• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 4,219 Views, 32 Comments

Theoretically - Erynaster

Twilight decides to take a theoretical approach to her romantic feelings for you.

  • ...

In the Dark

Clackity-Clack! Clackity-Clack!

Your fingers fly over the keyboard in rapid succession as you type away at your new novel, something you've been working on for weeks now. A stack of papers sits adjacent to you, the product of your hard work these past few days that you've spent shut in the castle. Despite all the efforts of your friends to get you out of your comfort zone, you politely refused in favor of the blissful solitariness that came with being a reclusive writer. And a seasoned one at that.

It's evident from the way your eyes narrow in concentration as you type that you were not to be disturbed, and you liked it that way. Any time spent away from your precious typewriter you considered to be a waste of time, a fruitless pursuit of frivolities that would be infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things. No, you would rather spend your days cooped up indoors, where you could write tales of monsters and heroes, of villains and angels, anything that would border the impossible was a welcome distraction from reality, something you were deeply dissatisfied with.

... Her eyes glowed in the dark as she got on all fours, slowly yet surely making her way over to where Dante lay waiting, his heart practically pounding out of his chest at the sight of his lover in such a provocative position. As she drew ever nearer, so did his breath die in his throat. Her eyes gleamed, sparking something primal in Dante's soul. Something borderline animalistic as he gazed fondly at his lover, the one who had stolen the heart of Cupid himself.

"Lomena, should we really be doing this?" Dante's voice carried with it a hint of uncertainty. "We've been seeing each other for a while now, but I don't think that—"

"That what, my love?" The Veilimiran Princess sighs, her voice laced with lust as she gazes at her shirtless lover. "Do you not think that the time is right? That the very Stars above our heads have aligned for us to have this moment...?"

You pause, uncertain of how Dante would respond to such a query. Writing romance scenes was never quite your forte, but you liked to think that you were doing a fairly good job at it.

Dante lets out a sigh, evidently torn between the prospect of making love to the woman he had grown to admire, or to put it off in favor of more pressing matters at hand. Anteros was still loose, stirring up the people in open rebellion against the monarchy, sparking riots in the streets as they clamoured for their demands to be met. It would not be in good faith to rush into sudden decisions when matters of politics still loomed like a sword ready to fall upon them at any given moment.

"... We can't. At least, not yet." Dante whispered back, his voice carrying with it a hint of urgency as Lomena remained steadfast in her efforts to seduce him. "Anteros was your former love, Lomena. Acting out of passion now would only provoke him to wage war against your people. I'm not having that."

You smile. That seemed like the perfect response. You hoped that your writing wasn't too formal or hard to read, because the last thing you wanted was for your future readers to be dissatisfied with your work. Either way, you kept at it.

The spark in Lomena's eyes fizzles out a little, but doesn't fully die. If anything, it remained burning brighter than ever as she continued to gaze at Dante with longing.

"Dante, love, what's he gonna do? It's just you and me, together. It's not like he's going to come barging into this room the moment we touch." Lomena giggles, evidently amused at Dante's concern. She crawls over to him, laying flat on his chest as she traces circles on his cheek in a teasing manner, as though trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Touch me, my love." She grins. "Touch me and make me the happiest woman in all of Veilimir."

You pause, a feeling of deja vu coming over you. Where had you heard something like that before?

Your mind then recalls the intimate moment by the lake.

You shake your head, trying to focus on your writing. You promised yourself you wouldn't give it any more thought than you had to.

Dante stiffens up at her touch, the combined sensation of her breasts pressed against his chest and her fingers tracing circles on his cheek sending him up in shivers. The heat rises to his cheeks as he gazes at his newfound lover, the one who had loved him when he had no one else, the one who was there for him when the world shut him out, the one who had pulled him out of his darkest place when his own wings failed to lift him up... it was her. The woman he loved. The woman whom he would love nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with.

