• Published 7th May 2023
  • 652 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

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Chapter 2: Fishes over Canterlot

All of Canterlot was on edge as the large ship crashed through the festival and everypony gasped, and then it stopped. Everything went silent, as the jaw of the shark opened like a drawbridge. Then a mysterious figure approaches from the shadow revealing itself as an orange crab creature with strange clothes.

“Greetings, Land-Ponies of the Surface,” he said. “I am Krad, an Atlantians Crab and a Royal Servant to the Queen of Atlantis. We came from the Deep Sea called Atlantis and have come here with peace and harmony between the Land and the Sea. And sorry, about your festival we needed a shore to dock. But we're only here to reveal our existence to a surface to show we're only here to bring harmony. And now, let me introduce our first Land-Creature who helped us see the harmony of your surface. I give you..... Tempest Shadow!" He gestured to the ship as a pony stepped out of the smoke inside. But there was something not quite right about her, mainly the stump where her horn had once been.

"Is that a... unicorn?" Twilight questions.

And Spike think. "I think so," He think. "But what happened to her horn?"

"Thank you for your speech, Krad." Tempest appreciate. "The Queen will be pleased with it."

"Indeed..." He bowed, but turn to a sinister silence. "Even if you're not one of us...."

As she steps foward, the three alicorn princesses flew down. "Tempest, is it?" Celestia asked, getting a nod from the lead pony. "How may we help you?"

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked." She smiled. "How about we start with your complete and total surrender?" This statement caused even more murmuring from the pony crowd, the knight running up next to the princesses.

"Hi there." Twilight waved. "Princess of Friendship. Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out."

"Oh, goody. All four Princesses." She glanced around at this. "Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!"

"And why should we cower before you?" Luna asked. "There's one of you, and hundreds of us."

Tempest chuckled, "I was hoping you'd choose "difficult." As she pulls out a small looking sphere box that has weird glyphs around it.

"What's in the box?" Celestia asked.

"Oh," with a sinister look. "Something you all might have a splash."

She tosses it nicely, as it lands and rolls towards their hooves. With a beeping, it stops and blasts powerful waves at them. Soon, an army of strange and different Atlantians Creatures starts charging out from the ship with weird steel armor as they carry steel tridents, and invades the city. The royal guards defend the princess and the city, and use their magic to defeat them. But it does not have any effect on them, as they laugh maniacally because they didn't feel pain and then throw more water-bomb around the city.

"The Magic, it doesn't have any effects on them." As Twilight with Cadance. Then a red Atlantians Lobster came with a metal claw started firing his blaster at them, as Cadance step in took the hit for Twilight. "Cadance!"

Cadence was surrounded by the Atlantians as they used chains to lock her magic and contain. The ponies were surrounded by them, as Celestia and Luna were left.

"Luna, quick!" She tells her sister. "Go south beyond the Badlands! Seek help from the Queen of the Hippo-" But she was cut off by a powerful electricity attack by a green Atlantians Eel wearing goggles and gauntlet. Before Luna could escape, she was hit by an anchor thrown by the blue Atlantians Hammerhead Shark.

"Luna!" Twilight cried. Then the Atlantians try to capture her as Flash came to defend her, but just keep coming as one throws a water-bomb at them and explodes.

Tempest chuckled and smiles. "Easy as pie."

"Pie?" Krad questions, as she explained.

"It's a land's thing that ponies use to say when- Never mind." As the water cleared, it revealed they didn't get them but only got swept away. "Where did that Princess go? Find that Princess!"

Then shown Twilight and Flash were saved by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Nice save." He said, as she thank him.

They heard Applejack yell, seeing her, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Spike. The Mane Six, Flash, and Spike try to escape the city, but the Atlantians Guards cut off their escape route. Twilight blasts them with her magic, but it still has no effect. As they point their tridents at them ready to fire, as they dodge it, and it hits one behind them who was ready to throw another water-bomb. And it lands between them.

"Oh Splash....," As Rainbow Dash said. And it explodes, destroys the bridge they're standing on, and they plummet into the river and over a waterfall. The Atlantians watches and see them disappear thinking they did not survive from the fall.

Many many miles downriver from the waterfall they had plummeted off of, Twilight and her friends pulled themselves out of the water, the group now on the edge of a dark forest. And Applejack take her hat from the river. "Everypony, okay?"

"I think my bottom's on backward." Rarity said, checking herself.

"We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"We gotta go back there and fight!" Rainbow Dash cracking her hooves.

"You saw the size of those fish creatures." He said after seeing how powerful the creatures are. "You seriously wanna go back?"

"He's right.” Flash said, not wearing his helmet during falling from the waterfall. “Those strange looking fish creatures look like they are immune to magic. It's like they were invincible with no pain. What are they?"

"Pretty sure, they are called Atlantians." Twilight claimed. "And they said they came from the Deep Sea called Atlantis. But I never heard of Atlantis or any of those creatures."

"So now what?" Applejack asked. "We can't hide here forever. And let's be honest, we can't go back. Look at what they did to the Princesses. We gotta keep them from Twilight."

They then try to decide what to do, as Twilight spoke up. "The Queen."

"Yeah, the Queen!" Pinkie exclaimed but her excitement vanished as she then asked. "Uh, what queen?"

Twilight turned back to the city, barely visible from the distance with the smog cloud covering it. "Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the... "Hippos." She turned back to them. "Luna can't, so I have to."

"Uh...hippos?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Seriously?"

"I agree," Flash said. "Why hippos?"

"I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size." Pinkie giggled. "But they're always hungry."

Then Spike gulped. "Hungry?"

"Hippos?" Applejack asked, as Rarity and Fluttershy exchanged a glance.

