• Published 13th May 2023
  • 1,124 Views, 14 Comments

Sensitive Topic - dunno

Rarity recognizes a familiar pattern when certain things are missing.

  • ...

Maternal Retrospect

The sun was slowly rising over Ponyville's roofs, signaling the start of the morning routine for its equine residents. For most, anyway, while others had to be more flexible on account of their situation.

"You know my boutique isn't your private hotel, yes?" Rarity asked, somewhat unnerved through the locked bathroom door, tapping one of her hooves on the wooden floor in a slow, uneven rhythm.

But Rarity was not graced with an answer from her little sister, only the distinct sound of the shower head doing its magic and the resulting steam that slowly escaped its confining space, gently caressing the older sister's hooves and immaculate fur as it made its way through the small gaps in the door, then past her into the freedom of the open hallway.

Rarity rolled her eyes in annoyance before giving a displeased "Hmpf!" and went on her way, trotting down the stairs to the ground floor to settle for an alternative.

It was hopeless if Sweetie Belle wasn't done by then, as she could tell by experience alone now. It would take at least another half an hour. Rarity would have to make do with the laundry room and the separate customer restroom in the meantime, as so often lately. Sweetie had taken a rather sudden liking to showering, needing longer each morning and thus giving her older sister barely any time to freshen herself up before business hours.

That teenager had too much time on her hooves, now that she had finished Cheerilee's classes.

She was proud of her little sister for caring so much about hygiene, but dealing with these delays every other day was still a pain in the flank. Spending most of the week at her place instead of home with her parents didn't make it any better. At least Sweetie had started doing her laundry, slowly becoming an independent mare step by step. Rarity respected that as it made it a lot more bearable for her.

But still...

Massaging her temple in circles with one of her front hooves while ruminating about her little sister's changed habits, Rarity opted to go for a coffee first. She couldn't say why, but she had a strange feeling slowly building up inside when she thought about it all. Something felt strangely familiar, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. Maybe some exotic beans from Saddle Arabia would help straighten her mind.

Another clue was soon to be found.

"Uhm, where's the milk?" Rarity asked aloud as she opened the fridge with her mouth while having her cup ready in a telekinetic grasp right next to her, looking for the small glass bottle in wonder. The fridge didn't answer as it wasn't a snitch. It would keep its entrusted secrets until the end, no matter who asked, like a true friend.

Slowly, almost as if expecting some ancient monster to stand behind her, Rarity turned her head to fixate her gaze on an inconspicuous cabinet in the corner where she kept her spare kitchen utensils. The strange feeling grew.

Could it be?

Despite her premonition, it was impossible to suppress the rush of blood into her cheeks, seeing her recently bought package full of sponges ripped open, one of their brothers already missing in action. A quick look back at the sink confirmed that an old yellow veteran was still fulfilling his given duty, scars on his rougher green-colored back showing off the wars against all the dirty dishes he had fought in his prime.

Sweetie was coming after her when it came to taste.

All the other missing things became immediately apparent after Rarity realized what had been happening all this time. And it was quite a list to behold; brushes, cutlery, decorative gems, and even some rolls of her more expensive fabrics were missing after checking her stock in the back. She knew all too well how good they felt, but she really couldn't afford them stained. At least, not in that quantity.

So uncouth!

How could she not have seen it any sooner? Sweetie was definitely at that age now, and the signs leading to it were all so obvious thinking about it in retrospect. The question now was if she should ignore it and wait it out or talk to her to set some boundaries for safety. In any case, it would take a while for her to mellow down. Rarity took a deep breath and sighed.

So obvious.

Rarity's blush darkened a few shades as uncertainty hit her, knowing very well she had done the same thing when she was her sister's age and then some. Did her mom also realize what was happening during that time, back then? Unfortunately, there was only one way to find out if she didn't want to think about it for the rest of her life.

And that was asking her mother, Cookie Crumbles.

Not much later that same day, in another kitchen, in another not-so-glamorous home, a rather odd conversation took its course.

