• Published 30th Apr 2023
  • 3,090 Views, 13 Comments

A Different Kind of Magic: Princess Partakings - Bugfriend

Celestia and Luna perfect a new spell, with very fattening consequences.

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A Different Kind of Magic

"Well, my faithful student," Princess Celestia said, levitating the teapot and pouring herself a cup. "We're both glad to see you back to normal."

"Indeed!" Princess Luna added from across the table.

"Thank you, Princesses," Twilight replied with an embarrassed smile. "I've learned how important it is to have friends willing to help with my experiments...and how dangerous ancient magic can be."

It had been nearly two weeks since Twilight's food conjuration experiment. The unicorn had unwittingly cursed herself into repeatedly summoning, consuming, and digesting all manner of foodstuffs - rapidly plumpening herself until she was nearly immobile. Only the timely intervention of her friends, along with the princess, had stopped the curse before anypony had been hurt.

Twilight had been left enormously fat, but thanks to a cocktail of Zecora's herbal potions, she had spent the following week rapidly losing weight. The unicorn was now almost back to her regular size - save for a little extra softness in her rump. The purple pony shifted her weight slightly as she sat, making a mental note to see Rainbow Dash for some workout tips once she returned to Ponyville.

Celestia lowered her teacup and frowned slightly at her pupil. "Twilight, it's alright to feel embarrassed. Everypony makes mistakes. However, mistakes should never discourage you from learning more about magic."

With that, the sun princess' horn lit up, and a platter on the table before them began to glow. A slice of yellow cake, frosted with vanilla icing and topped with a small strawberry, suddenly popped into existence on the plate.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Food conjuration!" she gasped. "But princesses, that magic is cursed to be-"

Celestia silenced the unicorn with a smile and a wave of her hoof. "Oh Twilight, please don't worry. We've examined the spell you used, and modified it to remove any dangerous properties."

"She is right, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna chimed in. "The spell is now perfectly safe - I assure you."

The lunar princess' own horn lit up, and a trio of golden tea cakes appeared on her plate, drizzled lightly with chocolate syrup.

"Would you care to try some, Twilight?" Celestia asked, her magic now levitating a fork.

"Umm...no thanks," Twilight replied sheepishly. "I'm sure it's safe, but I'm...watching my weight from now on."

The sun princess smiled, then turned towards her dessert. The royal sisters dug into the conjured cakes, humming with pleasure at the first bite. "Delicious! Celestia declared as Luna nodded in agreement.

Twilight watched nervously as the princesses continued eating, but the two showed no signs of being cursed. Slowly the unicorn relaxed, making small talk with her mentors as the trio finished their tea time. Twenty minutes later she was saying her goodbyes, her fears replaced with humble confidence in the royal sisters and their mastery of magic.

Celestia and Luna waved goodbye as Twilight left the castle tearoom to return home. The sun princess then eyed her sister, and magically summoned another slice of yellow cake to the table.

"Hungry, sister?" Luna remarked with a grin, before summoning another batch of tea cakes to her own plate.

Celestia merely shrugged, digging into the extra dessert along with the rest of her tea. Five minutes later their extra sweets had been devoured and the alicorns excused themselves, comfortably full and ready to return to their respective duties.


That evening the sisters rejoined each other for their evening meal. Celestia had spent the afternoon at court, receiving visitors and dictating several proclamations, while her sister had busied herself with meditation and reading in preparation for her nightly dreamwalking.

Celestia frowned at the modest fare on the table before her - a watercress salad in a light vinaigrette and a plate of toast points. Today's court had left her unusually hungry. Her horn lit up, and a large bowl of alfredo pasta popped into existence before her. Licking her lips, the sun princess raised a fork and dived into the hot, creamy pasta dish.

Luna raised an eyebrow at her sister, about to comment on her sister's appetite, before her own tummy began to growl. Instead she pulsed her own magic, and a plate of thick grilled cheese sandwiches materialized next to her own serving of salad. The moon princess snatched up a sandwich in her mouth, humming in approval as she savored the flaky buttered crust and gooey cheese. This new spell of theirs was truly remarkable!

The dinner table was quiet except for chewing and the occasional hum of approval as they ate. Celestia's bowl ran empty, and without a thought she materialized a second helping of pasta. Luna complimented her sandwiches with a mug of extra creamy tomato soup. For dessert, the alicorns conjured cake - Celestia, two slices of strawberry cheesecake, and for Luna, a large hunk of black forest cake, rich with frosting and fudge.

Celestia sighed, leaning back in her chair after the last bite of cake was devoured. "What a delightful meal. Wasn't it, Luna?"

"Indeed, sister!" came the reply from across the table.

The food-stuffed alicorns decided to retire for the night. Celestia got up from the table, wincing slightly as her full stomach sloshed. The sisters bade each other good night, then trotted off to their respective bedchambers. Celestia nestled under the covers, tired and comfortably full, while her sister lay atop her bed, slowly descending into her nightly vigil of patrolling her subject's dreams. After a few hours of dreamwalking, her stomach rumbled, and Luna summoned up a plate of chocolate chip cookies and some milk to tide her over.

Celestia awoke early the following morning, feeling ravenous. After raising the sun, she trotted over to the castle dining room and took her seat. Without waiting for the serving ponies, the princess summoned up a thick stack of waffles, doused with butter and maple syrup, and began to dig in. The princess moaned quietly as she tasted the delicious buttery flavor of freshly baked waffles, and the sugary sweetness of the syrup.

The alicorn's taste buds were in bliss as she demolished the waffles, and when the serving ponies finally appeared, she waved them aside, preferring to summon up a plate of chocolate-glazed croissants and a breakfast frappe of blended juice and rich golden cream. Celestia marveled at how effortlessly she could summon food, and how delicious and fresh each item was. She gobbled down everything, then washed it down with another summoned frappe. Humming with contentment, the princess lethargically slid from her seat, her belly bloated from her breakfast feast, and finally greeted her pony attendants, who were patiently waiting to give her the day's news and schedule.

Celestia returned to the dining room for lunch, where she effortlessly summoned an array of double-decker sandwiches, root beer and potato chips. Luna arrived early and joined her sister, summoning a tall stack of blueberry pancakes for her customary late-day breakfast. The royal sisters ate heartily, occasionally summoning in more pancakes or another tasty sandwich, only leaving the table once their bellies were packed full and everything they had summoned was devoured.

The alicorns felt sluggish after such a feast, and Celestia nodded her way through afternoon court, while Luna elected for an after-meal nap. But by dinnertime, their appetites had returned with a vengeance. The two sisters raced to the dining room, eagerly taking their seats as their stomachs rumbled. With a flourish of her hoof, Celestia conjured a large platter of hayburgers, steaming fresh and topped with sauces and condiments, and a generous basket of greasy hayfries. Across the table, Luna summoned an entire lasagna, hot like it was just from the oven, and packed with a half dozen melted cheeses arrayed in thick, gooey layers.

"Mmph...simply delicious!" Celestia intoned as she bit into her first burger.

"Mmm-hmm!" Luna agreed, her mouth already crammed with noodles and cheese.

The castle staff watched with nervous amusement as their monarchs ate. The royal sisters had eaten nothing but their own conjured food all day, leaving the kitchens and waitstaff with very little to do. "You ever heard of 'food conjuration spells' before?" one stallion whispered to the others. The other ponies shook their heads.

