• Published 16th Jun 2023
  • 304 Views, 8 Comments

Drummer Out of Time - MrPip42

The day to day life of your average rockstar drummer. The only catch? He‘s 100 years in the past. How does a musician find his way back home? More importantly, will his actions in the past change the future for the better, or for worse?

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8 - Drumming With the Crusaders

Breakfast between the two sisters, Celestia and Luna, had changed in the past month and a half. There weren't silly jokes or fun moments between siblings. Munching toast or gossip about weird fantasies. Instead, their only point of discussion nearly every morning was him.

“Have there been any further memories shared of this spell they planned to use?” Princess Celestia asked her sister.

“No, his dreams have circled back to memories of his bandmates. Memories that grow more depressing each night.”

“And does the lunar guard have anything to report?”

“Nothing, he has been, by all accounts, living a normal life in the town of Ponyville.”

The unusual pony who appeared in Ponyville was the topic of focus for the Princesses all throughout this past month. Princess Luna would document the findings she found about him in his dreams, and the sisters would review what was learned the following morning. At first, this effort looked to be wasted on a misguided concern.

Then came a dream that showed, in vivid detail, a pony by the name of Crescent Sun. In most dreams, even memories, the finer details of the world and its inhabitants are lost in the haze of one’s mind. When Luna inhabits the dreams of others, she sees this haze clearly. If one were to dream of a kitchen, the dream would not recreate the contents of the pantry. The same rules apply for ponies. The broader strokes of their features will be shown, but the small details. The scars, the discolorations, the clarity of their cutie marks. All of these would be lost.

In this dream, however, Luna had found that this Crescent Sun was recreated in perfect detail. Her yellow fur had stains from ink, her hooves were chipped and in need of a polish. Her navy blue mane was unkempt and overgrown. Even her silver eyes had small lines of red, to show this mare’s fatigue. These finer details were almost never remembered by a dreamer, and yet, they were here. Perfect, almost real.

When she entered his dream that night, Luna almost thought she had woken up and found herself in a real space with them. If it felt as real as that to an intruder like Luna. She could only wonder what it was like for him. For him, it most likely was like reliving the entire thing.

That dream was the turning point in the sister’s investigation. The details that it provided gave them more than enough reason to delve further into this mystery. A dispatch of lunar guards had been sent to watch over the subject in question, but have so far found nothing out of the ordinary. He stays in the home of a local clockmaker named Time Turner, and is friends with the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy. Nothing about the interactions the lunar guard observed spoke of anything unusual.

The next memory they found, however, proved to be more eye opening than the first. Princess Luna had watched a scene unfold where Princess Cadance, now fully grown into the mature Alicorn form, led the nation of Equestria in the absence of Princess Twilight. Not her or her sister, Twilight Sparkle. Luna was also privy to the thoughts of his mind as he too relived this event in history, and the details provided confirmed the final pieces that the two sisters needed.

The stallion High Rise was a pony from the future. A future where Twilight Sparkle is the ruler of Equestria, and where she has been missing for over a year,

“We still do not understand, even if we were to give the rule of Equestria to Twilight in the future, we should still be around to step in if this happened,” Princess Luna pondered. “Why would we force Niece Cadance to take over the duty?”

“That is unfortunately something we do not know, Luna,” Celestia replied, her face sternly pointed towards the breakfast in front of her. “Among the many other mysteries that surround this potential future, the only way to find the answers is to hope another of his dreams reveals them.”

“Or we choose to approach him directly. We now know he is not of our time, with knowledge he should not possess. He is already aware of Princess Cadance’s future husband, a fact that is only soon to be revealed, and he is aware that they have a daughter some time in the future. Not only that, but he also has memories of the Crystal Empire! Nopony of this time should even think of such a place.”

“We can, but I would like to understand the greater details of this time travel spell that they use. As well as why they did it. I wish to approach this High Rise peacefully, but neither of us, in our entire lives, have ever dealt with a circumstance such as this. We still do not understand why he is here, at this point in time, Luna, or what mission he was sent to accomplish.”

“Then we may learn that by speaking with him! Praying that he will suddenly reveal it in his dreams may take anywhere from a few days to a few years to accomplish. If we wish to understand him, which we do, it will be done better by us speaking to him.”

“But if he is here to harm our little ponies, then revealing that we know of him may cause greater risk, sister. I cannot do that in good conscience!”

“Celestia, please.” Luna’s tone changed from determination to that of desperation. A pleading look filled her eyes. “We have watched the suffering of his mind, we have intruded upon his personal struggles for long enough. This High Rise is not a scheming creature, he is a hurt pony, one that yearns for lost friendships. His emotions are clouded in grief. You and us have enough experience with such grief to understand it.”

