• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 1,397 Views, 31 Comments

My Mother - Dragonfan101

during Spikes journey to the dragon lands he encounters someone he never thought he'd meet...

  • ...

1: An Unexpected Encounter

It was a long journey to the dragon lands, spike had made his way through the forest and had arrived on the borders. "Wow so these are the Dragon Lands.. in a rougher shape then I thought.
Spike had walked around for a bit, he noticed some dragons staring at him, he even heard some asking why he is alone. "I really hope I don't cause any trouble" spike had thought when walking around. As if fate had laughed at him he accidently bumped into a large dragon and the dragon turned around and stared at him.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!" the dragon yelled,

"Sorry!" Spike said scared .

the dragon had started to look down and realized he was actually a hatchling.
" Oh! forgive me! I didn't notice you were a small child" the dragon said clearly ashamed.

" Its okay I was just lost in thoughts trying to figure out where to go" Spike had explained.

The dragon then asked" why are you all alone here child where is your mother?" he asked curiously.

Spike hesitated "I... I don't have one, I'm an orphan I came here hoping to find her".

The dragon then looked shocked" your alone?! with no one to help you? he asked confused"

Spike then said sadly" yeah I had come here hoping to find her to see why I was hatched without her or a father", i had a guardian but he passed away a couple days ago because of old age, he told me about the migration and said it would be a good chance to find my birth parents.

The dragon then asked" what's your name child?", " my name is Spike.

" Spike nice name for a child like you, I'm Nathen" he then offered his claw forward" would you like me to take you around? you should have at least someone with you" he offered.

Spike looked surprised," really you'll help me?! he asked shocked. " of course a dragon should always should always take care of the smaller ones" he said. T.. thank you! Spike said really happy someone he met was willing to help. taking his claw they made they're way around.

Spike got a good look at the dragon he was 15f with black scales,, had blue eyes, large white horns and blue spikes, it was an interesting color matchup to say the least.

"Where are we going?" spike had asked,

"I'm taking you to the hatching grounds" Nathen said, "most mothers who lose they're children go there in hopes of finding them every year" he explained. " Ok then" spike said understanding what was told.

After a while of walking they arrived at the hatching grounds and what spike saw saddened him, he saw dozens of hatchlings with they're parents, some playing with them, some feeding them, and some giving loving nuzzles.
Spike got a little sad, seeing their mothers give their kids affection, because it was something he always wanted as well.

"Is this how most mothers are?" Spike asked.

" Yes mothers tend to take care of the child's while the fathers go hunt and find meals for they're family's. "if someone threatens the family the father will take on the challenger and make they're sure they don't threaten them again once they win" Nathen explained. "interesting " spike had thought.

The mothers then noticed the small child and came to the Nathen." who's this little one?" one asked, "are you his Father?" another asked, "where's the mother?" another asked as well.

Nathen then interrupted " I came here to help him find his mother he was separated from her" he explained.

They then looked shocked, "You got lost from your mother?!" they asked surprised

Spike said sadly" Yeah, Nathen here said he'd help me" he explained.
The mothers looked at Nathen and said" Your someone who has a heart of gold! they said lovingly to him. Nathen then blushed"
I just like to help others" he said. The mothers then looked at Spike and said " Even if you don't find her one of us will take you in and care for you" they said sweetly to him.

Spike said embarrassed" T.. thank you! your all very kind!" he said happy. the dragons then looked at Nathen and said"

Hope you help him find her or we'll snatch him up for endless cuddles!" they said with sly faces.
Nathen then said" alright girls lets get going, come on Spike we should look around." he told him, Spike nodded.

After 10 minutes of searching Spike then started to look sad and asked" what if we don't find her?", Nathen looked at him and said" even if we don't there's going to be someone to take you in, I might even take care of you" he said.

"Rally?!" Spike asked shocked." Yes, any orphaned hatchling should be taken in by a dragon who is willing to take care of them, if we don't find her, I will take care of you myself."

Spike then said" thank you so much! this really means a lot to me" he said really grateful.

After some more searching Nathen then noticed a particular looking dragoness who looked really sad, he then looked at Spike and back at her and noticed comparisons.

The dragoness had purple scales, green eyes and purple spikes on her back, she was around 15 to 20 feet, after looking at Spike he then started to notice the similarities after looking at her again for a quick second.
" Hey Spike you see that dragoness over there" he asked.
Spike then looked at her and looked shocked, noticing how similar they looked. Spike then said" we should see if it is her" he said.
Nathen nodded and they walked to her. "Excuse me ma'am are you okay?" Nathen asked.

The dragoness looked at him and said" No I've been looking everywhere for something, something that was taken away from me." she said sadly looking at him. He then asked

"what is it your looking for?".
My egg, it was taken from me by skilled burglars and I was knocked out before I could get it back. she said with tears in her eyes.
He then looked at her sadly and said"
I think I found something that may interest you" he said.
" what?" she then asked.

He then moved Spike to her with his tail and they locked eyes at each other, the dragoness examined him noticing how similar they looked, she then asked him " who are you child?",
Spike said "my name is Spike I came here looking for my parents" he explained.

She then looked at him shocked, she got closer to him and examined him, she then sniffed him in order to get his scent and her eyes widened when she realized, he smelled just like her..
she looked at him and said "where were you hatched young one?,".

