• Published 6th May 2023
  • 245 Views, 8 Comments

Flash Sentry - One shots Trailers - Kamen rider accel 2

Like the tital said. It's all in the story.

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Sonic The Hedgehog: Journey through the Decade

Kamen Rider Delta attacked Flash and the other group as the Lion orphnoch Fought against Faiz. Faiz was having difficulty keeping the lion Orphnoch back as he was being pushed back.

"Give up Flash and join on our cause. Why can't you see that this is all pointless as humanity can't evolve. The humans can't see the wonders on being immortal." The Lion Orphanoach said trying to get him to see his side as the image of his shadow changed to his father."If you could see this, We could all live happily together in paradise"

Faiz grunted as he got back but he didn't give up. He knew the man Infront of him isn't his father."Sorry, But like I told you the other times. I don't give a fuck on your paradise! You think I'll forget what you taught me all those years back. Which made me to who I am today. Fuck no!"

The lion Orphanoach looked saddened by his son answer. Just then Kamen Rider knuckles came from behind and delivered a blow sending him crashing through the wall."Sorry for getting late for the party. Got caught up with some... Trouble."

Faiz grabbed knuckles arm and got up."No problem. You arrived in the right time what so ever. What about the girls are they ok." He asked in worry.

"Don't worry. Roll and Conquering Storm took them to the cafe back and locked the place up. It will give us enough time to deal with all of..This." Knuckles muttered pointed at Front of what's happening.

"NOW THAT YOU TO ARE DONE! MIND HELPING ME HEAR!!!!"Flash Yelled as he fired form his Deca-Gun at Delta."Ok you bastard. I had enough of your games and I'm seriously in for beating you up whole!"

"Big words for a pink wearing idiot" Delay taunted.

"ITS NOT PINK! ITS MAGENTA!" This got on his nerves."And last time I checked. I won from our previous duel and you ran like a child back to his mommy~" Flash taunted this time as he avoided a blast to his head.

"You just got lucky you punk!" Delta shouted but was soon hit back as he fell on the ground. A blur came in hitting him in every direction as he was getting quite hard to see in where it is coming from but soon blocked a strike from Kamen Rider Rex as he pushed him back. Rex got between Flash as he held his sword up."Finally desided to drop by, Hah. What took you so long to get hear anyway."

"Let juts say I had to kill some perverts back at the park as they all tried to get a bit close to Ellie." Rex simply told.

"... Were they Orphnoch?" Flash asked in dread and signed as he nodded."Good, So That out of the way then we're the heck in Sonic and Jaune?! I told them to go scout the area but they haven't even reported back on what happened. Know anything on those two idiots then."


"Come to us our love!" Three fish type female Orphnoch shouted towards Kuuga who was struggling to hold them back at the pool area.

"I told you ladies, I don't want to!" Kuuga shouted as he used his dragon road to flung the other Orphnoch away. He was having such a good time and now he was being chased by mad loving monster girls who wanted a piece of him."I already have eyes on some one else. Well two of them and I don't want to expand it no more!" He fought with the other three Orphnochs as they didn't know the meaning no."How your end of the deal Sonic!"

"Don't ask!" Sonic ran from the Panther Orphnoch with full speed as she fallowed him.

"Come on my love! We'll be so happy together as out kids would be so beautiful with your looks and talent!" The Panther Orphnoch shouted with hearts in her eyes.

"I don't want to you crazy lady monster so get away from me." Sonic shouted back as she desperately try to runaway from her."Once this is over, I'm gonna prank that smart mouth glasses girl so bad that she'll remember it!!" He mentally should as he was ready for getting back at Swi-Twi for this.

"There busy right now." Rex told as Flash got what he ment soon."Now that were dealing with this punk, Why don't you Henshin right now while I fight him."

"You do the honour man." Flash gave him the signal as Rex went for the fight.


Just then Faiz and Knuckles were hit back against the side of the wall as the lion Orphnoch had transformed into a literal monster lion and hit them back with his claws.

"RRRRRAAAAWWWW!!" The lion roar with anger as it pounced at them. But he hit back by a Burst shot that hit him on the chest making it take back. It looked to see his son counter part standing there with his gun."Sorry old man, But I have to cut this family reunion short as on this is getting nuts."

"When have it not been nuts or crazy." Knuckles muttered as he got up."We have been traveling around the multiverse and found crazy things and battle with them."

"Point. But anyway I'm in a hurry on saving the multiverse from another evil version of a, Me. I think. He is littlery out there sceeming on his next quest on doing world domination and or destroying the multiverse, which he sounds like he would. So I'll be very helpful if you will kindly start your monologue of evil villan type so we could get this over with." Flash said to the lion Orphnoch making the beast go mad at him.

"That's it! Your dead meat even if your my son counter part!"

"Say something new school boy." He told as he equipped his Deca Driver on his waist and pulled out his card."Henshin!"

=Kamen Rider: Decade=

Flash transformed in to decade as he got his sword out."Ore Sanjou!" He declared.

The other looked at him for a bit as the riders make an X motion with there arms."No, Not it!" They told making him trip.

"That's my best liner you know!" Decade shouted. He doged literal spikes heading his way as the riders take cover.

Rex meanwhile fought with delta as he gave him a kick to the face and then the side making delta take back. But he pushed the pain back and grabbed the incoming strike only to be headbutted back and was thrown off by an elbow punch and a kick to the chest. Delta took the chance and grabbed the hand in mid strike and launched a kick to his side arm. He didn't stop as he kept this then judo flipped Rex forward as he feel on some cans. Rex quickly got up and saw delta launching an attack as he blocked them. But Delta smirked behind his helmet as he gave a strike on his leg making rex fall down as Delta went for the blow but was kicked on the face by Rex as he back flip up words. He took out a card from his buckle that had the image of a sword on it. He put it in his arm gauntlet

=Sword Vent=

A sword came flying out of the mirror as he grabbed it. Delta launched energy bullets at him as Rex strike them all back. He then ran forward as he sliced the bullets away. Delta quickly made his gun into a sword and blocked the strike as both glared at one another.