“High Rise has also grown more aware of our presence, and I am unable to influence his dreams. If another of those vivid dreams comes to him, we do not know if we will be able to hide ourselves from him. Please, Celestia. Let us end this and approach High Rise directly.”

Celestia listened to her sister’s pleas. It took everything in her to hold her composure. She understood quite clearly what it felt like to lose those you cared most about. It was a pain that never quite went away.

“I am sorry, Luna. I should have understood how much pain I have caused you with these requests…” She got up from her seat and approached the smaller sister. Celestia wrapped her hooves around Luna, pulling her in tight. “I will schedule time for us to visit Ponyville for a meeting. It will take a week at most to get everything ready… Can I ask you to continue, just till then?”

“…” Luna held on to her sister tightly. “Very well, but we shall never do anything like this ever again.”


Project Century, log 53.

Bum-DuhDuhDuh-Bum Bum-DuhDuhDuh-Bum

All avenues of creating a physical time transportation device have been explored, and as previous logs reported, none are viable for further development. My ability to create the technology necessary is lacking, and there is no technology in this current time and age that is able to physically distort time. I have discussed with subject High Rise if any such technology could exist in one hundred years, but even he agreed that no such technology exists even back in his home. The method that sent him back in time was a magic spell, a fact we both knew at the start.

As I look back at these two months, I find myself surprised by how patient High Rise has been with me. Never did he doubt that I would find a way for him to go back home. He even ignored that I have been avoiding a very important clue to his case for several months now.

The subject was sent back in time by magic. We surmised in the very first recording that the most likely solution to this problem would be to break the magic tether, or “anchor” that currently holds him in this timeline. Two months ago, we had already deduced the best course of action.

Yet I, in my excitement, decided to dive back into my own wishes to create a time machine. A wish I have longed to achieve since I was but a young foal. I placed the most obvious solution to High Rise’s conundrum to the side so that I may selfishly reignite my own passion for time travel. Today I wonder to myself why High Rise has chosen not to question any of my decisions. He is not academically gifted, but I know that even he knew that my… attempts at time travel devices were insufficient. The subject of this project has allowed me to waste his time with wild ideas and speculatory experiments.


High Rise has grown comfortable in the two months he has been here. He has developed a close friendship with the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, and recently has become a friend of a group of fillies that call themselves the “Cutie Mark Crusaders”. They recently came by the house with a present for High Rise after he had assisted them with something. If you can hear the drum on this recording, you know now what it is. Though High Rise had to clarify for me that it was a “snare drum”. It has sounded like a marching band in my house since he got it.

He has grown so comfortable, in fact, that he doesn’t often come to me asking for updates. The subject will come check up on me, and invite me out for the day or night, but he does not push for answers on how I have progressed. Maybe he already knows that I have been following a fruitless effort, and doesn’t bother to ask.

I have decided that, as of today, I will no longer continue this selfish wish. Project Century’s goal of researching time travel will be put away. With its primary and only goal being the safe return of High Rise.

To this effort, I will soon be conducting a test to attempt to disconnect the subject from his magical anchor. The next log will detail the results of the test.

If the test proves to be a failure, I will seek out aid from a more experienced user of magic, Twilight Sparkle. If I cannot do what is right and find a way to get him home, then I will make sure to work with somepony who can.


High Rise had to be the happiest pony in Ponyville. Not being able to regularly use your special talent for two whole months was agonizing. He had the time of his life playing the five piece kit they had for the Night-Mare’s performance, but he hadn’t seen a single drum since then! No kits, no snares, no hoof drums, no bongos, nothing! It was like a hole was missing in his life.

Then the trio of fillies he scolded at the tree house came to Time Turner’s door. With a snare drum wrapped in a bow. As well as a pair of drumsticks! They wanted to thank him for setting them on the right path after the Gabby Gums incident. His initial reaction was to turn it down, there was no real reason to get him anything. Why would they want to get a gift for somepony who berated them? But then High Rise saw the drum, and his giddiness took over.

He had that drum inside, tuned, and playing to the theme of a song within minutes. The song he played needed more than a single snare to sound right, but he didn’t care. It sounded right to him, and those fillies got the biggest of hugs for what they had given him.

High Rise didn’t even care that the one who purchased the drum for them was Twilight Sparkle.

