• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 2,223 Views, 16 Comments

Hostage Situation - EndlessPossibilities58

You had many things planned today, getting kidnapped by Rainbow Dash and Applejack was not one of them.

  • ...

You did WHAT!!!

You groaned, a dull throbbing in the back of your head as you came to. You tried to reach a hand back and nurse your sore, but couldn't when you quickly discovered your wrists were bound together. In a panic, you realized that you were trapped, finding yourself tied up and stashed in some dark space.

You felt your heart rate elevate, your breathing intensifying as fear overcame you.

"Help! Somebody help!" You cried, struggling against your bindings as you tried to escape. You pushed against your confines, feeling the walls of your enclosure to be soft like fabric, leading you to conclude you had been tossed in some kind of sack.

Your suspicions were confirmed when you felt something outside the sack jab you in the ribs, causing you to double over in pain.

"Quiet down in there ya varmint," said a voice with a southern accent, a voice that sounded oddly familiar for some reason.

"Let me go!" You demand, shaking the sack as you struggled against its embrace. However, the only thing your efforts got you was another painful strike in the ribs.

"Ah'm not gonna tell you again," repeated the voice. "Settle down, or Ah'll stop pulling muh punches."

That gave you pause, both those strikes you'd received had hurt, and if the individual that gave them to you had been holding back... You wisely decided that it would be a good idea to comply.

After a moment, you felt the word around you start to move as your captor started dragging the sack behind them. You had no idea where they were taking you, or what they had in store for you. All you knew, was that you were at their mercy, powerless to do anything.

You look at the fabric around you, noting how no light can seep through. How did this happen? Thinking back, you try to remember where you were before this, what you were doing. You recall that you were in your home, and you had a full day planned: you were going to catch a movie, hang out with some friends, stop by the library to return a book, and maybe grab a bite to eat. That sounds like a pretty mundane day for you, so how could it have turned out like this?

You think some more, trying to understand how you ended up here. You had just left your house, heading towards your car to begin your day. You remember how you had just been about to open the driver-side door when all of a sudden you heard a sound off in the bushes. You went to investigate, leaving your vehicle as you searched for what made the noise. You didn't see anything, so you were just about to shrug it off and continue, when all of a sudden something struck you in the back of the head, making everything go dark.

You were brought out of your musings when you felt the sack stop moving.

"Now just what do ya think yer doing?" You heard the voice from before say.

A new speaker cut through the air, announcing their presence with a raspy voice. "Just give me a moment to rest, this guy is heavy." Again, this person sounded familiar as well, as if you had met them before somewhere. Did you know these people? Was this maybe some kind of initiation or something?

You heard the first speaker sigh. "Okay, we'll take a moment to rest, then we'll get back on our way. We don't wanna leave Twilight waiting too long."

You took pause at the speaker's use of the word Twilight. Your eyes widen in realization as you suddenly remember where you've heard those two voices before. However, you quickly shake your head at the thought. No, that's absurd, they're cartoon characters. But as much as you tried to deny it, you kept coming back to the same conclusion.

Did you seriously just get kidnapped... by Rainbow Dash and Applejack?

Before long you're back on your way, your captors supposedly taking you to Twilight. You hear the sound of them opening a door and dragging you through before you come to another, potentially final stop.

"Alright, you go get Twilight and tell her we're here," said the voice you now identify as Applejack. "Ah'll stay here with this varmint."

"Got it," said Rainbow Dash, the sound of flapping wings indicating she took off.

"He's right over here, Twilight," you heard a few minutes later when Rainbow came back. "We kidnapped and stuffed him in a sack for ya."

"I'm relieved to hear that," Twilight replied. "I knew I could count on...." The air grew silent as Twilight stopped talking, dragging on for several seconds. Then, like a thunderclap, the world around you exploded.

"... YOU DID WHAT!!!"

"We kidnapped and stuffed him in a sack, just like-" Rainbow tried to repeat, before getting cut off by Twilight.

"Let him go! Let him go right now!"

The next thing you knew, your whole world turned upside down as you were dumped out of the sack.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry!" You look up to find Twilight rushing to your aid. "I swear, I had no idea they would do anything like this!"

"What are you talking about, we did exactly what you asked," said Rainbow. "You wanted us to get you a volunteer, and that's what we did," Rainbow made quotation marks with her wing fingers around the word 'volunteer'.

Twilight looked ready to blow a gasket. "I didn't want a "volunteer", I wanted a volunteer," she mirrored Rainbow. "Volunteer as in, I didn't want you to kidnap anybody!"

At Twilight's words, a look of realization finally dawned on the pair.

"I think you owe someone an apology," Twilight said, a stern look on her face.

Slowly, Rainbow Dash and Applejack turn toward you, remorseful looks on their faces. Applejack gulped nervously, while Rainbow sheepishly rubbed a foreleg.

"Heh, sorry about that," said the pair.

Comments ( 16 )

Damn. What rough day to had.

... What is it with Rainbow Dash and kidnapping other creatures? This is nowhere the first story she did that. It's usually with Pinkie, and they're kidnapping Twilight.

Cute. Short and sweet.

Why is there just a random tag?

A thousand words isn't really enough in my opinion but still great short

Great story wish there was more

I will actually freaking sue them to court. "Bearers of the elements", my a**!


Hitting someone's head hard enough for them to pass out is not harmless like most movies portray it as. He needs a doctor to do a check up on his injuries and a lawyer to sue the hell out of the bearers.

Do you think it should be tagged as comedy as well?

*insert SpongeBob “YOU WHAT?” meme here*

I think that they might qualify for disability benefits, lmao

yeah lmao y'know what causes you to pass out? Brain damage

"Quiet down in there ya varmint," said a voice with a southern accent, a voice that sounded oddly familiar for some reason.

aww well, being kidnapped into a sack is okay when it’s Applejack doing it!

That sounds like a pretty mundane day for you, so how could it have turned out like this?

that does indeed sound like a very generic day

Did you seriously just get kidnapped... by Rainbow Dash and Applejack?

hell yeah!

Rainbow made quotation marks with her wing fingers around the word 'volunteer'.

aww love the many ways ponies can do the quotation mark with fingers thing

"Heh, sorry about that," said the pair.

classic AppleDash idiocy, causing Twilight all sorts of stress and trouble. and we never find out what Twilight’s plans for the “You” is, i wonder what they could be?  thank you for writing!

Spending most of the word count building up a mystery doesn’t work when you give the solution in the long description, the short description, and the character tags. Having the one bit you didn’t reveal lead to a shaggy dog story doesn’t do you any favors either. Sorry, but this one just didn’t work for me.

Now in character!
EHEM! *clears his Throat*

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