Almost in comedic slow motion, Rarity brought a small ceramic cup up to her mouth, over and over, taking the smallest of sips of the offered tea, all while trying to avoid eye contact and thinking of a way to start this conversation without losing her well-known grace.

This was so embarrassing.

Confused about the unusual behavior of her daughter, Cookie Crumble asked, "Dearie, what is the matter? Didn't you want to talk about something with me? You looked rather flustered when you showed up at our door."

While still averting her mother's gaze, Rarity nervously mumbled, "I-I need to know... if you knew... that I... you know... uhm, Sweetie Belle?" Her nose scrunched up.

There was a weird pause. "What?" Cookie looked genuinely lost now. "Knew what, Rarity? What's wrong with Sweetie Belle? Has something happened?"

At the repeated mention of her sister, Rarity couldn't help but take a quick side-glance to the sink where a thicc sponge was lying. In her mind, she had named him Bob.

Noticing where her daughter was looking, Cookie's facade crumbled as she smirked and tried to suppress her laughter. "Ohhh, it has started? PFffff!" The hoof on her mouth could not contain her for long.

Turning her head instantly, Rarity looked at her mother in absolute horror. "YOU KNEW!"

And then it filled the room, a burst of hearty laughter that could only come from an amused mother, who had just relived some better times in her mind.

"Hahaha, I'm so sorry, Rarity!" Unable to hold her laughter in any longer, Cookie had to take a moment to compose herself again before continuing. All while a red-faced Rarity stared at her in disbelief. "Just... just give me one moment, please. I knew this day would come eventually."

After waiting for her mother to have calmed down, Rarity asked with interest, "How much do you know..? Tell me, for I must have certainty!" Rarity couldn't hold eye contact with her mother for long, so she looked back at the sponge for reassurance while she listened.

"Oooh... what a time it had been for me and your father," Cookie started, earning an even brighter red from her white daughter. "We noticed it early on, I think, and daughter, do I tell you, those were the best years of our life!"

"I-I don't understand! What do you mean, mother? And why would father know about this?!"

"Because I told him, dear. I can't remember if it was before or after the grapes, though," Cookie said matter-of-factly, looking her daughter directly into her wide eyes after getting her full attention.

"YOU DID WHAT? How could you?" Rarity started losing her composure again as she stood up and put her front hooves on the table, leaning closely over the table. "Why would you do that, Mom?!" Her eyes were slits now like she was focusing on prey.

Cookie tilted her head as she said, "I'm sorry, dear, but I needed at least one more player for our traditional family game. It's a true classic. I think it's time for you to know about it."

The room fell into an eerie silent once more.

"Game..?" Rarity asked, not sure she wanted to hear the answer. "What are you talking about?"

"It's called 'What's Next?' - I think you know how it works without me explaining."

"What's..." Rarity shook her head in disbelief. "Please tell me you're joking! You didn't! You wouldn't!"

"You should have seen your father's face the following mornings after each bet when he realized that he had lost once more to me, hah! I earned quite a few bucks back then, in more ways than one." Cookie followed up with a terrible gesture with her eyebrows.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Rarity held a hoof up to her mouth to underline her feelings. "I never would have thought you two made fun of me like that!"

Cookie waved a hoof to dismiss her accusation. "Oh, please, Rarity! We knew you had fun, too. You should see it as a motherly recommendation. I tested them all before placing them for you to notice!"

Rarity's face turned white, her regular color, of course, but with her fur standing on end on her cheeks to make a notable difference.

"That is ...so DISGUSTING!" was exclaimed, accompanied by a little shriek.

"Be glad you didn't like choosing your father's then, at least not very often." Feeling that her daughter was close to fainting, she added, "Everything was sanitized thoroughly, from horseshoe to towel, and the fruits and vegetables were always your very own. Don't make a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be, dear."

It was only getting worse with every minute passing, making Rarity contemplate if it wasn't better to leave now, forever, never looking back at her twisted parents. Why would anypony think making a game out of something like this was okay in any conceivable way? Who in their right mind wou--

"Your father and I got really inspired during the nights. It's as if we could almost feel the magic changing in the air throughout your little endeavors. Like we were right there with you."

