls for a specialist’s equipment.”

As Ron sat down, Hagrid pitched a bucket between his knees. Harry, Hermoine, and the Equestrians glanced up questioningly.

“Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.”

“That’s what Shrek always says!” Silverstream chirped.


“He’s an ogre!” Silverstream explained. “A bit grumpy, but a friendly ogre.”

“I see,” Hagrid nodded in acknowledgment. “Who was Ron tryin’ ter curse, anyway?”

“Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…”

Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up.

“Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged.

Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends.

“He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly.

“He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked.

“It’s true,” Sunset nodded.

“He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended.

“Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!”

“What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?”

Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this.

“It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”

“Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.”

“That’s horrible!” Harry gasped.

“It’s disgusting!” Ron belched forth a slug.

“And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?”

“Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.”

“What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?”

Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one.

“We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.”

“I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed.

“Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty bloodSith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…”

Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face.

“Come here…”

Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort.

“Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.”

Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words.

“Hey Hagrid!”

The doors suddenly swung open as a family siren stepped inside, carrying a basket in her hand.

“I brought you lunch!” She chirped.

“Thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled.

“Sonata?!” Sunset and the Student Six exclaimed, surprised.

“Hiya guys!” Sonata waved. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Mr. Hagrid, warn me next time! I would’ve made more tacos if I knew we’d be having guests over!”

“They’re just ‘ere because of an emergency,” Hagrid replied gently. “One of their friend’s are a bit under the weather, see.”

Ron puked up another slug, which made Sonata cringe in disgust.

“I see what you mean,” Sonata gulped.

“Hold on!” Harry spoke up. “Guys, do you know this girl?”

“You can say that…” Gallus replied.

“Hi, Sonata!” Silverstream happily greeted. “What are ya doing here? I thought you were working at Twilight’s castle as head chef!”

“I am… I mean, I was,” Sonata replied. “But when the new year at Hogwarts started, I thought I could help out at the school. Soon as Twilight put in a good word for me with Professor Dumbledore, he put me straight to work with Hagrid!”

“Sonata’s been a big help tendin’ the grounds,” Hagrid smiled. “Talented wee lass, she is. A seriously misunderstood creature, for a young siren her age. Truth is: She’s got the optimism and a beauty to match.”

“Aw, shucks!” Sonata blushed.

“A siren?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, seriously misunderstood creatures,” Gallus began in sarcasm. “Until you meet her sisters.”

“More like disowned sisters,” Sandbar reminded.

“What happened?” Harry asked.

“We’ll tell you later,” Silverstream assured.

It was then that Sunset Shimmer herself made herself known to the siren, and former Inquisitor – the Fifth Sister.

“I’ll be darn,” Sunset spoke up. “Sonata Dusk.”

“Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah… long time no see, ahem…”

“U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disowned sisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.”

Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response.

Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy.

“I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.”

Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience.

“Well then… who else is hungry?” Sonata smiled, presenting the food. “I’ve brought tacos and bread and apples and some treats straight from Hogsmeade! Even Fang’s favorite doggy treats!”

“Ah, thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled, offering a jelly slug. “Jelly slug anyone?

To which Ron immediately puked another slug and shook his head.

“Pass…” Ron groaned.

Comments ( 82 )

’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’

“What?” Sunset looked up.

“IT’S ME!!!” Discord cheered, appearing in a flash of light. “100 points to me!”

“Discord?! GET-AH!!”

A hand clinching her nose stopped Sunset mid-sentence. All at once, Peeves was before her, stretching Sunset’s nose across the classroom.

“Got your conk~!” Peeves sang.

Eventually, the ghost let go, snapping Sunset’s nose back to her face.

“OW!” Sunset winced. “Discord! PEEVES!!!”

But before Sunset could ignite her lightsaber, Discord and Peeves had already vanished. With a huff, straightening herself out with a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer returned to the front of the room right beside a bewildered Gilderoy.

“Proceed…” Sunset sighed.

The troublesome duo strikes again

“She’s got a lightsaber!” Malfoy pointed accusingly. “She’s going to kill us!”

“What? No! No!” Sunset shook, reassuring the frightened students. “I’m just getting my wand. See?

To prove it, Sunset summoned her wand and held it out hoping to perform a snippet of good.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.

“Sorry…” Sunset winced.

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.


“Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah… long time no see, ahem…”

“U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disownedsisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.”

Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response.

Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy.

“I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.”

Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience.

It’s great to see this, and that Sonata was able to get her guilt off her chest. And that Sunset was willingly to forgive her

Ugh... That Malfoy can really get on your nerves. Calling Hermione a "Mudblood," and then bringing up Sunset's past. Geez.

School periods are messy for anyone, whether it be first years or even the more experienced few. But all the same, the pain in any form still hurts for some people. Whether it be dealing with pixies, the inability to stomach slugs, or even dealing with rash name calling. They say words can hurt less than sticks and stones, but those who think that don’t know how it feels when referred to by a harsh name (Don’t even get me started on what one of my ex girlfriends said about me). Still it so good to recognize when you have good friends staying by your side through all the pain and frustration. Add to the fact it was very brave of Sonata to express her guilt to Sunset, who did the grown up route of letting bygones be bygones. One can learn from her, especially when she’s very sincere with her feelings.

Well dang this is not goin so well for sunset, and hermione so now Harry has to protect sunset shimmer, sonata, the cutie mark curasaders and the student six, plus hermione.

Indeed, He's lucky nobody punch him yet for that mouth of his.

The last movie in the Harry Potter movie series was split into two parts. What are you going to do about that?

Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn feather core.

I think you mean unicorn hair?

Lockhart is just not really good at his job for obvious reasons, and Malfoy causing trouble for Hermione and Sunset. Sunset's definitely in for a rough year. And next time the real trouble begins.

Thanks for using my Quote Suggestions as well, Lord Enigma.

Slugs a wizards worst enemy

Well, thanks for keeping at least part of my quote suggestion.:raritywink:

Awesome chapter, I laughed so hard when Smolder had Norberta scare the Slytherins away.....priceless, I really enjoyed the touching moment between Sunset and Sonata:twilightsmile:, Malfoy and his dad are gonna theirs soon enough and I cant wait for that moment XD

As Moondancer tried to pick up all the books, stressfully muttering to herself, Peeves suddenly popped up in front of the pony with a bowl of peanuts.

“Nibbles?” Peeves asked sweetly.

Moondancer looked down and took a brief sniff, only to cringe back with disgust.

“There’s mold all over them!”

Ha! And we're not even at the party yet!

Nice reference with the quiz and answers as well!

Man, I haven’t seen this much pandemonium of throwing things at people since The Grim Reaper vs Billy’s mom.
(Cutaway gag to clip):

And I hope somewhere down the line Sunset and Sonata can have a loser, baby duet and bonding moment. Like this:

Yeah I'm seriously wondering where Malfoy learned of Sunset's Sith name there. No doubt from daddy. Surprised no one's questioning that. I like the bit of expansion from stuff that didn't make it into the film as well as some early foreshadowing with Ginny here. Overall liking the interactions and seeing how the ponies mesh at Hogwarts as always. Not to mention given a little shout out to Shrek there. Also have to wonder about those wand pictures regarding whether they are merch off the shelves or from the Universal park experience.

Wow, things have been hectic.

I'll start commenting soon.

Got both work and er, ahem, electrical problems at my side.

Massager's log # 17
Date: 5/7/24 & 5/8/24
P.s happy belated Star Wars day

Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!”

Erik: " Didn’t they have Herbology with Professor Sprout?"

Myself: " They mean by themselves as first years."

“Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.”

“I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.

Dodger: " That's a pretty wand, and how fitting it's Applewood."

Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core.

Massager's: " I can tell she's going to have skills in charms."

Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.

Dr Gangle ( to Massager): " And what about Scootlaoo’s?"

Myself: " Hmm! I would say.... Skills for defense."

“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.”

“And what luck! Our first class is Storm Shield’s!” Scootaloo added. “No offense, but I’m glad they replaced Binns. From what Rainbow Dash told me, that old ghost could put coffee to sleep from boredom—”

“Excuse me!”

The sudden interruption caused the three ponies to immediately snap their heads forward. Standing in front of them was the assistant professor, Moondancer. Her glasses lowered down as she gave them a disapproving look.

“Can you girls please be more attentive in our class?” She scolded.

“Sorry, Professor Moondancer,” The crusaders spoke in unison.

Fleck: " Now that Binns is gone I hope these two can do a good job."

Dodger: " Binns, that old ghost has finally crossed over?"

General Supernova: " He did!"

“Let’s keep our eyes up front if you please,” Moondancer replied calmly.

The three fillies nodded their heads in understanding as Moondancer made her way back to the front. Amidst all of that, Storm continued the lesson.

“Now then, who can tell me the year that former Minister of Magic, Eldritch Diggory, and Starswirl the Bearded first established the Auror Recruitment Program?” Storm asked the class.

A few students in the class raised their hands; two of whom are Sweetie Belle and Ginny Weasley, the latter sitting next to the Crusaders.

“Yes, Ms. Weasley?” Storm acknowledged her.

“Minister Diggory and Starswirl the Bearded founded the program in the year 1773,” Ginny answered. “They’d continue to do so for the next fourteen years.”

“Correct, Ms. Weasley!” Storm nodded with a smile. “I must say, for a first year, you seem to have fairly decent knowledge of the Equestrian and Wizarding Alliance.”

Moraik: " She's a smart kid, I bet her parents would have been even more proud if she was in Ravenclaw."

Tubby Nugget: " Wait!? Didn't the Sorting Hat only put Ron and Ginny in Gryffindor because their family was in it, just like Malfoy?"

Myself: " While it is true the Weasleys and Malfoys have been in their respective house for centuries the Weasleys never have and never will encourage it, if any of their children wanted to be in another house the parents would have been more than supportive."

Zatanna: " With the exception of Slytherin no doubt."

“Nice work, Ginny!” Apple Bloom congratulated.

“Yeah, no way I would have known that!” Scootaloo added.

Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in.

“What you got there, Ginny?” She asked curiously.

Hearing the young filly, Ginny quickly snatched the book and placed it in her robes.

“Nothing,” Ginny replied quickly. “It’s nothing.”

The three fillies eyed one another, all thinking the young Wesley’s sudden reply felt… odd.

“No worries, Gin,” Scootaloo piped in. “If it’s your business, we won’t ask again.”

“Thank you,” Ginny replied softly.

Mr Squelch: " I think that's the strange book Mr Malfoy slipped into Ginny’s cauldron back at the book store."

In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all.

“Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class.

“Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”

Fleck: " I thought she was going to be a student again like last year?"

Tubby Nugget: " After all she's been through I think she deserves to take it easy this time around. "

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.”

“So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked.

This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question.

“Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly.

No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period.

“Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. 

Dr Gangle: " Uh no, not him again!"

Fleck: " He's teaching?"

Tubby Nugget: " No thank you, I much rather be taught by stuttering Quirrell again. "

“Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class." 

Dodger: " What! Order of Merlin, YOU!?"

" Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League."

Myself: " Ha!"

" And five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.”

One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes.

“But I don’t talk about that,” Lockhart continued. “I didn’t get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!”

Lockhart laughed at his own joke, waiting for additional laughter. But no one else laughed. The girls in the class seemed starstruck, while the boys seemed confused. Though a few students smiled weakly, it was plain to see they hadn’t the faintest notion to what he was talking about.

Un: " That's looks more like a smile that makes kids cry."

“I see you’ve all bought a complete set of my books,” Gilderoy smiled. “Well done. Now, I thought we’d start today with… a little quiz. Sunset my dear, if you would please pass them out.”

“WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.”

“… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked.

“Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students.

“Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked.

She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy.

“Thank you!” Hermoine smiled.

As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked.

Erik: " Wait, what kind of questions are these?"

“Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!”

“’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read.

Dr Gangle: " Huh!?"

“’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed.

Fleck: " That one's actually not bad, it's a legitimate question that actually has something to do with his career and his ego. "

“’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?”

General Supernova: " Boy I agree with you, what does your birthday and you so called ideal gift have to do with Defense Against the Dark Arts. "

Everyone: " NOTHING AT ALL!"

" You have thirty minutes,” Gilderoy announced. “Start… now!”

