• Published 30th Jun 2023
  • 273 Views, 14 Comments

On the Road to '63 - niBBoi

A collection of short Equestria at War fanfiction.

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The crackling sounds of fire filled Daybreaker's ears. Smoke covered large parts of the midday sky in nearly pitch-black clouds. Far off in the distance, gunshots could be heard. The cleanup was in order, it seemed.

With a stoic gaze, the solar monarch took note of her surroundings. She was stood on a small hill near the edge of a regimental headquarters that doubled as an area for refugees waiting to be transported away from the frontlines while the soldiers who fought yesterday were already miles ahead. In front of Daybreaker, the aftermath of a battle met her eyes as the broken terrain of the little valley contrasted the otherwise beautiful lush plains and dark green woods.

The refugees' horrific stories had mostly been the same as before. However, they seemed to have only gotten worse as the Equestrian army advanced and took back more and more of their home from the changeling invaders. There were tales of pillaging, murder, torture, "relocation", and certain fates worse than death, and they had only increased in frequency and severity.

A breeze flew past as Daybreaker looked over her surroundings once more. The headquarters they were staying in was set up in the ruins of a village that they had just taken from the changelings a couple days ago. After the Equestrian army started a grand offensive once Equestria achieved victory in a brutal battle over the fields and trenches of the western outskirts of Canterlot, they eventually reached the Mareposa river. Soon, the army had caught their still-unprepared enemy off-guard and had managed to cross the river on multiple points, encircling the city of Mareposa, and liberating it from the insects. The resulting gap that formed in the changeling lines was promptly exploited.

As town after town and village after village was liberated, the atrocities that the insectoid scum left in their wake became more and more apparent, and they only served to fuel the Equestrians' growing hatred.

At that thought, Daybreaker was reminded of something. Her horn flared and she looked down on a half-burnt photo of a little filly. Fetching it from the burned remains of a house was already bad enough, but then she met the mother.

She stared at the photo for a moment, put it away, and then continued her musings.

Ideas were dangerous and powerful things. The idea of a wretched invader that threatened homes and loved ones with unspeakable acts united people like almost no other. That hatred of the enemy had always been there amongst the Equestrian people - most especially the soldiers - ever since the invasion started, and Daybreaker's ascension had simply given them the greenlight to act upon their sentiments. Finally, the Equestrians' frustrations were starting to be given vent upon the little hive-spawns with a fire and fury that sought to make things right, and Daybreaker was all for it.

Daybreaker breathed in the air around her, closing her eyes. The smell was faint but unmistakable. The mare then opened her eyes and traced the smell back to exactly where she knew it was coming from. Over at the outskirts of another nearby village on the side of a hill, burning piles of dark flesh emitted black stacks of ghastly smoke that carried with it the familiar smell of death with a side of charred meat. It was a sight that Daybreaker couldn't help but break the stoic expression on her face for and smile at for a brief moment.

Luckily, most of those pathetic little changelings that were defending the area before the Equestrian army rolled in chose wisely and let themselves be taken away to a prison camp where their worthless little lives could at least serve the purpose of providing Equestria free labor for a war effort against the insects' very own hives. However, some were just too dense to know when the fight was over for them, and so consequences followed for the foolish. Meanwhile, particularly horrible changelings were not even given a choice and were immediately dealt with.


An ear swiveled as Daybreaker once more heard the sound of gunshots echoing from far away.

Some of the insects chose a third option and ran away like the cowards they were. Stragglers, however, were not appreciated by the Equestrian army. Once the bastards were captured, they were given the same two options their less craven comrades were given.

It was simple, really. Those who chose to surrender got to live. Those who chose to continue to resist did not, and any changeling found to have committed unforgivable crimes had the same fate as well. Those last two groups were then usually given to locals who knew just the right ways to serve justice upon the infernal bugs. Afterwards, the broken bodies were disposed of with fire and sometimes with the business end of a gun if ever any of the changelings miraculously survived.

Daybreaker sighed. As much as she enjoyed relishing in her little ponies' victories, there was still much to be done. Her visit of the frontlines was nearing its end, and the alicorn of the sun was needed back in Canterlot to discuss future operations and to ensure the continued proper wartime administration of Equestria.

As the flaming mare turned and slowly made her back to her tent, a thought crossed her mind. She looked back at the destruction before her.

A million strong and counting, the sleeping alicorn had awakened and had been filled with a terrible resolve. Blood shall be paid, and Daybreaker planned to make sure of that, for a great inferno awaited the changeling hives.

Author's Note:

"Do not count the days, do not count the miles. Count only the changelings you have killed.

"Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill."

Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/equestriaatwar/comments/13opkax/inferno/