• Published 16th Jun 2023
  • 304 Views, 8 Comments

Drummer Out of Time - MrPip42

The day to day life of your average rockstar drummer. The only catch? He‘s 100 years in the past. How does a musician find his way back home? More importantly, will his actions in the past change the future for the better, or for worse?

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6 - Befriending a Drummer

Luna had been closely monitoring the dreams of the stallion High Rise, just as her sister had requested. She felt dirty, like she was breaking a vow she had made to herself. The princess of the night only hoped that this would have proved worth this growing regret.

The past week had proven to be fruitless toward that endeavor. While High Rise continued to have strange memories for his dreams, the colt never thought about “Princess Twilight Sparkle” directly. All that Luna could get were vague mentions that insinuated her. Which wasn’t enough to go off of.

What his dreams did paint about him was nothing better. A former drummer to a band rising in popularity. High Rise was an energetic and loving friend to each of them. Using any opportunity to boost them up. While he wrote many of the songs his band performed, he would often cut his own credit short to give credit to his friends. They were his everything, his entire life was invested into them.

Then they fell apart. Luna had surmised that the reason his memories were perceived as nightmares was because of the grief he felt. Almost every one of his dreams centered upon them, and losing them in his life was like the death of his family. The princess saw how this loss tore his soul apart, but no matter what, he put on a smile for others. He reminded Luna much of the Element of Laughter. Not in the manic party sense, but the need to put other’s happiness above their own.

He couldn’t hide it in the realm of his own mind, however. That meant that Luna could see the pain, the loneliness, and the struggle to keep moving forward. Feelings that she was acutely aware of herself. She felt for this soul, but could do nothing for him. A different, strange force prevented her from interfering with these dreams. She could only be an unwanted intruder in his mind, or she could force the dream to end. She had no power to influence them, only to observe.

Today’s dream, however, was different.

High Rise’s townhouse in Canterlot had become quite the mess. Dishes towered up in the sink, rags and miscellaneous items scattered on the ground. Dust building up on countertops and furniture. One would think this house was abandoned, if it wasn’t for the loud drum routine being played in the back room.

It was a harsh, slow, and messy performance of one of his band’s older songs. One of the first they performed together. There were no accompanying instruments, just the routine of the drums. His goggles were tight around his eyes, as they always were when he played. A homage to his father, a former Stormclouds drummer. The source of another pain that he played his heart out for.

“Midnight in Neighpleton?” A mare’s voice called from the door, cutting off High Rise’s routine. His sticks hit the floor when he saw who it was. Rushing to embrace her in a tight hug. She returned it just as tightly. They both needed a hug badly.

When High Rise let go, he was all smiles. She knew he was forcing it. “Yeah, I thought I'd play a classic.”

“It was pretty good.” She replied. “How are you doing, about all that, I mean.”

“Oh, I'm all good.” He lied, she knew that too. “Honestly, it’s not all that bad right now. My mom came to town, she’s staying nearby and we’re talking.”

“…That’s good.”

“How about you?”

She sighed, unlike High Rise, she did little to hide her emotions. The frustration she wore was clear as day. “Not good, we still have no sign of Discord. Ever since that day, there hasn’t been a single sighting of him. I’m scared about what will happen if we don’t.”

High Rise kept a hoof around his friend’s shoulders. “I know, you’re not in an easy position.”

“But am I the right pony for this?” She asked, pleading eyes looking up at him. “I’m supposed to be the one to solve this. Princess Cadance has placed it on me and me alone, I can’t fail, but what if she chose wrong? What if I can’t fix it?”

“Hey, stop that.” High Rise replied in a stern tone, squeezing the mare against her. “You are the personal student of the Princess of Friendship. Out of all the ponies in the entirety of Equestria, she chose you.”

“But she isn’t here! How do I know that I am making the right choices?”

“….” He wanted to say she was, but who was he to say that? He had no idea if what his friend had been working on would be successful.

“You don’t, Crescent. You won’t know, you have to believe that what you are doing is right. And hey, if you don’t fully believe it, know that I believe it. With every bit of my heart.”

Crescent smiled, it wasn’t a full smile, but it was real. Unlike High Rise’s. “Thanks, High Rise.”

“Hey, you know I'm the best friend a pony could ask for.”

