• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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21: Shadows of the Village, Part 1:The Letter

It was another normal day within the Valley of Peace, it was the middle of Summer at this point and the temperature has been pretty hot for the villagers, most of them we're trying to beat the heat the best they could, it was tough during this time of year as the heat can get over 100 degrees, so for some of them, it was a boiling nightmare, for others like Viper and Spike, it was honestly like a free spa.

We open to a shot of the Jade palace sometime after Spike and the other's had woken up again, today was like most days were, training, look out for any bad guys, maybe get into wacky shenanigan's if Po or Monkey have too much fun, and just enjoy the time they had.

Spike and Viper were sparring on the Field of Death once again, Spike was helping Viper with her durability, while Spike isn't harmed by fire at all, Viper still is, and he's wanting to help her push through any pain and build up her durability.
"You can do it Viper, just push through it, and it won't hurt you!" Spike encouraged as they were dodging the fire bursting from the floor. Viper quickly slithered around the pits to avoid too many blasts, but still felt some of the fire hitting her sides, but she was pushing through them.
"Push through it.. and counter!" Viper shouted before she jumped in the air and circled around the air before she delivered a hard whip to Spike's chest which sent him off the field. Spike groaned a little trying to get back up from the attack.
"Great job Viper, that may leave a mark." Spike joked as there was a small scar from the attack which concerned Viper as she slithered down to him.
"Sorry if i went to hard on you, i may have gotten to carried away.." Viper apologized helping him up.
"It's okay Viper, i know this wasn't of rash action, i wouldn't do that to you either." Spike replied smiling down at her which made her giggle a little as well.

The rest of the 5 and Po had just finished up their training as well, and they saw they were getting done too.
"Wow Spike, you got whipped hard there huh?" Mantis joked seeing how he got knocked down just a little bit ago which made Spike roll his eyes.
"Strange coming from the guy i seem to recall Po accidentally knocked into Viper's mouth one time and almost swallowed you, your screams of terror before she spat you out we're the purest things of laugher i've ever known.." Spike countered laughing hard at that memory which made the other's laugh at that too.
"I will admit, that was a hardcore time, almost thought she's swallow you to be honest." Tigress said crossing her arms at the thought too.
"Ugh, you tasted like you hadn't bathed in a week, i don't eat other people, but you need to bathe in case an accident like that happens again." Viper said brushing her tongue a little as she still had some of his bad taste and Mantis shivered at the thought.
"Ugh.. i still have nightmares of that happening.." Mantis said shivering to himself which made them chuckle.

"Hey come on pal, it was only an accident." Po said in defense as Mantis hopped on Monkey's shoulder.
"What was that thing Oogway always said? Oh yeah, there are no accidents." Monkey quoted which made them laugh harder.
"Oh too true.." Crane said in agreement as they started to leave the training halls for now. They opened the doors and were greeted with a harsh heat that instantly made them all sweat up from it's harshness.

"Ugh.. i still can't believe we're at 100 degrees for the next week.." Mantis said already sweating hard from the heat.
"I know.. i feel like i'm boiling alive out here.." Po said dramatically as he was slowing down from the heat.
"Stop being so dramatic you too, it's just some heat, it'll go away soon." Tigress said brushing they're jokes off.
"They have a point Tigress, this sudden heat wave is tough for some to handle, how are you not sweating from it?" Crane asked curious looking at her.
"I'm trained myself to endure such heat, and i don't think someone with a hat that cover's they're head should ask that, right?" Tigress countered looking at his long paper hat.
"Touché." Crane replied as that was a true fact.

"I don't know how you guys don't like it, for me, it's honestly a spa for me." Viper said in relief, just taking in the warm heat of the ground she slithered across.
"Yeah, the heat doesn't bother me one bit, i can bathe in lava pools if there were any here. This isn't much to harm me at all." Spike said in agreement, sighing in relief at the warm sun in the crystal clear blue sky, with no clouds to be seen for miles.
"Your just saying that because your warm blooded, ya love birds." Monkey joked which made some of them chuckle a little, while Spike and Viper were a little stunned by the comment.
"We're not dating Monkey, we're just close friends." Viper said slithering ahead from the others.
"She's right, we may be close, but we aren't there yet." Spike agreed moving with her too.
"Yet? Does that mean you think you have a chance?" Po teased which made Monkey and Mantis" Ooh!" in response before they laughed even more, while Viper blushed a little.
"Quit being childish guys, i thought you were supposed to be master's." Spike countered as he tried not to go into this talk further, but the three jokester's continued laughing while Tigress and Crane shook their heads, not wanting to discuss this anymore.