All quills began to dart across the pages, until…


Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed.

“Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors.

Tubby Nugget: " Maybe that's because nobody cares what you're favorite color is you idiot."

“BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.”

Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight. But then, Lockhart’s expression suddenly darkened.

“Now… be warned!” Gilderoy began. “It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here…”

“Famous last words…” Sandbar whispered to Gallus.

With a showman’s flair, Lockhart turned slowly to the cage.

“I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them.”

While a pale Neville drew back, Harry, Ron, and the Student Six chaps leaned forward. Lockhart permitted the tension to build, then he whipped off the cover. Inside the cage are several electric blue creatures. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, rattling the bars and pulling bizarre faces at the students.

“Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked.

Fleck: " Those things don't look too friendly."

Dodger: " They're not, Cornish Pixies are the most mischievous and unpredictable magical creatures in the world. Just try to capture one is enough to put you in a world of hurt. "

Might want to fix none. Auto error strikes again.

I hate Malfoy so much! How in the heck did he know that Sunset was a Sith? Also, Yay Sonata is back!


I’ll be waiting for you until then, my friend. And I hope everything is ok. I can understand having some electrical problems myself, experience it myself a few times







Alright, I'm here, let's get to work.

Galaxy Branch Division

Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!”

“Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.”

“I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.


Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core.


Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.


“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.”

Leia Organa: Very impressive.

Ezra Bridger: What are those?

Galen Marek: They're called wands. They're sort of the Wizard's sort of weapons. They're almost similar to lightsabers. Difference is, whilst we use Lightsabers for physical combat, they fight from the distance like blasters.

Luke Skywalker: I saw Sunset redesigning her Lightsaber and fused it with her wand so that she could do both. And the extra lessons Phantom gave her helped a bit.

Mando: When going to new worlds, you have to be prepared. Shame I didn't have the proper equipment to prepare for mine.

Han Solo: But you're now paid by the New Republic, aren't you?

Mando: They're still working on the credit details.

The three fillies nodded their heads in understanding as Moondancer made her way back to the front. Amidst all of that, Storm continued the lesson.

“Now then, who can tell me the year that former Minister of Magic, Eldritch Diggory, and Starswirl the Bearded first established the Auror Recruitment Program?” Storm asked the class.

A few students in the class raised their hands; two of whom are Sweetie Belle and Ginny Weasley, the latter sitting next to the Crusaders.

“Yes, Ms. Weasley?” Storm acknowledged her.

“Minister Diggory and Starswirl the Bearded founded the program in the year 1773,” Ginny answered. “They’d continue to do so for the next fourteen years.”

“Correct, Ms. Weasley!” Storm nodded with a smile. “I must say, for a first year, you seem to have fairly decent knowledge of the Equestrian and Wizarding Alliance.”

“Agreed!” Moondancer spoke up. “It seems Ms. Weasley has been studying quite well. I believe that’s worthy of ten points to Gryffindor.”

Ginny merely lowered her head toward the table, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone staring at her. From her side, the CMC smiled with congratulatory glances.

“Nice work, Ginny!” Apple Bloom congratulated.

“Yeah, no way I would have known that!” Scootaloo added.

Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in.

Luke held onto his head, same with Ezra and Galen:

Byph: Is something wrong?

Luke Skywalker: I sense a disturbance in the Force.

Ezra Bridger: I feel it too. It feels...dark.

Galen Marek: It's tied to what she's having.

All of a sudden, an assortment of books and other supplies flew off the shelves and began pelting Storm Shield and Moondancer. A majority of the first year students, minus both Ginny and the CMC, started laughing as they watched their teachers get pelted by school property. Curious, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned around and to their shock, and dismay, they found the culprits: Discord and Peeves hurling books toward the professors, while chuckling maniacally.

“KEEP PRESSING THE ATTACK, PEEVES!” Discord roared, waving a quill like riding crop. “We’ll have him this time!”

“PEEVES!!!” Moondancer screeched, clutching a book with a bent spine. “These books are extremely valuable!”

“DISCORD!” Scootaloo shouted. “What are you doing now?!”

“Oh, nothing out of the ordinary,” Discord replied casually. “I merely persuaded Peeves to crash this ‘charming’ seminar; thought you kids could use a distraction—WHOA!!!”

Discord practically stretched his limbs from the waist to avoid a beam from Storm Shield’s horn, the Prince was justifiably cross.

“We’ll have you this time, you troublemakers!” Storm Shield warned. “We’ll have you!”

Zatt: Well...that escalated out of control.

Petro: Usually I'm the guy that makes the mess.

Ganodi: Surprisingly, I agree with you there.

In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all.

“Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class.

“Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.”

“So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked.

This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question.

“Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly.

No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period.

“Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. “Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.”

One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes.

Padawans: *groans*

Leia Organa: Oh, brother.

Lando Calrissian: I thought Han had a bigger ego.

Han Solo: Hey!! *Chewbacca laughing at him, making him glare at the Wookiee* Laugh it up, Fuzzball.

“WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.”

“… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked.

“Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students.

“Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked.

She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy.

“Thank you!” Hermoine smiled.

As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked.

“Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!”

’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read.

’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed.

’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?”

’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’

“What?” Sunset looked up.

Ben Solo: I vote Sunset!!

Galen Marek: I'll always vote for her.

Petro: Eh, what the heck, we'll vote for her too.

Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed.

“Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors.

“BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.”

Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight.

Padawans: *making gag noises whilst pointing at their throat*

Leia Organa: Couldn't have said it better myself.

“Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked.

Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected.

Unable to contain herself, Smolder snorted with laughter.

“You expect us to be scared by little pixies?” Smolder laughed uncontrollably. “I mean come on! Were the breezies unavailable? Ha-ha-ha!”

“Laugh if you will, Miss Smolder,” Lockhart replied. “But pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let’s see what you make of them now!”

Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them.

“Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!”

“Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.”

“Professor Lockhart!” Sunset called out. “How did you get these pixies to begin with?”

“Read my books,” Lockhart replied in panic.

“There’s no time for that! Just show us how you did it!”

“Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!

However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief.

Zatt: Well that got out of hand really quickly!!

Ezra Bridger: Does this always happen?

Galen Marek: Pretty much.

Ezra Bridger: And I thought my friends and I saw stranger things.

Han Solo: Kid, when have you seen the galaxy for as long as we have? You haven't seen anything yet.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.

“Sorry…” Sunset winced.

Katochi: She didn't do it on purpose you jerk!!

Petro: Yeah, they were just moving too fast.

Ganodi: Yeah, not her fault your fat stooge got in the way!!

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.

“There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted.

“What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear.

Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling.


Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him.

“You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked.

“Why is it always me?” Neville groaned.

“Neville seem fine to me,” Yona confirmed, noticing everyone’s stare. “What?”

Lando Calrissian: That was a close one.

Zatt: No kidding.

Ezra Bridger: I have to admit, she's pretty good.

Luke Skywalker: She does have talent.

The following period, the Gryffindor Quidditch team – Harry, Smolder, Fred, George, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson – trailed Oliver Wood through the courtyard, toward the distant Quidditch pitch. Sunset Shimmer accompanied the team, catching the eyes of the students before they knelt down to resume their studies. Word was definitely traveling fast about Sunset, but not under the best of circumstances.

“I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program,” Oliver Wood explained. “We’re going to train earlier, harder, and longer!”

“And as Assistant Professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s my job to assure nobody’s brooms get jinxed…” Sunset Shimmer stated. “We don’t want a repeat of last year, right Harry?”

“I appreciate it, Professor,” Harry expressed his gratitude.

Ezra Bridger: What's that?

Galen Marek: Sunset told me about this. Quidditch is sort of like a sporting game, that competes against one another. It's rough, and brutal.

Leia Organa: I think I'd be interested to see where this one goes.

Han Solo: Same here.

Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl.

“Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned.

“What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!”

Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents.

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked.

“Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly.

“Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.”

“Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.”

Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down.

“What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy.

“Trouble,” Ron confirmed.

As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read:

“’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’”

“You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?”

Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy. He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in.

“Draco…” Smolder snarled.

“Malfoy…?” Harry muttered.

“That’s right,” Malfoy answered.

Ezra Bridger: Oh boy, something tells me this won't be pretty.

All: It won't.

“You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford to buy the best.”

“That’s pretty big talk… mouthful,” Gallus remarked.

It was then Marcus Flint finally acknowledged the remaining Student Six.

“Come to admire our new gifts, freaks?”

“This coming from Captain Buckteeth and his traveling circus?” Gallus scoffed, making Flint scowl.

“How’s about putting your daddy’s money where your mouth is?” Silverstream challenged.

“You want to say that again?” Malfoy threatened. “I’m sure my father would love to hear it.”

“Hey, hey! Easy!” Sunset cut in between. “Save the trash talking for Quidditch! We’re all here to practice; we can share the field and be civilized.”

“Big talk for a washed-up Sith,” Draco sneered.

“Mind your manners, kid!” Sunset warned. “I’m still an adult here!”

“Whatever, Seraphina. Least I’ll be the one beating Potter when I catch the Snitch.”

Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth, her fists clenched while trying to resist the urge to pummel the little brat in front of everyone. But she knew the boy was testing her patience. No doubt some ploy to grant his father the right to have her fired from Hogwarts… if not arrested, whichever came first.

“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buytheir way in,” Hermione spoke up. “They got in on pure talent.”

“Yeah!” The Student Six agreed.

Byph: She's got a point there.

Katochi: I didn't buy my way in.

Petro: None of us have.

Zatt: We were brought to the temple and trained.

Ganodi: And it wasn't very easy either.

“No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat.

Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad.

“Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage.

“That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!”

“Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked.

“What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!”

“Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.”

“Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat.

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!”

Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense.

“You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!”

Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again.

All: Ewe!!!

Ezra Bridger: Okay, that's a new one.

Han Solo: Guess we need to brush up on our magic lessons.

“Ugh!” Smolder cringed, disgusted.

“YUCK!” The Gryffindors groaned.

“Nasty!” Sandbar stuck out his tongue.

At that moment, Gryffindor first-year, Colin Creevey, raced up with his camera.

“Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?!” Colin asked excitedly.

“Get out of the way, Colin!” Harry replied, helping Ron up. “Professor, can you make it stop?”

“Let’s see,” Sunset examined, dodging a slug. “Okay, this is really gross. I’ve studied counters for jinxes, hexes, and curses but nothing on slugs…”

“Let’s take him to Hagrid,” Ocellus suggested. “He’ll know what to do.”

“Right!” Sunset nodded, facing the teams. “Proceed with what you’ve planned for today! I’m taking Ron and friends to see Hagrid. But no foul play… I mean it, Slytherin!”

As Sunset took her leave with Harry and friends, Smolder stood her ground as she addressed the chuckling Flint and Malfoy.

“What do you want now, freak?” Flint asked mockingly.

Smolder, however, simply blew a whistle with her two fingers. Answering the call, an even bigger dragon swopped from the sky and landed in the courtyard. The beast released a bloodcurdling roar that scared the Slytherins out of their uniforms and sent them running.


“Good girl, Norberta,” Smolder scratched her adopted daughter.

As they turned to leave, a set of eyes stared at the display from the safety of the courtyard corner. Whisper Dawn, having seen the Slytherins get their comeuppance, giggled to herself quietly before she slipped away unnoticed.

Ben Solo: Ha!! Take that, loser!!

Galen Marek: Couldn't have said it better than myself.

Lando Calrissian: About time someone would teach them a lesson.

Later, at Hagrid’s hut, Hagrid rummaged about, looking for something to aid Ron, as his friends looked on beside him.

“Got jus’ the thing,” Hagrid muttered. “Set ‘im down on that chair o’er there. This calls for a specialist’s equipment.”

As Ron sat down, Hagrid pitched a bucket between his knees. Harry, Hermoine, and the Equestrians glanced up questioningly.

“Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.”

Ezra Bridger: Er, wrong choice of words.

Ganodi: Very wrong choice.

Katochi: I'm surprised they didn't have a spell for something like that.

“Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…”

Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up.

“Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged.

Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends.

“He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly.

“He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked.

“It’s true,” Sunset nodded.

“He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended.

“Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!”

“What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?”

Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this.

“It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”

“Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.”

