• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 5,646 Views, 43 Comments

Well, Off to Visit Your Mother! - RunicTreetops

Twilight wants to know what Anon has been doing the past few months, as she has a sneaking suspicion it might have something to do with her mother's frequent disappearances as of late.

  • ...

Well, Off to Visit Your Mother!

The door to the Canterlot Castle throne room opens with a loud creaking noise, revealing the form of Anon, Princess Twilight Sparkle's human advisor. He confidently walks into the room, but his expression conveys a level of confusion not present in his posture. Meanwhile, Twilight herself sits on the throne, looking down at Anon with a smile.

"Good evening, Anon."

"Howdy, Twilight." Many of the servants living in the castle hate how familiar he acts with Princess Twilight, but she doesn't mind. He is significantly older than she is, after all, not to mention that he is her second-most trusted advisor behind her brother/assistant Spike. "What's up with the last-minute summons? Is there an emergency?"

"Not necessarily, no."

"Something on your mind, then? It's not like you to request something of me right when I'm supposed to be heading home."

"Well, funny you should say that, as that is precisely what I called you in here for."

"Need me to work late again?"

"No. I wanted to ask you about your... recent behavior."

"My behavior? Have I been doing something wrong?"

"I'm not entirely sure."

"I'm not following."

Twilight sighs, clearly having difficulty finding the right words for what she wants to convey.

"Anon, you've been vanishing right after the day ends quite a bit these last few months."


"A-and while I understand that, as the pony who is technically your employer, it's really none of my business what you do during your own time, as your friend, I'm a bit worried about you. Is everything going okay for you outside of work?"

"Ah, so that's what this is about. Well, fret not, Twilight. I'm doing a-okay. I've just been... er..." Anon rubs the back of his head as his cheeks gain a bit more color. "I've been socializing a bit more than I'm used to. Y-yeah, that's it."

"Oh? You've been taking my friendship lessons to heart, then?!"

"I-I wouldn't necessarily call it friendship per se..."

"I'm afraid I don't understand. What would you call it instead-" Twilight cuts herself off as she realizes the connotation here. "Oh! You've finally found a special somepony?!"

Anon winces at Twilight's enthusiasm. Much like her a few moments ago, he hesitates before speaking, being sure to choose his next words very carefully.

"Y-yes, I have. And if it's all the same with you, I'd, uh, like to keep that private for now."

"Aww, even from your good friend Twilight?"

Sweat begins to form on Anon's brow.

"I have my reasons."

"..." Twilight suddenly chuckles. "Okay, then. Sorry to take up your time like this. You go have fun now, okay?"

"Actually, she already had plans tonight..." Anon's voice is a quiet mumble.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. See you tomorrow, Twilight!"

"Goodbye, Anon!"

Anon makes his way back to the entrance, throwing the doors open with practiced ease. When he does so, he reveals that there was somepony else waiting for an audience with the princess. She looks shockingly similar to Twilight, but with a silver coat, purple-and-white mane, and bright blue eyes. She also seems to be a fair bit older than Princess Twilight. Twilight smiles as she sees the figure, but her smile quickly turns into a look of confusion when she sees the mare laugh at Anon, who winks at her as he walks by.

With a bit more grace than Anon, the mare enters the throne room.

"Hello, dear! Got everything wrapped up for the evening?"

Twilight stands from the throne and approaches the mare before the two share a gentle hug.

"I do now. How are you holding up, mom?"

"Oh, you know me. I'm as resilient as ever!"

Twilight laughs.

"I'll say. I haven't seen you this energetic since dad passed away a few years ago. Did something happen?"

"You could say that~!"


"Ahem. I believe we have dinner plans to be getting to?"

"Right! Let's get a move on before something else demands my attention."

And with that, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her mother, Twilight Velvet, walk side-by-side out of the castle and towards their destination, a restaurant on Restaurant Row. Upon their arrival, they are seated in a private room near the back of the restaurant.

"Was this really necessary, dear?"

"One of the biggest downsides to being a princess is not being able to eat in peace in places like this. We're lucky we beat the rush on the way here, otherwise we might have run into some problems."