"Oh, my dear Celestia... please, stop talking." Rarity smacked her head on the table and left it lying there.

The older pink mare watched her younger one for a while before she continued. "Do you want to take them with you, for Sweetie Belle?"

"Excuse me?" Rarity lifted her head to look at her mother again. "Take what with me?"

"Your things, dearie! I have kept them all in the attic, in a box with your name on. Don't you think Sweetie would love to know her sister a bit better? I think it's a fantastic opportunity and way more fun to share than a boring photo album." With a hoof on her chin, she thought loudly, "Hm, thinking of it, it might be a bit too big and heavy for you alone to move."

"You... you kept them? After I..?"

"I mean, not everything, of course. Imagine me keeping a pineapple for that long. It would be all moldy up there and stuff. Eww, imagine that!"

"My little Piña," Rarity whispered, more to herself, looking away again when she noticed her mother chuckling. "Stop laughing, for Faust's sake!"

"That was one of the few times your father won," she chuckled. "Not gonna lie, I was shocked back then." Cookie shook her head, visibly in thought, while looking over to Bob next to the sink. "Just for the fact alone that he had tried it himself..."

Rarity didn't feel like saying much anymore, so she just sat there with a blank mind. After a while, she continued shaking her head again, "No..."

"No?" Cookie asked. "You could also have mine or your grandmother's if you want to spice it up. They used some medieval stuff back in the day. I don't think any of us could live up to her. You wanna go and have a look with me?"


"With Dad then? You should spend more time with him."

"NOO!" Rarity huffed. "I mean... I can't take any more of this, please! I came here for advice for Sweetie, but I think that's enough. I need to think..."

"Ohh, I can't wait for our little Sweetie to return! I need to set up some things for her and make a bet with your father." Cookie giggled madly, visibly exhilarated at the thought. "It's going to be so much fun again, and your dad could really use some stimulation. He's become kinda l--"

"Oh no, you will not," interrupted an upset daughter. "You will not do this to my little sister. She'll not come home for the time being. Not until you two get yourselves sorted and think of what you have done!" A little stomp underscored her message.

"For a whole two months, you say?!" Cookie asked in an exaggerated display of terror. "How terrible! Your father will be so devastated to hear the news."

"Two months?" Rarity was a bit taken aback. "I mean... if that's the time you two need... but wh--"

"Yes, that's the exact amount of time we need." Cookie interrupted and nodded in complete confidence. "I promise we will work hard on ourselves to be the parents Sweetie Belle and you deserve."

"Huh, okay then," Rarity said, somewhat surprised about her mother's immediate insight into the issue at hoof.

Almost suspicious.

"We'll go on a journey of self-discovery, so to speak. I'm sure we'll all benefit from it as a family once we return," Cookie said with a warm smile. "Just promise me one thing for the time being."

"Promise? Me?" Rarity asked, slightly irritated by the request. "Why should I be the one making promises here?"

"Be there for your little sister. She's looking up to you." Cookie stopped for a moment before continuing. "It's hard for me to say this, but you've spent a lot more time than me raising her... you're more of a mother to her than I am. I trust you to make the right choices and be there for her during this confusing time while I'm gone."

The sudden shift in tone made Rarity speechless and blushing again, for other reasons this time. A mother, her? She had never looked at it that way. Of course, it was true that Sweetie Belle had spent a lot of time with her since her parents would always be out on--

Wait a minute

"You're going on vacation again, aren't you?" Rarity facehooved. "I can't believe you're using this situation to make me look after Sweetie again! Can you even fall any lower?"

Slightly surprised about having been figured out so fast, Cookie tried soothing her, "The part about bettering ourselves is true, though! Tree Hugger is holding this special course for parents all over Equestria. It will be a great opportunity to share our stories and experiences and learn to improve ourselves!"

With clear suspicion, Rarity wanted to know, "What's the theme? Why are you all coming together like this?"

