• Published 29th Sep 2012
  • 3,624 Views, 31 Comments

Flutterstorm - Sexy Blonde

When Fluttershy needs comforting, romance begins to take hold. What amazing thing can take root from a single moment?

  • ...

Book 1: It Happens


Fall is here. The cool night air has seeped into the room, seemingly morphing through the walls, giving no barrier to its caress against any part of me exposed to it. A cold front has pushed a storm into the area, and for the first time in months the rain is cascading from the clouds without hesitation or hold-back. As I lay in my bed, listening to the pattering rain against the roof of my upstairs bedroom, the rolling thunder begins to sneak its way into the peacefulness. I've missed storms like this so much.

The clapping of clouds begins to grow louder, brighter, more intense. More powerful. For nearly two seconds that feel like minutes, unabashed flickering peeps into my window blinds. The storm was simply showing off, almost as if knowing how much I love light dances of this caliber. Closely following this is a high-pitched crack, as if God himself had began applauding over my roof, and a low rumble that shakes my bedframe comes right along and vibrates through my body. Though I am finding joy in the storm's want to impress me, I know deep down that she is about to wake up if she hasn't already.

One second- nothing.

Two seconds- nothing.

Three seconds- Did she really not hear that? That was nearly enough to make me shake.. she's so timid and afraid of so many things. Maybe she-

Before I can complete my thought, I start hearing the moderately pitched squeaks of a twin-sized bed's springs from the room down the hall. Light footsteps follow suit, and she appears from my darkened door frame slower than that of a snail's pace. Standing there in a set of butter yellow pajamas, is the pink-haired girl I found a few months back, lost and confused in a flurry of deep purple cloud. Fluttershy.

In a matter of a few seconds, the memories reel back through my mind like a drive-in movie. After finding her covered in the eerie purple fog, I managed to get some answers from her once the panic in her voice had worn thin to a much anticipated disappearance. Sitting there not knowing where she was, or knowing what kind of strange creature she had so quickly metamorphasized into, she began a nearly inaudible ramble about how Twilight Sparkle was attempting to perform a near-impossible feat of magic; creating a fourth dimension in the three dimensional universe in which we all exist in. She apparently had shown up at Fluttershy's door with the request to attempt it there because of the lack of distractions and an abundantly peaceful environment.

Now, I don't want to get boring with this, but the chain of events all boils down to the following. Twilight had underestimated the magic needed, and the half-completed fourth dimension (currently at the stage of dimensional teleporter type thing) loosened itself from her control. It launched forward from the pure unchained energy it contained, and swallowed Fluttershy up in its grasp. Not remembering what happened between then and her arrival on Earth as a human, I decided to help the newly humanized pony search for answers. After vast amounts of research, I found the information I needed.

The universe is 75% dark matter. This unidentified substance is what allows dimesions to hold within their energy fields. In the area of the universe Equestria is situated in, the dark matter that surrounds it morphs the periodic elements into a certain characteristic form, giving the area of thousands of light years what we humans consider a 'cartoon' appearance. In the part of the universe Earth and the Solar system, as well as our galaxy and supercluster are situated in, the elements are arranged much more intricately because of the type of dark matter that surrounds the field. When Fluttershy was teleported here, she was rearranged in such a manner that she was now human and as intricate as other humans (the dominant species also comes down to the dark matter arranging the elements in different shapes).

I let Fluttershy take this in slowly once I discovered it. For the time being, we had no way to get her back to her home and original pony being. Knowing that it could be a while before something, some plan, could even begin to take shape, I decided to let her live with me.

After a few days of hopelessly trying to situate her, we were found by a human Twilight Sparkle, who then attempted to return Fluttershy to normal and teleport her back to Equestria. I stood and watched as my favorite pony (now gone human) twisted up in a cloud of the same fog she arrived in, and I nearly began crying as the cloud flashed and crackled, surely sending her home. The only thing that stopped my seemingly unstoppable fit of sadness was what I saw where the smoke had vanished from. A still human, still very there, Fluttershy.