Celestia and Luna feasted for nearly an hour, summoning seconds and then thirds of burgers and pasta. As the last bite of burger was devoured, Celestia batted an eye and conjured two chocolate cream pies for her and her sister, each topped with a mountain of whipped cream. Luna smiled appreciatively, and the two mares deftly began smushing slices of pie past their lips. The alicorns moaned softly at the taste of rich chocolate and flaky pastry, and hurriedly gobbled down slice after slice, coating their crumb-stained muzzles with dollops of cream.

In a few short minutes the pies were eaten. The two mares licked their lips, gazing across the table in food-stuffed stupor. "Twas a glorious meal," Princess Luna remarked languidly. "But I feel it is time for us to retire for the evening."

Celestia nodded casually in agreement. The serving ponies gasped as the princesses pushed their chairs away from the table. The alicorns' bellies looked nearly pregnant, their stomachs packed taut with conjured food. Celestia groaned with pleasure, rubbing her middle with a hoof, oblivious to how it bulged several inches rounder than usual. Luna huffed as she rolled off the chair onto her hooves, wincing as her stomach sloshed and rolled against her thighs.

"Mmm...good night, Luna," Celestia drawled, tipping a wing to her sister.

Luna responded with a hearty belch, before mumbling her own good night in response. The princesses slowly trotted off to bed, waddling slightly around their food-swollen middles. The other ponies glanced at each other with bemusement. The serving dishes the alicorns summoned had dissolved away, leaving only greasy crumbs and pasta sauce stains for them to clean up.


Princess Celestia slept like a stone that night. As morning dawned the alicorn stirred, casually raising the sun from under the covers. The princess was content to sleep in that morning, but a rumbling from her stomach intervened. Celestia tried to continue dozing, but her stomach growled louder, and thoughts of breakfast began to flash intrusively in her mind. Finally she flung off her bedding, rolling onto her hooves and shaking sleep from her eyes.

The sun princess eagerly donned her regalia and headed for the dining room, passing by her bedroom mirror without a glance. The hungry alicorn failed to notice that yesterday's binging had softened her barrel into a squishy potbelly, which jiggled slightly as she trotted out the door. Celestia's rump was also noticeably thicker, her more generous curves bouncing with each step. But the princess paid no mind to her heavier frame, for all she could think about was how hungry she was this morning...

The castle's head chef was waiting for her in the dining room. The yellow unicorn bowed and greeted his princess, before politely asking her what she would like to have prepared for breakfast.

"Oh, I don't think that will be necessary," Celestia replied, licking her lips as she thought of what to conjure first. "I can manage meals myself from now on."

The stallion grimaced slightly, then recovered, and tactfully asked if her majesty had any guidance for the castle chefs. The kitchens had been idle most of yesterday, you see, and the staff was somewhat anxious about these new 'changes' in their princess' diets...

"...We simply want to do what is best for our princesses," he finished.

Celestia regarded him for a minute, then smiled. "Quite right, My Little Pony. Which is why, effective today, I am granting unlimited vacation time for any castle kitchen staff who feel as you do."

The unicorn sputtered in confusion. "Have no fear. My sister and I are simply trying out a new form of magic - one that promises to make food preparation more expedient, and more delicious."

Celestia inadvertently licked her lips as she said delicious. "There will always be a place for you and your fellow ponies in our kitchens. But for now, please enjoy your time off!"

The stallion watched, flummoxed, as Celestia took her seat and effortlessly began to conjure her own breakfast. A dozen thick cinnamon buns, a tall carafe of iced coffee and a platter of eggs Benedict drenched with hollandaise sauce popped into existence before her.

The head chef attempted to interject, but Celestia cut him off with a curt nod of her head, indicating that he was excused. Her stomach was growling loudly, and her patience was wearing thin. The stallion bowed a retreat, watching with disappointed confusion as the princess tucked into a breakfast spread that looked like it could feed a dozen ponies comfortably.

The ravenous alicorn ate like a mare possessed, tearing into cinnamon buns and heaping forkfuls of poached eggs and sauce, guzzling down the sweetened coffee straight from the carafe. Dollops of icing and hollandaise peppered her lap as she ate, noisily chewing and smacking her lips, courtly etiquette forgotten. The cinnamon buns began to run low, and Celestia responded by summoning a platter of fried toast drenched in maple syrup and powdered sugar. The princess began slicing up and levitating forkfuls of toast over even as she was still chewing, gulping down a huge bite before promptly shoving the sugary toast past her lips.

Celestia's gluttonous meal continued as she drowned her appetite in conjured calories. Her plump tummy began to swell and bulge outwards, her stomach mercifully ceasing its growling as it was filled to capacity. Halfway through the fried toast, she began to feel full, but the enraptured princess continued to stuff herself, steadily pushing syrup-soaked toast into her waiting mouth.

Finally, the last bite of toast disappeared between her lips. Celestia chewed slowly, swallowed, then lifted up the carafe and guzzled down the last of the iced coffee. Her belly groaned with overfullness as she forced down the sugary, milky beverage with great, rhythmic gulps. Finally it was all gone, and Celestia laid back in her chair, feeling absolutely stuffed.

"Oh goodness, this spell is delicious," the princess said to herself.

Celestia pushed her chair back and gingerly slid her back hooves to the floor. Her middle had bloated out past her haunches, and lurched as it squished against her thighs, eliciting a low, rolling belch. The alicorn blushed to herself, dabbing her lips with a damp napkin.

Fighting the urge to lay down for a nap, Celestia reminded herself of the day's schedule and her obligations to the ponies of Canterlot. Court began early today, and the princess set off for the throne room, stepping slowly as her food-stuffed belly sloshed and rolled against her legs.


Kibitz grumbled as he followed Princess Luna down the hall. "I must protest, your majesty," he said stuffily. "This conjuration magic is unusual, unnecessary, and utterly disruptive!"

"Tis a harmless spell, Kibitz," Luna replied. "Sister and I crafted it from an ancient cantrip Twilight Sparkle discovered."

"Yes, but so much food, so fast...your appetites, yourSELVES have grown so..." Kibitz struggled to finish the sentence respectfully.

"It is perfectly healthy to have a good appetite," the princess replied simply.

The stallion scoffed in disbelief. Luna had grown positively enormous in less than a week! Her middle had swollen into a round, blubbery belly which sloshed and smacked against her legs as she walked. Her tiny rear was now a fat, jiggly rump that sagged above her thickened thighs. Her face and breast were plumper, and a noticeable double chin wobbled as she talked.

"At the least, you could cease all this snacking in between meals," Kibitz remarked.

"Oh please," Luna shot back. "I do not 'snack' between meals."

"You've been eating cookies this whole time!!" he shouted in exasperation.

Luna's brow furrowed as she turned and noticed, as if for the first time, the floating plate of peanut butter cookies she had conjured and been eating during their conversation. She levitated it aside and walked with her advisor in silence. A minute later, the plate had floated back and Luna resumed crunching down her cookies. Kibitz rolled his eyes.

Luna's advisor begrudgingly excused himself as they arrived at the dining room. The dark blue alicorn magicked open the doors, her thick sides brushing heavily against the doorframe as she slid inside.

