• Published 14th Jun 2023
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Alternate Outcomes - TheGuyWhoDayDreams

My name is Jason Wright and i am living in Equestria, life here was good but i don't understand why Twilight hates me. Oh well it couldn't been worse than that. The day i found a human in the everfree forest proved me wrong.

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Prologue: My Time In Equestria

Sitting on a tree stump at Sweet Apple Acres on top of a hill over looking the Everfree Forest after a long day of work, his whole body and work uniform drenched in sweat as his mind began thinking about his time in Equestria.

My name is Jason Wright and I have been living in Equestria for about three years.

Before I arrived in Equestria I was a guy born in New Jersey, I didn't have many friends and my family rarely show me any kind of attention, I have to do things all on my own at school and home I have to learn how to cook for myself. I still kept my hopes up that I can have someone in my life to be with and try to interact with other people but as time passes by it would seem to be an impossible goal.

While searching for something to do with my free time I discovered a TV show called My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, when they were airing their first episode. I don't remember why I was drawn into the show but I was in love with it, very in love with it.

Four years after the first episode, awhile after season four last aired I was searching for mlp media to consume, I did hear of a spin-off called Equestria girls but I have yet to watch it, I found a website with instructions on how to build a portal into Equestria. At first I was skeptical, I mean I will definitely to go to Equestria and have a good life there but it's just a fictional show, but with nothing better to do I did it anyway and i was shocked to find that it worked.

However like a Human in Equestria story, you can't never go back once you entered. I found that out by throwing an unused cable wire into portal, I never got it back.

With very little to lose, I packed my clothes, food, and equipment into my backpack, created another portal and hopped in. Traveling in the portal is not an enjoyable experience as it is like I was riding a rollercoaster made by Discord.

Soon I appeared in Equestria and landed outside of the castle of Canterlot, as soon as I got there I vomited on the spot, never again.

I started exploring around Canterlot, marvelling at the sight of the capital in person, until I accidentally bumped into Princess Celestia who was just tall enough to see me on eye level. She was surprised and amazed to see me and immediately called a meeting with herself, her sister and me. During the meeting I was surprised to find out that humans are considered a myth in Equestria though only a few ponies know this, so humans are still relatively unknown. After an hour it was decided I will be transferred to Ponyville to live there.

I have arrived to Ponyville by train, as soon as the train doors open I immediately went off exploring Ponyville.
This town is beautiful, the grass is greener than on Earth, the buildings are colourful, the air is fresh and the sky is clear.

I soon found a hotel to stay at and after some calculation I can only stay a total of a month with the bits I was given from the princesses, so I need to find a job as quick as possible so after sleeping in for the night I woke up to go job hunting.

Every. Single. Place. Rejected me for different reasons but one thing remains common, they were never true. I wasn't deterred however and went to seek help from my idols, the main six, I went to see Twilight first.

I stumbled upon the Golden Oak Library and noticing it's not destroyed yet I concluded I am somewhere in season four or below. I knocked on the door of the Golden Oak Library, she opened the door and seeing she's an alicorn confirmed I am somewhere in season four but before I could say a word she took one look at me and said something that has been on stuck in my mind ever since, “I’ve already seen enough humans.” and slammed the door into my face.

That left me bewildered. Seen enough humans? She sounded like she met humans before, but as the princesses said my kind is considered a myth and there are definitely no other humans in the show or even in Equestria. She said it in a tone that sounded disdainful.

Unable to wrap my head around it, I thought she had a bad day and left her alone, choosing to ask one of her friends to help, Applejack. The problem is I don't know where Sweet Apple Acres is, and I can't for directions from the locals as they try to avoid me, haven’t adjusted to my presence forcing me to wander around the town searching for her farm.