Spike then thought for a second (I cant tell them I was hatched by ponies they might freak out and assume them of stealing,
I love twilight and wouldn't want anything to happen to her or my friends) he then said "I was hatched by an old dragon who had found my egg, his name was Ruby, he was very old but did what he could to raise me, he told me the egg was nearby a tree it looked like it had tumbled down a long hill, he raised me for years and i loved him like he was my real father, but he was very old and he eventually passed on, he had told me about the migration and said it would be a great chance to find my birth parents before he died, and when I saw all the dragons coming in this direction and I came here in hoping of finding my parents" he explained even though he was ashamed for lying.

Nathen looked at him with sadness( he lost his guardian? it must've been really tough for him i know the pain.) he thought looking down at him with sadness.

The dragoness then looked at him shocked and then asked "Do you know your scent child?".

Spike then asked confused" " My what?",

"Do you know your scent ?, child's can tend to find they're mother's or fathers if they have the same scent" she explained. spike then took a moment, and then used his (barely seeable) nose and then sniffed himself, he then looked at her and took a long sniff and his eyes went wide when he realized. " We have the same scent!" he thought shocked.

"M.. Mother?" he asked tears starting to form in his eyes,
"S.. Son?" she asked water starting to pour from her eyes. They then looked at each other before the dragoness suddenly launched at him and scooped him in her claws. she then nuzzled him lovingly tears pouring like a waterfall

" Its you! its really you!! my precious hatchling!!!". Spike looked at her with tears of joy and sadness coming from his eyes as well
" I never thought id ever meet you! Mother! Mommy!" he said with pure joy.

Nathen looked at them tears coming from him as well, as well as a bunch on other dragons with happy smiles, ( he really found her, I'm so happy I was able to help him) Nathen thought.
Spike then asked "W. what's your name mother?" he asked still crying.

"My name is Skystar, my sweet little hatchling!" she said with mix of happiness and sadness.

" But where's daddy" spike asked looking at her.

she then said with such sadness she looked like she was gonna break" he.. he passed away from a deadly illness, you were the only thing I had left of him, he was such a kind person, so few drakes I've met were as kind as he was." she said with sadness.

Spike looked at her sadly" I'm so sorry you were alone for so many years, but I promise you I wont be separated from you again!" Spike said with joy,
she then kissed his forehead and said" I wont let anyone hurt you either, my baby" she said with joy.

Skystar looked at Nathen and said" thank you so much for finding my baby and bringing him to me! I don't know how to repay you!" she said,
" you seeing each other meet one another for the first time is all I need" he said back." My name is Nathen, I'm so glad I was able to help you find each other, I'll leave you two to catch up, if you want to see me again I live near the hot springs south of here" he said.
Skystar looked at him" I will Nathen, I hope your available to some time together!".

Nathen then spread his wings, before taking off he looked at Spike" see you later Spike, if you need anything you can come looking for me I'll be glad to help, Spike then looked at him with a smile and said " I will, Thank you so much for helping me!".
" Glad I could help you too, take care child you too Skystar " He said before taking off south like he said.

The two then looked at each other, " Would you like to come to my cave Spike? Would you like to see our home?" she asked hoping he would say yes.
" Of course! Spending time with you is all I need right now!
She then kissed him and then brought him close to her chest holding him tightly" Alright hold one sweetheart it will be a bit of a flight" spike nodded holding her tightly, she then spread her wings and took of the ground with a gust of wind behind.

Spike then started feeling drowsy, before he fell asleep he thought to himself( I really found her! I really did!.. Wait, what about Twilight what will she think?) he thought before then deciding( if they encounter me with her I'll do my best to explain everything, I just hope they understand). he eventually fell asleep,
Skystar looked down at him and smiled before thinking( don't worry sweetheart I'll keep you safe,) she thought before regaining her focus and continued flying.

While all that was was happening Twilight and the others saw everything after disguising themselves in a poorly made dragon suit.
Twilight said " he really found her",
Rarity then said" should we keep an eye on him to see he's safe" the others then nodded thinking the same thing.
Twilight thought about it before saying" no we should let them spend time together".
Rainbow dash then asked" You sure?! what if something happens to him?!" she said with worry, the others started saying

"what if he want's to stay? Pinkie asked ,
"what if he gets hurt? Applejack asked.
Twilight then looked at them before saying "we need to trust him with this, we'll come back in a week to check in.",

" But what if he wants to stay?" Pinkie asked once again,
" If he does I won't mind" she said", the others then looked at her shocked,

"WHAT?!" was all they said, twilight began to explain "As long as he's happy I'll be happy, his mother looks like someone who can protect him, we need to trust him on this, its why we let him come here without some other pony, we need to let him make this choice on his own." she told.

The others looked at each other before nodding in understanding, Pinkie especially knowing Twilight will be happy , they then made they're way home hoping to explain to Celestia that Spike found his mom.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, this is my first story, Spike is one of my favorite characters in this show and I find it really upsetting he never met his mother. I then decided " fine I'll do it myself" so I decided to make this. I have more story ideas involving him I think there is so much that can be done with him. I'll be making other stories where he grows into his own person, and they will be finished! there are very few stories where spike finds his parents, even so they aren't finished .
Ill be sure to make sure these are done, I may update other stories back in forth but I will make sure they're done. I have a lot of ideas so stay tuned, I don't know how often I'll update because I have work and stuff to do, but I will get these done. I promise. feel free to give me ideas about story ideas for him just, because I have ideas of my own doesn't mean I'm not open to suggestions, feel free to send me some! have a great day guys and see you all soon!
I know it may be out of character for Spike to lie but please consider this, we never really knew what the relationship between dragons and ponies were at the time, the ponies could've been accused of stealing and it would cause a lot of concern if they had been stealing more eggs. I'm sorry if it did seem out of character for him to lie but please remember this is still my first story, I'll see you guys later.