“Yes, yes you are, you cocky colt.”

He flashed his teeth and Crescent giggled.

“High Rise? I want you to be there when I do the spell. Will you be by my side when I do it?”

“Do you even have to ask?”

The two friends held on tight to each other. Neither wanting to let go. “Good, and after this is all over, we’re gonna help you find some happiness too.”

He didn’t believe it then, and he still doesn’t believe it now.

Princess Luna awoke from the dream with a gasp. Quickly grabbing a quill and parchment before the memory of the dream escaped her. She had to write down every detail. From the mention of Discord, to Cadance, to the confirmation of a missing Twilight Sparkle. This dream was filled with new information, but the more she wrote it out, the more she was left with questions. Why was Discord loose? Why would Cadance be in command? Why is Twilight Sparkle missing in the first place?

The largest question in her mind, however, was when did these memories happen?

It took several hours to properly explain to Time Turner what had happened in the bedroom. His first thoughts on the matter made Fluttershy so flustered she fled the scene of the crime immediately. Eventually, the two brown stallions were on the same page. Even if it took awhile to get there.

High Rise still didn’t feel comfortable being around the Elements, but he promised a meal with Fluttershy, and if it made her happy to do something for him. Then he might as well play along. Dr. Hooves warned him that it sounded like he was being asked out on a date. High Rise highly doubted it, but just in the very slim possibility that he was asked out, he would turn her down politely. He especially doubted that a pony like Fluttershy would be persistent.

Persistent was a word he’d use for another thing in his life lately as well. His time asleep has given him some odd dreams. The contents of the dreams were pretty normal for him, he saw dreams like them everyday. What felt different, however, was the feeling of being watched while he was in the dream. It was a feeling that persisted even when he woke up, and most of the morning was spent looking over his shoulder until the feeling faded.

The night after the Fluttershy incident was no different. The sudden need to check behind him caught him, and this time the doctor noticed.

“You’re doing it again.” Dr. Hooves said as they ate breakfast. “Is something bothering you?”

“…I dunno, I think it may be nothing, but it doesn’t feel like nothing.”

“Could it perhaps have something to do with yesterday?”

“I thought we were already over that.” High Rise groaned to the doctor’s amusement.

“We are, I am assuming you will not be bringing any more mares to my guest room anyways.”


“I do, however, have to stress that you must clear up any misunderstandings with Miss Fluttershy. Casual interactions with ponies of the past is one thing, dating them would be-“

“I know, I know, Doc… How has it been going on your end, by the way?”

“‘My work on your method to return home?”


Time Turner’s ears perked up. “Well I have begun to work on a new idea based on temporal retrieval. Instead of trying to bring you towards the desired time, we will bring the desired time to you!”

His excited description of his new theoretical method began to use words that High Rise, try as he might, couldn’t understand. The poor stallion tried his best to keep up as Time Turner began discussing quantum mechanics and the feeling of time passing… His eyes soon glazed over.

“-and I believe I can make a test version of the device soon. It will only take perhaps two or three more nights of calculations.”

“…wait, wait, Doc.” High Rise snapped back to attention. “Have you been sleeping at all?”

“Yes, of course I have slept.”

“How much?”

Time Turner refused to answer.


“It’s perfectly alright, High Rise!” He waved him off. “I’ve had plenty of caffeine to offset the difference, and I am quite enjoying the experience!”

“Caffeine and enthusiasm doesn’t replace sleep!” How is this pony awake?! He had to have slept only a few hours over an entire week. A sudden pileup of guilt built up inside of High Rise,

“I can’t let you work today, Doc. You’re taking a break.”

“High Rise.” The stern voice of the older stallion spoke up. “It is imperative that we find a way to take you back home, and as you are otherwise unable to assist in the research and development, no offense-“

“None taken”

“-, it falls on me to find a way. The research I have done so far has proven to be greatly fulfilling, and has been far more enjoyable than any other project I have done!”

“And if you don’t learn to do it in moderation you’ll drop to the floor before you find the answer!”

“…I can concede that point, but I am on my fourth cup of espresso and will likely not run out of energy for most of the day.”

“Are you kiddin-“ High Rise checked the kitchen sink, there were a lot of used cups. “…You’re not kidding, alright, fine. You’re coming with me today.”