Celestia looked up and waved a hoof towards her sister. She then returned to shoveling ice cream into her mouth from a conjured bowl the size of a saucepot. The remains of a massive submarine sandwich, laden with fried vegetables, melted cheese and creamy sauces lay before her. The sun princess was uncomfortably squished into her dining room chair. Her thickened thighs bulged against the armrest, while her round belly squashed tight against the edge of the table.

Kibitz's words stuck with Luna for a moment. Her mind momentarily taken off food, she stared at her sister clearly for the first time in days. Realization and shock caused her jaw to drop.

"By the STARS sister, you've grown fat!" Luna practically shouted at her.

"...What?" Celestia replied quizzically. Swallowing a mouthful of ice cream, she turned to face her sister. "Luna, I-"

The alicorn's breath was cut short as her bloated stomach squashed against the table. Celestia looked down, her eyes widening in shock as she stared at the flabby sphere of her own gut. The bowl of ice cream clattered to the floor and evaporated into magical mist.

"Oh my, where did all this come from?!" the solar alicorn exclaimed. Ivory hooves reached out to prod the taut upper swell of her bulging belly. Celestia huffed in consternation as she noticed her plump shoulders, then reached up to rub her flabby chin. Turning away, her eyes widened again as she gazed upon her heavier sister. "Luna, you too!" she exclaimed again.

Princess Luna frowned, reaching out with her magic to grab a silver serving platter from the other end of the table. She held it before her and gazed at her reflection in the polished surface, her frown sagging into a grimace as she took in her plump face and bloated barrel.

"This food conjuration magic," Luna remarked nervously. "perhaps it is not as safe as we thought?"

Celestia groaned as she gazed at her portly sister. "We must have made a mistake. There's no other way we could have put on so much weight so fast. We're almost as big as Twilight was!"

Celestia carefully pushed her chair back, grunting with effort as she tried to stand up. Her belly sloshed and rolled forward, but her fat rump remained wedged between the armrests. The alicorn huffed and rocked the creaking chair gently, trying to dislodge herself, before she finally came loose. The sun princess nearly lost her balance as all four hooves hit the floor, her rump wobbling freely and her belly sloshing against her legs. She steadied herself against the table, belching softly as the contents of her stomach shifted.

Catching a glimpse of mirth on her sister's face, the princess quickly composed herself. "We MUST find a way to dispel this magic. Luna, do you still have your notes on the food conjuration spell?"

"Yes sister, in my room," Luna replied. "Perhaps there is a counter-spell to stop all this unwanted adipose."

"And I will consult the castle library," Celestia said. "Surely there must be a tome on this magic that I overlooked in my studies.

"Let us meet back here in two hours. We may need help in fixing this, but for now I think we'd BOTH prefer to solve this privately."

Luna nodded and turned towards the door. Her sister cringed as she stared at Luna's hefty flanks and wobbling belly as she walked. The solar alicorn craned her neck back and glanced forlornly at her own massive rump.

"Oh, I hope Twilight's zebra friend makes house calls," she said to herself. "Otherwise it will take a LONG time to work all this off..."


Luna ambled up to her room and locked the door. The hefty princess lunged onto her creaking bed, levitating over the notes from when she had examined Celestia's food conjuration cantrip the previous week. The alicorn arrayed the sheets of parchment in a circle around her, poring over the arcane notations and energy balance formulas she had calculated.

"Hmm...conjuring focus rebalanced...psychosomatic domination curse removed...what could be going wrong?" the lunar alicorn wondered aloud.

After several minutes of concentrated study, her stomach began to growl. The princess groaned, realizing that she had ran from the dining room without eating lunch. She attempted to ignore it, but her appetite seemed to grow more insistent with each passing moment, her cavernous stomach roaring with hunger.

"One mustn't...study on an empty stomach..." Luna remarked shakily, her willpower failing. Her concentration lapsed as her horn flared, and within moments a large deep-dish pizza had materialized before her.

The lunar alicorn licked her lips, the smell of warm cheese and tomato sauce filling her nostrils. "Just enough to sate the appetite..." she said to herself, slowly pulling apart a gooey slice of pizza and lifting it to her mouth.

"Mmm!" the princess moaned as she took a bite, overwhelmed by the deliciously greasy flavor of mozzarella and tomato sauce. She chewed hurriedly, swallowed, then took another bite, and then another, lips smacking and teeth grinding as she chomped down the steaming hot slice in six large bites. Luna licked her lips, savoring the grease and crumbs lingering on her muzzle, before eagerly pulling apart a second slice.

Luna began to eat faster as the delectable pizza pulled her attention away from her studies. A glittering jug of strawberry cordial popped into existence as she polished off another slice, which she eagerly guzzled down. The cool sugary beverage tasted heavenly!

Her thirst quenched, Luna wolfed down another slice of pizza, and then another and another. Crumbs and grease slowly coated her muzzle, and began to smudge and stain the stacks of parchments and her starry sky-blue bedsheets. Her belly gurgled and groaned as it slowly filled with food, its midnight blue expanse slowly widening and pressing deeper into the creaking mattress.

Princess Luna gobbled down the last slice of pizza, washing it down with another jug of conjured cordial. As the empty pizza tray faded to dust, the alicorn surveyed the crumb-covered parchments around her. "Hmm...I must return to my studies..." she said casually. But her mind and stomach could only think of one thing - dessert. Luna's horn flashed, and a thick chocolate fudge cake effortlessly appeared at her side. The princess' mouth hung open, mouth watering as the scent of chocolate wafted towards her nostrils. In an instant the cake was divided into eighths, and Luna was shoving the first slice into her hungry maw.

"Mmph...oh yesh!" Luna mumbled at the taste of the decadent dessert. Her hooves hurriedly pushed the slice into her mouth, willing her jaw to chew and swallow faster. First one slice was swallowed up, then another, and then another...

Luna ate and ate, gorging on cake, smattering crumbs and icing everywhere. Her ravenous eyes noticed that it was nearly devoured, and reflexively conjured a second course of comfort food. A platter of double-decker hayburgers, drenched with sauce, and a casserole dish of macaroni and cheese plopped onto the bed before her. Luna moaned out loud, her wings extending and flapping excitedly as she hurriedly shoveled down the remainder of the cake, her gluttonous appetite impatient for her to sample the new conjured treats. Her spell notes, buried under platters and smeared illegibly by grease and chocolate, had been forgotten.


Meanwhile Princess Celestia had lumbered off to the castle library. The two guards on duty recoiled in shock, then recovered and offered nervous bows as their portly monarch reached the Starswirl the Bearded Wing, where the castle's oldest and most obscure tomes were kept.

"There must be a book on food conjuration here somewhere..." the princess said to herself as she ventured inside. Magical candles sputtered to life as she entered, illuminating the stacks of dusty books and scrolls with a pale yellow glow.

Celestia frowned, then turned and tapped a switch to the right of the entryway. A hidden mechanism clanked to life, and the cover on the wing's domed central skylight slowly retracted, bathing the circular room with midday sunlight.

"Much better!" the alicorn remarked as she walked inside. Shelves extended in every direction from the room's central foyer. Celestia scrutinized the catalog markings on each shelf, then made her way down the stack labeled "Magical History."

Princess Celestia began methodically reading book spines, skimming chapters and unfurling scrolls, looking for any mention of conjuration spells, food-related magic, or its consequences. She had worked her way through the history shelf, and had moved on to "Theories of Magic" when her stomach suddenly growled.