Luke Skywalker: Much like the Sith.

Ezra Bridger: Really?

Luke Skywalker: That's right. From what Master Yoda once told me, the Sith train their own, for any Jedi who would turn to the dark side would be considered blasphemy as they were not pure Sith like them.

“And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?”

“Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.”

“What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?”

Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one.

“We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.”

“I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed.

Luke Skywalker: What happened wasn't your fault.

Galen Marek: You were tricked, lied and deceived. We all were from both sides.

“Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty bloodSith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…”

Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face.

“Come here…”

Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort.

“Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.”

Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words.

Lando Calrissian: The kid's got a bright future.

Ben Solo: And she's really nice.

Han Solo: Just...don't get on her bad side.

The doors suddenly swung open as a family siren stepped inside, carrying a basket in her hand.

“I brought you lunch!” She chirped.

“Thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled.

“Sonata?!” Sunset and the Student Six exclaimed, surprised.

Galen Marek: Sonata?

Leia Organa: What's she doing there?

Luke Skywalker: Post and the others told me. Sonata's on their side now and is trying to live a normal life away from her sisters.

“Hiya guys!” Sonata waved. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Mr. Hagrid, warn me next time! I would’ve made more tacos if I knew we’d be having guests over!”

“They’re just ‘ere because of an emergency,” Hagrid replied gently. “One of their friend’s are a bit under the weather, see.”

Ron puked up another slug, which made Sonata cringe in disgust.

“I see what you mean,” Sonata gulped.

“Hold on!” Harry spoke up. “Guys, do you know this girl?”

“You can say that…” Gallus replied.

“Hi, Sonata!” Silverstream happily greeted. “What are ya doing here? I thought you were working at Twilight’s castle as head chef!”

“I am… I mean, I was,” Sonata replied. “But when the new year at Hogwarts started, I thought I could help out at the school. Soon as Twilight put in a good word for me with Professor Dumbledore, he put me straight to work with Hagrid!”

“Sonata’s been a big help tendin’ the grounds,” Hagrid smiled. “Talented wee lass, she is. A seriously misunderstood creature, for a young siren her age. Truth is: She’s got the optimism and a beauty to match.”

“Aw, shucks!” Sonata blushed.

Byph: He's not wrong, she's really pretty.

Mando: You wouldn't say that when you see her in action.

It was then that Sunset Shimmer herself made herself known to the siren, and former Inquisitor – the Fifth Sister.

“I’ll be darn,” Sunset spoke up. “Sonata Dusk.”

“Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah… long time no see, ahem…”

“U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disowned sisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.”

Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response.

Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy.

“I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.”

Everyone smiles in relief over that.

Luke Skywalker: I'm glad Sonata was able to find peace and happiness, she deserves that much.

Ezra Bridger: Though, if she didn't want any part of it, why did her sisters drag her along in the first place.

Galen Marek: They didn't explain much about their history.

Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience.

“Well then… who else is hungry?” Sonata smiled, presenting the food. “I’ve brought tacos and bread and apples and some treats straight from Hogsmeade! Even Fang’s favorite doggy treats!”

“Ah, thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled, offering a jelly slug. “Jelly slug anyone?

To which Ron immediately puked another slug and shook his head.

“Pass…” Ron groaned.

All: Pass!!

Ezra Bridger: I'll...try not to eat anything that's slug looking or related.

Postwar and Arctic Cut>>>>

I almost forgot about Peeves, and the chaos that he and Discord cause when these two are together. Although if we speak of chaos, the one that Lockhart in class defends him against the dark arts. You could already tell that he was egocentric, but he was a coward. And don't worry Neville, even though you seem like the "comic relief character" now, you're going to be crucial in the future.

Personally, I have always hated racist, xenophobic villains (unless they had a tragic past that explained their hate and they didn't are extremism in with that attitude), elitist and spoiled brats. This type of villains always make my blood boil. Unfortunately, this attitude is very common, and not only in this world, but in everyone. Draco talks a lot about mudbloods, but his family is dirty in everything, not only their blood; and I hope Sunset takes 50 or 100 points or more from Slytherin if he disrespects her again.

The CMC have magic wands made with very special materials. And I see that they have already hit it off with Ginny. And from their conversation, it would be very possible that little Ms. Weasley will ask them for help in the future, or that the CMC will notice something strange in their attitude, something related to a certain book.

It's good to see that Sunset and Sonata are now on good terms. It reminds me a little of Dragon Ball Super, when Piccolo meets No. 17. And it's nice to see Norberta, that's making an entrance (A question, Norberta sees Smolder as a mother or an older sister).









Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 1

Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!”

“Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.”

“I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.


Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core.


Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.


“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.”

“And what luck! Our first class is Storm Shield’s!” Scootaloo added. “No offense, but I’m glad they replaced Binns. From what Rainbow Dash told me, that old ghost could put coffee to sleep from boredom—”

“Excuse me!”

The sudden interruption caused the three ponies to immediately snap their heads forward. Standing in front of them was the assistant professor, Moondancer. Her glasses lowered down as she gave them a disapproving look.

“Can you girls please be more attentive in our class?” She scolded.

“Sorry, Professor Moondancer,” The crusaders spoke in unison.

“Let’s keep our eyes up front if you please,” Moondancer replied calmly.

The three fillies nodded their heads in understanding as Moondancer made her way back to the front. Amidst all of that, Storm continued the lesson.

Postwar and Arctic were watching from outside, whilst watching to make sure everyone was okay:

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: I'm sure. Remember, we also promised to look after the CMC and Storm whilst we're there. And glad the wands that I secretly made and gave to Ollivander and in return gave it to them.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: What can I say, I get by. And truth be told I'm glad they're teaching instead of the ghost.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in.

Postwar: *sees something and was shocked* Wait...did you see that?

Arctic: (dialogue and also realizes the book)

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise:

Postwar: Uh, what's that noise?

Arctic: (dialogue)

All of a sudden, an assortment of books and other supplies flew off the shelves and began pelting Storm Shield and Moondancer. A majority of the first year students, minus both Ginny and the CMC, started laughing as they watched their teachers get pelted by school property. Curious, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned around and to their shock, and dismay, they found the culprits: Discord and Peeves hurling books toward the professors, while chuckling maniacally.

“KEEP PRESSING THE ATTACK, PEEVES!” Discord roared, waving a quill like riding crop. “We’ll have him this time!”

“PEEVES!!!” Moondancer screeched, clutching a book with a bent spine. “These books are extremely valuable!”

“DISCORD!” Scootaloo shouted. “What are you doing now?!”

“Oh, nothing out of the ordinary,” Discord replied casually. “I merely persuaded Peeves to crash this ‘charming’ seminar; thought you kids could use a distraction—WHOA!!!”

Discord practically stretched his limbs from the waist to avoid a beam from Storm Shield’s horn, the Prince was justifiably cross.

“We’ll have you this time, you troublemakers!” Storm Shield warned. “We’ll have you!”

As Moondancer tried to pick up all the books, stressfully muttering to herself, Peeves suddenly popped up in front of the pony with a bowl of peanuts.

“Nibbles?” Peeves asked sweetly.

Moondancer looked down and took a brief sniff, only to cringe back with disgust.

“There’s mold all over them!” Moondancer cringed. “Why are you disrupting our class?”

“Heard you talking about poor Myrtle,” Peeves replied, his eyes dancing. “Rude you was about poor Myrtle.”

“Myrtle?” Sweetie Belle’s brows rose.

“I said nothing of the sort!” Moondancer argued. “I don’t even know any—”

“OY! MYRTLE!” Peeves bellowed deeply. “Mooney pony’s just talking about you!”

Crying out in anguish and frustration, Moondancer pursued Peeves and followed the ghost directly out of the classroom. The kids watched when Moondancer suddenly ran by, now Peeves floating after her, pelting her with the moldy peanuts.

“SPOTTY! SPOTTY!” Peeves yelled.

Meanwhile, Storm Shield had to flip the desk over to act as a shield of sorts while dodging the wave of books from Discord’s path. Storm leaned down to eye the students who were erupting in chaos and, in the midst of it all, three ponies and one Weasley sitting there staring awkwardly.

“Sorry class, looks like we’re booked for today—OW!”

A hard cover book hit Storm Shield square in the face, as Discord hovered over him and shook his head.

“I make the bad puns in this story, princey!” Discord scolded. “No points for you!”

Both of them stared at the event stunned:

Postwar: Well that got out of hand.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: We should probably be quick and see how Sunset and the others are doing.

Arctic: (dialogue)

The two of them quickly teleported before things got out of hand.


Near the defense against the dark arts class

The two of them arrived at the outside and panted in relief:

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: Ditto.

The two of them then saw everything in class:

Postwar: Look, everyone is getting ready.

In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all.

“Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class.

“Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.”

“So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked.

This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question.

“Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly.

No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period.

“Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. “Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.”

One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes.

Postwar: *rolling his eyes* Oh, brother.

Arctic: (dialogue)

“WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.”

“… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked.

“Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students.

“Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked.

She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy.

“Thank you!” Hermoine smiled.

As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked.

“Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!”

’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read.

’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed.

’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?”

’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’

“What?” Sunset looked up.

Postwar: I vote Sunset!!

Arctic: (dialogue)

Everyone looks outside and sees the two of them, causing them to chuckle nervously:

Postwar: We're just gonna wait outside now.

Arctic: (dialogue)

The two of them darted back outside, making sure not to disturb anybody.

Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed.

“Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors.

“BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.”

Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight.

Postwar: *making gag noises whilst pointing at his throat*

Arctic: (dialogue)

The two of them continued to watch:

While a pale Neville drew back, Harry, Ron, and the Student Six chaps leaned forward. Lockhart permitted the tension to build, then he whipped off the cover. Inside the cage are several electric blue creatures. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, rattling the bars and pulling bizarre faces at the students.

“Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked.

Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected.

Postwar: *widens his eyes in shock* Uh oh.

Arctic: (Dialogue)

Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them.

Postwar: Everyone, get out now!! Arctic. Cast the entire class!! We gotta make sure they don't escape!!

Arctic: (dialogue)

“Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!”

“Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.”

“Professor Lockhart!” Sunset called out. “How did you get these pixies to begin with?”

“Read my books,” Lockhart replied in panic.

“There’s no time for that! Just show us how you did it!”

“Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!

However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief.

Postwar: I think I know what our contact meant about him!!

Arctic: (dialogue)

To prove it, Sunset summoned her wand and held it out hoping to perform a snippet of good.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.

“Sorry…” Sunset winced.

Postwar: I could think of what you'll father be hearing!!

Draco: What?

Postwar then punched Draco in the face, making him whimper and running away, with Arctic looking at him:

Postwar: What?! Kid or not, he had it coming!!

Arctic: (dialogue)

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.

“There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted.

“What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear.

Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling.


Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him.

“You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked.

“Why is it always me?” Neville groaned.

“Neville seem fine to me,” Yona confirmed, noticing everyone’s stare. “What?”

Postwar: Really gotta watch your words, Yona.

Arctic: (talks to Neville)

The two of them used their magic and brought Neville down. Postwar then snapped his fingers, causing the Pixies to fly around, until Postwar roared at them, sounding like a Manticor, surprising them.

Postwar: Here's what you'll do. You'll go back in your cage, or so help me, I'M GONNA USE YOU AS A BACKSCRATCHER!! NOW GET!!

They quickly flew back inside the cage and closed it whilst cowering. Everyone slowly looked at Postwar surprised:

Ron Weasley: Bloody hell, how did you do that?

Postwar: Tried transfiguration. Turned into a Manticore. Although...it kinda left the side effect.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: Anyway, we'll leave you guys to it. And Sunset, we're due for training, so meet me at the courtyard outside of the school before you join Harry whilst he goes to Quidditch practice.

Harry Potter: Hang on, how do you know I'm going to practice quidditch?

Postwar: *takes out a list* Looked through your school schedules. Duh. Why else do you think Hermoine's always in time for her classes?

Hermoine Granger: *smiles smugly and crossed her arms whilst looking at them* Told you so.

The others didn't know how to respond to that.

Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 2>>>>









<<<<Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 1

Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 1

Postwar and Arctic walked around after he was finished with Sunset's training.

