• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 315 Views, 7 Comments

A Mango Problem - The Royal Equestrian

A Bat Pony goes out to find Mangoes, but a Pegasus doesn't want him to have any from this tree.

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Get Out Of That Tree

Flying through the dimly lit early morning sky, a Bat pony was out looking for some food for himself and his friend. Moonlit Streak had been at it for some time now but had unfortunately turned up short. That was until he came across a small patch of mango trees.

Swooping down, he landed on a thick branch that was right below a large vine full of plump orangey yellow mangoes. Looking above him he found the fattest mango he could find on the vine and snagged it out of the tree with a hoof. He was about to bite into it with his fangs but stopped as he saw a light blue Pegasus running over to where he was sitting.

"Oi what the buck do ya think your doin up there ya bucker?" The Pegasus stated, a deep scowl on his face.

"Buck off, you half drunk feather brain, my friend and I are hungry." Moonlit Streak bit back, waving the mango around in his hoof.

"Well it ain't ya bucken tree ya little flyin rat, so how's about ya buck off ya little half blind chicken shit." The blue Pegasus quipped, as flared his wings in an attempt to intimidate the thestral. Unfortunately this only seemed to make the Bat pony chuckle, much to the annoyance of the Pegasus.

"Even if I did, what's stopping me from coming back later and stealing more of 'em?" Moonlit teased, giving a cocky look to the even more annoyed pony.

"Arsenic can do alot bucken things that ya don't wanna find out about ya thievin glutenous rodent." The now slightly lilac Pegasus mumbled.

"What would that achieve, I've done nothing wrong." Moonlit stated, as if it were the trust fact to ever be stated.

"You're literally stealing my bucken mangoes you daft cunt!" The Pegasus shouted, stomping his fore-hooves into the ground with a huff.

With that Moonlit Streak gave a smug look as he waited to see what the stallion would do next. To his surprise a unicorn mare started trotting down from where the blue Pegasus originally came from. Her coat was a light gray and her mane was white with a few streaks of lime green.

"What's all the yelling about Rainstorm, it's six in the Celestia damn morning." The mare said with a tired flat tone. This only made Moonlit try and nearly fail to suppress a laugh.

"This bucken flyin rat is stealing our mangoes, and isn't gettin the buck down from the tree." The Pegasus now known as Rainstorm answered grinding his teeth as he glared at Moonlit Streak. This answer obviously wasn't what the mare was expecting, because after processing the information, she face hoofed.

All the mare could do at this point was just look between Moonlit, and Rainstorm with an unamused look on her face. Moonlit couldn't blame her, he would be mad if what he wanted to do was interrupted by a screaming stallion. Either way he is going to get his mangoes one way or another.

"I don't see what the problem is. Do you expect me to steal all of your mangoes?" Moonlit said, rolling his eyes as he did so. This was not the right choice to make, because he had just opened the floodgates.

"That's not the bucken problem and ya know it ya snaggletooth Bat!" Rainstorm exclaimed, pointing an accusatory hoof at Moonlit, which seemed to get more chuckling out of the Bat Pony. "The problem is that ya taken things that don't belong to ya, you arsehole.

"Personally Rain, I don't understand it either, if that Bat is hungry give him some bucken food for Celestial sake." The mare stated flatly, rubbing her right temple to help relieve the growing headache the two morons in front of her were causing. Which thankfully seemed to calm Rainstorm down a bit as he sighed and rubbed his face to calm himself.

"It ain't the fact that we don't have enough, it's the fact that he's a thievin rat." He explained giving another glare at Moonlit Streak. Which Moonlit only shrugged in response.

"Fine you scrooge, what if I just buy them from you?" Moonlit asked with a sigh, which seemed to only earn the thestral a scowl from Rainstorm.

"And then what, just let ya steal them from under me muzzle without me knowing?" Rainstorm asked, his tone of voice making it clear he was being a sarcastic ass. "Fat chance ya overgrown Vampire Bat." He finished with a huff, attempting to shut down any room for debate. Unfortunately his wife had different plans.

"Rainstorm, stop bein an arrogant arse for a few seconds and get ya bucken stick out ya arse! I'm sure we can work somethin out with the thestral if ya would be a bit less meat headed!" She ranted, giving the blue Pegasus a tongue lashing.

This earned a slight chuckle from Moonlit Streak. If he had to say why, it was partially the fact that every time she would butt in he would immediately shut his muzzle and back down slightly. Though he had to admit, it felt good that someone could see reason in this shit show.

"Fine, your right." He submitted, turning to face the now patiently waiting Bat Pony. "You can buy our mangoes, but I want it in Princess Luna's writing that ya won't bucken steal our shit again." He said, which made Moonlit smile.

"Sure thing." He said right before he was about to take off, but before he did, he looked back with a raised eyebrow. "Wait, why do you want Luna to write it? Why not myself?" He asked.

"So it's bound by royalty ya pee-brained bucker. Plus ain't Luna sorta the one ya bats look up to?" He said, with a frustrated look on his face.

"That's fair, I'll grab that at Night Court and I'll be back around this time tomorrow." Moonlit stated, giving a nod back to them as he flew off.

As he flew, Moonlit smiled to himself, seeing that he would finally be able to get those mangoes. Not to mention having a Mango seller so close to where he lives is a huge plus now. It was also good that Rainstorm didn't know what Princess Luna's signature looked like.

With that he continued to fly off, satisfied with what he had accomplished today.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this short story. This one was inspired by a conversation me and one of my friends had, and after I knew I had to make this. I hope you all enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 7 )

Fantastic story, loved how the Pegasus stallion spoke the way someone from Britain would speak. lol.

Glad you liked it, my friends an Aussie so I based it off how he speaks

Oh cool man! I forgotten that's how some Aussies speak like that.


Those were some totally uncalled for racist slurs.

Don't give that wankah a single dollarydoo!

For real life?

(I love that if you google exchange rates for "dollarydoos" and "dollarbucks," it knows what you mean and shows results for AUD)

Nah over discord half the idea of this story was just me having a bag of dried mangoes and thats where the idea was born.

This reminds me of a fic I have read.

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