It was with a pounding heart that he made his decision, gently cupping her cheek in his hand, all while gazing deeply into her golden yellow eyes as he did so. And with the faintest of smiles, he leans in close. Close enough to touch her lips, yet far enough to pull away at the last minute should he change his mind. His heart pounding in his ears, he opened his mouth to speak. "Oh, Twilight

You gasp, staring at the words you had subconsciously typed as you lost yourself in your thoughts. Blushing furiously and muttering angrily to yourself, you rip the paper from the typewriter, tearing it in half.

It was worthless now.

You toss the crumpled piece of paper into a nearby trash bin, which was by now overflowing with the remnants of your attempts at writing this particular chapter. It was practically a waste of paper by now, but you didn't care. As long as Twilight kept popping up in your subconscious as you typed, you would never be able to go a sentence or two without somehow being influenced by your deluded fantasies. Twilight was, by all means, a good friend. Despite all her efforts at getting you to see otherwise, it just simply didn't make sense to you in the slightest.

After all, why on Equus would she even be interested in you? You and her were simply too different from each other. You think this to yourself as you attach a new sheet of paper to the roller, locking it in place as you set your fingers to the keyboard once more. Previously, your mind had been brimming with ideas for your story. But now? You were at a dead end. You could never get past this chapter, no matter how hard you would try. Romance scenes always eluded you, that much was certain.

Maybe it was your lack of experience. You think as you begin typing, each key making a clacking sound as you do so. Perhaps it was simply your inexperience in the field of romance that prevented you from fully capturing the essence of the moment, to fully seize the feeling of being intimate with a partner; to share love, passion, and affection with one another... It was a concept that perplexed you.

You weren't cynical. You were simply hesitant. You nod as you type, relaxing your shoulders which you realized were tensed up the entire time. You weren't exactly "boyfriend material" if you were being honest. Even back home, human women would turn their noses up at you simply because you didn't exactly fit their ideal standard of what was, to put it mildly, "conventionally attractive".

But why now? You pause, stopping mid-sentence as the thought occurs to you. Why would Twilight, The Princess of Friendship, savior of Equestria time and again, have feelings for you? It was unfathomable. One might even call it misguided.

Perhaps she was just confused. Maybe, for some unexplainable reason, Twilight had confused her platonic feelings for you for feelings of the romantic kind. You sigh, resuming to type away at the chapter, only to realize that you had begun to spell out Twilight's name once more. Groaning, you rip the paper from the roll and toss it into the trash can with a huff.

You weren't in love with the mare. She was just... on your mind. A lot. Day and night, dusk till dawn. It was natural, right? After all, she was your closest friend. Your only friend. Surely the fact that you couldn't stop thinking about her was a natural reaction, right?


And yet... part of you entertained the idea of being in a relationship with Twilight. You had long since accepted the fact that Twilight's species was just as sentient and sapient as you were, and you had no qualms regarding the possibility of a potential relationship being taboo. That being said, you didn't let yourself dwell on these fantasies. You had somehow convinced yourself that in the end, Twilight Sparkle would tire of you. And that would be the end of it.

You rub your tired eyes, gazing out of the darkened window. It's pitch-black outside, which meant that you had spent the afternoon and most of the evening typing away at your novel, which was a fruitless pursuit, judging from the progress you made. You stand up rather haphazardly, knocking over an inkwell in the process.

Cursing your clumsiness, You grab a towel from the table and mop up the spilled ink, carefully scooping up the shattered remains of the inkwell and dumping them in the trash bin. You wipe your hands on your jeans, yet some ink remains stubbornly smeared on your skin. Sighing in disdain, you throw the covers over your typewriter, before walking to the doorway and switching off the light switch as you exit the room.

The hallway is vast and spacious, stretching out far to the left and right. You begin to head in the direction of the east wing, where your personal chambers were located. To this day, you still marvelled at Twilight's hospitality, plus the fact that she was completely willing to share her living space with somecreature like you for an indefinite amount of time. When you had arrived, you were a complete stranger to her, and yet she took you in; fed you, clothed you, and heck, even gave you a new life amidst the chaos that you felt at the time. She had helped you adjust to life in Equestria, and if it weren't for her, perhaps you would've gone mad with the weight of being in a completely different universe.

