• Published 14th Jun 2023
  • 2,254 Views, 66 Comments

Alternate Outcomes - TheGuyWhoDayDreams

My name is Jason Wright and i am living in Equestria, life here was good but i don't understand why Twilight hates me. Oh well it couldn't been worse than that. The day i found a human in the everfree forest proved me wrong.

  • ...

1. The Ending




That's all I could feel right now.

I begun thinking about all my life.

And my regrets.

I had a family that loves me, friends I could count on, a well paying job.

My life was great.

I was fool to leave it all behind.

Perhaps this is god's way of punishing me for my disloyalty

Or maybe, it's a consequence of being blinded.

I was blinded by how much I admire them, I didn't see how bad they can be.

I been thinking back alot.

Peace, Harmony, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity and Laughter?


That was a facade.

After so long in this nightmare.

I gave up.

I tried to end it all, its the only way to get out of this.

Until SHE tried to stop me.

And wanna know what she said?

She asked why, why!?

It's like the past three years didn't even happen.

Knocking her away, I jumped off, then there was a bright flash of white.

I feel my body fall to the ground, then I wonder.

I am dead?

Am I finally... free?


Then I hear a voice.

“AJ, we need to get him to the hospital immediately!”


It never really ends is it?

Jason Wright [POV]

The next day, after I finished my day of work I decided to check up on any news about the human I found with AJ as she wanted to come along to.

News about another human spread around the town like wildfire from the commotion we made, I didn't really care what kind of rumors they're making about this as I am more concerned for him.

Sitting in the hospital lobby with AJ right next to me, we are waiting for any news, any updates about him.

Doctor Horse came out and walk towards us.

“Good day, Jason Wright, I suppose you both wanted to check up on the human you brought here.” said Doctor Horse.

“Yes Doctor, how is he sir?” I replied.

Doctor Horse looks grimly at both of us.

“It’s not good, he appears to be suffering from malnutrition, he was also beaten and struck with lightning leaving him blind in his right eye and several nerves damaged.” he said. “that's not all we found, his injuries goes back to three years, he received bruises, burns, kicks, broken bones, and many more over the course of that period of time.”

Me and AJ grew more concerned as they processing this information.

“And... it was caused by a pony, or multiple ponies.

Me and AJ eyes grew wide in shocked, he was beaten, starved and struck by lightning, from ponies no less, creatures that practice the value of peace and harmony.

“Are you sure about it Doctor Horse?” I said to him.

“I am confident that it is, because we found unicorn magic residue on his burn marks and hoofs marks in his chest.”

Applejack got up “It doesn’t make sense, we found in the Everfree Forest, he probably just arrived into Equis, how can he have those injuries for the past three years.” she put a hoof on her temples.

“Yeah I wouldn’t go unnoticed, news of another human would be wide spread and well known. Meaning he most likely just came to Equis.” I said.

“There’s something odd about the human, Jason Wright” Doctor Horse said.

I raise an eyebrow. “What is it Doc?” I ask?

“He looks just like you.” he answered as he focus his attention to me.

I just sit still as he said that, is that why I felt a sense of familiarity when I look at his face? But before I could respond he continues.

“This human looks exactly like you, so much alike that I could’ve swore I was operating you if not for the fact that you're the one who brought him here.”

“Couldn’t he be a changeling in disguise?” Applejack asks.

“No it couldn't have been a disguise changeling AJ, from what i know of changelings, they need to focus to keep their disguise on, and i don’t think they can focus if they're unconscious”. I explained to her.

“Plus we detect no magic on him, so he must be a human.” Doctor Horse follows up.

“Can we see him Doc? I want to see if what you claim is true.” I said.

Doctor Horse nodded “You can, but he is still unconscious, so you can’t talk to him.”

We are lend into a room, as we both step inside we saw the human laying on the hospital bed, his body wrap with bandages, a breathing mask strapped on his mouth, several wires attached him to the heart monitor.

I went up to him first, I looked at his features, it was no doubt about it. He looked like me.

Applejack came second, she examined his scars, finding the hoofs marks the Doctor was talking about, then she was shocked.

