• Published 28th May 2023
  • 360 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

  • ...

Chapter 4

"You all must be thinking, 'Well, what now?'" Mel began, addressing the group with a contemplative tone. "Well... I didn't intend to summon all of you. I was hoping to get Twilight caught up and trained myself. Each performance of Souls is lengthy, and only Rainbow Dash has regained the use of magic. I will have to come up with an alternative plan. Fluttershy, I will perform your Soul's music. The rest of you will be trained and spar with my assistant."

Fluttershy's voice trembled with hesitation as she spoke up, "Um... But... can't I go to help them?"

Mel offered a reassuring smile and replied, "You will, Fluttershy. But you'll have to come with me alone. I promise it isn't scary."

Applejack, always ready to protect her friends, interjected, "Why'd ya put her on the spot like that? Let Fluttershy go last so she won't be alone. I'll go in her place."

Mel took a moment to consider Applejack's suggestion before nodding. "I see. Come, I'll take everypony to the music arena where my assistant is. Follow me."

The group followed Mel, their hooves carrying them through a vibrant world filled with clean buildings and a multitude of beings engaged in singing, talking, and dancing. The sight was truly enchanting, with various races, including Sirens, harmoniously coexisting. Eventually, they arrived at a small building that appeared deceptively modest from the outside but revealed its true grandeur within. Waiting for them was a humanoid figure, with a handheld piano keyboard strapped to his right arm.

"Ponies? I'm fighting ponies? I'm not paid enough for this..." the figure grumbled.

Rainbow Dash couldn't resist a playful remark, smirking as she said, "Afraid we'll kick your butt? Hehe!"

Rarity, ever the embodiment of grace, stepped forward and diplomatically stated, "Darling, that was rather rude. I assure you, sir, that we are worth your time."

Mel introduced the figure as Thomas, explaining, "This is Thomas. His music magic is impact-based. It means his beats pack a punch. I hope this is alright with all of you."

Twilight greeted Thomas warmly, extending a hoof. "Nice to meet you, Thomas!"

Thomas sighed, looking slightly irritated. "Mel, it's 8 in the morning, on a Saturday. You didn't tell me I would have to spar against talking, magical, pastel-colored ponies."

Mel chuckled and replied, "Alright, Thomas, I'll leave it up to you. Applejack, come with me."

Applejack's sharp instincts kicked in as she noticed something off about the situation. "Somethin' ain't right. His words say one thing, but that twitching in his... hooves? It ain't tired. He's itching to fight."
"Sigh... Whatever. You all have one objective: knock me down. Do that, and I can say you can handle most threats. Anything goes," Thomas declared, his tone laced with a hint of resignation.

Twilight exchanged a quick glance with her friends, silently acknowledging the challenge ahead. They knew that testing their skills against Thomas would help them grow and prepare for future battles. With determination burning in their eyes, they readied themselves for the intense training session.

While Applejack followed Mel out of the room, the remaining members of the Mane 6 stood face-to-face with Thomas, ready to face his musical onslaught.

"Purple pony with a star tattoo on your butt, I hope you don't take this personally, but I'm going to relieve my stress and frustrations out on you and your friends. So don't hold back, because I won't," Thomas warned, his words filled with a mix of candor and challenge. "Any person you fight out there won't hold back, so I'll be doing you a disservice if I do. If you can look past that, then I can be your 'friend.'"

Rarity, never one to shy away from a verbal sparring match, retorted with a touch of elegance, "It's called a 'Cutie Mark,' darling. Are you going to talk, or are you going to play that piano?"

Without warning, Thomas swiftly roundhouse-kicked Rainbow Dash, who was attempting to launch a sneak attack from behind. Rainbow Dash let out a grunt of surprise and frustration.

"I'll use my magic when I feel like I need to. And right now, I don't feel the need," Thomas declared, his confidence palpable.

"Grrrr! Hey! Don't be a jerk!" Rainbow Dash snapped, her competitive spirit flaring.

Realizing that Thomas was challenging them to give it their all, the rest of the Mane 6 nodded in agreement. They understood that this was an opportunity to grow stronger together.

"What are you all doing? All of you attack me at once," Thomas commanded, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

With a synchronized determination, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy leaped into action, launching a coordinated assault against Thomas.