You owed a lot to Twilight. Maybe that was the reason why you felt so inclined to her. Why you felt so attached to her despite your feelings for her being purely platonic. Or so you thought. The thing was, you knew deep in your heart that despite anything that you might say... you love Twilight. The mere thought of it makes you cringe, as though the idea of having room in your heart for romance repulsed you. It was just the fact that you had spent such a long time alone, unwanted, and unloved, that you had begun to doubt whether love even existed in the first place. Now that it was in plain sight in front of you, you had your trust issues.

You eventually reach the door to your chambers, which you push open. In the dark, some scuffling noises can be heard, and a shrill "Ow!" pierces the air, accompanied by a heavy thud.

Your heart pounding, you turn on the light switch, revealing none other than Twilight Sparkle, laying on your bed with a dazed expression on her face, surrounded by dozens of what appeared to be... rose petals?

"T-Twilight?" You walk over to her, helping her to her hooves. "What are you doing here?"

"Anon! You... you weren't supposed to see this! W-Well, not yet, at least." She stutters, her cheeks rosy-pink. "I wasn't expecting you for at least another hour. Did your writing not go well?"

You shake your head.

"No, I, er... hit a writer's block again." You lie, surveying Twilight with a curious look on your face. "Twilight... what are you wearing?"

She blushes, crossing her front hooves in embarrassment. Thin-laced fabric adorns her frame, stretching over her purple body whilst accentuating her curves with straps and ribbons, giving her a rather... sexy appearance. Knee-high stockings decorate her hooves, the sight of which stirs something primal within you, like a lion roaring in the cage of your chest. With the beast beginning to stir within you, you swallow nervously, facing the obvious truth of what lay before you.

Twilight Sparkle was wearing lingerie. For you.

"It was... supposed to be a surprise." Twilight mutters sheepishly. "I-I did some research, and asked for some help from Rarity, who said that stallions find this sort of thing attractive..." Her ears fold back against her skull, indicating her embarrassment. "That, and she said that you liked this sort of thing."

"Really now? Well, damn her." You sigh, feeling the heat in your cheeks beginning to rise. Trust Rarity to make up something like that to get Twilight's hopes up. "Look, I... I'm flattered, Twi. Truly. It's just..."

"You don't like it?" Twilight's voice trembles as she walks up to you, giving you a feeble look.

"N-No! I mean, don't get me wrong, Twilight. You look gorgeous!" You hastily respond, to which Twilight's blush deepens. "No one's ever done this sort of thing for me before. Or any pony, for that matter."

"I-I..." Twilight trails off, a faint smile on her muzzle. "... Thank you, Anonymous."

The two of you stand awkwardly for a moment. Twilight paws nervously at the ground, looking down as she avoids your stare. She looks absolutely breathtaking, and from what you could tell, she was even wearing a small amount of makeup. Your blush deepens at the thought of what this mare had gone through to make this happen, and you can't help but feel a tiny sense of pleasure at the thought.

"So, um..." Your eyes wander around the room as you fidget with your hands. "What were you, er... doing before I came in?"

"Me? Oh, I was just about to set this trail of rose petals from your study to your room." Twilight laughs softly. "You can't blame me for wanting to do this right, can you?"

"Twilight." You sigh, feeling an upsurge of affection for the purple Alicorn. "That's really sweet of you."

"Heh. Well... I was just doing it for you." She smiles up at you, her eyes sparkling. "Besides, the rose petal trail would've upped the romance factor by at least twenty percent, making the likelihood for intimacy all the more probable—"

Twilight stops herself mid-sentence, blushing furiously.

"... But that's just a theory." She giggles nervously, hiding her face from you.

"So this was all purely theoretical, huh? A scientific experiment?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at her in amusement.

Twilight peeks at you, a bashful grin plastered on her muzzle.

"Well... partly. Intimacy is a really intriguing subject! And I... well..." She sighs, shaking her head once. "Nevermind. But, um... Anon, can we talk for a moment?"

"Of course! On the bed?" You ask nervously, wondering if that was the right call.

