• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 301 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Pony: Highschool - RainbowFucktory

Twilight Sparkle moves to a new school as a teenager, and gets grouped into the wrong crowds.

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Worst day ever

"Have fun Twilight!" Pinkie and Fluttershy waved as Twilight got ready to leave with Starbeam's group. Unfortunately, the hope of Rarity's cute brother showing up was cut short when Rarity told her she was going with Starbeam alone so it was just a "girls day out." trying to hide her disappointment, Twilight tried to stay happy, incase of pushing her luck with hanging out with the school bullies. She'd seen how mean they were to Fluttershy and Rainbine already.

"Well what are you waiting for? let's get going already." Starbeam said, ushering them to get moving. Rarity quickly got a move on, Twilight falling in behind her. Unsure of how to act around the cool ponies, Twilight came off casual. "Sooo Rarity, do you like going to the amusement park?"

"Me? well there isn't much else to do in Ponyville when i'm not working is there? I only go to show off my new mane style or makeup, but the rides aren't too bad I suppose. Except the ones that go upside down, thin chance on catching me riding one of those, dear." she rambled. Twilight hadn't ever been to it up close before, but wow! it was huge. Infront of them stood three main attractions.

The first was an ice-cream styled parlor with three story floors. The first was the entry-way, usually where the park guests would enter and purchase their tickets. The second was a bowling alley, littered with colorful balls and racks full of them. And finally, the top was the milkshake diner, where most of the young foals where headed.

"This place is really something." Twilight muttered, taken aback by all the things to do. "Eh...Not really. It's boring here when you've visited this place over a hundred times." Starbeam explained unamused, filing her hoof with her magic. "Anyways, let's go. Rarity, tickets?"

"Of course darling. I'll pay for all three of us." she responded. Twilight was impressed with how many bits seemed to fill Rarity's purse. She must've made a lot of income working on fashion shows and creating brand new fabric all of the time. Twilight almost felt inferior to the white unicorn for it. All she was good at was magic, and here was Rarity carrying loads of cash, handing it over to the ticket-pony like it was nothing.

"Well? let's go bowling first." Rarity spoke, hurrying up the pink swirly staircase leading up to the second floor. "I've been practicing Bowling with my siblings, it's not so bad when you get the hang of it."

"Your brother goes bowling with you?" Twilight asked. "Wow...he does sports too?" she couldn't help but drift off thinking about him again. He was super skinny, but maybe he was actually muscular under his shirt if he liked to do sports with his sister!
"Somewhat, yes. It was more of a parents thing." Rarity responded. "Come on Rarity," Starbeam whined. "I know the perfect bowling lane, it's at the far end, let's go."

"I guess i'll just look around." Twilight said half to them, half to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was watch Starbeam bowl, if she even was good at it. Boring. Walking away, Twilight accidentally bumped into a blue flank. "Oh! i'm sorr-"

"THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?" an annoyed voice shouted back. Twilight stopped dead in her tracks when she recognized who's fowl mouth that came from. "Oh...hey Rainbine." she said awkwardly.

"Oh, 'sup." She said, lowering her bowling ball, as if she was about to chuck it at Twilight if she turned out to be a certain pink and teal unicorn. "Sorry, I was just looking around. I didn't know you bowled." the purple unicorn apologized quickly.

"Oh yeah, i'm a professional. Go here every weekend. Here, watch this." she demonstrated, straightening up the heavy ball and rolling it down the shiny floors. In meer seconds, it crashed into the pins, knocking every single one of them over effortlessly. "SCORE!" the board shouted.

Twilight blinked, astonished. "Wow...you weren't kidding. How did you do that so easily? I can't even pick the ball up it's so heavy."

"Well I do it every weekend, duh. Me and my old friends used to go bowling here a ton. It's why I love this place so much, and why i'm obsessed with bowling in general. When i'm not at the shooting range, you'll catch me hanging here by myself. It's a good way to relieve some of my anger." she explained, tossing another ball down the lane without even looking at it.

Maybe Rainbine isn't so bad after all. She seems pretty chill when she's not being pestered at school. Twilight observed quietly to herself as Rainbine rambled about other bowling topics. It made her feel a little bad, it was clear Rainbine barely had anything she liked in her life, besides guns, maybe Fluttershy, and these friends she'd talk about. Maybe they also went to her school? she was tempted to ask her if she saw Rarity's brother go here, but bit it back. Rainbine would make fun of her for chasing after a boy she just met, no doubt.

