• Published 9th Sep 2023
  • 736 Views, 12 Comments

Lessons We Learn - SundropStriker

Story with an alternate punishment route for Cozy Glow

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Cozy finished writing and dropped her pen on the table with a relieved sigh, rubbing her right hand with her left.

"I never want to write so much again." She said determinedly.

Sunset looked up from the other end of the table where she was doing homework. "I thought you finished all of your notes yesterday."

Cozy gave a somewhat embarrassed glance at the note in front of her. "Yeah, for the students. But I had one more I wanted to write. To Principal Celestia. I figured she deserved a note too, what with all the things I did to cause trouble in her school."

Sunset smiled. "I'm proud of you, Cozy. You're doing great."

Cozy beamed at the praise. It had been almost four weeks since her heart to heart with Sunset, and she had done her best to prove she could be as well behaved as any normal kid could be. She'd written all of her apology notes and delivered them in person, not even fussing about the fact she hadn't been able to use her phone the entire time. She had started paying attention in her classes and her grades were improving dramatically. Sunset hadn't had a single summons to see Principal Celestia in the entire past three weeks that Cozy had been back in school.

The students at school had been extremely wary of Cozy at first after she returned from her week long suspension, but were gradually coming to see that she was genuinely trying to be good and was no longer trying to torment them. Sunset's friends of course accepted her almost immediately after they had all personally been given thier apology notes along with a sincere verbal apology.

Principal Celestia was somewhat suprised when Cozy handed over the note the next day that she'd written to her, apologising for all the trouble she had caused, but was quick to assure her that all was forgiven and that her efforts to behave herself hadn't gone unnoticed. She was just as relieved as Sunset that Cozy's antics had finally been gotten under control.

Cozy had made several new friends as well who were willing to give her a chance, the first ones being the mischief making trio who called themselves the Crusaders. Sunset braced herself for the inevitable reports of mild troublemaking knowing that the girls would undoubtedly get Cozy involved in their antics.

As she walked down the halls of the school, she smiled. She had shared the tales of all that had happened with Twilight, leaving out nothing. Twilight had been as relieved and thrilled as Sunset was at Cozy's amazing progress, and said that it had been a good choice to send her to the human world after all. She would have probably never been given the chance to reform in their world, as there hadn't been a single pony or creature willing to take the risk of overseeing her. At least with Sunset she had a good chance, and perhaps one day there would be the oppurtunity for her to return to the world she originally came from and make amends. But for now at least she was doing fantastic, and Twilight said that there was no better result she could have asked for.

Sunset was pulled from her thoughts by the familiar ding of the intercom followed by a somewhat irritated, "Sunset Shimmer, would you please report to the principal's office?"

Sunset groaned. There went the growing streak of no calls to the office.

"Cozy, what in Celestia's name did you do now??"

Comments ( 9 )

The spanking chapter is the longest one? Very suspicious.


I turned out fine

He said on a My Little Pony fanfiction site :trollestia:

To be honest, I'm not sure implications of spanking are as important in this fic as a careful plot vs. fetish balance.

Admittedly i got a little out of hand in writing that chapter xD But by the time i realized it I more or less just said "The heck with it."

I'm aware its probably illegal in some places in the real world. But this is purely a work of fiction. So I'm not too worried about it.

This was a good little story, and I enjoyed it. But I’m with Sunset; what has Cozy done this time?!

All in all, it's a pretty decent story. I was just wondering if there will be a sequel or somewhat of a continuation.

I hadn't definitely planned on it, but its a possibility.

Oh, this is good.

Really enjoyed this, I could see a few sequels from this. Cozy getting in trouble with the cmc, getting in trouble from fighting with the cmc, cozy disrupting a date that sunset is on because she is jealous?possibilities are endless. And yeah, Sunset is really the perfect person to look after cozy. They have done similar mad schemes, both had stints thinking the world is out to get them, that you need power and cruelty to protect yourself.

All in all, really liked this, fan of your work, and hope you have more in coming.

Thank you! And yes, I do have other stories coming XD

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