• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 2,077 Views, 10 Comments

One Step at a Time - -Wolf-

You reminisce about your time with the now reformed tyrant, Umbra.

  • ...

Now or Never

Author's Note:

Jeeeez, finally got this done. Sorry for the long wait. The final week of August consisted of me and my family taking a trip to Universal Orlando, and then as soon as I come back, college starts up again... yay

Family trips aside, I forgot to point this out in the first author note, but if you couldn't already tell, this story takes place after Twilight becomes the new ruler of Equestria, but before the massive time skip into the future.

As always, thank you for reading my story, and a big thanks to the lovely commenters. I was very happy to see that people are enjoying my little fantasy that I conjured up.

Love you all! And see you in the next chapter!

One year ago...

"UMBRA! Couldn't you have gotten your own shopping cart?!"

Both you and the unicorn stood in the middle of an aisle, with the mare holding a plastic box in her hand. Some ponies, hearing the commotion, turned their heads towards the odd pair, some with raised eyebrows and others with concerned expressions. It's not every day you see a human and an ex-tyrant browsing in the cooking section. The unicorn in question gave you the side-eye before dumping the box of pasta into your cart. You could only sigh as you continue down the aisle, ignoring the stares from the small crowd around you. Not the shopping trip I was hoping for...

You were expecting a nice, relaxing outing to get the day started. The new market store that opened up in Ponyville gave you the perfect chance to invite Umbra and maybe even buy some sweets so you can both share. God, how wrong you were... She clearly took the chance to use you as a free bits machine to buy whatever she wanted. In hindsight, maybe you should've gone alone.

"When I asked you to join me, I meant for it be a nice little get together between friends. Not for you to rinse my wallet dry." You grumbled.

"You insisted I come out to join you, so I'm doing just that." She replied with a small shrug.

She wasn't wrong; you did go up to her house and wake her up from her morning nap. It was the first time you'd ever seen her with a frazzled mane and some... cute pajamas, most likely made by Rarity.

"Yeah, I invited you because you're always cooped up in your house Umbra, it's not good for you. If you want ponies to start trusting you, than you're going to need to start getting out more to socialize."

She gave you a disgusted look and continued forward, "Bah! I don't need to socialize. All these ponies should know their places, and that's underneath my hooves." She stuck her head up in the air like a noble would and stared down all the other ponies who were browsing goods.

You huffed in indignation, "Including me?"

That actually got her to stop, causing you to accidently bump into her butt with the shopping cart.

After a brief moment of silence, you were about to speak before she beat you to the punch, "...No, you're different." Then she continued onward, disappearing around a corner.

Great... Nice job Anon...

You sighed and pushed forward through the different aisles, trying to find the ingredients you needed for the special dish you wanted to make tonight. Unknowingly, you made it to the cereal section, "Sparkle-O's? Does Twilight even know they have a cereal named after her?" You turned the box around and were greeted with a small word search. A crudely drawn picture of your purple friend stood right next to the box of letters. "...Meh, good enough." You tossed the box into the cart and moved forward.

The right side of the store was completely empty, no doubt from the big unicorn passing by and scaring anypony who was in her way. Finally, you were able to get most of the ingredients you needed, crossing the items off your list in the process.

"Ooookay, done now. Where's the checkout line?"

A couple of turns led you towards a line of ponies who were waiting to check their items—just what you were looking for—but before you could even reach it, you heard the distant sounds of hooves, accompanied by a faint giggle. You paid no mind, thinking it was just some random foal running around and getting a peek at the odd alien—that is, until the noise got closer and closer until they were just behind you. Before you even had the chance to turn around, something collided with your back.


There was only one mare you knew who had that bubbly, high-pitched voice. "A-Alright Pinkie... you can let go now. Y-You're... kinda crushing m-me..." Despite being a good couple inches above the mare, she still managed to slightly lift you off the ground with that bone-crushing hug, no doubt from the earth pony strength she possesses. Hell, if this is how Pinkie hugs, then you don't want to imagine what Applejack can do...

The hyperactive mare finally lets go after a good couple taps on her arm, letting you heave some air into your body. "Oops, heh. Sorry Non-non."

Your heavy breathing dies down as you set your eyes on the pink pony, "It's fine..." Wait. "Non-non? You couldn't think of anything better?" You chuckled.