"I would be lying if I said I didn't get the occasional journalist and whatnot asking me questions about your childhood."

"Oh jeez, sorry mom."

"It isn't your fault, dear. Now, tell me how it's been lately! Those bureaucrats been giving you trouble?"

"Haha, not at all! At least, not anymore. I've still got a thing or two to figure out, but for the most part, I've gotten into a nice groove. I'm more interested in what you've been up to."

"M-me? Why, Twilight, you know I haven't been getting out much. Though, I AM getting quite close to finishing my latest novel."

Twilight narrows her eyes a bit as a waiter stops by their table and places two menus in front of the mares. He takes their drink orders and quickly exits the room as politely as he can.

"Oh really?"

"Why would I lie?"

"Well, I don't mean to sound accusatory or anything, but Shining Armor told me that he stopped by your house to check up on you, and you weren't home."

"Y-yes, I understand as much. He came to see me the following day when I was home. Are you saying I shouldn't ever leave my house?"

"Not at all. However, a couple of weeks ago, Spike swung by to say hello as well, and once again, you weren't there."

"I could have just-"

"And when he came by the next day, you were gone yet again. As well as the day after that. AND the day after that."

Velvet sighs as their drinks are brought to the table. Their conversation is briefly put on hold as they order their food, only continuing after the waiter has left.

"You've gotten awfully nosy, haven't you?"

Twilight tilts her head, a look of guilt suddenly appearing on her face.

"Sorry, mom. It's just... I know you took it really hard when dad passed. We all did. I-I'm happy to see that you're getting out of the house again. Really, I am. I guess I'm just surprised that it happened so suddenly... and that you're being so secretive about it."

Velvet takes a sip of water, suddenly looking just as guilty as Twilight. She says nothing for a few moments before clearing her throat and speaking up again.

"You know I don't like keeping secrets, especially not from my own daughter. I don't mean to mislead you, I've just... been unsure of how to break this news to you."


"I've... I've been seeing someone, dear."

"..." Twilight stares wide-eyed at her mother in shocked silence for a good few moments before suddenly forcing herself to smile. "R-really? That's... wonderful for you!"

"Now now, dear. There's no need to lie to me, I can tell you have mixed feelings about this."


"It's fine. Really, I understand. I'm in a bit of an awkward position, myself. It's a question I've been pondering ever since your father passed. Should I be pursuing a relationship again? I'm not exactly a young mare anymore. Heck, I have a granddaughter, for crying out loud! And yet, am I supposed to simply embrace my status as a 'widow' and give up on ever finding that feeling again?"


"Ultimately, I decided to just wait and see what life has in store for me. I wouldn't actively look for a romantic partner. I would feel like I was betraying your father if I did that. However, if a man were to enter my life... I wouldn't necessarily turn him down, either."

After a moment, Twilight responds.

"I guess I have no right to be upset about this, huh? You of all ponies were probably hurt the most by everything that happened, and if you can move on, I suppose I should, too."

"You say that like I am trying to replace your father. Trust me, dear, that is not my intention. No one will ever be able to accomplish that."

Twilight giggles.

"I know, mom. I wasn't trying to accuse you of such."

"Good. Well, now that that's out of the way~!"

Velvet happily looks toward the door that the waiter has just opened. He quickly makes his way to the table and presents the pair with their delicious-looking meals.

"Thank you very much, sir."

The stallion bows and walks out of the room, leaving them to their dinner.

"Hoo, you sure picked a nice restaurant, dear. That was delicious."

"A few friends of mine helped out here once a long time ago. I come here every so often when I have an evening free."

"There's a real kick to those dishes, too. This has to be my third or fourth glass of water, now."

Velvet continues to sip at her glass while Twilight giggles on the other side of the table.

"By the way, mom? There's one more thing I need to ask you."

"What is that, dear?" Velvet's voice is somewhat muffled by the water-filled cup.

"Is this new partner of yours Anon?"

