• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 2,221 Views, 22 Comments

You Ever Think About Hitch's Butt? - steel soul

Zipp has a heart to heart discussion with her sister. Pipp is not amused.

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Sisters Are Always Fun to be Around

"So...you ever see just how toned Hitch's ass is, Pipp?"

Pipp Petals, the pony popstar, social media influencer, and top mane stylist of Maretime Bay, nearly spit out the smoothie she had been consuming all over the table in front of her before going into a coughing fit from what little did make its way down her gullet. Composing herself as quickly as she could after a while, the pink mare turned a rather interesting darker shade of pink as she glared at her older sister, an ever so increasing twitch in her right eye. "Zipp! What kind of question is that?! I just sat down for goodness sake!"

Zipp, the older of the two sisters, took a long drawn out sip of her own smoothie, smacking her lips softly as she released the straw. "Oh calm down. It's not that big of a deal, and it's a perfectly valid question. I mean for someone that sits on their butts most of the day, you have to admit that his ass is rather...well...shapely? Sexy?” She shook her head. “No…that's not it…Come on sis help me out here."

"Are you kidding me?! How can you even ask that? This is not a normal conversation topic, sis!"

Zipp rolled her eyes as she leaned back in her chair, folding her hooves about her chest as she spoke. "See this is why you are single, Pipp."

"Well PAR-DON me! I am sorry that I don't go around asking ponies about other pony’s rumps, but some of us aren't complete maniacs like you." The shorter mare puffed her cheeks, pouting. "In any case why the hey are you asking me this?"

The white mare shrugged. "I mean...Why wouldn't I ask you? Somepony with an eye like yours was bound to notice that plot of his. It's not overly thick. Nice leg to butt ratio. When he runs, they way it contracts and releases its muscle mass means that he works out quite a bit despite having to sit on his butt all day." She paused, her ears flicking ever so slightly. "Hey, did you know that he did a calendar for the mares last year of nothing but shots from behind him and in different poses. Geeze, the ones with the outfits was hot but what I wouldn't have given to come to Maretime Bay a year earlier."

"You are horrible."

"No I'm not, sis. I am just being honest. There is nothing wrong with saying how great another pony's behind is. That's why they invented words like 'hot', 'sexy' and 'chiseled'." She paused. "Oh that's a good one. I should have thought of that earlier! chiseled is perfect for Hitch’s butt." She growled and Pipp couldn't help but give her sister a deadpan stare.

"Are you even listening to yourself?!"

Zipp shrugged. "What? It's true. Hitch’s ass is Hella chiseled"

"Ugh...I can't even with you...And don’t use Hella. That’s my word." The mare huffed as she turned back towards her phone. She only got a few pages down FluffyGramtm before her sister spoke up again, a smirk playing across the white pegasus’s lips.

"You never really told me what you thought of it, Pipp."

"Excuse me?"

"His ass...You have seen it right?"

The pink mare groaned, knowing that when her sister set her mind on something, there was no easy way for Pipp to get out of talking about it with her. "I mean...I haven't not see it! But that's not the point. Why are you asking what I think about it?!"

"Because, Pipp, I want your honest to goodness opinion about it.” The white mare answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Is that too much to ask?”

"If I leave you're just gonna follow me, aren't you?"

The older sister shrugged, though a slim smirk played across her lips. "Maybe. Maybe not. Just tell me your opinion. I want to hear it."

The pink mare sighed and grumbled , leaning back in her chair. "Geeze...okay. Fine. We can talk about it.” She paused, doing her best to choose her words carefully. “So…It’s not like I am staring at it like you obviously do” She glared at her sister, but Zipp only motioned her to continue. With another sigh she did. “But…as for as butts go It has a certain…thing about it, I guess."

Zipp blinked a few times. "A certain thing? What kinda thing?"

Pipp Petals blushed a bit and huffed, looking away. "Well its…hard to explain.. Like...take Sprout. I don't mean to be mean to the guy but it's like...nothing compared to Hitch's."

Zipp nodded. "Like night and day for sure...but if you compare them to a pegasus stallion...they both are bigger than them by a mile"

"I'm not talking about size dummy!" the little sister grumbled. "I'm talking about his cuteness factor."

The white pony looked confused. "Cuteness factor?"

Pipp Petals blushed a deeper shade of red, knowing that she was going to regret explaining what she meant. "Ugh…Okay…You know...cuteness. Like...their adorableness level. How cuuuuuuute they are." She said slowly. "See, Sprout's is flat. Like a board. I mean, its not bad but way not good either. But Hitch...it's like...toned okay. But also it's...a little round. Like coming at a bump. Like if you smack it it would make a good sound, ya know? Might be cute."

Zipp tapped a hoof to her chin in thought. "I think...I see what you're getting at, sis. Gotta admit. Cute wasn't what I was going for myself but...I mean...I can see it. Also yeah...It does make a good sound."

"See I...wait...does? You said it does, right? Like you actually smacked it."

"Yeah, why?"