“With all due respect, I believe that continuing the project will bring me more joy than any activity you wish to have me participate in.”


The floodgates have been opened. A slow grin rose on the drummer’s face. An evil glow had taken form in his eyes. A new form of High Rise has been unlocked. Party Rise.

“Wanna bet?”

“You did what?” Rarity said towards her shy friend. The pegasus had visited her early in the morning, right after Rarity had returned from a little adventure about Spike wanting to be a “real dragon”. Not that she ever believed he wasn’t anything other than the most cutest, snuggly wuggly dragon ever.

“Well, I first ran into him, and because I accidentally hurt his leg, I helped him back home… b-but I stayed too long and the migration started, and, um…”

“You jumped in bed with him?”


“…Fluttershy, I must say, you are far more forward in your advances than I would have thought.”

“No, that’s not it!”

An embarrassed Fluttershy buried herself in a nearby dress that was scattered in the Carousel Boutique. Rarity’s store wasn’t open yet, thankfully, so nopony but her saw this display. “I didn’t mean anything by it, and he understood that, but Time Turner walked in and got the wrong idea. I don’t know what to do to fix this…”

“And you came to me as soon as I got home from a long and arduous journey to ask for advice?”


“Then you’ve come to the right place!” Rarity giggled and pulled the hiding mare away from her merchandise. Coming to a seat next to Fluttershy. “I don’t believe you have anything to worry about in regards to High Rise, darling.”

“Why do you think that?”

“High Rise is into colts, Fluttershy, not mares. He told me about that himself at the welcome party. I doubt he sees your dinner off as anything more than that, dinner.”

“Oh!…. Ooooh… Oh?” Fluttershy’s head tilted. “Does that mean that he and Time Turner are, um, together?”

“…That is a good question, I don’t know.” A hoof tapped her chin as she pondered the idea. “High Rise was open about it, so I see no reason why they would not have mentioned it already. Perhaps Time Turner does not like to broadcast it? No, Rarity, that is too gossipy. Ignore me, Fluttershy.”

Rarity waved herself off. “If you really must feel like making it clear. The best option would be to tell him outright. Make it clear and then there will be no more misconceptions.”

“That… makes sense.” Fluttershy nodded. “But, maybe not right now, maybe later…”

“That’s perfectly fine, darling. In fact, why don’t we help you relax before you go? A spa trip sounds like the perfect thing after that little escapade watching over Spike.”

“A spa trip does sound very nice.”

“It’s decided then! Come along Fluttershy, the boutique can open in the afternoon today.”

The spa in Ponyville was truly the most sublime place anypony could go to relax in. The full treatment by Lotus and Aloe was a body melting experience, and it had left both Rarity and Fluttershy walking on air after their visit. The fur on the mares gave off a brilliant sheen. Their manes were perfectly groomed and incredibly soft to the touch. Sunlight reflected off of their polished hooves. While both of them had the smiles of ponies who had just felt pure bliss.

“I do not know what they changed with the mud bath, but whatever it was is simply marvelous!”

“Yes, I agree. It was very relaxing. Thank you for taking me with you, Rarity.”

“Of course, Fluttershy. A spa trip is always better with a good friend alongside you.”

The two mares exchanged warm smiles. The pure beauty of those grins blinding the eyes of nearby ponies. A stallion walking by fainted merely from glancing towards the two. Neither of them noticed him. “Well dear, now that you look simply gorgeous, I suppose it’s time to tell a colt you weren’t interested in him?”

“Oh. Oh yes, yes it is…” Fluttershy was visibly getting cold hooves, and Rarity was quick to act.

“Darling, don’t overthink it.” She said, placing a hoof underneath Fluttershy’s falling chin. “It will be okay, in fact, I am sure that High Rise will have no problems at all accepting it.”

“Okay… Okay!” Fluttershy held her head up, and Rarity clapped her hooves in joy. She built up the confidence to get this done, all she had to do was find High Rise and explai-

“No, NO! I want to sing another Brown Saddle Band song!”

“You have had FAR too much cider for 2:30 in the afternoon, Doc! You’re going to bed!”