Again, to keep this short and sweet, the uncontrollable nature at which Fluttershy was teleported caused her atomic structure to lock in position. No amount of magic from Twilight could change her back. It was a very sad moment when we all came to this realization, but things quickly took a turn for the elated when Twilight reassured us she could control the flow of energy between the dark matter fields for her and her other friends. In other words, Twilight and plenty of Fluttershy's other pony friends were soon visiting my house constantly, returning to Equestria as a cartoon pony at the end of each visit.

As my memory reel flickers and cuts out, I see her standing in my doorframe halfway into my room. Right where she was standing before my mind's theatre cut me off from the real world.

She begins her query with a near silence. "Evan- um.. would it be okay, if I.."

Before she can finish, I cut her off softly with, "Shy, can you not cuddle up with Angel if you're afraid of the storm?"

Angel, her favorite of all her pets, was sucked into this world with her, due to his trying to get her attention when he wanted her to stop what she was doing to make him his special salad recipe. Serves the little jerk right.. I think to myself. He had always, and still does, try to control Fluttershy with his whiney, nit-pickey ways (though he isn't always as successful now because of her newfound assertiveness). She stands unmoving for a second or two, and finally sighs a reply.

"Angel has never liked being held when he tries to sleep. And he's never been scared of storms, so he can't really sympathize with what I feel about them. Please Evan.. I just don't want to go it alone. I'm.. really, really scared.."

Her final sentence comes out as a whisper that almost goes unheard because of the rain, and after a second, I'm stuck at a 50/50 decision. While I would love to be able to comfort Fluttershy now that she needs it, I don't want things to be awkward. I do admit, I've always seen her as the best of the pony gang, and ever since she became a human I've held a steady crush on her, not knowing if she could ever feel the same way. But now that I'm faced with this situation, I just really don't want to disappoint her or leave her hanging in her time of need.

My pondering is abruptly cut off by another burst of sound from the approaching thunderhead, and the electric lamp at the corner of my room emits just enough light to reveal Fluttershy's face. Such an adorable face, but not one just of unmistakeable cuteness. One of genuine fear, backed up by a glistening in her beautiful cyan eyes, fists huddled to her chin.

Not able to hold her back any more, I decide it would be best to be the good friend in this situation.

"Okay Fluttershy, you can sleep in here tonight." I say with a yawn. I pull back the covers on the left side of my queen sized bed for her to slip in, and as she tip-toes gingerly toward the bedside and slips in, the pajamas I bought for her months back disappear little by little beside me. I can't help but think how great a decision it was to buy them for her, I've never seen something more adorable in my life than her in the pair of pajamas that match her old coat color perfectly. And I bought them for her; she's worn them every night since.. I think to myself. It's a great feeling when a beautiful girl like her accepts a gift you get for her.

"Thank you.." she gently rings as she pulls the blankets up to her chin.

"Anytime, Shy. You know I can't say no to that face of yours," I reply half jokingly, half in complete seriousness.

After a light giggle from the former pegasus hits my eardrums, I turn over to my back and stare at the ceiling as I attempt to enter unconsciousness. The rain is still falling heavily, and the peace of the noise nearly knocks me out, until a low rumble causes Fluttershy to tense up. As her entire body reacts to the small sign of another nearing storm, the bed's springs whine and complain at being disturbed by her motion. Being back to what could be considered as awake now, I turn to see her large blue eyes looking at me; this is getting old already. As much as I need sleep right now, I'm just going to have to maintain my patience with her.

I give her a warm smile and whisper, "Everything's okay. I'm right here."

Without reply, she returns the smile and closes her eyes, hopefully trying to go to sleep. I return my blank gaze to the ceiling, and I begin to let my eyelids descend. Thank goodness.. now I can get some much need-

CRACK! My thought is suddenly snipped short by another of God's cheers, and a house quaking rumble projects itself through my room. Before I even realize it's happening, due to my focus on the fading noise, Fluttershy's arm is tossed over my chest and her face is buried into my shoulder/chest pit. Suddenly, I can recall a loud "eek" that had happened just a second before, right after the thunder call. Not knowing what to do at this point (especially now that Fluttershy is nestling into my chest with her face), I am snapped back to the ability to think by a warm wetness emanating from her face onto my shirt, as well as the sounds of light sniffling from my left shoulder.