During my search I stumbled upon Pinkie Pie on accident. She was very excited to get to know me, being her energetic and happy self, she asked me who am I, what am I, and where am I, I happily answered all her questions. She then talks about how she is gonna introduce me to everyone in Ponyville, I already knew I am going to get a surprise welcome party from her and before she could turn this conversation into a very long one I asked her for the direction to Applejack's farm and why, which she happily answered as we bid each other farewell and promise to talk to each again.

With the help of Pinkie I manage to find Sweet Apple Acres and met Applejack.
Although she was wary of me at first when she sees me, after I explained my intentions she is willing to let me work at her farm after seeing what I can do with my hands.

After that I begun my three years living in Equestria, during those three years I got myself into some crazy shenanigans. Being forced to help Spike break the inspiration manifestation spell that was influencing Rarity, Tirek showing up and destroyed Twilight's library like in the final episode of season four, while I would have like to have her library not destroyed I couldn't do much to help, rescuing ponies from under the snow because of an incident at the weather factory who I later found out was caused by Rainbow Dash in an attempted to stop her pet tortoise from hibernating, helped fighting off Luna's Tantabus by firing it with bullets and rockets, assisting Applejack and her friends on pranking Rainbow, being invited to play a game of Ogres & Oubliette which is basically their version of Dungeons & Dragon, and finally being dragged into saving the main six from the changeling queen and her hive.

Speaking of the main six I didn't tell them or anyone other than the princesses that I know them through a TV show and I only manage to bond with three of them, the rest either hate or fear me.

Applejack is the one I bonded with the most, we often see each other at work and we spend time getting to know each other, she was surprised that I eat meat but i told her that we don't eat sentient meat and how where we come from we are the only sentient beings I also said “would you eat a sentient flower?” she understood and accepts my answer.

I also bonded with her family to, her little sister Apple Bloom, being a curious little filly often asked me about my species and my home, sometimes she dragged me into her and her friends crusades though i often try to avoid joining in because of how dangerous it is, like how i broke my leg during a crusade. Her older brother Big McIntosh or Big Mac as he wants to be called, he doesn't talk alot which I was fine with, I often assist Big Mac with repairs and hauling apples, I've been using my talents and knowledge from home to bring a few human tools to Equestria one of them being a power drill and improve his tools which he appreciates. Granny Smith, their grandmother tells me stories about Ponyville and her family and I tell her stories of my home world in exchange.

After a long time Applejack considers me apart of her family and I was invited to their Apple Family Reunions.

Next was Pinkie Pie, she is a bundle of joy and I always enjoy her presence when we meet up.

After completing my first day of my new job I went to Sugarcube corner to buy a milkshake and was surprised by Pinkie throwing a 'Welcome Party' for me, I was so tired and exhausted that I have completely forgotten about it. Pinkie was very happy to see again but most of the party goers however gave me looks of distrust or downright hate, even the DJ stopped her music as soon as I walked in, but Pinkie being Pinkie somehow manage to get most of them to resume to what they were doing.

Though I will admit that I do have my breaking points when it comes to Pinkie's antics as they can give me terrible headaches or injuries, like one time Pinkie shot me with her party cannon, I got hurt so bad that I have to be sent to the hospital, Pinkie felt guilty for what she did and quickly apologise on my hospital bed which i accepted. Mrs. Cake and the Cake twins have no problems with my presence but Mr Cake however is a different story, he doesn't like me and like with Twilight i don't understand why but he is kept in check by his wife and at least tolerates me when she is around.

I also manage to get along with Pinkie's older sister Maud when she first came to Ponyville while her friends struggle to bond with her.

Knowing their struggle I tried to enter their meeting at the library to help them but Twilight kicked me out and put a magic barrier around her home, when I finally get to talk to them they already told her that they couldn't connect with her older sister and was already building the obstacle course, I scolded the five of them pointing out what they do have in common with Maud and especially how we all care for Pinkie, after I finished talking to them Pinkie enters claiming to have an idea to bring them closer together, I know what's gonna happen but I have to follow along, her friends tried to tell her that they were wrong about her sister but she's insisted as we arrived to the obstacle, I desperately try to convince her that it is dangerous especially the rock climb but she persistent as she demonstrates the obstacle course until she got stuck on the rock climb and her attempts of getting out causes a giant boulder to be sent towards her, seeing her sister in danger Maud raced at lighting speed through the obstacle course and destroyed the giant boulder into pieces.