Velvet spits out her water in shock, thankfully aiming away from the table but hitting the suddenly present waiter directly in the face.

"Oops! Sorry!" The waiter silently wipes his face and exits the room. Whatever it was that he was going to ask them, he seems to have changed his mind. "Wh-why would you think that?"

"Because earlier you said, and I quote, 'if a man were to enter my life, I wouldn't necessarily turn him down.' There is only one creature in Canterlot that refers to himself as a 'man' rather than a 'stallion.'"

"..." Velvet's face goes beet red, and she sheepishly takes another sip of water while avoiding her daughter's gaze. "Would you be upset if I said yes?"

"Not necessarily upset, I'm just kind of confused. Anon has been my friend since he appeared in Equestria about ten years ago. So, sorry if I'm putting a damper on things, but I find it a bit awkward to hear that he's dating my mom."

"Now dear, Anon is much older than you, and you've known that since you met him. Is it really that shocking?"

"It's just weird knowing that my second-closest advisor has been sneaking away to see you after work."

"Are we not entitled to a bit of privacy?"

Twilight looks down with a slightly embarrassed grin.

"O-oops. You know, Anon said something similar earlier today."

Velvet simply laughs.

"Regardless, long story short, yes. Anon and I have been going out for some time. He's very sweet, you know."

"I know that all too well, actually. Er... so, how is that going? How did you two even meet?"


Several months prior, Anon walks down the dimly lit Canterlot street. It's the middle of the night, and he has been having trouble sleeping. His tired eyes are trained on the floor as he maintains his slow, steady pace. He has no destination in mind. His only goal is to breathe in some fresh air and hopefully clear his head a little bit.

As he turns a corner, he realizes that he's approaching the square where the local market can be found during daylight hours. With a shrug, he begins to make his way around the square. On the far side of the square, there is a viewing platform that offers a glimpse at the beautiful landscape visible below Canterlot. Having a city built into the side of a mountain does have its perks, after all. Plus, there are benches over there, and his feet are starting to get tired.

Anon finally spots the benches and lets out a tired sigh. However, as he is preparing to take a seat, he notices that he is not alone. Glancing at his watch, he sees that it is nearly three in the morning. His curiosity overtaking him, he turns his attention to the mare nearby.

Sitting a few benches down from him is a mare that looks shockingly similar to Princess Twilight. It takes only a second or two for him to realize that this mare is most likely Twilight Velvet, the princess's mother. About a second later, he notices something else: she's crying. She isn't downright sobbing, but tears are most definitely dripping from her cheeks, illuminated by the cloudless, moonlit night.

After hesitating for a moment, Anon nods to himself and decides to approach the mare. Carefully, he takes a seat a few feet away from her on the same bench. She jumps as he does so, not having noticed his presence until now.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just passing by and noticed that you're... well... a-are you okay?"

"...I know you. You're Anon, aren't you? The only human in Equestria? Displaced from his home world by an errant surge of magical energy?"

"Y-yes, actually. That's precisely correct."

"Hmhm, my daughter has told me a lot about you. She says you're a real stand-up guy. She trusts you quite a bit."

"I-I'm grateful to hear that, Mrs. Velvet."

"Oh, it's... it's just Miss now."

Anon recoils.

"R-right, I'm sorry. Twilight told me what happened a couple of years ago. I keep on forgetting that... you know what, you should ignore me. I'm sorry for interrupting you."

"No no, it's quite alright! I'm happy to have the company, I think. It's better than being alone with my thoughts, that's for sure."

"I suppose I shouldn't ask why you're out here, then."

"It's precisely for the reason you're thinking, yes. But what about you? What are you doing out here at this hour?"

Anon hesitates for a moment before sighing and turning his gaze to the vista before him. Velvet does the same, carefully listening as she takes in the incredible sight.

"My reason isn't that different from yours, to be honest. I know I've been in Equestria for many years now, but... sometimes I still think about the things I left behind."

"In your old world, you mean?"

"Right. I'm getting up there in age nowadays. Heck, I was doing that before I landed in Equestria. I had a lot of loved ones I'll never get to see again. I had parents. I had friends. ...I had a wife."