"Oh dear, hungry again?" the alicorn bemoaned. Her stomach responded with an impatient gurgle.

"No, I mustn't lose focus. Must keep looking...Luna is counting on me!" she chided herself.

Celestia returned to her research, patiently cracking open tomes and skimming scrolls as her stomach continued to grumble. She winced as growls turned to sharp and insistent hunger pangs which made concentration harder and harder.

"Oh drat," the princess finally sighed. "I suppose a small snack couldn't hurt..."

In a flash a striped bag of caramel popcorn appeared before her. Celestia grinned with like a foal at a carnival as she shook the bag with her magic, then began levitating the candied kernels towards her mouth. She hummed approvingly as her maw filled with sweet, salty treats.

As the princess munched, the castle librarian trotted into the wing. The yellow unicorn frowned at the sounds of eating in her library, then held up a hoof to her lips.


"Sorry!" the princess replied in a half whisper, before continuing to munch slightly less noisily. The librarian mare rolled her eyes and trotted back to her desk.

The popcorn was quickly eaten - the bag was not 'bottomless' after all - but left the princess thirsty. A tall vanilla milkshake appeared from thin air, and Celestia eagerly wrapped her lips around the straw and began to slurp it down. The cool, sweet vanilla was a divine complement to the sticky popcorn. In less than a minute the entire thing had been eagerly gulped down.

"Ahh," Celestia said contentedly. "Now back to work!"

Two books and a scroll later her stomach rumbled again. Princess Celestia groaned again as she gave in again, conjuring a plate of flan drizzled with caramelized milk.

"Mmph...delectable!" the alicorn exclaimed as she gobbled down the jiggly dessert while absentmindedly studying a rack of scrolls. Confident that she was making progress, the princess relaxed, and sugary treats began to poof into existence all around her. Her pendulous belly gurgled, slowly growing fuller as the alicorn ate, skimming scrolls and books as she waddled through the stacks, leaving a trail of crumbs in her wake. The Starswirl the Bearded wing echoed with chewing and lip smacking.

"SHHH!!" The librarian pony called again from the entryway, irritated by the noise.

"Mmnph srrmph!" Celestia replied to the voice through a mouthful of sticky marshmallow pie.

Eager to get away from any more prying ears, the pony princess trotted down a narrow stack towards the back of the library, the half-eaten pie floating along beside her. Her bloated barrel and flabby flanks swayed heavily as she moved, smacking into the shelved books and spilling scrolls onto the floor. Celestia finally made it to the end of the stack, only to be stopped with a start. The princess craned her neck back to see that her swollen belly was caught between two opposing rows of oversized atlases.

"Nnf...oh...come on!" the princess labored, digging in her hooves and sucking in her gut as much as possible to squeeze through. Soft white flesh rasped as it was squashed and compressed against the offending tomes. Finally she wriggled free and stumbled into the library's outer edge, her fat belly smacking against her thickening front legs. Celestia sighed with relief, rewarding herself by gobbling down the rest of the marshmallow pie.

The princess slowly wobbled to a reading alcove at the far side of the wing, smacking her fat flanks down onto a pile of pillows. Her globular gut wobbled as it spilled out between her thickening haunches. Celestia sighed as she reclined against the cushioned walls, pleased to be off her overburdened hooves. Her horn flared a bright gold as she cast a powerful levitation spell, pulling tomes and scrolls off the nearby shelves and stacking them in a pile before her. The solar alicorn seized the first book in the pile - an annotated history of conjuration magic - cracked it open, and held it before her eyes. As Celestia began to scan its pages, her concentration lapsed, and a golden box of sugar-dusted chocolates poofed into existence beside it.

The princess settled in to a routine, popping a chocolate into her mouth every few pages. When she had finished with the book, she tossed it aside and picked up two more, conjuring more chocolates and a plate of macarons to keep her company. The pony princess alternated between reading and eating, as books and sweets levitated towards her in equal measures. Celestia hummed contentedly as she gulped down candy corn, chocolate bars, cream cakes, custard tarts, and every variety of cookie. The pile of discarded texts slowly grew as the princess lazily skimmed their pages, finding nothing helpful about food conjuration magic. Her soft white belly gurgled and glorped, slowly swelling larger and fuller as she snacked.

After an hour of reading and eating, over two hundred books and scrolls lay in a heap at her hooves. The princess' gut was packed painfully full with fattening treats, the swollen white orb forcing her back legs apart and obscuring her view of her hooves.

"Oh...not a single helpful volume..." Celestia yawned as she finished reading the last book in the pile. She tossed it aside, then gulped down the plate of baklava she had been nibbling on. "URRRRRRRRPP!" the princess belched heartily, her appetite mercifully sated. A wave of exhaustion overwhelmed her, and her head began to dip forward.

"Just a quick nap...then Luna..." Celestia mumbled to herself as her heavy eyelids closed and she began to snore.


Celestia moaned in frustration as she waddled back to the dining room. Despite spending more time snacking than studying, she had managed to flip through most every text with a relevant section on conjuration magic and discovered nothing.

The solar alicorn had awoken from her catnap to find herself surrounded by discarded books, her supine body pinned in place by her snack-stuffed belly. After several minutes of struggle she had managed to roll herself onto her hooves, then slowly lumber out of the library and across the castle.

Celestia's breathing quickened as she struggled to maintain a brisk pace. Her alabaster belly wobbled and sloshed as she walked, its swollen curve just a scant few inches from the castle floor. Her chunky legs wobbled as she awkwardly half-trotted forwards, widening her stance to keep from kicking her heavy gut. This is getting out of hand, the princess thought to herself as she felt herself jiggle. We MUST get this magic under control before we get any bigger!

Finally she reached the door to their dining room, shoving it open with her magic. Her sister Luna stood by the table, waiting for her. Hope turned to dismay as Celestia noticed her wider belly and the bits of food staining her muzzle.

"Any luck, Luna?" she asked with a sinking feeling.

Princess Luna grimaced. The lunar alicorn had stuffed herself nearly to bursting while attempting to study her notes on the food conjuration spell. Her gut was now as large as Celestia's, a taut orb of midnight blue flab that bulged down past her knees.

"No, sister," she replied, shaking her head. The princess had recovered her senses after her moon-shaped bed had cracked apart under her growing weight. Pulling herself upright, Princess Luna had gathered up the half-ruined remnants of her notes and examined them as best she could before dragging herself back to the dining room.

"I am certain the curse-like elements of this magic have been excised," Luna continued. "There's simply no explanation for how it could be affecting our appetites!"

Celestia elected not to comment on how much fatter her sister looked. "The important thing is not to panic," she asserted. "Afternoon court begins soon. Let us both attend, and reassure our subjects that everything is normal."

"Attend court...like this?" Luna replied incredulously. She disliked public appearances under normal circumstances. But holding court while she was the size of the Moon would be mortifying!

"It's only for a few hours," the sun princess replied. "We mustn't give the impression that we cannot control this magic. We shall contact Twilight Sparkle afterwards, and ask for her assistance. My most faithful student has more experience with food conjuration than anypony else...aside from us."

Luna grumbled and rolled her eyes, then nodded in agreement.

"Let's be off then," Celestia said, turning back towards the door. Her sister sighed and fell in line behind her.

