• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 301 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Pony: Highschool - RainbowFucktory

Twilight Sparkle moves to a new school as a teenager, and gets grouped into the wrong crowds.

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First day

Twilight felt nervous all over as she reached the building. It had been a lot smaller than she had expected, certainly tinier compared to the massive one back in her hometown. It was all orange with a pink roof, on the left side of it was a lighter tinge of pink, and a slide the same color that ran down to touch the glass from below. It looked so much more welcoming.

Feeling more confident, Twilight trotted inside, lifting her hoof and pushing the purple horse-shoe shaped door sideways to enter. Upon getting there, a magenta-colored mare turned around to greet her. "Oh! Twilight, there you are. Welcome to my classroom, you're one of the first to arrive. Take a seat."

Twilight smiled, recognizing her new teacher as Cheerilee. "Good morning Cheerilee. Where are the other teachers? aren't they going to show up, too?"

Cheerilee laughed at her. "What other teachers? i'm the only pony who works here. It's just me. Since the school is so small we didn't need anypony else. Trust me, I might just be one pony, but I'm good at my work." turning around, she went back to wiping old chalk-writing off the board.

Twilight let out a nervous smile, unsure of what her teacher meant by "being good at her work." was she so good, she could control an entire class of loud and crazy teenagers? would she get out the strap? shaking the thoughts away, Twilight put everything into her locker.

As she sat down on the teal-colored desk, she eyed an all pink pony with bubblegum-colored hair jump into the building, rather excitedly for somepony who was going to school, especially on the first day. Who on earth could be happy to go to school?

"Hii Mrs.Cheerilee!" The pink pony cheered, stuffing her brightly colored saddlebags into a locker not far from Twilight's. "Ah, another great day at school, I can't wait! oh...wait, who are you?" she stopped, staring directly at Twilight. Twi, taken aback looked around awkwardly.

"Uhh...me? oh, you can just call me Twilight. Twilight Sparkle." she replied. The pink pony grinned at her. "Hello Twilight! my name is Pinkie Pie, but you can just call me Pinkie for short, all my friends do. Oh, Oh! can I sit next to you? pleassee?" she begged with wide blue eyes.

Twilight was weirded out, but didn't want to hurt "Pinkie Pie's" feelings. She knew she was only trying to be nice. "Sure, if you want." she responded, shifting over to make way for her to sit down. "Great! we're going to be such good friends Twilight, I can already imagine all the supertastic stuff we're going to do together! hehe!"

"...So when did you start going to this school?" Twilight asked, trying to make the conversation go somewhere. Pinkie Pie put the quill she was holding to her lips, trying to remember. "Uh...Oh! just last year, I'm friends with everybody now, but back then, I had no idea what to do!"

"FRIENDS WITH EVERYPONY? YOU MEAN IN THE SCHOOL!?" Twilight couldn't help but gasp. "B-But how? you have no enemies at all? nobody talked to me at my old school!"

"Well duh, you have to talk to them for them to talk to you back, silly!" Pinkie giggled, ruffling up Twilight's pink and purple mane. "Don't worry, I'll introduce you to everypony when they get here. Look, that was just the bus, here they come!"

Twilight turned back toward the door to see a hoard of other ponies squeezing their ways inside. First came a very shy looking yellow pegasus, who was hiding behind her pink hair as she trailed to her desk without a word. Then there were two unicorns, who to Twilight's dismay, looked like they were also from canterlot. One was a white mare with a curled purple mane, and the other, who looked to be her friend was all pink and had a glittery teal mane. What caught her interest was the pink pearl necklace she wore around her neck. That's a little fancy for school. Twilight thought.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" A voice called, pushing alarmed and frightened ponies out of her way. In came a blue pegasus with a dark rainbow mane. She had strange black things on her ears, Twilight couldn't even fanthom what they were.

"Rainbine! manners, please." Cheerilee scolded, sitting back down onto her desk. "I want no misbehaving in my classroom. Be polite to your peers. Anyways, once everypony is seated, we will start with introducing ourselves. It's a new year, and I want everypony to feel like they belong in my school. Does anypony have any questions?"

Pinkie shot up her hoof and waved it around. "Oh! me, pick me!"

"Yes, Pinkie Pie?" Cheerilee asked. Pinkie shot out of her seat and grabbed Twilight by the neck, forcing her into a sort of choke-hold hug. "Aren't we going to address the obvious NEW STUDENT in class? I mean Twinkle is so adorable!"

"Twilight." Twilight corrected. "Let me go, Pinkie." squeezing out of her grip, she felt scared and partly annoyed that her "new friend" outed her infront of everypony. She'd have to say something now. Clearing her throat, she spoke. "Ahem, yes, thank you Pinkie. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I moved here from Canterlot, but i'm looking for new friends in Ponyville. I love studying, reading, and magic."