Spike and the other's headed back over to their chambers to rest for a bit, in a time like this they needed some rest not to overwork themselves. Spike was trying to cook up some cold deserts for everyone, the heat made it difficult, but Spike was determined to make some for everyone.
"Love birds, how childish are you Mantis? It's not like she feels the same way.." Spike told himself quietly as he cooked for them, the thought of Viper always was a happy one. Spike and Viper became close friends after Spike arrived here, she was really the only one that treated him like a friend right away, while Spike had to earn the other's trust. Spike always thought of Viper as the heart of the team, people like her and Po are what help us come back together after a tough moment, she always tried to make things positive, and Spike always wanted to help her through it. She was such a good soul that it always makes Spike wonder how well her family bonded with her.

He knew of her origin, just like the rest of the five, but Viper's was one of the most compelling because she wasn't born with fangs that were like her father's, sure they eventually grew in after a long time, but her story of saving her village and her dad through ribbon dancing, and using it to take down a large thug, that's something Spike admires greatly. She proved herself to her entire village, which was something Spike always wanted to do back in Equestria, but Spike wasn't as skilled as her, and couldn't do anything that huge other then if it was just luck, he admired her for doing something he may be able to do one day himself, and with the skills he has now, maybe he can.

Spike sighed to himself as he kept thinking about this, he had just finished up the food and was getting ready to give it to the other's. As Spike was about to walk out, Po suddenly walked by the door and almost made him drop the food.
"Whoa!" Spike screamed as he tried keeping the plates on balance, and Po thankfully helped.
"Sorry Spike, i didn't know you were.. here.." Po said embarrassed as Spike balanced himself.
"it's okay Po, i know it wasn't your fault. I made this for you and the 5, this food could use a little food to help us through the heat." Spike said sliding down one of the plates of dumplings which Po caught.
"Ooh! Thanks Spike! Your cooking is always great, just as great as Viper's honestly." Po confessed as he quickly ate through the plate.
"Thanks, i had great lessons back home, don't eat too fast Po, you might choke." Spike warned as he began to leave.
"Don't worry Spike, i got it all under control." Po assured as he ate another dumpling whole and was about to eat another.. until he saw his bowl was already empty.
"Aw..." Po said disappointed as he was already done with it all.

Viper was relaxing outside the courtyard of the palace, she was laying on the ground like she was sunbathing, this kind of heat really helped her relax, even Spike did this with her sometimes as they both were relaxed from it, plus they didn't get sunburnt so that's a plus. Viper sighed to herself, relaxing completely as she thought this day was great so far, she was always happy to help other's out, and keep them safe, just like her dad always was. With the news of how old he's gotten some time ago, she's just worried on when the news comes, but Viper hopes that she can relax for just a little longer.

She kept on relaxing within the sun for what felt like hours, but her relaxing was stopped when a knock at the door was heard. She groaned a little as she slowly got up from her little break.
"Who could that be?" Viper asked herself as she slithered to the doors, the doors were still being knocked one, which meant a couple thing, one, there was a messenger here to give them something, or two, it was another fan asking for an autograph, which was allowed sometime after Po joined. Either way, she just hoped it would pass by quickly, and she can get back to relaxing.

The door kept being knocked on as Viper got closer, she didn't want to keep the person waiting, so once she got to it, she opened it up with her tail. She was greeted by a small bird that seemed to be holding something in his hands.
"Can i help you?" Viper asked curious wondering why he's here.
"I'm looking for a Master Viper. I've got a letter for her." He reported holding out the paper which made Viper have a look of concern.
"I'm.. Master Viper, who is this letter from?" Viper asked a little worried about this.
"It's from your mother, i traveled all night to bring this too you, it's about something.. important.." He holding the letter out for her, which she hesitantly took.
"I.. thank you.. i'll look into this.. please take it easy, and safe travels." Viper prayed looking at it worried on what it is.
"You too Master Viper, have a.. nice day.." He replied one more time before he flew off again, leaving her alone.