Fluttershy and Rarity stared off at the pair of brown stallions walking by them. The first was the tall High Rise, struggling to keep his hooves standing up as he walked. The second was a red faced Time Turner, laid out on High Rise’s back while he whined.

“I admit it! I had a ton of fun, you won the bet, now let me sing another!”

“Karaoke was just to loosen you up, not waste you! We didn’t even get to the best parts!”

High Rise continued to struggle with carrying the buzzed Stallion. Despite being an earth pony, the drummer was not what you would call…strong, there was no other way to put it. He was pretty weak, like a tall limp noodle. Dr. Hooves may have been shorter than him, but he made up for it by having actual meat on his bones. This wasn’t helped by the fact that he was constantly wiggling around on his back.

“…Well, there he is.” Rarity said while she turned on a dime. “I’m sure things will be just fine. I’ve got to go back and open the boutique. See you later Fluttershy!”

“W-Wait!” She called out weakly to her fashion forward friend, but she was already off. There was no way around it, then. Fluttershy just had to approach and clarify things. It shouldn’t take more than a minute, and High Rise seemed preoccupied enough with… whatever happened to Time Turner that it shouldn’t be much of a conversation anyways. He was struggling to keep up the weight of the pony alone.

He was trying to carry an entire pony on his back when he had just sprained his fetlock yesterday!

It was no surprise that Fluttershy watched High Rise fall flat on the ground a few moments later.

There they were, back in Time Turner’s house. Only this time it wasn’t High Rise in the bed. After he and Fluttershy had worked together to get the drunk stallion into the house, he had fallen asleep the moment his body touched the couch. This led to one more carry to the bed. Only after all of that could High Rise finally settle down on the couch himself, wincing at the feeling of his hind leg.

“You should know better than to be carrying around entire ponies on your back.” Fluttershy talked to High Rise in the tone of a mother berating a child. Not that he didn’t deserve it.

“I wasn’t planning to! He just… really liked the cider at the karaoke place.”

Flashbacks went through his mind of his noon adventure with Dr. Hooves. He was at first pensive to the idea of having fun singing songs in an enclosed room. That was until High Rise had found Time Turner’s favorite genre, country music. His first song finally got him into the mood, and High Rise ordered a glass each of hard cider to help relax them for the rest of the day.

He was not expecting Time Turner to order four more glasses.

“…At least it finally got him to sleep?”

Fluttershy was already getting an ice pack ready for High Rise. His leg wasn’t too bad before all the carrying, but now? The joint had no problems with letting him know how angry it was for all that hard labor. In other words, he was in a lot of pain.

“Was he having a hard time sleeping?” Fluttershy asked. She hoofed over the ice pack to High Rise this time, instead of pressing it on herself.

“Yeah, he’s been overworking himself like crazy. A whole week and only a few hours of sleep! I don’t think he’s getting up from that bed until tomorrow.”

“What kind of project made him do that?”

“…Uuuh. A secret one.”

Sometimes, you just don’t know how to respond to something. So you say the first thing that comes to your mind, regardless of its quality. This is one of those moments. Thankfully, High Rise was a little bit of an improviser. Or just a good liar, one of those is better than the other. So High Rise will think of himself as an improviser instead. “A secret one?”

“…eh, Yeah, he won’t even tell me what it is. Supposed to be a big surprise when he finishes it!”

“Really? What do you think it is?”

“I dunno, but knowing Time Turner, it’s probably gonna be a really fancy clock.”

Thankfully, that is where the questions ended. A few nods and “that makes sense”’s from Fluttershy ended the conversation, and the two sat in silence. It was the normally scheduled moment of awkwardness that always came with being around Fluttershy. When she wasn’t 100% comfortable around you, she would just stand there, pawing at the ground. Waiting for her moment to leave. High Rise was giving her plenty of time to leave. Yet she wouldn’t even move an inch towards the door. Finally, the stallion thought to interrupt all this.

“You look like you want to say something, but aren’t entirely sure if you’re comfortable saying it. So you’re building up your confidence to go out and say it, only to think about some possible reaction that destroys the confidence you built up and puts you back to square one. Did I get that right?”

Blink. Blink. “Why, yes, yes you did.”

It brought him an odd amount of joy to know that he got it right. “I had an old friend who did that a lot. She was a lot like you, honestly.”

