• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 154 Views, 4 Comments

Quest for the Key of Harmony - Yurl 18

Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash get called for an interesting adventure outside of Equestria

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Chapter III: Brightford Village

The three of them, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike head into Brightford via a cobblestone path which is lined with houses made out of stone and wood, a couple shops here and there, and a small hotel for residents to stay. "There's a hotel! We could stay there" Spike suggests pointing at the hotel, "No Spike, we must make it there as quick as possible." Twilight says "Lets keep going."
"Ugh alright..." Spike groans as he digs his face into a power ponies comic.
Twilight looks around and realizes there are ponies staring at them and whispering opon themselves.

"Its Princess Twilight Sparkle!" a pony 'whisper-yells' as they run inside, "someone get the sheriff!" another pony yells as they run away from the three of them.
Twilight looks around, "Hmm, they seem to be scared of me...?"
"Do you think it's because you're an alicorn?" Spike suggests pointing at her wings, "Maybe..." Twilight says as another one of the ponies cowers behind a crate, "Hey, No need to run." Twilight says softy as she walks to the pony hiding behind the crate.
"Get away from them!" a pony with a cowboy hat goes.
"I'm not gonna hurt anyone, why are you all scared of me?" Twilight says sadly looking at the sheriff.

"We ain't fond of yer' kind, alicorn!" the sheriff pony exclaims as a couple other ponies walk out and stand next to the sheriff pony.

The sheriff pony and the ponies standing next to him start chasing the trio. "Ah!" Twilight yells as the three of them run from the mob, "What are we gonna do Twilight?!" Spike yells, "RUUNNN!" Rainbow yells as Twilight charges up a teleport.
Poof! all three of them get teleported and end up in a house, "U-uh...HE-" a pony is about to yell as Twilight uses a spell to silence them, "I'm not gonna hurt you, just tell me, why is everyone scared of me?" Twilight asks undoing the silence spell.
"W-w-well, a couple moons ago, a rouge alicorn came and attacked, is what the sheriff tells everyone...what I remember a little bit is where they had an uh, I think...Alicorn amulet? I don't know what it was called exactly." the pony tells the trio, "Do you know what they looked like?" Twilight asks the scared pony, "I think they had a blue coat and a lighter blue mane?"

"Trixie!" Twilight 'whisper-yells'. "we'll get going" Twilight says as they head outside.
"Hey sheriff, over here!" Twilight yells to get the mobs attention, "Its the alicorn, get them!" one of the ponies in the mob yells as they run towards the purple coated alicorn.
"Everypony freeze!" Twilight says as she uses a spell to freeze the mob.
"What do you want alicorn?" one of the ponies yells, "What are you gonna do, enslave us?" another pony yells.

"No! I'm not gonna do that stuff, no alicorn would ever do that stuff, I got some insight on who attacked you from one of the ponies I met here and...It wasn't an alicorn, It was a pony using something called an alicorn amulet which makes the bearer extremely powerful, they must've got the amulet and used it to attack you ponies, where we come from got attacked by that same pony, the description of the pony who attacked you matches the one who attacked us.
Twilight says unfreezing the mob.
"So no alicorn actually attacked you!" Spike yells.

"I...do remember them having something around their neck..." one of the ponies says, "I don't even know if they actually had wings!" another pony says, "Well then..." the sheriff says, "If you ain't evil then, I gotta apologize..." the sheriff walks up to twilight, "I'm sorry for us trying to attack you and saying that we ain't fond of yer' kind, I sher' do hope you forgive us." the sheriff says grabbing his hat, putting it on his chest and looking down.

"I forgive you, just don't go around doing that to anypony." Twilight warns the sheriff pony, "What is your name?"
"Me?" the sheriff pony says, "Well...I am Sheriff Withdrawal, you can call me Lawful Withdrawal."

"Very nice to meet you, I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship!" Twilight says looking at the once-mobbing ponies.
The sheriff puts his hat back on his head, "Well I've never introduced you to this village, this is Brightford village our forever home!" The sheriff points to the statue in the middle of the village, "that's a statue of Brightford Villa, the old mayor of this place, once he died then I took over as sheriff and mayor and named the village after him, but everyone jus' calls me sheriff."

"Oh, how long ago did he die" Twilight asks, "Oh uh well if you don't mind me asking" she says sheepishly, "It was 1 year ago, there was a horrible thunderstorm and he was fixing a metal pole for that shop" he points over to one of the shops in the village, "...and the metal pole managed to get struck by lightning which caused him to die."

"That sounds horrible!" Rainbow dash yells as she puts her hooves on her face, "Yeah.." Lawful says as he looks at Spike, "Oh, so you have a baby dragon? That's nice" Lawful adds.


"Well we'll get going, goodbye everypony!" Twilight says waving goodbye as the trio leave the village.

"Well that was fun Twilight, except the part where they tried to mob us" Rainbow says as she flies over Twilight, "How far do we ha-" Bump! "Ow!" Rainbow Dash yelps as she falls to the ground. "What the..."

"Woah its the clone" Spike says as the clone who is floating in the air immediately teleports to the ground. "Why do you keep following us clone?" Twilight asks the clone, this time she doesn't expect a response but surprisingly, she gets a response.
"Do thou' agree, that we both want the key?" the clone says as it starts slowly melting into the ground, "Wait!" Twilight says as she tries to grab the clones hoof, but once the purple ponies hoof touches the clones hoof, the trio hears a sizzling sound and the clone starts screaming and slowly sinks into the ground with a gurgle noise.

"What...what was that?" Spike says scratching his head looking up at Twilight, "I don't know, but, we have to keep going" Twilight adds as she walks down the path surrounded by a wheat farm on the left and right with the village behind them.

The trio head down the path.

Where will the trio go next? Leave your guesses in the comments :pinkiehappy:

Author's Note:

This took a decent amount of time to make LOL.

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