“What’s wrong AJ?”I asked worriedly

“...The hoof marks, i-it looked exactly like mine.” she said still in shock.

“Are you sure AJ?” I said surprised.

“No Ah’am definitely sure.” She replies.

We focus our attention to the other human.

“Is it possible that he could be ’yer twin?” She asks.

“I never have twins, there is a possibility that twins can appear without being related to each other, but it’s extremely rare.” i answered her.

“There’s so many questions right now, who is he, why does he look like ’yer, how did the hoofs marks on his chest looked exactly like mine, what happened to him, and why did he appeared from that bright light yesterday?”

“I think we will get our answers once he wakes up.” I said as I turn my head to her.

Later, we left the hospital as we go to our separate ways. Walking to town, with nothing to do I decided to go hang out with my friends, but I frown when someone who I never wanted to hear and see again shows up.

“Hey ape!” she shouts at me.

Not wanting to deal with her bullshit I continue walking, but she got Infront of me.

“Hey ape, I am talking to you brainless monkey!” Rainbow Dash said as she looks at me with a smirk.

I just walked pass her, because fuck her I ain't in the mood for this, especially ever that hospital visit.

“I didn’t say you could walk away from me!” she yells as she pulls my hair with her mouth.

I smack her mouth away from my hair and turned to look at her. “What do you want Raining Trash?” I retorted frustratedly.

“It’s Rainbow Dash you hairless monkey!” she said to me angrily.

“Yeah and I don't care, you’re Raining Trash because when you speak, garbage comes out of your mouth.” I replied back as I tried to walk away.

“I heard you found another ape like you here, now we got to deal with two hairless monsters here and I, Rainbow Dash will stop you monsters and dump both of you into the Everfree where you both belong.” she proudly said.

I instantly snap my head towards her, “Leave him out of this bitch, and second, didn't both AJ and Scootaloo got on your ass the first time you tried!” I grumble as I remember her almost killing me with a lightning strike. “You don’t want both of them to get mad at you do you?” I replied smugly.

She grunted as she remembers that. She didn't want to lose her best friend and her biggest fan because of this again.

Now resume my walking. Why does she have to remind me everytime she shows up.


Two years ago

I was sitting at a bench in the middle of town square, enjoying a donut I bought from Sugarcube corner, it was nice and calm, I wasn't working today because I have a day off, no glares or stink eyes being sent at me, no trash being thrown at me, such a good day, prefect even, nothing could go wrong. Until I noticed a shadow looming over to me, I looked up to see a storm cloud with Rainbow Dash on top of it, she was grinning at me, I felt a bit dread, I don't know what it is but that grin isn't a good one. Unfortunately my gut feeling is proven right as a lightning bolt struck the space beside me, burning and breaking the bench in half, I immediately scramble up to my feet in fright, dropping the donut I was holding, the bright flash was disorienting but I manage to shake it off and look at her.

“W-what are you doing Rainbow!?” I asked her in fright

“Dealing with a pest problem, this time I won't miss.”

She send another lightning bolt at me, but I manage to get out of the way, but she was chasing me, she continuously sends lightning strikes at me. My god, she is going to kill me. I continue running, passing by the Town Hall, market place, Sugarcube Corner, and The Castle of Friendship. Some ponies tried to stop her but they were deterred by her lightning strikes, I kept running until.

It stopped.

Confused I turn around to see my savior, AJ tying up Rainbow with her rope, when I ran pass the market place, she saw me being attacked by her while she was manning the stall, she stopped everything she was doing to come save me.

“What the hay is wrong with you Dash!” AJ scolds her.

“Doing Ponyville a favour, this monkey doesn’t belong here, we don’t want him here!”

“By strikin’ him with lightning!? Ah know him long enough to know that his body couldn’t take a strike, he could’ve DIED!”

“So? He’s just a stupid, hairless monster that deserves to be thrown into the Everfree Forest with a bunch of manticores to be eaten!” she snapped back.

I snapped, it hurts alot, I look up to her, I admire her, and this is what she thinks about me.