“Oh… I don’t know if I want to be remembered for being awkward.”

“No, for being adorable while you work up the courage to do something.” High Rise grinned, ignoring the bright red that Fluttershy’s face had turned into. “She would puff out her cheeks like a chipmunk and let out a big huff from her nose to work herself up. It was the cutest thing you could ever see. You look a lot like her when you do that.”

Fluttershy had become a tomato at this point, and even she had her limits.

“I-I need to clarify something!” Fluttershy cried out. Startling High Rise and making him drop his ice pack.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell… I mean, um.” Fluttershy let out a deep breath. “When I asked you to um… have dinner with me. I want you to know that I didn’t mean that in a, um…”

“Romantic way?”

“Yes, romantic way.”


Can you guess what came next?

Blink. Blink.

“You already… knew that.”


“Then why do you keep saying those… confusing things?” Fluttershy asked. The exasperation in her voice was surprising to High Rise.

“What confusing things?”

“You keep saying things that sound like, um, like you mean them in a different way…”

It was High Rise’s turn to Blink Blink. “What?! Never! I would never say something to confuse a pony like that.”

“Then all of the compliments?”

“They were genuine and platonic! I just like complimenting ponies.”

“Oooh… Oh dear. Rarity was right.” Fluttershy’s ears splayed back, and she visibly curled in on herself. This pitiful display sent daggers into High Rise’s heart. He leaned forward and rested a hoof atop Fluttershy’s head, gently giving out reassuring pats.”

“It’s alright, Fluttershy,” High Rise said, “Time Turner said something similar to me too, that you may have believed I was interested in you. I’m glad we clarified things.”

The smile he gave was genuine, and did wonders to ease the tension. Fluttershy relaxed and allowed herself to breathe to the rhythm of his head pats.

“Did you still want to have dinner?” High Rise asked after Fluttershy was calm. “Because I have an idea if you’d like.”

“Yes! I mean, I would still like to make it up to you, so yes. I would. In a completely platonic way, not romantic.”

He chuckled and flashed a toothy grin. “Perfect, let’s get started!”

The next few hours were spent not dining out in Ponyville, but with cooking and conversation inside Time Turner’s home. The duo raided the fridge and created every meal they could think of from it. Fluttershy was apprehensive at first about taking all of this food without permission, but High Rise promised to restock it, and any leftovers would be great for the hungover Time Turner is about to have.

That was enough for Fluttershy to relax and enjoy their afternoon cooking. High Rise had a thought that she may be more uncomfortable trying to eat dinner out in a public restaurant, given her shyness. So a fun, indoor meal would be perfect for the dinner they promised! She was still technically “treating” him since she made yalf of the food.

It did help that she was an incredible cook, and took the lead in whatever meals they made. High Rise didn’t consider himself bad at cooking, but when he ate what she made? It was on an entirely different level.

Once a full buffet had been laid out on the table, the two spent the rest of their time together with pleasant conversations. This was when he got to learn a lot more about her than before. Once he had asked about the animals she tended to, the floodgates had been opened. Story after story was shared with High Rise about all of the different creatures she has had the pleasure of caring for. From small birds to rabbits to raccoons to bears.

Fluttershy also told him about some of the other creatures she had the chance to meet. Such as a Manticore, a Sea Serpent, or a fully grown dragon.

“Wait, I thought you were terrified of dragons?” He asked her when she mentioned it.

“Oh yes, I am very afraid of dragons… as you would know,” She replied sheepishly.

“And you just… scolded a fully grown dragon anyways?”

“He was being mean to my friends! Somepony had to tell him to be better.”

“And the manticore?”

“He was in pain! He didn’t mean to be so angry, he just needed help.”

“And the cockatrice?”

“That was, um, nothing special.”

“You stared down a creature that turns other creatures into stone with a single gaze, and won.”

The flustered Fluttershy hid herself away, but he could still see a smile peek out from behind her pink shield. A smile crept up on High Rise’s face too. “You really are an amazing pony, Fluttershy, it’s no wonder you could befriend somepony like Discord.”

There was no record player in the vicinity, but if you were there, you could still hear that sccrriiitch of the record coming to a halt. Fluttershy forgot about the meal in front of her. Staring wide eyed at an oblivious High Rise. He only noticed the stare he was being given a few moments later. Only then, did he realize the massive screw up he just committed.