Viper took a few moments to process what she just heard, she's been waiting for a letter like this for sometime, she had told Spike about it too, and he said he'd be willing to help her when the time comes. But this was important to her, she cared for her family greatly, and this may be.. the news she's been waiting for.
"Maybe he's.. gotten better?" Viper asked herself as she began to open the letter, hoping for the best news. But what she saw wasn't anything good, the more her eyes went through the words, the more and more worried she became, the news from her mother was what she's been fearing the most. She knew this day was coming, but she just.. she just didn't know when, Viper had just finished up the letter, reading all it had to offer, every last word. Viper's eyes began to tear up after hearing all of this, it was something she feared would come, but it was.. it was just too much..
"Dad.." Viper said with sorrow as she started to cry heavily from the news, she didn't want to be out here to be seen crying right now, and she quickly slithered back inside to process this.

Spike had just gotten done finishing giving the rest of the 5 the food, they were really grateful with how he made it.
"Now i just need to get to.." Spike told himself as he had one more bowl left for Viper, but he heard slithering nearby and it was coming by fast.
"Viper?" Spike asked curiously as turning his head in the direction he heard it. Like he thought, he saw Viper slithering inside, but she didn't look happy, in fact she looked.. sad?
"Viper? What's wrong?" Spike asked concerned for her, she didn't say anything, and she quickly slithered by his leg, which made him lose the balance and he dropped the food he had, as well as the letter that was in her tail. Spike looked worried as she didn't say anything, and slid through the halls, possibly to her room.

"Spike? Is everything alright?" Shifu asked curiously as he was walking in the halls, possibly heard the noise too. Spike's eyes looked down at the letter she dropped, and got a bad idea.
"I don't think so.." Spike said concerned as he picked it up and looked at it, he was getting strange feelings from it just from looking at it.
"Spike? You alright buddy?" Mantis asked worried as the rest of the 5 saw him with the letter.
"What's that for?" Crane asked curious looking at it. Spike gulped a little and began to open it, and Po and the other's were waiting for what it had.

"Dear Viper, i know this may not be the best time to send this, but i had to do this now. I.. regret to tell you this, but all of our family needs to know. I'm sorry to say this.. but my husband, your father, the Great Master Viper, has fallen really ill recently, he had been getting sick these past few months from time to time, but he always seemed to push through it. But now, this illness has been happening for a while and.. i'm not finding any way to help him. I.. think it may almost be his time, his age may finally be catching up to him, and he may be.. passing away soon.." Spike read to all of them and they gasped in shock hearing that last part, Spike's face got more sad as he continued to read this.
"It's crushing for me just as it is for you, it is for all of us. But i didn't want my daughter to not know about such a tragedy, our village has been doing what they can to help him, but i don't want him to go without seeing his family. I know this is hard, but i ask you this thing sweetie. Please come back to the village, i'm sure your father would like to see you one last time before he goes, your welcome to bring your friends with you, but if you wish to go alone, that's completely okay. I know this is tough to process, but please think about it, know i'm still with you Viper, i hope to see you soon, my beautiful daughter.." Spike finished as he looked at the last words on the letter.

Spike and the other's looked at eachother with pure shock and sadness hearing this, Viper was a close friend to all of them, and this was something they couldn't help but feel awful for.
"Viper.." Spike said with regret as he put the letter away, this was a lot to hear for all of them.
"Let's.. try and see if she's okay.. she needs our support.." Shifu suggested which they all agreed too, they started to move through thee halls again to help their friend out, it wasn't something they would forget about.

They quickly made they're way through the halls to check on they're friend, all of them felt awful for hearing this news, Viper was a close friend of theirs, she always helped them get through fights and arguments that they got into, she always tried to keep things positive, and she was just the kindest member of the team in Spike's opinion, it made him wonder what it would be like if she was the Dragon Warrior, she was one of the 5 who most deserved it in his opinion.

As they got closer to Viper's room, they could hear soft crying getting louder as they got closer, it was clear this news was devastating to her, and she needed time to process it all, but they didn't want her to do it alone. Spike looked at the other's and made a hang gesture to tell them to just be respectful with her, and they all nodded respectfully.

Spike and the other's made it to Viper's room finally, they could hear Viper crying on the other side and it just made them feel awful for their friend, Spike carefully walked up to the door and softly knocked on it.
"Um.. Viper? Can we come in please.. we.. know your upset.. and we don't want you to continue feeling like this, please?" Spike asked politely hoping she would respond, they all waited for what felt like minutes before she finally said something.
"S.. sure.. please come in.." Viper said softly from the other side. Spike took a deep breath and slid open the door to her room so they could help her through this.