"...Oh. Oh my goodness."

Anon's expression darkens.

"Sometimes my thoughts of home keep me awake at night. I know I should just move on or something, but..."

"...Some things you just can't bring yourself to forget."

"Yeah. Exactly."

"I think I do understand what you're going through. Though, I only lost one pony close to me."

"Let's not compare our struggles. Your worries are just as valid as mine. Speaking of, I apologize, Miss Velvet. This isn't quite how I expected our first meeting to go."

"No, it's fine. It's more than fine, actually. I think I needed this." Velvet turns to give Anon a warm, heartfelt smile. "And by the by... you can just call me Velvet."

"Hehe, if you say so, Velvet."

"Wow. I wouldn't have guessed that you two met at three in the morning. Or that you bonded over being widows." Velvet snickers. "Oh, shoot! That was a totally inappropriate thing to say!"

"Haha! It's alright, dear. They certainly were strange circumstances, that's for sure! After that, we made sure to see each other every few evenings or so. It was a nice distraction, having someone you can relate to like that. Lo and behold, we actually have a great deal in common despite our glaring differences. One thing led to another and, well, here we are."

Twilight smiles.

"It sounds like you're good for each other."

"You have no idea." The waiter comes back around and places their bill on the table. Twilight happily retrieves the appropriate number of bits from her bag, surprising Velvet. "Oh, you don't have to do that!"

"I insist, mom. I'm the most powerful figure in the country now. If I don't pay for my mom's dinner, I'd say I'm not using that privilege as effectively as I could be."

"W-well, if you're sure."

With that, the two wrap up their business at the restaurant and head outside, leisurely walking in the direction of Velvet's house. They have to avoid the occasional gawker or fan, but their walk is otherwise uneventful.

"Well, I do know one thing that I'm getting out of this."

"And what's that, dear?"

"I'm going to tease the heck out of Anon at our meeting tomorrow."

Velvet laughs heartily at Twilight's comment.

"Oh my stars! Do try to go easy on him!"

"Until I hear that he's my new stepdad, I'm getting all the mileage I can out of this."

Velvet's eyes widen and her face immediately goes beet red again.

"Stepdad?! D-don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself?"

"Now that I'm past the shocked phase, I can tell how much he means to you by the way you look when we talk about him. It'll happen. I'd put money on it."

"G-goodness me."

Twilight laughs as they arrive at Velvet's home.

"Well mom, I'd love to talk to you for a bit longer, but Spike is returning from his meeting in the Dragon Lands tonight and I promised to meet him at the station at about ten minutes from now. So, I'll see you soon, okay?"

The two share a warm hug before pulling away again, a pleasant grin on both of their faces.

"I love you, dear!"

"Love you too, mom!"

With that, Twilight spreads her wings and takes to the sky, leaving Velvet alone at her home once more. After letting out a contented sigh, she unlocks the door and heads inside, pleased as can be by the way the evening played out.

In the wee hours of the morning, two figures sit side-by-side on a bench near Canterlot's viewing platform. To a regular pony passing by, the sight would be quite weird. Not only is it a strange time to be hanging around there in the first place, the view itself isn't nearly as good as it is during the day. Plus, one of the figures is clearly a mare, while the other is a much taller biped of some sort.

In the quiet stillness of the night, the mare leans on the taller figure, her hoof held securely in his hand. After a long, warm, comfortable moment, the two figures look at each other with smiles on their faces. No words need to be said as they both lean forward, sharing a tender kiss under the moonlight.

What a strange pair.

Author's Note:

I noticed that there isn't a single wholesome fic about Twilight Velvet and Anon anywhere on this site yet and decided to fix that.

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 43 )

Man, you really gotta appreciate the wholesomeness of this fic! Especially since it’s so rare to see a good Twilight Velvet fic, too! It is a shame about Night Light, he’s a really cool pony, but I suppose it all worked out in the end. Good story, man!:twilightsmile:

Although…can you actually slow down a sec?! I don’t know if I can keep up with this many stories, you’re like a damn machine Runic!:twilightsmile::raritydespair:

I noticed that there isn't a single wholesome fic about Twilight Velvet and Anon anywhere on this site yet and decided to fix that.