Meanwhile, Applejack settled herself onto the ground, patiently awaiting Mel's performance. As she sat there, nerves tingling, she couldn't help but voice her slight apprehension.

"Not gonna lie... I'm a tad nervous," Applejack confessed.

Mel offered a comforting smile and reassured her, "Don't be. It will be fine. Pay attention. This performance is all about you."
Mel starts playing starting with a flute. Applejack is confused as the first section sounds like the very opposite of herself. It made her feel childish, girly, confused, young, and not quite country. Then it dawns on Applejack. This is just like her when she was a filly and didn't get her cutie mark yet. She didn't know if she wanted to return to the barn or continue in the city.
As Applejack absorbed the nostalgic melody that captured her past, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within her. Mel's musical performance had tapped into a deeply personal part of her life, evoking memories and reflections she hadn't anticipated.

"I remember that. That's a tad personal. Ya didn't have to go that far," Applejack expressed, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"Your past is very much a big part of who you are. It shaped who you are now. But you know the story from there," Mel responded, his understanding tone offering a sense of reassurance.

With a flick of his musical prowess, Mel transitioned to a banjo, capturing the essence of Applejack's country spirit. The music wrapped around her, embracing her identity and celebrating her journey. As the tune reached its peak, Applejack couldn't contain her excitement when she recognized the familiar melody of "Raise This Barn" but as a heavy metal version. Her hooves instinctively started tapping along to the beat.

"How do ya know that one? That... is fitting," Applejack exclaimed, a mix of surprise and delight in her voice.

"I find it best to transition into a song that has some familiarity when doing these sorts of things," Mel explained, his eyes filled with understanding.

Curiosity got the better of Applejack as she noticed Mel's long blond hair.

"What happened to ya mane? It keeps changing color," she inquired.

"My magic activates even though it isn't the song of my Soul. It's a side effect of my music affecting reality. So by playing the Song of your soul, it changes me slightly. But now you know your song. How about you try?" Mel suggested, a hint of anticipation in his voice.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Mane 6 lay sprawled on the ground, exhausted from their attempts to overcome Thomas's unconventional musical prowess. Thomas stood tall, occasionally pressing keys on his handheld piano, emanating an eerie aura that filled the room with groans and whispers. The dissonant melody cast a sense of unease and paranoia among the group.

"I thought you were supposed to be a 'hits heavy' kind of person! This feels like a debuff!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in frustration.

Sighing, Thomas addressed their struggle, attempting to offer guidance amidst their fatigue. "Look, unless you can surprise and incapacitate your opponent before they can get started, normal attacks are useless. You all need MAGIC. You need MUSIC. Throwing yourselves at me endlessly isn't the right way to go about this. Rainbow over here is too busy humming by herself."

His words resonated with the Mane 6, making them realize that their approach needed to shift.

"Follow my lead! I'll need everypony's help! Come in when you think the time is right! Pinkie Pie! Set up the beat with your hooves!" orders Twilight remembering when she sung in a battle of the bands against sirens before.

As Twilight took charge and led the Mane 6 in a synchronized musical assault, their combined magic and harmonized voices began to reshape the eerie melody that Thomas had created. Pinkie Pie set the beat with her hooves, while Twilight's glowing horn and cutie mark signified the return of her magic. With their newfound connection and understanding, they tapped into the lyrics from their human counterparts in Canterlot High, infusing their performance to the Mane 6.

Breaking out into song, Twilight's voice filled the air:

"Don't need to hear a crowd cheering out my name,
I didn't come here seeking infamy or fame!
The one and only thing that I am here to bring...
Is music, is the music, is the music in my soul!"

Their voices blended, and the magic surged within them, reinvigorating their spirits. The disorganized and eerie composition that Thomas had created began to transform under their unified efforts. Twilight's violet Bar lines took shape, organizing the chaotic sounds. Pinkie Pie tapped into her newfound magic, painting musical notes onto the Bar Line with a brush that seemed to materialize out of thin air. Fluttershy embraced her newfound confidence, adding strategic breaks to the composition, while Rarity's magic lent a steady tempo to their performance.