This was a one-sided game Pinkie liked to play; you couldn't remember who started it or if you even did anything to warrant such odd behavior from the mare, but whenever you two met up, she would always have a different variation of your name.

"Well I think it's better than Nonny. Unless you want me to start calling you Ann-Ann."

You cringed, "Yea, no. I'll stick with Non-non, thank you."

She giggled, "Soooooooo... what are you buying? OOH! Sparkle-O's!"

In the blink of an eye, she somehow teleported to the inside of your shopping cart, inspecting the box of cereal you had hand-picked a while ago. By now, you've already gotten used to the antics of the earth pony. You honestly don't know how Cheese Sandwich (you can't believe that's an actual name) manages to put up with the energetic mare, but he seems to be on par with the mare's bubbly personality, so that's probably why.

"Oh yea, about that. Should we tell Twilight about this?"

The pink mare shook her head, "Nahhh, I think she'd actually like it. Ooh! I'll send her one actually!" And just like that, she puts the box in her hair.

How does she function? And where did the box go?! "Umm... Pinkie. You wouldn't happen to see Umbra anywhere? She was with me before she took off, and I haven't seen her since."

Her eyes lit up, "Umbra is here?! I still have to give that grumpy mare her party!" She pulls out a notepad from... wherever, "What do you think she likes? You know her the best out of anypony! Frosted sprinkle cupcakes? Or a chocolate-filled donut? Ooh! Or maybe she wants a big ol' cake?"

You... honestly don't know. For the seven months you've known the mare, you've barely had any clue what her favorite confections are. "Uhh... probably chocolate."

"Okey-dokey-lokey! I'll make sure to keep that in mind! Thank you, Non-non, but I have to go now!" She jumps out of your cart and bounces to the front of the store. A stallion who was scouring the magazine section barely had time to maneuver out of the way from the bouncing pony.

You sigh, "Jeez, she has too much energy for 10 o'clock in the morning."

"I must agree."

The voice beside you belonged to none other than the unicorn you were looking for. "And where were you? You just walked off on me!"

She looked away from you, "...Thinking."


She took a deep breath, "I apologize for my actions before. I shouldn't have been... rude, you were only trying to be nice to me. This entire... friendship lesson is new to me. When we first began speaking to each other, I thought all of this was for naught. I—"

You held out a hand, stopping her line of talk that she had most definitely rehearsed. "Umbra, it's alright; I forgive you. Just you apologizing shows how far you've come." You weren't wrong in any way, if this was Umbra seven months ago, you wouldn't even have gotten an acknowledgement. After you spoke those words, she did something unexpected.

She smiled.

In all your months of knowing this unicorn, she never once smiled. Even on the brightest days from Twilight's sun, you never seen her mouth do a 180 from that frown she always wears. You felt special, knowing that you were the only individual she could let her guard down around. It was... nice. It's now or never.

"Umbra... I-I have to tell you something." You nervously said.

She tilted her head. "What is it Anon?"

"I-I..." COME ON, SAY IT. "I just w-wanted to know... if you would like to join me for dinner t-tonight? A-At my house..."

Her eyes went wide a little. She definitely was not expecting that question to come out of your mouth. Seconds ticked by as the silence only made your anxiety grow to even higher levels. It's like you dipped your hands in a bucket of water with how sweaty they started to get. You tried to hide the fact by wiping your palms on the sides of your pants.

After what seemed like forever, she spoke. "...Sure Anon, at what time?"

Hearing those words just lifted a major weight off your shoulders. You wanted to scream to the heavens, but there were more important matters at hand right now, like figuring out the correct time. "At eight. Nothing too fancy, just some dinner between f-friends."

"Alright, I'll be waiting." She said, her smile not leaving.

That large, stupid grin on your face said it all as you continued to wait in line...


"You're paying..."



"Darling, couldn't you have come at a different time? A mare such as myself is very busy at this moment."

You never thought you would stoop this low in life. You're currently on your knees, tugging the fashionista's dress as she tries her best to sew her latest line of clothes despite the added difficulty of a whole human trying to mess up her work. A couple hours had passed since the shopping trip, with Umbra returning back to her house while you scrambled to come up with anything to set the mood for tonight. The thing is... you don't know shit about mares.

You never asked a girl out before back on Earth, so you don't have a clue what a female needs or wants from a man. You were quite the loner. But this is no ordinary female; she's a pony first off, part of royalty back in the day, and not to mention, you have NO IDEA what she even likes! Does having fangs in her mouth mean she can eat meat? Is she expecting a five-star meal from you?! God! So many questions!

