• Published 28th May 2023
  • 360 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

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Chapter 1: Prologue

Author's Note:

Rewritten II

A strange draconic-looking pony named Mel watches from the background. He watches as Princess Luna and Celestia as well as Discord turn Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis to stone in the epic climactic battle toward the end of season 9.

Lost in his thoughts, Mel's eyes glistened with determination. "Hard no to Discord," he muttered to himself. "And while Celestia and Luna are undoubtedly powerful, they are vital to the balance of day and night in this world. Rainbow is too arrogant, Applejack is too stubborn, Pinkie Pie is chaotic, Fluttershy is extremely timid, and Rarity wouldn't get her hooves dirty. That leaves Twilight Sparkle. Yes, she possesses great power and is known to lend a helping hoof to anypony in need, no matter who they are."

He looks at Discord again with hatred. While he was calculating and calm making his observations just looking at Discord reminds him of the direction his world is heading. He sighs. "Octavia... I miss you... I promise you won't be forgotten... Look after your father... I hope Twilight can help... No... She will. I can't afford to cry over what I lost or be having self-doubt."

With his mind made up, Mel reached for his violin, a beloved instrument that had been one of many faithful companions throughout his life. He began to play a haunting melody, pouring his will and magic into the music. The vibrations of the violin strings created a shimmering portal before him as he returns to his true home after seeing all he needed to see. He had watched everypony with great interest and had concluded on the one he needs. He is mentally preparing to contact Twilight. He is nervous as he has contacted other heroes but they declined. He closes his eyes as a single tear falls from his eyes.

Hours later, as the dawn approached, the Mane 6 reveled in their hard-earned victory against the forces of evil. The echoes of laughter and joyful chatter filled the air as they celebrated not only their success but also prepared for Twilight's impending Coronation as the new ruler of Equestria. One could say it rivaled the Great Galloping Gala. Everypony and creature were invited. Foods from several races were brought and ponies are finally learning not to fear the changelings. There was harmony. Octavia did not show up to play music and her friend Vinyl Scratch had to take her place. When questioned she wrote on a piece of paper that Octavia was crying a couple of hours ago.

"Octavia Melody... We don't actually recall her ever dreaming. We hath not seen a pony who hath not a single dream unless their minds were shielded. We were looking forward to her performance... This... Vinyl Scratch's music is rather loud and much more to Celestia's tastes." Luna says talking to herself.

As the festivities and the day drew to a close, Princess Luna raised the moon, signaling the end of the day. The Mane 6, exhausted yet brimming with excitement, made their way to the castle. They decided that, amid such momentous events, they would embrace the bonds of friendship and celebrate with a grand royal sleepover.

Twilight found herself immersed in a dreamlike realm, where the ethereal melodies of the flute, drum, and violin merged into a grand orchestral symphony. The music resonates deep within her, filling her with awe and wonder. However, as the composition unfolded, Twilight's keen ear detected the subtle imperfections that tarnished the harmonious tapestry. Discordant notes pierced through the once-pure melodies, threatening to unravel the beauty she had initially perceived.

"Wait... what's happening?" Twilight exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of confusion and concern. She looked around, trying to make sense of the dissonance invading the dream realm. "Something is not right..."

Just as Twilight began to feel worried and scared, a voice echoed through the dream realm, both haunting and mysterious. "That is the state my world is in. I have been trying to reach you, Twilight Sparkle. Though you have been busy all day so I am contacting you through this dream."

Twilight's eyes widened as she turned towards the source of the voice, only to find a shimmering figure bathed in soft light. "W-who are you?" Twilight asked, her voice tinged with shock and concern. The sudden voice in the midst of the shattered harmony only deepened her worries. "What did I do for you to contact me? Do you need help?"

Mel materialized in Twilight's dream, his striking black outfit and draconic features making him stand out from any pony she had encountered before. There was a hint of sorrow in his voice as he spoke. "Do not be alarmed, Twilight Sparkle. I mean you no harm. Yes... I need help. My world's harmony is descending into chaos. My name is "Mel Ody". Don't question it. It's my name."

"You said your world's harmony is in trouble, why? What's causing this? And why did you choose to talk to me? Are you a pony? I haven't seen anypony like you before. Wait. Are you a Draconequus? What is your name? Tell me more about your world and what are they like?" Twilight bombarded Mel with a flurry of questions, her curiosity piqued.

"That's a lot of questions... I'll try to answer as many as I can," Mel replied with a patient tone in his voice. "I am not a Draconequus nor a pony. I appear like this because I entered your world. And I just told you my name. My name is simply Mel. I am essentially the ruler of my world, and I know I alone am not enough. I am not sure who I can trust back home."

"Sorry! But what happened? What is your world like? What are your policies? And why me? What exactly happened? Was I your only option or could you have chosen anypony?" Twilight continued to inquire, her mind racing with a multitude of thoughts.

"It's a world of music. I am afraid I don't have time to go over all the details," Mel explained. "Luna will have sensed an outside force—me—entering your dream and will likely chase me out. I need your help... Because I have seen how willing you are to help others and how you are a leader. If there is anyone who could restore harmony, it would be you."

"Huh? Luna? We can just tell her about—" Twilight began, only to be interrupted by Mel.

"No! You must not. The situation will get more complicated if others were involved," Mel cautioned. "I hate to rush you... but I simply don't have much time before Luna gets here. Will you help me restore harmony if I summoned you to my world? I know I am a stranger, and I would be lying if I said this won't be dangerous. I'll let you think on it.