Wow.. this really is serious. I've never seen her so scared of something in all my life, minus dragons. Why haven't I noticed it before? As my partially sleep-happy brain thinks this, I remember (with a duh, may I add) that the entirety of my area has been in a drought for the past 4 months. While it has rained some since Fluttershy arrived, there has yet to be a storm of this magnitude. And she was giving her all to a proper reaction for something I was yet to witness.

Well, either way, here she is now. Her whole body stuck to my side. She has even gone so far as to wrap her soft little legs around my left knee down to its ankle.

At first, this was slightly irritating. But now.. I can't help but let my natural affection for her sneak up to bite me. Am I.. actually enjoying this? I really am.. wow. It feels great to have her latched onto me like this.

Not allowing myself to let the nerdy little voice in my head ponder any longer, I speak up to the pink-haired belle laying against me.

"Fluttershy," I begin, using her whole name rather than any of the nicknames I use for her on a normal basis, "everything is okay. I promise."

Here goes nothing. I slowly let my right hand creep up to meet the silky texture of the back of the hand she was holding onto me with. I allow my palm to meet full-faced with the back of said left hand, and then stroke the backs of her fingers gently with my thumb.

Before she responds to this, the thoughts come pouring over my mind. Am I really liking her like this? Am I really falling in love with a pony-gone-human that everyone thinks is a made up children's story? After forcing these and other questions to stop reeling repetitively, I can't help but notice how much quicker and stronger my heart is now beating. Along with this bodily reaction came the obvious answer that had reeled along with every obvious question as it was asked.


It's not like this is a bad thing either. Like her to Pinkie Pie, I am a year older than her. On top of this, she is now permanently human. There can't be an inter-species relationship if the two SO's are of the same species to begin with. And, to place the cherry on the sundae, Fluttershy is a real, breathing, living person. This is quickly reassured by the shortened breaths I feel caressing my neck..

"Oh m-my.. Evan.." she manages to stammer out in a confused tone.

"I'm sorry Shy, is this making you uncomfortable?" When I finish saying this, I stroke her fingers again with my thumb to signal what my question is about.

After a few seconds of silence and another quick sniffle, a low whisper floats from her mouth like silk: "Not at all.."

Upon admitting this, she presses her cute little face back into the space by my left shoulder, forehead on my neck, and to my surprise, goes so far as to lift her hand so that it slips from under my soft grasp, and repositions her fingers to interlock with mine.

The storm is still raging outside, but to me, everything has gone silent. Every sense and feel I contain within my being is focused on her. Focused on the one thing that actually matters at the moment. But what I can't figure out is, how can she, being so shy, do what she just did? She was hardly this forward with telling me breakfast was ready this morning.

Sleep happy mind kicking into gear again, I decide it fit to pull my hand back, place it on top of hers again, and move her hand over to my now pounding heart, right beside her face. As if she is magically poofed back to her everyday self, she asks in a completely normal tone, "Are you okay Evan? Are you afraid of the storm too?"

After trying to cook up an answer for a second or two, my mind decides to go with, "I think storms are soothing more than they are scary." She obviously has trouble grasping this concept, the wince on her face practically screaming it.

Nonetheless, I continue my answer. "It takes something completely different to make my heart beat the way it is now," I whisper.

At this, I take her hand and pull it back over my shoulder. When it reaches its destination, I turn onto my side facing her, causing her head to drop onto my pillow. I wrap both my arms around her hips, connecting them behind her, and pull her whole body into mine. Our faces are now no more than three or four inches apart on my pillow.

"Oh-" she begins, and as soon as I'm sure she's going to say my, she pauses and all my eardrums pick up is "-mmm...", the y's trailing off into inaudibility.

Now, I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but Fluttershy really seems to be enjoying my company at this point in time. Our heads being so close is allowing my lower face to feel her spastic breathing, her body has suddenly gone feverishly warm. I can't get over the way she smells, a fresh spring day mixed with rosebuds and tulips and water lilies, right down to her soft, glossy pink hair smelling of lavender. Her hair.. I think happily. Her gorgeous pink hair.. I love her hair so much. Never has anyone been able to look so beautiful with a full head of pink hair.

