• Published 4th Sep 2023
  • 874 Views, 24 Comments

G5 Adventures in Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! meets Courage the Cowardly Dog - ponydog127

The ponies reunite with Mystery Incorporated and some new friends from Nowhere, Kansas in order to solve the mystery of the giant cicada monsters... and stop a brand-new villain with a close connrection to Misty's past.

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Opposite of Fear is Fun/The Final Battle

After they got everything they needed from Courage’s computer, Misty and Eclipse led their four-legged crew outside, and they began digging into the Earth’s crust to find the dark matter meteor, defeat Misty’s mother and save their friends from certain death by giant cicadas.

A few hundred feet down into the earth, the strange noise began to start again, making everyone’s eyes change color, as well as the dancing beginning again. And the deeper they got, the worse it got. Nevertheless, Scooby was determined that they would pull through without a hitch. “Keep… digging… everyone!”

Misty strained and struggled to the best of her ability, and she, Eclipse, Scooby and Courage decided to use the dancing to their advantage, making them seemingly dig a lot better. But… their efforts weren’t rewarded by the meteor, but by a giant crack in the earth below their hooves and paws. Misty was the first to gulp with wide eyes, not seeing any other way out of this without magic. “Uh-oh…”

Suddenly, the crack seemed to get even bigger and bigger and bigger until it finally broke the ground, sending the gang plummeting toward the center of the Earth! Everyone screamed at the top of their lungs, expecting to die until a strange supernatural force suddenly caused them to float. Eclipse looked at her friends with shock as she managed to catch her breath. “Where are we?”

“I dunno,” Courage shrugged with the shake of his head. “It looks like we’re in some kind of underground cavern, and…” Misty looked over and gasped at the strange, glowing object in front of them. “Look! The meteor! We found it!”

The cicadas flew down from some of the tunnels and surrounded the group, prompting them to shriek before Misty took charge. “Let’s get that meteor, guys!”

They floated closer, so Scooby could grab the meteor before they darted off, trying to escape the cicadas despite the meteor miraculously making their appearances change.

If you're in a situation
And just can’t find the nerve
There’s no need for contemplation
Just a taste for the absurd

If you’re feeling tired of losing
And find you’re getting scared
Then welcome to the town that isn't there

Where ‘kooky’ is a compliment
Bananas is a verb
‘Revelry,’ ‘I'm confident’
Is still a dirty word

Yes, everywhere is Nowhere
Before the somewhere comes
And the opposite of fear is fun

Using the power of the meteor’s dark matter, they were able to run and climb up the walls and into a tunnel where they were sure they would be safe...

...well, for a short while, anyway. As they crept further into the tunnel, they were surrounded like body-like objects, hanging from some sort of gooey purple slime stuff. But once the light of the meteor lit up the space, it was revealed to be their friends! They were safe!

Courage was relieved to see his beloved Muriel unharmed. “Muriel!”

“Misty!” Izzy cheered. “You guys found us!”

“We knew you could do it!” Sunny smiled. “It was nothing,” Misty smiled. “But let’s get you outta here before the giant cicada or my mom finds out we're helping you escape!”

So, Scooby and Courage and Eclipse began to tear the gang free and began to help them climb out of the tunnel and up toward the exit.

So if you’re falling down a rabbit hole
The only way is up
So laugh until you cry a bit
And then you'll get unstuck

Are you nutty as a fruitcake
Are you looney as a tune
Then quit your scowling
Do some howling at the moon

The cicadas did everything in their power to get the gang away from the meteor, but in the scuffle, it ended up turning all the humans into different items; Muriel into a fish, Shaggy into a piece of bacteria, Daphne into a video game girl, Fred being broken down into cubes and Velma into a slug.

Eclipse spun the meteor which turned the humans back to normal, and the dark meteor's energy allowed them to float toward the ceiling.

Cause everywhere is Nowhere
Before the somewhere comes
And the opposite of fear is fun…!

Once up to the cavern ceiling, Scooby and Courage guided everyone to the exit tunnels, leaping down with Eclipse and Misty beside them. “Follow those dogs!” Zipp cried, and the others followed their friends down the tunnel, and Paradise growled at the cicada queen from where she was standing. “Do not fail me, or you know what will happen.

In an attempt to keep herself from the unicorn's fury, the queen cicada sent a growl to her minions, demanding they get the meteor back from those fools. As the group fled, a giant rock blocked the escape tunnel behind them so nothing else could get through.

Well… nothing except the giant cicada, who grabbed Muriel (who had taken possession of the meteor) and was flying off with her! “MURIEL!!” Courage cried, and began running after her with the ponies and Eclipse right behind him. The cicada realized this and brushed against the top of the cavern to make several small rocks fall down on them, causing Muriel to lose the meteor, right into Courage’s paws. Misty immediately began to formulate a plan“Come on, Courage! Hop on!”

Instantly, the pink dog got on her back, prompting Misty to gallop even faster. After the rumbling of the cave-in stopped, Misty was able to squeeze Courage and herself through the hole and back onto the surface, and the others could only watch through the small hole. “You got this, Misty!” Zipp cried. “Yeah, mare-friend!” Pipp agreed. “We totally believe in you!”

