• Published 29th Sep 2012
  • 3,624 Views, 31 Comments

Flutterstorm - Sexy Blonde

When Fluttershy needs comforting, romance begins to take hold. What amazing thing can take root from a single moment?

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A Quick Note

I figured it would be a good idea to make a brief section of author's notes for any questions that may end up coming my way.

I decided to make this story into two books because I feel as though Flutterstorm's original single chapter stood alone quite well. Due to this, I hoped for it to be considered it's own book, and Book two (of which all continuing chapters will be a part of) to be considered a sequel. I didn't post it as its own story because I'd rather people have the first chapter available to them in the same location than have to search for a separate story.

As far as updates go, they may lack consistency. I find myself busy at surprising times throughout every week, and I often don't get much time to write. I will try my best to make updates fairly quick, possibly a 7,000+ word chapter around every 2.5 to 3 weeks, and I will do my best to not disappoint. This is not set in stone however, and some updates may take longer. It only took me so long to update the last time because I wanted to gain more views before posting the next part of the story.

To everyone that has been referring my story to fellow writers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't help but greatly appreciate the help you have all been to me, because were it not for you, this story probably wouldn't be past the 300 view count.

To my likers and favoritors, thanks for the encouragement. I love seeing people enjoy my story; my personal mission is to keep everyone loving my writing. To the dislikers, thank you for the encouragement as well. Though I hate to see that little bit of red bar, it has encouraged me to better my writing, and I feel like the beginning of book two definitely had better structure than the first. Whether I do or don't get anymore dislikes (hopefully the latter) is all based on opinion, and I won't infringe upon the right to have an opinion, but for anyone that may do so I ask that you give me an explanation as to why so I can attempt to resolve the apparent issue. Thank you for the cooperation.

As for what's happening in my life, well, I'm just writing it down as I go along! Any photos I post at the beginnings of chapters will be described in part of the story, and are really of my taking and are as described in real life. The tree shot from the glass back door last chapter? That is really my view from my living room. Just figured that these little snaps would help make the story more realistic for all my gracious viewers such as you.

Thank you again everyone for all the help, and I hope you enjoy-

"Evan?" Fluttershy asks in slight annoyance as she sees me typing on my laptop again.

"Ehem- yes Shy?" I say, speaking as innocently as possible.

"Can't you do whatever you're doing later? I was hoping you would watch this with me."

I sigh and shake my head at myself, knowing that typing really isn't all that important at the moment, and I shut my laptop before sitting it to the side on the sectional.

I turn the TV up and place the remote back on its perch on the lamp stand, and wrap my arms around Fluttershy's midsection before pulling her into me as I lean diagonally onto the arm of the sectional. She interlocks the fingers of both hands with both of mine, and we both listen to the nature documentary playing as we cuddle.

"We'll probably have to start getting ready after this goes off, we want to make it to the restaurant with plenty of time," I mention under the pressure of her body resting on my stomach and chest.

"Don't worry Evan, we'll make it," she says calmly.

"I hope we do, those reservations are tough to find!"

"Well, if we don't it wouldn't matter. We would still get to go somewhere else and see the movie, I'm sure. We even might could just go to the mall or something maybe, we haven't been to Starbucks in a while. Oh-! And Petsmart! We haven't been to Petsmart in such a long time! We could do that if we didn't make it. But, um, you're right. We'll have plenty of time after this."

"We will if we even get to watch the show, silly. Shh!" I retort in jest with an overdone Australian accent.

At that, I kiss her on top of her head through her pink locks of hair and direct my eyes back at the television as she giggles. Before long, my boredom sets in while her interest sets on the screen, and I find myself thinking about the night ahead yet again.

She doesn't even know about everything I have already planned. Tonight is going to be amazing.