As I try to push the creepy, off-topic thoughts about her hair out of my head, my attention comes back to the now shaking pony-girl. Poor Fluttershy.. she's got to get a hold of herself. These storms are really getting to her big time. Upon thinking this, I decide to ask her again about her predicament.

"Are you still that scared Shy? You're shaking like you just saw a ghost."

At hearing this, she nearly suppresses her shaking completely except for a light tremble here and there within the continuing seconds. As the silence ensues, she finally opens her mouth to speak a reply to me. She begins low and soft.

"Well, no. Um- I mean, not really. It- it's taking something c-completely different to make me sh-shake, this time.." She gives me a sheepish smile as the sentence completes, then tilts her head downward, obviously feeling like she failed at being as cute as she'd planned on being with her statement. In all reality, the stammering and nervousness made it all the more adorable.

I now stare at her neutrally, unable to believe what I just heard. Did I really just hear that? I ponder in my mind. Did Fluttershy really just use my line.. in a completely successful attempt at being the cutest thing I've ever seen? Right now, I'm not sure if I'm more surprised at the forwardness of her attempting to flirt with me, or the fact that she basically just revealed that she has the same feelings for me that I have for her.

I don't have long to think about it, because I notice that Fluttershy is in an extremely awkward position now. I can't just leave her hanging on that sentence, come on. I've gotta think of something to say. Before coming up with anything, my thoughts start to wonder off on how I'm really the only guy she talks to now that she's on Earth for good. Much less has ever stayed in the same house for so long with. I only stay on that topic for a second or two, but now I think I'm going to play with her feelings just a little bit. Not in a bad way, but the kind of way that makes her want to pull me back when it looks like I'm about to turn away from her and walk.

"Oh, okay. I can take a hint," I push out in a sad, mono-toned fashion. "Sorry for making you uncomfortable to the point of shaking like this, I was just trying to help out my best friend."

I begin to slide my arms from around her waist as my melancholy apology meets its completion. Once my bottom arm is out, I start sliding my right hand ever so gently across her hip as it goes. Her hip bones stick out a little bit, but her waist curves compliment them ever so perfectly. In all reality, Fluttershy could be a Victoria's Secret model if she ever applied to do such a thing. She's around 5'6", probably no more than 110 pounds, and to be frank, her chest is above average size for a girl of her build. All excellent aspects of a female underwear model. But being she's had issues with modeling in the past, I know there's absolutely no way she would go into something like that. Especially considering the scantiness of such an occupation; she hardly ever goes outside with less than a brown knee skirt and butter yellow turtleneck, the same hue as her pajamas.

My fingertips finally leave her waistline, and with a light gasp, Fluttershy grabs my hand with such a swift motion that I think some other-worldly force had shoved her arm to meet mine. Using what common sense I had awake with me, I convince myself that her action was indeed under her own power, and I follow the pull of her arm with my hand to replace it on the deep curve of her midsection where it had just left.

Silence begins, and before it settles over the two of us, Fluttershy starts her plain, yet blissful reply. A tone of voice that I have never even imagined coming from her lips; one of a light heartly desire, one of flirtation, one of.. romantic truthfulness. Slow and clouded, yet down to Earth and beautiful.

"You don't do that. You don't do that at all."

For such a shy girl, she's plucked my heartstrings into perfect melody. The combinations of her actions, her speaking tones, and her overall honesty throughout our conversation has me practically begging for her to never leave where she is now, stuck to my body. Faces nearly touching. Breaths intermingling. Thoughts about her are now filling my mind's carrying capacity, and no words will come out of my slightly opened mouth due to the mental traffic jam. Before I can force some of the vehicles to merge, however, she barges past them to deepen the moment even further.

"You make me feel safe," she says, continuing with the lovely tone she has acquired.

Still keeping any response from me suppressed, she moves her arm from over my shoulder to place her silky fingertips on my cheek, and begins caressing my skin ever so gently with them.

My gaze moves from her eyes to her mouth, which has curled into a shy yet unwavering smile, and I swear I hear a 'squee' from somewhere. I have no idea where, I just seemed to be surrounded in the cute little sound effect. That had to be my imagination, there's no way I really just heard that, I think intently. I return my arms to lock behind her hips, pulling her body into mine, and I finally squeeze out the only reply my mind can generate (due to Fluttershy thoughts overloading its carrying capacity).