Okay, he cared a little, but the joy he felt playing the drums overtook that concern. He had no idea why Twilight would do that for him or the girls. They had no relationship unlike how he was with Fluttershy. He had interacted with and become acquainted with a few other ponies in Ponyville, but nothing greater than surface level. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo, Big Macintosh.

Big Mac…

No, stay on topic. Even though he had been in Ponyville, he had very few relationships that were strong enough to be considered friends. Dr. Hooves, who he decided was his friend after the very first day he helped him. Pinkie Pie, mainly because it was hard not to become friends with Pinkie Pie. The fact High Rise avoided becoming her friend for three days was some form of record in Ponyville. Finally, there was Fluttershy, who he never planned to befriend, but he honestly would never replace it.

That is all to say, among those that he knew, Twilight Sparkle was a footnote. A mare he had interacted with a total of two times. Sure, he knew she would become the most important pony in Equestria soon, but it’s not like he was involved in that.

He certainly isn’t expecting to have her involved with him anytime soon. So he kept playing his new drum all day without a single care in the world.

7 days remaining

“I think that batch is the best received recipe yet,” Fluttershy remarked after she and High Rise had finished handing out breakfast meals to the animals around her cottage.

“The bear almost ate my hoof off…” High Rise stared at his saliva covered hoof.

“Oh he didn’t mean to hurt you, he just gets very excited.”

“Well, I expect a full hoof-written apology.”

“I don’t think that’s something Mister Bear can do.”

“Apologetic bear noises will do then.”


Both High Rise and Fluttershy look towards the door to her cottage. A group of shadows stood behind the doorway, with both big and small silhouettes merging together. It was difficult to make out who exactly was behind the door, but it was multiple ponies at the very least.

“One moment,” Fluttershy said to him as she exited the kitchen they were in, and opened the door. High Rise couldn’t hear the conversation she had, between the muffling from the walls and the running water he used to clean off his hoof.

“High Rise?” Fluttershy called out after he finished drying his hoof off. “Rarity and Applejack are looking for you.”

Rarity and Applejack? High Rise thought to himself. What do those two need from me?

“Coming!” He called back, and approached the door. There he saw Rarity, and surprisingly, the trio Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Then finally, rounding out this ground was an orange furred mare with a blonde mane loosely tied together. A stetson hat sat on the top of her head, and freckles sat upon her cheeks. The Element of Honesty, Applejack.

“Hi,” High Rise said with a wave, “Did you girls need me?”

“Hi Mister High Rise!” Sweetie Belle said, followed quickly by a hello and a howdy from Scootaloo and Apple Bloom respectively.

“A pleasure to see you again, High Rise,” Rarity said.

“The pleasure is, once again, all mine. You look as lovely as ever”

“Oh that will not work on me again!” She replied with a giggle, only confusing High Rise. Was it something he said? He didn’t have much time to ponder before Applejack scooped up his hoof in hers.

“Howdy, ah’m Applejack. You’ve met everypony else here but ah still needed to introduce myself, especially after what ya did for Apple Bloom. Ah was almost afraid ah was the last pony in town to meet ya!”

The history books mention that Applejack is strong. What they forgot to mention was how strong. When she took his hoof and shook his own, his entire body moved up and down with it. When she finally let go, High Rise’s brain was too shaken up to make words.

“Dear, I think you shook a little too hard. I also believe you are the last pony in Ponyville to meet High Rise.”

“Wait, really? Did ya meet Snips and Snails?”

High Rise finally regained vocal functions when she asked the question. “…Briefly while passing by the schoolhouse.”


“I liked his sofas, not so much his quills.”


“She delivers the wrong mail to us every week. She gets it right on tuesdays though.”

“Bon Bon and Lyra?”

“Lyra was at the party, Bon Bon got a repeat customer out of me when she let me try her chocolate lollipops.”

“Granny Smith?”

“When she came and dropped your clock off at first.”

“Come on, you can’t have met Zecora yet!”

A moment of silence passed.

“…She was really good at Celestia Says.”

“Well dagnabbit!” Applejack huffed and puffed, while Rarity took over the conversation.

“Greetings aside, we, or should I say, the little ones here were hoping to ask you for a favor.”

Rarity looked down to the three foals at their hooves. “Go ahead girls.”

Please show us how to play instruments!” The trio cried out in unison, startling High Rise.


“We wanna try and get musician cutie marks like you have!” Scootaloo said.

“When we got you that drum as a thank ya, you looked real happy with it. So we want to see if we got somethin’ like that too!”

“So you’re trying to get your cutie marks by doing that?”

“Yeah!” Said Sweetie Belle. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we gotta try all sorts of things to get our cutie marks!”