"So where do we find these "hippos?" Flash asked.

"They're somewhere south." Twilight replied. "Past the Badlands."

Then that made Fluttershy worried and scared. "That means we'll have to... leave Equestria. Oh dear!"

"I'm not even packed!" Rarity yelped.

"I understand you're scared." Twilight nodded. "And nopony else has to go. But I have to find this queen. She might be our only hope." She began to walk away, the others sharing another glance before Rainbow flew in front of the alicorn.

"Well, you're not getting all the glory. We're in this together." She said, and others assured her.

"We got your back." Applejack said.

Then Pinkie nodded, "Indeedy!"

"I am ready to save Equestria!" Rarity agreed.

"Yay..." Fluttershy said.

"We will be on your side, Princess. I mean, Twilight." Flash chuckled not meaning to called her princess.

"We're all behind you, Twilight." Said Spike.

The princess nodded as Pinkie began bouncing off downstream. "Let's go find this hippo!" Pinkie kept going for a few bounces, only to glance back as she saw her friends were still behind her.

"Uh..." Spike pointed in the opposite direction. "South?"

"Hehe!" She giggled and corrected her direction, the ponies all heading into the dark forest. "Anypony up for a game of "I Spy?" All but Pinkie Pie groan. "No, really! Come on! I spy with my little eye something that is orange. No takers? It's you, Applejack!" She giggles again.

While walking, Spike asks Twilight. "Aren't you still gonna tell him?" Twilight looks behind seeing Flash being annoyed by Pinkie's "I Spy."

"Later," she said. "When we save Canterlot."

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, all of the ponies have been captured and put in chains. In the throne room, Tempest was very cross between her Generals. "All this power wasted on parties when there are far greater uses." She said disappointed. "When I said to capture the four Alicorns, and yet, you didn't even capture the last Alicorn?"

"Well, we capture the three of them. I mean, they were easy to take down with one strike." The red lobster said, remind they easily took down the princesses.

"Don't tell me what I need to know, Sir Claw." She reminded. "The Queen has hired each of you to be her Generals and under my commands."

"Maybe because we needed to be..." As the Green Eel twitched. "More Zappy. Hehe..."

"You always be too zappy, Znappy." Sir Claw said. "And you, Hark. You should've gone after that land-pony as well."

"Hark just beat up that flying land-pony in the air. With his Anchor." He lifted his anchor.

Then the Atlantians Generals start to argue, and Tempest shuts them. "Enough!" With her horn sparks and almost zap them. "I'm your Leader. And I tell you what to do before the Queen arrives."

Then Krad came reporting of the arrival. "Tempest, the Queen has just arrived." Tempest sighs heavily, and sees another shark ship landed. Its jaws open like a drawbridge, as the Queen appears from it with Atlantians Guards. A purple octopus with pearl jewels and a golden gauntlet shaped like a claw, and a golden trident. She enters the throne, as all the Atlantians bow to their queen, including Tempest and the Generals. Then it shows she has six tentacles, not eight, due the others haven't grown back. "Queen Cecaelia...."

"Please, no need to bow." Cecaelia said. "I'm still not a queen yet. Rise...." Tempest and the Generals rise, as she sees they have accomplished their quest. "So, the Alicorns denied my request of all of us with harmony. What a shame. The land has been poisoned by everything they've done for themselves."

"They did," She agreed. "Equestria cannot be restored unless we can change their ways. They must understand their lands are no good for them anymore. Once we show them, we can restore our home from the dawn of time."

"Indeed, Tempest." Seeing her learning. "Seems like you finally learn how the world works. Once we steal the Alicorns' magic, we can restore our home and we can all live in harmony. All four land-ponies for one."

"Well, it's a funny thing...."

As she said, then Cecaelia stopped. "Wha...?

Tempest told her. "A purple Alicorn..... Has escaped."

This made Cecaelia was furious as she tapped her tridents to the ground. "You let that purple land-pony get away?!"

"It's not my fault!" She exclaimed. "Your Generals have failed but only captured three of the Alicorns."

"I chose them because they would be more help for our strength to capture them." Cecaelia explained.

Tempest glances, and she sees the Generals were not much smarter like they were supposed to be. "We only capture three. The fourth has somehow escaped. We don't really know where she is."

"Hmm, probably you're right. We won't be able to convince the land-ponies without the fourth Alicorn. Time to call out the expert." As she taps her tridents. and the Atlantians Stingray came in. He was covered wearing huntings tools and a crossbow as he enters the throne room. "Tempest, meet Ray. Our new General, and our expert in finding that land-pony that you lost."

"I didn't lose the Alicorn Princess." Tempest still blame them.

"Don't judge your princess, Tempest. I will not let our dream come to an end. I spent all those cycles of the seas just for us to prepare if we failed to restore our home. Everything must be ready. Even you, you wish you wanted that pretty hornless to grow back then you will find that Princess and bring her here. Or else, you may never again be whole like you were before."

She understand and will do everything to have her horn back. "And I will not fail you again.... Sister." Cecaelia appreciates it and lets them track down the fourth Princess. They return to where they first last saw the princess. Ray picks up some tiny crust and touches it, knowing where the princess has gone. "So, do you know?"

"The explosion has caused the princess and the other ponies, and a dragon, to fall down into this river." He explained. "It pulls them straight over there. But now, they're heading south."

"South?" Sir Claw with a frighten tone. "That leads to the Badlands. There's no water or anything we can't survive."

"Then gather your scuba gears, we're going to the desert. That Princess is not gonna keep me from getting my horn back!" They nodded and prepared themselves for the hot desert, while Tempest turned to see how far they would travel. "How far could one little pony get on her own?"

Author's Note:

How do you like these new antagonist? I made them myself.