"...Psh, yeah. Sorry for rambling." Rainbine laughed. "Me and my friends loved this place. We'd say the crudest things before throwing a ball down the lane, it was hilarious until the workers would kick us out when we got a few parents or piss babies upset. Offensive shit spewing out of our mouthes left and right, you know, all that."

Twilight could definitely see why. Rainbine dropped an f-bomb almost every mid sentence. "I hope this doesn't come off as rude," she started hesitant. "But everybody told me you didn't have any friends. Who did you used to bowl with?"

"Oh. These two human guys. They were always by my side. They killed themselves though, so it's just me." Rainbine shrugged. This stunned Twi. "WHAT! you mean they took their lives? both of them? but why? what were their names?"

Rainbine picked up another ball. "Huh? oh yeah, their names where-"

"UGH! IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS!?" a disgusted voice exclaimed in horror. Starbeam Twinkle stood behind Twilight, Rarity flanking her as she pouted. "I can't believe I caught you hanging out with Rainbitch out of all people! she's a total loser and freak, you should know that by now! hmph, if her black ears don't give it away. What even ARE THOSE!?"

"Ear pieces so I can hear. Dumbass." Rainbine responded. "I'd be deaf if I didn't have them, and you're making fun of me When you sprinkle so much glitter in your mane? you think it makes you look rad? or sorry, as your prissy kind say it, "glamerouss?" she teased, fluttering her eyelashes at her just to add extra salt on Star's wounds.

"GRR, as IF you'd ever understand what being perfect is like! how can I even call you a mare when all you do is bowl and shoot guns all day? that's not popular at all. Come on Twilight, let's get out of here, or else Rainbine's probably going to infect you with her loserness."

Twilight looked at Star, Rarity, then Rainbine. She hadn't hated Rainbine's company, infact, she wasn't half bad for being the most bullied at school, Just a bit off. She didn't want to come off as if she was ditching her, so she played neutral. "Uh, yeah Starbeam, sure. Sorry Rainbine, got to go."

"Whatever. Bye." Rainbine murmured, focusing her attention back to what she was doing. Twilight felt awful for her. She hadn't known those black cyborg-looking things on her ears were so she could hear, nor that she had two human friends who died. Part of her wished she could of heard the whole story, but knew better. Whatever it was, probably contributed to why everybody hated her so much.

"ANYWAYS. Forget about her, she's not worth it, girlies." Starbeam scoffed. "Over here is where the ferris wheel is, everybody is going on it, so we should aswell. Though it does look like it's for foals. Eugh, cupcake theming, seriously?"

Pinkie Pie would've loved this ride! it's too bad she wasn't with me instead. Twilight thought as they approached it. It was hot pink and star shaped, with five cupcake-themed seats of all colors and sweet-tasting flavors. Whoever designed it sure did make the cupcakes look realistic, it was already making Twilight miss the taste of Pinkie's savory goods back at Sugarcube corner.

"I'll get on first." Rarity stated, climbing onto the pink-and-green chocolate drizzle seat. Each seat fit one pony, so Twilight would have some time to herself to watch the view. It certainly looked high-up, she wasn't a fan of heights, but didn't complain in fear of looking bad infront of her cool friends. Starbeam was next, as she climbed onto the vanilla cupcake. "Eugh, these things are so tippy, I'm going to be SICK!" as she strapped herself in, she mimicked puking sounds to further her point, though they were ignored.

Getting onto it at last, Twilight seated herself in the pink and orange cupcake, since the colors slightly reminded her of her other friend Fluttershy. She missed the sound of the sweet pegasi's voice, much more pleasant to listen too then Star's high-pitched voice. Even Rainbine swearing sounded better. Keeping her thoughts to herself, the ride began.

A nice melody played as they spun in circles. It wasn't as scary when it started going, and Twilight was pleased to have the entire view to herself. "OWW! I got my main caught, this sucks!" Starbeam cried out, yanking it until it pulled away from the metal. Because she had pulled so tight, teal strands remained in the handles.

"My mane! stupid ride!" Star cursed. Rarity said nothing. Twilight noticed she looked somewhat bored, as if this was all foal's play for her, and she needed to be somewhere else. Why did she choose the theme park if she didn't even enjoy being here? it made no sense.