Spike and the others slowly went inside the room to see their friend, and they saw Viper was coiled around herself like she would do when she sleeps, she had tears coming down still, and they all knew this was something they had to help her with.
"Viper.. i'm so sorry.. we.. we all read what was on.. that letter.. i'm sorry.." Spike said regretfully kneeling down to her and he rubbed her head for comfort.
"This is tragic news Viper, your father was one of the best fighter's in Kung fu, he always stood his ground, showed his courage and honor, even when the odds weren't in his favor, he's a strong and honorable warrior, just like you." Shifu said sadly as well, he knew Viper's father and his story's, and always respected what he did to protect his village.
"Yeah.. i honestly liked your story the best, what he did was so cool, and something i always admired, you were one of my favorites growing up Viper, i'm so sorry for this.." Po said regretfully as well for his friend.
"I.. may have never known my own parents, but i do know this is something i wouldn't want other's to suffer alone, after all we've been through Viper, your a great friend." Tigress said respectfully, but Viper still was upset about all of this.

"Thanks guys, but this is.. it's something i can't handle right now, he was one of the best father's i could ever ask for, i knew that no matter how much me and him argued, he still loved me, just like how i loved him.." Viper said looking up at them.
"Hey, at least you got to know your father, my mother ate my father's head before i was born, i never knew what he was like other then from stories, my mom did say he was a jokester, but i still wish i knew him.." Mantis said walking up to her too.
"We.. we all know this kind of loss Viper, we aren't wanting you to go through it, right guys?" Crane asked the other's who all nodded in response.
"Viper, family means so much to me, from what i had in Equestria, and to now. I don't want someone so close to me continue feeling this alone." Spike said with tears of his own as well, Viper still cried a bit and suddenly coiled around Spike for a hug.
"Thank you guys.. your.. the best friends i could ever have.." Viper said gratefully holding Spike tightly, Spike soon returned the hug and the other's joined in too, they didn't want their friend to be alone at all.

They all stood like this for a little while before they finally let go, and they started moving onto something else.
"Another thing we saw in this letter was that.. your mother was asking you to return to the village, are you.. considering to go?" Shifu asked worried looking at the last part of the letter, Viper sighed sadly and tried to explain this.
"I.. have to go see him.. i don't want him to pass without seeing his daughter one last time.. he did so much for me and the village back when i was so young, before i grew my fangs, he took on all those thugs by himself, for years as i grew up, without anyone to help him.. I can't just say no to this.." Viper said softly taking the letter from Shifu and looking at it again.
"Well.. if that's the case, we'll go with you! I've always wanted to meet him!" Po said eagerly which the other's agreed to.
"That's a good idea, we all should give our deepest respects to Master Viper." Tigress said seriously not wanting this to be solo for her.

But while the other's were agreeing to going with her, Viper's thoughts went through their head, if they went with her, the valley could be left open for any attacks, and Shifu might not be able to handle them alone, and when they get back, they may be overwhelmed, or have lost anything, so she knew what she had to do.
"Guys.. i appreciate this so much, but.. i need to do this alone, i don't want you all to get involved with something.. that isn't your business.." Viper said with regret which shocked them all.
"What?!" They all asked at once, really shocked at this reply.

"Viper.. we can't just let you go alone, your our friend, and we can't let you suffer the loss by yourself." Spike said trying to convince her on this, Viper sighed sadly and looked at all of them.
"Guys look, i know you all care for me.. but if you go with me, the valley will be open for any attacks, me going won't make much of a difference, you all are so much more skilled, and i don't think i could fight with the state i'm in now. There's always a risk that the village will be attacked, and i don't want you all to be gone by the time it happens." Viper explained trying to get the point across, the other's stayed silent at that counter, and while they all wanted to tell her she's wrong, and that they should come with her. She did have a point, and they may not have much left if the village is destroyed when they get back..

"That.. is a good point Viper, but the journey to your village is a long one, it would take days from going alone." Shifu said pacing around the room, just trying to figure out a solution to this problem of theirs.
"Yeah, you told me how much this village means to you, and i don't want you to be in danger when traveling there.." Spike added wondering how he can help her on this.
"Guys, thank you. But i'm a Kung fu Master like all of you, i can handle myself." Viper assured, she just didn't want them to get hurt in anyway that could kill them, but that's when Spike finally got an idea.
"Viper, if we all can't go with you, then how about just one of us? If it's anything.. i'm more then willing to come with you, Po and the others are able to handle things if we weren't here, and i think this would help all of us." Spike offered which surprised them a little.