The two sisters slowly wobbled to the throne room. Their overfed stomachs sloshed with each step, forcing the alicorns to walk with wide, careful steps. The royal sisters had been in decent physical shape, but carrying around so much extra weight strained their buried muscles. Sweat began to bead on their brows as they walked, and the castle halls echoed with the sounds of soft panting and smacking flesh.

Finally they turned a corner and arrived at the entrance to their throne room. Two guard ponies were posted outside the door, awaiting their leaders' arrival. The two stallions' jaws dropped in unison as they caught sight of the princesses.

Celestia stepped forward. "Is there a problem, guard?" she asked, her plump face staring him down.

"Uh, no...your majesty," he replied, then motioned to his partner to open the chamber doors.

The doors were hastily opened, and Celestia began to stride inside. Luna trotted up beside her, attempting to enter the throne room side-by-side. The solar alicorn felt her sister brush up alongside her, then huffed as her other side pushed against the doorway. Celestia and Luna gasped as their flabby guts squashed between each other and the doorframe. Each struggled to walk forward, but was pinned by the others' weight. They were stuck!

"Nng...move it, sun butt!" Luna hissed, trying in vain to suck in her gut and squeeze through.

"Be nice, sister!" Celestia hushed in reply as she shimmied herself against the doorframe.

The struggle continued for several seconds. Finally Celestia stopped struggling, turned her head and gave her younger sister a withering look. Luna sighed and relented, pulling back and allowing her sister to waddle through first, then following behind her.

Several castle guards and a dozen or so ponies stood in groups around the throne room. A chorus of gasps arose as they caught sight of their fattened monarchs. The guard ponies hurriedly moved to the sides, standing at attention and doing their best not to stare.

Luna bent her head low, stealing a glance at Celestia's flanks as she strode behind her. The solar alicorn's butt was enormous - two fat orbs of flab that sagged heavily over her thick thighs and jiggled with each step. The moon alicorn cringed, remembering how fat her own rump must be by now.

Celestia exhaled with relief as she noticed a foresighted pony had set out two large wooden chairs in front of their dias - the ceremonial thrones she and her sister had used at last year's outdoor Summer Sun Celebration. The princess had not been looking forward to climbing up and attempting to sit in their usual, much smaller thrones.

The two sisters finally reached their seats. Princess Celestia slowly turned round and lowered herself into the throne, holding her breath as her fat flanks squashed and compressed against the padded armrests. The polished hardwood creaked ominously as she pressed her weight into the seat. The alicorn slowly backed into the chair, finally exhaling when her back touched the backrest. Her rump felt uncomfortably tight, and her fat belly bloated out between her thighs, its plump swell hanging slightly off the seat. But the chair held.

Celestia ruffled her wings and smoothed her flowing mane as she watched Luna proceed to cram herself into her own throne. Another chorus of creaks sounded as she squeezed her midnight blue butt into place, her heavy gut sloshing as it filled her lap. Several seconds later Luna was finally seated, and her sister quietly sighed with relief. There was no room in her lap, so the solar alicorn rested her hooves on the upper swell of her tummy as she waited for her courtiers to come forward.

A cream-colored, dark-maned unicorn with an inkwell cutie mark slowly trotted towards them. Celestia recognized her as Quill Scratch, their secretary for day court.

"Are you all right, your majesties?" she inquired. "You're both looking rather...generous today..."

"Quite alright, Miss Scratch," Celestia said nonchalantly. "My sister and I have been...experimenting with a new conjuration spell. There's nothing to be worried about."

"A-are you sure?" Quill Scratch replied. "We could cancel court for today. If you need-"

"No, that won't be necessary," the alicorn insisted. "Luna and I have everything under control. There is no cause for alarm."

Quill Scratch cocked her head at the chunky princess' words, then nodded in acceptance and turned to begin the session. The pony unfurled a scroll, then began to read off the official daily report of news around Equestria. Luna and Celestia listened patiently for several minutes until the scroll was read and they were finally ready to accept visitors.

A delegation from Appleoosa had just stepped forward to present a report of that year's apple harvest when Celestia's stomach growled. The princess smiled nervously, attempting to ignore it as she greeted the trio of ponies, led by a yellow stallion wearing a vest and cowboy hat.

The trim stallion tried not to stare at the alicorns' overstuffed guts. "Ahem...Sheriff Braeburn of Appleoosa, yer majesty," he said, doffing his hat and bowing.

"Pleased to meet you, Braeburn," Celestia said. "My sister and I would be happy to hear your report on the harvest."

The trio of earth ponies nodded, unfurling a pair of scrolls as Braeburn launched into a speech on the founding of Appleoosa, its fields, and this year's weather. Celestia did her best to pay attention, rubbing the upper curve of her tummy as it gurgled.

Princess Luna shot a sideways glance at her sister as the growls became louder. The sun princess' smile turned to a grimace as she struggled to pay attention. This earth pony's speech about bushels of apples and barrels of cherries was making her hungry. The words just a snack once again floated across her conscience...

As the earth pony rattled off figures for the apple harvest, Celestia's horn flared, and a platter laden with apple fritters materialized before her. The princess licked her lips and quickly stuffed one into her mouth, moaning softly as she tasted the sweet and syrupy filling beneath the hot, buttery crust.

"Sister!" Luna hissed. "We mustn't begin eating again in court!"

"Ish only a shnack," her sister replied, her mouth already packed with food. "Pleash continue."

The Appleoosa delegation stumbled through their address as Celestia methodically devoured over a dozen delicious fritters. Smacking her lips, the princess materialized a pitcher of sweet iced tea to wash it down. Celestia eagerly gulped it down, followed by a hefty belch.


"Sister!" Luna exclaimed, her blue face reddening in embarrassment.

"...And in conclusion, Appleoosa's orchards are looking towards a bright future!" Braeburn declared, finishing his speech. The trio of earth ponies bowed before they were hurriedly escorted out by the royal guard.

"Very good," Celestia remarked, oblivious to her breach of etiquette. "Quill Scratch, who do we have next?"

"The ah...Canterlot Baker's Guild, here to report on their newest recipies!" Quill replied.

"Oh no!" Luna groaned, smacking a hoof to her forehead as a pair of unicorns in chef's attire strode up to them, bowed, and revealed a large recipie book showcasing their creations. Celestia licked her lips as the baker ponies levitating the recipe book in front of her and began to describe their most popular confections.

"The 'Castle Wall' Sponge Cake is our most beloved mid-afternoon snack..."

"Oh yes!" Celestia said, her horn flaring as a sugar-dusted sponge cake identical to the picture in the recipe book popped into existence before her.

"...but the San Palomino Fried Dough continues to gain popularity among Canterlot's-"

"Of coursh!" the princess exclaimed, her mouth full of sponge cake, as she conjured several glistening loops of sugary fried dough.

"...and, uh...the Manehattan Macarons remain our best-seller..."

"Mmmnph!" she mumbled, her cheeks packed with chewy dough as a platter piled high with pastel meringue cookies poofed into reality above her head.

Luna watched in horror as her sister stuffed her face with sweets. She struggled to smile at the ponies, reassuring them that things were all under control, when her own stomach began to growl.

"Oh..." Luna grumbled to herself. "Just...a few bites of something..."

In a flash a stack of large soft pretzels appeared, and the lunar princess began tearing into the soft, salty bread. "Mmm..." Luna hummed as she chewed and swallowed the well-seasoned treats, devouring one after another in rapid succession.