And last of the three I manage to be friends with was Rarity, though we do have a rocky start at the beginning, when I visited her boutique she kicked me out by attempting to hit me with a frying pan saying she doesn't want a “boorish, savage” creature like me around her. It was only after my interference in Maud Pie and Inspiration Manifestation that she started to warm up to me a bit as she doesn't kick me out of boutique everytime I entered and was willing to listen to me, we spend time talking to each other and get to know each other, Rarity being Rarity she first talks about my clothes and how terrible my clothes that i brought look, I explained that unlike ponies, clothes are a necessity to humans, why, and how expensive they can be, where's as ponies only wore them on special occasions. each time we spent together she understood more of me and later realized that her assumptions about me have been misplaced, she apologise on what she did and her assumptions about me when we first met, which I forgave her.

I also got along with her little sister Sweetie belle when I was involved with the trio's crusades, sometimes I teach her how to cook because of how terrible her cooking is, she manage to learn enough from me that she can make decent toast and juice without incinerating it and turning the kitchen a mess and only toast and juice as any other foods I tried to teach her to make turns into what I can describe as molten lava and the whole kitchen becomes a huge mess.

However they're others I just can't get along with no matter how much I tried.

I couldn't get along with Fluttershy as she faints when her eyes sees me, I assume she was used to big creatures but no she fainted everytime she saw me, how did she find me more intimidating that is worthy of fainting than a huge dragon back in the episode Dragonshy? But I couldn't figured it out as her animals often kick me out when I even get close to her cottage or fainted instantly to talk to her. She later gotten used to me where she doesn't faint when she sees me but she is still scared of me and refuses to talk to me unless it's necessary.

Rainbow Dash... she is the god damn worst, I never thought I would hate anyone of my idols, but she proved me wrong.

She always think of me as less of a person and more of monster, actually no scrap that she treats me way worse than a monster, she always attacks me whenever she thinks I am doing something bad, like how she punch me in the gut because I was hanging out with Scootaloo thinking I was going to harm her biggest fan. She is stubborn and delusional, she would denied every accusations we made to protect her ego of hers, it's gotten so bad that she made an attempt on my life once by attempting to strike me with lightning which I thankfully made it out without a scratch, Applejack scolded the hell out of Dash knowing I could very well likely die from a single strike, and Scootaloo was pissed at her when she found out, she never made an attempt on my life again. Is it strange that despite me despising her, I still hope that I could get along with her someday?

And finally Twilight Sparkle, my relationship with her haven't improved since that first meeting. She would avoid me whenever possible and would just kick me out of her home when I visited much to the protests of my friends, she never gave me a chance to speak.

Her three friends try to convince her that I wasn't as bad as she thought but she is adamant on her hate towards me, I've heard she also try to convince them that I was lying and manipulating them waiting for the right time to strike but of course they called her out for it, especially AJ.

We both rarely spoke to each other as she tries her best remove my presence from her life so soon I stopped trying. I tried searching for the reason why she hate so much but my question are either dodged, receive vague answers, or they don't know. After awhile I stopped searching and moved on but it will remain on my mind as a possible unsolvable mystery for the rest of my life.

Of course my three friends are not the only friends I made in my time in Equestria.

Spike the dragon, good kid to be around though sometimes I have with deal with his... Idiotic shenanigans.

Because he stayed in the library most of the time which I was banned from entering, we never met until I have to help Spike break the inspiration manifestation spell on Rarity back when she was influenced by the spell after getting tired of her changes she made and ruining my favorite jacket by in her words “More class to that terrible looking monkey suit”, Twilight refuses to fix my jacket after the incident however Rarity took it upon herself to make a replica for me to replace it which I was thankful for.