"What? Spike... you don't have to come with me, your a great friend, but i don't want you to risk getting hurt when we get there, i don't want either of you to get hurt.." Viper said refusing this, but Spike still persisted.
"Viper, we've all faced danger's of army's together, and we've always come out on top, we've learnt strong moves to protect ourselves and other's, and we all know how to fight like true warriors. None of us will get hurt badly if we come with you, i know i wouldn't let you get hurt, none of us will. Please Viper.. your my best friend.." Spike begged just wanting her to say yes, they all just wanted her to be safe, and if Spike had to go too, it would be perfect for them both.

Viper thought long and hard about this offer of his, while Spike and Viper were the closest ones compared to the others, Spike was still very young, and didn't have as much experience as her as a fighter, but he's grown so much since he came here, and always had fun when they fought, or when they did activities together. And the gift Spike gave her at the Winter Festival, and what she gave to him in return.. it was starting to show Viper something, that she may be feeling more for him then just being a friend. While she could let any of the other's come with her, whether it'd be Tigress or Po, Spike showed so much care for her, and knew that despite whatever danger would come to her home, Spike wasn't gonna let her fight it alone. And after some hard thinking, she took a deep breath and looked at the other's to give her answer.

"If.. your certain of it all Spike, then.. i'll gladly let you come with me. I think it's best i'd have you come with me, and only you. " Viper answered which relieved them all.
"Viper.. thank you so much.. i promise you won't regret it.." Spike said hugging her closely again which she soon returned. The other's let them be like that for a bit longer until they pulled away.
"If we're all on the same page, i suggest we all get some rest for tomorrow, it's getting late, and i want you and Spike to be ready for tomorrow, it's gonna be a long journey." Shifu suggested which they all agreed too.
"Sounds good to me, i'll see you tomorrow Vipes." Spike said getting ready to leave with the other's.
"See you tomorrow Spike.." Viper said sadly as they went to their rooms too, Viper sighed sadly and layed down to herself again, this was gonna be a tough journey for her, but maybe with Spike, it could go better.

Nighttime had now fallen within the Valley of Peace once again, and Spike, Po and the 5 were all trying to sleep in their rooms. This news was a lot for them to handle, and they had some trouble sleeping, because tomorrow they know 2 of their friends are going away for a long time. Shifu was trying to mediate and use Inner Peace in his own room, he took slow breath's while he was surrounded by candles, but even he was having trouble with this thanks to this sad news.

But Spike was having the most trouble out of all of them right now, Spike was tucking and turning in his bed trying to stay asleep, but something was troubling him in his dreams, and the camera zooms into his head as we see what's going on in it.

We open to the scene of where Spike and Po were fighting Tai Lung together all that time ago, when Spike had helped Po with becoming the Dragon Warrior, it was a critical moment in his life, it helped him be better as a teacher, but also as a friend. We see the scene where Tai Lung charges at Po and Spike with rage, and they charge up one final strike, Spike flips in the air and delivers a kick to his chin just as Tai Lung reaches them, and Po uses a super strong bely gong to send him flying high into the sky, even above the clouds. Spike whistled in surprise seeing how far he went up, and he seemed to be up there for a few moments.

But Tai Lung finally comes down screaming at fast speeds, and Spike and Po quickly move out of the way just as he crashes into the ground, and makes a huge hole in the ground that was pretty deep.
"Ouch.." Spike said feeling really bad for him at this point as they heard Tai Lung breathing heavily.
"You two.. can't defeat me..." Tai Lung said weakly as he was climbing out, and looked really roughed up.
"You... you two are just a stupid overgrown lizard, and a big.. fat... panda!" Tai Lung insulted trying to attack them one more time, but Spike and Po grabbed both of his hands each.
"I'm not a big fat panda, and he's not a stupid overgrown lizard." Po said seriously looking at Spike who had a smug.
"I am a dragon." Spike said preparing something special.
"And i'm THE big fat panda." Po added as they both raised up they're pinkies and Tai Lung gasped in horror.

"The Wuxi Finger hold!" Tai Lung said horrified looking at them.
"Oh you know this hold?" Spike and Po said at once with a smug.
"Your bluffing, your both bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you two that.." Tai Lung said hopefully which made them shake their heads.
"Nope." Po replied which made him smile a little.
"Oogway taught me it." Spike said casually shrugging his shoulder's.
"And i figured it out." Po said casually as well and Tai Lung looked horrified hearing this.
"Skadoosh." They both said at once as they flexed they're pinkies, and Tai Lung braces himself.