And I was on the impression that fish was acceptable for meat eaters to eat, but no, I am nothing but a fish in her eyes.

With tears in my eyes I angrily said. “Rainbow, why are you such a fucking bitch!?” I stormed away as AJ tries to reach out to me.

Element of loyalty? Yeah loyal to your fucking big ego of yours.


A few minutes of walking I think I have gotten far away from her, I sighed, 'I need a drink, at least it gives me an excuse to go see Pinkie Pie.' I thought.

On the walk to Sugarcube Corner I run into Fluttershy, when she saw me, she cowered behind her hair in fear. I didn't care, I walk pass him and acknowledged her. “Hi Fluttershy.” I said coldly and continue to my destination.

It cause me to have another flashback


Two months after Trixie's show

God fucking dammit Rainbow bitch deciding to throw me into the Everfree Forest as a 'prank' a not so subtle way of getting rid of me.

She didn't drop me far thankfully, finding the path I walked along it, trying to get out of this forest.

I manage to get out of the forest, I saw Fluttershy's cottage up front, knowing I wasn't welcome I try to quickly walk by. But I overhear Fluttershy talking to some animals, and it hurt, with Trixie's revelation two months ago, it hurt more.

“Now, now” said Fluttershy “She may be strange but she is pretty nice once you get to know her, give her a chance pleaseee?”

Oh the hypocrisy' with that statement, I just wanted to be your friend, yet you fear me, fear me more than a gigantic dragon, you didn't get to know me.

I lowered my head.

Don't think I didn't see you shying away from griffons, especially that very nice griffon named Gabby, she is pretty nice once you get to know her, but you didn't, you assume every griffon is like Glida ever since Griffon the brush off.

A tear falls down to my cheek and lands on the dirt road.

Where is kindness for all creatures, Fluttershy?


As I continue to my destination, some ponies murmur, whisper, made rude comment about me as I walked pass by but I didn't care, I got used to it

I eventually reach Sugarcube Corner as I stepped into the front door and I see Pinkie Pie manning the counter. Then she sees me, she is very happy to see me.

“Heya Wrighty!” she cheerfully says as I walked up to her Infront of the counter.

“Heya Pinkie, I’ll order a strawberry milkshake please.”

“Okie-dokie-loki” she dashed into the kitchen and after a few moments came out with a strawberry milkshake, just for my size.

I pay for my milkshake but before I could grab it Pinkie speaks up. “Wrighty, I’ve heard there’s another human in Ponyville, did you know?”

“Yes Pinkie, I know because both me and AJ found him.” I said worriedly

She picked up. “is there something wrong?” she asked.

“Me and AJ found him in the Everfree Forest, a sudden bright light brought us towards him, he is in the hospital as we speak.”

“Oh no, what happened to him?”

I sighed. “When we found him, his body is suffering from starvation to where we can see bones, filled with scars that are obtained through out a three year period, he looked like he was abused.” I said.

“Wha-wha what!? How could anypony do that?” she looked at me in shock.

“Yeah, anypony, because all those scars and injuries are cause by ponies, but the strange thing is that he just came to Equis, he is the second human to ever end up here, yet his injuries says that he’s been here for three years, not only that but we found AJ hoof prints on the human’s chest, we don't know how, he has so many things that are out of the ordinary.”

She shakes her head. “Speaking of out of the ordinary, you know how my Pinkie Sense go off everytime somepony new comes to Ponyville?” I nodded “My Pinkie Sense didn’t go off! The only way that’s possible because he is already been here in Ponyville before but my Pinkie Sense would tell me, and my Pinkie sense is never wrong!”

“Another mystery to add the already long list of mysteries about this human.” This is getting weird, first he looks like me, then he has AJ hoof marks in his chest, and Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense didn't go off.

“Still it isn’t going to stop me from making him the best surprise welcome party for him ever, he sounds like he really needs it, it’s like he was never welcomed at all.”

“Once he wakes up that is.”

