• Published 4th Sep 2023
  • 874 Views, 24 Comments

G5 Adventures in Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! meets Courage the Cowardly Dog - ponydog127

The ponies reunite with Mystery Incorporated and some new friends from Nowhere, Kansas in order to solve the mystery of the giant cicada monsters... and stop a brand-new villain with a close connrection to Misty's past.

  • ...

Captured!/Computeristic Investigating

Zipp opened up the wooden door within the earth, letting everyone crawl out and back onto the surface again. But, they were in an unfamiliar environment, and only Eclipse seemed to know where they were. “This is great! Home is just on the other side of this cornfield! Let’s go!”

But, unfortunately, Shaggy and Scooby and Courage didn’t follow. “Like, there's no way,” said Shaggy, “I'm walking through a creepy cornfield at night. I’ll wait right here.”

“Me too!” Scooby nodded. “Me three!” Courage agreed. “Since when are you three afraid of corn?” Zipp asked with a frown. “Yeah,” Sunny nodded. “Fred told us you each had four ears of it at breakfast.”

“You’re eating some right now,” Muriel noticed as they scarfed down on corn. But, Shaggy still had his reasons, looking over toward the redhead of the gang. “Daph?”

Daphne sighed and turned to Muriel and Eclipse. “You're new. So let me explain. This is the part where Shaggy and Scooby continually refuse to do something until we bribe them with treats.”

“Yep,” Eclipse smirked. “That sounds like Courage, all right. Luckily, I think Muriel and I have just the cure for that.”

Taking this as a sign, Muriel pulled out a cookie jar from behind her back. “Boys… will you do it for a Courage snack? They're homemade.”

Immediately, Shaggy and the dogs agreed, nodding hungrily, but before they dug into the snacks, Shaggy sent a glare Daphne’s way. “Like, we never get homemade Scooby Snacks. Do we, Daph?”

Daphne honestly wasn't sure how to respond. “Well, I-- I-- uh… I don't really, uh…”

“Just let them have the treats, Daph,” Sunny whispered. “I’ll come up with a way to make some homemade Scooby Snacks for next time.”

Muriel happily handed the boys a cookie shaped like a heart, and even gave one to Eclipse, along with a head scratch. “They're just normal biscuits I put in a jar,” Muriel whispered. “No one's the wiser.”

The ponies stifled a giggle at that. “Now, come along,” Muriel told the gang. “Eustace is probably worried sick.”

“Seeing as it’s Eustace…” said Zipp to her sister before frowning, “...I doubt it.”

“Stay together, everypony,” Sunny told her friends. “We don’t know what’s in here, and I for one, don’t wanna find out the hard way.”

The gang slowly moved through the cornfield, one after the other, slow and steady. Misty was sure to keep behind Sunny, as Shaggy and the dogs stayed behind her and Eclipse... just to protect the three of them if necessary. But all throughout the cornfield, Shaggy and Scooby and Courage felt uneasy and worried, and Misty couldn't blame them.

With her mother being just as evil as Opaline, if not worse, she would have to further keep her guard up.

All three of the scaredy-cats... and scaredy-dogs backed into a pole, causing them to scream out of surprise. Then, they looked up at the pole, realizing it was a spooky scarecrow, causing them to scream once again and run to the others. “Guys?” Eclipse asked with a frown. “What’s the matter?”

“Did you see Paradise?” Hitch asked quickly. Shaggy, Scooby and Courage tried to point to what it was, but all the others heard was incoherent muttering as lightning flashed in the distance, revealing what had scared them to begin with. “Quit goofing around, you guys,” Daphne scolded Shaggy and the dogs. “It’s just a scarecrow.”

“I don’t know, Daph,” Misty shook her head. “Scarecrows do look a lot creepier at night than in the day.”

“Either way, we have to keep moving,” Zipp said. “Come on.”

Shaggy and the dogs spared each other a glance of worry before they followed their friends through the corn stalks again, where one by one down the line, they shushed each other until… they got to the cicada queen dressed in the scarecrow’s clothing!

Courage screamed as it hissed, zooming to the others, who turned and gasped at the sight of it. “It’s the Cicada Queen!” Sunny cried. “To be honest, heh… she’s a lot creepier than she was 30 minutes ago!” Eclipse said worriedly. “RUN!!”

That’s when the group bolted through the corn stalks as fast as their legs could take them, hearing Paradise’s laughter in the distance. “That’s it, meddlesome bugs! Get them!” she shrieked. “Make sure they don’t leave this cornstalk alive!”

“Mom found us!” Misty cried desperately as she ran through the corn. “Faster, ponies, faster!”

Everyone continued to run until they got to a clear patch in the corn field, where Pipp suddenly stepped on something that made a loud CRUNCH sound beneath her hooves. “Um, ponies? Why is the ground suddenly so crunchy?”