The baker ponies stood in flummoxed silence as both princess ate. They pulled the recipe book back, but Celestia continued summoning baked goods. Luna munched through her stack of pretzels, pausing just a moment before conjuring and shoving her muzzle into a stack of greasy grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Today's court is now cancelled!" Quill Scratch finally shrieked at the assembled guests. Royal guards began hurriedly shepherding ponies out of the throne room.

"What's going on?"

"What's wrong with the princesses?"

"Why are they so FAT?"

Questions began to pour from mares and stallions as they were corralled to the door by a phalanx of guards. The last of the ponies were shooed out of the throne room, followed by Quill Scratch, who motioned to the guards to close the doors. The tall, heavy doors whisked shut with a loud CLUNK.

The princesses continued eating, oblivious to their retreating subjects. Their sweet and salty 'snacks' gave way to a dinnertime feast of conjured dishes - trays of sweetbreads and pies, creamy casseroles, and bowls of richly buttered vegetables. Celestia and Luna eagerly swallowed mouthful after mouthful of conjured food, effortlessly summoning more as soon as one dish was empty. Their bellies grumbled as they sagged rounder and heavier with each hurried gulp. Their wooden thrones creaked softly against their steadily increasing weights.

Celestia had just finished gobbling down a dish of candied yams when a loud CRACK sounded from beneath her. A moment later the seat of her throne splintered apart, spilling her fattened from onto the floor. The princess gasped as she fell, her wobbling thighs smacking against the plush red carpeting.

"OOF!" Celestia exhaled. Her food-swollen stomach lurched, and she reflexively reached out to steady her sloshing gut. A flash of realization gripped the princess as her forehooves sank into her soft, bloated belly. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

"Oh my goodness, Luna!" she exclaimed. "We're positively enormous!!"

Luna merely grunted, her muzzle buried in a bowl containing what remained of a banana split ice cream sundae.

Celestia's magic flared as she attempted to summon a pen and parchment, but a gurgle from her stomach distracted her. Instead, a half dozen chocolate eclairs, overfilled with creamy frosting, appeared before her. "Mmph...must...omph...tell Twilomph..." Celestia mumbled as she gobbled down the eclairs in sequence.

The eclairs devoured, the alicorn licked her lips and tried to refocus on contacting her student. Instead, a plate of dark chocolate brownies drizzled with melted fudge appeared before her. The princess sighed and thoughtlessly began to stuff them down.

Moments later the brownies were all eaten. One last thought of Twilight flashed across her conscience, before being driven out by the dryness of her fudge-caked mouth. A tall fountain glass of ice cream soda was quickly summoned. Celestia moaned as she pursed her lips around the soda's two straws and greedily slurped down the cool, sweet concoction. The delicious drink washed away her thoughts of getting help. By the time her straw was slurping the bottom of the empty glass, all Princess Celestia could think about was what dish to conjure next.

The throne room now echoed with smacks and slurps as the sisters stuffed themselves. Celestia began summoning cakes: strawberry cheesecake, a black dark forest cake, a densely layered opera cake, and finally a three-tiered wedding cake glistening with intricate rosettes and beading. Each cake was hurriedly divided and levitated into the princess' maw, pasting her muzzle and cheeks with icing as she devoured slice after slice in two huge bites each. Meanwhile Princess Luna was gorging on a series of appetizers - mozzarella sticks, onion rings, fries and quesadillas - which finally gave way to a massive bowl of pasta drenched with cheese sauce. The frame of her chair began to splinter as Luna packed away her greasy, carb-laden meal, her swelling belly pressing taut against the armrests as it sagged dangerously over the edge of the seat.

Minutes later Luna's own throne cracked apart, spilling the bloated blue alicorn onto the floor beside her sister. Her magical grip on the pasta she had conjured was broken, and it tumbled and smacked upside down onto the top of her gut, coating the jiggling orb with noodles and cream sauce. Luna simply grunted and instantly summoned another. Her gaze barely registered her fattened sister beside her, now sliding slices of chocolate cream pie down her throat.

The sisters' stomachs roared with gurgles and groans as their feasts digested. The two alicorns gradually swelled as their bodies were caked with more and more fat. Celestia's golden gorget came unclasped and fell to the ground as her neck thickened into a ring of flab. Luna's did the same, her onyx finery stained with crumbs and grease. Their shoulders and forelegs plumped with fat, curled idly against their flabby sides. Wings fluttered uselessly against their soft, squishy backs. The royal sisters' rumps sagged and swelled with newfound blubber, their sun and moon cutie marks stretching and distorting over thickening adipose. White and blue bellies slowly blimped wider and rounder, the alicorns' navels divoting deeper above thick lower rolls of pudge.

The gluttonous monarchs ate and ate, and ate, and ate... the parade of conjured delicacies slowly but steadily continuing. It was not until the sun was sinking below the horizon that the sisters began to feel the pangs of overfullness. Celestia yawned, downing a plate of bonbons before absentmindedly patting the straining swell of her gut. Within moments her eyes had closed and her head nodded forward as she began to doze.

Luna glanced at the fading daylight through the chambers' stained glass windows. The lunar alicorn was unaccustomed to feeling so lethargic, so sleepy, this early in the night. She absentmindedly conjured a bowl of coffee-bean ice cream to wake her up. Before she could take a bite, she passed out, overwhelmed by fullness, her jaws exhausted. The ice cream fell as her magic faded, splattering against the side of her mammoth blue gut. The throne room was still, aside from the labored breaths of the dozing princesses, and the gurgling of digestive juices as their packed stomachs digested their magical meals.


Twilight Sparkle marched through the halls of Canterlot Castle, flanked by Quill Scratch and Bright Banner, a burly white pegasus who was currently captain of the city's Royal Guard.

"We're glad you made it here so quickly, Miss Twilight," Quill said hurriedly.

"I didn't know who else to call," Bright Banner remarked. "None of the city's wizards had even heard of magic that creates food out of thin air."

"You were right to contact me," Twilight assured them. "I have...personal experience with this kind of magic. I'll find a way to help the princesses."

Oh, why didn't I check on them sooner? the purple unicorn thought to herself. She had received a scroll from the guard captain explaining what had happened late last night, and had taken the late train from Ponyville straight to Canterlot.

I know Princess Celestia is my teacher, Twilight Sparkle thought, but I know firsthand how addicting a food conjuration spell can be! I should have stayed here to help...

The three ponies finally arrived at the door to the castle throne room. Two guard stallions saluted Bright Banner, then began to unlock a hefty gold padlock around the door handles.

"We had the room locked last night," Bright explained, "for their privacy. There's already rumors spreading about the princesses'...uh...weight problem."

Quill Scratch sighed at the thought of all the gossip she would have to address. Twilight offered her a reassuring smile. The padlock clacked open, and the guards pushed open the throne room doors.

Twilight trotted through the opening into the gloomy chamber. It was early morning, so the sun had not yet risen, and the room's magical sconces had not been lit. The unicorn could just make out two large figures before her. Her eyes widened in shock as she came closer and recognized them.