A huge powerful golden wave of energy emerges from the valley, and spreads far away from it, Tigress and the 5 were still moving with the villagers, and they all noticed the strong energy wave from the village, and the wave passes over them all which made them look back at the village with concern, and they decided to head back to it. But the wave continued to go through all of china, the energy wave of two Wuxi Finger holds at once was so powerful, it was able to cover through all of china, spreading over dozens of villages and prisons which caught the attention of every person living there.

But the wave finally reached across China and disappeared, it all seamed like it was a harmless move aside from what happened to Tai Lung. But something happened, Spike's vision soon focuses on a far away village that looked small, but had some residents here and there. But the camera pins far away from that village, and into the distant mountains. The wave went over the mountain as well, and while Spike thought something wouldn't happen, something did. The ground of the mountain began to crack open, and a dark shadowy fog began to come from it, Spike's vision was going to darkness and he began to look around with worry.
"What.. what is this?" Spike asked himself as the fog kept spreading out. The cracks soon opened up even more and more, and while Spike thought it was over, something worse happened. A huge monsterous black claw violently grabbed onto the ledge, making claw marks as it climbed up from the shadows, and this was followed by even more monsterous claws, consisting of different looking monsters that looked like black demons. Spike's eyes widened in horror as they were climbing out of the crack, and they began to roar violently upon finally crawling out.
"What.. what are these things?!" Spike asked in fear as the monster's crawled out, while Spike was in a dream, or nightmare, they somehow seemed to notice him, and they roared at him with rage directly at him. Spike screamed in fear as the monster's charged at him with fury, and Spike's vision fades to black as the monster's roars could be heard. But before Spike woke up, he heard a strange.. chilling whistle that made his blood go cold..

Spike's eyes opened up extremely fast and he rose from his bed with a gasp. He breathed heavily after waking up, and having that nightmare, it felt so real, Spike's hands were shaking from this, and he felt true fear from what he saw with these monsters, what were they? Demons? Monster's of the underworld? If so.. how did they break free? Was it.. because of him and Po's move?
"Maybe Shifu knows about this.." Spike told himself as he got out of his bed and left his room to see Shifu. He quietly went by the other's rooms, and he quietly went over to Shifu. He slowly opened the doors and saw Shifu was trying to meditate in here, this trouble was a lot for them all, so he must be trying to use this as a way to focus.

"Why are you awake Spike? I thought you wouldn't wake up till dawn like the others?" Shifu asked suddenly without even looking, Spike knew he was a wise figure, and he couldn't hide himself from him.
"Master i.. i just couldn't sleep, all of this trouble is.. a lot for me.." Spike explained closing the door and walking next to him.
"Yes, you and Viper departing for her village tomorrow is a lot for us, i can understand if it's troubling you." Shifu replied as Spike sat down next to him, maybe a little meditation could help him through what he saw.
"Yeah.. but out of all of us, it must be the hardest for Viper.. i can't image what she must be feeling right now.." Spike said regret, just thinking about it makes him sad.
"Yes, Master Viper is a great student and friend, i wouldn't want her to go through it by herself. I must thank you for offering to go with her, only a true friend like you could go with her, i am glad to know she'll have someone like you with her." Shifu said gratefully looking at him, Spike did feel a little relief hearing that.
"Thank you Master, i'm just being a friend, and we always help eachother out.." Spike said looking at his hands and clutched them, he still felt some of the fear from the nightmare he just had.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about Spike? I can sense this isn't all you have to say." Shifu asked again which got Spike's attention, while he wanted to tell him about the nightmare he had, maybe some questions on how something like that happened could help too.
"Master.. do you know how strong the Wuxi Finger hold is? And if you do.. how much power would 2 of them combined do?" Spike asked curiously which made Shifu raise an eyebrow.
"The Wuxi Finger hold is one of the most powerful moves ever created. It sends any living soul to the afterlife, it causes a ripple affect between the living and dead, and it only works on the living. But two of them at once, that could cause more harm then good, the soul would be lucky if it isn't destroyed from the combined power, but the after affects from the wave it causes could be disastrous. Master Oogway only taught it to the few he trusted, and that included me, and you, and Po himself learned it. But why are you asking me this?" Shifu asked curiously which made Spike flinch, if that was true, then the combined power may have opened something to the underworld after Tai Lung died.. something bad..