Wait... Is this a date? I did say it was dinner between friends, but that could mean anything!

Your line of thought was cut off when the unicorn let out a frustrated sigh, "If I help you out with your little problem, will you let me continue my work?"

You rapidly nodded.

She dropped the sewing needle she was holding and took her reading glasses off. "Fine darling, what is the issue?"

"I uhh... I asked... Umbra... out on a... date..." This is so embarrassing...

Rarity gasped, a small glint appearing in her eyes, "OH! Why didn't you just say so? Darling, this is wonderful! You're finally coming out of your shell!" She got off her chair just as you stood up with aching knees. "You made the right choice coming to me darling! Although I won't question your taste in that brute of a unicorn, I will help nonetheless!"

You frowned a little at her wording, but overall, you were just happy for her assistance. "W-What do I need to do? She's coming over to my place at eight, and I don't have a clue on what to make or prep."

"Do not fret my darling! Just give me all the details while I prepare some tea."

You nodded, "Well, it started this morning..."

For the better part of an hour, you went over in great detail what transpired this morning. Waking up Umbra, heading to the new shopping center, your small verbal fight you both had, then her apologizing in the end, you explained everything while the unicorn sitting opposite you listened with great interest. She is no doubt taking mental notes to tell all her friends like the gossip mare she is.

That isn't to say she wasn't any help; she explained all the things a stallion should do in a situation with a mare. Some of them were quite obvious, like holding the door open or pulling back their chair like a gentlecolt, or in your case, a gentleman. But some advice was much harder to learn, like the body language of a pony. Ears and tail could indicate if your date is having a good time or not; tail flicks can reveal if one is nervous, while ears pointing forward can mean they're interested in whatever topic you're discussing. Suffice to say, you're overwhelmed by all this information.

"Crap! Thank you Rarity, b-but I gotta start cooking now. Thanks for the tea!" You only had four hours till the clock strikes eight. Cooking and cleaning your house will take up the better part of a hour or two, getting started early will be the most ideal.

"Alright darling, make sure to come by tomorrow so I can get all the juicy details, ta-ta~"

You dashed out of the boutique in a hurry while Rarity's words registered in your head, leaving a red blush on your cheeks.

"Yes YES! She'll love them!"

The apple fritters that you made came out beautifully as you laid them out on the kitchen table. Who knew those cooking lessons with Applejack would pay off? Next was the hay; to any person, a hayburger with dandelions on the side may be the most disgusting thing ever, but to a pony, it's a delicacy. To add on, you grabbed a basket and filled it with as many different fruits as you could think of, ending off with apple cider as the drink for tonight. 'Ending off' may have been a little lie. You had one last dish in your arsenal: tuna casserole.

A huge 50/50 on your part. If she eats meat, good! You both can enjoy it. If she can't, then you'll just pretend you never made it and throw it away.

"Remember, nothing special, just a casual dinner." You mumbled to yourself.

With 30 minutes to spare, you used your remaining time to throw all the pots and pans into the sink while you freshened up. Once all was said and done, you waited in your living room.

"Five more minutes... Just relax, man, you got this."


"Fuck me! Why, WHY! Out of all ponies, why'd it have to be her?!" This small crush was something you thought would go away eventually with time, but as the months went on and you two continued to talk, it blossomed into something bigger. She was the enslaver of the crystal ponies! A tyrant who wanted to rule Equestria! So why were you drawn to her so badly?! It doesn't make sense...

Hell, does she even see me as a potential companion? I mean, I am just a normal guy, and she's a queen... sorta... Maybe this is all for nothing...

Knock Knock Knock

Your heart rate spiked. You honestly contemplated not even opening the door, maybe she would go away after a while? No, no, that'd be terrible, she obviously knows your home with all your lights turned on. With as much courage you can muster, you walked up to the door and turned the knob with shaky hands.


You don't know why you expected her to be strutting in with the most expensive dress known to ponykind, you clearly did say this was supposed to be a casual dinner. She wore a plain gray hoodie that almost matched her coat of fur, with some black leggings to boot that accentuate her nice butt—STOP IT BRAIN.

Kinda odd to see a pony such as her wear these types of clothes; you always tried to imagine her wearing regalia like the illustrations you've seen, but now she's reduced to these "commoner garments," as she likes to call them.

