• Published 30th Jun 2023
  • 272 Views, 14 Comments

On the Road to '63 - niBBoi

A collection of short Equestria at War fanfiction.

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The doors clicked behind Twilight as the guards that were escorting her promptly left the room. While the silence settled back in, the princess stood still and stared at the mare before her. The mare, sat behind her desk, looked up from whatever she was doing and stared back.

Twilight Sparkle couldn't believe it before, and she still couldn't believe it then. The rumors were true, and her eyes didn't lie to her when she saw that broadcast. Flaming mane, flaming tail, different eyes... Twilight gazed upon Celestia's form, but no. She couldn't possibly be the Princess of Friendship's beloved mentor, could she?

Suddenly, the mare spoke. "I can see you're a bit startled by my new look."

Twilight grimaced, never moving from her spot, and carefully replied. "That... is an understatement."

The mare who looked like Celestia broke eye contact and chuckled to herself. "I guess so, and it is also why you are here. An explanation is only right, and so I asked for you to come to Canterlot. To be honest, I'm a little surprised that you actually went, Twilight. I had a small feeling you would have ran and gone out of country with the others the moment you saw me when I went on air the other day. Well, ran to look for a solution in safety, that is. I know you wouldn't abandon anyone."

Twilight glanced to the side in thought. She had to admit she was surprised herself that she followed the request to come to Canterlot. She had serious thoughts of packing up her bags and taking her friends and family to the Crystal Empire or even New Mareland, but in the end, she decided against it. Perhaps she still held out hope that she could talk Princess Celestia out of whatever she was doing or at the very least, find out what in the world was going on so she could figure something out.

Bringing Twilight's attention back, Celestia stood up from her chair and began to speak.

"I'll start with the war then. You've read the reports, Twilight. Simply put, the situation is dire. The changelings are as close as a few tens of kilometers away from Canterlot, and enemy air forces continue to hammer at our capital. I have ordered for more conscription and have forced industries to further ramp up production, but the changes are coming in too slowly as there are still those in Equestria that are vehemently opposed to militarization."

The mare paused and her horn flared to life. A stack of files was pulled out of a nearby cabinet and was brought towards Twilight. The princess reluctantly took the papers in her grasp, and Celestia continued.

"As each day passed, I had to do something and I had to do more than ever before. Luna told me that I shouldn't push myself for my failures, but she doesn't understand. Equestria is suffering, and it's my fault for letting it get this bad. Now, it's my duty to make things right."

Pages turned as Twilight scanned the contents of the files, and as she continued, her heart sank deeper and deeper into her stomach. Celestia saw this and spoke with a grave tone.

"What you are reading is true, Twilight. Those reports were the final straw that finally drove me to an epiphany. It was as if an ancient fire was lit inside of me, and suddenly, I knew what had to be done. Equestria has the means to drive the changelings out of our home, but they need someone to push them to victory."

Twilight took a moment to process things. Seconds passed as a flurry of emotion rocked her chest. Eventually, she put the papers aside, took a deep breath, and shook her head. "People are scared, Ce-" She stopped then continued. "People are afraid. No one knows what's happening, and many are at a loss. There were the rumors and the broadcast, and then Luna fled... Some are even calling you a tyrant now. "Daybreaker" they call you. And I- I myself don't even know if you're still Celestia. I-" The princess looked away from Celes- no, Daybreaker.

At this, Daybreaker moved to comfort Twilight, but the princess took a sudden step back - ears flattened against her head and fear gripping her chest. Slowly, however, Daybreaker reached Twilight and the embrace was warm and familiar. "I'm still Celestia, my dear Twilight. Others can call me a tyrant or a monster for all I care, but what matters is that I do what is necessary for Equestria. However, I'd never set out to hurt the ones I love in order to achieve my goals. If I ever do, Twilight, then I'd have truly gone insane."

After a while, the two separated, and Daybreaker spoke once more. "People may be scared now, but eventually, they'll grow to accept these new changes because they have to. It's unfortunate though that Luna doesn't yet see that I'm not her enemy. For now, however, I have something to ask of you, Twilight..." Daybreaker put a hoof on Twilight and continued. "For as full of willpower and determination as I am now to send the changelings back whence they came, I cannot do this on my own. I need you here in Canterlot as a fellow princess of Equestria, and I need you by my side to snuff out my inhibitions, temper my worst impulses, and help me help Equestria in its hour of need."

When Daybreaker put her hoof back down, Twilight looked down and contemplated the offer. "I'm not sure. I don't even know what you plan to do, and I'm already risking everything by meeting you here."

Daybreaker sighed. "I understand why you feel that way, Twilight. Here I am, the mentor you have known and loved for all your life, seemingly turning away from the very values of Harmony she has cultivated for as long as anyone can remember. However, you must understand as well, Twilight, that I do all this for Equestria. In the past, Harmony alone has served everyone well, but now, times are changing and I have realized that I and our outdated ways must change along with it."

Moments passed in silence as Twilight's thoughts flowed. She admitted that change was necessary, but how much change was too much change? She gazed upon the mare in front of her and internally winced at the fiery new form of her dear mentor, and yet...

She hadn't noticed it before, but beneath the dark pair of eyes Daybreaker had was a twinkle of the Celestia she knew. It was there, alive and well, and it was a sign that gave Twilight both dread and hope.

Celestia truly believed in what she was saying. She wanted the changelings out of Equestria, and this was how she would do it - with fire and fury. However, she was not lost. She was still definitely there, and perhaps, there was a chance. In the meantime, however, Twilight was determined to not give up on her teacher.

A few more moments passed until Twilight uttered a word. "It... will be a hassle moving back here in Canterlot, but I think I'll manage."

Hearing this, Daybreaker beamed an eerily warm smile at Twilight. Meanwhile, Twilight steeled herself as she bid the flaming mare goodbye and left the room.

The war had clearly taken its toll on Celestia, and she needed a friend by her side. Luckily, she had the Princess of Friendship to keep her straight throughout it all, and maybe that friendship would prevail in the end...

Author's Note:

"She who fought monsters.

She who gazed into the abyss."

Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/equestriaatwar/comments/146t23i/dawn/