"I was just curious master, when i learn powerful moves like i did with the Golden Lotus Clap, it's important i know the consequences or anything that would be harmful you know?" Spike asked as this was a lot to take in.
"I can understand that, it is wise for one to take caution. I appreciate you asking me that for that reason Spike, but i must tell you something as well.." Shifu said sounding concerned which interested Spike too.
"What would that be master?" Spike asked a little worried on this.
"Recently, some time after Tai Lung was defeated.. i've been.. getting strange feelings.. like something bad is coming, and i don't know what it is. It's been haunting me for a while, and i'm struggling with my Inner Peace when i think of it. I don't know what it is, or who it is. But it's clouding my mind." Shifu explained which concerned Spike, as he and Shifu may be thinking of the same thing..

"That's really worrying master, do you think this threat will come while Viper and I are gone?" Spike asked a little worried on this, and Shifu was worried too.
"It is hard to say, what i do know is that it may come soon, and it will be a strong threat to take down. Spike, if you encounter this threat, please do whatever it takes to protect the people they attack. I have a feeling your gonna be one of the keys to stopping this.." Shifu asked looking at him, and Spike looked surprised hearing that, but he knew his master trusted him with it.
"I'll.. do what i can master, if it get's out of hand, i'll contact you and the others, that sound good?" Spike asked hopefully.
"Perfect Spike, come, the sun is about to rise, and we must prepare you and Viper for your departure." Shifu advised standing up again, Shifu used a move to put out all of the candles, and with that, Spike was able to see the sun was rising already.
"Yeah, let's go master.." Spike replied as he and Shifu walked out to wake the other's, because it was an important day today.

The morning gong had rung once again, and like always, Po and the other's woke up and got ready for the day. They were allowed not to train today, because of what Spike and Viper are gonna be doing, so it gave them time to prepare to say goodbye to them.

Po went down to the village to inform his dad that they're gonna be leaving for a while, and upon hearing this. He and Ping started to cook up some food for their travels together, just like they always did before Po joined the others. Mantis and Crane and Monkey all helped pack up their things for the two, they don't know how long they'll be gone, so it's best they be prepared. Tigress was storing a few spare weapons she had for them to defend themselves, she put in a few shuriken's, and a couple swords, and even some nun chucks, she just wanted to make sure whatever they faced, they'd be ready for it.

As for Spike, he was outside the palace right now, he was sitting on the stairs outside the Hall of Warriors, watching the sun slowly rise into the sky, it was gonna be a long journey for them both. But while Spike waited for the time to come, the nightmare Spike had kept him thinking. What was it? Was it a vision? A dream? It's quite obvious to say it may have been a vision, and if it was, why did he have it? Couldn't Po or Shifu have had it to warn them or something?
"What were those things?" Spike asked himself as he looked over the valley, and just thought of the people there going about their day, like nothing bad would come today. It just gave him more concern for what is gonna happen while he and Viper are gone.

"Spike? Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked which got his attention. Spike turned around and saw Viper coming out of the halls, she may have needed time to herself too.
"I'm.. i'm fine Viper, just wanting to get a view of this place before we leave together you know?" Spike asked as Viper came up to him, she looked over the beautiful sight of the village, and sighed with sadness looking at it.
"Yeah.. it's one of the best things to see in the mornings, it's always so beautiful.." Viper said looking over the village with him.
"Yeah, i'm gonna miss it when traveling with you, but maybe we'll see sights just as beautiful on the journey." Spike suggested which made her chuckle a little.
"Maybe, China is full of wonderous things, maybe we might.." Viper said agreeing to this, but she still felt sad for having Spike come with her on this.

"Spike.. you know you don't have to come with me, i'm sure the Valley can handle me being absent for a while while you and the other's protect it." Viper suggested which made Spike flinch again.
"I've made my decision Viper, i'm not letting you go through this alone, may i ask why your so reluctant on letting me come? Me and you are best friends, and i don't want you to suffer a loss without a friend there." Spike said rubbing her head once more, and she leaned into it a little.
"Sorry Spike, it's just... this is a serious family thing that i'm going through, and i don't want you to get involved in anything that you may not be comfortable with. I'm just looking out for you.." Viper explained which Spike felt a little bad for.
"Viper, it's okay, i've been involved in my fair share of family drama before, and if i pushed through that, i can push through this too. And it would help me spend more time with you too." Spike replied which made her smile gratefully.
"I don't deserve a great friend like you Spike.. thank you so much.." Viper said gratefully looking over the sunrise again.
"No problem, anything for you.." Spike said gladly as they admired this view together.