"H-Hey Umbra! Glad you can make it!" You winced at your stutter, "Come in! I have all the food prepped and ready!"

She nodded but stood still in place.


"Are you going to move?"


"You're... in the doorway." She pointed out.

You were indeed in the doorway. "S-Silly me! Come in!"

She gave you a questioning look as she passed by, but you were more interested in looking at your feet in embarrassment than actually looking at the mare. Once you shut the door, you both entered the kitchen.

"Ta-da! It's not the best, but I tried."

You quickly walked ahead and pulled a chair out for her while she stood star-struck.

"You... made this all for me?" She said, while staring at the row of fritters. She knew the smell was familiar the second she entered your abode, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Well... for the both of us! Mainly for you, I can't really handle sweets all that much." The bag of colored marshmallows you had in the cabinet said otherwise.

She took the invitation and sat down while you pulled out two glasses for the cider. You turned around and suppressed a chuckle. The unicorn looked like an anxious child just waiting to dig into their food, and it didn't help that the chair she sat on was a bit too small for her. Wouldn't be surprised if she started drooling any second now.

You didn't want to keep the hungry mare waiting any longer, so you quickly sat down with utensils by your plate. "Before we eat, I gotta ask. Do you eat meat? Or are those sharp teeth just for show?"

She looked up at you, "My body drastically changed when I became imbued with my magic. So to answer your question, yes, I can eat meat."

"So, you wouldn't mind some tuna casserole?"

She shook her head, giving you the all-clear. You laid the casserole in the middle of the table, completing the large spread of food. If your phone survived the transportation to Equestria, you'd take a picture of this.

"Alright, dig in."

No sooner than you said that, she reached for the plate of fritters with one of her large hands. You couldn't help but stare as she opened her mouth, revealing rows of sharp teeth in which she chomped down on the delicacy you spent all afternoon making. It made you shudder.

You stopped staring before she noticed and took a bite out of the casserole. Hmm, not bad. Mom would be proud.

You both sat in comfortable silence for the next couple of minutes; the only noise being made was the forks clattering on plates while you both dig into your respective foods. After a couple fritters, she than went on to eat some of the hayburgers you made, a visible grin on her face while doing so. You weren't even done with your portion before she started to eat her side of the casserole. You think being royalty, she at least have the courtesy to eat slow...

"Jeez Umbra, you're eating like you haven't had food all day." You joked.

"I haven't." She nonchalantly replied.

"I—wait you haven't? What do you mean?"

She laid her fork down, "What's confusing? I haven't eaten."

Was she trying to mess with you? "Like... is that a... thing... you don't have to do now? Are you like, magically able to not eat anything—"

"—I can't cook Anon." She bluntly stated

"Like... your stove's... broken...?"

"I. Don't. Know. How. To. Cook." She angrily said. Her ears raised up while her tail started giving angry flicks. "I had servants and maids prepare my food for me. I didn't need to lift a single finger, I'm a ruler. Not a chef."

Okay! Diffuse the situation. NOW. "S-S-Sorry, I d-didn't mean it in a bad way! Y-You're an independent p-pony! I get it! You've been living in P-Ponyville for more than a year, so I just thought you knew h-how to... I'm sorry i-if I offended you..."

She let out a loud sigh, "I... for the past year, I've been exclusively eating fruit and flowers. Only treating myself when that pink pony decides to drop by and bringing whatever confectionaries to my abode. I don't need as much sustenance like you do so I never saw any point in eating much... or learning how to cook for the matter. I can keep my health and physique in check easily."

What was once a comfortable atmosphere has now turned into awkward silence as you took in this new info.


"Umbra... can I show you something?"

She brought her head up to stare at you. Her piercing red irises staring into your soul before she nodded. On cue, you got up from your seat at the table and walked to the backdoor. Motioning towards the mare to follow, you walked away from your house and up a grassy hill. The unicorn behind you didn't even bother to close the door behind her, not did it matter, crime rates in Ponyville are practically zero. Turning your head to make sure your friend is following you—the only indication being her red eyes as her body is practically invisible in the dead of night—you continued your ascent up the hill. Once at the top, you took a seat and padded the spot right next to you. She took the invitation and sat down, her tail slightly brushing up against you, once more making you shudder.

