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Comments ( 80 )
Comment posted by Poparakelis deleted Sep 27th, 2023

Nice to see you giving it a try. I shall see what you have to offer.

Esta premisa me tiene intrigado, últimamente están saliendo fics muy interesantes, ojalá la siguieras para ver como continua, baki es un anime qué no he visto, pero por sus peleas se más o menos de que trata, y este fic puede que lo refuerce.
Pero de momento me gusta 😁

You know, I never understood those HIE fics where the MC just accepts being a base human in Equestria.

It doesn't make sense, not at all, I mean personally if I got to Equestria I'd do everything in my power to obtain magic, get stronger.

Because really, if there's a being powerful enough to move the sun I won't feel comfortable unless I have a way of either stopping it or running away to another dimension.



So about your title, it makes no sense!?

Why you repeat the same words?

why is this back at the top of the update page with nothing new?

Looks like it got a new chapter that got immediately deleted. I got an email notification for a second chapter.

oh I figured, I was just doing that to poke the author with a sharp verbal stick about it.

Yea fair enough, you'd think he'd have said something about it if it was him that took it down.

Sorry! Posted the chapter by accident, its not nearly done, just 1200 words


Posted by accident sorry about that, was trying to go to Google's home page and hit publish instead, didn't think it would go up though.

Destroy yourself or... Destroy yourself is a philosophical statement.

First destroy yourself as in ruin your body/mind (with drugs, food, not taking care of yourself etc) .

The second is more like destroy your Self the person that you are now, killing the bad and disgusting parts of your body/mind to then rebuild something better, become something better.

This fic can also be described by another phrase 'Train insane or stay the same'

Where did you get the cover art?

Thanks for the update!

Interesting, but isn't taking the Olga's blood a little bit of a cheat, like doesn't it listen the idea of self-improvement a little bit it's still a good story though

Not really, Yuujirou's blood doesn't give him an instant power up, more talent or even more intelligence, just an increased potential.

But as he himself said it this chapter, he didn't need it, he never needed it and now, he is at the precipitus of non existence because of his own mistake.

This isn't a dark fic but I'm not going to be merciful with the MC, if he fucks up, he will suffer the consequences fully.

The Baki crossover no one expected but is welcome none the less. And looks like rainbow dash just got traumatized after almost murdering a defenseless guy lol.

So he's actually going to go through a character ark, how lovely

Well this looks lovely! I cant wait to see more:D

I already love this story

It was somewhat hard to write Yuujirou, I had to see some character Analysis videos to get him right.

Even more Baki's power levels are completely nonsensical so I had to decide how strong he'd be based on characters dialogues and feats, large country, it was then.

And FINALLY, I have completely explained the 'Magic System' I'll be using for this fic, don't expect the Mc to just take a power-up out of his ass, as proven by this chapter he's going to get spanked if he hits above his weight.

Oh and someone from another site asked me for his alignment, he's Neutral Good to Chaotic Good.

I’m gonna guess as soon as he wakes up and if Celesti is in the room. He’s going to punch her, because she interrupted him

Thanks for the update!
Celestia’s so confused right now, it’s probably been a long time since someone told Deus Sol Invictus to fuck off.
Although she’s probably having Luna flashbacks with Nightmare moon taking over Luna’s body and everything. Or her own particular inner demon Daybreaker. Since we don’t know when in timeline MC is is.

I am guessing this is pre-luna seeing as she is not the one who appeared before him. Yuujirou Hanma is already insane by baki standards but giving him a way to grow stronger on top of that. I guess we already know who the final villain is.

I'd be Pissed too If i were him

I LOVED THE CHAPTER, as a fan of MLP and Baki... You wrote them perfectly, specially Yuujiro hahaha
But yeah, I'd be pissed if someone stopped me if I'm fighting with someone that I don't like haha

Thanks for the update!

This... Was a fucking pain in the ass to edit.

But anyways here I wanted to make a parallel with Rainbow and Dean since both had their destinies affected by Yuujirou, one directly and the other, not so much.

If you hadn't noticed before this fic will go much, much further than MLP Cannon and I already have the villain for this arc planned.

By the way, has anyone noticed something about Celestia in this chapter? In the previous one, no one seemed to notice my hint.