“Befriend Discord?” Fluttershy asked, “What do you mean, High Rise?”

He nearly choked on the food he was chewing on. High Rise had to pump his chest to help get it down. There have been slip ups in the few weeks he’s been in the past, but what he just said was by far and away the worst one he’s done yet. He could only hope that his improvisation(lies) would do the trick!

“W-Well, I meant, you know. In our last conversation, we mentioned…”

Improvisation failed, his gears came to a halt. Any ideas on how to get out of explaining this were lost in the haze of his panic. What do you do when you just revealed somepony’s future? He desperately hoped she wouldn’t read into it, but the bug eye look he was being given said otherwise. High Rise had hit a nerve.

“W-We talked about me helping him if he was injured… Being his friend, I…” Fluttershy felt conflicted. On one end, the anger from her memories of Discord were being brought to boil. High Rise didn’t mean to make her angry, but it came to her regardless of his intention. On the other end… her mind began to truly wonder what it would be like to have Discord as a friend?

“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. My bad, man this one is delicious! What spice did you use?”


Now he’s really done it. Her eyes fell to the table, mane drooping to the side. Fluttershy’s ears couldn’t decide whether they should be pressed against her head or perked up.

“You know what’d be great with this one? A little parmesan, it would really bring out the flavor!”


“W-What about Angel? Your pet bunny? I’d love to hear more about them!”


There was no escaping this situation. High Rise had screwed the pooch on this one. Fluttershy was so lost in her own mind that no changing of the subject would catch her attention. This was why he was supposed to avoid these girls. Any one thing he could say could irreversibly alter their future. He could only guess the damage he had just done.

“Fluttershy.” High Rise took away his energetic, panicked tone. Replacing it with a stern voice that he hoped would grab Fluttershy’s attention. It thankfully succeeded, and her eyes looked up at him.

“I’m sorry.” He placed down his utensils and focused entirely on her. His ears were down, and his eyes gave away his regret for what he had done. “That was a weird thing to say, and I didn’t mean anything by it. Could we… forget about it? I won’t bring up Discord again.”

There wasn’t a response immediately. Only a concerned gaze that stared straight through High Rise. Each second that passed made his heart race faster, sweat beaded on his brow. This was his only chance to salvage it, to pass it off as nothing and move on. Fluttershy, however, was not willing to do so.

“You brought it up for a reason, High Rise,” She said with a levelheaded tone that felt uncharacteristic for the timid Fluttershy. “I don’t know what the reason is… but no, I don’t think I could ever be friends with somepony like Discord. It just isn’t-“

“That’s a lie.”

High Rise snapped back at her before she could even finish her sentence. Something inside of him had finally broken. He had derailed history too much, and in a passion fueled outburst, he would try and set things straight. To tell her the truth before she fell down this path any further.


“You would become friends with Discord,” He began, his words flowing out of his mind before he had time to process them himself. “And not because you’re the element of kindness, or felt it was your duty to. You would become his friend because you see the best in everypony. Your kindness and compassion could reach anypony, even a being of pure chaos. The Fluttershy I see before me found it in her heart to help a Manticore that endangered her friends. The Fluttershy sitting in that chair could stand before a dragon and set him straight. That’s just what’s happened so far!”

“I don’t believe for a second that your kindness would end because of a bad history with them. Fear and anger hasn’t stopped you before from showing love to others. I know for a fact that you will be known for the compassion you share for anypony. You already are!”

His sudden outburst was met with stunned silence. Only after this continued for several minutes did High Rise settle into what he had done. This was far worse than the insinuation he had made before. He outright told Fluttershy that she would become the friend of Draconequus Discord. It was entirely true, but he was far out of line to say that.

“…That was rude of me, i’m sorry, I-“

A hoof came up to stop him from continuing. He couldn’t read the expression that Fluttershy had. A mixture of emotions were laid out on her face that left him wondering how she was reacting. The panic was settling in, and he could feel his injured hind leg start tapping against the ground. What was she going to say??

“You’re right.”

The tapping stopped. “Wait, really?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy nodded her head, the expression she had finally made sense to him. It was a determined gaze that took over her previous confusion. “I would never want to take away any creature's chance to feel compassion. Everypony deserves that, even somepony like… like Discord.”