Almost as if Twilight was watching, the clouds parted to reveal the large night sky, with its moon situated in the center. The small hill gave you and your compadre a view of the entire town and its beauties with key landmarks being easily spotted. The town hall, the castle of friendship, school of friendship, everything was in plane view for you. "I usually come up here during my free time or just when I want to get away from everything, it's a nice really nice spot to read a book or two..."

"...What do you want to get away from?"

Straight to the point I see.

"...Thinking of home... or... my old life I should say... I haven't really been able to let go of the past just yet. I try so hard to not forget the faces of my parents or siblings..." You choked back a sob. "It h-hurts you know, just knowing one day I'll forget how they will look like, like a leaf in the wind, my mind will blow the memories away as I grow older..."

Silence, and then she spoke. "Do you wish you can go back?"

You sighed, "At some point I did... Twilight and the retired princesses tried their best to come up with any type of spell they can think of. Old spells, new spells, none of them worked. Heh, big ol' waste of time anyway since I can't even be affected by magic... some natural resistance bullshit..."

You wiped a tear from your eye, "So... I gave up. Cried for weeks on end if you couldn't tell. I only stopped when Twilight and her friends decided to help me from the ground up. Despite all of them being busy with their lives, they still took the time to make sure I was comfortable enough till I was on my own two feet again."

This time, you shifted to face her, "But... there was still something missing. I mean, I was thrown into this world for a reason right? It couldn't have been all for nothing. I must have a purpose... and that's when I got my answer. You."

You took her silence as a sign to continue, "When I learned that you were living in Ponyville, I—like many other individuals—stayed a fair distance away, it's only when we started to talk that I realized we had a lot more in common than I originally thought." You took a deep breath, "I made it my mission to try and teach you the values of friendship, whether I'm doing a good job or not is all up to... well, you."


"You have, Anon."

You raised an eyebrow.

"When I got reduced to dust from those ponies you call friends, I was left in a void; I couldn't remember much, but it was cold, so cold... I thought my fate was ultimately sealed—to wander this black space for all eternity for my sins—but then I saw a light. It was faint, but its warmth compelled me to move closer." She looked up to the sky, "And then I woke up in a pasture... I don't know if it was fate or some being decided to take pity on me, but I returned to Equestria."

"Upon my arrival, I realized I was outnumbered, temporarily de-powered from my 'resurrection', and fatigued beyond belief; there was nothing else for me to do but regretfully surrender. I thought my fate was sealed, to be encased in stone for all eternity, but they took pity instead..." She touched the dampener on her horn, "They placed this vile thing on me to prevent my use of magic, and then they sent me on my merry way. I thought they truly lost their minds."

"To spite the princesses, I vowed to never learn the ways of friendship. Any opportunity they've found to try and 'reform' me, I made sure they failed." She chuckled, "I became as petty as any pony can be, and I reveled in it. They culminated one final attempt, and that was to send me to this town. A Queen, such as myself, couldn't possibly conform to these rules, so over time, I've come to despise these peasants, and they decided to show me the same vitriol..." She faced you once more, "Until one decided to grow a backbone... and he wasn't even a pony, no, an odd creature of the sort. One of the likes I've never seen before in all my years of living."

"You, Anon, are probably one of the most interesting creatures I've ever met. A being from another world, one where 'technology,' as you call it, dominates the landscape, to say I was intrigued would be an understatement. And look what came from it; unlike the other ponies who I send running away with their tail between their legs, you didn't show that fear; you kept coming back, and back, and back. These talks eventually turned into... conversation between friends..."

She reached over and grabbed your hands. A blush crossed your face as your eyes met her own.

She smiled, "To answer your question from before... yes. I do believe you accomplished your mission and shown this mare the ways of... f-friendship."

She got closer.

"U-Umbra?" You stuttered.

And closer.

"My friend."


"My crush."


"And now... my King."

Your heart almost stopped when her muzzle connected with your lips. She moved her hands from your palms and up to your shoulders as she deepened the embrace. You couldn't believe this was happening. All this time, you thought this was some sort of pipe dream, a wish that would never be granted. You mentally berated yourself each time you thought about loving this mare, foolishly thinking it would never work out. And now? You couldn't give a damn about what your mind says.

Your hands went up to her face as you cupped her cheeks. She let out a moan of delight as you pushed back with an equal amount of force, creating a small suction between your mouths.

Time at this very moment stood still. Two beings under the moonlight and stars, letting each other's long-awaited emotions out as they continue to exchange deep breaths with every inhale and exhale. Any passerby nearby would see two lovers finally letting their inner feelings out, not knowing that they were the two most unlikely individuals coming together to embrace their true desires.