Impressed by their abilities to counter his own song, Thomas decided to test their limits. However, as the Mane 6 delved deeper into their harmonious assault, Thomas realized that they had reached an advanced level of musical mastery.

"Ok. This is actually rather impressive. It's not perfect. But countering your opponent by using their own song against them, plus your own, is advanced. It might get dangerous for me. How about we stop here? If you intend on going further, then I will have to go all out," Thomas admitted, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Unfazed by the challenge, Rainbow Dash responded defiantly, grabbing the barline like a cloud and hurling it towards Thomas. Thomas, recognizing their determination, smirked and unleashed a flurry of key presses. Each strike felt like a punch, The barline is unwoven. The tormented melody echoes through the room, leaving the Mane 6 momentarily defeated and sprawled on the floor.

"At least you are starting to get it. If that country pony was here and joined in, I know I would have lost. It could even rival the music of sirens with enough practice," Thomas admitted, acknowledging the potential of their combined musical prowess.

Although battered and groaning, the Mane 6 found solace in Thomas's words.

Mel and Applejack return. Applejack's eyes widened as she took in the sight of her bruised friends, but she quickly composed herself, reminding herself that it was all part of their training.

"Is everypony okay?" Applejack asked, concern evident in her voice.

Rainbow Dash replied full of sarcasm, "No, Applejack, we love losing and lying on the ground at uncomfortable angles. Just peachy."

Fluttershy spoke softly, reassuring her friends, "I'm okay... Just... Out of breath."

Twilight chimed in, acknowledging Thomas's strength, "Thomas is strong. We underestimated him."

Rarity, clearly displeased with Thomas's musical style, exclaimed, "This was dreadful! It sounded like a crazy pony banging their head against a wall!"

Mel turned to Thomas, a hint of disappointment in his voice, "Thomas, was it really necessary to go all out? You know you were on the ballot for the title of Master Composer."

Thomas, aware of his place on the ballot, responded, "I'm at the very bottom of that list, mind you. I will admit, it was fun. I too underestimated them and had to pull out all the stops. Though I can see it in their eyes. They can handle themselves. Maybe."

Mel sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility, "Do you think they are ready? I don't want a 'maybe.' I want to be sure that they can handle themselves."

Thomas, realizing his own limitations, admitted, "I'm already tapped out. I don't think I can teach them anymore. You should be the one. You ARE the Master Composer, after all."

Mel paused, considering the situation and the trust placed upon him. "Sigh... Okay. Who is next?" he asked, determined to guide his friends through their journey of discovering and mastering their souls' music.

"Hold ya horses. They need medical attention." says Applejack

Mel interjects, "Thomas certainly gave you a challenge, and I must admit, he is a formidable with his music. But remember, the purpose of this training is to prepare you for even tougher battles. If anypony feels that it might be too much I will get Emillya to heal you before I send you back to Equestria."

Rainbow Dash immediately rejects the idea, her competitive spirit flaring up, "We're not giving up! This was just a warm-up. Thomas said we could have beaten him with Applejack, and with practice, we can even rival the sirens!"

Pinkie Pie bounces to her hooves, her determination shining through, "Yeah! We've been through worse challenges before. We're not backing down now!"

Twilight, fueled by her unwavering resolve, states firmly, "Giving up was never an option for me. I'm ready to face whatever comes our way."

Fluttershy, though still slightly hesitant, finds the courage within herself, "Pain is scary, but the thought of my friends being hurt because I chose to give up is much worse. I'm staying."

Rarity, known for her dramatic flair, declares with confidence, "Darling, I look like a drama queen who wouldn't get her hooves dirty? I can handle it. I'm staying too."

Applejack, proud of her friends' resilience, stands tall and resolute, "There's your answer, Mel. We ain't going anywhere. We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together."

Mel smiles, impressed by their determination, "Very well then. I see that you are all resolute in your decision. If you're ready to continue, we'll press on. But remember, there will be more tests ahead, and it won't be easy. Are you truly prepared?"

The Mane 6 exchange determined glances and nod in unison. Their shared commitment strengthens their bond and fuels their determination to push forward.

Mel's expression turns serious as he addresses the group, "Good. Because the next performance will be Rarity's. It's time for you to delve into the depths of your soul Rarity."