Pardon? Was that the name of the Cutie Mark Crusaders? High Rise’s brain did a double take of the three foals in front of them. He hadn’t noticed at first, but the three foals were wearing dark red capes, with a poorly stitched patch of a foal on their hind legs with a cape blowing in the wind.

High Rise recognized that patch. In one hundred years, the name of the Cutie Mark Crusaders was widely known in Equestria. In the future, they are a non-profit organization that specializes in helping ponies of all ages find and discover their talents. With services that varied from helping foals try out new things to learn about what interests them, to assisting older ponies better understand the depths of their cutie marks. Their group consisted of many ponies of all different backgrounds, all coming together to help out their fellow Equestrians. The Cutie Mark Crusaders often traveled to different schools throughout the year, teaching foals about cutie marks and what it means to have them. These visits to schools were often accompanied by fun activities to let the young ponies try out new things and find out what interests them.

High Rise knew all about these special Cutie Mark Crusader events. He got his cutie mark at one of them.

“Now girls, High Rise here ain’t gonna know about yer little club,” Applejack said, “It’s a lil’ group they made for foals who haven’t gotten their cutie mark yet. Think of it like a name for the three of them together.”

“Four! Babs Seed joined the Crusaders too!”

“Ah see, well the three of them and Babs Seed next time she comes around.”

The story of how the Cutie Mark Crusaders began was also shared at those school events. About three girls who sought to find out what their cutie marks are, but eventually realized that their talents were in helping others understand what their cutie marks and special talents were. High Rise didn’t remember the names of the founders of the Crusaders, but he did remember the details of the story.

Now the founders were standing here in front of him, asking High Rise to help them get their cutie marks. When he knew exactly what their cutie marks were going to be…

“What they are trying to ask for, High Rise, is if you could show them some different instruments and let them try them out. As well as teach them about music for a bit.”

This was awkward, how do you go about this without crushing the dreams of a little group of adorable fillies?

“I’d be perfectly fine doing that, but I don’t actually have any instruments. The drum they gifted me is the only thing I have.”

“Oh, don’t worry, we have that figured out!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Vinyl Scratch will let us try out the instruments at her store! As long as we have adult supervision.”

“Ah, then surely you don’t need me to be the adult supervision?”

“Rarity can sing, but she ain’t much for instruments. Ah can play quite a few instruments myself, but ah’m needed back at the farm right after this.”

“And I still have a boutique to run.”

High Rise was realizing that what this really was is babysitting for the day. He looked towards Fluttershy next to him, who only gave a shrug in return. Accepting his fate, High Rise looked to the group and nodded. The trio of fillies cheered.

“Thank ya kindly, High Rise.” Applejack said, “If ya have any trouble with ‘em, just let us know. They oughtta be on their best behavior.”

“We will.” The Crusaders said with a collective groan.

“And if you need any direct assistance, darling, Twilight has offered to help out. She’ll be meeting you at Vinyl’s store.”

“Wait, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yeah, duh!” Scootaloo said, “She’s the one that set up everything for us! We haven’t gotten to do any crusading since… well, you know.”

“But she went and got permission to try this! We really appreciate your help, Mister High Rise!”

Twilight Sparkle set up this entire situation. Where the fillies would get to “crusade” for their cutie marks, in just a way where High Rise would get involved…

High Rise had a really, really bad feeling about this.

Vinyl Scratch, also known by the stage name DJ-PON3, ran a small music shop/club in Ponyville. During the day it was a simple place to get your music equipment and supplies. At night, it was a bustling nightclub with ponies dancing to the rhythm DJ-PON3 set for them on her turntable. Back during the day, Vinyl Scratch was not a very engaging pony. She waved to High Rise and the crusaders as they walked into the store, but didn’t say a single word. Her ears were lost in the music of her own headphones. Vinyl bobbed her head to the beat, not mindful whatsoever to the visitors of her store.

There was a different pony present that was more than happy to talk instead.

“Good Afternoon, Mister High Rise!” Twilight Sparkle said with a smile. She waved for him and the three fillies at his hooves to come over to her. She stood in the nightclub side of the store, surrounded by different instruments laid out for easy use. “And hello again, Crusaders.”

“Hi Twilight!” Scootaloo said, rushing towards the club area to ogle at the instruments. “Woah, that one’s huge!”

“Oh! Wait Scootaloo.” Twilight said, pulling her away from the cello she reached for. “We can try out everything here but that one, that one’s actually Vinyl’s roommate’s cello.”