Two great balls of blubber sat side by side in the center of the room - one pale white, the other midnight blue. Twilight gasped as she recognized Celestia and Luna, their bellies swollen to enormous proportions. The royal sisters' titanic rears swelled out to their sides, rear hooves buried under pounds of blubber. Their upper bodies were thickened with flab, chunky forehooves resting uselessly against their guts. Celestia's plump face and neck were swaddled with fat, her luminous mane barely visible. The alicorn and her sister were dozing quietly, their middles gurgling faintly.

"Oh, no..." Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "Princesses!"

Princess Celestia awoke at the sound of her student's voice. Her flabby body wobbled as she opened one eye, glancing blearily at the throne room's stained glass windows. Her horn glowed yellow, and sunshine beamed into the chamber as the sun was raised. Her task completed, the solar alicorn opened both eyes and gazed upon the purple unicorn standing before them.

"Oh...hello Twilight," Celestia mumbled. "Here to join us for breakfast?"

Her horn flared and a parade of doughnuts began to appear before her, one after another. The sun princess opened wide and began to eat, devouring each confection in three hefty bites.

"Not again..." Twilight moaned. "Can you hear me, Princess? You've got to stop eating!"

Celestia was oblivious to her student's plea, and continued to stuff doughnuts into her plump snout. Her sister stirred awake, mumbling softly and sniffing at the smell of fresh sugar.

"Breakfast time already?" Luna asked blearily. It was far earlier than her usual wake-up time, and the lunar alicorn had dark circles under her eyes. The thought of coffee percolated into her mind, and with a flash of magic a tall coffee milkshake dappled with chocolate syrup and whipped cream manifested itself. Princess Luna eagerly opened her mouth, tipped the milkshake back and began to guzzle it down with steady rhythmic gulps.

"They won't listen...they're entranced by the spell, just like I was!" Twilight said to herself. She thought back to the magic-nullifying amulet Zecora and her friends had fashioned to stop the spell last time. There had been no time to fashion another - and Zecora was traveling away from the Everfree Forest this week.

Twilight Sparkle sighed. "Time for Plan B..." she said, turning away from the glutting princesses and back towards the door.

...I just hope the Castle Guard has what I need! the unicorn thought to herself as she trotted away, back to the chamber doors where Quill Scratch and Bright Banner were waiting. She winced as behind her, Luna finished her milkshake and let loose a hefty BUUUUURP.

The alicorn sisters were still munching away when Twilight galloped into the room ten minutes later, a small wooden box levitating along beside her. The purple unicorn skidded to a stop before the blubbery princesses. Celestia was taking hearty bites out of a quiche the size of a wagon wheel, while Luna eagerly slurped from a heaping platter of fried toast points slathered messily with maple syrup and powdered sugar.

Twilight Sparkle opened the box, revealing two rings of polished iron inscribed faintly with purple swirls and symbols. These were magic-nullifying rings - ancient instruments meant for imprisoning dangerous unicorns. The guard captain had balked at Twilight's request, but had relented and led her down to Canterlot Castle's ill-used dungeons to retrieve a pair. The rings were powerful magic, and had dark connotations - but it was the only thing Twilight could think of to stop the princesses' food conjuration. Fashioning new spell-blocking amulets without Zecora's help could take days, and might not even work on powerful alicorns such as Celestia and Luna.

Carefully, Twilight grasped the pair of rings with a levitation spell and floated them towards the princesses. Spike had declined to join her on this trip - something about "disturbing his beauty sleep" - but fortunately the unicorn's levitation magic was dexterous enough for the job. The two rings sailed over the two blubbery monarchs, then carefully descended towards their horns. Twilight Sparkle's brow furrowed as she gently threaded one ring each onto the chomping, chewing princesses' long, spiraled horns. A few seconds later the rings were snugly secure around the bases of their horns. Twilight sighed with relief and dispelled her magic.

At first nothing happened. Celestia continued stuffing herself with quiche, while her sister messily dug into her fried toast, splattering syrup and sugar across her muzzle and chest. A dozen bites later and her eggy confection had finally been devoured. Princess Celestia sighed, belched softly and closed her eyes as if thinking of what to eat next. The ring around her horn began to glow purple, and there was a faint fzzt as her magic fizzled.

The solar alicorn opened her eyes and frowned at the absence of a new dish. Again she concentrated on conjuring food, and again the magic-nullifying ring glowed as it blocked her from casting. Celestia huffed in frustration as she attempted to cast again, and then again. Nearby her sister had nearly finished her toast, and attempted to conjure another course. The ring around her horn glowed as well, and Luna's magic failed with a soft fzzzt.

Celestia and Luna cast the food conjuration spell again and again, and each time they were blocked by the magic-nullifying rings. Flabby hooves wobbled and wings unfurled as the princesses grew more frustrated and impatient. Huffs of annoyance gave way to pitiable moans as the enormous sisters tried desperately to summon more food. Magical sparks spurted from their spiraled horns as their spells kept failing. "HNNNG!" Celestia cried as she pulled her head back and concentrated her power into a massive spell. Her horn ring glowed a searing pink and began to smoke, but it held, and her spell collapsed in a shower of orange sparks.

Princess Celestia gazed about in confusion as the sparks dissipated, breathing heavily as sweat beaded along her brow. The alicorn finally recognized her student standing before her. "Twilight Sparkle, what has happened?" she asked. "My magic has stopped working!"

"I'm sorry, Princess!" Twilight said, motioning with her hoof to her horn, then gesturing towards them.

Celestia turned to Luna, who had ceased her own spell casting and was looking on in grumpy confusion. The two princesses looked up and noticed the rings clamped upon their horns.

"Nullifying rings?" the solar alicorn remarked. "That's..."

Celestia's gaze lowered as she noticed Luna's flabby face, chunky hooves and the overstuffed apron of her belly. "The food conjuration spell!" she gasped as memories from yesterday flashed back into her mind.

Luna grimaced as she took in her sister's own enormous proportions. So much for 'just a snack', she thought to herself.

The solar alicorn reached up with a flabby hoof and touched the ring around her horn. "These are from the castle dungeons, are they not? Our magic is disabled for now?"

"Sorry!" Twilight pleaded, blushing with embarrassment. "It was the only way to get you to stop..."

Celestia sighed, then nodded solemnly. "I understand. You did the right thing, Twilight Sparkle. Luna and I were too confident that we had mastered this magic, but we fell into the same trap that you did. Thank you for your help - and for the lesson in teachers trusting the advice of students. Had you not stopped us, who knows how much bigger we could have gotten!"

Twilight's face brightened. "Thank you, Princess! But it was your secretary and the captain of the Royal Guard that brought me here. They deserve your thanks as well!"

"We still do not understand," Luna interrupted. "What went wrong with the spell? I am certain that its cursed qualities were removed before we tried it."

"I think you're right, Princess Luna," Twilight replied. "The problem wasn't the spell - it was the food itself. The food conjuration magic we used didn't specify how tasty, or how filling, what we summoned should be. I believe the spell used our own taste buds for that - making conjured food irresistible to the caster."

"Diabolical!" Luna exclaimed.

"Hmm...very clever, Twilight," Celestia said. "This conjured food certainly was irresistible, and too much of it ruined our appetites - as well as our waistlines."

Twilight Sparkle smiled carefully at her mentor. In the absence of the earlier spell's cursed qualities, the alicorns had been free to stop conjuring food at any time. Was the conjured food REALLY that good, or had the alicorns' runaway appetites gotten the better of them? Not wanting to be rude, the unicorn chose not to speculate further.