After the sun had risen fully, and noon had come, it marked the time they had to go, they made sure to pack anything they needed for the long journey, it would take a few days, even if Spike flew there with her, they won't be back for some time, maybe a month at the least. Spike will miss the palace, but he'll be getting to explore some more of China with Viper, and it should make some interesting stories when they get back.

After packing what they had, Spike and Viper met up with Shifu, Po and the others at the stairs of the palace, to give their goodbyes for now.
"You sure you need to go alone with her buddy? I'm more then glad to come along if you want." Po offered which made him chuckle a little.
"I'll be fine Po, The Dragon Warrior must do his duty, just like the Dragon Master must too. I know you'll kick butt, even without me here." Spike replied giving him a high five which made Po laugh.
"If you say so buddy, i'll be there right away if you need it. We all will." Po assured and they all nodded in agreement too.
"Use your skills how you think are best Spike, knowing you, you'll do great." Tigress said giving him a bow of respect.
"I learned from the best thanks to you." Spike replied with a smile, bowing to her too.

"Don't forget to keep the mood up bro, a few jokes and laughs never hurts anyone, remember the wake up prank Monkey did to Po a few days back?" Mantis joked which made all of them laugh at the thought.
"Best wake up prank ever.." Spike said shaking his head while Po looked a little annoyed.
"Your lucky that was fudge and not something else Monkey.." Po said annoyed pointing at him, and that made them laugh more.
"Oho, i've got more planned, be on your guard Po." Monkey teased which made Po look away from him before they got back to the topic.
"Just look after eachother okay? With how long your gonna be gone, it's important you get along, so just stay by eachother okay?" Crane asked as he shook Spikes hand respectfully.
"I will Crane, i'm glad your always looking out for us, thank you." Spike said gratefully as they all backed away a little.

Shifu had come up with them and handed them they're cases for the travel.
"Safe travels you too, everyone here packed something to help you during your journey, it's a sign for you to know, we'll always be with you, no matter how far you go." Shifu said giving another respectful bow which the two returned as well.
"Thank you Master Shifu, Spike and I will be safe, sorry we have to go like this, but this is very important for me. I have to do this." Viper said looking over the long stairs leading to the valley.
"Do not worry Viper, i know you have to do this. I just hope Spike takes care of you, you both are a great pair when working together, i only ask that you protect any people that may be in danger, and use your skills wisely." Shifu advised making sure they knew what to do.
"Oh don't worry, we will, thank you for everything guys, we'll see you all soon." Spike said picking up his case with his tail while Viper got hers.

"Safe travels you too, and be safe." Shifu said one last time before they began to leave.
"You all be safe here too, i'll see you guys soon.." Viper replied as they turned around and began heading down the stairs, Po and the rest of them waved goodbye as they left, and they hoped for the best.
"Shifu, you think they'll be okay together?" Po asked a little worried for them, Shifu himself was worried about this, but they seemed to be positive on all of this.
"I believe so. Let's all get back to our duty's, and may we do the best we can while they're gone." Shifu said heading into the halls with the others.
"Yes Master Shifu." They all said respectfully as they went back into the palace to resume they're day, and hoped they would return soon. Spike and Viper continued to head down the stairs to the valley, it was a long journey ahead of them, and it was the start of a new adventure for them. But as they moved through the valley, the nightmare Spike had still haunted him, and he dreaded what those monster's were. But with Viper at his side, maybe whatever comes next, they can face together..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! This is the start of a 6 chapter long arc that i'm gonna be covering before the second movie starts, it's gonna be a Spike and Viper centric story, and it's gonna help flesh out they're relationship more, and develop them further together. While i could've had Po come along with them, but i wanted to help Spike develop more, and i think Viper was a great choice for this. This story arc will have some dark stuff to it, but it will be something original, and i'll try to make it the best i can, i told some followers about this idea, and they said they loved it.

So i'm hoping you all may too, i think if the movies focused on Po bonding with 1 or 2 members of the 5 during them, to help flesh them out as character's more then just Tigress, it would've been even cooler. So i'm hoping i can do that with Viper and Spike, i know this may be disappointing we won't see the rest of the 5 for this arc, but i'll be releasing LOA chapters too, there's a reason this chapter doesn't have a number yet, i'll put those chapters before this one, to help with the pacing better. It's gonna be a long arc, and i hope it doesn't drag out to you guys, but if you want me to focus only on this arc, and help it lead up to the 2nd movie, let me know in the comments. It's the start of a big adventure, and i hope you look forward to it all! See you next time in, the Shadows of the Village!

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