“Oooh, okay.” Scootaloo was quick to hop to the next one, followed soon after by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Their eyes wandered over all of the instruments on display, and every so often they would try to play them. Often letting a random note fly from the instrument with a giggle. Back and forth the trio went, from each and every item in the room.

High Rise was not as quick to enter. He had no intention of skirting the duty he had been tasked with today, but the Twilight in front of him made him pause. Something about the mare made him hesitate to speak. She radiated a cool confidence… like she was prepared for anything.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle.” He finally replied after entering the room.

The antics of the crusaders were drowned out by the still air between them. “Thank you for agreeing to show the girls these instruments. They’ve been cooped up for quite a few days, and really could use some fun. Which I hear is one of your specialties!”

“I didn’t know you had such an interest in the Crusaders.”

“Of course! They’re the little sisters of my friends. Besides, Rarity and Applejack could use the time off from them, apparently they were trying really hard to help out after Gabby Gums. A bit overbearing, if you know what I mean? This is also a way to help my friends get a break for the day.”

“Those are the reasons?”


Fluttershy was an awkward conversation starter for High Rise because Fluttershy herself was shy and hard to engage with. For Twilight Sparkle, however? The problem wasn’t her, it was High Rise. No matter what he thought about saying, the words were caught in the lump in his throat. He had to keep reminding himself, every moment he looked at her, that this wasn’t the same Twilight Sparkle he knew.

This wasn’t the Princess he met before.

“I see.” High Rise said in an artificial, friendly tone. “Let’s help the kids have fun then.”

“Let’s!” Twilight replied in a far more excitable voice.

Twilight Sparkle had indeed come prepared. Everything was exactly how she planned it. The drum she had the crusaders give him planted the idea of musician cutie marks in their heads. So Twilight was able to set up a day with Vinyl Scratch where they would be allowed to try out instruments. Vinyl agreed, as long as a pony who knew what they were doing was supervising them. There were only a handful of skilled musicians in Ponyville who could fulfill that. Pinkie Pie was already busy with a party for Carrot Top’s birthday. Applejack would be busy at the farm, and Vinyl Scratch’s roommate Octavia would be in Canterlot for the next week.

That left High Rise as the ideal musician for supervising the Crusaders. Exactly as Twilight wanted it to be. All she had to do was volunteer to help him with the girls, and she was in!

But why go through all this trouble in the first place? Did she have some secret goal to expose the hidden truth in High Rise she so desperately wanted to find? No, not at all, in fact. This was all to help her try and get to know High Rise. Learn more about him, and in doing so, possibly understand what it is that makes him so wary of her. Twilight didn’t like it that a pony in Ponyville was walking on eggshells around her. Sure, there were other details about High Rise she wished to understand, like the fishy details of his history, but that wasn’t as important as getting rid of the distance between them.

Okay maybe she still wanted to figure out what felt so off about him, but she’d get to that!

The initial greeting between them went… amicably. High Rise was immediately giving her that same look he did before. Twilight has decided to call it the “Royalty Look”. The way his gaze constantly flicked towards her and back away again. How each sentence was more carefully considered before leaving his lips. There was no way for Twilight to try and break down the barrier when High Rise was giving her the Royalty Look.

When High Rise’s attention was off of Twilight, it was like an entirely different pony was there. His attitude with the crusaders was far more carefree. Helping them as they tried out the guitars, pianos, and other instruments that were laid out. He would crack jokes, dance along to whatever tune the girls played, and showed them basic songs that consisted of one or two notes played back to back. He engaged pretty easily with them with the instruments he was familiar with. While others weren’t as easy for him to guide them through.

Sweetie Belle took interest in the piano. An instrument that High Rise had no apparent skill in. Twilight had none in it either, but she had a book about piano playing and used that to help her try it. Sweetie Belle gave up after page twelve.

Apple Bloom found herself with an electric guitar in her hooves. Finding it familiar to the guitar her sister plays at home. The reaction she gave when she heard what the electric guitar actually sounded like was priceless. Initially, her shock and awe made Twilight stifle her own giggles. Until she got used to the sound it made, and relished in its harsher musical style compared to an acoustic guitar. An energy that High Rise was more than happy to feed her. It was also pretty comical to see a small filly with a red bow playing a rockstar electric guitar.

Finally, there was Scootaloo, and it wasn’t hard for Twilight to see the glint in High Rise’s eyes as he saw the instrument she decided that she picked. A beautiful five piece drum kit, a bit too large for a filly of Scootaloo’s size, but all the individual pieces were free to move around.

Out of all the instruments, this was the one that got High Rise talking the most.