Once I was finished with my milkshake, I bid Pinkie farewell as I went off again, I still have some day light left so after a bit of thinking I decided to check up on Spike, Though I am banned from the Castle of Friendship, it doesn't stop me from sneaking in to help Spike whenever I can, she tried to put a spell that will block me from ever entering or even come close to the castle, however it requires a magic signature from me for the spell to identify me, but to bad for Sparkle that I don't have one, so she has to manually kick me out by herself if she found me inside, she can't give me any punishment for it because if she did my friends wouldn't be happy about that.

Spike, although he knows I am banned, isn't to happy about me being banned to, so he allows here whatever or not Twilight is around or not.

Anyways entering the castle is easy since for some reason she never locks her doors, I stealthily walk through the long halls and corridors, many doors that lead to random rooms, I walked passed a room they called, The Cutie Map Room, I don't know much about that room but I know it has a significant importance. Soon I found what I was looking for, The library, of course I know Twilight often stays in the library, but I often find Spike in the library in this giant castle, I pray for a second then I opened the door.

Soon I enter the library, closing the door behind me, and there he is, Spike climbing up the ladder, presumably organising books like always. He is the only one in the library.

“Hey Spike.” I said, waving at him as I walk in.

He turns his head around and sees me, “Oh! Hey Jason, coming to help me with chores like always?” he happily says.

“Oh you know me Spike.” I smile as I winked at him.

I've spent two hours helping Spike sorting the library, using the ladder is a bit challenging as it wasn't design for me but I made it work.

Then I hear the door opening behind me. I turn around expecting Twilight, but what came in was a lilac unicorn that I knew, Starlight Glimmer.

“Oh! Hey Starry.” I said.

“Oh, hey Jason” she replied as she rolled her eyes on the nickname I gave her ever since the Chrysalis incident.


“Hey girls, sorry can’t stay for a conversation. I need to find Applejack, she said she will meet me up at saddle lake but didn’t show up, do you girls know where Applejack is?” I said walking towards them at Trixie's carriage.

“Jason Wright! Thank goodness you’re here Ap-” she pauses, then lights her horn and aim it at me.

“Woah! What’s with the aggression?!” I said surprised, taking a step back.

“How do I know, you are not a changeling disguise as Jason?” she asks with a suspicious look.

“A disguise chang-” I then rub my temples. “Starry you of all people should know that I have no magic in me, if you think I am a changeling why don’t you check if I have any magic.”

She become a bit embarrassed that she forgot I have no magic. She then raise an eyebrow.


“Why not Starry? Anyways you mentioned changelings which I assume something involved them, so what kind of plot they got into?”

“Queen Chrysalis took Luna and Celestia, they also took Twilight and her friends.”

As soon as I process what she said I pull out an axe out of nowhere.

“Where did they take them? I'll be happy to display their heads on my wall.” I said with calm, angry tone. No way in hell I'll allow them to take my best friends and especially AJ. “Where did I get this axe? I don’t remember bringing one.” I question myself as I inspected it.

She got creeped out about me displaying changeling's heads at my home. “W-we are not powerful enough, we need somepony else powerful enough to do it, maybe Candace is still safe, our best bet is to get to the Crystal Empire before the changelings do that way we-”

“There’s no help coming from the Crystal Empire.”

We look around for the source of voice. Then we turn to look at a changeling coming out of the bushes.

Trixie screams like a banshee before Starry puts a sound barrier around her.

I was ready to display his head on my wall when.

“Wait Jason stop! He’s not one of them!” she stops me.

“What are you talking about Starry?” I turn to look at her.

“He is Thorax, a reformed changeling I mentioned before.”

“You’re Thorax? The changeling living in the Empire? Well damn, thank god for stopping me Starry, who knows how much trouble I'll be if I display your friend on my wall.” I shiver on the thought of what my friends will react showing their friend's head on my wall.

Starry talks with Thorax while I try to calm Trixie down. Yeah Thorax said Candace, Shining Armour, and Flurry heart was kidnapped as well.

“So, what should we do?” Thorax walks up to Starry. “Yeah Starlight what should we do?” Trixie said as we both stood beside her.