"Magic?" the white unicorn whispered to her friend, who both stared at her. "It's no wonder you're from canterlot, you're beautiful." she told Twilight. Twilight blushed, hating all of this attention. "Uh, no prettier than anypony else i'd hope." she said back, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"Oh but darling, you look like you are one of the popular mares! my name is Rarity, this is my friend Starbeam Twinkle. Pleasure to meet you."

"Hello." Starbeam said, fixated on twilight. She looked a little off, something about her screamed unfriendly, but Twilight didn't know why. "Hello you two." she shrunk back, hiding into her book. After some unwanted dialogue from Pinkie Pie and a lot of distractions, the belle rang for lunch, and Twilight could finally have some time to herself.

"TWILIGHTT! where are you going!? you don't want to go to the cafeteria with me?" Pinkie exclaimed, rushing down the halls to catch up to her. Twilight sighed, she should have known she wouldn't be able to escape Pinkie Pie. "Yes, I was going to eat alone."

"Bahhh who would wanna eat alone? come on, they have cupcakes today and THEY ARE TO DIE FOR! especially the vanilla-flavoured frosting, mm-mm-mmm!! come on, i'll show you-" Pinkie beamed, dragging Twilight by the hoof down the halls. However, both were stopped short by voices who seemed to be arguing.

"It's no wonder you don't have any friends, both of you!" a high-pitched, girly voice sneered. Pinkie and Twilight exchanged glances, before peering down the seemingly endless rows of lockers, only to catch sight of that pink unicorn from earlier cornering the blue and yellow pegasus.

"Why don't you FUCK OFF? STARBEAM TWINKLE! you're always picking on us, what did we ever do to you?" the blue pegasus, Twilight remembered her being called Rainbine by Cheerilee swore. "If..If you'd want to of course..." the yellow pegasus whispered, hiding behind her.

Starbeam laughed in both of their faces, shoving them aside harshly. "Like, Whatever, I'm just saying what nopony else has the heart to tell you. Oh, and also Rainbine..." she stopped, flashing her purple eyes at the infuriated pegasus. "Dusters are sooo 90's. Take that off if you want ponies to talk to you." flicking her mane she walked away.

"Oh my Celestia! Starbeam is such a jerk sometimes! she's always bullying poor Flutters and Biney!" Pinkie whispered to Twilight mad. "I know I said i'm friends with everypony, but she pushes it for me sometimes!"

"Who's the yellow pegasus beside Rainbine?" Twilight asked her. "I saw her earlier, but she never talked." Pinkie smiled. "Oh! that's Fluttershy, she's really nice. Rainbine, ehh, not so much. She's Rainbow Dashes older sister."

"Rainbow who?" Twilight echoed, not recognizing the name at all. Pinkie shook her head. "Nevermind. But she's got anger issues, so she swears a lot. But she's fun at the shooting range, we use to blow fireworks all over the place. Rainbow is still more fun though, she goes to the highschool in Cloudsdale so that's why you don't see her a lot. Rainbine is only here because she hates her sister that much."

"Why does she hate her sister?" Twilight questioned. "Jealousy, that and Rainbow Dash is popular, whereas Rainbine is kinda the biggest loser in the school. Don't tell her I told you that. That's just what everypony else calls her."

"Oh." Twilight frowned. "So you're saying that pink unicorn bullies everybody?" Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Starbeam? yeah, she's a big meanie pants for sure, but she's okay around Rarity. I think Rarity only hangs out with her because they both have an interest in fashion."

"...And Rarity is the white unicorn with the purple mane, right?" Twilight interjected, trying to remember everybody's names. Pinkie nodded. "Yes-sir-e! that's Rarity alright. She's way nicer than Starbeam, so don't worry about it."

"FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" Rainbine yelled down the halls. "IF I COULD, I'D KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HOOVES STAR!" Fluttershy put a hoof on Rainbine's shoulder and shook it. "Don't yell Rainbine, she might come back and say even more mean things to us..."

"She better." Rainbine huffed. "Your too soft on her Fluttershy, ponies like her are the reason being at this school is hell." Looking up, she frowned at Pinkie and Twilight. "Who are you?"

"Hiya Rainbine and Fluttershy! this is my new bestie friend Twilight, don't worry, she looks like another mean-girl, but she's not. She's actually a huge egghead. Hehe."

Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie and noticed the bent-up looking Fluttershy. "Are you okay? we saw her shove you guys into the lockers." Fluttershy shook her long pink mane and stared at the ground. "Who? me? i'm...okay. I guess."

"I'm fucking pissed. Whatever you do, don't get in my way. If I have not only Starbeam on my ass but you next, along with my sister at home, I'm going to break something." storming off, Rainbine disappeared.

"S-Sorry about her. She and I get bullied a lot. Rainbine's getting really tired of it." Fluttershy apologized. Twilight gave Fluttershy a comforting grin. "Hey, it's alright. Bullying is never good. Do you want to stick with me and Pinkie Pie for the rest of lunch hour?"

"Sure..." she whispered.