When she looked down, she saw that she had stepped on the body of a cicada, green slime oozing from it and onto her hoof. The group gasped as Pipp shrieked, trying to shake the slime off her. “Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!”

“Are they… dead?” Fred asked as Velma scanned the body with her tablet. “No, not dead. These are just the remains of exoskeletons left after the cicadas have molted.”

“Which can only mean,” concluded Zipp with fear, “which can only mean they've gone through their chrysalis stage and now… have wings! Uuuuugh…”

“That means… my mom would have an entire air force at her hooves!” Misty realized with wide eyes. “Like, somehow,” Shaggy gulped, pointing at Misty, “that is SO much worse!”

Daphne nodded fearfully at this statement. “I have to agree with Shaggy!”

Suddenly, the sound of wings flapping filled the air, and the gang turned to see a swarm… no, a giant ARMY of cicadas flying their way. “Oh dear…” Muriel gulped before Courage shrieked again. “You said it, Muriel!” Sunny cried. “RUN!!

The gang immediately ran off with screams of terror, but as they ran, the cicadas repeatedly dove in to attack. One of them even tried to make off with Muriel, carrying her into the sky. “MURIEL!!” Courage cried as another cicada tried to grab him. “Noooo!!!”

Eclipse was able to grab him and followed Misty, Shaggy and Scooby into the brush where the group would be safe. But while they hid, Zipp immediately realized something. “Oh, wait… we have pony powers!” she said. “We can just fly up and--”

But when she tried to fly, she just fell back to the dirt below her. “Huh?” Izzy blinked in confusion as she tried to light her horn, but to no avail. Even Hitch’s plant powers weren’t working! “Sunny!” Hitch cried. “Something about the cicadas is blocking our pony-- AAAAGH!!!”

Hitch screamed as a cicada picked him up from off the ground, doing the same with Zipp, Izzy, Pipp, Daphne and Fred, while Sunny and Velma managed to dive into the corn with the others. “Just when we were so close. The farmhouse is the epicenter, I know it!” Velma checked her tablet. “Right,” Sunny nodded. “And it must have something to do with our magic being shorted out. We just need to prove it somehow-- AGH!!”

Suddenly, two cicadas grabbed Sunny and Velma, causing the others to scream. Sunny tried to activate her alicorn powers, but to no avail. It was like being around the cicadas with their wings was suddenly blocking their powers… but for an unknown reason. “It’s up to you guys, Misty!” she shouted down to her friend. “You’re the only ones who can save us and find the second crystal!”

“The source!” Velma tossed her tablet down to the others, the small device landing in the ground. “Dig it up and use it! Stop these horrible bugs!!”

Misty watched in horror as her friends were airlifted away, and watched as Courage buried a hole next to them and stuck his head in it, Scooby digging a little more of the hole to join him. “I’m scared too, Courage…”

“We’re all scared, Scooby-Doo. But Sunny has a point,” Eclipse said comfortingly. “It is up to us.”

“And you have to ask yourself,” said Shaggy, “like, if we're always afraid…”

“And we are,” Scooby nodded. “Always.”

“...then by sheer logic,” Shaggy continued, “maybe we're, like, never afraid. You get it?”

“Uh…” Misty blinked in confusion. “No. Totally not following you.”

“Like, me neither. But check this out,” Shaggy lifted up his phone for everyone to see and listen to it speak. “What is the true difference between courage and fear?” it asked. “Courage isn't the absence of fear. True courage is taking action in the face of fear.

“Ohhhhh!” Scooby and Courage said in unison, but still not totally understanding. “It's time we took action,” Shaggy said confidently. “Like, time we said to ourselves, ‘Selves, listen, you gotta stand up and be strong with, like, strength and stuff’!”

Eclipse could feel some sort of change within her, but… she honestly wasn’t sure what it was, and it confused the heck out of her. “W-What’s happening, Shaggy?!”

“I'll tell you what's happening, Eclipse dude,” Shaggy frowned. “I’ve had it! I've had just about all I'm gonna take from those horrible bugs!”

Speak your truth,” said the phone. “Speak it.

“Yeah. Yeah, I will. Thanks, talking book,” Shaggy said before putting his phone away. “I know it's rarely like me to be brave. Okay, it's never like me to be brave. But this is the moment. This is my moment. I will be afraid. It's just who I am. But I will have courage in the face of fear. I will draw the line here and I will stand and fight--!”

But unfortunately, Shaggy’s speech was quickly cut short when he was picked off the ground, causing the group to scream in terror as the cicada flew off with their… temporary leader. “They took my Shaggy…” Scooby said out of shock as Courage trembled. “And with those cicadas all around here, we have no access to magic!” Misty said desperately. “What do we do?!”