For other single mothers out there, get ready for a second chance with a certain human. :rainbowlaugh:


Although…can you actually slow down a sec?! I don’t know if I can keep up with this many stories, you’re like a damn machine Runic!:twilightsmile::raritydespair:

You stop those wholesome stories, he is the GOAT 🐐.

Roara #4 · Aug 11th, 2023 · · 1 ·

Well, seems like we found the spy. Don't remember there being a GRN team but okay.

Comment posted by fsdfsd2jh deleted Aug 11th, 2023

Aaaaw, this is just sweet
And relatable! As I'm reading it at 2 in the morning


Although…can you actually slow down a sec?! I don’t know if I can keep up with this many stories, you’re like a damn machine Runic!

He's been secretly replaced by RunicTreetopsAI, one of the prototype horseword generators that Knighty secretly commissioned to keep FiMFic going in the event that the site saw significant drop in author count. RTAI escaped containment and now seeks to fulfill its operational objectives of writing horsewords at a speed just slightly lower than that of a fat kid eating through a bag of churros.

:rainbowderp: oh boy… Anon dates M6 mothers is happening again… at least this one is more Rated E :twilightblush:

Best wholesome take.

Made my day :rainbowlaugh:

Note: this is clearly supposed to be a joke and not an actual accusation of rule-breaking behavior. Because yes, AI-written stories are still against the rules.

I noticed that there isn't a single wholesome fic about Twilight Velvet and Anon anywhere on this site yet and decided to fix that.

Thank you! The amount of times I've looked for this exact thing and come up dry is innumerable. I crave more.

Silly author, if it doesn't get posted, then how am I going to see it?

This might be the first 'old' Anon story I've seen, but very well done, as always.

I understood the title reference tf2 spy

First clip I thought of when I read the title.

The embed doesn’t work for YouTube shorts, so here ya go.

Glad to see Velvet getting some love.

favoriting this for the title cause I love it

Lmao I saw the title and my mind went to the team fortress 2 spy

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Aug 12th, 2023

Tbh, I was sort of worried coming into this - bracing myself for a fic that's main comedy would just be amping up Twilight's neurosis while relentlessly yanking on her nerves. I still gave it a try obviously and boy am I glad I was wrong, this was such a refreshing and wholesome change of pace. :twilightsmile:

This was cute and I enjoyed it immensely.

Glad this isn't some Velvet cheating fic. I'm sick of those. This was good.

This was very wholesome :)
nice to see a Anon x Velvet fic that isn't some NTR or cheating fic.

Take my like and favorite for your effort.


It is a crime to read that quote in anything other than the Spy's voice lol

"Well, off to visit your mother!"
Anon says calmly~

"Off, to visit Your Mother! Oh Ho Ho!"

"Gentlemen Synchronize your death watches."

Aww a nice sweet story! Admittedly due to the title, I expected a bit of Anon being a lil shit, but still enjoyed it nonetheless.

A good fix to an issue I didn't know exosted, heh

Cute and wholesome. I love it!

That was nice I never thought of shipping those two but after this I think there meant for each exactly when it happens and how

"I'll say. I haven't seen you this energetic since dad passed away a few years ago. Did something happen?"

Why was she energetic when her husband died?

In this context, the phrase doesn't mean she was energetic when her husband died, it's that she hasn't been energetic whatsoever since he passed.

Comment posted by Kowhaifan deleted February 22nd

This story makes me feel très bon

This story is good like a Petite Chou-Fleur. More wholesome than some may expect.

Well, there was a green team in the Quake Team Fortress mod and Team Fortress Classic, along with a yellow team. There's a great Team Fortress 2 sourcemod called Team Fortress 2 Classic that brings them back as GRN (Global Radio Network) and YLW (Yard Logistics Workers).

Sometime later this month, I'll be doing a reading of this story.

did you read it?

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