After that day we both hang out together anytime he has free time, however the more time I spent with him I realized something about him that I failed to notice when watching the show, he was being mistreated, he often spends his life doing chores around the library while Twilight and her friends go on adventures, never once invited to Pinkie's parties, how AJ made him walk all the way from Ponyville just to light firewood for the cauldrons on one of her family reunions, Rarity utilizing his crush on him remembering she use him as a pincushion in Green Isn't Your Color. Rainbow pulling much more cureler pranks on him, Futtershy treats him better but still considers him a pet than a person.

When I realized this I told Spike about it but he was in denial refusing to believe his care taker, crush, and his friends ever mistreated him. Knowing I can't convince him I confronted the only ones willing to listen to me, AJ, Pinkie, and Rares, about Spike. AJ thinks about how he called all away from Ponyville just for 10 seconds of his time without considering how he felt about it, Pinkie felt terrible for forgetting to invite Spike at all, and Rarity realizes, much to her horror, and started questioning her role as the Element of generosity which I responded to her to cut that shit out and tell her it isn't to late to make amends and do it now.

After that I questioned myself on how it took me questioning how they treated him did they realized what they've done. Because of Spike's insistence to still be Twilight's assistant, when Twilight wasn't around I helped Spike with his chores, which he was very grateful for, especially when they moved into the Castle of Friendship after their old home got destroyed, finding it absurd that Twilight makes him clean an entire castle that somehow was way bigger on the inside than how it looks on the outside.

Trixie Lulamoon, I am not going to lie I was pretty suspicious of her when she came back to Ponyville, I thought she was plotting something bad so I silently followed her the whole day she was also with a lilac unicorn mare who I didn't know her name yet at the time.

Later hiding behind the back of Trixie's show listening in on both of their conversation from the backstage they were confronted by Twilight, an argument ensues, which had the lilac mare runs away in tears as Trixie tried to follow after her, soon she gets angry at Twilight for making her lose her one and only friend as she tries to play it off, when she got back into the backstage she said for final words to her “I definitely feel like my hearts is breaking into a million pieces!” then closes the curtain on her.

Something felt wrong from the tone of that speech which I can't piece together, but my gut told me that I need to step in and help her, after Twilight left I snuck in to the backstage as she was getting ready for her show, she was surprised by sudden appearance as she never saw me before, I introduced myself and then asked her what's wrong, she tries to deny it and play it off but I saw through her bullshit and kept pushing further, eventually she bursted venting out how her life falls apart ever since she first performed in Ponyville, using the alicorn amulet to challenge Twilight in an attempt to get her life back and now she lost the only friend she ever made in her life who I now learned her name is Starlight Glimmer. I was shocked to learn about this, it made me feel terrible about my earlier assumptions about her, it also made me rethink about both of her appearances in the show, with a different view I remember back to her first debut in Boast Busters, I realize that she actually didn't do anything wrong and was just doing her job, it's just that they don't like her boasting, it made me feel more shame as I tried to comforted her.

Right after her emotional outburst her friend returned and later both reconciled. She began trying to get to know me since that day, she thanked me and admitted that she was going to end it all by doing the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive during her performance. Ever since that day it left a lasting impression on me, if Rainbow Dash being a sadistic bastard or Spike being mistreated wasn't enough then Trixie's revelation completely flipped the table of my view of the show as well my idols, I never told anyone what she admitted to me, I think it's something that both of us should keep to ourselves and I never confronted them about how they ruined her life because they didn't like her doing her job either.

I also befriended several of the residents of Ponyville after they got used to my presence, Cheerilee, Time Turner, Lyra Heartstrings and several colts and fillies are the more notable ones. However some residents still hate me, and they express it to me quiet well, overcharging me, calling me names and sometimes throwing trash at me. I guess you can't win them all, again a small part of me hope that they will accept me one day.