Postwar: Alright then, things look quiet so far.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: *spots Quidditch group* Hey, there they are.

Arctic: (dialogue)

They then spot the Slytherin team

Postwar: Oh boy.

Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl.

“Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned.

“What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!”

Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents.

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked.

“Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly.

“Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.”

“Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.”

Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down.

“What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy.

“Trouble,” Ron confirmed.

As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read:

“’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’”

“You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?”

Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy. He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in.

“Draco…” Smolder snarled.

“Malfoy…?” Harry muttered.

“That’s right,” Malfoy answered.

Postwar: *smirks and calls out* Pff, you, a seeker?! You couldn't even seek our your own socks, much less your undies!!

Draco: Who said that?!

Postwar and Arctic hid and couldn't contain their laughter:

Arctic: (dialogue)

Both watched as they continued to watch things:

“No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat.

Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad.

“Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage.

“That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!”

“Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked.

“What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!”

“Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.”

“Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat.

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!”

Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense.

“You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!”

Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again.

Postwar: Wow, didn't know a spell like that existed.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: *turns to him and pulls out a case* Here, take this.

Arctic: (accepts and asks)

Postwar: Remember the supplies I got? I was able to combine the Rainbooms' sabers with the wands of their choice. Make sure you give this to them and start training them.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: Making sure that they're okay. Think you can handle the Rainbooms whilst I'm gone.

Arctic: (dialogue)

Postwar: (placing his hand on his shoulder) I'm counting on you.

The two of them soon left in separate directions whilst Post catches up with the group.

Postwar: Wait up.

Sunset Shimmer: What are you doing here?

Postwar: Helping you, of course.

Harry Potter: You know how to help Ron?

Postwar: Sorry, out of my expertise. We'll still go to Hagrid's.

The lot of them went straight to their friend, hoping that he'd help them out.

>>>>Postwar keeping an eye on them.










Postwar keeping an eye on them.

Postwar knocked on the door of a hut of sorts. Until a familiar giant, by the name of Hagrid, came out.

Hagrid: Who the blazes are you?

Postwar: Sorry for dropping by unannounced Hagrid. We've...kind of got a situation.

He stepped aside and showed the others holding a queasy Ron:

Hagrid: Ron? What happened to you?

Ron then belched up a slug, surprising Hagrid:

Postwar: Slug curse gone bad. Because of his broken wand.

Hagrid: Alright then, bring em inside.

Hagrid and Postwar went in, with the others following suit:

Hagrid rummaged about, looking for something to aid Ron, as his friends looked on beside him.

“Got jus’ the thing,” Hagrid muttered. “Set ‘im down on that chair o’er there. This calls for a specialist’s equipment.”

As Ron sat down, Hagrid pitched a bucket between his knees. Harry, Hermoine, and the Equestrians glanced up questioningly.

“Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.”

Postwar: Uh, no offense Hagrid, but wrong choice of words.

Gallus: Gonna have to agree with him on this one.

“Who was Ron tryin’ ter curse, anyway?”

“Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…”

Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up.

“Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged.

Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends.

“He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly.

“He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked.

“It’s true,” Sunset nodded.

“He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended.

“Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!”

Postwar: *sighs* No matter where you go, even in the wizarding world, racism still exists.

Hagrid: A terrible thing indeed.

“What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?”

Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this.

“It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”

“Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.”

Postwar: That goes the same for half-blooded magic users. Even if you're parents are full wizards, they'd still expulse you because they think your muggle parent tainted your blood and think you're an abomination. And back in Equestria, ponykind was also like that to each other, even to other creatures. Especially from someone like Neighsay.

Smolder: Ugh, don't remind us.

Ron: Who's Neigh...*belches up slug*

Postwar: Chancellor of the Equestrian Education Association. He thinks that Friendship is only meant for ponies and because of his xenophobic and racist attitude, he deems them unworthy and even committed acts of treason behind everyone else's backs and accused the young six for draining the magic from Equestria without proof or evidence.

“That’s horrible!” Harry gasped.

“It’s disgusting!” Ron belched forth a slug.

“And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?”

“Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.”

“What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?”

Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one.

“We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.”

“I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed.

Postwar sees this and realizes he needs to tell them, but chose to keep quiet so that Hagrid could say his piece:

“Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty bloodSith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…”

Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face.

“Come here…”

Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort.

“Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.”

Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words.

Postwar: He's right. People today always judges others by sex, color, nationality, or even whether or not they have magic. They condemn and judge what they don't understand. Not to mention the magic doesn't define the wizard, witch or warlock, it's what resides in their hearts that matters.

Postwar walks over to Hermoine and stands on his knee and held her face so that he could look at her in the eyes:

Postwar: People like the Malfoys think that they're better because of their status and bloodline. But the thing is, they know nothing about the meaning of hard work. You're one of the most hardworking students I know, the smartest there is. You know every single impossible spell that not even the oldest students would know. You're not a muggle, you're not a mudblood, you're Hermione Granger, one of the bestest and brightest witches that ever existed in the wizarding world. Were there more people like you, the Wizarding world would be a better place. Don't you ever let people talk you down or make you think otherwise.

Hermoine couldn't help but smile and hugged Postwar, to which the latter returned. When all of a sudden...

The doors suddenly swung open as a family siren stepped inside, carrying a basket in her hand.

“I brought you lunch!” She chirped.

“Thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled.

“Sonata?!” Sunset and the Student Six exclaimed, surprised.

“Hiya guys!” Sonata waved. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Mr. Hagrid, warn me next time! I would’ve made more tacos if I knew we’d be having guests over!”

“They’re just ‘ere because of an emergency,” Hagrid replied gently. “One of their friend’s are a bit under the weather, see.”

Ron puked up another slug, which made Sonata cringe in disgust.

“I see what you mean,” Sonata gulped.

“Hold on!” Harry spoke up. “Guys, do you know this girl?”

“You can say that…” Gallus replied.

“Hi, Sonata!” Silverstream happily greeted. “What are ya doing here? I thought you were working at Twilight’s castle as head chef!”

“I am… I mean, I was,” Sonata replied. “But when the new year at Hogwarts started, I thought I could help out at the school. Soon as Twilight put in a good word for me with Professor Dumbledore, he put me straight to work with Hagrid!”

“Sonata’s been a big help tendin’ the grounds,” Hagrid smiled. “Talented wee lass, she is. A seriously misunderstood creature, for a young siren her age. Truth is: She’s got the optimism and a beauty to match.”

“Aw, shucks!” Sonata blushed.

Arctic: (arrives and meets Sonata You can add more dialogues if you want)

It was then that Sunset Shimmer herself made herself known to the siren, and former Inquisitor – the Fifth Sister.

“I’ll be darn,” Sunset spoke up. “Sonata Dusk.”

“Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah… long time no see, ahem…”

“U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disowned sisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.”

Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response.

Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy.

“I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.”

Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience.

“Well then… who else is hungry?” Sonata smiled, presenting the food. “I’ve brought tacos and bread and apples and some treats straight from Hogsmeade! Even Fang’s favorite doggy treats!”

“Ah, thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled, offering a jelly slug. “Jelly slug anyone?

To which Ron immediately puked another slug and shook his head.

“Pass…” Ron groaned.

Postwar then decided to speak:

Postwar: Actually...now that everyone's finished. There's something you should know...about Sunset's past.

Sunset looked uncomfortable, with Sonata feeling the same:

Sunset Shimmer: Post...

Postwar: They have the right to know, Sunset. And first rule of friendship, no lies.

Sunset winced, but nodded, allowing him to explain, whilst Postwar looked at Hagrid, and the Hogwarts trio:

Postwar: It's like this...this was about after we helped you with the Sorcerer's stone incident. After Sunset graduated, she had a hard time figuring out what to do with her life. But then Spike tampered with the television that caused all of them to be sucked in. Sunset ended up in a different ship. The same ship that a Sith named Darth Vader, who was a former Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. And her boyfriend, Galen Marek, was his apprentice known as Starkiller.

Arctic: (explains about the war between the Empire and the Rebellion)

Postwar: Sunset was captured when she was mistaken for a Jedi. For one, because of her choice of robes, and the other, because she was gifted with the Force. They took her prisoner, and three females, known as the Inquisitors, set things up. They taught the Emperor how to manipulate her, and made her think her friends abandoned her. But they not only deceived her, but deceived Princess Twilight and her friends as well. As well as using one of her weaknesses to their advantage.

Hagrid: Weakness? What's that?

Young Six: Her anger.

Arctic: (talks about how her temper and impatience made her being seduced to the dark side, turning her into a sith named seraphina)

Harry: That's horrible.

Postwar: It wasn't her fault. Lies, deceit, as well as the tongues of the wicked runs deep. Even a good heart, can be tempted by the forces of evil.

Hermoine: And who were the females?

Postwar: She was one of them. *pointed at Sonata, which surprised them*

Hagrid: Really las?

Sonata: I...didn't have any other choice. They forced me to be part of their schemes, which got us banished from Equestria in the first place.

Arctic: (talks about the Battle of the Bands and the Dazzlings' defeat)

Postwar: It took a while, but Sunset, her friends, and her school welcomed them with open arms, even after everything they did. But somehow, they ended up in that world, that not even our superiors know.

Harry Potter: But didn't Princess Twilight and the others rescue her?

Postwar: They tried. But all of them were trapped in another planet.

Arctic: (talks about the galaxy they were in had hundreds of planets)

Ron Weasley: Wick...*belches slug again*

Postwar: Not to mention, how would you feel if you were in another world, but didn't have any armies, resources, or magic to help you out.

Hagrid: Oh dear. Why, i'd be more helpless than Fang on a Sunday mernin if I went through like tha.

Postwar: Precisely. They were also tricked and didn't know what was going on. I wanted to save her, but I was put under suspension for interfering what I shouldn't have done. But after they were able to help Sunset whilst she was able to free herself from the Sith's influence, Sunset chose to stay behind instead of going home. And because of it, the Equestrian government wanted to file an arrest warrant on her. But even though Celestia cleared them and showed them that she was tricked, she still joined out of her own free will.

Harry Potter: But if that's true, then how does Malfoy know about it?

Postwar: We're not sure. I don't know where or how they got that information.

Hagrid: Well she don have ta worry, cause we'll be supportin' her. Ya her, Sunset? Ye have our support.

Sunset Shimmer: *smiles at this* Thanks guys.


<< Previous

Equestrian Girls, Discord’s Wizarding Cinematic Adventures Theater

Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!”

“Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.”

“I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.


Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core.


Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.


“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.”

Leia Organa: Very impressive.

Ezra Bridger: What are those?

Galen Marek: They're called wands. They're sort of the Wizard's sort of weapons. They're almost similar to lightsabers. Difference is, whilst we use Lightsabers for physical combat, they fight from the distance like blasters.

Luke Skywalker: I saw Sunset redesigning her Lightsaber and fused it with her wand so that she could do both. And the extra lessons Phantom gave her helped a bit.

Sci-Twi: Really? That sounds like it’s really powerful now, I bet she can use it really well.

Mando: When going to new worlds, you have to be prepared. Shame I didn't have the proper equipment to prepare for mine.

Han Solo: But you're now paid by the New Republic, aren't you?

Mando: They're still working on the credit details.

The three fillies nodded their heads in understanding as Moondancer made her way back to the front. Amidst all of that, Storm continued the lesson.

“Now then, who can tell me the year that former Minister of Magic, Eldritch Diggory, and Starswirl the Bearded first established the Auror Recruitment Program?” Storm asked the class.

A few students in the class raised their hands; two of whom are Sweetie Belle and Ginny Weasley, the latter sitting next to the Crusaders.

“Yes, Ms. Weasley?” Storm acknowledged her.

“Minister Diggory and Starswirl the Bearded founded the program in the year 1773,” Ginny answered. “They’d continue to do so for the next fourteen years.”

“Correct, Ms. Weasley!” Storm nodded with a smile. “I must say, for a first year, you seem to have fairly decent knowledge of the Equestrian and Wizarding Alliance.”

“Agreed!” Moondancer spoke up. “It seems Ms. Weasley has been studying quite well. I believe that’s worthy of ten points to Gryffindor.”

Ginny merely lowered her head toward the table, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone staring at her. From her side, the CMC smiled with congratulatory glances.