“Do you have any experience with drums, Scootaloo?” High Rise asked.

“We have a pair of drums that I played for Babs’ initiation!… They weren’t quite as big as this!”

“Well yeah, because this is the best instrument you can get!”

High Rise explained in detail the pieces of the kit. From the snare drum to the three toms that laid in front of the snare. The bass drum that stood on its side below everything else. To the cymbals that stood above all the drums. The high hat, the crash and the ride. He showed Scootaloo all the different ways a pony could use the cymbals, or how each tom produced a unique note to play with.

“Alright, you can’t really reach the hoof pedals yet for the bass or the hi-hat. So why don’t I handle those while you try the rest?” High Rise sat down on the drum kit’s stool, and reached down to place Scootaloo in his lap. He then placed the set of drumsticks into Scootaloo’s hooves.

“Woah, are you sure I'm not gonna break something with this?” Scootaloo said as she waved the stick around.

“You’ll be fine! Just keep the stick parallel to the drum as you hit it. It’ll make it bounce back stronger.”

“But shouldn’t I be, ya know, following some music sheet or something?”

“I thought out of the three of you, you’re the one that liked to wing it the most, Scootaloo?” High Rise flashed a toothy grin. “Or are you scared to try it?”

“I’m not scared!” Scootaloo bit back.

“Then let’s see you do it!”

Thump Thump Thump Thump

High Rise’s hind leg pressed onto the bass drum pedal. A simple 1-2-3-4 pattern being repeated by him. Twilight Sparkle quickly realized what he was doing, he was creating a metronome for Scootaloo to use. A simple beat for her to follow while she tries out the different pieces, and boy did Scootaloo try them out.

She was terrible. Which is to be expected when it’s your first time slapping a big drum with sticks in your hooves. She had no idea what to hit and how hard to hit them. Instead of a simple tap on the hi-hat, Scootaloo would crash it and even leave High Rise reeling from the sound. Eventually, with his guidance, Scootaloo was able to create a simple rhythm to High Rise’s beat. It was loud, it was off beat, it was messy, and not at all consistent, but the smile it brought to Scootaloo's face was worth it. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle cheered on their friend as she played, and when their song came to an end, Scootaloo hopped off of High Rise’s lap and joined her friends.

“That was awesome! We had to have gotten our cutie marks from that!”

The three, in unison, turned and brought their flanks together. All at once they turned back to see the moment of truth. Did their new cutie marks appear!?

They didn’t, each of their flanks were still blank.

Aaawww…” They whined in unison.

Twilight had seen this same dance before with the Crusaders, but what was most striking to her was High Rise’s reaction, or rather, his lack of one. Surely he hasn’t seen the Crusaders do this before, has he? Twilight tried to console the girls the first time they did it, Fluttershy nearly cried with guilt. It wasn’t until the third or fourth time you saw them look at their flanks in disappointment that you became desensitized to it.

Yet he wasn’t phased at all…


High Rise did feel quite bad, watching them stare at their butts and become so disappointed. The knowledge that they would one day soon get their cutie marks kept that bad feeling from ever manifesting. He knew their day would come, and when it did, they’d be happier for it. The only hope he had for this day was that they had fun, and when he watched Scootaloo on his lap play to the cheers of her friends, he felt like he had accomplished that task. It felt good, good enough to ignore the pair of purple eyes staring at him.

“Looks like being musicians is off the table, girls.” Sweetie Belle sighed.

“Ya’… That electric guitar would’ve been a real cool cutie mark too!”

“I could’ve had drums and drumsticks just like High Rise.”

Their eyes then turned towards High Rise. The Crusaders shared a serious look in their eyes, and squinted at him together. “How’d you get your cutie mark in a drum?” Scootaloo asked.

“Did ya play it once and then it appeared?”

“Huh? Oh no, no.” High Rose shook his head, leaning towards them. “I actually played the drums a few times before I realized it.”

“Really? You didn’t just know?” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Mhm, I was pretty stubborn about it, actually.”

“Could ya tell us how ya got yet cutie mark, High Rise? Please?”



That was the day High Rise learned about the greatest weapon in Equestria. This weapon had more firepower than an angry Princess, the Elements of Harmony, and the full power of the Crystal Heart combined. One attack from this WMD was enough to melt the heart of any pony who fell victim to it. There were no survivors to this, no mercy. All who were faced with it would fall.