“I don’t know…” Eclipse sighed and tried to fly. “And without my flying magic, my wish magic won’t work properly! Heh… some protector I am. I swore my life to looking after Courage and his family, and now look what it got me. I guess… I guess my brother was right.”

“What do you mean?” Misty asked. “My… my brother was left in charge of me when our parents disappeared, but he always saw me as different, and… strange, because of my powers. I was really little back then and couldn’t control them... well, I couldn't control them like I can now. So… he just left me at Nowhere’s borders and… said I would never amount to anything before he left”

Courage babbled incoherently and huffed at her in a scolding way, paws on his hips, and this led Eclipse to sigh. “I know you don’t like me talking about it, Courage, but… our new friends have been captured, Muriel’s been captured, and Eustace hates me. I only have you now.”

“Our friends aren’t dead. They’re just… captured,” Scooby shrugged. “Y-Yeah. Scooby’s right,” Misty agreed. “We just need to think of a plan. Any ideas?”

Courage suddenly strained hard for a moment before an idea suddenly came to him, making a costume that quickly looked like Velma and began to babble. “Oh, I think he’s trying to tell us something!” Eclipse said. “Uh… uh, Velma!”

Courage nodded at this and began digging next to where he stood. “She said dig!” Scooby recalled. “Dig for the source! Yes!”

“...actually, no,” Misty shook her head. “Ohhhh… I’m confused. What does that mean? What source? And where would we even start digging for it?”

This led the entire group to thinking hard until Scooby spotted Velma’s tablet in the ground. “Hey…” he said, picking it up. “Maybe it’s on here!”

“Of course!” Eclipse smiled. “Velma seems to keep everything on her tablet! Good thinking, Scooby!”

“Hello?” Scooby shook the tablet. “Knowledge? Hello?”

Courage seemed to have an even better idea, grabbing the tablet before running toward the house. “Come on!”

“Wait for us, Courage! We gotta stick together!” Eclipse cried as the others followed suit. When they arrived, Eustace was still in his full-blown money, gold and gem bath, so they crept up the stairs, where Courage turned on the computer and began typing into the system. “What did Velma mean when she said ‘Dig, dig for the source’? And before that when she had her eureka moment. She said the farmhouse was the epicenter… of what?” the computer repeated before taking on a sad tone. “I'm sorry. But I will require more information.

“Wait… Courage, do you have one of those HDMI cord thingies?” Misty asked, and when Courage gave it to her, Misty attached one end to the tablet and the other to the monitor, and both devices sprang to life. “Hello, Velma Dinkley's tablet-device,” said the computer. “Hello, Courage’s computer,” the tablet greeted. “How can I help?

I need to see all of Velma’s data.

Of course,” the tablet responded before the computer got all of Velma’s research downloaded onto it. “Well, Velma has done some lovely research. Thanks to you, of course, tablet-device.

Too kind, old-school computer.

That’s when the computer began to review the data shared with it. “Let’s see… the farmhouse belonging to Eustace and Muriel Bagge is in the exact middle of an impact crater of immense size. It was caused by one of the most deadly meteors in the history of the planet. The one thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs.

This caused the entire group to gasp, bewildered and amazed all at once. “Very exciting,” said the tablet. “I would definitely say so…” the computer said swooningly. That’s when the tablet said something… er, rather AWKWARD a moment later. “You have such a lovely voice. I could just listen to you all day.

Very nice of you to say,” the computer responded. “Are you free later? We could share a download, have an upgrade.

I would love that. Heh heh heh… heh heh heh…

I feel so connected.

Eclipse shuddered at that before glaring at the devices before her. “Don’t ever let me hear those words again, got it?”

Both devices seemed to shut up immediately. “Okay… Velma said to dig. But dig for what?” Misty asked. “The meteor, of course,” said the computer, as if it were obvious. “It should be directly below us, more or less. But beware the meteor is composed of dark matter. A notoriously unstable substance. According to Velma and Sunny Starscout's combined research, Paradise Moonray must be planning to use this dark matter meteor to seize control of Equestria, and in short, the meteor is what caused your Equestrian magic to short out.

“Ohhhhh…” everyone said in unison, and Scooby giggled in response. “Thanks, Mr. Computer.”

You’re quite welcome, Scooby-Doo.

“Oh…” Courage whined. “Oh, and you too, Courage,” said the computer, allowing Scooby to embrace the pink dog before Eclipse shut both devices down. “Okay, guys. With Eustace doing… whatever it is downstairs,” said Misty, “and the others captured and without magical protection, it’s up to us to save the day.”

“You really think we can do this?” Eclipse asked. “Uh-huh, uh-huh!” Courage nodded, and after a moment of considering, Eclipse finally smiled. “Grab your digging paws, boys! We’re going meteor hunting!”