Overall I can say that my life in Equestria was way better than on Earth, but I set my expectations a bit to high, I should've considered that it maybe more complicated than what i seen in the show. I been thinking back every single episode I've seen with a different perspective, I have found Speciesism, herd mentality, superiority complex, hypocrisy. I just don't know what to think about them anymore, the main six, the representation of harmony, I just... don't know how to think about them. At least they are trying to atone for their mistakes (AJ, Pinkie and Rares) but they need someone else to point them out for them to even recognize it, it's like they didn't do it on purpose.

It could've been better, but hey they couldn't have done anymore worse than that right?

“Heya Jason.” said in a familiar southern accent.

Turning to the direction of the voice he saw Applejack trotting up towards him and sitting down beside him.

“Wha’cha doin’ sitting out here alone, it’s supper time.” she asked worriedly

“It's fine AJ, i was just thinking.” i replied.

“Are you letting those darn ponies gettin’ into yah mind again?” she said concerned.

“Well part of it, i am just thinking about life at home compared to the three years living in Equestria and the friends made along the way.” i said smiling weakly to her.

“Jason ya’ can’t let those darn ponies get into your head like that, if they have a problem with you then it’s their problem and mah problem, Oh! that reminds me, in two weeks from now it will be yah third anniversary living in Ponyville.” she told me.

I nodded. “I‘ll be expecting Pinkie, she takes her parties very seriously.” I then got up. “welp let’s not delay dinner any further shall we?”

AJ got up and we started to walk back to her home when suddenly.


We were flashed by a bright white light out of nowhere, momentarily disorienting us.

“Argh! What the hell in that?!” I yelled, looking around for the source.

“Ah think it came from the Everfree Forest!” she points to the forest.

Looking over the forest I saw a bright light emanating from an unknown source not to far from here.

I don't know why but I got this overwhelming feeling that I need to go there, like it was calling for me.

I started walking to the forest but AJ stops me.

“Where do ya think you’re going, you know how dangerous the Everfree Forest is!” Applejack scolds me as she stares at me with a stern look.

“I know AJ, but I get this overwhelming feeling to go in there, like it was screaming for me, whatever or whoever is causing this needs me for some reason.” I replied.

She contemplates that for a moment, until she sighed and said “Fine, but I am comin’ with you to make sure yah safe.” as she follows besides me.

We got off the hill and walked into the forest to find the cause of the light. The further we went in, the more faded the light becomes, until we stumble into a clearing where we found the source, a glowing unknown object laying on the ground in the middle of the clearing, we both move closer to it until we are standing right next to it, the light slowly fades until it's gone, what we found shocked us both.

It was another human, laying unconscious on the ground, he appears to be wearing rags, his body is starved, filled with scars, I even identify lightning marks on him.

Reacting fast I quickly picked him up, he feels light not good, “AJ we need to get him to the hospital immediately!” I urgently said to her, she didn't need me to tell her twice as we get out of the forest and rushed into Ponyville.

“Out of the way! This is an emergency! Excuse me!”

I quickly tell to passersby as they leap out of our path.

We sprinted towards the hill where the hospital is located and push through the doors into the lobby.

“Ah!” the pink coat, blue mane earth pony mare behind the reception desk exclaimed. “What’s going on here?”, she sees who am I holding and gasps “Is that another-”

At that moment, a door opens, revealing a unicorn stallion who I knew well, Doctor Horse.

“Nurse, what is all the commotion here?” he asked

The nurse just points at me and the other human I was holding, he looks over to me and sees who I was holding, “Is that a-”

“Doctor Horse, now is not the time to be asking questions, he needs serious medical help!” I growled.

He regarded the another human closely, he then levitates a large stretcher specifically designed for my size over.

I quickly put him on the stretcher as me and AJ watch him being wheeling away down the hall.

My mind began raising questions, who is this human? And what happened to him? On the race to the hospital I briefly inspected him further, I only manage to see his face, but why does his face feel so familiar?