That weapon, of course, was the faces of the crusaders as they begged him. Their eyes grew larger than the rest of their heads, and twinkled in a form of imaginary starlight. Huddled close together so that their cuteness would multiply, and this onslaught of adorableness was too much for High Rise to bear. He shielded his eyes, it didn’t save him. As much as he didn’t want to share this story, how could he ever say no to that?!

“Alright, alright! I’ll tell you.”

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo cheered their victory, and settled in to listen to his story. Excited to hear how he had gotten his. High Rise, however, was still trying to figure out how to explain this story without explaining the revealing details. Like how it was because of the Crusaders that he did learn about his special talent. Twilight had also joined to sit next to the crusaders. A pleasant smile gracing her features, patiently waiting where the Crusaders were impatiently sat.

How exactly was he supposed to explain this one?…

Drums of all kinds have been in my life since I was small. My dad was a drummer, and a really good one at that. He played with… a very popular musician group and kept our family afloat with it. I was his only foal, and as soon as I was old enough to hold a drumstick, he tried to get me to play them. “Just like your old stallion”, he used to say.

When I was younger, I hated it. He took me to all of his events, any concerts that he was interested in, and I would sit there grumbling. He showed me albums of bands and groups he and his dad would listen to, and in defiance I said I didn’t like rock music at all. I kept saying that he was trying to “control my destiny” on what my cutie mark would be. Force me to be a drummer just like him. That foalish version of me thought it was some legacy of drummers my dad wanted to continue with me, and all I wanted to do was break it. I was pretty insufferable, if I was being honest.

Those walls I put up against my dad came tumbling down after he… well after he passed away.

“He passed away?” Apple Bloom asked.


“Like, he went away forever?”


“So he went to the same place my ma and pa went.” Apple Bloom said. “Ah’m sorry, Mister High Rise.”

“…” The words got choked up in his throat, this girl lost both of hers. He couldn’t help but feel for the girl, a sad smile filled his features. “It’s alright, it was a long time ago. Has it… been long for you?”

“Ah guess, it happened when ah was a baby, ah don’t remember much of ‘em.”

“I see, well you know what I think, Apple Bloom? I think if your parents were as half as cool as my dad, they rocked the world of the place they’re in right now. I can guarantee you that.”

“Rocked the world?”

“Yeah, it means that they shook it at its core, and made it better than it was before.”

Apple Bloom smiled up at High Rise, and the two shared a small moment of peace. They knew what the other pony felt, even if their circumstances were different. When that moment ended, High Rise started again on the story.

It was around that time that my school had the… well they had a group that did events at schools like mine when I was a foal. Where they would show foals all sorts of different activities to see what interested them. I was still pretty sad at the time, because of my dad. So I didn’t want to engage with any of the activities that this event wanted me to. Eventually, one of the helpers for the event, a mare by the name of Daisy Trot, came up and asked me what was wrong.

I had a breakdown right then and there, I told this random mare who just walked up everything that was bothering me. I bawled my eyes out, and she held me in her hooves. It took me a while to calm down, but she stayed there the entire time. After I could listen again, she gave me a suggestion, why not try the drums again? They had a few instruments for foals to try, and drums were one of them.

If I'm honest, I thought it was a dumb idea. I knew how to play, but if the thousand times my dad made me play it didn’t spark anything in me, I didn’t expect this time to be any different. Sure enough, I was right. I started playing and I didn’t feel anything.

Then this filly friend from school picked up the guitar next to me. She was surprisingly good at it. Her own mom had her taking lessons, but something about the song she played felt off about it. She was playing it well, but it was like there was something missing. Something to boost the guitar to the forefront, to put it on a pedestal and raise it for all to see.

It needed drums.

Something, right then and there, clicked inside my head. BAM! It all made sense. Everything my dad tried to teach me, he wanted me to understand this about drums. They were the foundation of a song, the beating heart that everything else feeds off of. A good drummer could fade into the background of a song, and highlight their partners at just the right moments. They were the wingcolt, the driver, the guide, the invisible conductor. Nopony would know when the drummer was raising his fellow players to greater heights. They would only notice if it was gone.

I started to play with her, and I didn’t stop. Every new foal that tried an instrument, I would play with them. I’d try to use the drums in front of me to highlight their successes, and move them away from failure to try again. I kept going, and going, and going. Until finally somepony forced me to stop and look at my flank.

There it was, my cutie mark. For everypony to see.

“…The very next day, I took these goggles my dad left me, and I wore them as a reminder of what he taught me.”

The Crusaders nodded along. Apple Bloom seemed the most satisfied with the story. Sweetie Belle looked mildly disturbed, maybe the death part of the story was a bit much for her. Scootaloo, on the other hand, looked confused.