“Nice work, Ginny!” Apple Bloom congratulated.

“Yeah, no way I would have known that!” Scootaloo added.

Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in.

Luke held onto his head, same with Ezra and Galen:

Byph: Is something wrong?

Luke Skywalker: I sense a disturbance in the Force.

Ezra Bridger: I feel it too. It feels...dark.

Galen Marek: It's tied to what she's having.

EQG! Pinkie Pie: You can say that again, I’m having a really REALLY bad feeling about this..

All of a sudden, an assortment of books and other supplies flew off the shelves and began pelting Storm Shield and Moondancer. A majority of the first year students, minus both Ginny and the CMC, started laughing as they watched their teachers get pelted by school property. Curious, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned around and to their shock, and dismay, they found the culprits: Discord and Peeves hurling books toward the professors, while chuckling maniacally.

“KEEP PRESSING THE ATTACK, PEEVES!” Discord roared, waving a quill like riding crop. “We’ll have him this time!”

“PEEVES!!!” Moondancer screeched, clutching a book with a bent spine. “These books are extremely valuable!”

“DISCORD!” Scootaloo shouted. “What are you doing now?!”

“Oh, nothing out of the ordinary,” Discord replied casually. “I merely persuaded Peeves to crash this ‘charming’ seminar; thought you kids could use a distraction—WHOA!!!”

Discord practically stretched his limbs from the waist to avoid a beam from Storm Shield’s horn, the Prince was justifiably cross.

“We’ll have you this time, you troublemakers!” Storm Shield warned. “We’ll have you!”

Zatt: Well...that escalated out of control.

EQG! Rarity: Must he always cause mischief, especially on the first day of school?

EQG! Rainbow Dash: I think we all know the answer to that, Rares. (She said to the fashionista)

Petro: Usually I'm the guy that makes the mess.

Ganodi: Surprisingly, I agree with you there.

In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all.

“Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class.

“Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.”

“So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked.

This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question.

“Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly.

No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period.

“Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. “Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.”

One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes.

Padawans: *groans*

EQG! Rainbow Dash: (rolled her eyes) Oh, give me a back.

EQG! Applejack: I can already see where this is going…

Leia Organa: Oh, brother.

Lando Calrissian: I thought Han had a bigger ego.

Han Solo: Hey!! *Chewbacca laughing at him, making him glare at the Wookiee* Laugh it up, Fuzzball.

“WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.”

“… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked.

“Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students.

“Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked.

She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy.

“Thank you!” Hermoine smiled.

As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked.

“Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!”

’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read.

’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed.

’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?”

’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’

“What?” Sunset looked up.

Ben Solo: I vote Sunset!!

Galen Marek: I'll always vote for her.

Petro: Eh, what the heck, we'll vote for her too.

EQG! Rainbow Dash: Yeah! It’s Sunset for sure

EQG! Pinkie Pie: Sunset!

EQG! Fluttershy: Sunset…

EQG! Rarity: Sunset.

EQG! Applejack: Sunset.

Sci-Twi: Of course it’s Sunset.

Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed.

“Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors.

“BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.”

Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight.

Padawans: *making gag noises whilst pointing at their throat*

Leia Organa: Couldn't have said it better myself.

EQG! Rainbow Dash: (also gagging a bit) I think I’m gonna be sick, if I have to keep seeing that.

“Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked.

Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected.

Unable to contain herself, Smolder snorted with laughter.

“You expect us to be scared by little pixies?” Smolder laughed uncontrollably. “I mean come on! Were the breezies unavailable? Ha-ha-ha!”

“Laugh if you will, Miss Smolder,” Lockhart replied. “But pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let’s see what you make of them now!”

Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them.

“Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!”

“Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.”

“Professor Lockhart!” Sunset called out. “How did you get these pixies to begin with?”

“Read my books,” Lockhart replied in panic.

“There’s no time for that! Just show us how you did it!”

“Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!

However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief.

Zatt: Well that got out of hand really quickly!!

EQG! Applejack: Eeyup, you can say that again.

EQG! Fluttershy: I-I’m sure things will be ok..hopefully.

Ezra Bridger: Does this always happen?

Galen Marek: Pretty much.

Ezra Bridger: And I thought my friends and I saw stranger things.

Han Solo: Kid, when have you seen the galaxy for as long as we have? You haven't seen anything yet.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.

“Sorry…” Sunset winced.

Katochi: She didn't do it on purpose you jerk!!

EQG! Rainbow Dash: Yeah! So why don’t you leave her alone!

EQG! Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Leave her alone you big bully!

Petro: Yeah, they were just moving too fast.

Ganodi: Yeah, not her fault your fat stooge got in the way!!

Sci-Twi: He has no right to treat Sunset like this..

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.

“There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted.

“What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear.

Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling.


Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him.

“You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked.

“Why is it always me?” Neville groaned.

“Neville seem fine to me,” Yona confirmed, noticing everyone’s stare. “What?”

Lando Calrissian: That was a close one.

Zatt: No kidding.

Ezra Bridger: I have to admit, she's pretty good.

Luke Skywalker: She does have talent.

The following period, the Gryffindor Quidditch team – Harry, Smolder, Fred, George, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson – trailed Oliver Wood through the courtyard, toward the distant Quidditch pitch. Sunset Shimmer accompanied the team, catching the eyes of the students before they knelt down to resume their studies. Word was definitely traveling fast about Sunset, but not under the best of circumstances.

“I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program,” Oliver Wood explained. “We’re going to train earlier, harder, and longer!”

“And as Assistant Professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s my job to assure nobody’s brooms get jinxed…” Sunset Shimmer stated. “We don’t want a repeat of last year, right Harry?”

“I appreciate it, Professor,” Harry expressed his gratitude.

Ezra Bridger: What's that?

Galen Marek: Sunset told me about this. Quidditch is sort of like a sporting game, that competes against one another. It's rough, and brutal.

Leia Organa: I think I'd be interested to see where this one goes.

Han Solo: Same here.

EQG! Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Maybe I should try it out sometime.

EQG! Applejack: I don’t know Rainbow, might be more than you can handle.

EQG! Rarity: She is right, darling. It does sound a bit dangerous.

EQG! Rainbow Dash: oh come on, how dangerous can it be?

Sci-Twi: You’ll probably regret saying that. (She said to her rainbow hair friend)

EQG! Fluttershy: (would nod her head a little bit in agreement)

Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl.

“Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned.

“What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!”

Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents.

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked.

“Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly.

“Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.”

“Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.”

Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down.

“What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy.

“Trouble,” Ron confirmed.

As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read:

“’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’”

“You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?”

Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy. He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in.

“Draco…” Smolder snarled.

“Malfoy…?” Harry muttered.

“That’s right,” Malfoy answered.

Ezra Bridger: Oh boy, something tells me this won't be pretty.

All: It won't.

“You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford to buy the best.”

“That’s pretty big talk… mouthful,” Gallus remarked.

It was then Marcus Flint finally acknowledged the remaining Student Six.

“Come to admire our new gifts, freaks?”

“This coming from Captain Buckteeth and his traveling circus?” Gallus scoffed, making Flint scowl.

“How’s about putting your daddy’s money where your mouth is?” Silverstream challenged.

“You want to say that again?” Malfoy threatened. “I’m sure my father would love to hear it.”

“Hey, hey! Easy!” Sunset cut in between. “Save the trash talking for Quidditch! We’re all here to practice; we can share the field and be civilized.”

“Big talk for a washed-up Sith,” Draco sneered.

“Mind your manners, kid!” Sunset warned. “I’m still an adult here!”

“Whatever, Seraphina. Least I’ll be the one beating Potter when I catch the Snitch.”

Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth, her fists clenched while trying to resist the urge to pummel the little brat in front of everyone. But she knew the boy was testing her patience. No doubt some ploy to grant his father the right to have her fired from Hogwarts… if not arrested, whichever came first.

“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buytheir way in,” Hermione spoke up. “Theygot in on pure talent.”

“Yeah!” The Student Six agreed.

Byph: She's got a point there.

Katochi: I didn't buy my way in.

Petro: None of us have.

Zatt: We were brought to the temple and trained.

Ganodi: And it wasn't very easy either.

Sci-Twi: Exactly, you can’t expect to take the easy way to get into things. If wanna accomplish something, you have to work for it and show that you really earned it.

“No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat.

Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad.

“Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage.

“That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!”

“Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked.

“What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!”

“Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.”

“Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat.

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!”

Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense.

“You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!”

Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again.

All: Ewe!!!

EQG! Rarity: That’s just disgusting! (She said nearly fainting)

Ezra Bridger: Okay, that's a new one.

Han Solo: Guess we need to brush up on our magic lessons.

“Ugh!” Smolder cringed, disgusted.

“YUCK!” The Gryffindors groaned.

“Nasty!” Sandbar stuck out his tongue.

At that moment, Gryffindor first-year, Colin Creevey, raced up with his camera.

“Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?!” Colin asked excitedly.

“Get out of the way, Colin!” Harry replied, helping Ron up. “Professor, can you make it stop?”

“Let’s see,” Sunset examined, dodging a slug. “Okay, this is really gross. I’ve studied counters for jinxes, hexes, and curses but nothing on slugs…”

“Let’s take him to Hagrid,” Ocellus suggested. “He’ll know what to do.”

“Right!” Sunset nodded, facing the teams. “Proceed with what you’ve planned for today! I’m taking Ron and friends to see Hagrid. But no foul play… I mean it, Slytherin!”

As Sunset took her leave with Harry and friends, Smolder stood her ground as she addressed the chuckling Flint and Malfoy.

“What do you want now, freak?” Flint asked mockingly.

Smolder, however, simply blew a whistle with her two fingers. Answering the call, an even bigger dragon swopped from the sky and landed in the courtyard. The beast released a bloodcurdling roar that scared the Slytherins out of their uniforms and sent them running.


“Good girl, Norberta,” Smolder scratched her adopted daughter.

As they turned to leave, a set of eyes stared at the display from the safety of the courtyard corner. Whisper Dawn, having seen the Slytherins get their comeuppance, giggled to herself quietly before she slipped away unnoticed.

Ben Solo: Ha!! Take that, loser!!

EQG! Rainbow Dash: Yeah! You better run! That’s what you get!

Galen Marek: Couldn't have said it better than myself.

Lando Calrissian: About time someone would teach them a lesson.

EQG! Applejack: You said it, karma always comes back to those who deserve it.

Later, at Hagrid’s hut, Hagrid rummaged about, looking for something to aid Ron, as his friends looked on beside him.

“Got jus’ the thing,” Hagrid muttered. “Set ‘im down on that chair o’er there. This calls for a specialist’s equipment.”

As Ron sat down, Hagrid pitched a bucket between his knees. Harry, Hermoine, and the Equestrians glanced up questioningly.

“Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.”

Ezra Bridger: Er, wrong choice of words.

Ganodi: Very wrong choice.

Katochi: I'm surprised they didn't have a spell for something like that.

EQG! Pinkie Pie: Yeah, you think would have a spell for this.

Sci-Twi: Perhaps this would have them make a new spell, so that next time they’ll be prepared.

“Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…”

Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up.

“Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged.

Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends.

“He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly.

“He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked.

“It’s true,” Sunset nodded.

“He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended.

“Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!”

“What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?”

Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this.

“It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”

“Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.”

Luke Skywalker: Much like the Sith.

Ezra Bridger: Really?

Luke Skywalker: That's right. From what Master Yoda once told me, the Sith train their own, for any Jedi who would turn to the dark side would be considered blasphemy as they were not pure Sith like them.

“And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?”

“Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.”

“What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?”

Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one.

“We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.”

“I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed.

Luke Skywalker: What happened wasn't your fault.

Galen Marek: You were tricked, lied and deceived. We all were from both sides.

The Rainbooms felt the same and had sad looks on their faces, they know what Sunset did wasn’t her fault, and felt saddened to see their friend in this state, and wish that they can tell her that and comfort her.

“Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty bloodSith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…”

Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face.

“Come here…”

Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort.

“Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.”

Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words.

Lando Calrissian: The kid's got a bright future.

Ben Solo: And she's really nice.

Han Solo: Just...don't get on her bad side.

EQG! Fluttershy: T-That would be bad, if someone would get on her bad side

The doors suddenly swung open as a family siren stepped inside, carrying a basket in her hand.