"And you make me feel happy. Not just normal happy, but a kind of happy I honestly didn't know I could feel. And I really like it."

Hearing this makes her press herself closer to me, embracing my top leg with both of hers. She lets out a quiet yet very bubbly giggle as she does, and rather than letting her complete the action sequence, I respond to it by simply placing my forehead onto hers. As simple of a move as this just was, she has allowed her breathing to quicken again, and I can't help but wish our faces were just a bit closer. Just an inch. Just an inch or two.

Another burst of thunder comes, not house shaking, but still loud, which causes Fluttershy to tense up a bit and gasp silently as she does. Being that we're already this close, there won't be any harm in comforting her a bit more than with just words. I'm not saying that I will take things farther than they need to go, but I wouldn't do to any normal friend what I decide to do to comfort the stone-still, fear-stricken girl beside me.

"Don't be afraid Shy, I'm right here. I've got you," I whisper without moving my forehead away from hers. Midsentence, I start to move my top hand up her back with just the ends of my fingers, while allowing my palm to brush against it slightly along the way. I slowly travel up and down her back with the same touch; slowly up to nearly touch her neck, and slowly down to veer away an inch or two before reaching her backside.

With this motion, at first, she begins to tense up more. Her body responds to my affectionate touch as if a boa constrictor were slithering along her back. However, once a stroke or two pass by, she starts to relax with each up and down pass.

Up- her shoulders fall into relaxation.

Down- her hips bump gently back onto mine.

Up- she releases a drawn out breath.

Down- Her touch on my cheek turns back to silk, she passes a light giggle, and she rubs her nose across mine two or three times in each direction. An Eskimo kiss. I manage to hold in the 'Awwwwww!' surfacing from my vocal chords, and continue to stroke her back as it dives back into my throat.

Now, we are silent. All I can bring myself to do is continue rubbing her back, while her fingertips continue to caress the nerve endings on my jaw line. Great, I begin to think, now we are at a stand still. I've got to try and make the next move here.. but what could it be? I wonder. Knowing that I just can't sit here without learning if she's being secretive or not, I decide to ask the question with the obvious answer.

"Fluttershy, is there anything you'd like to tell me?" I ask in a playful yet honest tone. Her breathing starts to speed up yet again, and she begins a shaky reply.

"Um- thank you, Evan. For, um, letting me slee- um, stay- in here with you, this, tonight. It's v-very generous of you."

There's obviously more to it than her being thankful, she had absolutely no reason to act so nervous in stating something so simple. While I'm not doubting that she is genuinely grateful, something tells me that that isn't all she's feeling at this point. Pondering this, I quizzically raise an eyebrow at her, even though I know her face is too close to mine for her to see it, and ask, "Is that all?"

No response for the moment. Then, after a quick sigh and her eyes shutting, comes a whispered, unsure, very quick, "Maybe."

I pull my head back to look at her, slightly out of reflex, and even under the extremely dim light of my electric lamp I can see her cheeks turning a bright rosy-red. Before I can reply to this, even find my bearings that I lost in seeing the adorable blush in her face, she begins a query of her own, holding the same shaky tone.

"I-is there, um- a- anything you want to.. tell, m-me?"

Jesus help me. I need it, because this is it. I don't want to have to hold it in any longer, I've gone all these months without telling her, and the secret needs to end right here. I'm almost in panic now, and I don't even know why. She isn't the first girl I've admitted my feelings to, and she may not be the last, but just being that it is her.. Fluttershy.. in the flesh. I can hardly breathe.

Being half way to completely love blinded at this point, I conjure something up sloppily and quickly as a response. Something that is better than just sitting here and telling her I like her as much more than a friend. Something that I don't see the cheesiness of at this point, but is still better than just telling her. To me it seems better, anyway.

Well. Here it goes.

"Actually.. there is something I need to tell you, Fluttershy," again, using her full name, "but I HAVE to whisper it, okay?" I inform her.

"Oh? Well, okay," she replies hushedly.