“Wait, so you tried the drums out like, a thousand times, but you didn’t get it until then?”

“Yep, I didn’t understand what it was about them that drew me to them. Once I did, it just happened.”

“Oftentimes, girls.” High Rise addressed the three of them, catching their attention again. “What makes for a cutie mark isn’t something you have to search the world for. More likely is that what makes up your cutie mark is right under your noses, waiting for you to see it.”

Can you guess what the girls did? I think you know what it is. The moment they heard his metaphor, the Crusaders had all gone cross eyed looking at the ends of their muzzles. High Rise burst into laughter, followed shortly by Twilight’s barely contained giggles.

“Wait! Do you know what this means, girls?” Scootaloo said.

“What?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“It means that something we’ve already tried could still become our cutie mark!”

Apple Bloom gasped, and stomped her hooves. “We gotta make a list of everything we’ve tried already! Maybe we just gotta try it again!”

“Wait, girls, that’s not what I-.“

“Maybe I could try the piano again!”

“Or that guitar is for me after all!”

“One more time on the drums!”

“…Oh boy.”

Celestia’s sun was soon leaving the horizon when Applejack and Rarity came to pick up the girls. The three fillies, tired from a day of playing instruments, slept soundly on the backs of the mares. Applejack had both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, and promised to get Scootaloo back home for them.

That left High Rise and Twilight Sparkle at the front of the store. Vinyl was getting things ready for the nightclub, and the two older mares were already off. Only them, and nopony else.

“That was good advice you gave them, by the way.” Twilight said, breaking the awkward air that had formed around them. “About their cutie marks.”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” He said in that same friendly tone you’d use to talk to your boss. “I don’t think it quite worked on them, however.”

“Maybe not today, but I'm sure they’ll figure out what you really meant, and please, call me Twilight.”

High Rise hesitated, she knew that he had been referring to her formally every time. It was time to break down the first barrier! With less formality she would be able to get past this distance they had.

“…Alright, I will start to do that in the future.” He didn’t say it, in fact, that was somehow more formal than before! Why was he only like this with her?!

“Thank you.”

“I’m pretty tired after all that, I'm going to get some rest.” High Rise didn’t let Twilight get to the next step of her plan, already walking away from her. “Have a good night.”

“W-Wait!” Twilight sputtered. She had to get the next step in right now! High Rise turned to look back at her, confused. “Do you have any plans for tomorrow, High Rise?”

He was a deer in the lamplight. “Uh… I…”

“I talked with Fluttershy and she said you only do the meals with her once a week, and I don’t believe you currently work in Ponyville at all, right?” Twilight knew that for a fact, she checked the employee list for every business in Ponyville. High Rise didn’t work for anypony. “If there’s nothing else occupying you tomorrow. I would like to ask for your assistance.”

High Rise was giving her the expected response, which was no response. The other expected responses were made up excuses or panic running, thankfully it was the first and not the other two. “It’s only a small task I need help with, but I'd really appreciate the help!”

For High Rise himself, he had no idea what to think. Why would Twilight Sparkle be asking him for help? Surely any of her other friends would be better suited to whatever task she needed. Why does she need it from him? Why has she thrust herself into situations with him? From the drums to the Crusader babysitting to now this? What was she hoping to get?

It’s not like he could ask her outright. That’d be like a dead giveaway. “Hey, are you trying to find out that I'm a time traveler?” That would be really subtle. Even if he didn’t say it, any implications from questioning her could make her investigate more! This was Twilight Sparkle, future Princess, Prodigy with magic, and probably the most well known nerd in all of history. She read books on complex theoretical topics as a fun afternoon activity. If she really, really wanted to find out secrets, it would be effortless as long as she put enough effort in.

He can’t refuse for no reason, that’d be too weird. Any excuse he could make up would be too easy to disprove. Technically he was a time traveling freeloader, so despite being in the wrong time, he had a lot of time on his hooves. So of course he’d have time to help Twilight Sparkle…

There was only way he could keep things from getting suspicious. He had to say yes.

“Sure, I'll help out in any way I can.”

Twilight beamed. “Perfect! I’ll see you at the library at eight o’clock sharp! Have a good night.”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to leave. “Wait!” cried High Rise. “Is that AM or PM? IS THAT AM OR PM??… She’s gone.”

6 days remaining.

Author's Note:

This is the last of chapters I have prepared. So no more daily uploads of new chapters. I can promise however that I am working on multiple chapters as you read this.

I hope you enjoyed what you have read so far. If you have, please give it a like and comment any thoughts.

See you next time.