Celestia cleared her throat, gently patting her flabby gut with a hoof. "Well, now that the spell has been stopped, I think we would very much like to get back to our normal sizes. Twilight, would you please send for your zebra friend, and request that she come to Canterlot to help us slim down?"

"Sorry Princess," Twilight replied, "but Zecora is away on an expedition to gather potion ingredients. I don't know when she'll be back, but I'll ask for her help as soon as she returns."

"Very well," Celestia sighed. "We shall await her return. I'd consider crafting a weight loss spell, but I think my sister and I have had enough of magical testing for now."

The princesses smiled at each other in amusement, before Celestia turned her attention back to Twilight. "In the meantime, my faithful student, I have an important task for you."

"Yes, Princess?"

"Given your experience, I would like to commission you to write a full treatise on the dangers of food conjuration magic."

"A book?" Twilight gasped in surprise. "You want me to write a book?"

"Yes, Twilight," Celestia replied. "Food conjuration is clearly under-studied, with dangers even we could not anticipate. If you were to prepare for us a volume on the subject, I would be happy to have it copied and added to the Castle Library."

The purple unicorn nearly jumped for joy. "Oh Princess, absolutely! I'd be honored!"

Celestia smiled warmly. "Excellent! And feel free to take any notes or volumes from the library that might be useful. Luna and I...won't be needing them anymore."

Twilight bowed politely and said her goodbyes, then turned and half-trotted, half-skipped out of the throne room. The door closed behind her, leaving the alicorns alone once again.

"Well...what now, sister?" Luna asked.

"Now we purge this disastrous spell and get our magic back," Celestia said. "I think we've had quite enough of food conjuration for one lifetime."

"Nnng!" Luna grunted as she stretched her flabby hooves forward, trying in vain to push herself forwards. Her blubbery belly wobbled and compressed, but stayed rooted in place.

"Could we not simply levitate ourselves? Or teleport?" she asked her sister.

"Too dangerous," Celestia replied. "We mustn't remove these rings until this food conjuration spell is forgotten. In the meantime..."

The sun princess stretched her legs, planting her back hooves against the carpeted floor. Her chubby snout scrunched in concentration as she braced herself and began to lean forward. Luna watched with chagrin as her sister's fat thighs shook with exertion, pushing her quivering blubber butt up off the carpet. Celestia tensed and gasped as she rose, front hooves reaching across the expanse of her gut towards the floor.

After a minute of struggle she finally managed to roll forwards onto her belly. The princess gasped as her gut compressed and squashed against the carpeting. Soft white belly flab bloated out her sides and between her legs, giving her fattened barrel the appearance of an overstuffed marshmallow. Celestia was just barely able to touch all four hooves against the ground. With a deep breath, she attempted to step forward, but the rest of her refused to move. The sun alicorn dug in her hooves and arched her back, trying vainly to walk forwards, but the wobbling weight of her belly fat kept her rooted in place.

"Oh, drat," Celestia huffed, wiping sweat from her brow.

"No magic, eh?" Luna remarked drily.

"I suppose we could use a litter or two," Celestia relented.

A moment later Quill Scratch and Bright Banner entered the throne room and greeted the princesses. The two ponies were visibly relieved that Twilight's plan had succeeded, and their monarchs were no longer endlessly stuffing their faces with conjured food. Celestia reassured them that their magic was suppressed, and the conjuration spell had been stopped. Quill Scratch was sent to fetch a spellbook of incantations that would help them remove the food conjuration spell from their memories. Meanwhile, the guard captain was tasked with obtaining two litters and a dozen strong stallions to carry them - strictly temporarily, until they had regained their mobility.

As the two ponies trotted away, Luna turned and whispered to her sister.

"Celestia...when the captain returns, might he escort us to the kitchen for lunch? I know this sounds ridiculous, but... I'm still a bit peckish, despite our breakfast..."

"Hungry, sister?" Celestia said with a wink as Luna's plump blue face reddened.

The sun princess chuckled as her own stomach growled faintly. "What an excellent idea. To the kitchens!"

Comments ( 13 )

I gotta ask for myself
Why do people enjoy this type of thing?
Not to be rude im curious how someone would like it
I like transformation yet this always made me curious

Consider that it's more about interest in the weird than anything else. People want to challenge themselves by unusual topic, as they want to challenge others to read it. So they write.
Given, nobody here is pretending that this work has literary value (I hope), so why not

Oh neat!
Thats all i wanted to know
Im sorry if i sounded rude i was curious

I'm going to breaking this off into multiple spoiler sections in case it becomes uncomfortable to read, but this is my best attempt at explaining my personal preference for it.

I can't speak for others, but for myself it comes down to a subconscious association with my upbringing. I associate the idea of larger bodytypes with comfort because as a child my mother matched such a classification, meaning I spent years focusing unconditional love towards that image, when I got older it manifested into a favorable "aspect" I find on others. Now I don't live under any delusions that it would be healthy nor realistic to reach morbid levels of weight in real life, but there is something to be said about exaggeration matching how something feels as opposed to how it is when it comes down to fiction.

There were other factors too: such as a sort of "freedom" one feels by intentionally letting go in spite of things like social perception or notions of body image. Alternatively (while it may be a bit crass), the increased size also adds to parts of the female body that my mind tends to focus on due to basic reproductive instincts (more of a mental "attention magnet", I wouldn't base my final judgement of someone based on looks regardless of how much they appeal to me)

Oh yeah, also pretty sure there are choice episodes in several "kid-friendly" shows I watched that also did a number on me, Totally Spies is particularly infamous for "awakening" or "inspiring" any number of fetishes, seriously, there was noooo subtlety there.

Thats interesting

Loved this, but now I kinda want a bad end, where Twilight relapses.

The fat fetish is more of an umbrella for a bunch of different sub-fetishes, so most fans fixate on a small number of those sub-fetishes and aren’t that interested in material outside those boxes. This story seems to be aiming for the audience that likes embarrassment and loss of self-control in their weight gain stories. But WG can just as easily be about confident self-indulgence and self-love. If there’s a feeder-feedee relationship, either side can be portrayed as the dominant party. There are a lot of possibilities.

Personally, inflation fetish is my main thing, but sometimes weight gain can push those same buttons for me. I mainly like them when they’re portrayed as a pseudo-BDSM thing. So for weight gain, that means a submissive normal-sized pony getting fattened up to immobility against her will (either through social pressure to eat more than she intended, or outright force-feeding).

Also check out the comments in this thread for some other people with this fetish talking about why they like it.


Far to rushed with the fat expansion and not enough story to back it up. A explanation to how the princesses made the new and improved spell, or even more of a description on how they slowly become taken over by the food conjugation spell. Just enjoy to let readers make the story more realistic in their own minds.

I want to see an alternate ending where they keep going.

You should make another story featuring Cadence. I wonder how she would take it.

Truly excellent. I come back to this story as a reference for how I should be writing my own.

Only room for "growth" is the exact moment between Celestia waking up chubby and Luna addressing her advisor as already fat. That is the magic zone.

Very, very solid! I was hoping it'd take a day or so for Twiggles to be summoned so we could see the princesses fight for space against each other and the throne room.

Love how you had the flashes of clarity interspersed with the temptation slowly overriding them as the princesses just couldn't hold out.

Great work mate, really enjoyed it and hope for more in the future!

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