One pony, one human.

A tyrant, an alien.

Nothing, can ruin this mome—

Click. Snap!

You both parted—much to each other's dismay—with a loud smacking of the lips and turned to face the noise. It was hard to discern anything under the moonlight, but the movement from the bush caught you and your lover's attention as she held you securely in her arms, baring her teeth to the intruder that dared to ruin this moment.

"Oh horseapples... that was a little too loud." A feminine voice spoke from the shrubbery.

That voice. "...Rarity?" You said.

Almost as if she were waiting for her name to be called, she popped out of the bush with a couple sticks in her hair, and a... camera?

Wait, that noise...

Umbra—who was still holding you in her arms—seemed to have caught on as well, as her temper rose to unprecedented levels as she started to breathe heavily, her tail giving angry flicks.





Rarity seemed to have gotten the message because she quickly got up and ran like an Ursa Major just entered the town as the dark pony continued to throw every obscenity she could think of. She even used some impolite words that you maaaay have taught her... yeah, you probably shouldn't have. Your lover wasn't done, though, as she quickly got on her hooves to pursue the mare.

You honestly don't know what would've happened if you weren't there; your hold on her hips is the only thing preventing the unicorn from making any hasty decisions.

"Umbra! Please! Calm down, she's gone! Let's just forget whatever happened!"

The mare easily had the strength to rip herself out of your grip, but instead she held back. You stayed hugging her for the next couple minutes as she slowly calmed down from her vexation. Her arms eventually snake their way back around your back, giving you a chance to let out a sigh of relief. That doesn't mean you aren't angry as well; you may have to pay a visit to the boutique tomorrow for a little chat.

Let's not let this moment go to waste... You kiss her neck and slowly creep back up to her muzzle, reaching her surprisingly smooth lips in the end. The mare continued on with her angry glare as she stared where Rarity once stood, but at some point she had to give in to your affections. Cracks in her facade started to appear, which eventually turned into a grin as her lips puckered to return the gesture.

A curveball was thrown when Umbra started to lick your lips for entry.

Getting feisty I see... You accept her invitation and introduced your tongue to hers. This was your first time French kissing with any girl before, but by God! Did it feel wonderful, especially when you're doing it with the mare you love. You honestly couldn't tell how long you were kissing for. A Minute? Two? Five? Whatever it was, at some point you started to feel that strain in your chest, forcing you to sadly depart from her wonderful lips to take in a breath of air.

"Hah... hah... Umbra? Can I... try something? It's been bugging me for the past couple days..." You pointed at her red horn.


With her confirmation, you reached up and touched the dampener on her horn. The purple contraption glowed faintly before losing all color, letting you lift it up.

"W-Wait, it's going to—" *Swiiiiiiiiiip "—burn?"

You sighed in relief. "Phew! Didn't think that was going to work."

"H-How?" She felt around her horn, sensing no magic disruption of any kind.

"Well, I had a theory to see if my natural resistance to magic could counteract the abilities of this dampener. Seems like I was right." You twirled the object around with your finger.

Umbra looked at you in amazement before her horn suddenly started to glow. From the corner of your eye, you noticed a small rock being lifted up in the air, surrounded by a large, smoky, purple glow. She tested her capabilities by lifting the object, moving it left and right, and throwing it up in the air a couple of times before focusing all her magic in its center. What was once a rock suddenly transformed into a black crystal.

"Woah... that's cool." You said, mouth opened in awe.

She smirked, dropping the crystal in your palm. "You surprise me every day, my King~"

God, that sultry voice. "Heh, yea..." Your face turned apprehensive. "Umbra... you know you have to put this back on, right? If anybody sees you with this off, you know what will happen..."

As much as she hates to admit it, you're right. If any citizen, or worse, the princess, finds out, she'll be thrown back into a dungeon. With a loud sigh, she grabbed the dampener and slowly slipped it back onto her horn, wincing in the process. All the magic flowing through her body disappeared in a heartbeat as she gripped your hands in what must be a painful process.

"Hey, hey! It's alright... I got you..." Seeing your mare scrunch her face in agony was painful to watch. Fortunately, it lasted only for a couple of seconds as her features slowly softened back to what they were before.

Now or never... "Umbra..."


"I love you..."

She smiled, "I love you too Anon..."