"Y-Yeah. Come, sit down next to me." She giggles bashfully, clambering atop your bed before beckoning for you to join her.

You close the door behind you, wondering if this was all still within reason. Common sense was telling you that things could escalate quickly from here, and that proceeding would be unwise. But you heeded not your body's insistent warnings, instead opting to climb into bed with the purple Alicorn, your best friend.

Once you had settled in next to her, Twilight's horn glows, and the next thing you know, you're thrown into complete and total darkness. With the lights out, you can barely make out the shape of the Alicorn in front of you. But from what you could tell, she was breathing rather heavily.


She doesn't respond. You nearly jump as a gentle hoof presses itself against your chest, gently pushing you down onto the bed. You can feel your legs turn to jelly as you feel Twilight's hot breath on your neck, and an involuntary shiver creeps up your body as you feel her tail gently slink its way around your leg.

The beast within you whimpers, cowering in fright at this new development. It's at this point that you realize that you were no roaring lion. You were prey. Prey that had just fallen for the trap of the predator now haunched over you, leaving you at her mercy, will, and pleasure.

"My dear Anonymous..." Twilight purrs, a low growl sounding from somewhere in her throat. "My dear, sweet Anonymous..."

Her voice is low and sultry as she leans in, and a gasp escapes your throat as you feel Twilight's teeth sink into your flesh. It's not a painful bite, rather, it feels almost loving. You knew Twilight was merely toying with you here, gently nibbling on your skin like you were the tastiest snack she had ever had. Gently, so as not to break the skin, yet forcefully enough to leave little indentations on your skin as she makes her way up to the side of your face.

"You know what I love most about you, Anon?" She whispers, her breath tickling your cheek. "You're really cute when you're flustered."

Her hoof finds its way to your other cheek, gently turning your face so that you two were now laying face-to-muzzle with each other. In the semi-darkness, you can barely make out her expression, which was one of pure desire and longing.

"... and you're always so shy around me when we're like this..." She purrs, pressing her nose against yours. "You're always so timid when I express myself to you. It's almost as if you... you like me."

In the dark, she smirks, leaning in closer until your lips are an inch apart.

"... Do you like me, Anon?"

You shiver as her tail gives a little flick, tickling your shins as it curls reflexively around your leg once more.

"H-Hard to say..." You breathe out shakily, leaning further away from her lips. You just weren't ready.

In the dark, you can see her pout. A gentle hoof finds its way to your back, carefully guiding you back into her warm embrace. Twilight presses herself against you, and you can feel her heart beating against your chest, a slow and steady rhythm that was uniform in nature.

"The way I see it, you're scared." Twilight sighs, starting to trace circles on your cheek with a free hoof. "Scared of love, Anon. Scared of what it feels like to actually be loved."

She lowers her voice to a whisper.

"... what it feels like to be loved by me."

As Twilight continues to trace circles on your cheek, you can't help but yearn for more of her touch. The broad pad of her hoof is warm and inviting, leaving a blissful sensation on your skin, almost an electric one. You're practically putty in her hooves, and you knew full well that she was aware of that fact.

"Twilight, I..." You gasp as she presses her forehead against yours, firmly grasping your forearm with her hoof as she pulls you in, holding you fast in a tight embrace.

"Oh, Anon..." She moans, her voice laced with longing. "Why do you have to be so... so adorable?"

You shrug awkwardly.

"I'm still no Flash Sentry." You chuckle, hoping to make a small joke.

Twilight frowns, a look of disdain on her face still visible in the semi-darkness. She leans up to get a good look at you, eyeing you with a look of concern.

"Love, we talked about this." She sighs, burying her muzzle in the crook of your neck as she speaks. "I'm already over that, it was just a crush. Please, let's not talk about him. Ever. You're all I need, okay?"

You stay silent, shivering slightly as Twilight begins nibbling your neck once more. Her bites become more and more passionate by the minute, with more force applied with each bite. She starts sucking on your skin, too, leaving you guessing that come the following morning, your skin would be laced with hickeys.