“I brought you lunch!” She chirped.

“Thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled.

“Sonata?!” Sunset and the Student Six exclaimed, surprised.

Galen Marek: Sonata?

Leia Organa: What's she doing there?

Luke Skywalker: Post and the others told me. Sonata's on their side now and is trying to live a normal life away from her sisters.

EQG! Pinkie Pie: Yeah! And we couldn’t believe that they treated her so badly. And ever since then, she is now a friend of ours and showed that she really has changed.

EQG! Applejack: I agree with Pinkie, Sonata really has shown she changes for the better, any family member that would be that awful to their own sibling, it’s just a awful and horrible thing to imagine.

EQG! Rainbow Dash: you can say that again, if I ever see those two, I hope they get the karma they deserve.

“Hiya guys!” Sonata waved. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Mr. Hagrid, warn me next time! I would’ve made more tacos if I knew we’d be having guests over!”

“They’re just ‘ere because of an emergency,” Hagrid replied gently. “One of their friend’s are a bit under the weather, see.”

Ron puked up another slug, which made Sonata cringe in disgust.

“I see what you mean,” Sonata gulped.

“Hold on!” Harry spoke up. “Guys, do you know this girl?”

“You can say that…” Gallus replied.

“Hi, Sonata!” Silverstream happily greeted. “What are ya doing here? I thought you were working at Twilight’s castle as head chef!”

“I am… I mean, I was,” Sonata replied. “But when the new year at Hogwarts started, I thought I could help out at the school. Soon as Twilight put in a good word for me with Professor Dumbledore, he put me straight to work with Hagrid!”

“Sonata’s been a big help tendin’ the grounds,” Hagrid smiled. “Talented wee lass, she is. A seriously misunderstood creature, for a young siren her age. Truth is: She’s got the optimism and a beauty to match.”

“Aw, shucks!” Sonata blushed.

Byph: He's not wrong, she's really pretty.

Mando: You wouldn't say that when you see her in action.

Sci-Twi: True, one’s looks doesn’t mean they can’t fight back.

EQG! Rarity: Maybe, but he is right. She is very pretty and would make anyone happy. (She mentioned with a small giggle) after all, she already gotten a certain someone’s attention.

It was then that Sunset Shimmer herself made herself known to the siren, and former Inquisitor – the Fifth Sister.

“I’ll be darn,” Sunset spoke up. “Sonata Dusk.”

“Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah… long time no see, ahem…”

“U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disownedsisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.”

Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response.

Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy.

“I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.”

Everyone smiles in relief over that.

EQG! Fluttershy: I-I’m happy that Sunset was willingly to forgive her. (She said as the other Rainbooms nod in agreement)

Luke Skywalker: I'm glad Sonata was able to find peace and happiness, she deserves that much.

Ezra Bridger: Though, if she didn't want any part of it, why did her sisters drag her along in the first place.

Galen Marek: They didn't explain much about their history.

EQG! Applejack: I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t care about what she thought, and made her do it whenever she wanted to do it or not.

Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience.

“Well then… who else is hungry?” Sonata smiled, presenting the food. “I’ve brought tacos and bread and apples and some treats straight from Hogsmeade! Even Fang’s favorite doggy treats!”

“Ah, thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled, offering a jelly slug. “Jelly slug anyone?

To which Ron immediately puked another slug and shook his head.

“Pass…” Ron groaned.

All: Pass!!

Ezra Bridger: I'll...try not to eat anything that's slug looking or related.

Rainbooms: Agreed!

Postwar and Arctic Cut>>

Massager's log # 18
Date: 5/8/24


“Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected.

Unable to contain herself, Smolder snorted with laughter.

“You expect us to be scared by little pixies?” Smolder laughed uncontrollably. “I mean come on! Were the breezies unavailable? Ha-ha-ha!”

“Laugh if you will, Miss Smolder,” Lockhart replied. “But pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let’s see what you make of them now!”

Dodger: " No you idiot!"

Myself: " Too late!"

Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them.

“Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!”

“Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.”

Fleck: " Then do something!"

Tubby Nugget: " Looks like they've already get Neville."

It was true, Neville had two pixies grab him by the ears and hang him by his robes on the chandelier yelling to be let down.
[quote“Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!”

However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief.

“What was that spell again?” Sunset asked. “Because I don’t think it works…”

“Of course it works!” Gilderoy exclaimed. “I’m just… out of practice.”

“What do you mean you’re out of practice?! You said these pixies were freshly caught!”

“They were! They are! What I mean is…”

But rather than sticking around to help, Lockhart frantically bolted toward his office.

“Where are you going?” Sunset asked.

“I just… need time to… find some equipment,” Lockhart said. “I’ll ask you to nip the rest of them back in their cage…”

“The rest of them!” Sunset frowned. “I have to do everything myself, don’t I?”

Sunset reached toward her lightsaber, intending to use the wand she concealed inside. It was then a certain Slytherin decided to stir some trouble.

“She’s got a lightsaber!” Malfoy pointed accusingly. “She’s going to kill us!”

“What? No! No!” Sunset shook, reassuring the frightened students. “I’m just getting my wand. See?

To prove it, Sunset summoned her wand and held it out hoping to perform a snippet of good.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.
]General Supernova: " Poor Sunset, this is not going well for her. "

Dr Gangle: " And that big cry baby Draco isn't helping either. "

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.

“There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted.

“What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear.

Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling.


Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him.

“You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked.

“Why is it always me?” Neville groaned.

Zatanna: " Poor Neville!"

The following period, the Gryffindor Quidditch team – Harry, Smolder, Fred, George, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson – trailed Oliver Wood through the courtyard, toward the distant Quidditch pitch. Sunset Shimmer accompanied the team, catching the eyes of the students before they knelt down to resume their studies. Word was definitely traveling fast about Sunset, but not under the best of circumstances.

“I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program,” Oliver Wood explained. “We’re going to train earlier, harder, and longer!”

“And as Assistant Professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s my job to assure nobody’s brooms get jinxed…” Sunset Shimmer stated. “We don’t want a repeat of last year, right Harry?”

“I appreciate it, Professor,” Harry expressed his gratitude.

Dodger: " What happened last year?"

Mr Squelch: " Lockhart’s predecessor, Quirrell tried to jinx Harry’s brown to make him fall off but Snape muttered a counter curse to keep Harry safe...."

Tubby Nugget: " Until Hermoine set him on fire and broke both their eye contact."

Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl.

“Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned.

“What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!”

Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents.

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked.

“Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly.

Un: " really son, because I don't think the field has you name on it. Now make like a tree and leave."

“Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.”

“Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.”

Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down.

“What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy.

“Trouble,” Ron confirmed.

As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read:

“’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’”

“You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?”

Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy.

Moraik laughed!
Moraik: " Him, really!? Him!?"

Fleck: " Aw, did daddy help his little man get in the team?"

He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in.

“Draco…” Smolder snarled.

“Malfoy…?” Harry muttered.

“That’s right,” Malfoy answered. “And that’s not all that’s new this year…”

Harry, Sunset Shimmer, their friends, and the remaining Gryffindor Quiddith Team examined the broomsticks Draco and the remaining Slytherins held out as one. All eyes stared with shock.

“Those are Nimbus 2001s!” Ron exclaimed. “How did you get those?”

“T-They’re a generous gift from Draco’s father, Master Lucius…” Whisper admitted softly.

“Did I tell you to speak?!” Draco asked venomously.

“… No…”

“Then don’t!”

General Supernova: " I would love to teach that boy some manners."

The way Malfoy snapped at her, as if about to strike the mare, made her flinch as she edged backward. While the other Slytherins snickered, Draco turned smugly towards Ron.

“You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford to buy the best.”

“That’s pretty big talk… mouthful,” Gallus remarked.

It was then Marcus Flint finally acknowledged the remaining Student Six.

“Come to admire our new gifts, freaks?”

“This coming from Captain Buckteeth and his traveling circus?” Gallus scoffed, making Flint scowl.

“How’s about putting your daddy’s money where your mouth is?” Silverstream challenged.

“You want to say that again?” Malfoy threatened. “I’m sure my father would love to hear it.”

“Hey, hey! Easy!” Sunset cut in between. “Save the trash talking for Quidditch! We’re all here to practice; we can share the field and be civilized.”

“Big talk for a washed-up Sith,” Draco sneered.

“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buytheir way in,” Hermione spoke up. “They got in on pure talent.”

“Yeah!” The Student Six agreed.

“Exactly!” Sunset smiled proudly. “10 points for standing up for your friends.”

Draco glared at Hermione in annoyance, as he took several steps but stopped just at an arm’s length before her.

“No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat.

Fleck gasped, Tubby Nugget dropped jaw and everyone fumes in anger.


Simple, they are both gonna be at the end of Season 7.


Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 1

Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!”

“Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.”

“I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.


Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core.


Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.


“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.”

Postwar and Arctic were watching from outside, whilst watching to make sure everyone was okay:

Arctic: You sure about this, Post?

Postwar: I'm sure. Remember, we also promised to look after the CMC and Storm whilst we're there. And glad the wands that I secretly made and gave to Ollivander and in return gave it to them.

Arctic: I’m still a bit surprised by that, how did you manage to do it?

Postwar: What can I say, I get by. And truth be told I'm glad they're teaching instead of the ghost.

Arctic: True, that’s a good point there.

Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in.

Postwar: *sees something and was shocked* Wait...did you see that?

Arctic: Yeah I did..and I got a really bad feeling about it.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise:

Postwar: Uh, what's that noise?

Arctic: I’m not sure..and it’s getting more closer.

All of a sudden, an assortment of books and other supplies flew off the shelves and began pelting Storm Shield and Moondancer. A majority of the first year students, minus both Ginny and the CMC, started laughing as they watched their teachers get pelted by school property. Curious, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned around and to their shock, and dismay, they found the culprits: Discord and Peeves hurling books toward the professors, while chuckling maniacally.

“KEEP PRESSING THE ATTACK, PEEVES!” Discord roared, waving a quill like riding crop. “We’ll have him this time!”

“PEEVES!!!” Moondancer screeched, clutching a book with a bent spine. “These books are extremely valuable!”

“DISCORD!” Scootaloo shouted. “What are you doing now?!”

“Oh, nothing out of the ordinary,” Discord replied casually. “I merely persuaded Peeves to crash this ‘charming’ seminar; thought you kids could use a distraction—WHOA!!!”

Discord practically stretched his limbs from the waist to avoid a beam from Storm Shield’s horn, the Prince was justifiably cross.

“We’ll have you this time, you troublemakers!” Storm Shield warned. “We’ll have you!”

As Moondancer tried to pick up all the books, stressfully muttering to herself, Peeves suddenly popped up in front of the pony with a bowl of peanuts.

“Nibbles?” Peeves asked sweetly.

Moondancer looked down and took a brief sniff, only to cringe back with disgust.

“There’s mold all over them!” Moondancer cringed. “Why are you disrupting our class?”

“Heard you talking about poor Myrtle,” Peeves replied, his eyes dancing. “Rude you was about poor Myrtle.”

“Myrtle?” Sweetie Belle’s brows rose.

“I said nothing of the sort!” Moondancer argued. “I don’t even know any—”

“OY! MYRTLE!” Peeves bellowed deeply. “Mooney pony’s just talking about you!”

Crying out in anguish and frustration, Moondancer pursued Peeves and followed the ghost directly out of the classroom. The kids watched when Moondancer suddenly ran by, now Peeves floating after her, pelting her with the moldy peanuts.

“SPOTTY! SPOTTY!” Peeves yelled.

Meanwhile, Storm Shield had to flip the desk over to act as a shield of sorts while dodging the wave of books from Discord’s path. Storm leaned down to eye the students who were erupting in chaos and, in the midst of it all, three ponies and one Weasley sitting there staring awkwardly.

“Sorry class, looks like we’re booked for today—OW!”

A hard cover book hit Storm Shield square in the face, as Discord hovered over him and shook his head.

“I make the bad puns in this story, princey!” Discord scolded. “No points for you!”

Both of them stared at the event stunned:

Postwar: Well that got out of hand.

Arctic: You can say that again..

Postwar: We should probably be quick and see how Sunset and the others are doing.