Now it was Cookie's nose that scrunched up at the interrogation. "Uhhh. Nothing you need to worry your head about. We've been there before, and look, what a fine mare you have become! There's even a princess with us this time!"

"Please don't tell me you shared these stories with other ponies, Mother." Rarity was becoming more and more desperate about the situation.

"Of course, how else would we be able to determine a winner?" Cookie asked with genuine confusion.

"What? Who the worst of all mothers is?" Rarity questioned, not without some very potent poison in her voice.

"No, silly, who the best daughter or son is." Cookie paused for dramatic effect. "And it's you, you won last time!"

Rarity gasped, "Me? Really?!"

"Yes, the pineapple did it for them. They were all very impressed. I think I still have the badge somewhere."

That was it, the final straw. Rarity stood up and left without saying anything. Cookie could hear the door closing with force and then it was silent once more.

A voice came from the pantry, "You overdid it a bit now, don't you think?" Hondo Flanks walked around the corner and sat down where Rarity had been sitting a moment ago. "You didn't have to go this far for her to keep Sweetie for a bit longer. Who knows what she'll think of us now."

"She'll be fine. I'm sure she's just holding up a bit of a front here," Cookie said, giving her husband a little smooch on his cheeks. "Maybe Rarity will have the courage to do what I could not."

Hondo Flanks only nodded while realizing that he should have taken another chair... He should have known his daughter better after all this time.

A day later, Rarity was savoring the taste of a freshly ground coffee at her kitchen table, again in deep thought, being only accompanied by the old sponge veteran, wondering if she had done the right thing.

Hearing Sweetie Belle come down the stairs, Rarity quickly stood on her hind legs and acted like she was cleaning the dishes, making sure not to look at her little sister directly. Sweetie might still not have been too comfortable talking about it, so she didn't want to pressure her in any way.

"Eeep!" The sudden hug from behind surprised her. "Sweetie Belle? What are you..."

But Sweetie Belle did not grace her with an answer immediately, only nuzzling her face into Rarity's fluffy back, all while holding a little pink diary with her magic behind her.

"Do you..." Rarity tried asking, slowly turning around to Sweetie while stepping down on four hooves again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes," Sweetie Belle answered. "I tried asking Mom, but... it seemed like she was evading me and I was scared you'd do the same." Sweetie looked down at the floor as if she felt ashamed for the situation she had found herself in.

Rarity was having none of that, hugging her little sister tightly before kissing her on her forehead. "I never want you to feel insecure about something this natural. Do you hear me? Ask whenever you have a question."

Sweetie nodded as she looked up to her big sister, a bright smile on her face. "In fact, reading your notes, I was wondering something."


"Who the buck is Piña?"

Author's Note:

Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Comments ( 14 )

I really want to know what was done to poor Pina.

Everything is a Dildo, if you are brave enough.

Could use a few tags

Definitely a level above "ribbed, for her pleasure."

My concern is the milk...

Eh, one of commonly thinked of (and utterly unsafe) substitutes for lube. Seriously, it contains fats and sugar

That's why it's concerning. The environment down there is nowhere you want milk to be. Long "showers" or no.

I could say same about vegetables, especially because they are treated by things..

The weirdness aside, one of the funniest bits was how Rarity went from a polite "dear mother" to an anguished, teenagerly "MOOOOM!" in such a short timespan.

Well that happened. The proper response is to dump 'The Talk' on someone else. And stock up on butter.

Go watch Little Nicky

Amusing story. Unfortunately, I know some people who would probably do what Hondo and Cookie did if they had kids.

I couldn't help but think all the way through that there was going to be a last-line twist where it turned out they were all talking about something entirely different, like unicorn magic surges.

Waste of time and an entry.

A pineapple? :rainbowhuh: :applejackconfused: :derpyderp2: :twilightoops: :raritydespair: :unsuresweetie:

Hilarious and somewhat unusual story. Not something I expected.

I'm not sure how it relates to the theme of the contest, Unless the idea is that Cookie is the best at being useless and letting foals do unsafe things with inappropriate objects.

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