"T-Twi?" You croak, relishing the feeling of her teeth on your skin.

"Yes, Anon?" Twilight giggles, clearly enjoying how she was making you feel. "What is it?"

You pause.

"Why do you love me?" You finally ask the question that's been weighing on your mind for the longest time, hoping that she would be able to provide an answer that would finally put your fears at rest.

"Is that a serious question, Anon?" Twilight giggles, nuzzling your cheek with her own.

"I love you because you're the most wonderful, intelligent, kind, lovely, amazing, adorable, sweet, caring... I mean, I could go on forever." Twilight sighs dreamily, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "You're everything I could ever want in a partner."

"But why? Twilight, you know I'm not conventionally attractive. Even back home, I—"

"Anon, I don't give a damn about how you look. Your personality matters way more to me than something as superficial as looks." Twilight shakes her head. "If that's what you're concerned about, then let me put that fear to rest. You're perfect in my eyes, and nothing will ever change that."

"But I'm complicated to be around, Twi. I-I have issues and vices and—"

Twilight gently presses her hoof to your mouth, cutting you off.

"Anonymous, when I said I love you, I meant it. I'm willing to love the whole package, not just the box art. You're never a burden to me, Anon. And you're definitely not some liability or bad influence in my life."

You sigh.

"It's just... you're the first girl to ever feel this way about me, and to actually love me... it must've taken a lot of sacrifice on your part."

Twilight's eyes shimmer in the dark. "You don't understand! I didn't sacrifice anything, I gained something by loving you! Being with you every day, talking with you, listening to you, it's all made my life so much better! I can't even remember what my life was like before I met you, Anon. You've been such a blessing to me and to all the ponies who know and love you. You're anything but a burden. You're a gift."

Twilight gently cups your cheek in her hoof, gently tilting your head so that she could look you straight in the eye.

"My point is, despite what you think of yourself, you are never the bad things that you think you are. You're Anonymous, the most amazing human I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

Twilight leans in as she says this, merely a hair's breadth away from your lips.

"... not to mention, the only human I want to spend the rest of my life with."

She smiles up at you, eyes twinkling.

"Does that answer your question?" She asks, giggling softly.

You nod, feeling tears forming at the corners of your eyes. "More than you know. I... I never knew how much I needed to hear that."

Twilight smiles softly. "Well, then I guess you're going to have to get used to it. I'll never stop telling you how amazing, important, and loved you are, because that's what you deserve."

Feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, you lean in and press a soft kiss to Twilight's lips. You want her to know that you feel the same way, that you love her with all your heart and soul. And as you stare deeply into her eyes, you know that she knows.

"I love you, Twilight." You whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "More than anything, I love you. I'm just... sorry it took so long for me to reciprocate. I had a lot to think about."

Twilight lays in stunned silence as you pull away, but she eventually recovers enough to pull you in for another kiss, her lips grinding passionately against your own. Her tongue slides in your mouth, a moan escaping her throat as she forces herself deeper into you, and you can't help but get lost in the bliss of the moment as the two of you share this moment of total vulnerability and transparency, a moment finally shared as lovers.

"Oh, hush. Hush. It's okay, Anon. It is so okay. You're worth waiting for." She whispers, her breath leaving a ticklish sensation on your lips. "I'm just glad you feel the same way... I'm so, so glad..."

A gentle downpour begins to start outside, the raindrops beating lightly upon the stained glass windows. You gently cradle Twilight in your arms, holding her fast in an embrace that spoke volumes about how much you adore her. She sighs into the embrace, pressing light kisses to your neck while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. In this moment, you have each other, and that's all that matters. You can feel yourself growing closer with each passing second, a bond forged in the fire of your vulnerability and tenderness. You know that there's nothing that could ever break you apart, not now, not ever.

As you drift off to sleep, a feeling of warmth and contentment washes over you, like the afterglow of a summer sunset. You know that your life will never be the same after this, but you're okay with that. In fact, you're grateful for it. You've found something truly special, something that will stand the test of time, and you're ready to face whatever the world might throw at you, as long as you have Twilight by your side.