After what seemed like a decade, the ride stopped and ended. Hopping off, Twilight helped Rarity get out and begrudgingly, Star aswell. "Did you like the ride girls?" Twilight asked. Neither responded.

"Ehm, well darlings, ferris wheels are not as fun when you're older. Why not go on something built for rebellious ponies like us? hm?" she challedged, pointing toward the biggest, tallest and scariest rollarcoaster Twi had ever layed her eyes on.

"THAT IS HUGE!" Twilight gasped in shock. "No way am I going on that. Who would?" but Starbeam piped in and shut her up instantly. "Oh, and why not Twily? I thought you were cool like me and Rarity. What's so bad about some dumb old roller coaster? Pinkie goes on it all the time. You aren't scared, are you?"

Of course Pinkie Pie would, she lives for stuff like this! twilight groaned inwardly, though remained still. "Do I have too?"

"YES." both said. Twilight sighed, giving into her friends demands and shakily climbed the tall steps to the ride, gulping as she was strapped into the green colored cart that would lead her to her inevitable doom. The coaster itself was built out of orange wood, and the track was colored all white. Twilight was scared she'd find blood stains on them from the passengars who failed to get off, but saw no such thing.

The coaster was short, sweet and to the point. It was a long drop all the way down. Twilight held her breath as it slowly progressed forward, each second coming closer and closer to descending down. "I HATE YOU RARITY AND STARBEAAMMMMMM!!!!" Twilight screamed as it plummeted downward, sending Twilight into a screaming wreck. She closed her eyes and kept yelling, not even realizing it was over in a matter of seconds.

"THAT WAS THE WORST THING EVER." Twilight panted, struggling to get out of her cart from the shock. Rarity and Starbeam where laughing, and Star even recorded it. "Haha, you should have seen the look on your face! i'm totally uploading this to hoofbook and ponytube, this will go VIRAL!"

"Vir-no Star don't!" Twilight shot back. "I don't want videos of me posted anywhere without my permission. I'll never hear the end of it." Especially if Celestia and Luna saw it. She dreaded. "Well quit laughing, aren't you two going on it now?"

"What? and ruin my mane, darling, please," Rarity said. "Me and Starbeam came to watch you, we wouldn't do such a thing." Twilight felt cheated. So of course these "friends" made her go on a ride she had no interest in riding at all, and they weren't even going to try it? she should have known.

"Wouldn't do what? oh hey sis." someone said. TWILIGHT GASPED REALIZING RARITYS SEXY BROTHER CAME BACK! he looked so hotter now when his face wasn't obscured by the terrible lighting in the school's cafeterias. "Oh- Rarity's brother! you did show up."

"Yeah I was finishing my homework." he winked at Twilight she gets a nosebleed. "WHATS YOUR NAME." she can't help but ask.

"Oh its valdroxx." he said and THAT NAME WAS WEIRD BUT KIND OF KINKY. "WOW!" Twilight said and hugged him he doesn't mind because he likes when people touch him. (most don't.) Starbeam suddenly pushed Twilight aside and stole his attention. "Ahah, I already KNEW that. Sorry about my friend Twilight here, usually it's just me and Rarity, but we wanted to take her for some fun today. You know, since she's new and all that."

"Ok." He said not even knowing Star was being flirty. How dare she! he's mine! and you do not deserve to be with someone like him, you big jerk. Twilight huffed bitterly. Why did Star also have to like him? that complicated things so much more now!

"You two are idiots. He's no different then me. Honestly, I am better than him." Rarity scoffed and pushed him out of the way. "come on valdroxx let's go home. We have dresses and work to finish."

"Fine." and they leave. Twilight was left alone with Starbeam and now the tension was really high. "Um...so now that Rarity's gone-"

"Oh Twilight! your like, so pretty and cool. It's an honour to hang out with you, really. Rarity likes you too." she said in a fake-happy tone. "You know, we'll let you be with us all the time if you ditch those other two ponies you like. Yeahh, I know, it's a tough choice, but you can only have one group in highschool."

"You mean I have to get rid of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie?" Twilight gasped in horror. "Not get rid of them, just push them out of the way and hang with us. Honestly they are SOO forgettable anyways. I'm better."