Arctic: Right, let’s get going, and fast.

The two of them quickly teleported before things got out of hand.


Near the defense against the dark arts class

The two of them arrived at the outside and panted in relief:

Arctic: Phew, glad that we were able to make it.

Postwar: Ditto.

The two of them then saw everything in class:

Postwar: Look, everyone is getting ready.

In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all.

“Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class.

“Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.”

“So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked.

This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question.

“Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly.

No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period.

“Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. “Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.”

One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes.

Postwar: *rolling his eyes* Oh, brother.

Arctic: Great, And I thought Prince Blueblood was full of himself..(he said also rolling his eyes)

“WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.”

“… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked.

“Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students.

“Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked.

She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy.

“Thank you!” Hermoine smiled.

As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked.

“Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!”

’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read.

’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed.

’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?”

’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’

“What?” Sunset looked up.

Postwar: I vote Sunset!!

Arctic: Sunset for sure!

Everyone looks outside and sees the two of them, causing them to chuckle nervously:

Postwar: We're just gonna wait outside now.

Arctic: Y-Yeah, don’t mind us, continue with your quiz everyone.

The two of them darted back outside, making sure not to disturb anybody.

Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed.

“Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors.

“BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.”

Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight.

Postwar: *making gag noises whilst pointing at his throat*

Arctic: (also making gagging noises) I think I’m gonna be sick, if I have to keep watching that..

The two of them continued to watch:

While a pale Neville drew back, Harry, Ron, and the Student Six chaps leaned forward. Lockhart permitted the tension to build, then he whipped off the cover. Inside the cage are several electric blue creatures. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, rattling the bars and pulling bizarre faces at the students.

“Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked.

Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected.

Postwar: *widens his eyes in shock* Uh oh.

Arctic: This is going to be bad…

Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them.

Postwar: Everyone, get out now!! Arctic. Cast the entire class!! We gotta make sure they don't escape!!

Arctic: Right! Let’s hurry! (He said as begins to help)

“Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!”

“Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.”

“Professor Lockhart!” Sunset called out. “How did you get these pixies to begin with?”

“Read my books,” Lockhart replied in panic.

“There’s no time for that! Just show us how you did it!”

“Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!

However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief.

Postwar: I think I know what our contact meant about him!!

Arctic: Yeah, think I’m starting to see that too.

To prove it, Sunset summoned her wand and held it out hoping to perform a snippet of good.


Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum.

“She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!”

“My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi.

“Sorry…” Sunset winced.

Postwar: I could think of what you'll father be hearing!!

Draco: What?

Postwar then punched Draco in the face, making him whimper and running away, with Arctic looking at him:

Postwar: What?! Kid or not, he had it coming!!

Arctic: That may be true, but we can’t cause anymore potential problems that will cause even more trouble.

All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far.

“There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted.

“What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear.

Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling.


Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him.

“You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked.

“Why is it always me?” Neville groaned.

“Neville seem fine to me,” Yona confirmed, noticing everyone’s stare. “What?”

Postwar: Really gotta watch your words, Yona.

Arctic: Don’t worry, will help you out. (He said towards Neville)

The two of them used their magic and brought Neville down. Postwar then snapped his fingers, causing the Pixies to fly around, until Postwar roared at them, sounding like a Manticor, surprising them.

Postwar: Here's what you'll do. You'll go back in your cage, or so help me, I'M GONNA USE YOU AS A BACKSCRATCHER!! NOW GET!!

They quickly flew back inside the cage and closed it whilst cowering. Everyone slowly looked at Postwar surprised:

Ron Weasley: Bloody hell, how did you do that?

Postwar: Tried transfiguration. Turned into a Manticore. Although...it kinda left the side effect.

Arctic: Yeah, we don’t need any side effects happening

Postwar: Anyway, we'll leave you guys to it. And Sunset, we're due for training, so meet me at the courtyard outside of the school before you join Harry whilst he goes to Quidditch practice.

Harry Potter: Hang on, how do you know I'm going to practice quidditch?

Postwar: *takes out a list* Looked through your school schedules. Duh. Why else do you think Hermoine's always in time for her classes?

Hermoine Granger: *smiles smugly and crossed her arms whilst looking at them* Told you so.

The others didn't know how to respond to that.

Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 2>>

Both are events and details from the book. All the students were given a quiz about Gilderoy Lockhart in the first DADA class of the year with those exact questions, and our trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione later attended a ghost party with a whole lot of rotting food, with Peeves offering them moldy peanuts. Specifically, it was Sir Nicholas' Death Day party.


<<<<Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 1

Postwar and Arctic Behind the scenes 2

Postwar and Arctic walked around after he was finished with Sunset's training.

Postwar: Alright then, things look quiet so far.

Arctic: Yeah, let’s hope it can stay like that.

Postwar: *spots Quidditch group* Hey, there they are.

Arctic: Oh good, now let’s hope it can go smoothly from here. (He mentioned)

They then spot the Slytherin team

Postwar: Oh boy.

Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl.

“Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned.

“What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!”

Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents.

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked.

“Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly.

“Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.”

“Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.”

Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down.

“What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy.

“Trouble,” Ron confirmed.

As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read:

“’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’”

“You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?”

Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy. He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in.

“Draco…” Smolder snarled.

“Malfoy…?” Harry muttered.

“That’s right,” Malfoy answered.

Postwar: *smirks and calls out* Pff, you, a seeker?! You couldn't even seek our your own socks, much less your undies!!

Draco: Who said that?!

Postwar and Arctic hid and couldn't contain their laughter:

Arctic: Nice one, Post. (He said laughing)

Both watched as they continued to watch things:

“No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat.

Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad.

“Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage.

“That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!”

“Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked.

“What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!”

“Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.”

“Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat.

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!”

Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense.

“You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!”

Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again.

Postwar: Wow, didn't know a spell like that existed.

Arctic: Yeah, me neither.

Postwar: *turns to him and pulls out a case* Here, take this.

Arctic: Thanks, Post. But what exactly are these? (He asked him)

Postwar: Remember the supplies I got? I was able to combine the Rainbooms' sabers with the wands of their choice. Make sure you give this to them and start training them.

Arctic: (nods his head) got it. Though, what are you gonna do while I’m gone? (He asked)

Postwar: Making sure that they're okay. Think you can handle the Rainbooms whilst I'm gone.

Arctic: Of course, you can count on me. I’ll be able to handle and train them on how to use them.

Postwar: (placing his hand on his shoulder) I'm counting on you.

The two of them soon left in separate directions whilst Post catches up with the group.

Postwar: Wait up.

Sunset Shimmer: What are you doing here?

Postwar: Helping you, of course.

Harry Potter: You know how to help Ron?

Postwar: Sorry, out of my expertise. We'll still go to Hagrid's.

The lot of them went straight to their friend, hoping that he'd help them out.

>>>>Postwar keeping an eye on them.


Postwar keeping an eye on them.

Postwar knocked on the door of a hut of sorts. Until a familiar giant, by the name of Hagrid, came out.

Hagrid: Who the blazes are you?

Postwar: Sorry for dropping by unannounced Hagrid. We've...kind of got a situation.

He stepped aside and showed the others holding a queasy Ron:

Hagrid: Ron? What happened to you?

Ron then belched up a slug, surprising Hagrid:

Postwar: Slug curse gone bad. Because of his broken wand.

Hagrid: Alright then, bring em inside.

Hagrid and Postwar went in, with the others following suit:

Hagrid rummaged about, looking for something to aid Ron, as his friends looked on beside him.

“Got jus’ the thing,” Hagrid muttered. “Set ‘im down on that chair o’er there. This calls for a specialist’s equipment.”

As Ron sat down, Hagrid pitched a bucket between his knees. Harry, Hermoine, and the Equestrians glanced up questioningly.

“Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.”

Postwar: Uh, no offense Hagrid, but wrong choice of words.

Gallus: Gonna have to agree with him on this one.

“Who was Ron tryin’ ter curse, anyway?”

“Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…”

Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up.

“Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged.

Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends.

“He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly.

“He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked.

“It’s true,” Sunset nodded.

“He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended.

“Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!”

Postwar: *sighs* No matter where you go, even in the wizarding world, racism still exists.

Hagrid: A terrible thing indeed.

“What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?”

Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this.

“It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”

“Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.”

Postwar: That goes the same for half-blooded magic users. Even if you're parents are full wizards, they'd still expulse you because they think your muggle parent tainted your blood and think you're an abomination. And back in Equestria, ponykind was also like that to each other, even to other creatures. Especially from someone like Neighsay.

Smolder: Ugh, don't remind us.

Ron: Who's Neigh...*belches up slug*

Postwar: Chancellor of the Equestrian Education Association. He thinks that Friendship is only meant for ponies and because of his xenophobic and racist attitude, he deems them unworthy and even committed acts of treason behind everyone else's backs and accused the young six for draining the magic from Equestria without proof or evidence.

“That’s horrible!” Harry gasped.

“It’s disgusting!” Ron belched forth a slug.

“And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?”

“Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.”

“What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?”

Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one.

“We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.”

“I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed.

Postwar sees this and realizes he needs to tell them, but chose to keep quiet so that Hagrid could say his piece:

“Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty bloodSith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…”

Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face.

“Come here…”

Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort.

“Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.”

Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words.

Postwar: He's right. People today always judges others by sex, color, nationality, or even whether or not they have magic. They condemn and judge what they don't understand. Not to mention the magic doesn't define the wizard, witch or warlock, it's what resides in their hearts that matters.

Postwar walks over to Hermoine and stands on his knee and held her face so that he could look at her in the eyes:

Postwar: People like the Malfoys think that they're better because of their status and bloodline. But the thing is, they know nothing about the meaning of hard work. You're one of the most hardworking students I know, the smartest there is. You know every single impossible spell that not even the oldest students would know. You're not a muggle, you're not a mudblood, you're Hermione Granger, one of the bestest and brightest witches that ever existed in the wizarding world. Were there more people like you, the Wizarding world would be a better place. Don't you ever let people talk you down or make you think otherwise.

Hermoine couldn't help but smile and hugged Postwar, to which the latter returned. When all of a sudden...

The doors suddenly swung open as a family siren stepped inside, carrying a basket in her hand.

“I brought you lunch!” She chirped.

“Thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled.

“Sonata?!” Sunset and the Student Six exclaimed, surprised.

“Hiya guys!” Sonata waved. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Mr. Hagrid, warn me next time! I would’ve made more tacos if I knew we’d be having guests over!”

“They’re just ‘ere because of an emergency,” Hagrid replied gently. “One of their friend’s are a bit under the weather, see.”

Ron puked up another slug, which made Sonata cringe in disgust.

“I see what you mean,” Sonata gulped.

“Hold on!” Harry spoke up. “Guys, do you know this girl?”

“You can say that…” Gallus replied.

“Hi, Sonata!” Silverstream happily greeted. “What are ya doing here? I thought you were working at Twilight’s castle as head chef!”

“I am… I mean, I was,” Sonata replied. “But when the new year at Hogwarts started, I thought I could help out at the school. Soon as Twilight put in a good word for me with Professor Dumbledore, he put me straight to work with Hagrid!”

“Sonata’s been a big help tendin’ the grounds,” Hagrid smiled. “Talented wee lass, she is. A seriously misunderstood creature, for a young siren her age. Truth is: She’s got the optimism and a beauty to match.”

“Aw, shucks!” Sonata blushed.

Arctic: (arrived back) Hey Post! I’m back, and did what you wanted me to do. (He said and noticed Sonata there with them) Wait, Sonata? Is that you?

Sonata Dusk: (sees Arctic as she smilies coming over to him) Arctic! I didn’t know you were here. (She said happily)

Arctic: Yeah, just here with Postwar on a special job. (He said as he looked at her) What about you? What brings you here?

Sonata Dusk: Oh? I got assigned here to help out for the new year at Hogwarts. (She mentioned to him)

Arctic: Really now? Well, that’s wonderful to hear Sonata. Hope it’s nothing too hard that you can handle.

Sonata Dusk: (would chuckle softly a bit) No No, nothing too hard I can handle. (She said as she gasps a bit) Oh yeah, you must be hungry by now. (She said as she offered him a taco) Here, I made some tacos.