I admit, this story was a good bit hectic for me, and I certainly lost the thread a couple of times in the second and third chapters, even with some relatively decent knowledge of the Baki series, I still found it quite enjoyable and definitely something I will keep track on if the pacing and quality can stay on this chapter's level. Despite it only being four chapters, however, I must say I am drawn in by the will of the characters, even though they're fictional, for at least some paragraphs at a time I felt the determination and conviction of their worldviews and experiences, that is certainly the strongest aspect I see so far, and definitely what I will come back for future chapters for.

...And everything fell

Dean... Is really starting to despise humanity.

Maybe it's the discoveries he made, maybe is the Hanma blood, but he is starting to hate weaklings with a passion.

He hates his past self because it was weak, that hate is now transferring to any who are similar to his past self.

But... The way he hates weaklings and what his thoughts of them are differentiate extremely from Yuujirou.

The ogre was never weak, even at the moment he was born he was never weak, Dean was, and because of this he wants to take those 'weaklings' out of the pit of shit he believes they are in.

In other words, he's projecting.

I linked the words Human and Limited for a reason.

I love to do these subtle tells of a character's shifting philosophy, they talk slightly differently, act in a certain way toward certain people, and refuse to do certain actions.

Like, Yuujirou's memories were also leaking to Dean but since he didn't remember his past deaths he couldn't put anything together.

Now that he does remember those memories are influencing him, mostly because of everything that happened, otherwise, they wouldn't have much effect.

When he says something he shouldn't know is because lf that.

And as you can see the encounter with Celestia shook him very, very much, his philosophy on life changed rather drastically.

Oh, and don't believe everything he says, although Dean doesn't lie to himself he can simply not understand what he is feeling, or thinking completely.

An* not a, when the next word starts with a vowel. Might wanna edit the chapter title

Now, I just want to say that this fanfic has already got into my top 5 of fanfics, not only from My Little Pony, but for all the fanfics that I have read.
I would put it at the same level of Invictus in its beginnings.

These types of comments always make me happy:pinkiehappy:

I never made the link between Baki and Hinduism but every character is a rakshasas of some kind. And it looks like Yuujiro want him to turn into one too so he could devour him and get his power. I am guessing that if he can reach enlightenment and become a buddha of some sort he would truly become free. After all being selfish or selfless is being a slave to the self or others so the only choice to be free is to completely detach of earthly matters and ascending to another state of existence becoming a god in truth.

You know, in all the years I've been visiting this site, I've never really used this account to comment or interact with anyone, either to praise or criticize, but you, my friend, you deserve to be the first, what you're creating is simply divine.

Thanks for the update!

Well, that was... The biggest chapter of my life, 3 weeks of work into it, I do hope it was worth the wait.

Anyways, as you all can see I previously showed Dean's thoughts and philosophy, now I'm showing it in action on a dialogue.

Dean and Fluttershy are incredibly similar hence his sense of sympathy, he doesn't feel anything for her in itself, not pity, comradery or a sense of helping her, the only reason he bothered to speak with her was because of his facets.

Fluttershy changed, Dean did not but as shown by those last sentences, a window opened for him to do so, he doesn't acknowledge weaklings or people who don't stand up for themselves, that is to say, those who aren't true to themselves.

Fluttershy is walking toward that path, and if she manages to do it, Dean will actually recognize her as someone worth wasting words on.

Interesting. And yeah. Seeing power to protect oneself makes sense.

Dame this is good!

... You... Truly surprised me, you're beyond any doubt, the best author of Baki fanfiction for how you were able to portray a character that, without any doubt, will be the strongest. Not because he wants to, but because he will be the strongest.


Thanks, I did want for everyone in and out of history to feel like Dean has this aura around him of someone who will be grand, someone who will be the strongest no matter what.

I just discovered something while writing this chapter, something should have discovered while doing the previous one.

The relationship between two characters evolves much more when they fight, verbally that is.

Honestly while writing this, I felt like their relationship was genuine, that I could really put those 2 together after a good while, that their emotional investment in their words and as a result in the other is truly genuine.

But anyways! No, Fluttershy is not attracted to Dean, she just finds his angry/hanma/facet form pleasing to the eye, like a painting.

Being honest my intention for this chapter was NOT to end up in that discussion between the two, but then I realized Dean wouldn't let Deatiny slide like that and everything became a snowball.

I like writing like this you know following the characters instead of my plans, feels like they have a life.

Oh and I found a way to never let the paragraphs get glued again HEHEHEHEHEHE~

Damn, we only need Discord to have a trio of souls aware of Harmony bullshit !
I love this fiction, can't wait for more ! Insane quality of writing and the pictures really compliment it well !

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