Just say it man. Say it. It's all coasting from here, you just gotta crest the hill. Don't be a- I cut off the nerdy voice in my head by finally taking its advice.

"Yes, I really have to. But," I pause for a moment before pushing the cart down the soapbox hill, "I can't whisper it into your ear."

Her breathing stops. Even the rain seems silent. The only sound ringing in my ears is my own heartbeat. The expression on Fluttershy's face is so unique; she's managing to look thoroughly confused, but at the same time, the way she is staring into my eyes is telling me that she knows exactly what is coming next. And she looks like she's been waiting for it for a long, long time.

In what seems to be a flash where time stops at point A, then resumes at point B, I move my forehead back to hers, ever so gently, and use it to tilt both our heads up.

Just an inch. Just an inch or two.

Before either of us even know its happening, I've closed all the space between mine and Fluttershy's lips. And, to me at least, it is the most magical thing I've ever felt. A millisecond into this kiss, and it's already better than any of the others.

Millisecond two arrives, and Fluttershy lets out a muffled squeak from our sudden liplock. Her breathing instantly hightens to a point that makes it seem extremely exaggerated, but begins to slow as I stand my ground. When her breathing has nearly returned to normal, her fingertips slowly flatten on my right cheek to make way for a palm. The full of her hand now rests wholly on the side of my face, and she slowly melts into a warm puddle against me.

The now passing seconds, which I notice due to the ticking analog clock on my dresser (which is indeed loud enough to be heard over the storm), seem to have the time contained in them multiplied by ten. Now our lips are no longer locking, but rather they are flowing freely against each other in a setting rhythm, like steady waves against the sands of the Gulf coast.

I didn't catch it at first, but now I'm shaking in the same manner as Fluttershy has been throughout the happenings of the last couple minutes. Not only that, but we're doing it together. We are both just as much of a mental wreck as the other, and we don't care in the slightest. Her lips are even softer than the fingers she held to my face, and the way they caress mine tell me that she is enjoying herself just as much, if not more, than I'm enjoying myself. She is putting all her energy into our passing moments of such an intimate ecstasy; she has longed for this. I allow her to pull my top lip between both of hers, where she ever so delicately pulls and releases in a magical pulsation, then commands them to let go and allow my lip to fall from hers, causing a very audible, moist smack every time she lets go and returns for more.

This is amazing. The only thought that I can shove through my mental gate keeps repeating in a slow, snail's crawl fashion. I've kissed girls before, so I have a fairly clear idea of what good is. And while Fluttershy has relatively no experience in the art of kissing, the simplicity and innocence of her being is causing my mind to quake. There are girls out there that have excessive experience, and they tend to take the lead and get fancy with the way they kiss. While this isn't exactly a bad thing, conversely, it makes any make-out session with this type of girl feel more like a race than an intimate moment with your significant other. With this girl, however, things are completely different. She has made no attempt to lead the situation, nor has she fallen behind and forced me to lead the kissing. Her lips keep PERFECT time with mine, right down to a T, almost as if.. almost as if our lips were made for the other's. As corny and cliched as that may sound.

Now that things are just getting more and more passionate, my mind stops thinking legible thoughts. Ihh uhm- yeaahgha uhhhhmmmmm.. "Mmmmm.." is all I can manage to bring out of the office, my moans waltzing through the sound barrier with hers in their arms as they gracefully swing with a slow beat and light footsteps. After the first of each of our moans, her hand moves from my cheek to brush through my hair, and stops at the back of my head to pull my lips even deeper into hers. I begin stroking her back in the same manner as before, and allow her to pull me in even more by letting out all of my breath, pressing my chest as far down as it will go. Our kisses continue, her lower lip quivering between each of mine before each release. Mouths begin to open, and our tongues touch in light brushes as our lips meet each other time and time again, giving me a taste of her mouth with each repetition. Not just the taste of skin, but the taste of pure bliss; only what I could ever imagine that being anyway, hanging on her lips with each loving tug. The taste of hanging from a cliff- awaiting that moment when you finally let go, only to grab firmly onto yet another rocky ledge, that somehow seems to be as smooth as satin. The taste of love, life, anything I could ever want- and the cool leftovers of spearmint toothpaste.