And with that thought in mind, you drift off into a peaceful sleep, a smile on your lips. Tomorrow is a new day, after all, and with Twilight by your side, you feel like you can take on the world.

Comments ( 32 )

Really cute story here, almost poetically written. Wonderful job!

Thank you! I wasn't really confident with my writing style here, but I hope I did well...:twilightsmile:

You did wonderful, bestie!

I second this. It’s obviously a little different than your previous stories, but it’s still very well done.

I liked this... a lot.
The emotional rollercoaster that the MC felt, beginning back in the previous story was well-written and quite thought out. In truth, what would a human like any of us feel if we had to face such a dilemma of Twilight, or any other pony, falling for us? Your tale examines that very question. I cannot talk about how others may feel, but I sure as heck can for myself. Twilight, Luna, Starlight, Rainbow, Ember: these are my top five that I have feelings for, even if they are just cartoon characters. After all, isn't that why we are here, on this site? They may be just drawn images, but each tale brings them to life, breathing an existence so dear to us, leaving each of us with our own emotional rollercoaster...

Well done! :twilightsmile: :moustache:

After all, why on Equus would she even be interested in you? You and her were simply too different from each other. You think this to yourself as you attach a new sheet of paper to the roller, locking it in place as you set your fingers to the keyboard once more. Previously, your mind had been brimming with ideas for your story. But now? You were at a dead end. You could never get past this chapter, no matter how hard you would try. Romance scenes always eluded you, that much was certain.

As they say opposite attracts.

Plus books is all I’m going to say

"... But that's just a theory."

a game theory

"I'm still no Flash Sentry." You chuckle, hoping to make a small joke.


I third this statement my friend

And with that thought in mind, you drift off into a peaceful sleep, a smile on your lips. Tomorrow is a new day, after all, and with Twilight by your side, you feel like you can take on the world.

God I need more of this story.

I'm so honored you think of me that way...:heart::twilightsmile:
Thank you! I tried to change things up a little. :>
That's the beauty of fiction, my friend. The way it brings characters to life in our own minds, the way it stirs complex emotions in our hearts as we connect with them on a borderline spiritual level... It's what makes fiction all so real.:raritywink:
Looks like someone found the reference! Tee hee.

CUTE! super cute, Lovely work, thank you very much!


Thank you:twilightsmile:

Yet another story where Twilight acts the part of the dom. I’m beginning to see a pattern for her character, which honestly works.
Good story dear author. Well done! :twilightsmile:

Thanks a ton! Means a lot to me. :>

Has anyone in the history of fiction ever asked a legitimately hypothetical question?

Not the biggest fan of MCs with low self esteem but hey, you did great here otherwise. Looking forward to whatever else you make!

I'm a little disappointed the stuffed Twilight doll in the cover image didn't come into play. But that's just me.

One rated E story, one rated T story... now the next step is obviously the rated M lewd story where Twilight finally shows him just how much she loves him... I'm sure we'll all be looking forward to that haha

Nice work. Adorable soft Dom Twilight is always a great time.

This was very sweet. Made me feel all warm inside. :heart:

D'aaww, that was so sweet! Damn, now I'm going to have diabetes!

Thank you! Glad to have you along for the ride.
T'was the closest image I could find...:twilightsheepish:
I don't really plan on diversifying to Mature-rated stories anytime soon, but if I ever do, it'll be a sequel to this one! :>
Thank you for the kind words! :>

"... But that's just a theory." She giggles nervously, hiding her face from you.

A Pony theory!

(I totally read this all in matpats voice by the way lol :rainbowlaugh:)

I'm a bit late to reply, but heck yeah! :yay:

That was great and kinda hope there will be a sequel :twilightblush:

This story and it’s sequel were a nice little find to fill the gap of waiting on my more longer stories. Awesome job and hope to stumble upon others of your work I find enjoyable!

I somehow didn’t realise that your other story had a sequel just yet. Shows how much attention I pay on this site nowadays.

Loved this one though, same as your first entry in this series. Stellar work, my fellow author.

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