Misty smiled confidently as she continued to chase the cicada… unaware that her mother created another way out and tackled her to the ground! “Misty!” Courage screamed as he tumbled off the unicorn’s back. “Don’t worry about me!” Misty told her friend. “Just get Muriel and the meteor someplace safe!”

Courage nodded and proceeded the chase immediately after this. “MURIEL!!” he cried, getting the attention of the cicada as he tied the meteor onto his head using his ears. “The things I do for love…”

Courage immediately made a fighting stance to challenge the cicada queen for Muriel's undenying safety. The cicada growled at the dog’s so called ‘bravery’ and dropped Muriel right on the spot, prompting Courage to leap into the air and catch her before she hit the ground. But during their moment of peace, the cicada attacked, making Courage loose the meteor… and right to Paradise’s hooves. “Yes… YES!!!” she cackled, holding it in her hooves. “Mother’s ultimate salvation is MINE!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!

“Oh brother…” Hitch gulped with wide eyes. “This isn’t going to be good.”

Paradise continued to cackle as she spun the meteor, prompting it’s dark matter to give her fairy like wings blazing with electricity. “Now, I will get revenge on those who wronged Mother those hundreds of years ago… starting with YOU, Misty Brightdawn!

Through her horn she fired an electrical blast, causing Misty to repeatedly dodge, and the cicada tried to speak to her about its reward. “Oh, yes. Your reward,” Paradise hummed to herself before she screeched, “NEVER IN YOUR LIFE!!”

With that, she struck the cicada to the ground, causing it to whimper in pain before Paradise hit the ground with a powerful blast, causing it to break apart, and not leaving Misty much room to run. But, this did give enough time for Courage to get Muriel to the house, where she would be safe. “Mom, stop this!” he heard Misty say as she dodged her mother's attacks repeatedly for two reasons; A, she had no power, and B, she didn't want to hurt her mother. “Opaline manipulated you for years, like she did me! If you stop this now and give me the meteor, we can start over! We can go home to Dad! And be a family again!”

“NEVER!!” Paradise shrieked. “Mother was the only family I needed, and just like you ended her life, I’M GOING TO END YOURS!!

Misty tried to leap out of the way of the blast… but the blast came later than she expected… and struck her right on the side. “MISTY!!” Izzy screamed. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

As the dust cleared, the gang was in horror to see Misty laying on the ground, completely motionless. Izzy sobbed into Scooby for comfort as he tried his best not to break down… until Misty coughed, opening her eyes and trying to move. Unfortunately, she was too weak, and Courage rushed to her side in worry. “Misty…?”

“Courage… get out of here… save yourself,” Misty coughed. “This is between my mom and me.”

Courage knew that she couldn’t be left alone like this, and suddenly… what Shaggy said in the cornfield suddenly began to register. “I will be afraid. It's just who I am. But I will have courage in the face of fear. Courage… courage… courage.

“Courage… that’s me!” Courage declared with a howl. “COURAGE!!”

With that, he stood in front of Misty with both front paws on his hips, and Paradise used the meteor to blast him, but he merely ballet-leaped out of the way. Needless to say, the other gang members and ponies were shocked. “Whoa!!”

“You go, Courage!” Muriel cheered as Courage danced around on the rocks. “You go!”

Once he was high enough, Courage growled and leapt upon Paradise, tackling her to the ground, where she used her highly-advanced magic to slam him into the ground repeatedly, leaving several remarks from the others.

“Ooh, I can’t look…”


“Look out!”

“Oh boy…”

“That’s gonna leave a mark!”

Courage groaned as he was beaten down to his weakest, but Misty looked up at him with the weakest smile she could muster. “We… believe in you… Courage…” she wheezed before resting her head down and closing her eyes. This seemed to give Courage a new fighting spirit, and got up despite the pain, and leapt upon Paradise once again, both of them struggling for the meteor. After a long, grueling fight, a swift kick in the eyes caused Paradise to scream and lose hold of it, and Courage leapt up, got it in his paws and twirled it, sucking all the energy out from Paradise’s body and making her wings disappear as she fell to the ground in defeat. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! BLAST YOU, MEDDLESOME, IDIOTIC FOALS!!!

With Paradise finally out of the way, Courage then proceeded to undo all the damage caused by the meteor, as well as letting the gang go free from the underground cavern. And once everything was settled back on the ground, Shaggy was the first to speak to the little dog. “Way to go, little pink dude!”

“Yay, Courage!” Sunny cheered. “You’re so brave!”

“Oh, Courage, you caught that nasty bug and pony right in their tracks!” Muriel said, hugging the dog. “Well done, sweetie.”

Courage whined in pleasure, his stubby tail wagging before a scared, wobbling voice from Izzy caused them all to look toward her, standing beside Misty with ears pinned. “Guys… Misty isn’t waking up…”

Author's Note:

I decided to change the final battle to make it seem a little more exciting.