Though there are good things in this world, all good things eventually come to an end. On one final approach, our lips strike and release in perfect harmony, and they fall from each other like a fall sunset leaves the horizon. Slowly, perfectly, beautifully, having less and less contact until the final little point pulls apart. I slowly pull my head back into her hand to see her large, only half-opened cyan eyes staring up at me, an unabashed, toothless smile gracing my eyes with its adorableness. Her lower lip then slides under her top teeth, and as she bites her lower lip in trying to contain her sanity from what has just transpired, she removes her hand from the back of my head to take my top hand, and slowly move it toward- her chest?

I can understand kissing, but we just began knowing our true feelings for each other a couple of minutes ago. There is no way I'm going to chance ruining it by taking things too far in our first time together that reached such a level of passion.

As I open my mouth to object, she cuts me off as if knowing that I was going to do so.

"Trust me. It's not what you think, I promise," she whispers, voice still trembling.

I do as she asks, and I trust her. Though I am reluctant in doing so, it proves to be a pay off as she places the flat of my hand over her heart, the beating being so heavy that I'm now worrying about her safety. I don't want her to sit here and have a heart attack, but I still realize what she is doing, as well as what she is about to say.

Through a clear, unshaking, comfortable whisper, she states, "I just wanted you to know what you do to me, Evan. Not just from what just got done happening, but- every single time I've so much as thought of you for the past few months. My heart has never failed to be set aflutter when it happens." Her shy roots begin to come back into play, and she adds with a quick grin and light squint, "Um- if that's okay with you of course."

Left unable to reply to her sentiment, the sweet serendipity of our newfound infatuation takes me over, making my mouth release a light chuckle, and I return my hands to around her hips to pull our chests together. I can now feel her heartbeat next to mine, as I'm sure she can feel the same of mine.

"Hmmmmmmm.." Fluttershy hums behind her soft, ever so delicate lips. The same lips that I now want to call home, and never have to take a vacation from. She definitely can feel my heartbeat beside hers too.

Wait- why is it so quiet? As soon as I ask myself this, I realize the answer. The rain has stopped. There hasn't been any thunder for the past several minutes, and I'm honestly finding it hard to believe that the storm passed so quickly. I lean up on my elbow to check my overly obnoxious clock, to see that I've been kissing the pink-haired beauty beside me for nearly 20 minutes. It really is amazing how much time flies when you find yourself falling in love.

"Fluttershy," I ring, "the storm is over. You can go back to your bed now if you'd like."

Her face lowers slightly and her gaze averts to the side, pondering what she should answer with. After a few seconds, she finally returns her eyes to mine, letting her eyelids droop slightly, and answers in an almost blissful tone.

"Um, do you think that maybe, this could be my bed from now on out? That really would make me ever so happy."

I stare back into her eyes as the question continues to reel through my head as I had heard it. Before I even get a chance to answer however, her tone drops instantly and she adds in her normal voice, "I mean, just if that's okay with-"

Her sentence is stopped by me stealing a quick kiss to stop the shy conclusion to her query, earning another soft moan, and I release the kiss to say in my own tone of bliss, "That would make me ever so happy as well."

At that, I pull her back into me with the hands still connected behind her hips on the small of her back, and she nuzzles her face into the space below my chin. Not able to restrain myself, I begin to hold onto her like she's the most important thing in the world to me. And, in all reality, she is. I could pick her over anything at this point in time. A house, my car, friends, family, music, money- life- I would have her over all of it.

It's taken a matter of minutes to create something beautiful between the two of us. Being that we've liked each other in such a way for such a time, it feels like we've been together as more than best friends ever since she arrived through the portal. Looking back on the times we had already shared together before tonight, I can see all of her actions that made her true feelings ever so obvious. Actions that quietly passed me by. Just laying here feeling her breathe on my neck makes me so anxious to see everyone's, and everypony's, happy and excited expressions when we get to tell them all about our newfound companionship. When I get to tell them of my newfound desire, and can step over and point at the gorgeous young girl that will be by my side every step of the way. It's taken a matter of minutes. Tens of minutes, and this beautifully sweet love has taken root.

All I can do now is lay here, and wonder what can, and will, be done with a lifetime of letting it grow.