Pipp slammed her hooves onto the table "When?! Where?! HOW?! I...What?!"

Zipp rolled her eyes. "Seriously sis, Do you always have to over react to everything I do? All I did was just give him a playful smack, nothing that would hurt him. I just wanted to see what it felt like. Had been on my mind all day that day and he was right there."

Pipp blinked a few times, looking at her sister incredulously. "You didn't think of asking?"

"I mean, I did want to…but a mare ask with her actions, not her words. Thats what mother always says."

The pink mare was flabbergasted. "You...are the worst..."

"You only say that because you wanted to smack his butt too and haven't done so."

"That is not why I am saying that and you know that!" The mare groaned, the pink mare's head landed on the table with a resounding bump. After a while she spoke again. "Why are we having this conversation anyway?"

Zipp shrugged. "Why not? I mean...It's nice to talk about these kinda of things with family."

"No...No it's not." She paused. "You need to find yourself a coltfriend or something. Having you like this twenty four hours a day is not good for my complexion.."

Zipp raised an eyebrow. "I mean. I am going out with Hitch tonight. So kinda got one right now I guess."

Pipp lifted her head from the table and gave her sister a blank stare. "What...Wait...WHAT?!" She flew over the table, shaking her sister by her forelegs. "YOU ARE DATING HITCH?! WHEN?! HOW?!"

Zipp smirked, nodding a few times. "Yesterday. Asked him out and he said sure." She chuckled. "It's nothing big sis. Just gonna grab a drink or two. Seeing where it takes us, ya know?" shrugging off her sibling, she would take another sip of her drink, emptying the contents of it in one gulp.

Pipp huffed, turning away from her sister. "And you're only telling me now?!"

The white pony shrugged. "I mean...yeah."

"Why?! Why not tell me immediately?!"

"I mean...I didn't want your opinion affected by who I was dating. Honest answers are important between sister's after all and yours was important to me." She smirked. "Also, glad you like my Hitch's ass too. Feeling really good about this date now." Standing up, Zipp would toss her empty cup into the waste bin behind her. "Glad we had this talk sis. As always, it was a thrill." She winked before flying into the sky, leaving her poor little sister with her thoughts on how to hide the body after strangling her soon to be deceased sister.

Comments ( 22 )

A funny little piece. :rainbowlaugh:

Though it does remind me of how the most recent Make Your Mark had Pipp and Zipp emphatically reject the idea that there was anything going on between them and Hitch. Absolutely killed the shipping for me. :raritydespair:

I think it was more so the fact that Queen Haven assumed her daughters were being intimate with Hitch behind closed doors and Pipp having to clear up her mother’s misunderstanding.

True. I mean They aren't even going out right now while Queen and Alpha had been going out for a while

Actually, Pipp said that there was nothing going on between them. Zipp just stood there with a nervous look on her face...

I said it on Twitter, I’ll say it here.

The animators know what they’re doing with those two in both shows.

You know this is even funnier when you realize that in the MYM pilot there is a moment where it does seem like Zipp is looking at Hitch’s ass.

Like I said, the animators know what they’re doing.


Yeah. They know what their audience is like.

The line doesn't even rhyme properly until you mentally replaced "butts" with a fandom euphemism. They knew exactly what they were doing.

I'm honestly surprised there aren't more harem Hitch stories.

Short and fun-naughty level of humor. The perfect scene for these two; wish I'd thought of it myself! Had me smiling from the get-go,:scootangel:

This is how a unicorn struts.
Watch us shake our unicorn butts.
That rhymes...

This is an example of the eons old cosmic phenomenon known only as... the sibling perk. Close siblings can utterly baffle or exasperated their sibling so long as a happy close relationship exists. Another example would be asking said sibling when they are going to produce neices or nephews to be spoiled.

Yeah, Pipp literally says "Ew!" but Zipp's expression is more "Oh crud, mom knows!"

Zipp totally wants to tap that flank.

11615719 I mean, I can see how people could interpret it that way, but when I look at that scene the expression on Zipp's face seems much more like "Mom actually thinks we're interested in Hitch, of all ponies?!"

(And for whatever it's worth, I suspect that's what the animators intended.)

Discounting some noticeable typos, pretty good one-shot comedy. It's (actually kind of not) a shame they can't say "hella" in the show, since that's totally how Pipp would react to Zipp using that word. And even though I'm not big on ships, that twist towards the end was really funny. :rainbowlaugh:

leaving her poor little sister with her thoughts on how to hide the body after strangling her soon to be deceased sister.


Damn it Zipp, everything I ever wanted you get. Except, I guess, popstar super stardom, three million followers on PonyGram, a successful beauty salon business...no I'm not flexing!? Where did you get that idea?

Plenty of other fish in sea, I guess. Or in this case chiseled butts~

Zipp you cheeky devil! I can't believe the camera crew caught footage of that! Which episode was that again?

Oh my Celestia… THIS WAS HILARIOUS. :rainbowlaugh: :pinkiehappy:

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