“I don’t think that he will ever return, but if he did, I would want to give him a chance to become a better Discord. You are absolutely right.”

There has never been a more relieved sigh in history. High Rise visibly relaxed, crisis averted. He felt bad about not letting her fix these conflicted feelings herself, but as long as the future wasn’t changed. It would be alright…

“High Rise?” Fluttershy asked, “Did it mean a lot to you for me to believe that?”

Tap Tap Tap.

“It, uh…” How exactly was he to explain his odd interest in this subject? They have known each other for the whole of two days, with only small meetings before that. He asked her about Discord on the very first day they ever interacted, and then did this on the second. “I mean, I just think that you-“

“It’s okay, I think I understand,” Fluttershy replied before High Rise could create a coherent answer.

“You do?”

“Yes,” She said with a new smile gracing her features. “You remind me a lot of Pinkie Pie, but instead of making everypony smile, you make them see the best parts of themselves.”

…Well that was a better answer than what he could have made up. Not that it stopped him from growing sheepish at that compliment.

“If you don’t mind, High Rise, um. Would you like to do this again sometime?” Fluttershy said, “It would be nice to have you come by the cottage to meet my animal friends, and we could make food for all of us to share.”

The sensible part of his brain was telling him to stop here. He had already risked a lot today, and no doubt could risk a lot more by accepting her offer. She was still an element, and he was supposed to avoid the elements!

But sometimes you just want to have fun.

“Sure, that sounds like a blast.” High Rise replied with a big grin.

The two then turned towards the stairs, where a set of hooves climbed down them. Time Turner, groggy and head held low, looked at his dining room table and went slack jawed.

“…Is that all my food?”

Several weeks have passed since the dragon migration, and a brand new event had come and gone through Ponyville. Cloudsdale had designated the Ponyville reservoir as the latest water supply for their cloud production. The pegasi of Ponyville worked tirelessly to produce a tornado powerful enough to send the water towards the sky-high city. They had almost failed to reach the wing power necessary to create a strong enough tornado.

Until Fluttershy joined in, and with her wing power added in, they were able to succeed in bringing all the water up that Cloudsdale needed. The pegasi of Ponyville cheered for Fluttershy, the savior of the day. She was paraded through the streets, chanting “Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can really fly!

When the evening came and the pegasi planned a party for the night, however. The star of the day had declined to take part. She thanked them for everything, but had other plans for the night. Twilight Sparkle, who had helped with measuring wing power for the tornado team, approached Fluttershy after she declined to join the party.

“Are you sure you want to go, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, “You’d have a really good time, Pinkie’s coming to help set it up.”

“Yes, I already had plans, and I'd hate to keep him waiting.”

Twilight had to process that information for a moment. “…Him?”

“My friend High Rise, we’re going to cook a special porridge for the animals tonight.” A big smile came across Fluttershy’s face. “He was really worried about how I was handling this tornado situation. It’ll be nice to tell him the good news.”

“High Rise? Friends? You’re good friends with High Rise?” Twilight had not thought about the odd newcomer to Ponyville for several weeks now. Mainly to keep her promise to Spike about not overthinking things. Even if the circumstances around him were still peculiar.

“Oh yes, we’ve gotten together to cook for all the animals once a week. He’s especially fond of the songbirds.”

“I see, and how many weeks has it been?”

“Um, three, I think.”

All the questions she had before were starting to resurface, and if Twilight hadn’t calmed herself, she would have sent a barrage of them at Fluttershy. One of her friends had gotten close to him, which meant she could find out more about him from her!… But she held herself back. Twilight didn’t want to use her friend like that.

“Well that’s great! I hope you have a good time, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled and headed off to her home. Leaving a conflicted Twilight Sparkle behind. There was something off about High Rise, she knew it in her gut, but it wasn’t right to find out those suspicions through her friend’s new relationship with him. If she wanted to find anything out about what was up with High Rise and Time Turner, she would do it herself.

Author's Note:

If you haven’t noticed, I finally updated my scene breaks to be the proper [/hr] and not - - - -.

I hope everything looks cleaner to read after that!

As always, let me know what you think in the comments.