"Your, Pretty good actually. For a goody two shoes. Dark Decade wasn't exaggerating on yours and the others skills. You clearly are a threat to our palns. " Delta complemented

"Thanks, But I don't need to know that from you of all people. If you are one that is. And what is Dark Decade wanting from you. He clearly has the power of this world dark riders, So why is he after now a d sticking hear." Rex said back as he was pushing him back.

"Hah, Can't tell you on why and what our plan is. That will take all the fun away From the surprise. But While I do like this duel. Don't you have some other problems to deal with so. Like helping your comrades in battle."

"They got this." Rex stated as an explosion happened way back as a scream was heard.

"We Don't got This!" Knuckles shouted from the battle.

"Like I said. They got this." Rex told..

"I wasn't talking about them." Delta said making rex feel dread a bit.

"What did you do?!" He demanded

"I thought that we were done with these creeps!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she and the other girls were trying there best to get the Orphnoch away from them. Key word 'Try' as they were escaping from the Orphnoch in an abaddon factory.

"I thought that aswell! Swi-Twi use your spell on these guys aswell to get them off our backs!" Sunny Flare said as she used the Faiz blaster and shoot some back as they felt pain. Kivala was slashing the other Orphnoch back as she delt with the others. Roll meanwhile used her clones on confusing the enemy as it only worked for some but the others weren't fool to fall for it. She threw some throwing stars to blind them.

"Um... I don't think it will work on them." Swi-Twi muttered as she was behind Miss Aphrodite Who was keeping her and the other protected till the others arrive.

"Whys that, It worked on the ones who were back at school chasing us. Why not them?" Indigo asked with a raised brow.

"...." Swi-Twi was quite for a while at to how to answer to this.

"Why am I not gonna like the answer your gonna give us." Tangle said as she and Whisper were throwing anything the Orphnoch who were coming towards them, She used her tail to give a punch to one orphnoch as she swing around. The wisps were helping Whisper as they took turn in loading into her gun.


Her gun declared as she fired blue blocks on to one of the Orphnoch trapping him in as it then shrunk down to size and soon exploding into pieces.


"Me?" Spike said poking his head out from Swi-Twi purse.

"No." She told as she fired green spikes at the other Orphnochs."Come on Swi-Twi. What spell did you use on the others that caused them to go away! Just do the same to these guys!" Pinkie should as she threw more sweets but was running out of them.

"I can't! The one I used behind was a love spell I used on the female Orphnoch and made them go after the boys. So we could get a chance to escape" Swi-Twi declared causing the girls to take back.

"WHAT?!" The other shouted.

"When did you learn that from. We never thought you that." Sunset asked her friend.

"I leaned it from the book you had on spells. I was in a hurry and couldn't think of a solution or anything, so I went with that spell get them off our backs... But, on the bright side. It worked right." She sheepishly said as she try to avoid the glares given to her by Roll, Tangle, Whisper, Kivala, Sunny Flare and Miss Aphrodite."I was in a hurry ok!"

"If those bitches even try to lay a hand on Jaune then there going back on here they were born!" Tangle shouted as she took out her Sengoku Driver and placed it on her waist and took out a Strawberry lock seed.


"Henshin!" She shouted putting the lock seed the buckle.




The strawberry dropped on her making her armour appear as she became Kamen Rider Tsurai. She held up her kunais as she glared at them."I'm bringing the pain, A thousand time more! " She said and ran forward.

"Welp, shes gone mad." Lemon Zest said seeing Tsurai fight with the other Orphnochs as she kicked some away with force and phnved one to the ground."Can't say we blame her thought."

"When this is over. Were gonna have a long talk about using love potion on others missy." Aphrodite strictly told Swi Twi as she coward back."There are things I hate. And that includes making someone fall for another with magic and force."

"Welp, Your domed on this and I won't feel simpaty for you on that." Sunny Flare said making Swi Twi look at her betrayed."Don't give me that look! You know what you did!"

Tsurai was busy fighting with the Orphnoch as she threw more kunais at them. She had to end this quickly so she ran around them trying to stagger them all back into one place. But just then she was blasted back by a full force and fell on some crates.

"Tangle!" Her friends said in worry. Soon they heard steeps coming in as another figure came in to view as the Shadowbolts and Rainbooms were now in dread as Kamen Rider psyga came into.

"Oh shoot. Anyone but this guy!" Sunny Flare said as she saw the crazy dark rider.

"Well, Well, Well. I heard there was a party going on over hear and I will find some entertaining guest to have some fun with." He said sinisterly as he looked at them. The mobians could feel the killer aura he was emitting as they got back."Hah. Did knew there were other Kamen Riders who don't use the Rider system to Henshin. But thats what makes it more... Interesting. So which one of you lovely ladies what to do the owner of helping me with my boredom. You all seem strong."

Kivala looked at him as she knew his level of craziness and the will to kill. She can't let the others fight him."Roll. Get back and let me handle this." Kivala told roll who looked at her in worry but nodded soon. Kivala then went infront of him as she had her blade ready. Psyga lord at her with glee like a new play toy has come to play.'This mass of power is big and strong. I gave to be on guard if I want to defeat this thing.' She braced her self as Psyga gave a come on motion. Things are getting heat up for the worse.

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger now!

This is a part of my Decade story as there is a crossover between this and Faiz story. But that would take a while to get to this Arc.