"You are right," Twilight said with conviction, her voice steady and resolute. "I don't know you. But if no one is willing to talk and help others just because they don't know them, then there wouldn't be trust or harmony. I can feel your pain... your sorrow. If I back down from helping you, then I'll regret it for the rest of my life."

Mel's gaze softened, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Are you certain? You will be gone for a time. Maybe a long time. You won't have enough time to say goodbye to your friends. It tears me apart that I am forced to ask others to give up so much just to help me. The choice is yours."

"I... am certain," Twilight responded, her voice filled with determination. "It wouldn't be my first time having to choose between saving a world or going back home. I understand the sacrifices that come with it, and I am ready to face them."

Mel nodded, a mix of relief and sadness crossing his face. "Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. Your bravery and selflessness are commendable. I will make the necessary preparations to summon you to my world. But be warned, the journey will be perilous, and the challenges you'll face will surely test your will. Thank you... I will summon you to my world. Luna is near and I fear that if I don't do it now I won't be able to later."

In the waking world, the rest of the Mane 6 found themselves unable to sleep, their restlessness amplified by the excitement and merriment of the previous night. As they observed Twilight's sudden glow and the subsequent opening of a portal, panic seized their hearts. Instinctively, they sprang into action, reaching out and clinging tightly to their friend, unwilling to let her be whisked away into the unknown.

"What the hay is going on?!" shouts Rainbow Dash.

"Less talkin' more pulling Dash!" grunts Applejack.

But their efforts proved futile as the portal's pull grew stronger, engulfing not only Twilight but the entire group. Before they could fully comprehend what was happening, the portal closed behind them, leaving them trapped within its enigmatic depths.

As the Mane 6 found themselves in the luxurious empty bedroom, confusion filled the air. Fluttershy's gentle voice broke the silence, expressing their collective bewilderment. "Um... Girls? Where are we?" she asked, her voice filled with shyness and uncertainty.

A melodic lullaby, soothing and enchanting, drifted through the room. Its magical essence began to weave its way into their senses, tugging at their eyelids, making them feel irresistibly sleepy. One by one, the Mane 6 succumbed to the music's enchantment, drifting off into a deep slumber. Mel lowers his head partly in shame. He had only intended in summoning Twilight. And so he decided to at least give them a chance to rest with a hastened slumber from his music. It would be better to explain it in the morning rather than right now in the heat of the moment.

When they awoke, their eyes fluttered open in unison, their confusion evident. Twilight, always the voice of reason, voiced their collective question. "Huh?! Where in Equestria are we?"

Pinkie Pie, as exuberant as ever, eagerly spilled out the sequence of events in one breath, her words tumbling forth in a rapid stream. "We were totally awake, and then you started glowing, and there was a portal, and we tried to grab you, but we all got pulled in, and now we're here, and then the music played, and we all fell asleep!"

Rarity, in her elegant manner, responded with a touch of exasperation. "Darling, can you not be so loud in the morning? Some of us require a gentle awakening, a soft touch to ease into the day."

Rainbow Dash, ever the contrast, couldn't resist chiming in with a mischievous smirk. "Pfft! Soft? That'll never wake you up! You need a jolt of excitement to get your blood pumping and set you in motion!"

Applejack stretched her limbs, breaking the silence. "Well, y'all, this is certainly one fancy room we've ended up in. But this is still a fillynapping!"

Rainbow Dash, ever eager for excitement, couldn't help but eye a nearby window, contemplating the possibility of an adrenaline-filled escape. "Who cares about the 'where' when we can just fly outta here? I bet we're just a few flaps away from finding out what's really going on!"

Pinkie Pie, bouncing with energy, suggested, "Or we could have a party right here, right now! I mean, who needs to worry when we can celebrate being in a brand new place, right?"

Rarity, with a raised eyebrow and a touch of concern, cast a glance toward the room's opulent decor. "Ladies, as delightful as a party sounds, we should perhaps focus on unraveling this mystery first. There must be some clues as to how we ended up here."

Fluttershy, ever gentle and perceptive, directed her attention to a faint whisper in the wind. "Did you hear that? It sounded like a distant melody, beckoning us to follow. Maybe we should explore and see where it leads?"

Twilight Sparkle, the one to ground them in reality, cleared her throat, drawing their attention. "Girls, I understand the excitement, but I know why we are here. I'm here because of a plea for help. I had a dream. Somepony was reaching out to me asking for my help asking me to restore the harmony of his world. I don’t think he intended to bring all of you here too. We can deduce that this is a rented apartment room. We just have to go downstairs and where Mel is since it would be logical that he rented this room and that will lead us to the one who summoned us."

"Yeah. That was TOTALLY my second thought. I just wanted you to say it first. ...... Wait... who the hay is Mel? I'm confused now," says Rainbow who rubs the back of her head with her hoof.

"Stop acting so smug Dash. But... Yeah... Twilight, ya need to fill us in. Don't leave us in the dark," Applejack says.

"Everypony stop arguing!" yells Fluttershy before going back to her meek self.

"She is right. We shouldn't be fighting. Just know that we are here now. In another world I mean. We are the elements of harmony and together we form a bond stronger than anything. The only thing that has changed is the world we are trying to save. Somepony named Mel came to me in a dream asking me to help save his world. From what exactly I'm not too sure. He made it sound like a situation similar to when Discord was free from being a statue. But let's do what we do best!" says Twilight trying to give a rousing speech that succeeded.