“I-I don’t know. There has to be somepony who can handle this!” she said.

“There is nopony else, everypony with powerful magic is already gone!” Trixie panics.

I raise my hand and pointer finger, I was about to mention Discord until, speak of the devil.

“You know whenever ponies talk about powerful magic they always leave me out, if I weren’t so involved I might decide to take it personally.” Discord says on top of Trixie's carriage sewing a rabbit plush.

“Well isn’t this quite the combination of secondary characters. Where Twilight and the girls?”

First, how do we know you’re really you? Starry asks .

Discord seems to take offense to that as with a snap he turns the surrounding area into chaos.

“Yep. He is really Discord.” I said.

“Shall I continue?” he asks.

“Chrysalis and the changelings are back. They’ve pony-napped all of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, Celestia, Luna, Candace, Shining Armour, Flurry Heart, Twilight and her friends we need to-”

The surroundings turns to normal as Discord got up into Starlight's face.

“They took Fluttershy?” he asks angrily.



“The Changeling Kingdom, with you on our side I think-”

She didn't get to finish as Discord teleports us into a some random forest, everyone besides Thorax was carrying Equipment, I still held my axe.

“Uh... Discord where are we?” I ask.

“Odd... I was trying to take it right to Fluttershy but, there is no Fluttershy.” he says as he lifts a rock to look under it.

“Uh... I think I might have an idea where she went.” She said nervously as we look into the direction she was pointing at.

We overlook the changeling kingdom, I can see many tiny dots outside the hive.

“...Maybe I should’ve invented more powerful bug spray than those weak ass excuse of a bug spray you ponies made.” I said.


During my flashback Twilight showed up and kicked me out, but Spike is grateful for my assistance. I then walked to my house that I bought, it was at the edge of town. It was difficult buying one as Mayor Mare was being difficult but with the help of AJ I manage to buy one, it was ran down but with the assistance of AJ, Rarity and Pinkie we manage to renovate it to my style. I got home, take off my jacket, go upstairs to my bedroom and went to bed.

I almost forgotten about that human, there's so many things that don't make sense. I just hope he can answer them when he wakes up.

Comments ( 12 )

The Ending verse is convergin in this one nice

“Yeah and I don't care, you’re Raining Trash because when you speak, garbage comes out of your mouth.” I replied back as I tried to walk away.

Oh my god. That’s so good.

“I heard you found another ape like you here, now we got to deal with two hairless monsters here and I, Rainbow Dash will stop you monsters and dump both of you into the Everfree where you both belong.” she proudly said.

Stop them from doing what?

“Doing Ponyville a favour, this monkey doesn’t belong here, we don’t want him here!”


Element of loyalty? Yeah loyal to your fucking big ego of yours.

That’s pretty interesting. It would be cool if the elements weren’t just limited to their friends.

I'm surprised Applejack hasn't called Fluttershy out on her hypocritical treatment of Jason.

Or rainbow...

...or twilight, definitely twilight cause no way she is this goddamn stubborn over a race she saw once

Talk about ungrateful considering he was fighting for them but especially aj and she kicks him out for what.

It honestly needs to happen more often.

Now this is intriguing. One timeline meets another. I'm excited to see where this will go. :moustache:

i probably should've actually said something in my comment lol
Jason should tell someone about it, and confront the Mane 6 about it, they shouldn't be able to just get away with it. Letting Trixie just live without anybody knowing about her pain will likely eat away at her already destroyed mental state and could possibly lead to something rash.

This would continue or will get abandoned?

I planned on completely changing the entire story under the same name. The original plot and story will be changed to an entirely new one as I don't know what to do with this one.

I can't say much but what I will reveal is that it will be more adventure than slice of life. And no its not a gonna be Jason Wright revenge story. Alternate Outcomes

I hope you keep the concept of 2 Jason's, one optimistic and the other suicidal

The story is different from the usual Jason Wright story. There is still the concept of two Jason Wrights. The closest comparison to the new story is an episode of MLP: FIM, not telling you.

I am more than satisfied with what you told me, thanks friend

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