Arctic: Oh? Why thank Sonata. (He said as he takes one of the tacos as he eats it) Wow, this is really great Sonata! (He said with a smile) you really have a talent for cooking.

Sonata Dusk: (would smile at this as she had a bit of a blush) Thanks, Arctic. That’s sweet of you to say. (She would mention to him.

Arctic: (he looked up and noticed Sunset coming over) Hey, Sonata. Might wanna look back.

Sonata Dusk: (the reform siren would look over a little bit as she notice sunset coming, and starts to get a bit nervous)

Arctic: (would notice her getting nervous as he place one hand on her shoulder) Sonata, you have nothing to fear.

Sonata Dusk: (would look back a little bit to him) A-Are you sure? W-what if she doesn’t forgive me..and, might want revenge? (She asked nervously)

Arctic: Sonata, remember what i told you, that day when I first took you to see The Rainbooms again? (He asked her)

Sonata Dusk: (the siren would think back to that day and remembering the conversation they both had together.. and a certain phrase that he brought up) Daijoubu?

Arctic: (nods his head and gives her a reassuring smile) Right, no need to worry. Just have to speak from the heart and show that you felt bad for everything, and how you really felt. I’m know Sunset will understand, and will give you a chance. Just like with The Rainbooms, even with Trixie, Flash and The Crusaders.

Sonata Dusk: (she would listen to his words, before taking a deep breath and sighs before giving him a smile in return) Thank you, Arctic.

Arctic: Of course, Sonata. I’m always happy to help you out. (He said to her) Now, go ahead. You got this.

Sonata would nod her head a bit as she turns her attention back to Sunset, as she notice her coming over as Sonata starts walking towards her in return.

It was then that Sunset Shimmer herself made herself known to the siren, and former Inquisitor – the Fifth Sister.

“I’ll be darn,” Sunset spoke up. “Sonata Dusk.”

“Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah… long time no see, ahem…”

“U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disownedsisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.”

Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response.

Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy.

“I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.”

Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience.

“Well then… who else is hungry?” Sonata smiled, presenting the food. “I’ve brought tacos and bread and apples and some treats straight from Hogsmeade! Even Fang’s favorite doggy treats!”

“Ah, thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled, offering a jelly slug. “Jelly slug anyone?

To which Ron immediately puked another slug and shook his head.

“Pass…” Ron groaned.

Arctic: (would have a small smile on his face) Way to go, Sonata. I’m proud of you. (He said in his thoughts)

Postwar then decided to speak:

Postwar: Actually...now that everyone's finished. There's something you should know...about Sunset's past.

Sunset looked uncomfortable, with Sonata feeling the same:

Sunset Shimmer: Post...

Postwar: They have the right to know, Sunset. And first rule of friendship, no lies.

Sunset winced, but nodded, allowing him to explain, whilst Postwar looked at Hagrid, and the Hogwarts trio:

Postwar: It's like this...this was about after we helped you with the Sorcerer's stone incident. After Sunset graduated, she had a hard time figuring out what to do with her life. But then Spike tampered with the television that caused all of them to be sucked in. Sunset ended up in a different ship. The same ship that a Sith named Darth Vader, who was a former Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. And her boyfriend, Galen Marek, was his apprentice known as Starkiller.

Arctic: And during that time, there a war between the Empire and the Rebellion. It was not a wonderful time or thing to experience, many lives and people were lost during it all.

Postwar: Sunset was captured when she was mistaken for a Jedi. For one, because of her choice of robes, and the other, because she was gifted with the Force. They took her prisoner, and three females, known as the Inquisitors, set things up. They taught the Emperor how to manipulate her, and made her think her friends abandoned her. But they not only deceived her, but deceived Princess Twilight and her friends as well. As well as using one of her weaknesses to their advantage.

Hagrid: Weakness? What's that?

Young Six: Her anger.

Arctic: Sunset has her good traits and has a lot of potential. However, the one thing she wasn’t able to control back then was her temper. And when she couldn’t figure out a solution for a problem it causes her to be impatience and lash out on others. And because of that.. she was seduced to the dark side, and became a sith under a new named, being seraphina.

Harry: That's horrible.

Postwar: It wasn't her fault. Lies, deceit, as well as the tongues of the wicked runs deep. Even a good heart, can be tempted by the forces of evil.

Hermoine: And who were the females?

Postwar: She was one of them. *pointed at Sonata, which surprised them*

Hagrid: Really las?

Sonata: I...didn't have any other choice. They forced me to be part of their schemes, which got us banished from Equestria in the first place.

Arctic: You see, Sonata here was apart of a group known as The Dazzlings. They were banish to the new world Sunset was at, and ended up taking part of the Battle of the Bands to gain equestrian magic and restore her own power with her former sisters and they would’ve won, that is if Sunset didn’t step in to help, and after she did Sonata and the other members of the Dazzlings' were defeated and ended up running away from the school after losing their own magic.

Postwar: It took a while, but Sunset, her friends, and her school welcomed them with open arms, even after everything they did. But somehow, they ended up in that world, that not even our superiors know.

Harry Potter: But didn't Princess Twilight and the others rescue her?

Postwar: They tried. But all of them were trapped in another planet.

Arctic: Yeah, the Galaxy was a big place. With hundreds and hundreds of different planets you can possibly imagine. So, it was hard for them to Sunset and rescuing her.

Ron Weasley: Wick...*belches slug again*

Postwar: Not to mention, how would you feel if you were in another world, but didn't have any armies, resources, or magic to help you out.

Hagrid: Oh dear. Why, i'd be more helpless than Fang on a Sunday mernin if I went through like tha.

Postwar: Precisely. They were also tricked and didn't know what was going on. I wanted to save her, but I was put under suspension for interfering what I shouldn't have done. But after they were able to help Sunset whilst she was able to free herself from the Sith's influence, Sunset chose to stay behind instead of going home. And because of it, the Equestrian government wanted to file an arrest warrant on her. But even though Celestia cleared them and showed them that she was tricked, she still joined out of her own free will.

Harry Potter: But if that's true, then how does Malfoy know about it?

Postwar: We're not sure. I don't know where or how they got that information.

Hagrid: Well she don have ta worry, cause we'll be supportin' her. Ya her, Sunset? Ye have our support.

Sunset Shimmer: *smiles at this* Thanks guys.

Great job as always, Arctic.:twilightsmile:


Thanks, Post! You also did a great job as always yourself :pinkiesmile:

Massager's log #19
Date: 5/9/24

Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad.

“Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage.

“That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!”

“Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked.

Fleck: " Because if you don't I'll have someone ( she looks at Massager) zap me over there and crack a whip on your royal butty. You little cocroach!"

Tubby Nugget: " Forget a whip, I'll tie him to a tree, upside down by his toes."

“What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!”

“Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.”

" Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat.

Dodger: " You tell him Yona!"

Mr Squelch: " Uh oh, Ron’s about to pull out his wand."

“You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!”

Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense.

“You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!”

Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again.

“Ugh!” Smolder cringed, disgusted.

“YUCK!” The Gryffindors groaned.

“Nasty!” Sandbar stuck out his tongue.

Dr Gangle: " Oh that is disgusting!"

Moraik: " That is just wrong, why does he even still have that wand. He should have written to his parents and got it replaced."

Un: " After that Howler Mrs Weasley sent, the boy's probably too embarrassed and scared to ask them."

“Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?!” Colin asked excitedly.

“No Colin! Get out of the way” Harry replied, helping Ron up. “Professor, can you make it stop?”

“Let’s see,” Sunset examined, dodging a slug. “Okay, this is really gross. I’ve studied counters for jinxes, hexes, and curses but nothing on slugs…”

“Let’s take him to Hagrid,” Ocellus suggested. “He’ll know what to do.”

“Right!” Sunset nodded, facing the teams. “Proceed with what you’ve planned for today! I’m taking Ron and friends to see Hagrid. But no foul play… I mean it, Slytherin!”

As Sunset took her leave with Harry and friends, Smolder stood her ground as she addressed the chuckling Flint and Malfoy.

“What do you want now, freak?” Flint asked mockingly.

Zatanna: " To Singh the living daylights out of you, for one thing."

Smolder, however, simply blew a whistle with her two fingers. Answering the call, an even bigger dragon swopped from the sky and landed in the courtyard. The beast released a bloodcurdling roar that scared the Slytherins out of their uniforms and sent them running.
“Good girl, Norberta,” Smolder scratched her adopted daughter.

As they turned to leave, a set of eyes stared at the display from the safety of the courtyard corner. Whisper Dawn, having seen the Slytherins get their comeuppance, giggled to herself quietly before she slipped away unnoticed.

Dodger: " Was that a Norwegian Ridgeback?

Myself: " That's Norberta, she hatched last year Smolder reluctantly took her as her adopted daughter."

“Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.”

“That’s what Shrek always says!” Silverstream chirped.


“He’s an ogre!” Silverstream explained. “A bit grumpy, but a friendly ogre.”

“I see,” Hagrid nodded in acknowledgment. “Who was Ron tryin’ ter curse, anyway?”

“Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…”

Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up.

“Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged.

Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends.

“He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly.

“He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked.

General Supernova: " He did!"

Mr Squelch: " And then got the scare of the lifetime."

“It’s true,” Sunset nodded.

“He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended.

“Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!”

“What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?”

Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this.

“It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”

“Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.”

“That’s horrible!” Harry gasped.

“It’s disgusting!” Ron belched forth a slug.

Zatanna: " Wait, ( she looks to Massager and Dodger) you mean to say that you're wizarding society is built on inbreeding?"

Dodger: " Regretfully yes, many wizarding families believed that to keep their bloodlines pure they had to marry into families that have already married them a generation or two before."

Myself: " Great Britain was one of the first few countries to realize that was causing too many children to be born without magic, in other words Squibs like Filch so they past a law to openly allow wizards and witches to mingle and marry muggles. My country, America didn't allow it until very much after Grindlewald was defeated in 1945."

“And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?”

“Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.”

“What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?”

Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one.

“We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.”

“I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed.

“Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood… Sith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…”

Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face.

“Come here…”

Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort.

“Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.”

Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words.


Well, when Cozy Glow turned the other students against him, he actually had it coming. He got passed that whole racist thing too. All water under the bridge.

That may be true, but it's because of ponies like him that give Equestria a bad name, Unicorn kind in general. I mean Stygian, Sombra, Starlight, Sunset, even Tempest. Yes, they may have done some bad, but that doesn't excuse them for what they did, especially Tempest who betrayed her own kind because she bawled like a baby over her broken horn.

I mean everyone got where they wanted to be because of hard work, determination, skills, and most importantly, because they don't blame others for their problems. They could've at least tried and reach out and did what others asked, but they used it as an excuse to mope around and disgrace ponykind.

Let's not forget Neighsay abused his authority and committed acts of treason. Cause he's a minor political figure, meaning he doesn't get to call the shots.

I mean he's worse than that Phillion guy from the Recess movie, who wanted to remove recess, but was fired by the superintendent and the president for trying to get rid of recess, only this time it was nationwide.

I see what you mean. Neighsay thought he was doing what was right to help Equestria and protect it. But hey, at least he was able to be forgiven for it. Along with Starlight, Tempest, and Stygian and you mean some good. Neighsay didn't know any better. Do have some pointers though.

Yup. This is what we’ve all been waiting to see in a long time.

I have a lot of catching up to do. I know.

I just wanted to see this chapter first. Especially the heartfelt moment between Sunset and Sonata.

Don't forget you haven't replied to me yet, no rush though, I'm taking my break at the moment.

I can already imagine the title of the next chapter:

"The Bloody Warning"

I don't know. We'll have to wait and see.

ATLA and LOK anyone? Aang and Korra are my surprise for Azula, which in the comics I have learned she went through redemption. Although am I gonna let them go to waste? No way. They are joining the security crew. Airbenders on the roof top crew. Jinora, Ikki and Meelo will be in charge. Tenzin will supervise the lobby with some Airbenders while his children have the other half. Gonna have time to work this out but Suki and the Kyoshi warriors with Ty Lee will be with Lucas' team. Kya and Bumi will be with little bro because family. Korra with Mako and Bolin with everyone outside the theater. Toph will join the outer defense team as well.

Mushu reference from Mulan.

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